ENTRY            20146   20191116                             22832014600000001 
SUBENT        20146001   20191116                             22832014600100001 
BIB                 15         53                                 2014600100002 
TITLE       Statistical properties of 45-Rh-104 level parameters  2014600100003 
AUTHOR     (P.Ribon, J.Girard, J.Trochon)                         2014600100004 
REFERENCE  (J,NP/A,143,130,1970) (in French) Reson. parameters.   2014600100005 
           For Rh sig(tot) see priv.comm. Ribon 1961-1966         2014600100006 
            (see REL-REF)                                         2014600100007 
           (S,EANDC-50-S,(2),(165),1965) res.pars. until 760 eV.  2014600100008 
            Abstract was publ. in 65ANTWERP,,565(165),1965        2014600100009 
           (J,JPR,24,987,1963) - prelim. results                  2014600100010 
           (J,CR,254,2546,1962) Strength function, until 370 eV,  2014600100011 
                                          superseded.             2014600100012 
INSTITUTE  (2FR SAC)                                              2014600100013 
FACILITY   (LINAC,2FR SAC) 45 MeV Saclay electron linear          2014600100014 
                                                   accelerator.   2014600100015 
INC-SOURCE (PHOTO)    Photo-neutrons.                             2014600100016 
REL-REF    (O,20148001,P.Ribon,R,CEA-N-1149,1969)) Rh exp.        2014600100017 
            details, cr.sections, res.pars same as NP/A,143,130.  2014600100018 
           (R,,B.N.Brockhouse,J,CJP,31,432,1953) - The resonance  2014600100019 
           parameters at 1.257 eV                                 2014600100020 
           (R,,D.I.Garber+,R,BNL-325,1957) Supplement Number 2.   2014600100021 
            - The resonance parameters at 1.257 eV                2014600100022 
SAMPLE     .Powder for transmission.                              2014600100023 
           .Thin metal plate for scattering.                      2014600100024 
           .Transmission in the energy range of 627 to 4216 eV    2014600100025 
            was done at 77 deg-K, others were at 293 deg-K.       2014600100026 
METHOD     (TOF,TRN)    Time of flight, flight path = 53.7 and    2014600100027 
            103.7 m for transmission, and 32.7 m for scattering.  2014600100028 
DETECTOR   (SCIN) Boron 1 to 2 cm thick and 6 Na-I crystals       2014600100029 
            (dia 125 mm, height 50 mm) for transmission.          2014600100030 
               - Boron loaded liquid scintillator for             2014600100031 
            scattering.                                           2014600100032 
ANALYSIS   (SHAPE)    Shape analysis on normalized transmission   2014600100033 
            data. For details see CEA-N-1149.                     2014600100034 
COMMENT    .The resonance at 1.257 eV was not analyzed by author  2014600100035 
            but used for the averaged resonance parameters.       2014600100036 
            The following values were taken (see REL-REF):        2014600100037 
            Resonance parameters +- error in per-cent,            2014600100038 
             gamma     2g*gamma(n)  gamma(gamma)  spin  momentum l2014600100039 
             156.+-3.  0.7800+-1.2    155.+-3.     1.      0.     2014600100040 
           .One resonance energy and 3 gamma(tot) error values    2014600100041 
            were misprinted. (Oral priv.comm. from Ribon).        2014600100042 
STATUS     (APRVD)    approved by Ribon.                          2014600100043 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Standard deviation but at least doubled to  2014600100044 
           take into account errors on the parameters (such as    2014600100045 
           resolution, Doppler effect, ... ) introduced in the    2014600100046 
           analysis.                                              2014600100047 
            * Systematic errors were extensively discussed in     2014600100048 
            CEA-N-1149.                                           2014600100049 
HISTORY    (19711027C)                                            2014600100050 
           (20170424A) SD:Updated to new date formats,lower case. 2014600100051 
           Ref. syntax was corrected. Ref. CEA-N-1149 moved to    2014600100052 
           REL-REF.                                               2014600100053 
           (20191116U) SD: Ref. JPR,24,987,1963 added.            2014600100054 
           Ref. 65ANTWERP,525(72) deleted (only abstract).        2014600100055 
ENDBIB              53          0                                 2014600100056 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2014600100057 
ENDSUBENT           56          0                                 2014600199999 
SUBENT        20146002   20170424                             22612014600200001 
BIB                  4         10                                 2014600200002 
REACTION   (45-RH-103(N,G),,WID)                                  2014600200003 
FLAG       (1.) Study was difficult or impossible because         2014600200004 
            of the presence of a near-by resonance.               2014600200005 
           (2.) Resonance level can be double because the         2014600200006 
            (gamma-width) is very large.                          2014600200007 
           (3.) The value of (gamma-width) is probable.           2014600200008 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tbl.4 from Nucl.Phys. A143(1970)130.           2014600200009 
HISTORY    (20170424A) SD: STATUS was added. Data were update     2014600200010 
           according presentation in the Tbl. (meaningless zeros  2014600200011 
           from right side of the values were deleted).           2014600200012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 2014600200013 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2014600200014 
DATA                 4        123                                 2014600200015 
EN-RES     DATA       DATA-ERR   FLAG                             2014600200016 
EV         MILLI-EV   PER-CENT   NO-DIM                           2014600200017 
      34.41       151.         8.                                 2014600200018 
      46.85       174.         7.                                 2014600200019 
      68.34       167.         5.                                 2014600200020 
      83.54       157.        50.                                 2014600200021 
      95.78       166.         6.                                 2014600200022 
      98.82       178.        11.                                 2014600200023 
     108.88       100.        80.                                 2014600200024 
     110.88       169.         8.         1.                      2014600200025 
     114.08       175.        11.                                 2014600200026 
     125.62       168.         3.                                 2014600200027 
     154.31       191.         4.                                 2014600200028 
     179.43       174.        12.                                 2014600200029 
     187.23       172.         4.                                 2014600200030 
     199.83       600.        50.         2.                      2014600200031 
     205.15       180.        60.                                 2014600200032 
     254.04       178.         7.                                 2014600200033 
     263.28       218.        25.         1.                      2014600200034 
     272.40       174.         7.                                 2014600200035 
     290.06       159.         6.                                 2014600200036 
     312.76       220.        55.                                 2014600200037 
     319.88       177.         5.                                 2014600200038 
     327.76       184.        35.                                 2014600200039 
     362.78       104.        91.                                 2014600200040 
     366.55       132.        21.                                 2014600200041 
     374.28       164.        50.                                 2014600200042 
     388.94       130.        80.                                 2014600200043 
     406.48       183.         7.                                 2014600200044 
     435.74       194.        10.                                 2014600200045 
     450.34       145.        30.                                 2014600200046 
     473.15        78.        92.         2.                      2014600200047 
     486.81        31.        99.         1.                      2014600200048 
     492.42       161.        30.                                 2014600200049 
     505.15        89.        96.                                 2014600200050 
     526.44       109.        81.                                 2014600200051 
     555.79       174.         7.                                 2014600200052 
     582.07       151.        26.                                 2014600200053 
     605.20        96.        83.         1.                      2014600200054 
     621.12       380.        31.         2.                      2014600200055 
     646.62       164.        19.                                 2014600200056 
     663.90       184.        25.                                 2014600200057 
     676.93       127.        62.                                 2014600200058 
     683.82       109.        58.                                 2014600200059 
     692.46       160.        24.                                 2014600200060 
     702.33       183.        12.                                 2014600200061 
     760.15        95.        99.                                 2014600200062 
     783.16       187.        18.         3.                      2014600200063 
     797.08       262.        40.                                 2014600200064 
     831.36       192.        61.                                 2014600200065 
     845.77       170.        11.                                 2014600200066 
     895.58       129.        63.                                 2014600200067 
     914.49       149.        20.                                 2014600200068 
     930.04       148.        16.                                 2014600200069 
     955.71       204.        25.                                 2014600200070 
     1025.0       186.        82.                                 2014600200071 
     1077.1       173.        44.                                 2014600200072 
     1111.0       157.        26.         3.                      2014600200073 
