ENTRY            20304   20170430                             22612030400000001 
SUBENT        20304001   20170430                             22612030400100001 
BIB                 15         40                                 2030400100002 
INSTITUTE  (2JPNJAE)                                              2030400100003 
REFERENCE  (J,NP/A,125,641,1969)                                  2030400100004 
           (W,TSUKADA,196705)     first version of data.          2030400100005 
           (W,TSUKADA,196803)     Second version of data.         2030400100006 
AUTHOR     (K.Tsukada, S.Tanaka, Y.Tomita, M.Maruyama)            2030400100007 
TITLE       Elastic and inelastic scattering of fast neutrons     2030400100008 
            from iron, nickel and tungsten                        2030400100009 
FACILITY   (VDG,2JPNJAE)    5.5 MV pulsed beam Van de Graaff      2030400100010 
             accelerator with Mobley-type beam buncher.           2030400100011 
INC-SOURCE (P-T)    T(p,n)He-3.                                   2030400100012 
INC-SPECT  (EN-RSL-HW) The energy spread of the neutrons was 90keV2030400100013 
METHOD     (TOF)    Time-of-flight.                               2030400100014 
           Areas of unresolved peaks in the energy spectra were   2030400100015 
           determined by the peeling-off method.                  2030400100016 
MONITOR    (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG)                                2030400100017 
MONIT-REF  (,D.J.Hughes+,R,BNL-325,1958) 2-nd ed.                 2030400100018 
ADD-RES    .Data analysed using optical-model, Hauser-Feshbach    2030400100019 
            and Moldauer theories. Best-fit sets of optical-model 2030400100020 
            parameters given in NP/A,125,641,1969.                2030400100021 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data from priv. comm., K.Tsukada. Some of the  2030400100022 
            data received May 1967 (1-st version) have been       2030400100023 
            replaced by the 2-nd version received March 1968.     2030400100024 
CORRECTION .Corrections for multiple scattering, neutron-flux     2030400100025 
            attenuation, source-to-sample geometrical effects in  2030400100026 
            the scattering samples and polyethylene by the Monte- 2030400100027 
            Carlo program MULT1.                                  2030400100028 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors indicated contain statistical errors 2030400100029 
            and errors originating in the peeling-off procedure   2030400100030 
            when it is applied.                                   2030400100031 
            Additionally should be taken into account:            2030400100032 
           (ERR-1,10.,20.) The uncertainty of the efficiency is   2030400100033 
           mainly caused by the uncertainty in the 3H(p,n) cross  2030400100034 
           section, which is estimated to be 10 % above 2 MeV and 2030400100035 
           may amount to 20 % below 1 MeV.                        2030400100036 
HISTORY    (19711010C)                                            2030400100037 
           (19840106U) A.P.T. Japan code changed to JPN           2030400100038 
           (20170430A) SD:Updated to new date formats,lower case. 2030400100039 
           Corrections in all Subents. EN-RSL moved to COMMON in  2030400100040 
           Subent 001. ANALYSIS -> ADD-RES. EN-RSL -> EN-RSL-HW.  2030400100041 
           INC-SPECT was added.                                   2030400100042 
ENDBIB              40          0                                 2030400100043 
COMMON               1          3                                 2030400100044 
EN-RSL-HW                                                         2030400100045 
MEV                                                               2030400100046 
  0.045                                                           2030400100047 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2030400100048 
ENDSUBENT           47          0                                 2030400199999 
SUBENT        20304002   20170430                             22612030400200001 
BIB                  3          6                                 2030400200002 
REACTION   (26-FE-0(N,EL)26-FE-0,,DA)                             2030400200003 
REL-REF    (O,,Y.Tomita,J,NP/A,210,51,1973) 1.43 - 2.15 MeV-      2030400200004 
                      more recent  measurements                   2030400200005 
HISTORY    (20170430A) SD: SF4=Fe-0 was added to REACTION code.   2030400200006 
           REL-REF was added. Meaningless zeros were deleted from 2030400200007 
           the values. EN-RSL moved to COMMON (see Subent 001).   2030400200008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 2030400200009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2030400200010 
DATA                 4         59                                 2030400200011 
EN         COS-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                         2030400200012 
MEV        NO-DIM     MB/SR      MB/SR                            2030400200013 
      1.370    -0.7738      147.9        1.4                      2030400200014 
      1.370    -0.6534      128.3        1.2                      2030400200015 
      1.370    -0.5135      110.9        1.1                      2030400200016 
      1.370    -0.3567       94.2        1.1                      2030400200017 
      1.370    -0.1908       86.5        1.1                      2030400200018 
      1.370    -0.0175       75.2        1.0                      2030400200019 
      1.370     0.1564       82.8        1.0                      2030400200020 
      1.370     0.3272      125.8        1.2                      2030400200021 
      1.370     0.4879      180.9        1.4                      2030400200022 
      1.370     0.6334      271.2        1.9                      2030400200023 
      1.370     0.7593      390.8        2.5                      2030400200024 
      1.370     0.8616      530.7        3.6                      2030400200025 
      1.710    -0.8704      149.1        2.7                      2030400200026 
      1.710    -0.6534      116.9        2.2                      2030400200027 
      1.710    -0.5135      106.2        2.0                      2030400200028 
      1.710    -0.3584       91.5        1.8                      2030400200029 
      1.710    -0.1908       74.6        1.5                      2030400200030 
      1.710    -0.0175       63.5        1.3                      2030400200031 
      1.710     0.1564       59.2        1.3                      2030400200032 
      1.710     0.3272       88.0        1.8                      2030400200033 
      1.710     0.4879      127.8        2.5                      2030400200034 
      1.710     0.6334      208.4        3.8                      2030400200035 
      1.710     0.7593      348.8        6.0                      2030400200036 
      2.010    -0.7738      149.0        5.1                      2030400200037 
      2.010    -0.6534      145.0        4.9                      2030400200038 
      2.010    -0.5135      128.0        4.9                      2030400200039 
      2.010    -0.3584      111.1        4.8                      2030400200040 
      2.010    -0.1908       91.1        4.7                      2030400200041 
      2.010    -0.0175       67.7        4.7                      2030400200042 
      2.010     0.1564       62.6        4.7                      2030400200043 
      2.010     0.3256       78.3        4.8                      2030400200044 
      2.010     0.4863      133.0        5.1                      2030400200045 
      2.010     0.6320      252.0        5.7                      2030400200046 
      2.010     0.7581      397.0        6.5                      2030400200047 
      2.010     0.8616      589.0        7.5                      2030400200048 
      2.650    -0.7738      104.2        3.0                      2030400200049 
      2.650    -0.6534      104.7        3.0                      2030400200050 
      2.650    -0.5135      110.4        3.0                      2030400200051 
      2.650    -0.3584       99.2        3.0                      2030400200052 
      2.650    -0.1908       88.6        3.0                      2030400200053 
      2.650    -0.0175       67.7        3.0                      2030400200054 
      2.650     0.1564       46.7        3.0                      2030400200055 
      2.650     0.3272       47.9        3.0                      2030400200056 
      2.650     0.4879      104.9        3.9                      2030400200057 
      2.650     0.6334      222.6        4.6                      2030400200058 
      2.650     0.7593      464.0        5.8                      2030400200059 
      2.650     0.8616      734.7        7.8                      2030400200060 
      3.260    -0.7738       57.6        2.9                      2030400200061 
      3.260    -0.6534       60.9        2.8                      2030400200062 
      3.260    -0.5135       73.5        2.6                      2030400200063 
      3.260    -0.3584       77.1        3.5                      2030400200064 
      3.260    -0.1908       71.1        2.1                      2030400200065 
      3.260    -0.0175       51.6        1.5                      2030400200066 
      3.260     0.1564       32.4        1.6                      2030400200067 
      3.260     0.3256       32.8        1.9                      2030400200068 
      3.260     0.4863       88.3        2.4                      2030400200069 
      3.260     0.6320      230.0        5.3                      2030400200070 
