ENTRY 20070 20230515 23172007000000001 SUBENT 20070001 20230515 23172007000100001 BIB 16 61 2007000100002 TITLE Cross sections for high-energy gamma-transitions from 2007000100003 MeV neutron capture in Pb-206 2007000100004 AUTHOR (I.Bergqvist, B.Lundberg, L.Nilsson) 2007000100005 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,153,553,1970) 2007000100006 (W,NILSSON,197010) Letter 27/10/70 with data table. 2007000100007 INSTITUTE (2SWDAE ,2SWDFOA) 2007000100008 FACILITY (VDG,2SWDAE ) 5.5 MeV Van de Graaff accelerator. 2007000100009 INC-SOURCE (D-D) D(d-n)-reaction, gas target, 2007000100010 in the energy range 4.5 to 8.5 MeV. 2007000100011 (P-T) T(p,n)-reaction, gas and absorbed target, 2007000100012 in the energy range below 4.5 MeV. 2007000100013 SAMPLE Radiogenic lead. 2007000100014 Pb-204 0.08%, Pb-206 88.38%, 2007000100015 Pb-207 8.57%, Pb-208 29,7%. 2007000100016 A bismuth sample of same size as the Pb-206 was used 2007000100017 to determine the background. 2007000100018 METHOD Direct detection. 2007000100019 (TOF) Distance sample to gamma-detector is 0.9 m. and 2007000100020 1.4 m. in two runs respectively. 2007000100021 DETECTOR (NAICR) Large NaI(Tl) detector, 22.6 cm in diameter 2007000100022 and 20.8 cm long. 2007000100023 Natrium-iodide detector placed at 90 degrees to the 2007000100024 incident ion beam. 2007000100025 (SCIN) Plastic scintillation detector for monitoring 2007000100026 neutron yield under 140 degrees by time-of-flight 2007000100027 techniques. 2007000100028 Plastic scintillation detector placed at 140 degrees 2007000100029 to the incident ion beam. 2007000100030 A 4096-channel analyser was used in two-parameter mode2007000100031 with flight time recorded in 16 channels and gamma-ray2007000100032 pulse height in 256 channels. 2007000100033 ANALYSIS The pulse-height spectra were unfolded by the detector2007000100034 response functions. The pulse-height distribution 2007000100035 obtained from the C-12(n,gamma)C-13 reaction at 2007000100036 E(n) = 8.50 MeV was compared with the response 2007000100037 function at 12.77 MeV. 2007000100038 REL-REF (M,20065001,I.Bergqvist+,J,NP/A,120,161,1968) 2007000100039 (I,,J.S.Bame Jr+,J,RSI,28,997,1957) 2007000100040 MONITOR T(p,n) neutron production cross-section. 2007000100041 For neutron energies less than about 1 MeV at 140 deg.2007000100042 (Corresponding to less than about 4 MeV at 0 degrees),2007000100043 the product of the integrated target current, 2007000100044 the target gas pressure and the neutron production 2007000100045 cross-section was used to normalize to the neutron 2007000100046 yield at higher energies, as the time-of-flight 2007000100047 monitor could not Be used in that case. 2007000100048 (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG) 2007000100049 For higher energies, the plastic 2007000100050 scintillator placed at 140 degrees to the incident 2007000100051 beam was used. This counter was calibrated against a 2007000100052 polyethylene count. of Los Alamos design (see REL-REF)2007000100053 COMMENT The results are in agreement with the prediction of 2007000100054 semi-direct capture theory. 2007000100055 CORRECTION The results are corrected for neutron and gamma-ray 2007000100056 attenuation and for neutron multiple scattering. 2007000100057 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No details. Only the errors for unfolding 2007000100058 of spectra were discussed. 2007000100059 HISTORY (19701105C) 2007000100060 (20190925A) SD:Updated to new date formats,lower case. 2007000100061 Subents 002-004 merged. 2007000100062 (20230515A) SD: Correction in Subent 002. 2007000100063 ENDBIB 61 0 2007000100064 NOCOMMON 0 0 2007000100065 ENDSUBENT 64 0 2007000199999 SUBENT 20070002 20230515 23172007000200001 BIB 4 13 2007000200002 REACTION (82-PB-206(N,G)82-PB-207,PAR,SIG) 2007000200003 COMMENT The partial neutron capture cross section of high- 2007000200004 energy gamma transitions in the Pb-206(n,g)Pb-207 to 2007000200005 individual single particle states in Pb-207 such as 2007000200006 0.00 MeV --- (p(1/2)), 2007000200007 0.57 MeV + 0.90 MeV--- (F(5/2)-) + (p(3/2)-), 2007000200008 2.74 MeV --- (g(9/2)), 2007000200009 are given. 2007000200010 STATUS (TABLE) Data from L.Nillson 27/10/1970. Data given on 2007000200011 fig. 5 of Nucl.Phys.,A153(1970)553 2007000200012 HISTORY (20190925A) SD: Data from Subents 003, 004 added. 2007000200013 (20230515A) SD: COMMON deleted (value presented in 2007000200014 col. of DATA). 2007000200015 ENDBIB 13 0 2007000200016 NOCOMMON 0 0 2007000200017 DATA 6 25 2007000200018 E-LVL E-LVL EN DATA DATA-ERR DATA-MAX 2007000200019 MEV MEV MEV B B B 2007000200020 0. 1.58 4.830E-04 1.20E-04 2007000200021 0. 2.39 4.790E-04 1.20E-04 2007000200022 0. 3.19 1.910E-04 4.80E-05 2007000200023 0. 3.99 2.860E-04 7.20E-05 2007000200024 0. 4.08 3.660E-04 9.20E-05 2007000200025 0. 4.45 2.690E-04 6.70E-05 2007000200026 0. 4.56 2.730E-04 6.80E-05 2007000200027 0. 5.38 1.730E-04 4.30E-05 2007000200028 0. 5.44 2.060E-04 5.20E-05 2007000200029 0. 6.46 1.600E-04 4.00E-05 2007000200030 0. 6.50 1.760E-04 4.40E-05 2007000200031 0. 7.46 2.030E-04 5.10E-05 2007000200032 0. 7.49 1.940E-04 4.90E-05 2007000200033 0. 8.43 1.230E-04 3.10E-05 2007000200034 0. 8.45 1.120E-04 2.80E-05 2007000200035 0.9 0.57 4.08 2.970E-04 8.90E-05 2007000200036 0.9 0.57 4.45 4.020E-04 1.20E-04 2007000200037 0.9 0.57 5.38 3.040E-04 9.10E-05 2007000200038 0.9 0.57 6.46 1.770E-04 5.30E-05 2007000200039 0.9 0.57 7.46 1.240E-04 3.70E-05 2007000200040 0.9 0.57 8.43 8.300E-05 2.50E-05 2007000200041 2.74 5.38 1.60E-042007000200042 2.74 6.46 2.32E-04 4.70E-05 2007000200043 2.74 7.46 3.85E-04 7.70E-05 2007000200044 2.74 8.43 5.80E-04 1.16E-04 2007000200045 ENDDATA 27 0 2007000200046 ENDSUBENT 45 0 2007000299999 NOSUBENT 20070003 20190925 22832007000300001 NOSUBENT 20070004 20190925 22832007000400001 ENDENTRY 4 0 2007099999999