ENTRY            20403   20180821                             22702040300000001 
SUBENT        20403001   20180821                             22702040300100001 
BIB                 16         68                                 2040300100002 
INSTITUTE  (2UK ALD)                                              2040300100003 
REFERENCE  (R,AWRE-O-45/70,1970)                                  2040300100004 
           (W,PORTER,197007) preprint to Nucl.Phys.(not published)2040300100005 
AUTHOR     (D.Porter, R.E.Coles, K.Wyld)                          2040300100006 
TITLE       Elastic and inelastic scattering of neutrons in the   2040300100007 
            energy range 2 to 5 MeV by B-10 and B-11              2040300100008 
FACILITY   (VDG,2UK ALD)    AWRE 6 MV Van de Graaff accelerator.  2040300100009 
INC-SOURCE (P-T)  Up to 4.312 MeV, T(p,n) reaction, tritium       2040300100010 
            gas target at 760 Torr pressure with an 0.0003 cm     2040300100011 
            thick Mo entrance foil                                2040300100012 
           (D-D)  For higher energy, D(d,n) reaction with a       2040300100013 
            similar target cell.                                  2040300100014 
            By the special care for runs using D-D neutron source 2040300100015 
            and by optimizing the beam transmission, synchronous  2040300100016 
            backgrounds of neutrons were kept to a minimum, ie,   2040300100017 
            +- 2.5% of the 0. deg. neutron yield.                 2040300100018 
INC-SPECT  (EN-RSL-HW)  The error limits on n-energies are a      2040300100019 
            combination of the energy loss in the gas cell and    2040300100020 
            calibration uncertainties.                            2040300100021 
SAMPLE     .Isotopically enriched boron powder in annular         2040300100022 
            cylindrical aluminium cans.                           2040300100023 
           .The wall thickness was 0.025 cm and the               2040300100024 
            internal dimensions were, height = 5.05 +- 0.09 cm,   2040300100025 
            inner diameter = 2.498 +- 0.005 cm, outer diameter =  2040300100026 
            4.496 +- 0.005 cm.                                    2040300100027 
METHOD     (TOF)    Time of flight, flight path = 1.747 m,        2040300100028 
            time resolution in the TOF spectra was broadened by   2040300100029 
            large dimensions of scattering samples, but was       2040300100030 
            sufficient to resolve the 1st excited state in B-11   2040300100031 
            at all energies used.  In B-10, neutrons scattered to 2040300100032 
            the 1st excited state were only satisfactorily        2040300100033 
            resolved at two lowest energies.                      2040300100034 
DETECTOR   (SCIN)     Liquid scintillator (NE213) (see REL-REF)   2040300100035 
            * A separate fixed time of flight spectrometer viewing2040300100036 
            the target cell was used throughout as a monitor by   2040300100037 
            means of which neutron yields at different angles were2040300100038 
            compared.                                             2040300100039 
ADD-RES    (COMP) .The elastic angular distributions were         2040300100040 
            compared with a non-local optical model               2040300100041 
           .The differential and integrated inelastic             2040300100042 
            cross sections were compared with Hauser-Feshbach     2040300100043 
            theory with fluctuations (HFW), using optical         2040300100044 
            potential from the elastic angular distribution-fit   2040300100045 
            with estimates of optical potentials for (n,p), (n,t) 2040300100046 
            and (n,alpha).                                        2040300100047 
MONITOR    (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,DA)  The scattering at 45 deg from  2040300100048 
            the polythene sample was measured.                    2040300100049 
MONIT-REF  (,A.Horsley,J,ND/A,2,243,1966)                         2040300100050 
REL-REF    (M,21328001,J.H.Towle,J,NP/A,117,657,1968) - experim.  2040300100051 
                                         procedures described     2040300100052 
           (M,,J.H.Towle+,J,NP/A,118,500,1968) - The neutron      2040300100053 
                                      detection system described  2040300100054 
           (R,,C.M.Lederer+,B,LEDERER-6,,,1967)  -                2040300100055 
                              Decay data and their uncertainties  2040300100056 
           (M,,J.B.Parker+,J,NIM,30,77,1964) The MAGGIE program   2040300100057 
COMMENT     by rights the optical model should not apply at these 2040300100058 
            energies in light nuclei. and it appears that simple  2040300100059 
            optical model and compound nucleus calculations of    2040300100060 
            elastic and inelastic scattering in B-10 and B-11 at  2040300100061 
            these low energies are not particularly useful.  The  2040300100062 
              best   optical model potentials from fits to the    2040300100063 
