ENTRY 20394 20230515 23172039400000001 SUBENT 20394001 20230515 23172039400100001 BIB 15 48 2039400100002 TITLE Investigation of fast neutron interaction with U-235. 2039400100003 AUTHOR (H.-H.Knitter, M.M.Islam, M.Coppola) 2039400100004 INSTITUTE (2ZZZGEL) 2039400100005 REFERENCE (J,ZP,257,108,1972) Main reference, tables and 2039400100006 graphs are given 2039400100007 REL-REF (I,,M.Coppola+,J,ZP,232,286,1970) Measuring equipment 2039400100008 (I,,H.-H.Knitter+,J,ZP,207,56,1967) Description of 2039400100009 deuterium target 2039400100010 FACILITY (VDG,2ZZZGEL) 3 MV Van de Graaff accelerator of CBNM. 2039400100011 Provided pulsed ion beam of 1 ns width and 1 MHz 2039400100012 repetition rate 2039400100013 INC-SOURCE (P-T) Solid Ti-T target 425 microgram/cm2 thick. 2039400100014 H-3(P,N)He-3 for 1.5, 1.9 and 2.3 MeV neutron, 2039400100015 (D-D) Gas deuterium target, H-2(D,N)He-3 for 4.0 2039400100016 to 5.5 MeV neutron. 2039400100017 INC-SPECT Calculated neutron energy spreads at 0 deg are, 2039400100018 39(1.5MeV), 35(1.9MeV) and 32(2.3MeV) keV, 2039400100019 Nominal neutron energy spreads for 4.0, 4.5, 5.0 and 2039400100020 5.5 MeV are 198, 138, 104 and 81 keV, respectively. 2039400100021 SAMPLE (92-U-235,ENR=0.9315) 2039400100022 Isotopic composition of the target was: 2039400100023 234U - 0.78%, 236U - 0.23%, 238u - 5.84%. 2039400100024 10 cylindrical rings canned in an Al container 2039400100025 of 0.2 mm wall thickness. 2039400100026 Distance between neutron source and centre of sample 2039400100027 is 15 cm, detector-to-sample distance 141 cm. 2039400100028 Hollow polyethylene cylinder was used for N-P 2039400100029 standard measurements 2039400100030 METHOD (TOF) Nanosecond time of flight, nonlinearity of 2039400100031 time scale was less than 0.5%. 2039400100032 DETECTOR (SCIN) Three NE102A plastic scintillator, 5.0 cm in 2039400100033 diam. and 2.5 cm thick viewed by an AVP 56/03 photo 2039400100034 multiplier. One similar detector used for neutron 2039400100035 flux monitoring. 1 cm thick Pb absorber placed in 2039400100036 front of each detector for direct g-rays absorption 2039400100037 MONITOR (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG) 2039400100038 MONIT-REF (,J.L.Gammel,B,FAST N.PH.,,,1963) J.L. Gammel, Fast 2039400100039 Neutron Physics, Part II, Marion and Fowler,eds. 2039400100040 N.Y., Interscience publishers Inc, 1963. 2039400100041 CORRECTION Corrected for attenuation of scattering and others 2039400100042 by Monte-Carlo program MAGGIE. 2039400100043 HISTORY (19730125C) 2039400100044 (20110707A) Date is corrected to 8 digit format and 2039400100045 upper case comments converted to low case 2039400100046 (20110819A) SUBENTs 002 - 010 re-compiled on the basis 2039400100047 of detailed analysis of the reference Z.Phys. vol 257,2039400100048 page 108, 1972. New SUBENTs added 2039400100049 (20230515A) SD: Correction in Subent 003. 2039400100050 ENDBIB 48 0 2039400100051 NOCOMMON 0 0 2039400100052 ENDSUBENT 51 0 2039400199999 SUBENT 20394002 20110819 22272039400200001 BIB 5 6 2039400200002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,SCT)92-U-235,PAR,SIG) 2039400200003 ANALYSIS .4pi times B(0), B(0) is Legendre coefficient for L=0 2039400200004 STATUS (TABLE) Table 3 of Z.Physik, vol.257, p.108 (1972) 2039400200005 (DEP,20394003) 2039400200006 HISTORY (20110819U) BIB information corrected 2039400200007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No further information. 