ENTRY            14838   20241007                             15171483800000001 
SUBENT        14838001   20241007                             15171483800100001 
BIB                 13         44                                 1483800100002 
TITLE      Measurement of fragment-correlated gamma-ray emission  1483800100003 
           from 252Cf(sf)                                         1483800100004 
AUTHOR     (S.Marin,I.A.Tolstukhin,N.P.Giha, F.Tovesson,          1483800100005 
           V.Protopopescu,S.A.Pozzi)                              1483800100006 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,109,054617,2024)                               1483800100007 
           #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.109.054617                       1483800100008 
REL-REF    (A,23268002,A.Goeoek+,J,PR/C,90,064611,2014)           1483800100009 
INSTITUTE  (1USAMHG,1USAANL,1USAORL)                              1483800100010 
DETECTOR   (IOCH,SCIN) The FS-3 array of trans-stilbene organic   1483800100011 
           scintillators coupled to the Argonne National          1483800100012 
           Laboratory twin Frisch-gridded ionization chamber      1483800100013 
            (TFGIC).                                              1483800100014 
SAMPLE     The target in this experiment was prepared at Oregon   1483800100015 
           State University and consists of a molecular plating   1483800100016 
           of 252Cf on a ~100 microg cm-2 carbon foil. The thin   1483800100017 
           target allows both fragments to escape into the        1483800100018 
           separate sides of the chamber and be detected.         1483800100019 
METHOD     (COINC) An ionization chamber to tag fission events    1483800100020 
           and measure the masses and kinetic energies of the     1483800100021 
           fission fragments and trans-stilbene organic           1483800100022 
           scintillators to measure the neutrons and gamma rays   1483800100023 
           emitted by the fission fragments. The 2E method was    1483800100024 
           used to determine the fragment masses from the         1483800100025 
           measured kinetic energies.                             1483800100026 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The nature of the error, it was computed by    1483800100027 
           comparing the variations across several days of        1483800100028 
           counting, so it will represent both statistical        1483800100029 
           errors and a small subset of systematics that we       1483800100030 
           could not control, namely the variations in            1483800100031 
           temperature/pressure as well as other minor            1483800100032 
           day-to-day variations. This is far from a complete     1483800100033 
           systematic error analysis, so they would be simply     1483800100034 
           statistical errors.                                    1483800100035 
CORRECTION An overall systematic correction of up to 20% on all   1483800100036 
           points is expected due to efficiency estimation.       1483800100037 
           Variation of this efficiency with energy introduces    1483800100038 
           much smaller (~1%) variation of this systematic        1483800100039 
           correction across mass and TKE bins.                   1483800100040 
COMMENT    Compiler's comment: The data (masses) given here       1483800100041 
           differ from the original publication, where the        1483800100042 
           labels in the paper appear to be shifted, due to a     1483800100043 
           formatting error in the label.                         1483800100044 
STATUS     (APRVD) Approved by Stefano Marin on October 7, 2024.  1483800100045 
HISTORY    (20241007C) BP                                         1483800100046 
ENDBIB              44          0                                 1483800100047 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1483800100048 
ENDSUBENT           47          0                                 1483800199999 
SUBENT        14838002   20241007                             15171483800200001 
BIB                  2          2                                 1483800200002 
REACTION   (98-CF-252(0,F)MASS,PR,NU/TKE)                         1483800200003 
STATUS     (TABLE,,S.Marin+,J,PR/C,109,054617,2024) Authors' data.1483800200004 
ENDBIB               2          0                                 1483800200005 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1483800200006 