            elastic scattering data do not show any systematic    2040300100064 
            energy dependence but fluctuate rather wildly.        2040300100065 
HISTORY    (19710429C)                                            2040300100066 
           (20180821A) SD:Updated to new date formats,lower case. 2040300100067 
           MONIT-REF was added. Major corrections in all Subents. 2040300100068 
           Subents 003-009; 011-017; 021-027; 029-033 were merged.2040300100069 
           ANALYSIS deleted (info moved to ADD-RES).              2040300100070 
ENDBIB              68          0                                 2040300100071 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2040300100072 
ENDSUBENT           71          0                                 2040300199999 
SUBENT        20403002   20180821                             22702040300200001 
BIB                  6         32                                 2040300200002 
REACTION   (5-B-10(N,EL)5-B-10,,SIG)                              2040300200003 
SAMPLE     (5-B-10,ENR=0.9229) .Isotopic composition,             2040300200004 
            for B-10, 92.29% B-10 7.71% B-11.                     2040300200005 
           .The estimate of the amount of hydrogen                2040300200006 
            contamination is  1.8% H by atom in B-10.             2040300200007 
CORRECTION  In calculating cross sections, corrections were made  2040300200008 
            for flux attenuation and multiple scattering using    2040300200009 
            the Monte Carlo code program MAGGIE.                  2040300200010 
           .For elastic peak estimates,                           2040300200011 
            (A) contamination neutrons                            2040300200012 
            (B) energy reduction of elastically scattered neutron 2040300200013 
            by light nuclei multiple collision (shift to inelastic2040300200014 
            region of the time spectrum),                         2040300200015 
            (C) the scattered neutrons from the collimator-wall,  2040300200016 
            (D) random counts due to electronic noise and         2040300200017 
            background neutrons and gammas, were considered       2040300200018 
            to be corrected.                                      2040300200019 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) The error represents one standard deviation,   2040300200020 
            they are a combination of the relative errors and     2040300200021 
            the absolute error from the normalization.            2040300200022 
             - the relative error is taken as that on the area    2040300200023 
            derived by integration of the Legendre polynomial fits2040300200024 
            (even and odd terms) to the data)                     2040300200025 
           (ERR-1) the absolute error is from the normalization to2040300200026 
            hydrogen and uncertainties from the sample composition2040300200027 
            and impurities plus the effect of the Al can screening2040300200028 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 5 of AWRE-O-45/70.                       2040300200029 
           (DEP,20403003)                                         2040300200030 
HISTORY    (20180821A) SD: STATUS updated. PART-DET deleted.      2040300200031 
           DATA-ERR -> ERR-T. BIB was updated. MISC deleted (not  2040300200032 
           relevant to EXFOR - optical model calculation).        2040300200033 
           EN-RSL -> EN-RSL-HW.                                   2040300200034 
ENDBIB              32          0                                 2040300200035 
COMMON               1          3                                 2040300200036 
ERR-1                                                             2040300200037 
PER-CENT                                                          2040300200038 
  3.5                                                             2040300200039 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2040300200040 
DATA                 4          7                                 2040300200041 
EN         EN-RSL-HW  DATA       ERR-T                            2040300200042 
MEV        MEV        B          B                                2040300200043 
      2.032      0.032       1.32       0.04                      2040300200044 
      2.618      0.027       1.83       0.06                      2040300200045 
      3.177      0.024       1.74       0.06                      2040300200046 
      3.740      0.022       1.40       0.05                      2040300200047 
      4.312      0.020       1.29       0.05                      2040300200048 
      4.338      0.121       1.44       0.05                      2040300200049 
      4.823      0.098       1.34       0.05                      2040300200050 
ENDDATA              9          0                                 2040300200051 
ENDSUBENT           50          0                                 2040300299999 
SUBENT        20403003   20180821                             22702040300300001 
BIB                  7         32                                 2040300300002 
