ENTRY 20346 20230130 23132034600000001 SUBENT 20346001 20230130 23132034600100001 BIB 15 45 2034600100002 TITLE Neutron elastic scattering measurements at 7.0 MeV 2034600100003 AUTHOR (M.A.Etemad) 2034600100004 INSTITUTE (2SWDAE ) 2034600100005 REFERENCE (R,AE-482,1973) As,Nb,Cd,Sb,Hf,Au,Pb at 7 MeV. 2034600100006 REL-REF (O,20019001,B.Holmqvist+,R,AE-366,1969) -final report; 2034600100007 1.5 - 8.1 MeV.Al,S,Ca,V,Cr,Mn,Fe,Co,Ni,Cu,Zn,in,Ta,Bi.2034600100008 (O,20020001,B.Holmqvist+,R,AE-385,1970) - Cr,Fe,Ni 2034600100009 below about 3 MeV. 2034600100010 (O,20162001,B.Holmqvist+,R,AE-430,1971) - As,Nb,Mo, 2034600100011 Cd,Sb,Hf,Au,Pb,pbr at 8 MeV 2034600100012 (M,,B.Holmqvist+,J,AF,34,481,1967) - Monte Carlo progr.2034600100013 FACILITY (VDG,2SWDAE ) Studsvik 6 MeV Van de Graaff, pulsed, 2034600100014 (2ns at a repetition rate of 1 MHz), Klystron bunching2034600100015 INC-SOURCE (D-D) D(d,n) reaction. Ni foil 2.5 mg/cm2. 2034600100016 INC-SPECT Total energy spread was about +- 90 keV. 2034600100017 METHOD (TOF) Time of flight path = 2034600100018 distance between sample and detector = 350 cm. 2034600100019 Distance between target and sample = 11.5 cm. 2034600100020 DETECTOR (SCIN) Scintillator NE213, 12.5 cm diam. and 5 cm 2034600100021 length with photomultiplier RCA8850. 2034600100022 3 ns time resolution. 2034600100023 (LONGC) Neutron flux was monitored with a long counter 2034600100024 MONITOR (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG) 2034600100025 Polythene scatterer, 3.0 cm long, 0.95 cm 2034600100026 outer diameter and 0.65 cm inner diameter. 2034600100027 MONIT-REF (,A.Horsley,J,ND/A,2,243,1966) 2034600100028 CORRECTION Corrections for 2034600100029 - neutron multiple scattering in the sample, 2034600100030 - neutron attenuation and 2034600100031 - the geometrical effect caused by the size of the 2034600100032 sample and its distance from target and detector 2034600100033 where done by a Monte Carlo program (see REL-REF). 2034600100034 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T,,10.) Experimental cross section errors 2034600100035 are better than 10% 2034600100036 (ERR-S,2.,4.) Statistical error in general better than 2034600100037 2%, except in the minima of the angular distribution 2034600100038 where they were about 4%. 2034600100039 (ERR-1,3.,4.) The errors in the multiple scattering 2034600100040 corrections 2034600100041 (ERR-2,1.5,2.) The uncertainties in the correction 2034600100042 factors for neutron flux attenuation and geometrical 2034600100043 effects 2034600100044 HISTORY (19740318C) 2034600100045 (20230130A) SD:Updated to new date formats,lower case. 2034600100046 Corrections in all Subents. 2034600100047 ENDBIB 45 0 2034600100048 COMMON 2 3 2034600100049 EN EN-RSL 2034600100050 MEV MEV 2034600100051 7.0 0.09 2034600100052 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2034600100053 ENDSUBENT 52 0 2034600199999 SUBENT 20346002 20230130 23132034600200001 BIB 4 5 2034600200002 REACTION (33-AS-75(N,EL)33-AS-75,,SIG) 2034600200003 ANALYSIS (INTAD) 2034600200004 STATUS (TABLE) Table 12 of AE-482 2034600200005 (DEP,20346003) Diff.cr.sect. 2034600200006 HISTORY (20230130U) SD: BIB updated. 