      3.260     0.7581      469.0       22.7                      2030400200071 
      3.260     0.8616      790.0       31.9                      2030400200072 
ENDDATA             61          0                                 2030400200073 
ENDSUBENT           72          0                                 2030400299999 
SUBENT        20304003   20170430                             22612030400300001 
BIB                  2          3                                 2030400300002 
REACTION   (26-FE-54(N,INL)26-FE-54,PAR,DA)                       2030400300003 
HISTORY    (20170430A) SD: Meaningless zeros were deleted from    2030400300004 
           the values. EN-RSL moved to COMMON (see Subent 001).   2030400300005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 2030400300006 
COMMON               1          3                                 2030400300007 
E-LVL                                                             2030400300008 
MEV                                                               2030400300009 
 1.41                                                             2030400300010 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2030400300011 
DATA                 4         22                                 2030400300012 
EN         COS-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                         2030400300013 
MEV        NO-DIM     MB/SR      MB/SR                            2030400300014 
       2.65    -0.7771      139.0        5.7                      2030400300015 
       2.65    -0.6574      134.1        5.5                      2030400300016 
       2.65    -0.5195      130.3        4.9                      2030400300017 
       2.65    -0.3665      108.0        4.4                      2030400300018 
       2.65    -0.2011      104.3        4.4                      2030400300019 
       2.65    -0.0262      115.8        4.3                      2030400300020 
       2.65     0.1478      104.1        4.2                      2030400300021 
       2.65     0.3190      111.3        4.2                      2030400300022 
       2.65     0.4802      110.9        4.2                      2030400300023 
       2.65     0.6266      129.2        4.4                      2030400300024 
       2.65     0.7536      125.0        4.1                      2030400300025 
       2.65     0.8599      125.4        3.9                      2030400300026 
       3.26    -0.7771       54.5       10.6                      2030400300027 
       3.26    -0.6574       52.1        6.1                      2030400300028 
       3.26    -0.5180       53.9        8.2                      2030400300029 
       3.26    -0.3616       59.3        7.8                      2030400300030 
       3.26    -0.1959       58.0       12.8                      2030400300031 
       3.26    -0.0244       60.4       12.1                      2030400300032 
       3.26     0.1495       58.0       12.3                      2030400300033 
       3.26     0.3206       70.7       16.3                      2030400300034 
       3.26     0.4818       64.0       15.8                      2030400300035 
       3.26     0.6280       69.7       20.2                      2030400300036 
ENDDATA             24          0                                 2030400300037 
ENDSUBENT           36          0                                 2030400399999 
SUBENT        20304004   20170430                             22612030400400001 
BIB                  3          8                                 2030400400002 
REACTION   (26-FE-56(N,INL)26-FE-56,PAR,DA)                       2030400400003 
REL-REF    (O,20008001,Y.Tomita+,C,70HELSINKI,2,301,1970) - more  2030400400004 
                                       recent  measurements       2030400400005 
           (O,,Y.Tomita,J,NP/A,210,51,1973) 1.43 - 2.15 MeV-      2030400400006 
                                       recent  measurements       2030400400007 
HISTORY    (20170430A) SD: REL-REF was added. Meaningless zeros   2030400400008 
            were deleted from the values. EN-RSL moved            2030400400009 
           to COMMON (see Subent 001).                            2030400400010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 2030400400011 
COMMON               1          3                                 2030400400012 
E-LVL                                                             2030400400013 
MEV                                                               2030400400014 
 0.845                                                            2030400400015 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2030400400016 
DATA                 4         57                                 2030400400017 
EN         COS-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                         2030400400018 
MEV        NO-DIM     MB/SR      MB/SR                            2030400400019 
       1.37    -0.7782       59.2        1.7                      2030400400020 
       1.37    -0.6587       56.3        1.8                      2030400400021 
       1.37    -0.3665       61.4        1.7                      2030400400022 
       1.37    -0.2011       63.0        1.7                      2030400400023 
       1.37    -0.0279       62.9        1.6                      2030400400024 
       1.37     0.3173       70.1        1.6                      2030400400025 
       1.37     0.4787       67.5        1.6                      2030400400026 
       1.37     0.6266       68.3        1.6                      2030400400027 
       1.37     0.7547       64.7        1.6                      2030400400028 
       1.37     0.8590       60.4        1.6                      2030400400029 
       1.71    -0.8721       40.4        1.1                      2030400400030 
       1.71    -0.6574       37.8        1.1                      2030400400031 
       1.71    -0.5195       42.3        1.1                      2030400400032 
       1.71    -0.3649       43.9        1.1                      2030400400033 
       1.71    -0.1977       44.8        1.1                      2030400400034 
       1.71    -0.0244       44.7        1.1                      2030400400035 
       1.71     0.1495       47.0        1.1                      2030400400036 
       1.71     0.3206       47.1        1.2                      2030400400037 
       1.71     0.4818       47.8        1.2                      2030400400038 
       1.71     0.6280       48.4        1.2                      2030400400039 
       1.71     0.7547       52.1        1.2                      2030400400040 
       2.01    -0.7760       65.3        4.0                      2030400400041 
       2.01    -0.6561       67.6        4.0                      2030400400042 
       2.01    -0.5180       70.7        4.0                      2030400400043 
       2.01    -0.3633       71.9        4.0                      2030400400044 
       2.01    -0.1977       72.0        4.0                      2030400400045 
       2.01    -0.0244       70.9        4.0                      2030400400046 
       2.01     0.1513       74.6        4.0                      2030400400047 
       2.01     0.3206       75.0        4.0                      2030400400048 
       2.01     0.4818       72.3        4.0                      2030400400049 
       2.01     0.6293       68.5        4.0                      2030400400050 
       2.01     0.7559       67.0        4.0                      2030400400051 
       2.01     0.8599       63.9        4.0                      2030400400052 
       2.65    -0.7749       73.9        3.0                      2030400400053 
       2.65    -0.6547       73.3        3.0                      2030400400054 
       2.65    -0.5165       74.0        3.0                      2030400400055 
       2.65    -0.3616       69.0        3.0                      2030400400056 
       2.65    -0.1942       68.8        3.0                      2030400400057 
       2.65    -0.0209       71.4        3.0                      2030400400058 
       2.65     0.1530       71.6        3.0                      2030400400059 
       2.65     0.3239       73.0        3.0                      2030400400060 
       2.65     0.4848       73.2        3.0                      2030400400061 
       2.65     0.6307       75.5        3.0                      2030400400062 
       2.65     0.7570       72.0        3.0                      2030400400063 
       2.65     0.8607       72.0        3.0                      2030400400064 
       3.26    -0.7738       46.2        1.9                      2030400400065 
       3.26    -0.6534       43.8        1.7                      2030400400066 
       3.26    -0.5120       44.3        1.4                      2030400400067 
       3.26    -0.3584       38.2        2.9                      2030400400068 
       3.26    -0.1908       42.5        1.5                      2030400400069 
       3.26    -0.0209       42.7        1.5                      2030400400070 
       3.26     0.1530       44.0        1.7                      2030400400071 
       3.26     0.3239       45.5        1.8                      2030400400072 
       3.26     0.4848       48.8        2.0                      2030400400073 
       3.26     0.6307       51.0        2.3                      2030400400074 
       3.26     0.7570       55.2        3.0                      2030400400075 
       3.26     0.8607       58.2        4.1                      2030400400076 
ENDDATA             59          0                                 2030400400077 
ENDSUBENT           76          0                                 2030400499999 
SUBENT        20304005   20170430                             22612030400500001 