     1154.9       243.        18.                                 2014600200074 
     1190.4       177.        30.         3.                      2014600200075 
     1196.7       224.        30.                                 2014600200076 
     1245.7       172.        83.                                 2014600200077 
     1272.4       185.        15.                                 2014600200078 
     1306.9       154.        20.                                 2014600200079 
     1326.0       173.        32.         3.                      2014600200080 
     1365.5       184.        25.                                 2014600200081 
     1408.0       233.        40.         3.                      2014600200082 
     1433.7        84.        99.                                 2014600200083 
     1487.1       156.        90.                                 2014600200084 
     1531.9       185.        97.                                 2014600200085 
     1544.0       122.        50.                                 2014600200086 
     1561.6       109.        99.                                 2014600200087 
     1567.7       138.        30.                                 2014600200088 
     1620.2       187.        20.                                 2014600200089 
     1671.4        80.        80.                                 2014600200090 
     1697.6       279.        14.                                 2014600200091 
     1737.0       123.        99.                                 2014600200092 
     1766.2       173.        77.                                 2014600200093 
     1796.3       195.        36.                                 2014600200094 
     1820.8       316.        17.         2.                      2014600200095 
     1843.4        60.        99.                                 2014600200096 
     1905.1       149.        95.                                 2014600200097 
     1982.9       285.        30.                                 2014600200098 
     2010.2        99.        99.                                 2014600200099 
     2060.2       244.        38.                                 2014600200100 
     2102.4       164.        99.                                 2014600200101 
     2115.8       110.        75.                                 2014600200102 
     2179.8        57.        99.                                 2014600200103 
     2195.2       139.        50.                                 2014600200104 
     2260.2       261.        57.         3.                      2014600200105 
     2296.7       273.        22.                                 2014600200106 
     2315.8       171.        98.                                 2014600200107 
     2333.1      1178.        27.         2.                      2014600200108 
     2380.0       190.        95.                                 2014600200109 
     2410.1       507.        95.                                 2014600200110 
     2416.8        98.        98.                                 2014600200111 
     2434.1       810.        33.         2.                      2014600200112 
     2461.4       273.        32.                                 2014600200113 
     2596.8       454.        99.                                 2014600200114 
     2606.0       157.        55.                                 2014600200115 
     2630.4       194.        55.                                 2014600200116 
     2668.9      1816.        47.         2.                      2014600200117 
     2721.7       169.        99.                                 2014600200118 
     2793.3        43.        99.                                 2014600200119 
     2858.1       282.        95.                                 2014600200120 
     2881.7       310.        98.                                 2014600200121 
     2952.8      2210.        36.         2.                      2014600200122 
     2998.8       160.        95.                                 2014600200123 
     3030.4       285.        48.                                 2014600200124 
     3084.3       107.        95.                                 2014600200125 
     3131.6       257.        40.                                 2014600200126 
     3168.6       161.        99.                                 2014600200127 
     3272.9       300.        90.                                 2014600200128 
     3305.0       394.        78.         3.                      2014600200129 
     3396.2       220.        90.                                 2014600200130 
     3492.0       234.        90.                                 2014600200131 
     3512.5       237.        50.                                 2014600200132 
     3553.7       207.        55.                                 2014600200133 
     3597.2       305.        73.         3.                      2014600200134 
     3646.2        52.        99.                                 2014600200135 
     3687.5        80.        99.                                 2014600200136 
     3853.8       960.        63.         3.                      2014600200137 
     4059.4      1540.        42.         3.                      2014600200138 
     4079.9        36.        99.                                 2014600200139 
     4140.3        30.        99.                                 2014600200140 
ENDDATA            125          0                                 2014600200141 
ENDSUBENT          140          0                                 2014600299999 
SUBENT        20146003   20170424                             22612014600300001 
BIB                  4          6                                 2014600300002 
REACTION   (45-RH-103(N,G),,WID,,AV)                              2014600300003 
ANALYSIS   .For 27 resonances with errors less than 20%.          2014600300004 
STATUS     (TABLE) From the text on p.149 of                      2014600300005 
                                       Nucl.Phys. A143(1970)130.  2014600300006 
HISTORY    (20170424A) SD: Meaningless zeros from right side of   2014600300007 
           the values were deleted.                               2014600300008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 2014600300009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2014600300010 
DATA                 4          1                                 2014600300011 
EN-MAX     EN-MIN     DATA       DATA-ERR                         2014600300012 
MEV        MEV        MILLI-EV   MILLI-EV                         2014600300013 
  4.140E-03    1.2E-06    171.        3.                          2014600300014 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2014600300015 
ENDSUBENT           14          0                                 2014600399999 
SUBENT        20146004   20170424                             22612014600400001 
BIB                  4          8                                 2014600400002 
REACTION   (45-RH-103(N,EL),,WID,,2G)                             2014600400003 
FLAG       (1.)       Study was difficult or impossible because   2014600400004 
            of the presence of a near-by resonance.               2014600400005 
           (2.)       Resonance level can be double because the   2014600400006 
            (gamma-width) is very large.                          2014600400007 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tbl.4 from Nucl. Phys. A143(1970)130.          2014600400008 
HISTORY    (20170424A) SD: Meaningless zeros from right side of   2014600400009 
           the values were deleted.                               2014600400010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 2014600400011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2014600400012 
DATA                 4        273                                 2014600400013 
EN-RES     DATA       DATA-ERR   FLAG                             2014600400014 
EV         MILLI-EV   PER-CENT   NO-DIM                           2014600400015 
      34.41     0.0238         2.                                 2014600400016 
      44.49     0.0058        10.                                 2014600400017 
      46.85      0.760         6.                                 2014600400018 
      51.85      0.002        60.                                 2014600400019 
      68.34     0.2960         2.                                 2014600400020 
      83.54     0.0159        12.                                 2014600400021 
      95.78     3.6200         4.                                 2014600400022 
      98.82     0.1074        3.5                                 2014600400023 
     108.88     0.0170        16.                                 2014600400024 
     110.88      0.253        2.6         1.                      2014600400025 
     114.08      0.166        3.5                                 2014600400026 
     125.62      11.10        2.5                                 2014600400027 
     154.31      98.15        1.5                                 2014600400028 
     179.43      0.270         3.                                 2014600400029 
     187.23       57.5        2.3                                 2014600400030 
     199.83      0.095        13.         2.                      2014600400031 
     205.15      0.150         6.                                 2014600400032 
     251.37      0.230        10.         1.                      2014600400033 
     254.04       53.0         2.                                 2014600400034 
     263.28       2.02         6.         1.                      2014600400035 
     264.38       0.82         8.         1.                      2014600400036 
     272.40       88.7         2.                                 2014600400037 
     290.06       29.1        2.4                                 2014600400038 
     312.76      0.290        10.                                 2014600400039 
     316.46      0.060        35.         1.                      2014600400040 
     319.88      140.0         2.                                 2014600400041 
     321.79       1.95        22.         1.                      2014600400042 
     327.76       1.17         6.                                 2014600400043 
     354.13      0.182        14.                                 2014600400044 
     362.78      0.630        5.5                                 2014600400045 
     366.55        3.3         4.                                 2014600400046 
     374.28      0.800        6.5                                 2014600400047 
