ENTRY            20036   20230129                             23132003600000001 
SUBENT        20036001   20230129                             23132003600100001 
BIB                 15         61                                 2003600100002 
TITLE       Neutron scattering by U-235 and Pu-239 for incident   2003600100003 
            neutrons of 2, 3 and 4 MeV                            2003600100004 
INSTITUTE  (2UK ALD)                                              2003600100005 
REFERENCE  (R,AWRE-O-55/69,1969)                                  2003600100006 
AUTHOR     (R.Batchelor, K.Wyld)                                  2003600100007 
FACILITY   (VDG,2UK ALD) 6 MV Van de Graaff, terminal pulsing and 2003600100008 
            bunching (Klystron).                                  2003600100009 
INC-SOURCE (P-T)                                                  2003600100010 
            The incident energies, 2, 3 and 4 MeV are nominal but 2003600100011 
            are correct within the limits of the overall neutron  2003600100012 
            energy spreads which are about +- 50 keV.             2003600100013 
SAMPLE      The samples were hollow cylinders. nominally          2003600100014 
            2 in. high, 1 in. outer diam. and 0.65 in. inner      2003600100015 
            diam., and were canned in aluminium of total wall     2003600100016 
            thickness 0.020 in.                                   2003600100017 
METHOD     (TOF) flight path = 1.74 m. The resolution of the      2003600100018 
           time-of-flight spectrometer was about 5 nanosec.       2003600100019 
DETECTOR   (SCIN) Liquid scintillator detector.                   2003600100020 
ANALYSIS    The differential cross-sections were estimated        2003600100021 
            by interpolating each continuous non-elastic spectrum 2003600100022 
            underneath the elastic 'peak' and subtracting to give 2003600100023 
            counts in the peak. The peak counts represent         2003600100024 
            only true elastic.(If the excitation of low lying     2003600100025 
            levels is not enhanced by direct interactions.)       2003600100026 
            The continuous non-elastic time spectra are converted 2003600100027 
            to energy spectra in histogram form, each energy band 2003600100028 
            corresponding roughly to one resolution width.        2003600100029 
            Cross sections were calculated on the assumption that 2003600100030 
            the samples consisted of one isotope only. This is not2003600100031 
            expected to lead to a large error since the (n,n')    2003600100032 
            cross section and spectra of various isotopes are not 2003600100033 
            likely to be very different.                          2003600100034 
MONITOR    (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG)  A polythene sample was used to2003600100035 
            relate cross sections to the hydrogen scattering cross2003600100036 
            section.                                              2003600100037 
COMMENT     The secondary energy spectra for U-235 and Pu-239 have2003600100038 
            been analysed into fission and inelastic components,  2003600100039 
            the analysis showing possible evidence that the       2003600100040 
            fission component is a little harder than anticipated.2003600100041 
            Because of this uncertainty about the fission         2003600100042 
            component, the shape of the inelastic component is not2003600100043 
            very reliable.                                        2003600100044 
CORRECTION  In calculating cross sections, corrections were made  2003600100045 
            for flux attenuation.                                 2003600100046 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The errors on the spectra are about 5% and  2003600100047 
            arise from                                            2003600100048 
             * errors in the knowledge of the backgrounds,        2003600100049 
             * errors in the detector efficiency calibration and  2003600100050 
             * errors in the time calibration.                    2003600100051 
             At the very low energies, in the region below about  2003600100052 
            600 keV, the errors on the individual steps exceed    2003600100053 
            5% and are not easy to determine precisely.           2003600100054 
HISTORY    (19710202C)                                            2003600100055 
           (19810121A) Correction of DATA-dimensions and DATA-ERR 2003600100056 
            section moved to COMMON in some Subents.              2003600100057 
           (19860311U) N.Ch                                       2003600100058 
           (19860620U) HH in Subent 006                           2003600100059 
           (20190117A) SD:Updated to new date formats,lower case. 2003600100060 
           Subents 002-004; 006-008; 009-011; 012-014; 016-018;   2003600100061 
           019-021 were merged.                                   2003600100062 
           (20230129A) SD: Corrections in several Subents.        2003600100063 
ENDBIB              61          0                                 2003600100064 
COMMON               1          3                                 2003600100065 