BIB                  3          8                                 2030400500002 
REACTION   (26-FE-56(N,INL)26-FE-56,PAR,DA)                       2030400500003 
REL-REF    (O,20008001,Y.Tomita+,C,70HELSINKI,2,301,1970) - more  2030400500004 
                                       recent  measurements       2030400500005 
           (O,,Y.Tomita,J,NP/A,210,51,1973) 1.43 - 2.15 MeV-      2030400500006 
                                       recent  measurements       2030400500007 
HISTORY    (20170430A) SD: REL-REF was added. Meaningless zeros   2030400500008 
            were deleted from the values. EN-RSL moved            2030400500009 
           to COMMON (see Subent 001).                            2030400500010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 2030400500011 
COMMON               1          3                                 2030400500012 
E-LVL                                                             2030400500013 
MEV                                                               2030400500014 
 2.085                                                            2030400500015 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2030400500016 
DATA                 4         24                                 2030400500017 
EN         COS-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                         2030400500018 
MEV        NO-DIM     MB/SR      MB/SR                            2030400500019 
       2.65    -0.7782        6.5        0.8                      2030400500020 
       2.65    -0.6665        5.4        0.8                      2030400500021 
       2.65    -0.5284        4.2        0.7                      2030400500022 
       2.65    -0.3778        7.4        0.7                      2030400500023 
       2.65    -0.2130        8.1        0.7                      2030400500024 
       2.65    -0.0384        7.5        0.6                      2030400500025 
       2.65     0.1357        6.6        0.6                      2030400500026 
       2.65     0.3074        7.8        0.6                      2030400500027 
       2.65     0.4710        7.3        0.6                      2030400500028 
       2.65     0.6198        6.5        0.5                      2030400500029 
       2.65     0.7501        6.7        0.5                      2030400500030 
       2.65     0.8563        6.2        0.5                      2030400500031 
       3.26    -0.7738        9.5        0.3                      2030400500032 
       3.26    -0.6534       10.7        0.3                      2030400500033 
       3.26    -0.5135       10.6        0.3                      2030400500034 
       3.26    -0.3584       10.8        0.3                      2030400500035 
       3.26    -0.1908       10.7        0.3                      2030400500036 
       3.26    -0.0297       11.6        0.3                      2030400500037 
       3.26     0.1444       10.3        0.3                      2030400500038 
       3.26     0.3156       11.8        0.3                      2030400500039 
       3.26     0.4772       11.2        0.3                      2030400500040 
       3.26     0.6252       12.2        0.3                      2030400500041 
       3.26     0.7536       12.8        0.3                      2030400500042 
       3.26     0.8581       12.3        0.9                      2030400500043 
ENDDATA             26          0                                 2030400500044 
ENDSUBENT           43          0                                 2030400599999 
SUBENT        20304006   20170430                             22612030400600001 
BIB                  3          8                                 2030400600002 
REACTION   (26-FE-56(N,INL)26-FE-56,PAR,DA)                       2030400600003 
REL-REF    (O,20008001,Y.Tomita+,C,70HELSINKI,2,301,1970) - more  2030400600004 
                                       recent  measurements       2030400600005 
           (O,,Y.Tomita,J,NP/A,210,51,1973) 1.43 - 2.15 MeV-      2030400600006 
                                       recent  measurements       2030400600007 
HISTORY    (20170430A) SD: REL-REF was added. Meaningless zeros   2030400600008 
            were deleted from the values. EN-RSL moved            2030400600009 
           to COMMON (see Subent 001).                            2030400600010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 2030400600011 
COMMON               1          3                                 2030400600012 
E-LVL                                                             2030400600013 
MEV                                                               2030400600014 
 2.66                                                             2030400600015 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2030400600016 
DATA                 4         12                                 2030400600017 
EN         COS-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                         2030400600018 
MEV        NO-DIM     MB/SR      MB/SR                            2030400600019 
       3.26    -0.7738        8.9        0.7                      2030400600020 
       3.26    -0.6534       12.3        0.7                      2030400600021 
       3.26    -0.5135       14.3        0.7                      2030400600022 
       3.26    -0.3584       14.9        0.6                      2030400600023 
       3.26    -0.1908       13.2        0.6                      2030400600024 
       3.26    -0.0436       13.0        0.6                      2030400600025 
       3.26     0.1323       13.8        0.6                      2030400600026 
       3.26     0.3040       17.4        0.6                      2030400600027 
       3.26     0.4679       17.6        0.6                      2030400600028 
       3.26     0.6170       16.2        0.6                      2030400600029 
       3.26     0.7478       15.9        0.6                      2030400600030 
       3.26     0.8554       16.3        0.7                      2030400600031 
ENDDATA             14          0                                 2030400600032 
ENDSUBENT           31          0                                 2030400699999 
SUBENT        20304007   20170430                             22612030400700001 
BIB                  3         10                                 2030400700002 
REACTION   (26-FE-56(N,INL)26-FE-56,PAR,DA)    (fig.3)            2030400700003 
           .Excitation functions for the first level at           2030400700004 
           91 degr.(C.M.)                                         2030400700005 
REL-REF    (O,20008001,Y.Tomita+,C,70HELSINKI,2,301,1970) - more  2030400700006 
                                       recent  measurements       2030400700007 
           (O,,Y.Tomita,J,NP/A,210,51,1973) 1.43 - 2.15 MeV-      2030400700008 
                                       recent  measurements       2030400700009 
HISTORY    (20170430A) SD: REL-REF was added. Meaningless zeros   2030400700010 
            were deleted from the values. EN-RSL moved            2030400700011 
           to COMMON (see Subent 001).                            2030400700012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 2030400700013 
COMMON               2          3                                 2030400700014 
E-LVL      COS-CM                                                 2030400700015 
MEV        NO-DIM                                                 2030400700016 
 0.845         -0.0175                                            2030400700017 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2030400700018 
DATA                 3         16                                 2030400700019 
EN         DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    2030400700020 
MEV        MB/SR      MB/SR                                       2030400700021 
       1.37       60.6        1.4                                 2030400700022 
       1.61       68.4        0.9                                 2030400700023 
       1.82       48.4        0.6                                 2030400700024 
       2.01       77.5        0.8                                 2030400700025 
       2.24       72.7        1.2                                 2030400700026 
       2.45       66.5        1.1                                 2030400700027 
       2.65       62.6        0.8                                 2030400700028 
       2.86       52.5        1.0                                 2030400700029 
       3.07       45.0        1.0                                 2030400700030 
       3.26       39.0        1.1                                 2030400700031 
       3.47       37.3        1.4                                 2030400700032 
       3.68       37.4        1.0                                 2030400700033 
       3.88       30.9        0.7                                 2030400700034 
       4.08       26.8        0.7                                 2030400700035 
       4.28       23.1        1.4                                 2030400700036 
       4.49       21.1        1.0                                 2030400700037 
ENDDATA             18          0                                 2030400700038 
ENDSUBENT           37          0                                 2030400799999 
SUBENT        20304008   20170430                             22612030400800001 
BIB                  3         11                                 2030400800002 
REACTION   (26-FE-56(N,INL)26-FE-56,PAR,DA)                       2030400800003 
           .Excitation functions for the first level at 91 and for2030400800004 
            the second level at 92 degrees(C.M.) given in         2030400800005 