     376.70      0.250        14.         1.                      2014600400048 
     388.94      0.440         9.                                 2014600400049 
     406.48      14.90         3.                                 2014600400050 
     427.95      0.185        14.                                 2014600400051 
     433.08       2.08        13.         1.                      2014600400052 
     435.74       308.         2.                                 2014600400053 
     444.27       0.46        16.                                 2014600400054 
     447.52       0.27        21.                                 2014600400055 
     450.34       6.29         7.                                 2014600400056 
     473.15       1.80         6.         2.                      2014600400057 
     486.81       1.90        5.5         1.                      2014600400058 
     489.56       0.31        15.                                 2014600400059 
     492.42       4.55        4.5                                 2014600400060 
     505.15       0.88        10.                                 2014600400061 
     526.44       1.23        6.5                                 2014600400062 
     547.25       0.17        30.                                 2014600400063 
     555.79      140.7        2.3                                 2014600400064 
     582.07       4.45         5.                                 2014600400065 
     602.94       0.60        15.                                 2014600400066 
     605.20       3.95         5.         1.                      2014600400067 
     608.10       0.31        22.                                 2014600400068 
     621.12       10.3         7.         2.                      2014600400069 
     645.09       1.67        28.         1.                      2014600400070 
     646.62       98.5         4.                                 2014600400071 
     663.90       10.7        6.5                                 2014600400072 
     676.93       4.05         6.                                 2014600400073 
     683.82       5.65         6.                                 2014600400074 
     692.46      128.2         4.                                 2014600400075 
     699.15        2.5        20.         1.                      2014600400076 
     702.33       430.        2.5                                 2014600400077 
     727.73       1.40        15.                                 2014600400078 
     742.17       3.57         9.                                 2014600400079 
     758.15       1.41        25.                                 2014600400080 
     760.15        5.0        12.                                 2014600400081 
     783.16       31.0        5.5                                 2014600400082 
     797.08       5.82        20.                                 2014600400083 
     828.10       0.35        50.                                 2014600400084 
     831.36       4.76         8.                                 2014600400085 
     845.77       230.        3.5                                 2014600400086 
     868.71       1.04        20.                                 2014600400087 
     886.04      0.933        20.                                 2014600400088 
     895.58       13.3        11.                                 2014600400089 
     914.49       74.5         5.                                 2014600400090 
     930.04       88.2         5.                                 2014600400091 
     955.71       39.2        6.5                                 2014600400092 
     990.77       1.39        20.                                 2014600400093 
     1002.0       2.04        15.                                 2014600400094 
     1008.0       0.50        70.                                 2014600400095 
     1025.0       4.45        10.                                 2014600400096 
     1028.4       3.66        10.                                 2014600400097 
     1066.4       0.60        60.                                 2014600400098 
     1071.9       1.20        24.                                 2014600400099 
     1077.1       16.9         7.                                 2014600400100 
     1082.8       1.28        22.                                 2014600400101 
     1093.4       1.06        27.                                 2014600400102 
     1100.0       1.54        20.                                 2014600400103 
     1111.0       43.4         5.                                 2014600400104 
     1122.6       0.80        40.                                 2014600400105 
     1152.0       1.93        30.                                 2014600400106 
     1154.9       153.         5.                                 2014600400107 
     1190.4       50.6        6.5                                 2014600400108 
     1196.7       300.        5.5                                 2014600400109 
     1201.9       5.45        20.                                 2014600400110 
     1205.4        1.7        33.                                 2014600400111 
     1212.4       4.37        14.                                 2014600400112 
     1245.7       7.50         8.                                 2014600400113 
     1261.5       1.70        20.                                 2014600400114 
     1272.4       600.        3.5                                 2014600400115 
     1276.5         5.        70.         1.                      2014600400116 
     1278.8        9.4        20.         1.                      2014600400117 
     1287.0         5.        15.         1.                      2014600400118 
     1306.9      142.5        5.5                                 2014600400119 
     1326.0       57.2         7.                                 2014600400120 
     1355.1        3.4        17.                                 2014600400121 
     1365.5        84.         6.                                 2014600400122 
     1380.8       5.03        14.                                 2014600400123 
     1393.6       6.17        12.                                 2014600400124 
     1408.0       46.8         8.                                 2014600400125 
     1410.9        4.8        21.         1.                      2014600400126 
     1433.7       16.3        10.                                 2014600400127 
     1453.7       4.95        14.                                 2014600400128 
     1464.5       1.17        40.                                 2014600400129 
     1483.5       16.3        12.                                 2014600400130 
     1487.1        57.        19.                                 2014600400131 
     1513.6        1.4        40.                                 2014600400132 
     1531.9       15.1         9.                                 2014600400133 
      1544.       254.        5.5                                 2014600400134 
     1552.6        9.1        14.                                 2014600400135 
     1561.6       22.8        10.                                 2014600400136 
     1567.7       198.        6.5                                 2014600400137 
     1614.3        3.8        20.                                 2014600400138 
     1620.2       414.        4.5                                 2014600400139 
     1650.2        2.4        30.                                 2014600400140 
     1665.6        5.5        17.                                 2014600400141 
     1671.4       86.5         7.                                 2014600400142 
     1697.6       437.        4.5                                 2014600400143 
     1712.5        2.5        40.                                 2014600400144 
     1737.0       27.3        11.                                 2014600400145 
     1751.5       2.15        40.                                 2014600400146 
     1766.2       31.1        10.                                 2014600400147 
     1784.5        5.3        19.                                 2014600400148 
     1796.3       127.         8.                                 2014600400149 
     1806.0        2.1        50.                                 2014600400150 
     1820.8       668.         5.         2.                      2014600400151 
     1832.0        1.8        80.                                 2014600400152 
     1837.2        8.7        22.                                 2014600400153 
     1843.4        90.        10.                                 2014600400154 
     1849.2        4.6        30.                                 2014600400155 
     1885.2        3.5        30.                                 2014600400156 
     1892.4        3.6        30.                                 2014600400157 
     1905.1        35.        11.                                 2014600400158 
     1920.4        7.0        18.                                 2014600400159 
     1941.8       12.1        14.                                 2014600400160 
     1954.2        8.6        16.                                 2014600400161 
     1967.3        5.2        22.                                 2014600400162 
     1982.9       268.        5.5                                 2014600400163 
     1996.7        4.6        30.                                 2014600400164 
     2010.2        29.        12.                                 2014600400165 
     2021.9        2.9        47.                                 2014600400166 
     2034.5         2.        60.                                 2014600400167 
     2039.9        7.1        18.                                 2014600400168 
     2060.2        98.        7.5                                 2014600400169 
     2082.5        8.3        17.                                 2014600400170 
     2085.9       35.1        10.                                 2014600400171 
     2102.4       39.0        12.                                 2014600400172 
     2115.8       232.         7.                                 2014600400173 
     2151.7        5.1        30.                                 2014600400174 
     2161.9       27.5        12.                                 2014600400175 
     2179.8       59.5        13.                                 2014600400176 
     2195.2       182.         8.                                 2014600400177 
     2244.5        20.        15.                                 2014600400178 
     2249.0       13.4        18.                                 2014600400179 