DATA                 4        221                                 1483800200007 
MASS       TKE        DATA       ERR-S                            1483800200008 
NO-DIM     MEV        PRT/FIS    PRT/FIS                          1483800200009 
       92.0      143.0 5.54630258 0.07033945                      1483800200010 
       92.0      145.0 5.04155357 0.05455386                      1483800200011 
       92.0      147.0 4.70496720 0.04308985                      1483800200012 
       92.0      149.0 5.30043883 0.03849430                      1483800200013 
       92.0      151.0 5.25410056 0.03188203                      1483800200014 
       92.0      153.0 4.81656288 0.02585363                      1483800200015 
       92.0      155.0 5.03448381 0.02273049                      1483800200016 
       92.0      157.0 4.84370387 0.01953316                      1483800200017 
       92.0      159.0 4.79482591 0.01712802                      1483800200018 
       92.0      161.0 4.50780337 0.01514881                      1483800200019 
       92.0      163.0 4.36833585 0.01373730                      1483800200020 
       92.0      165.0 4.19347407 0.01264771                      1483800200021 
       92.0      167.0 3.96352991 0.01180652                      1483800200022 
       92.0      169.0 3.84644047 0.01150843                      1483800200023 
       92.0      171.0 3.53006063 0.01114262                      1483800200024 
       92.0      173.0 3.51902443 0.01148746                      1483800200025 
       92.0      175.0 3.18570169 0.01159681                      1483800200026 
       92.0      177.0 2.98366389 0.01229454                      1483800200027 
       92.0      179.0 2.57574347 0.01287271                      1483800200028 
       92.0      181.0 2.44094715 0.01445261                      1483800200029 
       92.0      183.0 2.04892567 0.01600062                      1483800200030 
       92.0      185.0 2.00134470 0.01967124                      1483800200031 
       92.0      187.0 1.80442578 0.02425563                      1483800200032 
       92.0      189.0 1.48175543 0.02967196                      1483800200033 
       92.0      191.0 1.44175429 0.04111224                      1483800200034 
       92.0      193.0 1.56465192 0.06309756                      1483800200035 
       92.0      195.0 0.64863735 0.06407261                      1483800200036 
       92.0      197.0 0.45548756 0.07793053                      1483800200037 
       98.0      143.0 5.55387439 0.07535787                      1483800200038 
       98.0      145.0 6.03974595 0.06496651                      1483800200039 
       98.0      147.0 5.64795447 0.05319433                      1483800200040 
       98.0      149.0 5.28567804 0.04216508                      1483800200041 
       98.0      151.0 5.22927730 0.03413457                      1483800200042 
       98.0      153.0 5.27042796 0.02871696                      1483800200043 
       98.0      155.0 5.20394658 0.02352019                      1483800200044 
       98.0      157.0 5.18867880 0.01968880                      1483800200045 
       98.0      159.0 5.13663254 0.01668015                      1483800200046 
       98.0      161.0 4.82938417 0.01383087                      1483800200047 
       98.0      163.0 4.89054364 0.01215472                      1483800200048 
       98.0      165.0 4.70756775 0.01045044                      1483800200049 
       98.0      167.0 4.44241816 0.00922800                      1483800200050 
       98.0      169.0 4.34375688 0.00830076                      1483800200051 
       98.0      171.0 4.12241280 0.00747547                      1483800200052 
       98.0      173.0 3.91026066 0.00696665                      1483800200053 
       98.0      175.0 3.70658750 0.00659236                      1483800200054 
       98.0      177.0 3.46234803 0.00636933                      1483800200055 
       98.0      179.0 3.20217984 0.00623828                      1483800200056 
       98.0      181.0 3.00858362 0.00635926                      1483800200057 
       98.0      183.0 2.73553822 0.00652121                      1483800200058 
       98.0      185.0 2.41634901 0.00692990                      1483800200059 
       98.0      187.0 2.21682629 0.00757203                      1483800200060 
       98.0      189.0 1.98097265 0.00860327                      1483800200061 
       98.0      191.0 1.61322830 0.00958049                      1483800200062 
       98.0      193.0 1.38333743 0.01150771                      1483800200063 