2034600200007 ENDBIB 5 0 2034600200008 NOCOMMON 0 0 2034600200009 DATA 1 1 2034600200010 DATA 2034600200011 B 2034600200012 2.40 2034600200013 ENDDATA 3 0 2034600200014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 2034600299999 SUBENT 20346003 20230130 23132034600300001 BIB 4 7 2034600300002 REACTION (33-AS-75(N,EL)33-AS-75,,DA) 2034600300003 SAMPLE Cylinder having length of 5.0 cm, 0.95 cm inner 2034600300004 diameter and 2.5 cm outer diameter(large sample). 2034600300005 Purity better than 99.5%. 2034600300006 STATUS (TABLE) Table 3 of AE-482,1973 2034600300007 HISTORY (20230130U) SD: BIB updated. DATA-ERR deleted (not 2034600300008 given in the table). 2034600300009 ENDBIB 7 0 2034600300010 NOCOMMON 0 0 2034600300011 DATA 2 20 2034600300012 COS-CM DATA-CM 2034600300013 NO-DIM MB/SR 2034600300014 -0.941 21. 2034600300015 -0.869 17. 2034600300016 -0.772 11. 2034600300017 -0.651 8. 2034600300018 -0.510 7. 2034600300019 -0.354 7. 2034600300020 -0.187 16. 2034600300021 -0.013 38. 2034600300022 0.246 66. 2034600300023 0.330 55. 2034600300024 0.412 45. 2034600300025 0.490 26. 2034600300026 0.565 14. 2034600300027 0.635 23. 2034600300028 0.700 94. 2034600300029 0.760 232. 2034600300030 0.815 535. 2034600300031 0.863 880. 2034600300032 0.904 1200. 2034600300033 0.938 2290. 2034600300034 ENDDATA 22 0 2034600300035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 2034600399999 SUBENT 20346004 20230130 23132034600400001 BIB 4 6 2034600400002 REACTION (33-AS-75(N,EL)33-AS-75,,DA,,LEG) 2034600400003 ANALYSIS Least squares fit to differential data. 2034600400004 STATUS (TABLE) Table 3 of AE-482 2034600400005 (DEP,20346003) Diff.cr.sect. 2034600400006 HISTORY (20230130U) SD: BIB updated. DATA-ERR deleted (not 2034600400007 given in the table). 2034600400008 ENDBIB 6 0 2034600400009 NOCOMMON 0 0 2034600400010 DATA 2 9 2034600400011 NUMBER DATA-CM 2034600400012 NO-DIM MB/SR 2034600400013 0. 191. 2034600400014 1. 470. 2034600400015 2. 633. 2034600400016 3. 682. 2034600400017 4. 660. 2034600400018 5. 511. 2034600400019 6. 307. 2034600400020 7. 143. 2034600400021 8. 60. 2034600400022 ENDDATA 11 0 2034600400023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 2034600499999 SUBENT 20346005 20230130 23132034600500001 BIB 4 5 2034600500002 REACTION (41-NB-93(N,EL)41-NB-93,,SIG) 2034600500003 ANALYSIS (INTAD) 2034600500004 STATUS (TABLE) Table 12 of AE-482 2034600500005 (DEP,20346006) Diff.cr.sect. 2034600500006 HISTORY (20230130U) SD: BIB updated. 2034600500007 ENDBIB 5 0 2034600500008 NOCOMMON 0 0 2034600500009 DATA 1 1 2034600500010 DATA 2034600500011 B 2034600500012 2.10 2034600500013 ENDDATA 3 0 2034600500014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 2034600599999 SUBENT 20346006 20230130 23132034600600001 BIB 4 7 2034600600002 REACTION (41-NB-93(N,EL)41-NB-93,,DA) 2034600600003 SAMPLE Cylinder 3.0 cm in length, 0.95 cm inner diameter and 2034600600004 1.8 cm outer diameter(small sample). 2034600600005 Purity better than 99.5%. 2034600600006 STATUS (TABLE) Table 4 of AE-482,1973 2034600600007 HISTORY (20230130U) SD: BIB updated. DATA-ERR deleted (not 2034600600008 given in the table). 