EN-RSL                                                            2003600100066 
MEV                                                               2003600100067 
  0.05                                                            2003600100068 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2003600100069 
ENDSUBENT           68          0                                 2003600199999 
SUBENT        20036002   20230129                             23132003600200001 
BIB                  6         13                                 2003600200002 
REACTION   (92-U-235(N,EL)92-U-235,EXL,DA)                        2003600200003 
SAMPLE      92.6% U-235.                                          2003600200004 
REL-REF    (C,,S.Simakov+,S,INDC(NDS)-0857,91,2022)               2003600200005 
CRITIQUE   S.Simakov (2022-08-06): Possible inclusion of inelastic2003600200006 
           scattering below Ex~0.55 MeV at 2 and 3 MeV,           2003600200007 
                               1.25 MeV at 4 MeV                  2003600200008 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data from table 1 of AWRE-O-55/69.             2003600200009 
HISTORY    (19810121A)                                            2003600200010 
           (20190117A) SD: Data from Subents 003, 004 added.      2003600200011 
           STATUS updated. COS -> ANG according to presentation   2003600200012 
           in the table.                                          2003600200013 
           (20230129A) SD: CRITIQUE, REL-REF added. SF5=EXL added 2003600200014 
           to REACTION code.                                      2003600200015 
ENDBIB              13          0                                 2003600200016 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2003600200017 
DATA                 4         27                                 2003600200018 
EN         ANG        DATA       DATA-ERR                         2003600200019 
MEV        ADEG       B/SR       B/SR                             2003600200020 
         2.        30.       1.23       0.06                      2003600200021 
         2.        40.      0.650      0.035                      2003600200022 
         2.        50.      0.217      0.011                      2003600200023 
         2.        60.      0.091      0.009                      2003600200024 
         2.        75.      0.143      0.009                      2003600200025 
         2.        90.      0.208      0.011                      2003600200026 
         2.       105.      0.166      0.009                      2003600200027 
         2.       120.      0.115      0.009                      2003600200028 
         2.       135.      0.069      0.009                      2003600200029 
         3.        30.      1.51       0.08                       2003600200030 
         3.        40.      0.558      0.033                      2003600200031 
         3.        50.      0.149      0.011                      2003600200032 
         3.        60.      0.110      0.010                      2003600200033 
         3.        75.      0.152      0.011                      2003600200034 
         3.        90.      0.151      0.011                      2003600200035 
         3.       105.      0.063      0.010                      2003600200036 
         3.       120.      0.022      0.010                      2003600200037 
         3.       135.      0.024      0.010                      2003600200038 
         4.        30.      1.23       0.06                       2003600200039 
         4.        40.      0.396      0.028                      2003600200040 
         4.        50.      0.106      0.010                      2003600200041 
         4.        60.      0.041      0.010                      2003600200042 
         4.        75.      0.100      0.010                      2003600200043 
         4.        90.      0.101      0.010                      2003600200044 
         4.       105.      0.038      0.010                      2003600200045 
         4.       120.      0.022      0.010                      2003600200046 
         4.       135.      0.050      0.010                      2003600200047 
ENDDATA             29          0                                 2003600200048 
ENDSUBENT           47          0                                 2003600299999 
NOSUBENT      20036003   20190117                             22742003600300001 
NOSUBENT      20036004   20190117                             22742003600400001 
SUBENT        20036005   20190117                             22742003600500001 
BIB                  7         11                                 2003600500002 
REACTION   (92-U-235(N,INL)92-U-235,,SIG)                         2003600500003 
            estimated.                                            2003600500004 
SAMPLE      92.6% U-235.                                          2003600500005 
ANALYSIS    The assumption that the shape of the (n,n') cross-    2003600500006 
            section is given by n(E) = B * exp(-E/t) was used.    2003600500007 
CORRECTION  For, multiple scattering in the samples by an         2003600500008 
            extension of the method by Cranberg (see REL-REF)     2003600500009 
REL-REF    (M,,L.Cranberg,R,LA-2177,1959)                         2003600500010 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data from table 5 of AWRE-O-55/69.             2003600500011 
