ENTRY 20095 20230319 23172009500000001 SUBENT 20095001 20230319 23172009500100001 BIB 14 31 2009500100002 TITLE The branching ratio of the B-10(n,alpha)Li-7 reaction 2009500100003 AUTHOR (S.Malmskog) 2009500100004 REFERENCE (J,PHY,29,987,1963) 2009500100005 INSTITUTE (2SWDAE ) 2009500100006 FACILITY (REAC,2SWDAE ) 2009500100007 INC-SOURCE No information given 2009500100008 INC-SPECT No information given. 2009500100009 SAMPLE Highly purified B10-F(3) gas at 10 mm Hg 2009500100010 together with 3 atm. Argon to reduce the wall effect. 2009500100011 METHOD The branching ratio was obtained from the 2009500100012 two peaks corresponding to the two different q-values 2009500100013 as a result of the ionization of the reaction 2009500100014 fragments in the counter gas. 2009500100015 DETECTOR (BF3) B10-F(3) gas 2009500100016 ANALYSIS The branching ratio is calculated from the 2009500100017 quotient between the sums of the number of pulses in 2009500100018 the 2.78 MeV and in the 2.30 MeV peak 2009500100019 REL-REF (A,,J.A.De Juren+,J,PR,93,831,1954) 2009500100020 (A,,H.F.Brinkmann+,J,KE,3,309,1960) 2009500100021 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S,,1.) The statistical accuracy was better the 1% 2009500100022 In the determination of the number of counts. 2009500100023 The given value of the branching ratio is the average 2009500100024 of 10 measurements taken with different gas mixtures 2009500100025 and different gas amplification factors in order to 2009500100026 minimize systematic errors. 2009500100027 (ERR-1) Systematic errors estimated as +-0.05%. 2009500100028 (ERR-T) Total uncertainty. 2009500100029 HISTORY (19710430T) From NEUDADA file 2009500100030 (19810131A) reaction code revised. 2009500100031 (20230319A) SD:Updated to new date formats,lower case. 2009500100032 Corrections in all Subents. 2009500100033 ENDBIB 31 0 2009500100034 COMMON 1 3 2009500100035 ERR-1 2009500100036 PER-CENT 2009500100037 0.05 2009500100038 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2009500100039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 2009500199999 SUBENT 20095002 20230319 23172009500200001 BIB 4 12 2009500200002 REACTION ((5-B-10(N,A)3-LI-7,PAR,SIG)// 2009500200003 (5-B-10(N,A)3-LI-7,PAR,SIG)) 2009500200004 Branching ratio between the (n,alpha) reaction to the 2009500200005 ground state of Li-7 with a q-value q1 = 2.78 MeV 2009500200006 and the (n,alpha) reaction to the first excited state 2009500200007 of Li-7 with a q-value q2 = 2.30 MeV 2009500200008 the ratio is given in absolute units not as a percenta2009500200009 PART-DET (A,RSD) Sum pulses of the alphas and the residual 2009500200010 nuclei (Li-7). 2009500200011 STATUS (TABLE) Value from text, Physica,29(1993)987. 2009500200012 HISTORY (19810131A) reaction code revised 2009500200013 (20230319A) SD: REACTION code corrected. BIB updated. 2009500200014 ENDBIB 12 0 2009500200015 NOCOMMON 0 0 2009500200016 DATA 5 1 2009500200017 EN LVL-NUM-NM LVL-NUM-DN DATA ERR-T 2009500200018 EV NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM 2009500200019 2.53E-02 0. 1. 0.0647 0.0007 2009500200020 ENDDATA 3 0 2009500200021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 2009500299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 2009599999999