2034600600009 ENDBIB 7 0 2034600600010 NOCOMMON 0 0 2034600600011 DATA 2 20 2034600600012 COS-CM DATA-CM 2034600600013 NO-DIM MB/SR 2034600600014 -0.941 17. 2034600600015 -0.869 14. 2034600600016 -0.770 25. 2034600600017 -0.649 34. 2034600600018 -0.508 28. 2034600600019 -0.351 14. 2034600600020 -0.184 6. 2034600600021 -0.011 28. 2034600600022 0.163 80. 2034600600023 0.332 118. 2034600600024 0.414 109. 2034600600025 0.492 94. 2034600600026 0.566 77. 2034600600027 0.636 42. 2034600600028 0.700 25. 2034600600029 0.762 78. 2034600600030 0.815 223. 2034600600031 0.863 592. 2034600600032 0.904 948. 2034600600033 0.938 1670. 2034600600034 ENDDATA 22 0 2034600600035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 2034600699999 SUBENT 20346007 20230130 23132034600700001 BIB 4 6 2034600700002 REACTION (41-NB-93(N,EL)41-NB-93,,DA,,LEG) 2034600700003 ANALYSIS Least squares fit to differential data. 2034600700004 STATUS (TABLE) Table 4 of AE-482 2034600700005 (DEP,20346006) Diff.cr.sect. 2034600700006 HISTORY (20230130U) SD: BIB updated. DATA-ERR deleted (not 2034600700007 given in the table). 2034600700008 ENDBIB 6 0 2034600700009 NOCOMMON 0 0 2034600700010 DATA 2 11 2034600700011 NUMBER DATA-CM 2034600700012 NO-DIM MB/SR 2034600700013 0. 168. 2034600700014 1. 375. 2034600700015 2. 500. 2034600700016 3. 552. 2034600700017 4. 588. 2034600700018 5. 566. 2034600700019 6. 431. 2034600700020 7. 225. 2034600700021 8. 125. 2034600700022 9. 52. 2034600700023 10. 23. 2034600700024 ENDDATA 13 0 2034600700025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 2034600799999 SUBENT 20346008 20230130 23132034600800001 BIB 4 5 2034600800002 REACTION (48-CD-0(N,EL)48-CD-0,,SIG) 2034600800003 ANALYSIS (INTAD) 2034600800004 STATUS (TABLE) Table 12 of AE-482 2034600800005 (DEP,20346009) Diff.cr.sect. 2034600800006 HISTORY (20230130U) SD: BIB updated. 2034600800007 ENDBIB 5 0 2034600800008 NOCOMMON 0 0 2034600800009 DATA 1 1 2034600800010 DATA 2034600800011 B 2034600800012 1.73 2034600800013 ENDDATA 3 0 2034600800014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 2034600899999 SUBENT 20346009 20230130 23132034600900001 BIB 4 7 2034600900002 REACTION (48-CD-0(N,EL)48-CD-0,,DA) 2034600900003 SAMPLE Cylinder 3.0 cm in length, 0.95 cm inner diameter and 2034600900004 1.8 cm outer diameter(small sample). 2034600900005 Purity better than 99.5%. 2034600900006 STATUS (TABLE) Table 5 of AE-482,1973 2034600900007 HISTORY (20230130U) SD: BIB updated. DATA-ERR deleted (not 2034600900008 given in the table). 2034600900009 ENDBIB 7 0 2034600900010 NOCOMMON 0 0 2034600900011 DATA 2 20 2034600900012 COS-CM DATA-CM 2034600900013 NO-DIM MB/SR 2034600900014 -0.941 9. 2034600900015 -0.868 4. 2034600900016 -0.770 7. 2034600900017 -0.648 14. 2034600900018 -0.507 21. 2034600900019 -0.350 24. 2034600900020 -0.182 14. 2034600900021 -0.009 8. 2034600900022 0.165 29. 2034600900023 0.334 91. 2034600900024 0.415 102. 2034600900025 0.493 121. 2034600900026 0.568 110. 2034600900027 0.638 66. 2034600900028 0.703 18. 2034600900029 0.762 22. 2034600900030 0.816 99. 