            this Entry.                                           2030400800006 
REL-REF    (O,20008001,Y.Tomita+,C,70HELSINKI,2,301,1970) - more  2030400800007 
                                       recent  measurements       2030400800008 
           (O,,Y.Tomita,J,NP/A,210,51,1973) 1.43 - 2.15 MeV-      2030400800009 
                                       recent  measurements       2030400800010 
HISTORY    (20170430A) SD: REL-REF was added. Meaningless zeros   2030400800011 
            were deleted from the values. EN-RSL moved            2030400800012 
            to COMMON (see Subent 001).                           2030400800013 
ENDBIB              11          0                                 2030400800014 
COMMON               2          3                                 2030400800015 
E-LVL      COS-CM                                                 2030400800016 
MEV        NO-DIM                                                 2030400800017 
 2.085      -0.0349                                               2030400800018 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2030400800019 
DATA                 3         10                                 2030400800020 
EN         DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    2030400800021 
MEV        MB/SR      MB/SR                                       2030400800022 
       2.65       13.3        0.8                                 2030400800023 
       2.86       12.2        0.5                                 2030400800024 
       3.07       14.0        0.4                                 2030400800025 
       3.26       11.4        0.3                                 2030400800026 
       3.47       11.6        0.3                                 2030400800027 
       3.68       12.2        0.3                                 2030400800028 
       3.88        8.4        0.3                                 2030400800029 
       4.08       10.5        0.4                                 2030400800030 
       4.28       11.7        0.7                                 2030400800031 
       4.49       10.1        0.4                                 2030400800032 
ENDDATA             12          0                                 2030400800033 
ENDSUBENT           32          0                                 2030400899999 
SUBENT        20304009   20170430                             22612030400900001 
BIB                  2          4                                 2030400900002 
REACTION   (28-NI-0(N,EL)28-NI-0,,DA)                             2030400900003 
HISTORY    (20170430A) SD: SF4=Ni-0 was added to REACTION code.   2030400900004 
           Meaningless zeros were deleted from the values.        2030400900005 
           EN-RSL moved to COMMON (see Subent 001).               2030400900006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 2030400900007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2030400900008 
DATA                 4         36                                 2030400900009 
EN         COS-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                         2030400900010 
MEV        NO-DIM     MB/SR      MB/SR                            2030400900011 
       2.01    -0.7727      167.6        1.1                      2030400900012 
       2.01    -0.6534      145.5       0.91                      2030400900013 
       2.01    -0.5120     136.30       0.81                      2030400900014 
       2.01    -0.3567     120.00       0.73                      2030400900015 
       2.01    -0.1908      100.9        0.7                      2030400900016 
       2.01    -0.0175      77.40       0.65                      2030400900017 
       2.01     0.1564      68.20       0.67                      2030400900018 
       2.01     0.3272      80.50       0.74                      2030400900019 
       2.01     0.4863      126.8        1.0                      2030400900020 
       2.01     0.6320      233.5        1.5                      2030400900021 
       2.01     0.7593      376.3        2.3                      2030400900022 
       2.01     0.8616      565.0        3.2                      2030400900023 
       2.65    -0.7727      108.2        1.2                      2030400900024 
       2.65    -0.6534      110.6        1.2                      2030400900025 
       2.65    -0.5135      120.2        1.2                      2030400900026 
       2.65    -0.3567      108.6        1.1                      2030400900027 
       2.65    -0.1908       97.5        0.9                      2030400900028 
       2.65    -0.0157       74.6        0.8                      2030400900029 
       2.65     0.1582       51.6        0.6                      2030400900030 
       2.65     0.3272       55.8        0.7                      2030400900031 
       2.65     0.4879       94.0        0.9                      2030400900032 
       2.65     0.6334      208.3        1.5                      2030400900033 
       2.65     0.7593      401.7        2.7                      2030400900034 
       2.65     0.8625      655.1        4.2                      2030400900035 
       3.26    -0.7727       63.7        0.7                      2030400900036 
       3.26    -0.6534       72.4        0.7                      2030400900037 
       3.26    -0.5135       87.2        0.8                      2030400900038 
       3.26    -0.3567       96.0        0.7                      2030400900039 
       3.26    -0.1908       90.4        0.7                      2030400900040 
       3.26    -0.0175       63.7        0.6                      2030400900041 
       3.26     0.1564       46.0        0.5                      2030400900042 
       3.26     0.3256       32.1        2.9                      2030400900043 
       3.26     0.4863       69.1        2.6                      2030400900044 
       3.26     0.6320      177.0        4.4                      2030400900045 
       3.26     0.7593      373.0       16.6                      2030400900046 
       3.26     0.8616      642.0       26.3                      2030400900047 
ENDDATA             38          0                                 2030400900048 
ENDSUBENT           47          0                                 2030400999999 
SUBENT        20304010   20170430                             22612030401000001 
BIB                  3          6                                 2030401000002 
REACTION   (28-NI-0(N,INL)28-NI-0,PAR,DA)                         2030401000003 
COMMENT    .Inelastic scattering for the first levels of Ni-60 and2030401000004 
            Ni-64 defined by a Q-value of about -1.3 MeV given.   2030401000005 
HISTORY    (20170430A) SD: Meaningless zeros were deleted from    2030401000006 
           the values. EN-RSL moved to COMMON (see Subent 001).   2030401000007 
           REACTON code corrected.                                2030401000008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 2030401000009 
COMMON               1          3                                 2030401000010 
Q-VAL                                                             2030401000011 
MEV                                                               2030401000012 
-1.30                                                             2030401000013 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2030401000014 
DATA                 4         24                                 2030401000015 
EN         COS-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                         2030401000016 
MEV        NO-DIM     MB/SR      MB/SR                            2030401000017 
       2.01    -0.7793       76.2        7.6                      2030401000018 
       2.01    -0.6626       76.2        7.1                      2030401000019 
       2.01    -0.5255       69.2        7.2                      2030401000020 
       2.01    -0.3714       73.5        7.3                      2030401000021 
       2.01    -0.2062       70.2        7.2                      2030401000022 
       2.01    -0.0332       66.8        6.8                      2030401000023 
       2.01     0.1409       73.0        7.3                      2030401000024 
       2.01     0.3123       78.5        7.5                      2030401000025 
       2.01     0.4741       78.1        7.6                      2030401000026 
       2.01     0.6225       81.2        7.3                      2030401000027 
       2.01     0.7524       72.2        7.7                      2030401000028 
       2.01     0.8572       72.2        7.4                      2030401000029 
       2.65    -0.7749       51.7        1.5                      2030401000030 
       2.65    -0.6547       51.4        1.9                      2030401000031 
       2.65    -0.5165       51.7        1.6                      2030401000032 
       2.65    -0.3616       44.0        2.1                      2030401000033 
       2.65    -0.1942       45.5        2.1                      2030401000034 
       2.65    -0.0209       45.1        1.6                      2030401000035 
       2.65     0.1529       43.8        1.2                      2030401000036 
       2.65     0.3239       45.6        1.1                      2030401000037 
       2.65     0.4848       42.5        1.0                      2030401000038 
       2.65     0.6307       42.4        0.9                      2030401000039 
       2.65     0.7570       40.7        1.3                      2030401000040 
       2.65     0.8607       45.1        1.4                      2030401000041 
ENDDATA             26          0                                 2030401000042 
ENDSUBENT           41          0                                 2030401099999 