HISTORY    (19810121A)                                            2003600500012 
           (20190117U) SD: STATUS updated.                        2003600500013 
ENDBIB              11          0                                 2003600500014 
COMMON               1          3                                 2003600500015 
EN-RSL                                                            2003600500016 
MEV                                                               2003600500017 
  0.05                                                            2003600500018 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2003600500019 
DATA                 3          3                                 2003600500020 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                                    2003600500021 
MEV        B          B                                           2003600500022 
         2.       2.00       0.38                                 2003600500023 
         3.       2.39       0.36                                 2003600500024 
         4.       2.10       0.35                                 2003600500025 
ENDDATA              5          0                                 2003600500026 
ENDSUBENT           25          0                                 2003600599999 
SUBENT        20036006   20230129                             23132003600600001 
BIB                  6         14                                 2003600600002 
REACTION   (92-U-235(N,INL)92-U-235,,DE)                          2003600600003 
SAMPLE      92.6% U-235.                                          2003600600004 
ANALYSIS    Inelastic neutron spectra were obtained by subtraction2003600600005 
            of the fission spectra from the non-elastic spectra.  2003600600006 
            The fission spectra are represented by                2003600600007 
             (a * square root (E) * exp(-B * E)).                 2003600600008 
REL-REF    (M,,J.Terrell,J,PR,113,527,1959)                       2003600600009 
STATUS     (TABLE) data taken from table 3 of AWRE-O-55/69.       2003600600010 
           (DEP,20036009) Dependent of non-elastic data           2003600600011 
HISTORY    (19810121A)                                            2003600600012 
           (19860311U)N.Ch                                        2003600600013 
           (19860620U)HH data heading corrected                   2003600600014 
           (20190117A) SD: Data from Subents 007,008 added.       2003600600015 
           (20230129A) SD: E-EXC-MIN/MAX -> E-MIN/MAX.            2003600600016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 2003600600017 
COMMON               1          3                                 2003600600018 
DATA-ERR                                                          2003600600019 
PER-CENT                                                          2003600600020 
 5.                                                               2003600600021 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2003600600022 
DATA                 4         42                                 2003600600023 
EN         E-MAX      E-MIN      DATA                             2003600600024 
MEV        MEV        MEV        B/MEV                            2003600600025 
         2.      0.473      0.386       1.52                      2003600600026 
         2.      0.566      0.473       1.80                      2003600600027 
         2.      0.687      0.566       1.80                      2003600600028 
         2.      0.807      0.687       1.73                      2003600600029 
         2.      0.904      0.807       1.51                      2003600600030 
         2.      1.022      0.904       1.13                      2003600600031 
         2.      1.162      1.022       0.75                      2003600600032 
         2.      1.243      1.162       0.63                      2003600600033 
         2.      1.333      1.243       0.52                      2003600600034 
         2.      1.429      1.333       0.53                      2003600600035 
         3.      0.504      0.409       1.88                      2003600600036 
         3.      0.604      0.504       1.97                      2003600600037 
         3.      0.704      0.604       1.76                      2003600600038 
         3.      0.827      0.704       1.48                      2003600600039 
         3.      0.929      0.827       1.41                      2003600600040 
         3.      1.051      0.929       1.06                      2003600600041 
         3.      1.197      1.051       0.83                      2003600600042 
         3.      1.283      1.197       0.64                      2003600600043 
         3.      1.373      1.283       0.49                      2003600600044 
         3.      1.483      1.378       0.50                      2003600600045 
         3.      1.602      1.483       0.44                      2003600600046 
         3.      1.735      1.602       0.41                      2003600600047 
         3.      1.886      1.735       0.31                      2003600600048 
         3.      2.056      1.886       0.32                      2003600600049 
         3.      2.251      2.056       0.29                      2003600600050 
