ENTRY 20082 20230319 23162008200000001 SUBENT 20082001 20230319 23162008200100001 BIB 15 27 2008200100002 TITLE The (n,n gamma) reactions in Br-79, Y-89, Yb-176 and 2008200100003 Au-197 in connection with the problem of the 2008200100004 (n,2n) reaction mechanism 2008200100005 AUTHOR (P.Bornemisza-Pauspertl,P.Hille) 2008200100006 REFERENCE (J,OAW,176,227,1968) (In German) 2008200100007 (J,AK,9,277,1967) 2008200100008 INSTITUTE (2AUSIRK) 2008200100009 FACILITY (CCW,2AUSIRK) Cockcroft-walton accelerator, 200 keV. 2008200100010 INC-SOURCE (D-T) 2008200100011 METHOD (ACTIV) 2008200100012 Sample in pneumatic tube system, 0.5 cm from target. 2008200100013 DETECTOR (NAICR) Sodium-iodide crystal 3*3 inch 2008200100014 ANALYSIS Analysis of counts under photo peak. 2008200100015 MONITOR (13-AL-27(N,A)11-NA-24,,SIG) 2008200100016 MONIT-REF (,R.J.Prestwood+,J,PR,121,1438,1961) 2008200100017 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Sum of estimated systematical errors plus 2008200100018 quadratical sum of statistical errors. 2008200100019 COMMENT The measured values of the (n,2n) cross-sections are 2008200100020 lower than predicted by weisskopf theory. 2008200100021 Investigated is the possible competition of the 2008200100022 (n,n gamma) reaction. 2008200100023 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. I from ATOMKI Koezlem.,9(1967)277 2008200100024 (APRVD) 2008200100025 HISTORY (19701105T) From NEUDADA files. 2008200100026 (20230319A) SD:Updated to new date formats,lower case. 2008200100027 Corrections in all Subents. Page of ref.AK,9,227 -> 2008200100028 AK,9,277 corrected. 2008200100029 ENDBIB 27 0 2008200100030 COMMON 4 3 2008200100031 EN EN-RSL MONIT MONIT-ERR 2008200100032 MEV MEV MB PER-CENT 2008200100033 14.7 0.1 117. 5. 2008200100034 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2008200100035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 2008200199999 SUBENT 20082002 20230319 23162008200200001 BIB 5 6 2008200200002 REACTION (35-BR-79(N,INL)35-BR-79-M,,SIG) 2008200200003 SAMPLE Chemical composition = K-Br. 16 mm diameter. 2008200200004 DECAY-DATA (35-BR-79-M,4.864SEC,DG,210.,,DG,511.) +-0.035 sec 2008200200005 CORRECTION Half life,dead time, relative gamma intensity,internal2008200200006 conversion, contribution of d(d,n)-neutrons negligible2008200200007 HISTORY (20230319U) SD: BIB updated. PART-DET -> DECAY-DATA. 2008200200008 ENDBIB 6 0 2008200200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 2008200200010 DATA 2 1 2008200200011 DATA DATA-ERR 2008200200012 B PER-CENT 2008200200013 0.266 13. 2008200200014 ENDDATA 3 0 2008200200015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 2008200299999 SUBENT 20082003 20230319 23162008200300001 BIB 5 7 2008200300002 REACTION (39-Y-89(N,INL)39-Y-89-M,,SIG) 2008200300003 SAMPLE Chemical composition = Y(2)-O(3). 16 mm diameter. 2008200300004 DECAY-DATA (39-Y-89-M,15.78SEC,DG,900.) +-0.11 sec 2008200300005 900 keV gamma from Y-89-m. 2008200300006 CORRECTION Half life,dead time, relative gamma intensity,internal2008200300007 conversion, contribution of d(d,n)-neutrons negligible2008200300008 HISTORY (20230319U) SD: BIB updated. PART-DET -> DECAY-DATA. 2008200300009 ENDBIB 7 0 2008200300010 NOCOMMON 0 0 2008200300011 DATA 2 1 2008200300012 DATA DATA-ERR 2008200300013 B PER-CENT 2008200300014 0.524 11. 2008200300015 ENDDATA 3 0 2008200300016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 2008200399999 SUBENT 20082004 20230319 23162008200400001 BIB 5 8 2008200400002 REACTION (70-YB-176(N,INL)70-YB-176-M,,SIG) 2008200400003 SAMPLE Chemical composition = Yb(2)-O(3). 16 mm diameter. 2008200400004 DECAY-DATA (70-YB-176-M,11.7SEC,DG,190.,,DG,295.,, 2008200400005 DG,390.,,DG,511.) 2008200400006 CORRECTION Half life,dead time, relative gamma intensity,internal2008200400007 conversion, contribution of d(d,n)-neutrons negligible2008200400008 Sum coincidences 2008200400009 HISTORY (20230319U) SD: BIB updated. PART-DET -> DECAY-DATA. 2008200400010 ENDBIB 8 0 2008200400011 NOCOMMON 0 0 2008200400012 DATA 2 1 2008200400013 DATA DATA-ERR 2008200400014 B PER-CENT 2008200400015 0.0167 21. 2008200400016 ENDDATA 3 0 2008200400017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 2008200499999 SUBENT 20082005 20230319 23162008200500001 BIB 5 6 2008200500002 REACTION (79-AU-197(N,INL)79-AU-197-M,,SIG) 2008200500003 SAMPLE Metallic gold. 16 mm diameter. 2008200500004 DECAY-DATA (79-AU-197-M,7.94SEC,DG,280.) +-0.17 sec 2008200500005 CORRECTION Half life,dead time, relative gamma intensity,internal2008200500006 conversion, contribution of d(d,n)-neutrons negligible2008200500007 HISTORY (20230319U) SD: BIB updated. PART-DET -> DECAY-DATA. 2008200500008 ENDBIB 6 0 2008200500009 NOCOMMON 0 0 2008200500010 DATA 2 1 2008200500011 DATA DATA-ERR 2008200500012 B PER-CENT 2008200500013 0.265 10. 2008200500014 ENDDATA 3 0 2008200500015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 2008200599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 2008299999999