     2260.2       76.5        12.                                 2014600400180 
     2278.5       2.66        54.                                 2014600400181 
     2296.7       580.        5.5                                 2014600400182 
     2315.8       75.7        13.                                 2014600400183 
     2333.1       91.6        10.         2.                      2014600400184 
     2355.6       10.9        21.                                 2014600400185 
     2365.9       28.7        15.                                 2014600400186 
     2380.0        90.        13.                                 2014600400187 
     2395.8       16.3        20.                                 2014600400188 
     2410.1        28.        18.                                 2014600400189 
     2416.8       191.        11.                                 2014600400190 
     2434.1        90.        13.         2.                      2014600400191 
     2461.4       385.        8.5                                 2014600400192 
     2479.3        3.2        70.                                 2014600400193 
     2510.9        7.1        34.                                 2014600400194 
     2516.8       16.7        21.                                 2014600400195 
     2530.1        11.        26.                                 2014600400196 
     2536.3       24.2        19.                                 2014600400197 
     2549.5       28.4        18.                                 2014600400198 
     2596.8       49.2        15.                                 2014600400199 
     2606.0       613.         8.                                 2014600400200 
     2630.4       330.         9.                                 2014600400201 
     2656.9       22.8        27.                                 2014600400202 
     2661.4       19.7        29.                                 2014600400203 
     2668.9        84.        12.         2.                      2014600400204 
     2695.6       13.6        29.                                 2014600400205 
     2701.5       41.0        20.                                 2014600400206 
     2721.7       137.        15.                                 2014600400207 
     2731.1        62.        22.                                 2014600400208 
     2740.8        30.        23.                                 2014600400209 
     2763.4        17.        25.                                 2014600400210 
     2787.0         9.        40.                                 2014600400211 
     2793.3       260.        10.                                 2014600400212 
     2816.5         3.        60.                                 2014600400213 
     2843.1        8.8        40.                                 2014600400214 
     2850.4        24.        24.                                 2014600400215 
     2858.1       174.        14.                                 2014600400216 
     2871.8        10.        60.                                 2014600400217 
     2881.7       100.        16.                                 2014600400218 
     2887.5        11.        44.                                 2014600400219 
     2891.5         6.        60.                                 2014600400220 
     2902.4        12.        33.                                 2014600400221 
     2916.8        19.        22.                                 2014600400222 
     2952.8        90.        11.         2.                      2014600400223 
     2968.0        25.        30.         1.                      2014600400224 
     2973.0        48.        19.         1.                      2014600400225 
     2983.9        79.        32.                                 2014600400226 
     2998.8       185.        13.                                 2014600400227 
     3030.4       255.        10.                                 2014600400228 
     3049.6        43.        19.                                 2014600400229 
     3063.7        87.        17.                                 2014600400230 
     3075.3        10.        40.                                 2014600400231 
     3084.3       340.        10.                                 2014600400232 
     3113.0         5.        50.                                 2014600400233 
     3131.6       575.         8.                                 2014600400234 
     3140.5        22.        30.                                 2014600400235 
     3156.2        38.        24.                                 2014600400236 
     3168.6        99.        20.                                 2014600400237 
     3191.7        30.        25.                                 2014600400238 
     3198.3        12.        40.                                 2014600400239 
     3212.3         7.        45.                                 2014600400240 
     3227.5        20.        28.                                 2014600400241 
     3257.7         9.        45.                                 2014600400242 
     3264.0        10.        45.                                 2014600400243 
     3272.9       293.        10.                                 2014600400244 
     3286.2         7.        50.                                 2014600400245 
     3305.0       141.        17.                                 2014600400246 
     3323.2        95.        18.                                 2014600400247 
     3330.0         5.        70.                                 2014600400248 
     3354.1        75.        19.                                 2014600400249 
     3361.0        14.        37.                                 2014600400250 
     3396.2       754.         7.                                 2014600400251 
     3413.7        25.        40.                                 2014600400252 
     3439.7        50.        20.                                 2014600400253 
     3461.0        15.        35.                                 2014600400254 
     3468.6        34.        22.                                 2014600400255 
     3492.0       233.        13.                                 2014600400256 
     3512.5       500.         9.                                 2014600400257 
     3537.7         9.        45.                                 2014600400258 
     3553.7       622.         8.                                 2014600400259 
     3597.2       245.        14.                                 2014600400260 
     3646.2       374.        12.                                 2014600400261 
     3664.5        22.        40.                                 2014600400262 
     3687.5       590.        10.                                 2014600400263 
     3713.6        49.        30.                                 2014600400264 
     3727.3        20.        40.                                 2014600400265 
     3752.4        89.        23.                                 2014600400266 
     3772.2        65.        30.                                 2014600400267 
     3779.0        10.        80.                                 2014600400268 
     3786.7       100.        23.                                 2014600400269 
     3798.2        20.        40.                                 2014600400270 
     3837.0        20.        40.                                 2014600400271 
     3853.8       240.        16.                                 2014600400272 
     3874.2       110.        25.                                 2014600400273 
     3884.3       133.        22.                                 2014600400274 
     3908.9       115.        29.                                 2014600400275 
     3926.5        20.        60.                                 2014600400276 
     3937.0        40.        50.                                 2014600400277 
     3947.1       330.        18.                                 2014600400278 
     3965.7        73.        35.                                 2014600400279 
     3982.7        20.        60.                                 2014600400280 
     3994.0        80.        35.                                 2014600400281 
     4014.6        64.        38.                                 2014600400282 
     4040.3        30.        45.                                 2014600400283 
     4059.4       400.        18.                                 2014600400284 
     4079.9       950.        13.                                 2014600400285 
     4105.2        61.        47.                                 2014600400286 
     4127.5        30.        45.                                 2014600400287 
     4140.3      1200.        13.                                 2014600400288 
ENDDATA            275          0                                 2014600400289 
ENDSUBENT          288          0                                 2014600499999 
SUBENT        20146005   20170424                             22612014600500001 
BIB                  4          8                                 2014600500002 
REACTION   (45-RH-103(N,TOT),,WID)                                2014600500003 
FLAG       (1.)       Study was difficult or impossible because   2014600500004 
            of the presence of a near-by resonance.               2014600500005 
           (2.)       Resonance level can be double because the   2014600500006 
            (gamma-width) is very large.                          2014600500007 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tbl.4 from Nucl. Phys. A143(1970)130.          2014600500008 
HISTORY    (20170424A) SD: Meaningless zeros from right side of   2014600500009 
           the values were deleted.                               2014600500010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 2014600500011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2014600500012 
DATA                 4        123                                 2014600500013 
EN-RES     DATA       DATA-ERR   FLAG                             2014600500014 
EV         MILLI-EV   PER-CENT   NO-DIM                           2014600500015 
      34.41       151.         8.                                 2014600500016 
      46.85       175.         7.                                 2014600500017 
      68.34       167.         5.                                 2014600500018 
      83.54       157.        50.                                 2014600500019 
      95.78       173.         6.                                 2014600500020 