2039400200008 ENDBIB 6 0 2039400200009 COMMON 1 3 2039400200010 Q-VAL-MIN 2039400200011 MEV 2039400200012 -0.5 2039400200013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2039400200014 DATA 4 3 2039400200015 EN EN-RSL-FW DATA DATA-ERR 2039400200016 MEV MEV B B 2039400200017 1.5 0.039 4.07 1.5E-01 2039400200018 1.9 0.035 3.85 1.4E-01 2039400200019 2.3 0.032 3.77 1.4E-01 2039400200020 ENDDATA 5 0 2039400200021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 2039400299999 SUBENT 20394003 20230515 23172039400300001 BIB 6 40 2039400300002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,SCT)92-U-235,PAR,DA) 2039400300003 ANALYSIS After subtracting of constant background, neutron 2039400300004 spectrum above elastic peak contains only fission 2039400300005 neutron events which is fitted as a Maxwell distribu- 2039400300006 tion in the case of measurements at 1.5, 1.9 and 2039400300007 2.3 MeV. These fission neutrons are then subtracted 2039400300008 from the measured time-of-flight spectrum. Counts 2039400300009 above inelastic peak with Q>= 0.5 MeV are regarded 2039400300010 as elastic. 2039400300011 .For 4.0 to 5.5 MeV measurements, under assumption of 2039400300012 validity of Maxwellian shape for fission spectrum, 2039400300013 subtraction of fission events under elastic peak was 2039400300014 done, although fission events above elastic peak were 2039400300015 so small. 2039400300016 CORRECTION Corrections were made for the effects of primary neut-2039400300017 rons intensity distribution in samples, its attenua- 2039400300018 tion in them, for loss of neutrons by nonelastic pro- 2039400300019 cesses in U-235 sample, for multiple scattering in 2039400300020 both samples. 2039400300021 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total errors as quadratic sum of all partial 2039400300022 errors given below, Z.Phys, v.257,.p.108,1972 2039400300023 (ERR-S,1.,3.) Statistical error including background 2039400300024 subtraction. Errors at forward angles are 1.%, errors 2039400300025 at large angles are 3.0% 2039400300026 (MONIT-ERR) Error of the n-p scattering cross section 2039400300027 of monitor sample 2039400300028 (ERR-1) Error due to detector efficiency 2039400300029 (ERR-2) Error due to counting statistic on hydrogen 2039400300030 (ERR-3) Error due to fluctuation in flux calculation 2039400300031 (ERR-4) Error due to uncertainty of sigma-tot 2039400300032 (ERR-5) Error due to multiple scattering corrections 2039400300033 in U-235 sample 2039400300034 (ERR-6) Error due to lambda factor in U-235 2039400300035 (ERR-7) Error due to lambda factor in C-H2 2039400300036 (ERR-8) Error due to hydrogen content in C-H2 2039400300037 STATUS (TABLE) Table 2 of Z.Physik, vol.257, p.108, (1972) 2039400300038 HISTORY (20110819A) EN-RSL converted to EN-RSL-FW and inserted 2039400300039 for 1.5 - 2.3 MeV. Errors structure is given from 2039400300040 Table 1 in COMMON section 2039400300041 (20230515A) SD: ERR-T deleted from REACTION code. 2039400300042 ENDBIB 40 0 2039400300043 COMMON 9 6 2039400300044 MONIT-ERR ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 ERR-5 2039400300045 ERR-6 ERR-7 ERR-8 2039400300046 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2039400300047 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2039400300048 0.50 2.0 1.0 0.50 0.70 0.702039400300049 1.0 1.0 0.50 2039400300050 ENDCOMMON 6 0 2039400300051 DATA 6 137 2039400300052 EN EN-RSL-FW ANG Q-VAL-MIN DATA ERR-T 2039400300053 MEV MEV ADEG MEV MB/SR MB/SR 2039400300054 1.5 0.039 20. -0.5 1851. 