       98.0      195.0 1.15996580 0.01396370                      1483800200064 
       98.0      197.0 0.94133123 0.01736698                      1483800200065 
       98.0      199.0 0.82904588 0.02432597                      1483800200066 
       98.0      201.0 0.78186685 0.03710157                      1483800200067 
       98.0      203.0 0.45147445 0.04459680                      1483800200068 
      104.0      143.0 5.33564750 0.07239685                      1483800200069 
      104.0      145.0 5.07961680 0.05832914                      1483800200070 
      104.0      147.0 5.07642624 0.05082738                      1483800200071 
      104.0      149.0 5.00113031 0.04332783                      1483800200072 
      104.0      151.0 4.83514708 0.03624282                      1483800200073 
      104.0      153.0 5.41365226 0.03199628                      1483800200074 
      104.0      155.0 5.47188867 0.02748776                      1483800200075 
      104.0      157.0 5.39514660 0.02282142                      1483800200076 
      104.0      159.0 5.31233215 0.01892721                      1483800200077 
      104.0      161.0 5.28375363 0.01571539                      1483800200078 
      104.0      163.0 5.07084830 0.01329251                      1483800200079 
      104.0      165.0 5.10799281 0.01129098                      1483800200080 
      104.0      167.0 4.84911832 0.00947875                      1483800200081 
      104.0      169.0 4.75418128 0.00815569                      1483800200082 
      104.0      171.0 4.72590111 0.00718477                      1483800200083 
      104.0      173.0 4.55363933 0.00636573                      1483800200084 
      104.0      175.0 4.34117568 0.00567575                      1483800200085 
      104.0      177.0 4.10891774 0.00512733                      1483800200086 
      104.0      179.0 3.92417542 0.00474216                      1483800200087 
      104.0      181.0 3.73332914 0.00445240                      1483800200088 
      104.0      183.0 3.49237618 0.00425144                      1483800200089 
      104.0      185.0 3.29379209 0.00417520                      1483800200090 
      104.0      187.0 3.04098447 0.00416338                      1483800200091 
      104.0      189.0 2.81001541 0.00425429                      1483800200092 
      104.0      191.0 2.54956136 0.00445694                      1483800200093 
      104.0      193.0 2.26270655 0.00475986                      1483800200094 
      104.0      195.0 2.03813996 0.00532833                      1483800200095 
      104.0      197.0 1.79757415 0.00605257                      1483800200096 
      104.0      199.0 1.49963181 0.00706737                      1483800200097 
      104.0      201.0 1.24499933 0.00858940                      1483800200098 
      104.0      203.0 0.93370182 0.01042090                      1483800200099 
      104.0      205.0 0.69240344 0.01350035                      1483800200100 
      104.0      207.0 0.55434591 0.01936004                      1483800200101 
      104.0      209.0 0.50132279 0.03241899                      1483800200102 
      104.0      211.0 0.22327822 0.03820124                      1483800200103 
      110.0      143.0 4.05495023 0.05741696                      1483800200104 
      110.0      145.0 5.21254679 0.05732887                      1483800200105 
      110.0      147.0 4.69527348 0.04870881                      1483800200106 
      110.0      149.0 4.69753201 0.04172669                      1483800200107 
      110.0      151.0 4.85448579 0.03771408                      1483800200108 
      110.0      153.0 4.61985469 0.03273596                      1483800200109 
      110.0      155.0 5.01319081 0.02940225                      1483800200110 
      110.0      157.0 4.88486285 0.02575546                      1483800200111 
      110.0      159.0 4.89477143 0.02205367                      1483800200112 
      110.0      161.0 5.33580971 0.02007503                      1483800200113 
      110.0      163.0 5.15596552 0.01685871                      1483800200114 
      110.0      165.0 5.13370862 0.01441645                      1483800200115 
      110.0      167.0 5.24849824 0.01257669                      1483800200116 
      110.0      169.0 5.00406329 0.01064310                      1483800200117 
      110.0      171.0 5.01525648 0.00930711                      1483800200118 
      110.0      173.0 4.93074525 0.00807924                      1483800200119 