      98.82       178.        11.                                 2014600500021 
     108.88       100.        80.                                 2014600500022 
     110.88       169.         8.         1.                      2014600500023 
     114.08       175.        11.                                 2014600500024 
     125.62       175.         3.                                 2014600500025 
     154.31       388.         2.                                 2014600500026 
     179.43       174.        12.                                 2014600500027 
     187.23       210.         3.                                 2014600500028 
     199.83       600.        50.         2.                      2014600500029 
     205.15       180.        60.                                 2014600500030 
     254.04       213.         5.                                 2014600500031 
     263.28       220.        25.         1.                      2014600500032 
     272.40       233.         5.                                 2014600500033 
     290.06       178.         5.                                 2014600500034 
     312.76       220.        55.                                 2014600500035 
     319.88       275.         3.                                 2014600500036 
     327.76       185.        35.                                 2014600500037 
     362.78       105.        90.                                 2014600500038 
     366.55       135.        20.                                 2014600500039 
     374.28       165.        50.                                 2014600500040 
     388.94       130.        80.                                 2014600500041 
     406.48       193.         6.                                 2014600500042 
     435.74       400.         4.                                 2014600500043 
     450.34       151.        29.                                 2014600500044 
     473.15        80.        90.         2.                      2014600500045 
     486.81        33.        95.         1.                      2014600500046 
     492.42       166.        29.                                 2014600500047 
     505.15        90.        95.                                 2014600500048 
     526.44       110.        80.                                 2014600500049 
     555.79       268.         4.                                 2014600500050 
     582.07       155.        25.                                 2014600500051 
     605.20       100.        80.         1.                      2014600500052 
     621.12       390.        30.         2.                      2014600500053 
     646.62       230.        12.                                 2014600500054 
     663.90       195.        24.                                 2014600500055 
     676.93       130.        60.                                 2014600500056 
     683.82       120.        55.                                 2014600500057 
     692.46       246.        15.                                 2014600500058 
     702.33       470.         4.                                 2014600500059 
     760.15       100.        95.                                 2014600500060 
     783.16       218.        15.                                 2014600500061 
     797.08       268.        39.                                 2014600500062 
     831.36       197.        60.                                 2014600500063 
     845.77       323.         5.                                 2014600500064 
     895.58       142.        57.                                 2014600500065 
     914.49       298.         9.                                 2014600500066 
     930.04       207.        11.                                 2014600500067 
     955.71       282.        18.                                 2014600500068 
     1025.0       190.        80.                                 2014600500069 
     1077.1       190.        40.                                 2014600500070 
     1111.0       200.        20.                                 2014600500071 
     1154.9       346.        12.                                 2014600500072 
     1190.4       228.        23.                                 2014600500073 
     1196.7       824.         7.                                 2014600500074 
     1245.7       180.        80.                                 2014600500075 
     1272.4       600.         4.                                 2014600500076 
     1306.9       249.        12.                                 2014600500077 
     1326.0       230.        24.                                 2014600500078 
     1365.5       240.        19.                                 2014600500079 
     1408.0       280.        33.                                 2014600500080 
     1433.7       100.        95.                                 2014600500081 
     1487.1       270.        54.                                 2014600500082 
     1531.9       200.        90.                                 2014600500083 
     1544.0       630.         8.                                 2014600500084 
     1561.6       125.        95.                                 2014600500085 
     1567.7       270.        15.                                 2014600500086 
     1620.2       463.         7.                                 2014600500087 
     1671.4       253.        25.                                 2014600500088 
     1697.6       570.         6.                                 2014600500089 
     1737.0       150.        90.                                 2014600500090 
     1766.2       204.        65.                                 2014600500091 
     1796.3       280.        24.                                 2014600500092 
     1820.8       762.         6.         2.                      2014600500093 
     1843.4       120.        77.                                 2014600500094 
     1905.1       219.        80.                                 2014600500095 
     1982.9       821.        10.                                 2014600500096 
     2010.2       128.        98.                                 2014600500097 
     2060.2       440.        21.                                 2014600500098 
     2102.4       203.        80.                                 2014600500099 
     2115.8       574.        13.                                 2014600500100 
     2179.8        97.        95.                                 2014600500101 
     2195.2       260.        26.                                 2014600500102 
     2260.2       338.        44.                                 2014600500103 
     2296.7       660.         8.                                 2014600500104 
     2315.8       322.        56.                                 2014600500105 
     2333.1      1270.        25.         2.                      2014600500106 
     2380.0       280.        65.                                 2014600500107 
     2410.1       535.        90.                                 2014600500108 
     2416.8       480.        35.                                 2014600500109 
     2434.1       900.        30.         2.                      2014600500110 
     2461.4       530.        15.                                 2014600500111 
     2596.8       504.        95.                                 2014600500112 
     2606.0       565.        15.                                 2014600500113 
     2630.4       414.        25.                                 2014600500114 
     2668.9      1900.        45.         2.                      2014600500115 
     2721.7       306.        57.                                 2014600500116 
     2793.3       216.        45.                                 2014600500117 
     2858.1       630.        40.                                 2014600500118 
     2881.7       510.        60.                                 2014600500119 
     2952.8      2300.        35.         2.                      2014600500120 
     2998.8       530.        36.                                 2014600500121 
     3030.4       455.        30.                                 2014600500122 
     3084.3       330.        31.                                 2014600500123 
     3131.6       640.        15.                                 2014600500124 
     3168.6       260.        90.                                 2014600500125 
     3272.9       885.        22.                                 2014600500126 
     3305.0       535.        57.                                 2014600500127 
     3396.2      1730.        10.                                 2014600500128 
     3492.0       700.        32.                                 2014600500129 
     3512.5       570.        20.                                 2014600500130 
     3553.7       620.        18.                                 2014600500131 
     3597.2       550.        40.                                 2014600500132 
     3646.2       800.        27.                                 2014600500133 
     3687.5      1260.        19.                                 2014600500134 
     3853.8      1200.        50.                                 2014600500135 
     4059.4      1940.        33.                                 2014600500136 
     4079.9       670.        27.                                 2014600500137 
     4140.3       830.        23.                                 2014600500138 
ENDDATA            125          0                                 2014600500139 
ENDSUBENT          138          0                                 2014600599999 
SUBENT        20146006   20170424                             22612014600600001 
BIB                  4         43                                 2014600600002 
REACTION   (45-RH-103(N,0),,J)                                    2014600600003 
FLAG       (1.)       Assigned by the possible values of (gamma-  2014600600004 
            width) in the analysis of transmission data.          2014600600005 
           (2.)       Probable. Assigned by the possible values   2014600600006 
            of (gamma-width) in the analysis of transmission data.2014600600007 
           (3.)       Uncertain. Assigned by the possible values  2014600600008 
            of (gamma-width) in the analysis of transmission data.2014600600009 
           (4.)       Probable. Assigned by the possible values   2014600600010 
            of (gamma-width) in the analysis of transmission data 2014600600011 
            and the value of chi-square, dependent on supposed    2014600600012 