2034600900031 0.864 368. 2034600900032 0.905 849. 2034600900033 0.939 1406. 2034600900034 ENDDATA 22 0 2034600900035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 2034600999999 SUBENT 20346010 20230130 23132034601000001 BIB 4 6 2034601000002 REACTION (48-CD-0(N,EL)48-CD-0,,DA,,LEG) 2034601000003 ANALYSIS Least squares fit to differential data. 2034601000004 STATUS (TABLE) Table 5 of AE-482 2034601000005 (DEP,20346009) Diff.cr.sect. 2034601000006 HISTORY (20230130U) SD: BIB updated. DATA-ERR deleted (not 2034601000007 given in the table). 2034601000008 ENDBIB 6 0 2034601000009 NOCOMMON 0 0 2034601000010 DATA 2 11 2034601000011 NUMBER DATA-CM 2034601000012 NO-DIM MB/SR 2034601000013 0. 137. 2034601000014 1. 323. 2034601000015 2. 427. 2034601000016 3. 481. 2034601000017 4. 510. 2034601000018 5. 510. 2034601000019 6. 460. 2034601000020 7. 298. 2034601000021 8. 148. 2034601000022 9. 50. 2034601000023 10. 15. 2034601000024 ENDDATA 13 0 2034601000025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 2034601099999 SUBENT 20346011 20230130 23132034601100001 BIB 4 5 2034601100002 REACTION (51-SB-0(N,EL)51-SB-0,,SIG) 2034601100003 ANALYSIS (INTAD) 2034601100004 STATUS (TABLE) Table 12 of AE-482 2034601100005 (DEP,20346012) Diff.cr.sect. 2034601100006 HISTORY (20230130U) SD: BIB updated. 2034601100007 ENDBIB 5 0 2034601100008 NOCOMMON 0 0 2034601100009 DATA 1 1 2034601100010 DATA 2034601100011 B 2034601100012 1.65 2034601100013 ENDDATA 3 0 2034601100014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 2034601199999 SUBENT 20346012 20230130 23132034601200001 BIB 4 7 2034601200002 REACTION (51-SB-0(N,EL)51-SB-0,,DA) 2034601200003 SAMPLE Cylinder having length of 5.0 cm, 0.95 cm inner 2034601200004 diameter and 2.5 cm outer diameter(large sample). 2034601200005 Purity better than 99.5%. 2034601200006 STATUS (TABLE) Table 6 of AE-482,1973 2034601200007 HISTORY (20230130U) SD: BIB updated. DATA-ERR deleted (not 2034601200008 given in the table). 2034601200009 ENDBIB 7 0 2034601200010 NOCOMMON 0 0 2034601200011 DATA 2 20 2034601200012 COS-CM DATA-CM 2034601200013 NO-DIM MB/SR 2034601200014 -0.941 20. 2034601200015 -0.868 6. 2034601200016 -0.769 7. 2034601200017 -0.648 14. 2034601200018 -0.506 22. 2034601200019 -0.349 35. 2034601200020 -0.182 35. 2034601200021 -0.008 14. 2034601200022 0.166 29. 2034601200023 0.335 102. 2034601200024 0.416 136. 2034601200025 0.494 168. 2034601200026 0.568 170. 2034601200027 0.638 117. 2034601200028 0.702 58. 2034601200029 0.763 21. 2034601200030 0.815 50. 2034601200031 0.864 250. 2034601200032 0.905 595. 2034601200033 0.939 1242. 2034601200034 ENDDATA 22 0 2034601200035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 2034601299999 SUBENT 20346013 20230130 23132034601300001 BIB 4 6 2034601300002 REACTION (51-SB-0(N,EL)51-SB-0,,DA,,LEG) 2034601300003 ANALYSIS Least squares fit to differential data. 2034601300004 STATUS (TABLE) Table 12 of AE-482 2034601300005 (DEP,20346012) Diff.cr.sect. 2034601300006 HISTORY (20230130U) SD: BIB updated. DATA-ERR deleted (not 2034601300007 given in the table). 