         4.      0.554      0.445       1.78                      2003600600051 
         4.      0.639      0.554       1.74                      2003600600052 
         4.      0.746      0.639       1.64                      2003600600053 
         4.      0.832      0.746       1.35                      2003600600054 
         4.      0.935      0.832       0.92                      2003600600055 
         4.      1.057      0.935       0.86                      2003600600056 
         4.      1.128      1.057       0.70                      2003600600057 
         4.      1.206      1.128       0.57                      2003600600058 
         4.      1.292      1.206       0.48                      2003600600059 
         4.      1.388      1.292       0.44                      2003600600060 
         4.      1.495      1.388       0.34                      2003600600061 
         4.      1.610      1.495       0.30                      2003600600062 
         4.      1.750      1.610       0.23                      2003600600063 
         4.      1.902      1.750       0.23                      2003600600064 
         4.      2.070      1.902       0.18                      2003600600065 
         4.      2.273      2.070       0.15                      2003600600066 
         4.      2.500      2.273       0.17                      2003600600067 
ENDDATA             44          0                                 2003600600068 
ENDSUBENT           67          0                                 2003600699999 
NOSUBENT      20036007   20190117                             22742003600700001 
NOSUBENT      20036008   20190117                             22742003600800001 
SUBENT        20036009   20230129                             23132003600900001 
BIB                  4          7                                 2003600900002 
REACTION   (92-U-235(N,X)0-NN-1,EM,DE)                            2003600900003 
SAMPLE      92.6% U-235.                                          2003600900004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data from table 3 of AWRE-O-55/69.             2003600900005 
HISTORY    (19810121A)                                            2003600900006 
           (20190117A) SD: SF3=NON -> X; SF4=NN-1 and SF5=EM added2003600900007 
           to REACTION code. Data from Subents 010,011 added.     2003600900008 
           (20230129A) SD: E-EXC-MIN/MAX -> E-MIN/MAX.            2003600900009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 2003600900010 
COMMON               1          3                                 2003600900011 
DATA-ERR                                                          2003600900012 
PER-CENT                                                          2003600900013 
 5.                                                               2003600900014 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2003600900015 
DATA                 4         60                                 2003600900016 
EN         E-MAX      E-MIN      DATA                             2003600900017 
MEV        MEV        MEV        B/MEV                            2003600900018 
         2.      0.473      0.386       2.67                      2003600900019 
         2.      0.566      0.473       2.97                      2003600900020 
         2.      0.687      0.566       2.98                      2003600900021 
         2.      0.807      0.687       2.81                      2003600900022 
         2.      0.904      0.807       2.68                      2003600900023 
         2.      1.022      0.904       2.28                      2003600900024 
         2.      1.162      1.022       1.86                      2003600900025 
         2.      1.243      1.162       1.70                      2003600900026 
         2.      1.333      1.243       1.57                      2003600900027 
         2.      1.429      1.333       1.56                      2003600900028 
         2.      2.331      1.429       0.76                      2003600900029 
         2.      2.587      2.331       0.78                      2003600900030 
         2.      2.866      2.587       0.60                      2003600900031 
         2.      3.190      2.866       0.51                      2003600900032 
         2.      3.574      3.190       0.42                      2003600900033 
         2.      4.033      3.574       0.31                      2003600900034 
         2.      4.584      4.033       0.22                      2003600900035 
         2.      5.257      4.584       0.15                      2003600900036 
         2.      6.092      5.257       0.08                      2003600900037 
         3.      0.504      0.409       3.00                      2003600900038 
         3.      0.604      0.504       3.11                      2003600900039 
         3.      0.704      0.604       2.90                      2003600900040 
         3.      0.827      0.704       2.62                      2003600900041 
         3.      0.929      0.827       2.43                      2003600900042 
         3.      1.051      0.929       2.14                      2003600900043 
         3.      1.197      1.051       1.85                      2003600900044 
         3.      1.283      1.197       1.62                      2003600900045 
         3.      1.373      1.283       1.46                      2003600900046 