            interference.                                         2014600600013 
           (5.)       Uncertain. Assigned by the possible values  2014600600014 
            of (gamma-width) in the analysis of transmission data 2014600600015 
            and the value of chi-square, dependent on supposed    2014600600016 
            interference.                                         2014600600017 
           (6.)       Assigned by the possible values of (gamma-  2014600600018 
            width) in the analysis of transmission data           2014600600019 
            and by the scattering data analysis.                  2014600600020 
           (7.)       Probable. Assigned by the possible values   2014600600021 
            of (gamma-width) in the analysis of transmission data 2014600600022 
            and by the scattering data analysis.                  2014600600023 
           (8.)       Assigned by the possible values of (gamma-  2014600600024 
            width) in the analysis of transmission data, by the   2014600600025 
            value of chi-square,dependent on supposed interference2014600600026 
            and by the scattering data analysis.                  2014600600027 
           (9.)       Assigned by the value of chi-square,        2014600600028 
            dependent on supposed interference                    2014600600029 
            and by the scattering data analysis.                  2014600600030 
           (10.)      Probable.Assigned by the value of chi-square2014600600031 
            dependent on supposed interference.                   2014600600032 
           (11.)      Assigned by analysis of scattering data.    2014600600033 
           (12.)      Probable. Assigned by analysis of scattering2014600600034 
            data.                                                 2014600600035 
           (13.)      Uncertain.Assigned by analysis of scattering2014600600036 
            data.                                                 2014600600037 
           (14.).     Assigned by the possible values of (gamma-  2014600600038 
            width) in the analysis of transmission data and by the2014600600039 
            scattering data analysis.                             2014600600040 
            Resonance level can be double because the (gamma-     2014600600041 
            width) is very large.                                 2014600600042 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tbl.4 from Nucl. Phys. A143(1970)130.          2014600600043 
HISTORY    (20170424A) SD: Meaningless zeros from right side of   2014600600044 
           the values were deleted.                               2014600600045 
ENDBIB              43          0                                 2014600600046 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2014600600047 
DATA                 3         64                                 2014600600048 
EN-RES     DATA       FLAG                                        2014600600049 
EV         NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      2014600600050 
      46.85         0.        12.                                 2014600600051 
      95.78         0.        11.                                 2014600600052 
     125.62         1.        11.                                 2014600600053 
     154.31         0.         6.                                 2014600600054 
     187.23         1.         8.                                 2014600600055 
     254.04         1.         8.                                 2014600600056 
     272.40         1.         8.                                 2014600600057 
     290.06         1.         8.                                 2014600600058 
     319.88         1.         6.                                 2014600600059 
     406.48         1.         9.                                 2014600600060 
     435.74         1.         6.                                 2014600600061 
     555.79         1.         6.                                 2014600600062 
     646.62         1.         8.                                 2014600600063 
     676.93         1.        10.                                 2014600600064 
     683.82         0.        10.                                 2014600600065 
     692.46         1.         8.                                 2014600600066 
     702.33         1.         6.                                 2014600600067 
     845.77         1.         6.                                 2014600600068 
     914.49         0.         6.                                 2014600600069 
     930.04         1.         6.                                 2014600600070 
     955.71         0.         4.                                 2014600600071 
     1154.9         1.         8.                                 2014600600072 
     1196.7         0.         2.                                 2014600600073 
     1272.4         1.         6.                                 2014600600074 
     1306.9         1.         1.                                 2014600600075 
     1365.5         1.        11.                                 2014600600076 
     1487.1         0.         4.                                 2014600600077 
     1544.0         0.         8.                                 2014600600078 
     1561.6         1.        10.                                 2014600600079 
     1567.7         1.         6.                                 2014600600080 
     1620.2         1.         6.                                 2014600600081 
     1671.4         0.        12.                                 2014600600082 
     1697.6         1.         1.                                 2014600600083 
     1796.3         1.         8.                                 2014600600084 
     1820.8         1.        14.                                 2014600600085 
     1843.4         1.         8.                                 2014600600086 
     1905.1         0.        13.                                 2014600600087 
     1982.9         0.         7.                                 2014600600088 
     2060.2         0.         7.                                 2014600600089 
     2115.8         0.         7.                                 2014600600090 
     2179.8         1.         5.                                 2014600600091 
     2195.2         1.         1.                                 2014600600092 
     2296.7         1.         6.                                 2014600600093 
     2315.8         0.         3.                                 2014600600094 
     2416.8         0.         3.                                 2014600600095 
     2461.4         1.         1.                                 2014600600096 
     2606.0         1.         1.                                 2014600600097 
     2630.4         1.         1.                                 2014600600098 
     2793.3         1.         1.                                 2014600600099 
     2858.1         0.         3.                                 2014600600100 
     2881.7         0.         3.                                 2014600600101 
     2998.8         0.         3.                                 2014600600102 
     3030.4         1.         2.                                 2014600600103 
     3084.3         1.                                            2014600600104 
     3131.6         1.                                            2014600600105 
     3272.9         0.         3.                                 2014600600106 
     3396.2         0.         2.                                 2014600600107 
     3492.0         0.         3.                                 2014600600108 
     3512.5         1.         1.                                 2014600600109 
     3553.7         1.         1.                                 2014600600110 
     3646.2         0.         3.                                 2014600600111 
     3687.5         0.         3.                                 2014600600112 
     4079.9         1.         1.                                 2014600600113 
     4140.3         1.         1.                                 2014600600114 
ENDDATA             66          0                                 2014600600115 
ENDSUBENT          114          0                                 2014600699999 
SUBENT        20146007   20170424                             22612014600700001 
BIB                  4         25                                 2014600700002 
REACTION   (45-RH-103(N,0),,L)                                    2014600700003 
FLAG       (1.)       L=0 because (2g * n-width) is very large.   2014600700004 
           (2.)        L  was assigned by chi square method.      2014600700005 
           (3.)       Probable. Assigned by chi square method.    2014600700006 
           (4.)       Uncertain. Assigned by chi square method.   2014600700007 
           (5.)       Assigned by chi square and resonance shape. 2014600700008 
           (6.)       Probable. by chi square and resonance shape.2014600700009 
            Resonance level can be double because the (gamma-     2014600700010 
            width) is very large.                                 2014600700011 
           (7.)       Assigned by the resonance shape.            2014600700012 
           (8.)       Uncertain. Assigned by the resonance shape. 2014600700013 
           (9.)       L=1 probable because resonance is very small2014600700014 
           (10.)      l=1 probable because resonance is very small2014600700015 
            resonance level can be double because the (gamma-     2014600700016 
            width) is very large.                                 2014600700017 
           (11.)       L  was assigned by Chi-square method.      2014600700018 
            Resonance level can be double because the (gamma-     2014600700019 
            width) is very large.                                 2014600700020 
           (12.)       L  was assigned by Chi-square method.      2014600700021 
            Study was difficult or impossible because of the      2014600700022 
            presence of a near-by resonance.                      2014600700023 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tbl.4 from Nucl. Phys. A143(1970)130.          2014600700024 
HISTORY    (20170424A) SD: STATUS was added. Data were update     2014600700025 
           according presentation in the Tbl. (meaningless zeros  2014600700026 
           from right side of the values were deleted).           2014600700027 