57. 2039400300055 1.5 0.039 25. -0.5 1523. 47. 2039400300056 1.5 0.039 30. -0.5 1168. 36. 2039400300057 1.5 0.039 35. -0.5 854. 27. 2039400300058 1.5 0.039 40. -0.5 676. 22. 2039400300059 1.5 0.039 45. -0.5 463. 15. 2039400300060 1.5 0.039 50. -0.5 301. 10. 2039400300061 1.5 0.039 55. -0.5 192. 7. 2039400300062 1.5 0.039 60. -0.5 126. 5. 2039400300063 1.5 0.039 70. -0.5 126. 5. 2039400300064 1.5 0.039 80. -0.5 180. 6. 2039400300065 1.5 0.039 90. -0.5 233. 8. 2039400300066 1.5 0.039 100. -0.5 252. 9. 2039400300067 1.5 0.039 105. -0.5 239. 8. 2039400300068 1.5 0.039 110. -0.5 219. 8. 2039400300069 1.5 0.039 120. -0.5 167. 7. 2039400300070 1.5 0.039 130. -0.5 111. 5. 2039400300071 1.5 0.039 140. -0.5 67. 4. 2039400300072 1.5 0.039 145. -0.5 60. 4. 2039400300073 1.5 0.039 150. -0.5 49. 3. 2039400300074 1.9 0.035 20. -0.5 2130. 61. 2039400300075 1.9 0.035 25. -0.5 1607. 48. 2039400300076 1.9 0.035 30. -0.5 1245. 39. 2039400300077 1.9 0.035 35. -0.5 887. 29. 2039400300078 1.9 0.035 40. -0.5 554. 20. 2039400300079 1.9 0.035 45. -0.5 317. 12. 2039400300080 1.9 0.035 50. -0.5 180. 7. 2039400300081 1.9 0.035 55. -0.5 102. 4. 2039400300082 1.9 0.035 60. -0.5 70. 3. 2039400300083 1.9 0.035 70. -0.5 111. 4. 2039400300084 1.9 0.035 80. -0.5 179. 6. 2039400300085 1.9 0.035 90. -0.5 219. 7. 2039400300086 1.9 0.035 100. -0.5 216. 8. 2039400300087 1.9 0.035 105. -0.5 193. 7. 2039400300088 1.9 0.035 110. -0.5 168. 6. 2039400300089 1.9 0.035 120. -0.5 106. 5. 2039400300090 1.9 0.035 130. -0.5 66. 4. 2039400300091 1.9 0.035 140. -0.5 45. 3. 2039400300092 1.9 0.035 145. -0.5 43. 3. 2039400300093 1.9 0.035 150. -0.5 47. 3. 2039400300094 2.3 0.032 20. -0.5 2434. 71. 2039400300095 2.3 0.032 25. -0.5 1888. 54. 2039400300096 2.3 0.032 30. -0.5 1280. 38. 2039400300097 2.3 0.032 35. -0.5 834. 27. 2039400300098 2.3 0.032 40. -0.5 491. 18. 2039400300099 2.3 0.032 45. -0.5 241. 11. 2039400300100 2.3 0.032 50. -0.5 104. 6. 2039400300101 2.3 0.032 55. -0.5 48. 3. 2039400300102 2.3 0.032 60. -0.5 48. 2. 2039400300103 2.3 0.032 70. -0.5 126. 5. 2039400300104 2.3 0.032 80. -0.5 178. 6. 2039400300105 2.3 0.032 90. -0.5 186. 6. 2039400300106 2.3 0.032 100. -0.5 144. 5. 2039400300107 2.3 0.032 105. -0.5 117. 5. 2039400300108 2.3 0.032 110. -0.5 96. 4. 2039400300109 2.3 0.032 120. -0.5 60. 4. 2039400300110 2.3 0.032 130. -0.5 48. 3. 2039400300111 2.3 0.032 140. -0.5 39. 3. 2039400300112 2.3 0.032 145. -0.5 39. 3. 2039400300113 2.3 0.032 150. -0.5 52. 3. 2039400300114 4.0 0.198 25. -1.0 2619. 80. 2039400300115 4.0 0.198 30. -1.0 1701. 54. 2039400300116 4.0 0.198 35. -1.0 1158. 43. 2039400300117 4.0 0.198 40. -1.0 566. 18. 2039400300118 4.0 0.198 45. -1.0 274. 12. 2039400300119 4.0 0.198 50. -1.0 106. 7. 2039400300120 4.0 0.198 55. -1.0 30. 4. 2039400300121 4.0 0.198 60. -1.0 39. 3. 2039400300122 4.0 0.198 65. -1.0 55. 4. 2039400300123 4.0 0.198 75. -1.0 120. 5. 2039400300124 4.0 0.198 85. -1.0 117. 5. 2039400300125 4.0 0.198 95. -1.0 85. 4. 2039400300126 4.0 0.198 105. -1.0 43. 4. 2039400300127 4.0 0.198 110. -1.0 32. 3. 2039400300128 4.0 0.198 115. -1.0 19. 2. 2039400300129 4.0 0.198 125. -1.0 13. 2. 2039400300130 4.0 0.198 135. -1.0 30. 3. 2039400300131 4.0 0.198 145. -1.0 58. 7. 2039400300132 4.0 0.198 150. -1.0 39. 5. 2039400300133 4.0 0.198 155. -1.0 27. 5. 2039400300134 4.5 0.138 23. -1.0 2857. 