ENTRY            20017   20190114                             22742001700000001 
SUBENT        20017001   20190114                             22742001700100001 
BIB                 16         34                                 2001700100002 
INSTITUTE  (2SWDKTH)                                              2001700100003 
REFERENCE  (J,ACJ,16,2100,1962)                                   2001700100004 
AUTHOR     (S.Forberg)                                            2001700100005 
TITLE       Determination of the cross section for the reactions  2001700100006 
            Ca-42(n,p)K-42 and Ca-43(n,p)K-43 and methods for     2001700100007 
            production of carrier-free potassium isotopes         2001700100008 
FACILITY   (REAC,2SWDKTH)     Swedish R1 reactor.                 2001700100009 
INC-SOURCE (REAC)     Central position of reactor.                2001700100010 
INC-SPECT  .Fast neutron spectrum.                                2001700100011 
           .Fast neutron flux was almost a decade lower than the  2001700100012 
            thermal neutron flux which was 12.E+11 n/cm-sq/sec.   2001700100013 
SAMPLE                Ca-C-O(3) wrapped in a 0.3 mm thick cadmium 2001700100014 
            foil together with 0.5 g of aluminium.                2001700100015 
METHOD     (ACTIV)    Activation                                  2001700100016 
           (CHSEP)    carrier free separation of potassium.       2001700100017 
DETECTOR   (NAICR)    3 X 3 inch natrium-iodide(Tl) crystal.      2001700100018 
ANALYSIS   .Count rate under photo-peak                           2001700100019 
MONITOR    (13-AL-27(N,A)11-NA-24,,SIG)                           2001700100020 
            = 0.56 millibarn                                      2001700100021 
COMMENT    .Description of a method for the production of carrier-2001700100022 
            free potassium isotopes in the original paper.        2001700100023 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The errors given for the final cross section2001700100024 
            values are not strictly mathematecally deduced, as    2001700100025 
            allowance was made for some systematic errors within  2001700100026 
            the limits.                                           2001700100027 
           .The author is convinced that the errors should match  2001700100028 
            a confidence level of at least 90%, if the utilized   2001700100029 
            values for the monitor cross section and the gamma    2001700100030 
            intensities from K-43 are correct.                    2001700100031 
STATUS     (TABLE)  Data from the abstract of                     2001700100032 
                                    Acta Chem.Scand.,16(1962)2100 2001700100033 
HISTORY    (19700503T)  From NEUDADA file                         2001700100034 
           (20190114U) SD:Updated to new date formats,lower case. 2001700100035 
           FACILITY updated.                                      2001700100036 
ENDBIB              34          0                                 2001700100037 
COMMON               1          3                                 2001700100038 
EN-DUMMY                                                          2001700100039 
MEV                                                               2001700100040 
 1.0                                                              2001700100041 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2001700100042 
ENDSUBENT           41          0                                 2001700199999 
SUBENT        20017002   20190114                             22742001700200001 
BIB                  3          6                                 2001700200002 
REACTION   (20-CA-42(N,P)19-K-42,,SIG,,SPA)                       2001700200003 
           .Sigma(theoretical) for (n,p) = 1.3 millibarn.         2001700200004 
DECAY-DATA (19-K-42,,DG,152.,0.18)  0.152 MeV decay gamma.        2001700200005 
            Intensity of transition = 18%.                        2001700200006 
HISTORY    (19700503T)  From NEUDADA file                         2001700200007 
           (20190114U) SD: PART-DET deleted; DECAY-DATA added.    2001700200008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 2001700200009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2001700200010 
DATA                 2          1                                 2001700200011 
DATA       DATA-ERR                                               2001700200012 
B          B                                                      2001700200013 
    2.1E-03     4.E-04                                            2001700200014 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2001700200015 
ENDSUBENT           14          0                                 2001700299999 
SUBENT        20017003   20190114                             22742001700300001 
BIB                  3          6                                 2001700300002 
REACTION   (20-CA-43(N,P)19-K-43,,SIG,,SPA)                       2001700300003 
            sigma(theoretical) for (n,p) = 4.5 millibarn.         2001700300004 
DECAY-DATA (19-K-43,,DG,590.,,DG,610.)  0.59 and 0.61 MeV         2001700300005 
           decay gammas.  Intensity of composed peak = 94%.       2001700300006 
HISTORY    (19700503T)  From NEUDADA file                         2001700300007 
           (20190114U) SD: PART-DET deleted; DECAY-DATA added.    2001700300008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 2001700300009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2001700300010 
DATA                 2          1                                 2001700300011 
DATA       DATA-ERR                                               2001700300012 
B          B                                                      2001700300013 
    1.5E-03     3.E-04                                            2001700300014 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2001700300015 
ENDSUBENT           14          0                                 2001700399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 2001799999999