ENTRY 20384 20180716 22692038400000001 SUBENT 20384001 20180713 22692038400100001 BIB 13 45 2038400100002 INSTITUTE (2ZZZGEL) 2038400100003 (2BLGGHT) Head author's present address. 2038400100004 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,212,556,1973) 2038400100005 (P,EANDC(E)-150,70,197303) Progress report. 2038400100006 (C,73ROCH,2,417,1973) 2038400100007 = S,STI/PUB/347-v2,417,1974 2038400100008 = IAEA-SM-174/34 . 2038400100009 Authors: A.J.Deruytter, W.Becker, C.Wagemans 2038400100010 REL-REF (N,,C.Wagemans+,J,NP/A,194,657,1972) 2038400100011 Similar experiment for U-235 . 2038400100012 AUTHOR (C.Wagemans, A.J.Deruytter) 2038400100013 TITLE -Ratio of the ternary to binary fission induced by 2038400100014 thermal and resonance neutrons in Pu-239.- 2038400100015 FACILITY (LINAC,2ZZZGEL) Electron linear accelerator of CBNM. 2038400100016 INC-SOURCE (PHOTO) Photo-neutron 2038400100017 INC-SPECT .Neutrons from LINAC were slowed down by 4 cm thick 2038400100018 polyethylene sheet placed above the mercury-cooled 2038400100019 uranium target. 2038400100020 .Several concentric Pb rings(50 mm thick) were mounted 2038400100021 around the target to reduce gamma-flash and very fast 2038400100022 neutrons in the spectrum. 2038400100023 SAMPLE .Electro-spraying of highly enriched plutonium acetate 2038400100024 on both sides of a 0.2 mm thick aluminum disk. 2038400100025 .Isotopic composition is (in atomic percent). 2038400100026 Pu-238 less 0.005, Pu-239 99.956 +- 0.010, 2038400100027 Pu-240 0.044 +- 0.010, Pu-241 less 0.005. 2038400100028 METHOD (TOF) Time of flight, path = 8.1 m. 2038400100029 3 series of measurements were done, run I and II 2038400100030 cover the energy region 0.1 to 50 eV using cadmium as 2038400100031 overlap filter, and run III for n-energy of 0.01 to 2038400100032 15 eV without filter. 2038400100033 DETECTOR (SOLST) 4 large Si(Au) solid-state detectors(30 mm 2038400100034 diam.) on both sides of evacuated cylindrical chamber.2038400100035 In the center of this chamber a double-faced Pu-239 2038400100036 layer is mounted (back-to-back) 2038400100037 .Neutron spectrum were checked with Si(Au) surface- 2038400100038 barrier detectors and a B-10 layer. 2038400100039 PART-DET (FF,A) Fission fragments, alphas. 2038400100040 HISTORY (19731218C) 2038400100041 (19741011E) 2038400100042 (20180713A) M.M. Ref. C,73ROCH,2,417,1973 was added. 2038400100043 Upper -> lower case correction. 2038400100044 Dates were corrected for 4-digits year. 2038400100045 BIB information was updated. 2038400100046 Subents 002-004 were corrected. 2038400100047 ENDBIB 45 0 2038400100048 NOCOMMON 0 0 2038400100049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 2038400199999 SUBENT 20384002 20180713 22692038400200001 BIB 7 16 2038400200002 REACTION (94-PU-239(N,F)2-HE-4,TER,FY,,RES/REL) 2038400200003 Ratios ternary/binary fission at resonance energy, 2038400200004 weighted mean of run I and II. 2038400200005 MONITOR .Ternary to binary fission ratios are normalized to the2038400200006 value 100 for the 10.95 eV resonance. 