88. 2039400300135 4.5 0.138 28. -1.0 1737. 58. 2039400300136 4.5 0.138 33. -1.0 993. 33. 2039400300137 4.5 0.138 38. -1.0 500. 23. 2039400300138 4.5 0.138 43. -1.0 107. 15. 2039400300139 4.5 0.138 48. -1.0 67. 6. 2039400300140 4.5 0.138 53. -1.0 35. 5. 2039400300141 4.5 0.138 58. -1.0 59. 3. 2039400300142 4.5 0.138 63. -1.0 60. 3. 2039400300143 4.5 0.138 73. -1.0 87. 4. 2039400300144 4.5 0.138 83. -1.0 90. 4. 2039400300145 4.5 0.138 93. -1.0 76. 4. 2039400300146 4.5 0.138 108. -1.0 31. 3. 2039400300147 4.5 0.138 113. -1.0 18. 2. 2039400300148 4.5 0.138 123. -1.0 10. 2. 2039400300149 4.5 0.138 143. -1.0 28. 3. 2039400300150 4.5 0.138 148. -1.0 47. 3. 2039400300151 4.5 0.138 153. -1.0 28. 3. 2039400300152 5.0 0.104 22. -1.0 2920. 89. 2039400300153 5.0 0.104 27. -1.0 1592. 63. 2039400300154 5.0 0.104 32. -1.0 760. 34. 2039400300155 5.0 0.104 37. -1.0 413. 14. 2039400300156 5.0 0.104 47. -1.0 70. 6. 2039400300157 5.0 0.104 52. -1.0 34. 4. 2039400300158 5.0 0.104 57. -1.0 37. 4. 2039400300159 5.0 0.104 62. -1.0 53. 6. 2039400300160 5.0 0.104 72. -1.0 77. 7. 2039400300161 5.0 0.104 82. -1.0 78. 7. 2039400300162 5.0 0.104 92. -1.0 66. 5. 2039400300163 5.0 0.104 102. -1.0 31. 3. 2039400300164 5.0 0.104 107. -1.0 23. 3. 2039400300165 5.0 0.104 112. -1.0 12. 2. 2039400300166 5.0 0.104 122. -1.0 19. 2. 2039400300167 5.0 0.104 132. -1.0 32. 3. 2039400300168 5.0 0.104 142. -1.0 37. 3. 2039400300169 5.0 0.104 147. -1.0 33. 3. 2039400300170 5.0 0.104 152. -1.0 19. 2. 2039400300171 5.5 0.081 23. -1.0 2351. 74. 2039400300172 5.5 0.081 28. -1.0 1496. 47. 2039400300173 5.5 0.081 33. -1.0 809. 27. 2039400300174 5.5 0.081 38. -1.0 346. 15. 2039400300175 5.5 0.081 43. -1.0 124. 10. 2039400300176 5.5 0.081 48. -1.0 57. 5. 2039400300177 5.5 0.081 53. -1.0 44. 4. 2039400300178 5.5 0.081 58. -1.0 34. 4. 2039400300179 5.5 0.081 63. -1.0 33. 5. 2039400300180 5.5 0.081 73. -1.0 64. 4. 2039400300181 5.5 0.081 83. -1.0 97. 4. 2039400300182 5.5 0.081 93. -1.0 56. 3. 2039400300183 5.5 0.081 103. -1.0 21. 2. 2039400300184 5.5 0.081 108. -1.0 13. 2. 2039400300185 5.5 0.081 113. -1.0 19. 2. 2039400300186 5.5 0.081 123. -1.0 21. 2. 2039400300187 5.5 0.081 133. -1.0 34. 3. 2039400300188 5.5 0.081 143. -1.0 28. 3. 2039400300189 5.5 0.081 148. -1.0 25. 2. 2039400300190 5.5 0.081 153. -1.0 15. 2. 2039400300191 ENDDATA 139 0 2039400300192 ENDSUBENT 191 0 2039400399999 SUBENT 20394004 20110819 22272039400400001 BIB 5 8 2039400400002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,INL)92-U-235,PAR,SIG) 2039400400003 ANALYSIS (INTAD,INTED) Inelastic cross-sections integrated over 2039400400004 whole solid angle and in neutron energy band of 200keV2039400400005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) All errors in elastic cross-sections and 2039400400006 uncertainties in subtraction of fission background 2039400400007 were considered. 2039400400008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 5 of Z.Physik, vol.257, p.108 (1972) 2039400400009 HISTORY (20110819U) BIB information corrected 2039400400010 ENDBIB 8 0 2039400400011 NOCOMMON 0 0 2039400400012 DATA 6 15 2039400400013 EN EN-RSL-FW Q-VAL-MAX Q-VAL-MIN DATA ERR-T 2039400400014 MEV MEV MEV MEV B B 2039400400015 1.5 0.039 -9.00E-01 -1.10E+00 3.34E-01 0.022 2039400400016 1.5 0.039 -7.00E-01 -9.00E-01 1.96E-01 0.022 2039400400017 1.5 0.039 -5.00E-01 -7.00E-01 1.17E-01 0.022 2039400400018 1.9 0.035 -1.30E+00 -1.50E+00 2.67E-01 0.022 2039400400019 1.9 