         3.      1.483      1.378       1.42                      2003600900047 
         3.      1.602      1.483       1.31                      2003600900048 
         3.      1.735      1.602       1.23                      2003600900049 
         3.      1.886      1.735       1.09                      2003600900050 
         3.      2.056      1.886       1.04                      2003600900051 
         3.      2.251      2.056       0.94                      2003600900052 
         3.      2.460      2.251       0.90                      2003600900053 
         3.      3.727      2.460       0.58                      2003600900054 
         3.      4.267      3.727       0.29                      2003600900055 
         3.      4.871      4.267       0.17                      2003600900056 
         3.      5.611      4.871       0.10                      2003600900057 
         3.      6.534      5.611       0.05                      2003600900058 
         4.      0.554      0.445       2.80                      2003600900059 
         4.      0.639      0.554       2.79                      2003600900060 
         4.      0.746      0.639       2.70                      2003600900061 
         4.      0.832      0.746       2.40                      2003600900062 
         4.      0.935      0.832       2.25                      2003600900063 
         4.      1.057      0.935       1.87                      2003600900064 
         4.      1.128      1.057       1.68                      2003600900065 
         4.      1.206      1.128       1.54                      2003600900066 
         4.      1.292      1.206       1.42                      2003600900067 
         4.      1.388      1.292       1.34                      2003600900068 
         4.      1.495      1.388       1.21                      2003600900069 
         4.      1.610      1.495       1.12                      2003600900070 
         4.      1.750      1.610       1.02                      2003600900071 
         4.      1.902      1.750       0.96                      2003600900072 
         4.      2.070      1.902       0.86                      2003600900073 
         4.      2.273      2.070       0.77                      2003600900074 
         4.      2.500      2.273       0.72                      2003600900075 
         4.      2.744      2.500       0.64                      2003600900076 
         4.      5.208      2.744       0.26                      2003600900077 
         4.      6.144      5.208       0.07                      2003600900078 
ENDDATA             62          0                                 2003600900079 
ENDSUBENT           78          0                                 2003600999999 
NOSUBENT      20036010   20190117                             22742003601000001 
NOSUBENT      20036011   20190117                             22742003601100001 
SUBENT        20036012   20230129                             23132003601200001 
BIB                  6         14                                 2003601200002 
REACTION   (94-PU-239(N,EL)94-PU-239,EXL,DA)                      2003601200003 
SAMPLE      93.63% Pu-239, 5.86% Pu-240, 0.51% Pu-241,            2003601200004 
            stabilized with 1.2% gallium.                         2003601200005 
REL-REF    (C,,S.Simakov+,S,INDC(NDS)-0857,91,2022)               2003601200006 
CRITIQUE   S.Simakov (2022-08-06): Possible inclusion of inelastic2003601200007 
           scattering below Ex~0.55 MeV at 2 and 3 MeV,           2003601200008 
                               1.25 MeV at 4 MeV                  2003601200009 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data from table 2 of AWRE-O-55/69.             2003601200010 
HISTORY    (19810121A)                                            2003601200011 
           (20190117A) SD: Data from Subents 013, 014 added.      2003601200012 
           STATUS updated. COS -> ANG according to presentation   2003601200013 
           in the table.                                          2003601200014 
           (20230129A) SD: CRITIQUE, REL-REF added. SF5=EXL added 2003601200015 
           to REACTION code.                                      2003601200016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 2003601200017 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2003601200018 
DATA                 4         27                                 2003601200019 
EN         ANG        DATA       DATA-ERR                         2003601200020 
MEV        ADEG       B/SR       B/SR                             2003601200021 
         2.        30.      1.170      0.060                      2003601200022 
         2.        40.      0.541      0.027                      2003601200023 
         2.        50.      0.211      0.023                      2003601200024 
         2.        60.      0.039      0.023                      2003601200025 
         2.        75.      0.150      0.023                      2003601200026 
         2.        90.      0.174      0.023                      2003601200027 
         2.       105.      0.150      0.023                      2003601200028 
         2.       120.      0.064      0.023                      2003601200029 
         2.       135.      0.076      0.023                      2003601200030 
         3.        30.      1.250      0.070                      2003601200031 