REACTION   (5-B-10(N,EL)5-B-10,,DA)                               2040300300003 
SAMPLE     (5-B-10,ENR=0.9229) .Isotopic composition,             2040300300004 
            for B-10, 92.29% B-10 7.71% B-11.                     2040300300005 
           .The estimate of the amount of hydrogen                2040300300006 
            contamination is  1.8% H by atom in B-10.             2040300300007 
CORRECTION  In calculating cross sections, corrections were made  2040300300008 
            for flux attenuation and multiple scattering using    2040300300009 
            the Monte Carlo code program MAGGIE.                  2040300300010 
           .For elastic peak estimates,                           2040300300011 
            (A) contamination neutrons                            2040300300012 
            (B) energy reduction of elastically scattered neutron 2040300300013 
            by light nuclei multiple collision (shift to inelastic2040300300014 
            region of the time spectrum),                         2040300300015 
            (C) the scattered neutrons from the collimator-wall,  2040300300016 
            (D) random counts due to electronic noise and         2040300300017 
            background neutrons and gammas, were considered       2040300300018 
            to be corrected.                                      2040300300019 
MISC-COL   (MISC) measured data, without MAGGIE correction        2040300300020 
ERR-ANALYS (MISC-ERR) The error represents one standard deviation,2040300300021 
            they are a combination of the relative errors         2040300300022 
            (statistics, n- detector efficiency and other sources)2040300300023 
            and the absolute error from the normalization to the  2040300300024 
            hydrogen and uncertainties from the sample composition2040300300025 
            and impurities plus the effect of the Al can screening2040300300026 
           (ERR-1) the absolute error                             2040300300027 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tables 1A,2A,3A,4A,5A,6A,7A (p.20-26)          2040300300028 
                                             from  AWRE-O-45/70.  2040300300029 
HISTORY    (20180821A) SD: STATUS updated. PART-DET deleted.      2040300300030 
           BIB was updated. Data from Subents 004-009 were added. 2040300300031 
           DATA -> DATA-CM; DATA-ERR -> ERR-T. MISC(-ERR) added.  2040300300032 
           -0.856 -> -0.756 MeV at En=2.032 MeV (mistake in Tbl.).2040300300033 
           EN-RSL -> EN-RSL-HW.                                   2040300300034 
ENDBIB              32          0                                 2040300300035 
COMMON               1          3                                 2040300300036 
ERR-1                                                             2040300300037 
PER-CENT                                                          2040300300038 
  3.                                                              2040300300039 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2040300300040 
DATA                 6         70                                 2040300300041 
EN         EN-RSL-HW  COS-CM     DATA-CM    MISC       MISC-ERR   2040300300042 
MEV        MEV        NO-DIM     MB/SR      MB/SR      MB/SR      2040300300043 
      2.032      0.032     -0.756      101.0       101.         5.2040300300044 
      2.032      0.032     -0.574       79.5       82.1        4.12040300300045 
      2.032      0.032     -0.352       68.6       73.7        3.72040300300046 
      2.032      0.032     -0.101       63.9       69.3        3.52040300300047 
      2.032      0.032      0.075       71.2       76.6        4.02040300300048 
      2.032      0.032      0.251       88.2       92.8        4.52040300300049 
      2.032      0.032      0.422      111.0       112.         6.2040300300050 
      2.032      0.032      0.582      131.0       129.         7.2040300300051 
      2.032      0.032      0.723      149.0       147.         7.2040300300052 
      2.032      0.032      0.840      184.0       171.         9.2040300300053 
      2.618      0.027     -0.756       175.       171.         9.2040300300054 
      2.618      0.027     -0.574       112.       117.         6.2040300300055 
      2.618      0.027     -0.352       67.1       79.9        4.02040300300056 
      2.618      0.027     -0.101       46.9       62.4        3.12040300300057 
      2.618      0.027      0.075       52.6       69.4        3.52040300300058 
      2.618      0.027      0.251       74.0       92.2        4.62040300300059 
      2.618      0.027      0.422       105.       116.         6.2040300300060 
      2.618      0.027      0.582       163.       168.         8.2040300300061 
      2.618      0.027      0.723       226.       215.        11.2040300300062 
      2.618      0.027      0.840       318.       281.        14.2040300300063 
      3.177      0.024     -0.756       152.       152.         8.2040300300064 
      3.177      0.024     -0.574       110.       114.         6.2040300300065 
      3.177      0.024     -0.352       65.8       76.0        3.82040300300066 