2038400200007 FLAG (1.) For resonances at 14.30,14.68 and 15.50 eV 2038400200008 as a group. 2038400200009 ANALYSIS Average of measurements I and II . 2038400200010 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors are given. 2038400200011 STATUS (TABLE) Data from Table 2 of Nucl.Phys.A212(1973)556. 2038400200012 Table II of Conf.Proc. 73ROCH,2,417,1973 2038400200013 HISTORY (20180713A) M.M. DATA-ERR -> ERR-S 2038400200014 Reaction was corrected: 2038400200015 ),TER/BIN,SIG/RAT,,RES/REL) 2038400200016 -> )2-HE-4,TER,FY,,RES/MSC) 2038400200017 according to a comment of N.Otsuka(NDS,IAEA) 2038400200018 ENDBIB 16 0 2038400200019 NOCOMMON 0 0 2038400200020 DATA 4 12 2038400200021 EN-RES DATA ERR-S FLAG 2038400200022 MEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS NO-DIM 2038400200023 7.8500E-06 9.9000E+01 2.1 2038400200024 1.0950E-05 1.0000E+02 1.6 2038400200025 1.1900E-05 1.0000E+02 3.0 2038400200026 1.4300E-05 1.0690E+02 3.4 2038400200027 1.4680E-05 1.0070E+02 2.6 2038400200028 1.5000E-05 1.0490E+02 1.8 1. 2038400200029 1.5500E-05 1.1060E+02 3.3 2038400200030 1.7700E-05 1.0250E+02 3.0 2038400200031 2.2200E-05 1.0380E+02 2.8 2038400200032 2.6200E-05 1.0660E+02 4.3 2038400200033 4.7800E-05 9.8300E+01 5.9 2038400200034 5.0100E-05 1.0120E+02 5.6 2038400200035 ENDDATA 14 0 2038400200036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 2038400299999 SUBENT 20384003 20180713 22692038400300001 BIB 6 15 2038400300002 REACTION (94-PU-239(N,F)2-HE-4,TER,FY,,REL) 2038400300003 Ratios ternary/binary fission, run III(0.01 to 15 eV).2038400300004 MONITOR .Ternary to binary fission ratios are normalized to the2038400300005 weighted mean of the 7.85, 10.95 and 11.90 eV 2038400300006 resonance, as obtained from exp. runs I and II 2038400300007 (T/B = 99.7 +- 1.2) 2038400300008 FLAG (1.) Resonance energy. 2038400300009 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors are given. 2038400300010 STATUS (TABLE) Table 3 of Nucl.Phys.A212(1973)556. 2038400300011 Table IV of Conf.Proc. 73ROCH,2,417,1973 2038400300012 HISTORY (20180713A) M.M. DATA-ERR -> ERR-S 2038400300013 Reaction was corrected: 2038400300014 ),TER/BIN,SIG/RAT,,RES/REL) 2038400300015 -> )2-HE-4,TER,FY,,REL) 2038400300016 according to a comment of N.Otsuka(NDS,IAEA) 2038400300017 ENDBIB 15 0 2038400300018 NOCOMMON 0 0 2038400300019 DATA 4 43 2038400300020 EN DATA ERR-S FLAG 2038400300021 MEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS NO-DIM 2038400300022 1.9700E-08 1.0500E+02 3.8000E+00 2038400300023 2.1200E-08 1.0050E+02 3.5000E+00 2038400300024 2.3000E-08 1.0420E+02 3.3000E+00 2038400300025 2.5000E-08 1.0030E+02 3.0000E+00 2038400300026 2.7300E-08 1.0610E+02 3.0000E+00 2038400300027 2.9900E-08 9.9100E+01 2.7000E+00 2038400300028 