         3.        40.      0.525      0.037                      2003601200032 
         3.        50.      0.113      0.021                      2003601200033 
         3.        60.      0.107      0.021                      2003601200034 
         3.        75.      0.143      0.021                      2003601200035 
         3.        90.      0.171      0.021                      2003601200036 
         3.       105.      0.065      0.021                      2003601200037 
         3.       120.      0.041      0.021                      2003601200038 
         3.       135.      0.017      0.017                      2003601200039 
         4.        30.      1.360      0.080                      2003601200040 
         4.        40.      0.418      0.030                      2003601200041 
         4.        50.      0.100      0.020                      2003601200042 
         4.        60.      0.057      0.020                      2003601200043 
         4.        75.      0.129      0.020                      2003601200044 
         4.        90.      0.091      0.020                      2003601200045 
         4.       105.      0.050      0.020                      2003601200046 
         4.       120.      0.018      0.020                      2003601200047 
         4.       135.      0.056      0.020                      2003601200048 
ENDDATA             29          0                                 2003601200049 
ENDSUBENT           48          0                                 2003601299999 
NOSUBENT      20036013   20190117                             22742003601300001 
NOSUBENT      20036014   20190117                             22742003601400001 
SUBENT        20036015   20190117                             22742003601500001 
BIB                  7         12                                 2003601500002 
REACTION   (94-PU-239(N,INL)94-PU-239,,SIG)                       2003601500003 
            estimated.                                            2003601500004 
SAMPLE      93.63% Pu-239, 5.86% Pu-240, 0.51% Pu-241,            2003601500005 
            stabilized with 1.2% gallium.                         2003601500006 
ANALYSIS    The assumption that the shape of the (n,n') cross-    2003601500007 
            section is given by n(E) = B * exp(-E/t) was used.    2003601500008 
CORRECTION  For, multiple scattering in the samples by an         2003601500009 
            extension of the method by Cranberg (see REL-REF).    2003601500010 
REL-REF    (M,,L.Cranberg,R,LA-2177,1959)                         2003601500011 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data from table 5 of AWRE-O-55/69.             2003601500012 
HISTORY    (19810121A)                                            2003601500013 
           (20190117U) SD: REL-REF added. STATUS updated.         2003601500014 
ENDBIB              12          0                                 2003601500015 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2003601500016 
DATA                 3          3                                 2003601500017 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                                    2003601500018 
MEV        B          B                                           2003601500019 
         2.       1.47       0.49                                 2003601500020 
         3.       1.58       0.61                                 2003601500021 
         4.       1.81       0.69                                 2003601500022 
ENDDATA              5          0                                 2003601500023 
ENDSUBENT           22          0                                 2003601599999 
SUBENT        20036016   20230129                             23132003601600001 
BIB                  6         15                                 2003601600002 
REACTION   (94-PU-239(N,INL)94-PU-239,,DE)                        2003601600003 
SAMPLE      93.63% Pu-239, 5.86% Pu-240, 0.51% Pu-241,            2003601600004 
            stabilized with 1.2% gallium.                         2003601600005 
ANALYSIS    Inelastic neutron spectra were obtained by subtraction2003601600006 
            of the fission spectra from the non-elastic spectra.  2003601600007 
            The fission spectra are represented by                2003601600008 
             (a * square root (E) * exp(-B * E)).                 2003601600009 
REL-REF    (M,,J.Terrell,J,PR,113,527,1959)                       2003601600010 
STATUS     (TABLE) data from table 4 of AWRE-O-55/69.             2003601600011 
           (DEP,20036019) Dependent of non-elastic data,          2003601600012 
                          see ANALYSIS                            2003601600013 
HISTORY    (19810121A)                                            2003601600014 
           (20190117A) SD: Data from Subents 017, 018 added.      2003601600015 
           STATUS updated.                                        2003601600016 
           (20230129A) SD: E-EXC-MIN/MAX -> E-MIN/MAX.            2003601600017 
ENDBIB              15          0                                 2003601600018 
COMMON               1          3                                 2003601600019 
DATA-ERR                                                          2003601600020 
PER-CENT                                                          2003601600021 