0.035 -1.10E+00 -1.30E+00 2.94E-01 0.022 2039400400020 1.9 0.035 -9.00E-01 -1.10E+00 2.13E-01 0.022 2039400400021 1.9 0.035 -7.00E-01 -9.00E-01 1.13E-01 0.022 2039400400022 1.9 0.035 -5.00E-01 -7.00E-01 4.60E-02 0.022 2039400400023 2.3 0.032 -1.70E+00 -1.90E+00 3.22E-01 0.021 2039400400024 2.3 0.032 -1.50E+00 -1.70E+00 2.77E-01 0.021 2039400400025 2.3 0.032 -1.30E+00 -1.50E+00 1.55E-01 0.021 2039400400026 2.3 0.032 -1.10E+00 -1.30E+00 8.60E-02 0.021 2039400400027 2.3 0.032 -9.00E-01 -1.10E+00 5.20E-02 0.021 2039400400028 2.3 0.032 -7.00E-01 -9.00E-01 2.40E-02 0.021 2039400400029 2.3 0.032 -5.00E-01 -7.00E-01 8.00E-03 0.021 2039400400030 ENDDATA 17 0 2039400400031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 2039400499999 SUBENT 20394005 20110819 22272039400500001 BIB 4 11 2039400500002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,INL)92-U-235,PAR,SIG) 2039400500003 ANALYSIS (INTAD,INTED) Integration of differential cross 2039400500004 sections over whole solid angle and in the energy 2039400500005 limits between 0 and Emax at each of primary neutrons.2039400500006 one assumes, const.Tep.Form N(e)=C*e*exp(-e/t) is also2039400500007 valid below 400 keV. 2039400500008 STATUS (DEP,20394004) Dependent data, see analysis. 2039400500009 .See same work (EXFOR subentry 20394004) 2039400500010 inelastic cross-sections. 2039400500011 (TABLE) Table 3 of Z.Physik, vol.257, p.108 (1972) 2039400500012 HISTORY (20110819U) Last checking has been done. 2039400500013 ENDBIB 11 0 2039400500014 COMMON 1 3 2039400500015 Q-VAL-MAX 2039400500016 MEV 2039400500017 -0.5 2039400500018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2039400500019 DATA 4 3 2039400500020 EN EN-RSL-FW DATA DATA-ERR 2039400500021 MEV MEV B B 2039400500022 1.5 0.039 1.80 2.6E-01 2039400500023 1.9 0.035 1.51 3.5E-01 2039400500024 2.3 0.032 1.70 2.0E-01 2039400500025 ENDDATA 5 0 2039400500026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 2039400599999 SUBENT 20394006 20110819 22272039400600001 BIB 4 4 2039400600002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F),,SIG) 2039400600003 STATUS (TABLE) Table 3 of Z.Physik, vol.257, p.108 (1972) 2039400600004 HISTORY (20110819U) Last checking has been done. 2039400600005 ERR-ANALYS No further information. 2039400600006 ENDBIB 4 0 2039400600007 NOCOMMON 0 0 2039400600008 DATA 3 3 2039400600009 EN DATA DATA-ERR 2039400600010 MEV B B 2039400600011 1.5 1.30 1.1E-01 2039400600012 1.9 1.27 1.3E-01 2039400600013 2.3 1.48 1.8E-01 2039400600014 ENDDATA 5 0 2039400600015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 2039400699999 SUBENT 20394007 20110819 22272039400700001 BIB 4 8 2039400700002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F)0-NN-1,PR,KE,,,DERIV) 2039400700003 Average kinetic energy of fission-neutron. 2039400700004 ANALYSIS .Fitting by a maxwellian spectrum. 2039400700005 STATUS (TABLE) Table 4 of Z.Physik, vol.257, p.108 (1972). 2039400700006 Column 3 2039400700007 (DEP,20394008) 2039400700008 HISTORY (20110819U) REACTION SF4-SF9 fields changed to 2039400700009 0-NN-1,PR,KE,,,DERIV 2039400700010 ENDBIB 8 0 2039400700011 NOCOMMON 0 0 2039400700012 DATA 4 3 2039400700013 EN EN-RSL-FW DATA DATA-ERR 2039400700014 MEV MEV MEV MEV 2039400700015 1.5 0.039 2.04 6.E-02 2039400700016 1.9 0.035 2.04 8.E-02 2039400700017 2.3 0.032 1.94 6.E-02 2039400700018 ENDDATA 5 0 2039400700019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 2039400799999 SUBENT 20394008 20110819 22272039400800001 BIB 4 8 2039400800002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F),PR,NU/DE,,RRE/REL) Number of fission 2039400800003 neutrons. 