      110.0      175.0 4.86314777 0.00714844                      1483800200120 
      110.0      177.0 4.65587173 0.00626166                      1483800200121 
      110.0      179.0 4.60055556 0.00567819                      1483800200122 
      110.0      181.0 4.38100655 0.00513588                      1483800200123 
      110.0      183.0 4.23200362 0.00475936                      1483800200124 
      110.0      185.0 4.04761310 0.00445047                      1483800200125 
      110.0      187.0 3.84732086 0.00425447                      1483800200126 
      110.0      189.0 3.63093801 0.00413444                      1483800200127 
      110.0      191.0 3.38441138 0.00410321                      1483800200128 
      110.0      193.0 3.20185961 0.00421358                      1483800200129 
      110.0      195.0 2.96612341 0.00439894                      1483800200130 
      110.0      197.0 2.73889148 0.00470585                      1483800200131 
      110.0      199.0 2.42967433 0.00511652                      1483800200132 
      110.0      201.0 2.21124795 0.00580670                      1483800200133 
      110.0      203.0 1.99078613 0.00686037                      1483800200134 
      110.0      205.0 1.71516914 0.00819585                      1483800200135 
      110.0      207.0 1.43486981 0.00989934                      1483800200136 
      110.0      209.0 1.17606157 0.01265030                      1483800200137 
      110.0      211.0 0.84998028 0.01541505                      1483800200138 
      110.0      213.0 0.63020702 0.02002236                      1483800200139 
      110.0      215.0 0.47815568 0.02726963                      1483800200140 
      110.0      217.0 0.51759950 0.05112865                      1483800200141 
      116.0      143.0 4.43831382 0.06609402                      1483800200142 
      116.0      145.0 5.02533224 0.06270714                      1483800200143 
      116.0      147.0 5.15525213 0.05681624                      1483800200144 
      116.0      149.0 4.87316811 0.04846148                      1483800200145 
      116.0      151.0 4.64659612 0.04201695                      1483800200146 
      116.0      153.0 4.74107287 0.03714057                      1483800200147 
      116.0      155.0 4.54710278 0.03329427                      1483800200148 
      116.0      157.0 4.70101193 0.03014272                      1483800200149 
      116.0      159.0 4.52627356 0.02665635                      1483800200150 
      116.0      161.0 4.73935665 0.02482380                      1483800200151 
      116.0      163.0 4.83961530 0.02257776                      1483800200152 
      116.0      165.0 4.69306682 0.01999886                      1483800200153 
      116.0      167.0 4.90115454 0.01841302                      1483800200154 
      116.0      169.0 4.83068117 0.01632545                      1483800200155 
      116.0      171.0 4.80942157 0.01451898                      1483800200156 
      116.0      173.0 5.00444650 0.01323705                      1483800200157 
      116.0      175.0 5.05459832 0.01209783                      1483800200158 
      116.0      177.0 4.95084807 0.01073252                      1483800200159 
      116.0      179.0 4.83618722 0.00967711                      1483800200160 
      116.0      181.0 4.78483234 0.00878088                      1483800200161 
      116.0      183.0 4.65350918 0.00794474                      1483800200162 
      116.0      185.0 4.65039993 0.00738550                      1483800200163 
      116.0      187.0 4.49722346 0.00685174                      1483800200164 
      116.0      189.0 4.31681665 0.00639897                      1483800200165 
      116.0      191.0 4.20196127 0.00607559                      1483800200166 
      116.0      193.0 4.06810072 0.00585513                      1483800200167 
      116.0      195.0 3.83599787 0.00565848                      1483800200168 
      116.0      197.0 3.73225299 0.00565319                      1483800200169 
      116.0      199.0 3.52899991 0.00567467                      1483800200170 
      116.0      201.0 3.40387592 0.00585460                      1483800200171 
      116.0      203.0 3.20815827 0.00609391                      1483800200172 
      116.0      205.0 3.00951104 0.00647487                      1483800200173 
      116.0      207.0 2.85811965 0.00713968                      1483800200174 
      116.0      209.0 2.55892501 0.00783058                      1483800200175 
      116.0      211.0 2.43376498 0.00906716                      1483800200176 