  5.                                                              2003601600022 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2003601600023 
DATA                 4         40                                 2003601600024 
EN         E-MAX      E-MIN      DATA                             2003601600025 
MEV        MEV        MEV        B/MEV                            2003601600026 
         2.      0.473      0.386       0.39                      2003601600027 
         2.      0.566      0.473       1.39                      2003601600028 
         2.      0.687      0.566       1.58                      2003601600029 
         2.      0.807      0.687       1.14                      2003601600030 
         2.      0.904      0.807       1.10                      2003601600031 
         2.      1.022      0.904       1.02                      2003601600032 
         2.      1.162      1.022       0.75                      2003601600033 
         2.      1.243      1.162       0.45                      2003601600034 
         2.      1.333      1.243       0.59                      2003601600035 
         3.      0.506      0.409       0.62                      2003601600036 
         3.      0.604      0.506       1.34                      2003601600037 
         3.      0.704      0.604       1.40                      2003601600038 
         3.      0.827      0.704       1.16                      2003601600039 
         3.      0.929      0.827       1.14                      2003601600040 
         3.      1.051      0.929       0.90                      2003601600041 
         3.      1.197      1.051       0.53                      2003601600042 
         3.      1.283      1.197       0.41                      2003601600043 
         3.      1.378      1.283       0.37                      2003601600044 
         3.      1.483      1.378       0.27                      2003601600045 
         3.      1.602      1.483       0.26                      2003601600046 
         3.      1.735      1.602       0.22                      2003601600047 
         3.      1.886      1.735       0.22                      2003601600048 
         3.      2.056      1.886       0.18                      2003601600049 
         4.      0.554      0.445       1.55                      2003601600050 
         4.      0.639      0.554       1.53                      2003601600051 
         4.      0.746      0.639       1.65                      2003601600052 
         4.      0.832      0.746       1.42                      2003601600053 
         4.      0.935      0.832       1.16                      2003601600054 
         4.      1.057      0.935       0.90                      2003601600055 
         4.      1.128      1.057       0.57                      2003601600056 
         4.      1.206      1.128       0.51                      2003601600057 
         4.      1.292      1.206       0.35                      2003601600058 
         4.      1.388      1.292       0.37                      2003601600059 
         4.      1.495      1.388       0.21                      2003601600060 
         4.      1.610      1.495       0.19                      2003601600061 
         4.      1.750      1.610       0.11                      2003601600062 
         4.      1.902      1.750       0.14                      2003601600063 
         4.      2.070      1.902       0.14                      2003601600064 
         4.      2.273      2.070       0.09                      2003601600065 
         4.      2.500      2.273       0.10                      2003601600066 
ENDDATA             42          0                                 2003601600067 
ENDSUBENT           66          0                                 2003601699999 
NOSUBENT      20036017   20190117                             22742003601700001 
NOSUBENT      20036018   20190117                             22742003601800001 
SUBENT        20036019   20230129                             23132003601900001 
BIB                  4          9                                 2003601900002 
REACTION   (94-PU-239(N,X)0-NN-1,EM,DE)                           2003601900003 
SAMPLE      93.63% Pu-239, 5.86% Pu-240, 0.51% Pu-241,            2003601900004 
            stabilized with 1.2% gallium.                         2003601900005 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data from table 4 of AWRE-O-55/69.             2003601900006 
HISTORY    (19810121A)                                            2003601900007 
           (20190117A) SD: SF3=NON -> X; SF4=NN-1 andSF5=EM added 2003601900008 
           to REACTION code.  Data from Subents 020, 021 added.   2003601900009 
           STATUS updated.                                        2003601900010 
           (20230129A) SD: E-EXC-MIN/MAX -> E-MIN/MAX.            2003601900011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 2003601900012 
COMMON               1          3                                 2003601900013 
DATA-ERR                                                          2003601900014 
PER-CENT                                                          2003601900015 
 5.                                                               2003601900016 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2003601900017 
DATA                 4         60                                 2003601900018 