2039400800004 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) .Error includes 2 percent uncertainty 2039400800005 of detector efficiency. 2039400800006 STATUS (TABLE) Data from Liskien as private communication, 2039400800007 10-07-1973. 2039400800008 HISTORY (20110819U) REACTION codes "PR,DE,N" changed to 2039400800009 "PR,NU/DE,,REL". Units changed from B/MEV to ARB-UNITS2039400800010 ENDBIB 8 0 2039400800011 COMMON 2 3 2039400800012 EN EN-RSL-FW 2039400800013 MEV MEV 2039400800014 1.5 0.039 2039400800015 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2039400800016 DATA 3 56 2039400800017 E DATA DATA-ERR 2039400800018 MEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS 2039400800019 1.7500E+00 1.6801E+06 2.7780E+05 2039400800020 1.7900E+00 1.7072E+06 2.6758E+05 2039400800021 1.8400E+00 1.5070E+06 2.5773E+05 2039400800022 1.8900E+00 1.6594E+06 2.6121E+05 2039400800023 1.9400E+00 1.6853E+06 2.5071E+05 2039400800024 1.9900E+00 1.4445E+06 2.3981E+05 2039400800025 2.0500E+00 1.3845E+06 2.2909E+05 2039400800026 2.1100E+00 1.4642E+06 2.3241E+05 2039400800027 2.1700E+00 1.4908E+06 2.2096E+05 2039400800028 2.2300E+00 1.4515E+06 2.0906E+05 2039400800029 2.3000E+00 1.2845E+06 2.1232E+05 2039400800030 2.3600E+00 1.2889E+06 1.9971E+05 2039400800031 2.4400E+00 1.2996E+06 1.8745E+05 2039400800032 2.5100E+00 1.1866E+06 1.9012E+05 2039400800033 2.5900E+00 1.1636E+06 1.7703E+05 2039400800034 2.6700E+00 1.1373E+06 1.7974E+05 2039400800035 2.7600E+00 1.2011E+06 1.6613E+05 2039400800036 2.8500E+00 9.5552E+05 1.5869E+05 2039400800037 2.9400E+00 9.4991E+05 1.5432E+05 2039400800038 3.0400E+00 9.9034E+05 1.4820E+05 2039400800039 3.1500E+00 9.4243E+05 1.4199E+05 2039400800040 3.2600E+00 8.4861E+05 1.3542E+05 2039400800041 3.3700E+00 8.7749E+05 1.3034E+05 2039400800042 3.5000E+00 6.5853E+05 1.2160E+05 2039400800043 3.5900E+00 7.5600E+05 1.6674E+05 2039400800044 3.6500E+00 5.4640E+05 1.5857E+05 2039400800045 3.7300E+00 7.0879E+05 1.6030E+05 2039400800046 3.8000E+00 5.0099E+05 1.5205E+05 2039400800047 3.8700E+00 5.1541E+05 1.4754E+05 2039400800048 3.9400E+00 5.5181E+05 1.4689E+05 2039400800049 4.0200E+00 3.4887E+05 1.3634E+05 2039400800050 4.1000E+00 5.1026E+05 1.3971E+05 2039400800051 4.1800E+00 3.7823E+05 1.3289E+05 2039400800052 4.2600E+00 4.8297E+05 1.3209E+05 2039400800053 4.3500E+00 3.7333E+05 1.2723E+05 2039400800054 4.4400E+00 3.5821E+05 1.2221E+05 2039400800055 4.5300E+00 3.2990E+05 1.1919E+05 2039400800056 4.6200E+00 3.6110E+05 1.1822E+05 2039400800057 4.7200E+00 3.1285E+05 1.1297E+05 2039400800058 4.8200E+00 3.6005E+05 1.1197E+05 2039400800059 4.9200E+00 2.4621E+05 1.0647E+05 2039400800060 5.0300E+00 1.8839E+05 1.0092E+05 2039400800061 5.1400E+00 2.4259E+05 9.9755E+04 2039400800062 5.2600E+00 2.0412E+05 9.6326E+04 2039400800063 5.3700E+00 1.5294E+05 9.2693E+04 2039400800064 5.5000E+00 2.2514E+05 9.3808E+04 2039400800065 5.6200E+00 1.7780E+05 9.0085E+04 2039400800066 5.7500E+00 1.8944E+05 8.8723E+04 2039400800067 5.8900E+00 1.3591E+05 8.4943E+04 2039400800068 6.0300E+00 1.1787E+05 8.3491E+04 2039400800069 6.1700E+00 1.0433E+05 7.9486E+04 2039400800070 6.3200E+00 1.4330E+05 8.0447E+04 2039400800071 6.4800E+00 1.1710E+05 7.6368E+04 2039400800072 6.6400E+00 1.1338E+05 7.4728E+04 2039400800073 6.8100E+00 6.2630E+04 7.0459E+04 2039400800074 6.9800E+00 8.4543E+04 7.1333E+04 2039400800075 ENDDATA 58 0 2039400800076 ENDSUBENT 75 0 2039400899999 SUBENT 20394009 20110819 22272039400900001 BIB 6 17 2039400900002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,TOT),,SIG,,,DERIV) 2039400900003 ANALYSIS Sum of elastic, inelastic scattering, fission and 2039400900004 capture cross section. The latter was taken from, 2039400900005 Langner, Schmidt, Woll, KFK 750 (1968). 