ENDBIB              25          0                                 2014600700028 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2014600700029 
DATA                 3        118                                 2014600700030 
EN-RES     DATA       FLAG                                        2014600700031 
EV         NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      2014600700032 
      34.41         1.         2.                                 2014600700033 
      44.49         1.         9.                                 2014600700034 
      46.85         0.                                            2014600700035 
      51.85         1.         9.                                 2014600700036 
      68.34         0.         2.                                 2014600700037 
      83.54         1.         3.                                 2014600700038 
      95.78         0.                                            2014600700039 
      98.82         1.         2.                                 2014600700040 
     108.88         1.         9.                                 2014600700041 
     114.08         1.         2.                                 2014600700042 
     125.62         0.                                            2014600700043 
     154.31         0.                                            2014600700044 
     179.43         1.         2.                                 2014600700045 
     187.23         0.                                            2014600700046 
     199.83         1.        10.                                 2014600700047 
     205.15         1.         3.                                 2014600700048 
     254.04         0.                                            2014600700049 
     272.40         0.                                            2014600700050 
     290.06         0.                                            2014600700051 
     312.76         1.         4.                                 2014600700052 
     319.88         0.                                            2014600700053 
     327.76         0.         2.                                 2014600700054 
     354.13         1.         9.                                 2014600700055 
     362.78         0.         2.                                 2014600700056 
     366.55         1.         2.                                 2014600700057 
     374.28         1.         3.                                 2014600700058 
     388.94         1.         2.                                 2014600700059 
     406.48         0.                                            2014600700060 
     427.95         1.         9.                                 2014600700061 
     435.74         0.                                            2014600700062 
     444.27         1.         9.                                 2014600700063 
     447.52         1.         9.                                 2014600700064 
     473.15         1.        11.                                 2014600700065 
     486.81         0.        12.                                 2014600700066 
     489.56         1.         9.                                 2014600700067 
     492.42         1.         2.                                 2014600700068 
     505.15         1.         2.                                 2014600700069 
     526.44         1.         2.                                 2014600700070 
     547.25         1.         9.                                 2014600700071 
     555.79         0.                                            2014600700072 
     582.07         1.         2.                                 2014600700073 
     602.94         1.         9.                                 2014600700074 
     608.10         1.         9.                                 2014600700075 
     621.12         1.         6.                                 2014600700076 
     646.62         0.                                            2014600700077 
     676.93         0.                                            2014600700078 
     683.82         0.                                            2014600700079 
     692.46         0.                                            2014600700080 
     702.33         0.                                            2014600700081 
     783.16         0.         1.                                 2014600700082 
     797.08         0.         7.                                 2014600700083 
     828.10         1.         9.                                 2014600700084 
     845.77         0.                                            2014600700085 
     895.58         1.         2.                                 2014600700086 
     914.49         0.                                            2014600700087 
     930.04         0.                                            2014600700088 
     955.71         0.                                            2014600700089 
     1008.0         1.         9.                                 2014600700090 
     1066.4         1.         9.                                 2014600700091 
     1111.0         0.                                            2014600700092 
     1154.9         0.                                            2014600700093 
     1190.4         0.                                            2014600700094 
     1196.7         0.                                            2014600700095 
     1245.7         0.         7.                                 2014600700096 
     1272.4         0.                                            2014600700097 
     1306.9         0.                                            2014600700098 
     1326.0         0.                                            2014600700099 
     1365.5         0.                                            2014600700100 
     1393.6         0.         8.                                 2014600700101 
     1408.0         0.         7.                                 2014600700102 
     1433.7         0.         7.                                 2014600700103 
     1483.5         1.         5.                                 2014600700104 
     1487.1         0.                                            2014600700105 
     1531.9         0.         7.                                 2014600700106 
     1544.0         0.                                            2014600700107 
     1561.6         0.                                            2014600700108 
     1567.7         0.                                            2014600700109 
     1620.2         0.                                            2014600700110 
     1671.4         0.                                            2014600700111 
     1697.6         0.                                            2014600700112 
     1737.0         0.         7.                                 2014600700113 
     1766.2         0.         7.                                 2014600700114 
     1796.3         0.                                            2014600700115 
     1820.8         0.                                            2014600700116 
     1843.4         0.                                            2014600700117 
     1905.1         0.                                            2014600700118 
     1982.9         0.                                            2014600700119 
     2010.2         0.         7.                                 2014600700120 
     2060.2         0.                                            2014600700121 
     2115.8         0.                                            2014600700122 
     2179.8         0.                                            2014600700123 
     2195.2         0.                                            2014600700124 
     2260.2         0.                                            2014600700125 
     2296.7         0.                                            2014600700126 
     2315.8         0.                                            2014600700127 
     2416.8         0.                                            2014600700128 
     2461.4         0.                                            2014600700129 
     2606.0         0.                                            2014600700130 
     2630.4         0.                                            2014600700131 
     2793.3         0.                                            2014600700132 
     2858.1         0.                                            2014600700133 
     2881.7         0.                                            2014600700134 
     2998.8         0.                                            2014600700135 
     3030.4         0.                                            2014600700136 
     3084.3         0.                                            2014600700137 
     3131.6         0.                                            2014600700138 
     3272.9         0.                                            2014600700139 
     3305.0         0.                                            2014600700140 
     3396.2         0.                                            2014600700141 
     3492.0         0.                                            2014600700142 
     3512.5         0.                                            2014600700143 
     3553.7         0.                                            2014600700144 
     3597.2         0.                                            2014600700145 
     3646.2         0.                                            2014600700146 
     3687.5         0.                                            2014600700147 
     4059.4         0.                                            2014600700148 
     4079.9         0.                                            2014600700149 
     4140.3         0.                                            2014600700150 
ENDDATA            120          0                                 2014600700151 
ENDSUBENT          150          0                                 2014600799999 
SUBENT        20146008   20170424                             22612014600800001 
BIB                  4          8                                 2014600800002 
REACTION   (45-RH-103(N,EL)45-RH-103,,RAD)                        2014600800003 
            Effective nuclear radius.                             2014600800004 
ANALYSIS   .From the contribution of remote resonances.           2014600800005 
STATUS     (TABLE) From the text on p.136 of                      2014600800006 
                                       Nucl.Phys. A143(1970)130.  2014600800007 