SUBENT        20304011   20170430                             22612030401100001 
BIB                  3          8                                 2030401100002 
REACTION   (28-NI-0(N,INL)28-NI-0,PAR,DA)                         2030401100003 
              Even isotopes.                                      2030401100004 
COMMENT    .Inelastic scattering for the first levels of even Ni- 2030401100005 
            isotopes with Q-values ranging from about -1.1 to     2030401100006 
            -1.4 MeV given.                                       2030401100007 
HISTORY    (20170430A) SD: Meaningless zeros were deleted from    2030401100008 
           the values. EN-RSL moved to COMMON (see Subent 001).   2030401100009 
           SF4=Ni-0 was added to REACTION code.                   2030401100010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 2030401100011 
COMMON               3          3                                 2030401100012 
EN         Q-VAL-MAX  Q-VAL-MIN                                   2030401100013 
MEV        MEV        MEV                                         2030401100014 
 3.260       -1.10     -1.40                                      2030401100015 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2030401100016 
DATA                 3         12                                 2030401100017 
COS-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    2030401100018 
NO-DIM     MB/SR      MB/SR                                       2030401100019 
    -0.7727       38.4        2.0                                 2030401100020 
    -0.6534       38.5        2.0                                 2030401100021 
    -0.5135       38.9        2.0                                 2030401100022 
    -0.3584       38.7        2.0                                 2030401100023 
    -0.1908       39.4        2.0                                 2030401100024 
    -0.0227       39.8        2.0                                 2030401100025 
     0.1513       40.4        2.0                                 2030401100026 
     0.3223       36.1        2.0                                 2030401100027 
     0.4816       37.7        1.7                                 2030401100028 
     0.6280       37.2        2.6                                 2030401100029 
     0.7559       41.2        2.3                                 2030401100030 
     0.8599       44.4        2.5                                 2030401100031 
ENDDATA             14          0                                 2030401100032 
ENDSUBENT           31          0                                 2030401199999 
SUBENT        20304012   20170430                             22612030401200001 
BIB                  3          8                                 2030401200002 
REACTION   (28-NI-0(N,INL)28-NI-0,PAR,DA)                         2030401200003 
              Even isotopes.                                      2030401200004 
COMMENT    .Excitation functions at 91 degrees(C.M.) For the first2030401200005 
            level of even Ni-isotopes with Q-values ranging from  2030401200006 
            about -1.1 to -1.4 MeV given.                         2030401200007 
HISTORY    (20170430A) SD: Meaningless zeros were deleted from    2030401200008 
           the values. EN-RSL moved to COMMON (see Subent 001).   2030401200009 
           SF4=Ni-0 was added to REACTION code.                   2030401200010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 2030401200011 
COMMON               3          3                                 2030401200012 
Q-VAL-MAX  Q-VAL-MIN  COS-CM                                      2030401200013 
MEV        MEV        NO-DIM                                      2030401200014 
 -1.10        -1.40     -0.01750                                  2030401200015 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2030401200016 
DATA                 3          7                                 2030401200017 
EN         DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    2030401200018 
MEV        MB/SR      MB/SR                                       2030401200019 
       3.26       35.8        0.8                                 2030401200020 
       3.47       27.6        0.6                                 2030401200021 
       3.68       25.7        0.4                                 2030401200022 
       3.88       23.0        0.7                                 2030401200023 
       4.08       21.6        0.4                                 2030401200024 
       4.28       20.5        0.5                                 2030401200025 
       4.49       19.1        0.5                                 2030401200026 
ENDDATA              9          0                                 2030401200027 
ENDSUBENT           26          0                                 2030401299999 
SUBENT        20304013   20170430                             22612030401300001 
BIB                  2          3                                 2030401300002 
REACTION   (28-NI-58(N,INL)28-NI-58,PAR,DA)                       2030401300003 
HISTORY    (20170430A) SD: Meaningless zeros were deleted from    2030401300004 
           the values. EN-RSL moved to COMMON (see Subent 001).   2030401300005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 2030401300006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2030401300007 
DATA                 5         36                                 2030401300008 
EN         E-LVL      COS-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR              2030401300009 
MEV        MEV        NO-DIM     MB/SR      MB/SR                 2030401300010 
       2.01      1.452    -0.7793      66.90       6.70           2030401300011 
       2.01      1.452    -0.6626      66.30       6.70           2030401300012 
       2.01      1.452    -0.5255      64.50       6.60           2030401300013 
       2.01      1.452    -0.3714      63.50       6.40           2030401300014 
       2.01      1.452    -0.2062      62.50       6.40           2030401300015 
       2.01      1.452    -0.0332      53.50       6.40           2030401300016 
       2.01      1.452     0.1409      62.60       6.50           2030401300017 
       2.01      1.452     0.3123      65.10       6.50           2030401300018 
       2.01      1.452     0.4741      62.00       6.40           2030401300019 
       2.01      1.452     0.6225      65.60       6.30           2030401300020 
       2.01      1.452     0.7524      56.40       6.30           2030401300021 
       2.01      1.452     0.8572      54.60       6.60           2030401300022 
       2.65      1.452    -0.7749      50.60       1.00           2030401300023 
       2.65      1.452    -0.6547      48.00       1.00           2030401300024 
       2.65      1.452    -0.5165      48.10       0.90           2030401300025 
       2.65      1.452    -0.3616      48.30       0.90           2030401300026 
       2.65      1.452    -0.1942      49.60       1.30           2030401300027 
       2.65      1.452    -0.0209      51.30       1.10           2030401300028 
       2.65      1.452     0.1530      49.50       1.00           2030401300029 
       2.65      1.452     0.3239      52.00       1.40           2030401300030 
       2.65      1.452     0.4848      51.40       1.20           2030401300031 
       2.65      1.452     0.6307      53.40       1.50           2030401300032 
       2.65      1.452     0.7570      51.60       1.40           2030401300033 
       2.65      1.452     0.8607      55.30       1.90           2030401300034 
       3.26      2.458    -0.8771       9.48       0.80           2030401300035 
       3.26      2.458    -0.6600       8.51       0.84           2030401300036 
       3.26      2.458    -0.5299       7.09       0.51           2030401300037 
       3.26      2.458    -0.3697       9.83       0.70           2030401300038 
       3.26      2.458    -0.2096       7.62       0.68           2030401300039 
       3.26      2.458    -0.0366       6.48       0.62           2030401300040 
       3.26      2.458     0.1392       7.30       0.60           2030401300041 
       3.26      2.458     0.3107       6.76       0.59           2030401300042 
       3.26      2.458     0.4726       8.20       0.51           2030401300043 
       3.26      2.458     0.6211       7.27       0.57           2030401300044 
       3.26      2.458     0.7513       7.35       0.57           2030401300045 
       3.26      2.458     0.8572       7.25       0.72           2030401300046 
ENDDATA             38          0                                 2030401300047 
ENDSUBENT           46          0                                 2030401399999 
SUBENT        20304014   20170430                             22612030401400001 
BIB                  3          5                                 2030401400002 
REACTION   (28-NI-58(N,INL)28-NI-58,PAR,DA)                       2030401400003 
COMMENT    .Excitation functions for the first level at 91 and for2030401400004 
            the second level at 92 degrees(C.M.) given.           2030401400005 
HISTORY    (20170430A) SD: Meaningless zeros were deleted from    2030401400006 
           the values. EN-RSL moved to COMMON (see Subent 001).   2030401400007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 2030401400008 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2030401400009 
DATA                 5         14                                 2030401400010 
EN         E-LVL      COS-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR              2030401400011 
MEV        MEV        NO-DIM     MB/SR      MB/SR                 2030401400012 