2039400900006 REL-REF (R,,I.Langner+,R,KFK-750,1968) Values of added 2039400900007 capture cross-section are 0.07, 0.05 and 0.04 barns 2039400900008 at 1.5, 1.9 and 2.3 MeV, respectively. 2039400900009 ASSUMED (ASSUM,92-U-235(N,G)92-U-236,,SIG) 2039400900010 STATUS (TABLE) Table 3 of Z.Physik, vol.257, page 108 (1972) 2039400900011 (DEP,20394002) Dependent data, see analysis. 2039400900012 (DEP,20394005) 2039400900013 (DEP,20394006) See same work (EXFOR subentries 2039400900014 20394002,005,006) for elastic, inelastic and fission 2039400900015 cross-sections. 2039400900016 HISTORY (19730125C) 2039400900017 (19741011E) 2039400900018 (20110819U) Last checking has been done. 2039400900019 ENDBIB 17 0 2039400900020 NOCOMMON 0 0 2039400900021 DATA 5 3 2039400900022 EN EN-RSL-FW DATA DATA-ERR ASSUM 2039400900023 MEV MEV B B B 2039400900024 1.5 0.039 7.24 5.2E-01 0.07 2039400900025 1.9 0.035 6.68 6.2E-01 0.05 2039400900026 2.3 0.032 6.99 5.2E-01 0.04 2039400900027 ENDDATA 5 0 2039400900028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 2039400999999 SUBENT 20394010 20110819 22272039401000001 BIB 6 12 2039401000002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,INL)92-U-235,,KE,,MSC,DERIV) Temperature 2039401000003 of the emitted neutrons kinetic energy distribution.2039401000004 Temperature of the neutron spectrum fitting is 2039401000005 given under ANALYSIS 2039401000006 ANALYSIS .Inelastic neutron spectra were fitted with following 2039401000007 equation: N(E) = C*E*exp(-E/T), 2039401000008 COMMENT .Average emitted neutron energy E-avg = 2T. 2039401000009 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information. 2039401000010 STATUS (TABLE) Table 4 of Z.Physik, vol.257, page 108, 1972 2039401000011 2nd column, table digitals times by two 2039401000012 (DEP,20394012) 2039401000013 HISTORY (20110819A) REACTION code corrected. Data introduced 2039401000014 ENDBIB 12 0 2039401000015 NOCOMMON 0 0 2039401000016 DATA 4 3 2039401000017 EN EN-RSL-FW DATA DATA-ERR 2039401000018 MEV MEV MEV MEV 2039401000019 1.5 0.039 0.187 0.022 2039401000020 1.9 0.035 0.239 0.022 2039401000021 2.3 0.032 0.242 0.037 2039401000022 ENDDATA 5 0 2039401000023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 2039401099999 SUBENT 20394011 20110819 22272039401100001 BIB 4 5 2039401100002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F),PR,NU/DA,,RSD) Ratio W(0 deg)/W(90 deg)2039401100003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information. 2039401100004 STATUS (TABLE) Text of Z.Phys., vol.257, 108 (1972). Page 122 2039401100005 (DEP,20394008) 2039401100006 HISTORY (20110819C) S.M. 2039401100007 ENDBIB 5 0 2039401100008 COMMON 1 3 2039401100009 ANG 2039401100010 ADEG 2039401100011 0. 