      3.177      0.024     -0.101       38.4       53.7        2.72040300300067 
      3.177      0.024      0.075       31.9       48.7        2.42040300300068 
      3.177      0.024      0.251       49.7       70.3        3.52040300300069 
      3.177      0.024      0.422       91.7       105.         5.2040300300070 
      3.177      0.024      0.582       157.       159.         8.2040300300071 
      3.177      0.024      0.723       250.       234.        12.2040300300072 
      3.177      0.024      0.840       345.       304.        15.2040300300073 
      3.740      0.022     -0.756       103.       101.         5.2040300300074 
      3.740      0.022     -0.574       80.1       81.2        4.12040300300075 
      3.740      0.022     -0.352       50.7       56.6        2.82040300300076 
      3.740      0.022     -0.101       33.7       44.6        2.22040300300077 
      3.740      0.022      0.075       34.8       48.1        2.42040300300078 
      3.740      0.022      0.251       49.1       64.0        3.22040300300079 
      3.740      0.022      0.422        88.       99.8        5.02040300300080 
      3.740      0.022      0.582       137.       142.         7.2040300300081 
      3.740      0.022      0.723       206.       197.        10.2040300300082 
      3.740      0.022      0.840       292.       262.        13.2040300300083 
      4.312      0.020     -0.756       73.5       80.5        4.02040300300084 
      4.312      0.020     -0.574       68.5       71.1        3.62040300300085 
      4.312      0.020     -0.352       64.1       64.8        3.22040300300086 
      4.312      0.020     -0.101       54.8       59.3        2.72040300300087 
      4.312      0.020      0.075       42.4       51.1        2.62040300300088 
      4.312      0.020      0.251       48.2       59.1        3.02040300300089 
      4.312      0.020      0.422       77.6       87.6        4.42040300300090 
      4.312      0.020      0.581       126.       130.         7.2040300300091 
      4.312      0.020      0.723       202.       193.        10.2040300300092 
      4.312      0.020      0.840       238.       215.        11.2040300300093 
      4.338      0.121     -0.756       75.4       81.3        4.12040300300094 
      4.338      0.121     -0.574       73.6       78.5        3.92040300300095 
      4.338      0.121     -0.352       58.8       62.5        3.12040300300096 
      4.338      0.121     -0.101       55.6       61.8        3.12040300300097 
      4.338      0.121      0.075       45.9       54.4        2.72040300300098 
      4.338      0.121      0.251        55.       65.8        3.32040300300099 
      4.338      0.121      0.422       82.6       92.7        4.62040300300100 
      4.338      0.121      0.581       130.       135.         7.2040300300101 
      4.338      0.121      0.723       210.       203.        10.2040300300102 
      4.338      0.121      0.840       322.       293.        15.2040300300103 
      4.823      0.098     -0.756       52.9       62.9        3.12040300300104 
      4.823      0.098     -0.574       61.4       65.2        3.32040300300105 
      4.823      0.098     -0.352       73.7       70.3        3.52040300300106 
      4.823      0.098     -0.101       62.1       60.4        3.02040300300107 
      4.823      0.098      0.075       52.9       57.5        2.92040300300108 
      4.823      0.098      0.251       51.6       60.8        3.02040300300109 
      4.823      0.098      0.422       63.3       74.0        3.72040300300110 
      4.823      0.098      0.581       111.       120.         6.2040300300111 
      4.823      0.098      0.723       185.       183.         9.2040300300112 
      4.823      0.098      0.840       316.       291.        15.2040300300113 
ENDDATA             72          0                                 2040300300114 
ENDSUBENT          113          0                                 2040300399999 
NOSUBENT      20403004   20180821                             22702040300400001 
NOSUBENT      20403005   20180821                             22702040300500001 
NOSUBENT      20403006   20180821                             22702040300600001 
NOSUBENT      20403007   20180821                             22702040300700001 
NOSUBENT      20403008   20180821                             22702040300800001 
NOSUBENT      20403009   20180821                             22702040300900001 
SUBENT        20403010   20180821                             22702040301000001 
BIB                  7         34                                 2040301000002 
REACTION   (5-B-10(N,INL)5-B-10,PAR,SIG)                          2040301000003 
SAMPLE     (5-B-10,ENR=0.9229) .Isotopic composition,             2040301000004 
            for B-10, 92.29% B-10 7.71% B-11.                     2040301000005 
           .The estimate of the amount of hydrogen                2040301000006 
            contamination is  1.8% H by atom in B-10.             2040301000007 
FLAG       (1.)       The experimental runs for 4.312 and 4.338   2040301000008 
            MeV have been combined as the overlapping ones.       2040301000009 