EN         E-MAX      E-MIN      DATA                             2003601900019 
MEV        MEV        MEV        B/MEV                            2003601900020 
         2.      0.473      0.386       2.55                      2003601900021 
         2.      0.566      0.473       3.47                      2003601900022 
         2.      0.687      0.566       3.68                      2003601900023 
         2.      0.807      0.687       3.23                      2003601900024 
         2.      0.904      0.807       3.18                      2003601900025 
         2.      1.022      0.904       3.07                      2003601900026 
         2.      1.162      1.022       2.77                      2003601900027 
         2.      1.243      1.162       2.38                      2003601900028 
         2.      1.333      1.243       2.42                      2003601900029 
         2.      1.429      1.333       2.46                      2003601900030 
         2.      2.331      1.429       1.51                      2003601900031 
         2.      2.587      2.331       1.31                      2003601900032 
         2.      2.866      2.587       1.13                      2003601900033 
         2.      3.190      2.866       0.97                      2003601900034 
         2.      3.574      3.190       0.80                      2003601900035 
         2.      4.033      3.574       0.62                      2003601900036 
         2.      4.584      4.033       0.44                      2003601900037 
         2.      5.257      4.584       0.29                      2003601900038 
         2.      6.092      5.257       0.17                      2003601900039 
         3.      0.506      0.409       2.70                      2003601900040 
         3.      0.604      0.506       3.47                      2003601900041 
         3.      0.704      0.604       3.58                      2003601900042 
         3.      0.827      0.704       3.23                      2003601900043 
         3.      0.929      0.827       3.18                      2003601900044 
         3.      1.051      0.929       2.97                      2003601900045 
         3.      1.197      1.051       2.53                      2003601900046 
         3.      1.283      1.197       2.30                      2003601900047 
         3.      1.378      1.283       2.23                      2003601900048 
         3.      1.483      1.378       2.07                      2003601900049 
         3.      1.602      1.483       1.98                      2003601900050 
         3.      1.735      1.602       1.86                      2003601900051 
         3.      1.886      1.735       1.76                      2003601900052 
         3.      2.056      1.886       1.62                      2003601900053 
         3.      2.251      2.056       1.57                      2003601900054 
         3.      2.460      2.251       1.25                      2003601900055 
         3.      3.727      2.460       0.85                      2003601900056 
         3.      4.267      3.727       0.53                      2003601900057 
         3.      4.871      4.267       0.34                      2003601900058 
         3.      5.611      4.871       0.20                      2003601900059 
         3.      6.534      5.611       0.11                      2003601900060 
         4.      0.554      0.445       3.80                      2003601900061 
         4.      0.639      0.554       3.72                      2003601900062 
         4.      0.746      0.639       3.85                      2003601900063 
         4.      0.832      0.746       3.42                      2003601900064 
         4.      0.935      0.832       3.36                      2003601900065 
         4.      1.057      0.935       3.06                      2003601900066 
         4.      1.128      1.057       2.69                      2003601900067 
         4.      1.206      1.128       2.57                      2003601900068 
         4.      1.292      1.206       2.35                      2003601900069 
         4.      1.388      1.292       2.30                      2003601900070 
         4.      1.495      1.388       2.06                      2003601900071 
         4.      1.610      1.495       1.98                      2003601900072 
         4.      1.750      1.610       1.83                      2003601900073 
         4.      1.902      1.750       1.74                      2003601900074 
         4.      2.070      1.902       1.61                      2003601900075 
         4.      2.273      2.070       1.46                      2003601900076 
         4.      2.500      2.273       1.35                      2003601900077 
         4.      2.744      2.500       1.36                      2003601900078 
         4.      5.208      2.744       0.53                      2003601900079 
         4.      6.144      5.208       0.13                      2003601900080 
ENDDATA             62          0                                 2003601900081 
ENDSUBENT           80          0                                 2003601999999 
NOSUBENT      20036020   20190117                             22742003602000001 
NOSUBENT      20036021   20190117                             22742003602100001 
ENDENTRY            21          0                                 2003699999999