2034601300008 ENDBIB 6 0 2034601300009 NOCOMMON 0 0 2034601300010 DATA 2 11 2034601300011 NUMBER DATA-CM 2034601300012 NO-DIM MB/SR 2034601300013 0. 131. 2034601300014 1. 279. 2034601300015 2. 348. 2034601300016 3. 378. 2034601300017 4. 421. 2034601300018 5. 435. 2034601300019 6. 453. 2034601300020 7. 320. 2034601300021 8. 168. 2034601300022 9. 48. 2034601300023 10. 19. 2034601300024 ENDDATA 13 0 2034601300025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 2034601399999 SUBENT 20346014 20230130 23132034601400001 BIB 4 5 2034601400002 REACTION (72-HF-0(N,EL)72-HF-0,,SIG) 2034601400003 ANALYSIS (INTAD) 2034601400004 STATUS (TABLE) Table 12 of AE-482 2034601400005 (DEP,20346015) Diff.cr.sect. 2034601400006 HISTORY (20230130U) SD: BIB updated. 2034601400007 ENDBIB 5 0 2034601400008 NOCOMMON 0 0 2034601400009 DATA 1 1 2034601400010 DATA 2034601400011 B 2034601400012 2.39 2034601400013 ENDDATA 3 0 2034601400014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 2034601499999 SUBENT 20346015 20230130 23132034601500001 BIB 4 7 2034601500002 REACTION (72-HF-0(N,EL)72-HF-0,,DA) 2034601500003 SAMPLE Cylinder having length of 5.0 cm, 0.95 cm inner 2034601500004 diameter and 2.5 cm outer diameter(large sample). 2034601500005 Purity better than 99.5 percent. 2034601500006 STATUS (TABLE) Table 7 of AE-482,1973 2034601500007 HISTORY (20230130U) SD: BIB updated. DATA-ERR deleted (not 2034601500008 given in the table). 2034601500009 ENDBIB 7 0 2034601500010 NOCOMMON 0 0 2034601500011 DATA 2 19 2034601500012 COS-CM DATA-CM 2034601500013 NO-DIM MB/SR 2034601500014 -0.867 51. 2034601500015 -0.768 38. 2034601500016 -0.646 26. 2034601500017 -0.504 18. 2034601500018 -0.347 23. 2034601500019 -0.179 52. 2034601500020 -0.006 80. 2034601500021 0.168 49. 2034601500022 0.337 42. 2034601500023 0.418 61. 2034601500024 0.496 90. 2034601500025 0.570 147. 2034601500026 0.639 172. 2034601500027 0.703 150. 2034601500028 0.764 146. 2034601500029 0.816 214. 2034601500030 0.865 390. 2034601500031 0.905 967. 2034601500032 0.939 1877. 2034601500033 ENDDATA 21 0 2034601500034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 2034601599999 SUBENT 20346016 20230130 23132034601600001 BIB 4 6 2034601600002 REACTION (72-HF-0(N,EL)72-HF-0,,DA,,LEG) 2034601600003 ANALYSIS Least squares fit to differential data. 2034601600004 STATUS (TABLE) Table 7 of AE-482 2034601600005 (DEP,20346015) Diff.cr.sect. 2034601600006 HISTORY (20230130U) SD: BIB updated. DATA-ERR deleted (not 2034601600007 given in the table). 2034601600008 ENDBIB 6 0 2034601600009 NOCOMMON 0 0 2034601600010 DATA 2 11 2034601600011 NUMBER DATA-CM 2034601600012 NO-DIM MB/SR 2034601600013 0. 191. 2034601600014 1. 379. 2034601600015 2. 566. 2034601600016 3. 561. 2034601600017 4. 662. 2034601600018 5. 532. 2034601600019 6. 517. 2034601600020 7. 397. 2034601600021 8. 333. 2034601600022 9. 140. 2034601600023 10. 55. 2034601600024 ENDDATA 13 0 2034601600025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 2034601699999 SUBENT 20346017 20230130 23132034601700001 BIB 4 5 2034601700002 REACTION (79-AU-197(N,EL)79-AU-197,,SIG) 2034601700003 ANALYSIS (INTAD) 2034601700004 STATUS (TABLE) Table 12 of AE-482 2034601700005 (DEP,20346018) Diff.cr.sect. 2034601700006 HISTORY (20230130U) SD: BIB updated. 