2039401100012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2039401100013 DATA 4 3 2039401100014 EN EN-RSL-FW DATA DATA-ERR 2039401100015 MEV MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM 2039401100016 1.5 0.039 1.03 1.5E-01 2039401100017 1.9 0.035 1.23 1.2E-01 2039401100018 2.3 0.032 1.16 1.2E-01 2039401100019 ENDDATA 5 0 2039401100020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 2039401199999 SUBENT 20394012 20110819 22272039401200001 BIB 4 6 2039401200002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,INL)92-U-235,,DE,,REL) Arbitrary units 2039401200003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Error bar on the curve 2039401200004 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.4 of the ZP,257,108,197212 journal. 2039401200005 Digitals taken from points of the figure are 2039401200006 multiplied by energy E in MeV 2039401200007 HISTORY (20110819C) S.M. 2039401200008 ENDBIB 6 0 2039401200009 COMMON 2 3 2039401200010 EN EN-RSL-FW 2039401200011 MEV MEV 2039401200012 1.90 0.039 2039401200013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2039401200014 DATA 3 58 2039401200015 E DATA DATA-ERR 2039401200016 MEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS 2039401200017 0.5018 3.124E+03 8.464E+02 2039401200018 0.5131 2.578E+03 7.610E+02 2039401200019 0.5199 3.502E+03 7.408E+02 2039401200020 0.5244 3.493E+03 6.914E+02 2039401200021 0.5290 2.843E+03 2.687E+02 2039401200022 0.5471 3.727E+03 8.915E+02 2039401200023 0.5584 3.176E+03 7.154E+02 2039401200024 0.5629 3.165E+03 6.265E+02 2039401200025 0.5720 2.538E+03 6.070E+02 2039401200026 0.5833 2.617E+03 4.480E+02 2039401200027 0.5900 2.618E+03 5.538E+02 2039401200028 0.6014 2.698E+03 6.079E+02 2039401200029 0.6059 2.749E+03 5.442E+02 2039401200030 0.6127 4.035E+03 6.908E+02 2039401200031 0.6240 2.962E+03 5.465E+02 2039401200032 0.6353 3.155E+03 5.402E+02 2039401200033 0.6466 3.322E+03 5.251E+02 2039401200034 0.6534 2.899E+03 5.348E+02 2039401200035 0.6670 3.968E+03 6.794E+02 2039401200036 0.6760 3.845E+03 5.083E+02 2039401200037 0.6896 2.795E+03 5.533E+02 2039401200038 0.6986 2.897E+03 4.578E+02 2039401200039 0.7122 2.177E+03 3.158E+02 2039401200040 0.7235 2.090E+03 3.032E+02 2039401200041 0.7348 2.752E+03 4.350E+02 2039401200042 0.7462 2.441E+03 4.178E+02 2039401200043 0.7575 2.682E+03 4.591E+02 2039401200044 0.7710 2.888E+03 4.189E+02 2039401200045 0.7846 2.625E+03 3.470E+02 2039401200046 0.7937 2.716E+03 3.591E+02 2039401200047 0.8140 2.326E+03 3.981E+02 2039401200048 0.8276 2.235E+03 2.954E+02 2039401200049 0.8389 2.317E+03 2.768E+02 2039401200050 0.8525 2.328E+03 3.679E+02 2039401200051 0.8729 2.253E+03 3.560E+02 2039401200052 0.8864 2.114E+03 3.066E+02 2039401200053 0.9023 1.586E+03 2.927E+02 2039401200054 0.9204 2.005E+03 3.169E+02 2039401200055 0.9362 1.885E+03 2.734E+02 2039401200056 0.9520 1.336E+03 1.937E+02 2039401200057 0.9747 9.108E+02 1.321E+02 2039401200058 0.9882 1.211E+03 2.073E+02 2039401200059 1.0086 1.092E+03 2.014E+02 2039401200060 1.0290 1.165E+03 1.841E+02 2039401200061 1.0516 9.081E+02 1.317E+02 2039401200062 1.0719 1.048E+03 1.520E+02 2039401200063 1.0900 1.478E+03 2.144E+02 2039401200064 1.1127 9.288E+02 1.228E+02 2039401200065 1.1398 7.592E+02 1.503E+02 2039401200066 1.1602 7.641E+02 1.010E+02 2039401200067 1.1873 5.897E+02 7.796E+01 2039401200068 1.2077 6.419E+02 1.014E+02 2039401200069 1.2348 8.413E+02 1.112E+02 2039401200070 1.2643 7.355E+02 1.259E+02 2039401200071 1.2914 3.259E+02 6.893E+01 2039401200072 1.3186 4.313E+02 6.256E+01 2039401200073 1.3412 5.498E+02 7.269E+01 2039401200074 1.3751 4.601E+02 7.876E+01 2039401200075 ENDDATA 60 0 2039401200076 ENDSUBENT 75 0 2039401299999 ENDENTRY 12 0 2039499999999