       2.01      1.452    -0.0175       71.4        1.8           2030401400013 
       2.24      1.452    -0.0175       71.9        1.2           2030401400014 
       2.45      1.452    -0.0175       53.8        1.4           2030401400015 
       2.65      1.452    -0.0175       48.4        0.9           2030401400016 
       2.86      1.452    -0.0175       52.7        1.4           2030401400017 
       3.07      1.452    -0.0175       35.1        0.7           2030401400018 
       3.26      1.452    -0.0175       30.2        0.8           2030401400019 
       3.26      2.458    -0.0349        7.1        0.5           2030401400020 
       3.47      2.458    -0.0349        6.4        0.3           2030401400021 
       3.68      2.458    -0.0349        5.0        0.3           2030401400022 
       3.88      2.458    -0.0349        4.5        0.5           2030401400023 
       4.08      2.458    -0.0349        5.6        0.5           2030401400024 
       4.28      2.458    -0.0349        7.9        0.5           2030401400025 
       4.49      2.458    -0.0349        8.5        0.5           2030401400026 
ENDDATA             16          0                                 2030401400027 
ENDSUBENT           26          0                                 2030401499999 
SUBENT        20304015   20170430                             22612030401500001 
BIB                  2          3                                 2030401500002 
REACTION   (28-NI-60(N,INL)28-NI-60,PAR,DA)                       2030401500003 
HISTORY    (20170430A) SD: Meaningless zeros were deleted from    2030401500004 
           the values. EN-RSL moved to COMMON (see Subent 001).   2030401500005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 2030401500006 
COMMON               1          3                                 2030401500007 
EN                                                                2030401500008 
MEV                                                               2030401500009 
   3.260                                                          2030401500010 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2030401500011 
DATA                 4         36                                 2030401500012 
E-LVL      COS-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                         2030401500013 
MEV        NO-DIM     MB/SR      MB/SR                            2030401500014 
      2.159    -0.8771      26.95       1.50                      2030401500015 
      2.159    -0.6600      24.60       1.10                      2030401500016 
      2.159    -0.5195      25.00       1.20                      2030401500017 
      2.159    -0.3697      24.40       1.30                      2030401500018 
      2.159    -0.2096      24.80       1.20                      2030401500019 
      2.159    -0.0297      23.60       1.20                      2030401500020 
      2.159     0.1444      23.20       1.30                      2030401500021 
      2.159     0.3156      24.85       2.00                      2030401500022 
      2.159     0.4772      25.95       1.60                      2030401500023 
      2.159     0.6280      28.80       1.70                      2030401500024 
      2.159     0.7536      30.00       2.30                      2030401500025 
      2.159     0.8590      32.20       3.00                      2030401500026 
      2.286    -0.8771      15.90       1.30                      2030401500027 
      2.286    -0.6600      14.60       1.30                      2030401500028 
      2.286    -0.5195      13.20       1.30                      2030401500029 
      2.286    -0.3697      15.50       1.30                      2030401500030 
      2.286    -0.2096      15.10       1.20                      2030401500031 
      2.286    -0.0297      15.30       1.10                      2030401500032 
      2.286     0.1444      12.60       1.30                      2030401500033 
      2.286     0.3156      16.90       1.60                      2030401500034 
      2.286     0.4772      14.30       1.50                      2030401500035 
      2.286     0.6280      16.60       1.40                      2030401500036 
      2.286     0.7536      19.00       1.60                      2030401500037 
      2.286     0.8590      22.10       2.10                      2030401500038 
      2.505    -0.8771      13.80       2.50                      2030401500039 
      2.505    -0.6600      10.30       2.80                      2030401500040 
      2.505    -0.5299      15.70       2.60                      2030401500041 
      2.505    -0.3697      10.20       2.50                      2030401500042 
      2.505    -0.2096      13.60       2.40                      2030401500043 
      2.505    -0.0366      16.50       2.30                      2030401500044 
      2.505     0.1392      11.10       2.10                      2030401500045 
      2.505     0.3107      20.60       2.10                      2030401500046 
      2.505     0.4726      12.10       1.70                      2030401500047 
      2.505     0.6211      12.70       1.80                      2030401500048 
      2.505     0.7513      13.60       1.80                      2030401500049 
      2.505     0.8572      12.70       2.00                      2030401500050 
ENDDATA             38          0                                 2030401500051 
ENDSUBENT           50          0                                 2030401599999 
SUBENT        20304016   20170430                             22612030401600001 
BIB                  3          5                                 2030401600002 
REACTION   (28-NI-60(N,INL)28-NI-60,PAR,DA)                       2030401600003 
COMMENT    .Excitation-functions for the first second and third   2030401600004 
            level at 90 degrees(lab) given in this Entry.         2030401600005 
HISTORY    (20170430A) SD: Meaningless zeros were deleted from    2030401600006 
           the values. EN-RSL moved to COMMON (see Subent 001).   2030401600007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 2030401600008 
COMMON               2          3                                 2030401600009 
E-LVL      COS                                                    2030401600010 
MEV        NO-DIM                                                 2030401600011 
 1.332       0.0                                                  2030401600012 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2030401600013 
DATA                 3          8                                 2030401600014 
EN         DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    2030401600015 
MEV        MB/SR      MB/SR                                       2030401600016 
       2.01       78.7        2.8                                 2030401600017 
       2.24       59.2        1.1                                 2030401600018 
       2.45       47.8        2.5                                 2030401600019 
       2.65       47.2        1.4                                 2030401600020 
       2.86       40.3        1.3                                 2030401600021 
       3.07       34.6        1.1                                 2030401600022 
       3.26       33.4        1.9                                 2030401600023 
       3.47       28.5        1.2                                 2030401600024 
ENDDATA             10          0                                 2030401600025 
ENDSUBENT           24          0                                 2030401699999 
SUBENT        20304017   20170430                             22612030401700001 
BIB                  3          5                                 2030401700002 
REACTION   (28-NI-60(N,INL)28-NI-60,PAR,DA)                       2030401700003 
COMMENT    .Excitation-functions for the first second and third   2030401700004 
            level at 90 degrees(lab) given in this Entry.         2030401700005 
HISTORY    (20170430A) SD: Meaningless zeros were deleted from    2030401700006 
           the values. EN-RSL moved to COMMON (see Subent 001).   2030401700007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 2030401700008 
COMMON               2          3                                 2030401700009 
E-LVL      COS                                                    2030401700010 
MEV        NO-DIM                                                 2030401700011 
 2.159       0.0                                                  2030401700012 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2030401700013 
DATA                 3          9                                 2030401700014 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                                    2030401700015 
MEV        MB/SR      MB/SR                                       2030401700016 
       2.86       38.9        1.8                                 2030401700017 
       3.07       26.2        1.1                                 2030401700018 
       3.26       20.6        1.3                                 2030401700019 
       3.47       19.7        1.1                                 2030401700020 
       3.68       21.2        1.5                                 2030401700021 
       3.88       13.5        1.0                                 2030401700022 
       4.08       13.3        0.9                                 2030401700023 
       4.28       14.0        0.9                                 2030401700024 
       4.49        9.9        1.4                                 2030401700025 
ENDDATA             11          0                                 2030401700026 
ENDSUBENT           25          0                                 2030401799999 
SUBENT        20304018   20170430                             22612030401800001 