2034601700007 ENDBIB 5 0 2034601700008 NOCOMMON 0 0 2034601700009 DATA 1 1 2034601700010 DATA 2034601700011 B 2034601700012 2.51 2034601700013 ENDDATA 3 0 2034601700014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 2034601799999 SUBENT 20346018 20230130 23132034601800001 BIB 4 7 2034601800002 REACTION (79-AU-197(N,EL)79-AU-197,,DA) 2034601800003 SAMPLE Cylinder having length of 5.0 cm, 0.95 cm inner 2034601800004 diameter and 2.5 cm outer diameter(large sample). 2034601800005 Purity better than 99.5%. 2034601800006 STATUS (TABLE) Table 8 of AE-482,1973 2034601800007 HISTORY (20230130U) SD: BIB updated. DATA-ERR deleted (not 2034601800008 given in the table). 2034601800009 ENDBIB 7 0 2034601800010 NOCOMMON 0 0 2034601800011 DATA 2 20 2034601800012 COS-CM DATA-CM 2034601800013 NO-DIM MB/SR 2034601800014 -0.940 10. 2034601800015 -0.867 19. 2034601800016 -0.768 32. 2034601800017 -0.646 27. 2034601800018 -0.504 18. 2034601800019 -0.346 16. 2034601800020 -0.179 38. 2034601800021 -0.005 82. 2034601800022 0.169 68. 2034601800023 0.337 20. 2034601800024 0.418 18. 2034601800025 0.496 37. 2034601800026 0.570 74. 2034601800027 0.640 129. 2034601800028 0.705 152. 2034601800029 0.764 200. 2034601800030 0.817 345. 2034601800031 0.865 725. 2034601800032 0.905 1383. 2034601800033 0.939 1880. 2034601800034 ENDDATA 22 0 2034601800035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 2034601899999 SUBENT 20346019 20230130 23132034601900001 BIB 4 6 2034601900002 REACTION (79-AU-197(N,EL)79-AU-197,,DA,,LEG) 2034601900003 ANALYSIS Least squares fit to differential data. 2034601900004 STATUS (TABLE) Table 8 of AE-482 2034601900005 (DEP,20346018) Diff.cr.sect. 2034601900006 HISTORY (20230130U) SD: BIB updated. DATA-ERR deleted (not 2034601900007 given in the table). 2034601900008 ENDBIB 6 0 2034601900009 NOCOMMON 0 0 2034601900010 DATA 2 11 2034601900011 NUMBER DATA-CM 2034601900012 NO-DIM MB/SR 2034601900013 0. 199. 2034601900014 1. 461. 2034601900015 2. 625. 2034601900016 3. 707. 2034601900017 4. 705. 2034601900018 5. 592. 2034601900019 6. 436. 2034601900020 7. 340. 2034601900021 8. 280. 2034601900022 9. 140. 2034601900023 10. 44. 2034601900024 ENDDATA 13 0 2034601900025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 2034601999999 SUBENT 20346020 20230130 23132034602000001 BIB 4 5 2034602000002 REACTION (82-PB-0(N,EL)82-PB-0,,SIG) 2034602000003 ANALYSIS (INTAD) 2034602000004 STATUS (TABLE) Table 12 of AE-482 2034602000005 (DEP,20346021) Diff.cr.sect. 2034602000006 HISTORY (20230130U) SD: BIB updated. 2034602000007 ENDBIB 5 0 2034602000008 NOCOMMON 0 0 2034602000009 DATA 1 1 2034602000010 DATA 2034602000011 B 2034602000012 2.72 2034602000013 ENDDATA 3 0 2034602000014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 2034602099999 SUBENT 20346021 20230130 23132034602100001 BIB 4 7 2034602100002 REACTION (82-PB-0(N,EL)82-PB-0,,DA) 2034602100003 SAMPLE Cylinder 3.0 cm in length, 0.95 cm inner diameter and 2034602100004 1.8 cm outer diameter(small sample). 2034602100005 Purity better than 99.5%. 