3.2900E-08 1.0430E+02 2.6000E+00 2038400300029 3.6400E-08 1.0270E+02 2.4000E+00 2038400300030 4.0400E-08 9.8900E+01 2.3000E+00 2038400300031 4.3900E-08 1.0310E+02 3.1000E+00 2038400300032 4.6500E-08 9.7600E+01 3.0000E+00 2038400300033 4.9300E-08 1.0030E+02 2.9000E+00 2038400300034 5.2400E-08 9.8700E+01 2.9000E+00 2038400300035 5.5800E-08 1.0200E+02 2.7000E+00 2038400300036 5.9600E-08 1.0280E+02 2.7000E+00 2038400300037 6.3700E-08 1.0370E+02 2.6000E+00 2038400300038 6.8300E-08 1.0400E+02 2.6000E+00 2038400300039 7.3300E-08 1.0290E+02 2.6000E+00 2038400300040 7.9000E-08 1.0340E+02 2.6000E+00 2038400300041 8.5300E-08 1.0540E+02 2.6000E+00 2038400300042 9.2500E-08 1.0140E+02 2.6000E+00 2038400300043 1.0100E-07 9.8700E+01 2.6000E+00 2038400300044 1.1000E-07 1.0250E+02 2.6000E+00 2038400300045 1.2000E-07 1.0380E+02 2.6000E+00 2038400300046 1.3200E-07 1.0110E+02 2.6000E+00 2038400300047 1.4600E-07 1.0400E+02 2.6000E+00 2038400300048 1.6300E-07 1.0590E+02 2.6000E+00 2038400300049 1.8200E-07 1.0620E+02 2.5000E+00 2038400300050 2.0500E-07 1.0180E+02 2.1000E+00 2038400300051 2.2500E-07 1.0550E+02 2.6000E+00 2038400300052 2.4000E-07 1.0230E+02 2.3000E+00 2038400300053 2.5700E-07 1.0270E+02 2.0000E+00 2038400300054 2.7500E-07 1.0100E+02 1.7000E+00 2038400300055 2.9600E-07 1.0220E+02 1.6000E+00 2038400300056 2.9600E-07 1.0220E+02 6.5000E-01 1. 2038400300057 3.1900E-07 1.0090E+02 1.8000E+00 2038400300058 3.4500E-07 9.9900E+01 2.2000E+00 2038400300059 3.7400E-07 1.0390E+02 2.9000E+00 2038400300060 4.6500E-07 1.0200E+02 2.2000E+00 2038400300061 8.8600E-07 1.0240E+02 2.9000E+00 2038400300062 7.8500E-06 9.7000E+01 4.6000E+00 1. 2038400300063 1.0950E-05 1.0220E+02 3.7000E+00 1. 2038400300064 1.1900E-05 9.7000E+01 6.7000E+00 1. 2038400300065 ENDDATA 45 0 2038400300066 ENDSUBENT 65 0 2038400399999 SUBENT 20384004 20180713 22692038400400001 BIB 4 8 2038400400002 REACTION 1(94-PU-239(N,0),,EN) 2038400400003 2(94-PU-239(N,0),,J) 2038400400004 FLAG (1.) Uncertain value ( given in brackets) 2038400400005 STATUS (TABLE) Tables 6,7 of Nucl.Phys.A212(1973)556. 2038400400006 Tables Va,b of Conf.Proc. 73ROCH,2,417,1973 2038400400007 HISTORY (19740807L) 2038400400008 (20180713A) M.M. STATUS was added. 2038400400009 SPIN J data and FLAG were added. 2038400400010 ENDBIB 8 0 2038400400011 NOCOMMON 0 0 2038400400012 DATA 3 12 2038400400013 DATA 1DATA 2FLAG 2038400400014 EV NO-DIM NO-DIM 2038400400015 2.9600E-01 1. 2038400400016 7.8500E+00 1. 2038400400017 1.0950E+01 1. 2038400400018 1.1900E+01 1. 2038400400019 1.4300E+01 0. 1. 2038400400020 1.4680E+01 1. 2038400400021 1.5500E+01 0. 2038400400022 1.7700E+01 1. 2038400400023 2.2200E+01 2038400400024 2.6200E+01 0. 1. 2038400400025 4.7800E+01 1. 1. 2038400400026 5.0100E+01 1. 2038400400027 ENDDATA 14 0 2038400400028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 2038400499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 2038499999999