BIB                  3          5                                 2030401800002 
REACTION   (28-NI-60(N,INL)28-NI-60,PAR,DA)                       2030401800003 
COMMENT    .Excitation-functions for the first second and third   2030401800004 
            level at 90 degrees(lab) given in this entry.         2030401800005 
HISTORY    (20170430A) SD: Meaningless zeros were deleted from    2030401800006 
           the values. EN-RSL moved to COMMON (see Subent 001).   2030401800007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 2030401800008 
COMMON               2          3                                 2030401800009 
E-LVL      COS                                                    2030401800010 
MEV        NO-DIM                                                 2030401800011 
 2.286       0.0                                                  2030401800012 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2030401800013 
DATA                 3          9                                 2030401800014 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                                    2030401800015 
MEV        MB/SR      MB/SR                                       2030401800016 
       2.86       19.2        3.0                                 2030401800017 
       3.07       16.8        1.6                                 2030401800018 
       3.26       13.9        1.2                                 2030401800019 
       3.47       11.3        1.0                                 2030401800020 
       3.68       10.1        0.9                                 2030401800021 
       3.88        8.6        1.2                                 2030401800022 
       4.08        6.6        0.9                                 2030401800023 
       4.28        7.2        0.9                                 2030401800024 
       4.49        6.4        0.8                                 2030401800025 
ENDDATA             11          0                                 2030401800026 
ENDSUBENT           25          0                                 2030401899999 
SUBENT        20304019   20170430                             22612030401900001 
BIB                  2          3                                 2030401900002 
REACTION   (28-NI-62(N,INL)28-NI-62,PAR,DA)                       2030401900003 
HISTORY    (20170430A) SD: Meaningless zeros were deleted from    2030401900004 
           the values. EN-RSL moved to COMMON (see Subent 001).   2030401900005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 2030401900006 
COMMON               1          3                                 2030401900007 
E-LVL                                                             2030401900008 
MEV                                                               2030401900009 
 1.172                                                            2030401900010 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2030401900011 
DATA                 4         18                                 2030401900012 
EN         COS-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                         2030401900013 
MEV        NO-DIM     MB/SR      MB/SR                            2030401900014 
       2.01    -0.7793       91.4       10.3                      2030401900015 
       2.01    -0.6626       72.0       10.9                      2030401900016 
       2.01    -0.5255       80.1       10.3                      2030401900017 
       2.01    -0.3714       82.7        9.9                      2030401900018 
       2.01    -0.2062       71.2        9.8                      2030401900019 
       2.01    -0.0332       71.4        9.6                      2030401900020 
       2.01     0.1409       74.3        9.7                      2030401900021 
       2.01     0.3123       89.2        9.8                      2030401900022 
       2.01     0.4741       82.4        9.7                      2030401900023 
       2.65    -0.7749      112.0        7.3                      2030401900024 
       2.65    -0.6547      125.3       12.7                      2030401900025 
       2.65    -0.5165      114.7        7.8                      2030401900026 
       2.65    -0.3616       85.9       10.7                      2030401900027 
       2.65    -0.1942       86.2        8.4                      2030401900028 
       2.65    -0.0209       82.3        8.4                      2030401900029 
       2.65     0.1529       78.1        4.4                      2030401900030 
       2.65     0.3239       91.6        6.6                      2030401900031 
       2.65     0.4848       88.9        7.4                      2030401900032 
ENDDATA             20          0                                 2030401900033 
ENDSUBENT           32          0                                 2030401999999 
SUBENT        20304020   20170430                             22612030402000001 
BIB                  2          4                                 2030402000002 
REACTION   (74-W-0(N,EL)74-W-0,,DA)                               2030402000003 
HISTORY    (20170430A) SD: Meaningless zeros were deleted from    2030402000004 
           the values. EN-RSL moved to COMMON (see Subent 001).   2030402000005 
           SF4=W-0 was added to REACTION code.                    2030402000006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 2030402000007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2030402000008 
DATA                 4         24                                 2030402000009 
EN         COS-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                         2030402000010 
MEV        NO-DIM     MB/SR      MB/SR                            2030402000011 
       1.37    -0.7694      105.3        2.2                      2030402000012 
       1.37    -0.6468      117.3        2.4                      2030402000013 
       1.37    -0.5045      147.8        2.2                      2030402000014 
       1.37    -0.3469      156.2        2.7                      2030402000015 
       1.37    -0.1788      130.9        2.7                      2030402000016 
       1.37    -0.0052       82.6        2.2                      2030402000017 
       1.37     0.1685       60.6        2.2                      2030402000018 
       1.37     0.3371       84.9        2.9                      2030402000019 
       1.37     0.4955      204.2        4.5                      2030402000020 
       1.37     0.6401      477.0       25.0                      2030402000021 
       1.37     0.7638      928.0       50.0                      2030402000022 
       1.37     0.8643     1480.0      120.0                      2030402000023 
       2.01    -0.7683       34.2        1.1                      2030402000024 
       2.01    -0.6468       50.4        1.3                      2030402000025 
       2.01    -0.5045       79.2        2.0                      2030402000026 
       2.01    -0.3469       98.1        1.9                      2030402000027 
       2.01    -0.1788      110.7        2.4                      2030402000028 
       2.01    -0.0052       86.6        1.7                      2030402000029 
       2.01     0.1685       48.5        1.4                      2030402000030 
       2.01     0.3371       35.1        1.4                      2030402000031 
       2.01     0.4955       91.6        0.9                      2030402000032 
       2.01     0.6388      339.0       15.0                      2030402000033 
       2.01     0.7638      916.0       80.0                      2030402000034 
       2.01     0.8643     1789.0      180.0                      2030402000035 
ENDDATA             26          0                                 2030402000036 
ENDSUBENT           35          0                                 2030402099999 
SUBENT        20304021   20170430                             22612030402100001 
BIB                  3          8                                 2030402100002 
REACTION   (74-W-0(N,INL)74-W-0,PAR,DA)                           2030402100003 
               Even isotopes.                                     2030402100004 
COMMENT    .Inelastic scattering for the first or second level of 2030402100005 
            even tungsten isotopes defined by a Q-value of about  2030402100006 
            -0.1 or -0.35 MeV given in this entry.                2030402100007 
HISTORY    (20170430A) SD: Meaningless zeros were deleted from    2030402100008 
           the values. EN-RSL moved to COMMON (see Subent 001).   2030402100009 
           SF4=W-0 was added to REACTION code.                    2030402100010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 2030402100011 
COMMON               1          3                                 2030402100012 
Q-VAL                                                             2030402100013 
MEV                                                               2030402100014 
  -0.350                                                          2030402100015 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2030402100016 
DATA                 4         20                                 2030402100017 
EN         COS-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                         2030402100018 
MEV        NO-DIM     MB/SR      MB/SR                            2030402100019 
       1.37    -0.7694       31.3        3.0                      2030402100020 
       1.37    -0.6468       33.6        2.7                      2030402100021 
       1.37    -0.5045       36.8        2.7                      2030402100022 
       1.37    -0.3469       36.8        2.8                      2030402100023 
       1.37    -0.1788       37.1        2.5                      2030402100024 