2034602100006 STATUS (TABLE) Table 9 of AE-482,1973 2034602100007 HISTORY (20230130U) SD: BIB updated. DATA-ERR deleted (not 2034602100008 given in the table). 2034602100009 ENDBIB 7 0 2034602100010 NOCOMMON 0 0 2034602100011 DATA 2 20 2034602100012 COS-CM DATA-CM 2034602100013 NO-DIM MB/SR 2034602100014 -0.940 11. 2034602100015 -0.867 9. 2034602100016 -0.768 30. 2034602100017 -0.646 37. 2034602100018 -0.504 30. 2034602100019 -0.346 18. 2034602100020 -0.178 29. 2034602100021 -0.005 82. 2034602100022 0.169 100. 2034602100023 0.338 40. 2034602100024 0.419 13. 2034602100025 0.496 21. 2034602100026 0.570 47. 2034602100027 0.640 72. 2034602100028 0.703 130. 2034602100029 0.764 173. 2034602100030 0.817 323. 2034602100031 0.865 635. 2034602100032 0.905 1367. 2034602100033 0.939 2172. 2034602100034 ENDDATA 22 0 2034602100035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 2034602199999 SUBENT 20346022 20230130 23132034602200001 BIB 4 6 2034602200002 REACTION (82-PB-0(N,EL)82-PB-0,,DA,,LEG) 2034602200003 ANALYSIS Least squares fit to differential data. 2034602200004 STATUS (TABLE) Table 9 of AE-482 2034602200005 (DEP,20346021) Diff.cr.sect. 2034602200006 HISTORY (20230130U) SD: BIB updated. DATA-ERR deleted (not 2034602200007 given in the table). 2034602200008 ENDBIB 6 0 2034602200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 2034602200010 DATA 2 11 2034602200011 NUMBER DATA-CM 2034602200012 NO-DIM MB/SR 2034602200013 0. 217. 2034602200014 1. 504. 2034602200015 2. 699. 2034602200016 3. 817. 2034602200017 4. 846. 2034602200018 5. 793. 2034602200019 6. 560. 2034602200020 7. 392. 2034602200021 8. 345. 2034602200022 9. 201. 2034602200023 10. 84. 2034602200024 ENDDATA 13 0 2034602200025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 2034602299999 SUBENT 20346023 20230130 23132034602300001 BIB 5 6 2034602300002 REACTION (82-PB-206(N,EL)82-PB-206,,SIG) 2034602300003 SAMPLE Radiogenic lead, large sample. 2034602300004 ANALYSIS (INTAD) 2034602300005 STATUS (TABLE) Table 2 (bottom) of AE-482 2034602300006 (DEP,20346025) Diff.cr.sect. 2034602300007 HISTORY (20230130U) SD: BIB updated. 2034602300008 ENDBIB 6 0 2034602300009 NOCOMMON 0 0 2034602300010 DATA 1 1 2034602300011 DATA 2034602300012 B 2034602300013 2.778 2034602300014 ENDDATA 3 0 2034602300015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 2034602399999 SUBENT 20346024 20230130 23132034602400001 BIB 5 6 2034602400002 REACTION (82-PB-206(N,EL)82-PB-206,,SIG) 2034602400003 SAMPLE Radiogenic lead, small sample. 2034602400004 ANALYSIS (INTAD) 2034602400005 STATUS (TABLE) Table 2 (bottom) of AE-482 2034602400006 (DEP,20346026) Diff.cr.sect. 2034602400007 HISTORY (20230130U) SD: BIB updated. 2034602400008 ENDBIB 6 0 2034602400009 NOCOMMON 0 0 2034602400010 DATA 1 1 2034602400011 DATA 2034602400012 B 2034602400013 2.804 2034602400014 ENDDATA 3 0 2034602400015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 2034602499999 SUBENT 20346025 20230130 23132034602500001 BIB 4 8 2034602500002 REACTION (82-PB-206(N,EL)82-PB-206,,DA) 2034602500003 SAMPLE Radiogenic lead. 2034602500004 Cylinder having length of 5.0 cm, 0.95 cm inner 2034602500005 diameter and 2.5 cm outer diameter(large sample). 