            Although the apparent duplication of work at neutron  2040301000010 
           energies 4.312 and 4.338 MeV is unfortunate, it does   2040301000011 
           provide a check on the extraction of inelastic cross   2040301000012 
           sections from backgrounds due to the tails from elastic2040301000013 
           peaks and from other sources such as the hydrogen      2040301000014 
           contamination. It thus allows an estimate of errors due2040301000015 
           to circumstances which otherwise are difficult to      2040301000016 
           quantify.                                              2040301000017 
CORRECTION  In calculating cross sections, corrections were made  2040301000018 
            for flux attenuation and multiple scattering using    2040301000019 
            the Monte Carlo code program MAGGIE.                  2040301000020 
           .For inelastic peak estimates, corrections due to      2040301000021 
            separation of inelastic group from elastic peak and   2040301000022 
            the presence of H-contamination are considered.       2040301000023 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) The error represents one standard deviation,   2040301000024 
            they are a combination of the relative errors and     2040301000025 
            the absolute error from the normalization.            2040301000026 
             - the relative error is taken as that on the area    2040301000027 
            derived by integration of the Legendre polynomial fits2040301000028 
            (even and odd terms) to the data)                     2040301000029 
           (ERR-1) the absolute error is from the normalization to2040301000030 
            hydrogen and uncertainties from the sample composition2040301000031 
            and impurities plus the effect of the Al can screening2040301000032 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 7 of AWRE-O-45/70.                       2040301000033 
           (DEP,20403011)                                         2040301000034 
HISTORY    (20180821A) SD: STATUS updated. PART-DET deleted.      2040301000035 
           DATA-ERR -> ERR-T. BIB was updated. EN-RSL -> EN-RSL-HW2040301000036 
ENDBIB              34          0                                 2040301000037 
COMMON               1          3                                 2040301000038 
ERR-1                                                             2040301000039 
PER-CENT                                                          2040301000040 
  5.5                                                             2040301000041 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2040301000042 
DATA                 6         18                                 2040301000043 
EN         EN-RSL-HW  E-LVL      DATA       ERR-T      FLAG       2040301000044 
MEV        MEV        MEV        B          B          NO-DIM     2040301000045 
      2.032      0.032      0.717     0.0817     0.0045           2040301000046 
      2.618      0.027      0.717     0.0637     0.0045           2040301000047 
      3.177      0.024      0.717     0.0545     0.0055           2040301000048 
      3.177      0.024      1.740     0.0075     0.0048           2040301000049 
      3.177      0.024      2.154     0.0109     0.0012           2040301000050 
      3.740      0.021      0.717     0.0481     0.0046           2040301000051 
      3.740      0.021      1.740     0.0054     0.0048           2040301000052 
      3.740      0.021      2.154     0.0220     0.0011           2040301000053 
      4.312      0.020      0.717     0.0902     0.0043         1.2040301000054 
      4.312      0.020      1.740     0.0151     0.0072         1.2040301000055 
      4.312      0.020      2.154     0.0322     0.0015         1.2040301000056 
      4.338      0.121      0.717     0.0902     0.0043         1.2040301000057 
      4.338      0.121      1.740     0.0151     0.0072         1.2040301000058 
      4.338      0.121      2.154     0.0322     0.0015         1.2040301000059 
      4.823      0.098      0.717     0.0923     0.0043           2040301000060 
      4.823      0.098      1.740     0.0088     0.0056           2040301000061 
      4.823      0.098      2.154     0.0457     0.0022           2040301000062 
      4.823      0.098      3.590     0.0171     0.0014           2040301000063 
ENDDATA             20          0                                 2040301000064 
ENDSUBENT           63          0                                 2040301099999 
SUBENT        20403011   20180821                             22702040301100001 
BIB                  6         28                                 2040301100002 
REACTION   (5-B-10(N,INL)5-B-10,PAR,DA)                           2040301100003 
SAMPLE     (5-B-10,ENR=0.9229) .Isotopic composition,             2040301100004 
            for B-10, 92.29% B-10 7.71% B-11.                     2040301100005 
           .The estimate of the amount of hydrogen                2040301100006 
            contamination is  1.8% H by atom in B-10.             2040301100007 
CORRECTION  In calculating cross sections, corrections were made  2040301100008 