       1.37    -0.0052       35.9        2.7                      2030402100025 
       1.37     0.1685       35.7        2.8                      2030402100026 
       1.37     0.3371       32.7        3.2                      2030402100027 
       1.37     0.4955       34.0        3.4                      2030402100028 
       1.37     0.6401       34.8        4.9                      2030402100029 
       2.01    -0.7683       12.9        0.6                      2030402100030 
       2.01    -0.6468       12.9        0.6                      2030402100031 
       2.01    -0.5045       14.2        0.5                      2030402100032 
       2.01    -0.3469       15.0        0.6                      2030402100033 
       2.01    -0.1788       15.3        0.7                      2030402100034 
       2.01    -0.0052       15.3        0.5                      2030402100035 
       2.01     0.1685       15.6        0.6                      2030402100036 
       2.01     0.3371       16.1        0.7                      2030402100037 
       2.01     0.4955       15.1        0.7                      2030402100038 
       2.01     0.6388       12.4        1.4                      2030402100039 
ENDDATA             22          0                                 2030402100040 
ENDSUBENT           39          0                                 2030402199999 
SUBENT        20304022   20170430                             22612030402200001 
BIB                  3          8                                 2030402200002 
REACTION   (74-W-0(N,INL)74-W-0,PAR,DA)                           2030402200003 
               Even isotopes.                                     2030402200004 
COMMENT    .Inelastic scattering for the first or second level of 2030402200005 
            even tungsten isotopes defined by a Q-value of about  2030402200006 
            -0.1 or -0.35 MeV given in this entry.                2030402200007 
HISTORY    (20170430A) SD: Meaningless zeros were deleted from    2030402200008 
           the values. EN-RSL moved to COMMON (see Subent 001).   2030402200009 
           SF4=W-0 was added to REACTION code.                    2030402200010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 2030402200011 
COMMON               1          3                                 2030402200012 
Q-VAL                                                             2030402200013 
MEV                                                               2030402200014 
   -0.10                                                          2030402200015 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2030402200016 
DATA                 4         19                                 2030402200017 
EN         COS-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                         2030402200018 
MEV        NO-DIM     MB/SR      MB/SR                            2030402200019 
       1.37    -0.7694       85.6        2.9                      2030402200020 
       1.37    -0.6468       91.2        2.9                      2030402200021 
       1.37    -0.5045      104.0        2.7                      2030402200022 
       1.37    -0.3469      107.0        3.4                      2030402200023 
       1.37    -0.1788      110.1        3.3                      2030402200024 
       1.37    -0.0052      105.9        2.8                      2030402200025 
       1.37     0.1685      110.0        2.8                      2030402200026 
       1.37     0.3371      105.6        3.7                      2030402200027 
       1.37     0.4955       91.9        5.3                      2030402200028 
       1.37     0.6401       67.1       11.0                      2030402200029 
       2.01    -0.7683       51.1        1.2                      2030402200030 
       2.01    -0.6468       57.2        1.6                      2030402200031 
       2.01    -0.5045       55.4        2.1                      2030402200032 
       2.01    -0.3469       54.7        2.2                      2030402200033 
       2.01    -0.1788       50.4        2.9                      2030402200034 
       2.01    -0.0052       55.9        1.4                      2030402200035 
       2.01     0.1685       58.0        1.7                      2030402200036 
       2.01     0.3371       61.9        1.7                      2030402200037 
       2.01     0.4955       58.6        1.0                      2030402200038 
ENDDATA             21          0                                 2030402200039 
ENDSUBENT           38          0                                 2030402299999 
SUBENT        20304023   20170430                             22612030402300001 
BIB                  3          9                                 2030402300002 
REACTION   (74-W-0(N,INL)74-W-0,PAR,DA)                           2030402300003 
               Even isotopes.                                     2030402300004 
COMMENT    .Excitation functions at 90 degrees(C.M.) for the first2030402300005 
            or second level of the even tungsten isotopes defined 2030402300006 
            by a Q-value of about -0.1 or -0.35 MeV given in      2030402300007 
            this Entry.                                           2030402300008 
HISTORY    (20170430A) SD: Meaningless zeros were deleted from    2030402300009 
           the values. EN-RSL moved to COMMON (see Subent 001).   2030402300010 
           SF4=W-0 was added to REACTION code.                    2030402300011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 2030402300012 
COMMON               2          3                                 2030402300013 
Q-VAL      COS-CM                                                 2030402300014 
MEV        NO-DIM                                                 2030402300015 
  -0.350      0.0                                                 2030402300016 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2030402300017 
DATA                 3          9                                 2030402300018 
EN         DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    2030402300019 
MEV        MB/SR      MB/SR                                       2030402300020 
      0.925       54.4        6.7                                 2030402300021 
       1.04       51.4        8.5                                 2030402300022 
       1.18       37.4        1.7                                 2030402300023 
       1.26       38.4        2.0                                 2030402300024 
       1.37       34.8        2.0                                 2030402300025 
       1.61       22.1        1.1                                 2030402300026 
       1.82       20.5        1.5                                 2030402300027 
       2.03       16.2        0.8                                 2030402300028 
       2.24       12.2        0.5                                 2030402300029 
ENDDATA             11          0                                 2030402300030 
ENDSUBENT           29          0                                 2030402399999 
SUBENT        20304024   20170430                             22612030402400001 
BIB                  3          9                                 2030402400002 
REACTION   (74-W-0(N,INL)74-W-0,PAR,DA)                           2030402400003 
               Even isotopes.                                     2030402400004 
COMMENT    .Excitation functions at 90 degrees(C.M.) For the first2030402400005 
            or second level of the even tungsten isotopes defined 2030402400006 
            by a Q-value of about -0.1 or -0.35 MeV given in      2030402400007 
            this Entry.                                           2030402400008 
HISTORY    (20170430A) SD: Meaningless zeros were deleted from    2030402400009 
           the values. EN-RSL moved to COMMON (see Subent 001).   2030402400010 
           SF4=W-0 was added to REACTION code.                    2030402400011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 2030402400012 
COMMON               2          3                                 2030402400013 
Q-VAL      COS-CM                                                 2030402400014 
MEV        NO-DIM                                                 2030402400015 
   -0.10       0.0                                                2030402400016 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2030402400017 
DATA                 3         10                                 2030402400018 
EN         DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    2030402400019 
MEV        MB/SR      MB/SR                                       2030402400020 
      0.694      136.0        3.1                                 2030402400021 
      0.812      161.0        3.4                                 2030402400022 
      0.925      126.2        2.7                                 2030402400023 
      1.040      137.1        2.7                                 2030402400024 
      1.180       97.5        1.8                                 2030402400025 
      1.260      107.8        1.8                                 2030402400026 
      1.610       57.6        1.1                                 2030402400027 
      1.820       60.4        1.7                                 2030402400028 
      2.030       53.1        1.1                                 2030402400029 
      2.240       44.6        0.7                                 2030402400030 
ENDDATA             12          0                                 2030402400031 
ENDSUBENT           30          0                                 2030402499999 
ENDENTRY            24          0                                 2030499999999