2034602500006 Purity better than 99.5%. 2034602500007 STATUS (TABLE) Table 10 of AE-482,1973 2034602500008 HISTORY (20230130U) SD: BIB updated. DATA-ERR deleted (not 2034602500009 given in the table). 2034602500010 ENDBIB 8 0 2034602500011 NOCOMMON 0 0 2034602500012 DATA 2 20 2034602500013 COS-CM DATA-CM 2034602500014 NO-DIM MB/SR 2034602500015 -0.940 16. 2034602500016 -0.867 15. 2034602500017 -0.768 41. 2034602500018 -0.646 57. 2034602500019 -0.504 40. 2034602500020 -0.346 22. 2034602500021 -0.178 32. 2034602500022 -0.005 102. 2034602500023 0.169 126. 2034602500024 0.254 95. 2034602500025 0.338 51. 2034602500026 0.419 19. 2034602500027 0.496 25. 2034602500028 0.570 54. 2034602500029 0.604 99. 2034602500030 0.703 144. 2034602500031 0.764 212. 2034602500032 0.816 336. 2034602500033 0.865 669. 2034602500034 0.939 2046. 2034602500035 ENDDATA 22 0 2034602500036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 2034602599999 SUBENT 20346026 20230130 23132034602600001 BIB 4 8 2034602600002 REACTION (82-PB-206(N,EL)82-PB-206,,DA) 2034602600003 SAMPLE Radiogenic lead. 2034602600004 Cylinder 3.0 cm in length, 0.95 cm inner diameter and 2034602600005 1.8 cm outer diameter(small sample). 2034602600006 Purity better than 99.5%. 2034602600007 STATUS (TABLE) Table 10 of AE-482,1973 2034602600008 HISTORY (20230130U) SD: BIB updated. DATA-ERR deleted (not 2034602600009 given in the table). 2034602600010 ENDBIB 8 0 2034602600011 NOCOMMON 0 0 2034602600012 DATA 2 20 2034602600013 COS-CM DATA-CM 2034602600014 NO-DIM MB/SR 2034602600015 -0.940 19. 2034602600016 -0.867 22. 2034602600017 -0.768 45. 2034602600018 -0.646 53. 2034602600019 -0.504 42. 2034602600020 -0.346 20. 2034602600021 -0.178 28. 2034602600022 -0.005 87. 2034602600023 0.169 130. 2034602600024 0.254 106. 2034602600025 0.338 53. 2034602600026 0.419 13. 2034602600027 0.496 19. 2034602600028 0.570 44. 2034602600029 0.604 98. 2034602600030 0.703 138. 2034602600031 0.764 180. 2034602600032 0.816 324. 2034602600033 0.865 584. 2034602600034 0.939 2244. 2034602600035 ENDDATA 22 0 2034602600036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 2034602699999 SUBENT 20346027 20230130 23132034602700001 BIB 5 7 2034602700002 REACTION (82-PB-206(N,EL)82-PB-206,,DA,,LEG) 2034602700003 SAMPLE Radiogenic lead, large sample. 2034602700004 ANALYSIS Least squares fit to differential data. 2034602700005 STATUS (TABLE) Table 10 of AE-482 2034602700006 (DEP,20346025) Diff.cr.sect. 2034602700007 HISTORY (20230130U) SD: BIB updated. DATA-ERR deleted (not 2034602700008 given in the table). 2034602700009 ENDBIB 7 0 2034602700010 NOCOMMON 0 0 2034602700011 DATA 2 11 2034602700012 NUMBER DATA-CM 2034602700013 NO-DIM MB/SR 2034602700014 0. 221. 2034602700015 1. 483. 2034602700016 2. 660. 2034602700017 3. 768. 2034602700018 4. 795. 2034602700019 5. 697. 2034602700020 6. 513. 2034602700021 7. 354. 2034602700022 8. 344. 2034602700023 9. 209. 2034602700024 10. 86. 2034602700025 ENDDATA 13 0 2034602700026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 2034602799999 ENDENTRY 27 0 2034699999999