            for flux attenuation and multiple scattering using    2040301100009 
            the Monte Carlo code program MAGGIE.                  2040301100010 
           .For inelastic peak estimates, corrections due to      2040301100011 
            separation of inelastic group from elastic peak and   2040301100012 
            the presence of H-contamination are considered.       2040301100013 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) The error represents one standard deviation,   2040301100014 
            they are a combination of the relative errors         2040301100015 
            (statistics, n-detector efficiency and other sources) 2040301100016 
            and the absolute error from the normalization to the  2040301100017 
            hydrogen and uncertainties from the sample composition2040301100018 
            and impurities plus the effect of the Al can screening2040301100019 
           (ERR-1,20.,30.) the relative errors 20 to 30%  due to: 2040301100020 
           .For inelastics, also with reference to the overlapping2040301100021 
            runs at 4.312 and 4.338 MeV in the peak unfolding     2040301100022 
            method.                                               2040301100023 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tables 1A,2A,3A,4A,5A,7A (p.20-26)             2040301100024 
                                             from  AWRE-O-45/70.  2040301100025 
HISTORY    (20180821A) SD: STATUS updated. PART-DET deleted.      2040301100026 
           BIB was updated. Data from Subents 012-017 were added. 2040301100027 
           DATA -> DATA-CM; DATA-ERR -> ERR-T. All values for     2040301100028 
           col. COS-CM were corrected according presentation.     2040301100029 
           EN-RSL -> EN-RSL-HW.                                   2040301100030 
ENDBIB              28          0                                 2040301100031 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2040301100032 
DATA                 7        180                                 2040301100033 
EN         EN-RSL-HW  E-LVL      COS-CM     DATA-CM    ERR-T      2040301100034 
DATA-MAX                                                          2040301100035 
MEV        MEV        MEV        NO-DIM     MB/SR      MB/SR      2040301100036 
MB/SR                                                             2040301100037 
      2.032      0.032      0.717     -0.756        4.6        0.92040301100038 
      2.032      0.032      0.717     -0.574        6.3        1.32040301100040 
      2.032      0.032      0.717     -0.352        8.0        1.62040301100042 
      2.032      0.032      0.717     -0.101        7.3        1.52040301100044 
      2.032      0.032      0.717      0.075        9.0        1.82040301100046 
      2.032      0.032      0.717      0.251        7.6        1.52040301100048 
      2.032      0.032      0.717      0.422        9.9        2.02040301100050 
      2.032      0.032      0.717      0.582        6.8        1.42040301100052 
      2.032      0.032      0.717      0.723        5.0        1.02040301100054 
      2.032      0.032      0.717      0.840        4.8        1.02040301100056 
      2.618      0.027      0.717     -0.756        4.1        0.82040301100058 
      2.618      0.027      0.717     -0.574        4.4        1.32040301100060 
      2.618      0.027      0.717     -0.352        5.0        1.02040301100062 
      2.618      0.027      0.717     -0.101        8.4        1.72040301100064 
      2.618      0.027      0.717      0.075        6.8        1.42040301100066 
      2.618      0.027      0.717      0.251        5.0        1.02040301100068 
      2.618      0.027      0.717      0.422        9.1        1.82040301100070 
      2.618      0.027      0.717      0.582        5.0        1.02040301100072 
      2.618      0.027      0.717      0.723        4.4        1.32040301100074 
      2.618      0.027      0.717      0.840        4.3        1.32040301100076 
      3.177      0.024      0.717     -0.756        5.1        1.32040301100078 
      3.177      0.024      0.717     -0.574        5.6        1.22040301100080 
      3.177      0.024      0.717     -0.352        5.4        2.12040301100082 
      3.177      0.024      0.717     -0.101        2.7        0.92040301100084 
      3.177      0.024      0.717      0.075        5.4        2.12040301100086 
      3.177      0.024      0.717      0.251        4.8        1.22040301100088 
      3.177      0.024      0.717      0.422        3.4        1.22040301100090 
      3.177      0.024      0.717      0.582        3.6        1.32040301100092 
      3.177      0.024      0.717      0.723        5.4        2.12040301100094 
      3.177      0.024      0.717      0.840        6.5        2.32040301100096 
      3.177      0.024      1.740     -0.756                      2040301100098 
        0.2                                                       2040301100099 
      3.177      0.024      1.740     -0.574        0.7        0.32040301100100 
      3.177      0.024      1.740     -0.352                      2040301100102 