      116.0      213.0 2.25449132 0.01065722                      1483800200177 
      116.0      215.0 1.94173058 0.01235523                      1483800200178 
      116.0      217.0 1.75678120 0.01495402                      1483800200179 
      116.0      219.0 1.29991920 0.01715903                      1483800200180 
      116.0      221.0 1.32571441 0.02327123                      1483800200181 
      116.0      223.0 1.01974827 0.02830299                      1483800200182 
      116.0      225.0 1.03207151 0.03948443                      1483800200183 
      116.0      227.0 0.72905783 0.04714591                      1483800200184 
      116.0      229.0 0.72172325 0.07129206                      1483800200185 
      122.0      143.0 4.27752040 0.08565678                      1483800200186 
      122.0      145.0 5.55335818 0.08269892                      1483800200187 
      122.0      147.0 4.78993734 0.06829355                      1483800200188 
      122.0      149.0 5.21400447 0.06126812                      1483800200189 
      122.0      151.0 4.70113307 0.05191920                      1483800200190 
      122.0      153.0 4.36594018 0.04424727                      1483800200191 
      122.0      155.0 4.75370643 0.04257131                      1483800200192 
      122.0      157.0 4.61727116 0.03749083                      1483800200193 
      122.0      159.0 4.41701617 0.03270314                      1483800200194 
      122.0      161.0 4.22180580 0.03004453                      1483800200195 
      122.0      163.0 4.71051365 0.02854764                      1483800200196 
      122.0      165.0 4.48325373 0.02603542                      1483800200197 
      122.0      167.0 4.28887180 0.02348817                      1483800200198 
      122.0      169.0 4.54247897 0.02246348                      1483800200199 
      122.0      171.0 4.72303132 0.02163540                      1483800200200 
      122.0      173.0 4.74252002 0.02029159                      1483800200201 
      122.0      175.0 4.71614226 0.01891915                      1483800200202 
      122.0      177.0 4.65714105 0.01770671                      1483800200203 
      122.0      179.0 4.65107666 0.01665815                      1483800200204 
      122.0      181.0 4.55124332 0.01555502                      1483800200205 
      122.0      183.0 4.44183786 0.01444217                      1483800200206 
      122.0      185.0 4.43904895 0.01376797                      1483800200207 
      122.0      187.0 4.16069510 0.01276283                      1483800200208 
      122.0      189.0 4.09301701 0.01216278                      1483800200209 
      122.0      191.0 4.09151084 0.01177889                      1483800200210 
      122.0      193.0 3.89299639 0.01120898                      1483800200211 
      122.0      195.0 3.88049812 0.01107926                      1483800200212 
      122.0      197.0 3.70564323 0.01081446                      1483800200213 
      122.0      199.0 3.50864300 0.01073682                      1483800200214 
      122.0      201.0 3.34643439 0.01076838                      1483800200215 
      122.0      203.0 3.19363652 0.01099431                      1483800200216 
      122.0      205.0 3.03596894 0.01137563                      1483800200217 
      122.0      207.0 2.80607321 0.01190977                      1483800200218 
      122.0      209.0 2.69236292 0.01281048                      1483800200219 
      122.0      211.0 2.58861679 0.01436935                      1483800200220 
      122.0      213.0 2.40949174 0.01614480                      1483800200221 
      122.0      215.0 2.34932399 0.01892717                      1483800200222 
      122.0      217.0 2.09331131 0.02208447                      1483800200223 
      122.0      219.0 1.91304775 0.02699593                      1483800200224 
      122.0      221.0 1.62338025 0.03343696                      1483800200225 
      122.0      223.0 1.72395690 0.04784821                      1483800200226 
      122.0      225.0 0.70332638 0.04548194                      1483800200227 
      122.0      227.0 0.83832066 0.07171521                      1483800200228 
      122.0      229.0 0.55099302 0.09427080                      1483800200229 
      122.0      233.0 3.10559700 0.53134452                      1483800200230 
ENDDATA            223          0                                 1483800200231 
ENDSUBENT          230          0                                 1483800299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 1483899999999