HISTORY    (20170424A) SD: STATUS was added. Data were update     2014600800008 
           according presentation in the Tbl. (meaningless zeros  2014600800009 
           from right side of the values were deleted).           2014600800010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 2014600800011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2014600800012 
DATA                 4          1                                 2014600800013 
EN-MAX     EN-MIN     DATA       DATA-ERR                         2014600800014 
MEV        MEV        FERMI      FERMI                            2014600800015 
    4.0E-03  0.          6.56         6.E-02                      2014600800016 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2014600800017 
ENDSUBENT           16          0                                 2014600899999 
SUBENT        20146009   20170424                             22612014600900001 
BIB                  4          9                                 2014600900002 
REACTION   (45-RH-103(N,EL),,STF)                                 2014600900003 
ANALYSIS   .Obtained by the distribution and by a histogram of the2014600900004 
            sum of the reduced neutron-widths.                    2014600900005 
           .From 159 resonances.                                  2014600900006 
STATUS     (TABLE) From the text on p.142 of                      2014600900007 
                                       Nucl.Phys. A143(1970)130.  2014600900008 
HISTORY    (20170424A) SD: STATUS was added. Data were update     2014600900009 
           according presentation in the Tbl. (meaningless zeros  2014600900010 
           from right side of the values were deleted).           2014600900011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 2014600900012 
COMMON               1          3                                 2014600900013 
MOMENTUM L                                                        2014600900014 
NO-DIM                                                            2014600900015 
 0.                                                               2014600900016 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2014600900017 
DATA                 5          1                                 2014600900018 
EN-RES-MAX EN-RES-MIN DATA       +DATA-ERR  -DATA-ERR             2014600900019 
MEV        MEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM                2014600900020 
  4.140E-03    1.2E-06    5.4E-05     7.E-06     6.E-06           2014600900021 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2014600900022 
ENDSUBENT           21          0                                 2014600999999 
SUBENT        20146010   20170424                             22612014601000001 
BIB                  4          9                                 2014601000002 
REACTION   (45-RH-103(N,EL),,STF)                                 2014601000003 
            Spin-dependent S-wave function.                       2014601000004 
ANALYSIS   .Strength function was obtained by the distribution of 2014601000005 
            the reduced neutron-widths.                           2014601000006 
STATUS     (TABLE) From the text on p.143 of                      2014601000007 
                                       Nucl.Phys. A143(1970)130.  2014601000008 
HISTORY    (20170424A) SD: STATUS was added. Data were update     2014601000009 
           according presentation in the Tbl. (meaningless zeros  2014601000010 
           from right side of the values were deleted).           2014601000011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 2014601000012 
COMMON               1          3                                 2014601000013 
MOMENTUM L                                                        2014601000014 
NO-DIM                                                            2014601000015 
 0.                                                               2014601000016 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2014601000017 
DATA                 6          2                                 2014601000018 
EN-RES-MAX EN-RES-MIN SPIN J     DATA       +DATA-ERR  -DATA-ERR  2014601000019 
MEV        MEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     2014601000020 
  4.140E-03    1.2E-06   0.          4.2E-05    1.1E-05    1.0E-052014601000021 
  4.140E-03    1.2E-06   1.          6.3E-05    1.2E-05    1.0E-052014601000022 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 2014601000023 
ENDSUBENT           22          0                                 2014601099999 
SUBENT        20146011   20170424                             22612014601100001 
BIB                  4          9                                 2014601100002 
REACTION   (45-RH-103(N,EL),,STF)                                 2014601100003 
            Spin-dependent S-wave function.                       2014601100004 
ANALYSIS   .Strength function was obtained by a histogram of      2014601100005 
            the sum of the reduced neutron widths.                2014601100006 
STATUS     (TABLE) From the text on p.143 of                      2014601100007 
                                       Nucl.Phys. A143(1970)130.  2014601100008 
HISTORY    (20170424A) SD: STATUS was added. Data were update     2014601100009 
           according presentation in the Tbl. (meaningless zeros  2014601100010 
           from right side of the values were deleted).           2014601100011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 2014601100012 
COMMON               1          3                                 2014601100013 
MOMENTUM L                                                        2014601100014 
NO-DIM                                                            2014601100015 
 0.0                                                              2014601100016 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2014601100017 
DATA                 6          2                                 2014601100018 
EN-RES-MAX EN-RES-MIN SPIN J     DATA       +DATA-ERR  -DATA-ERR  2014601100019 
MEV        MEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     2014601100020 
  4.140E-03    1.2E-06  0.           4.4E-05    1.2E-05    1.0E-052014601100021 
  4.140E-03    1.2E-06  1.           5.8E-05    1.0E-05    1.0E-052014601100022 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 2014601100023 
ENDSUBENT           22          0                                 2014601199999 
SUBENT        20146012   20170424                             22612014601200001 
BIB                  5         12                                 2014601200002 
REACTION   (45-RH-103(N,EL),,STF)                                 2014601200003 
            P-wave strength function from about 65 resonances for 2014601200004 
            each region of 700 eV.                                2014601200005 
ANALYSIS   .Strength function was obtained by a histogram of      2014601200006 
            the sum of the reduced neutron widths.                2014601200007 
CORRECTION .Corrected for missing p-wave resonances and for       2014601200008 
            possibly included S-wave resonances.                  2014601200009 
STATUS     (TABLE) From the text on p.142-143 of                  2014601200010 
                                       Nucl.Phys. A143(1970)130.  2014601200011 
HISTORY    (20170424A) SD: STATUS was added. Data were update     2014601200012 
           according presentation in the Tbl. (meaningless zeros  2014601200013 
           from right side of the values were deleted).           2014601200014 
ENDBIB              12          0                                 2014601200015 
COMMON               1          3                                 2014601200016 
MOMENTUM L                                                        2014601200017 
NO-DIM                                                            2014601200018 
 1.                                                               2014601200019 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2014601200020 
DATA                 5          3                                 2014601200021 
EN-RES-MAX EN-RES-MIN DATA       +DATA-ERR  -DATA-ERR             2014601200022 
MEV        MEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM                2014601200023 
    7.0E-04   3.40E-05    6.2E-04                                 2014601200024 
   1.35E-03   3.40E-05     6.E-04    1.5E-04    1.8E-04           2014601200025 
   1.35E-03   7.00E-04    4.2E-04                                 2014601200026 
ENDDATA              5          0                                 2014601200027 
ENDSUBENT           26          0                                 2014601299999 
SUBENT        20146013   20170424                             22612014601300001 
BIB                  4          9                                 2014601300002 
REACTION   (45-RH-103(N,0),,D)                                    2014601300003 
ANALYSIS   .Obtained from the distribution of (g*reduced n-width) 2014601300004 
            with nu = 1 and with nu adjusted. (Nu = deg.of freed.)2014601300005 
           .From 159 resonances.                                  2014601300006 
STATUS     (TABLE) From the text on p.143 of                      2014601300007 
                                       Nucl.Phys. A143(1970)130.  2014601300008 
HISTORY    (20170424A) SD: STATUS was added. Data were update     2014601300009 
           according presentation in the Tbl. (meaningless zeros  2014601300010 
           from right side of the values were deleted).           2014601300011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 2014601300012 
COMMON               1          3                                 2014601300013 
MOMENTUM L                                                        2014601300014 
NO-DIM                                                            2014601300015 
 0.0                                                              2014601300016 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2014601300017 
DATA                 4          1                                 2014601300018 
EN-RES-MAX EN-RES-MIN DATA       DATA-ERR                         2014601300019 
MEV        MEV        EV         EV                               2014601300020 
  4.140E-03    1.2E-06  27.         2.                            2014601300021 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2014601300022 
ENDSUBENT           21          0                                 2014601399999 
ENDENTRY            13          0                                 2014699999999