        0.2                                                       2040301100103 
      3.177      0.024      1.740     -0.101        0.5        0.32040301100104 
      3.177      0.024      1.740      0.075        0.5        0.32040301100106 
      3.177      0.024      1.740      0.251        0.2        0.12040301100108 
      3.177      0.024      1.740      0.422        1.1        0.52040301100110 
      3.177      0.024      1.740      0.582                      2040301100112 
        0.2                                                       2040301100113 
      3.177      0.024      1.740      0.723                      2040301100114 
        0.1                                                       2040301100115 
      3.177      0.024      1.740      0.840                      2040301100116 
        0.3                                                       2040301100117 
      3.177      0.024      2.154     -0.756        1.3        0.42040301100118 
      3.177      0.024      2.154     -0.574        1.1        0.32040301100120 
      3.177      0.024      2.154     -0.352        0.8        0.32040301100122 
      3.177      0.024      2.154     -0.101        0.8        0.32040301100124 
      3.177      0.024      2.154      0.075        0.5        0.22040301100126 
      3.177      0.024      2.154      0.251        0.9        0.32040301100128 
      3.177      0.024      2.154      0.422        1.1        0.32040301100130 
      3.177      0.024      2.154      0.582        1.1        0.32040301100132 
      3.177      0.024      2.154      0.723        0.7        0.22040301100134 
      3.177      0.024      2.154      0.840        1.2        0.32040301100136 
      3.740      0.022      0.717     -0.756        3.8        1.02040301100138 
      3.740      0.022      0.717     -0.574        5.7        1.42040301100140 
      3.740      0.022      0.717     -0.352        5.3        1.32040301100142 
      3.740      0.022      0.717     -0.101        3.7        0.92040301100144 
      3.740      0.022      0.717      0.075        2.2        0.72040301100146 
      3.740      0.022      0.717      0.251        5.2        1.32040301100148 
      3.740      0.022      0.717      0.422        6.1        1.52040301100150 
      3.740      0.022      0.717      0.582        4.9        1.22040301100152 
      3.740      0.022      0.717      0.723        4.1        1.62040301100154 
      3.740      0.022      0.717      0.840        3.4        1.42040301100156 
      3.740      0.022      1.740     -0.756                      2040301100158 
        0.3                                                       2040301100159 
      3.740      0.022      1.740     -0.574                      2040301100160 
        0.3                                                       2040301100161 
      3.740      0.022      1.740     -0.352                      2040301100162 
        0.3                                                       2040301100163 
      3.740      0.022      1.740     -0.101                      2040301100164 
        0.3                                                       2040301100165 
      3.740      0.022      1.740      0.075        0.4        0.32040301100166 
      3.740      0.022      1.740      0.251                      2040301100168 
        0.2                                                       2040301100169 
      3.740      0.022      1.740      0.422                      2040301100170 
        0.4                                                       2040301100171 
      3.740      0.022      1.740      0.582                      2040301100172 
        0.3                                                       2040301100173 
      3.740      0.022      1.740      0.723                      2040301100174 
        0.3                                                       2040301100175 
      3.740      0.022      1.740      0.840                      2040301100176 
        0.3                                                       2040301100177 
      3.740      0.022      2.154     -0.756        1.7        0.42040301100178 
      3.740      0.022      2.154     -0.574        2.0        0.52040301100180 
      3.740      0.022      2.154     -0.352        1.8        0.52040301100182 
      3.740      0.022      2.154     -0.101        2.0        0.52040301100184 
      3.740      0.022      2.154      0.075        1.6        0.42040301100186 
      3.740      0.022      2.154      0.251        1.3        0.42040301100188 
      3.740      0.022      2.154      0.422        2.3        0.72040301100190 
      3.740      0.022      2.154      0.582        1.8        0.52040301100192 
      3.740      0.022      2.154      0.723        1.7        0.42040301100194 
      3.740      0.022      2.154      0.840        1.7        0.62040301100196 
      4.312      0.020      0.717     -0.756        8.3        2.52040301100198 
      4.312      0.020      0.717     -0.574        6.1        1.82040301100200 
      4.312      0.020      0.717     -0.352        6.5        2.02040301100202 
      4.312      0.020      0.717     -0.101        5.4        1.12040301100204 
      4.312      0.020      0.717      0.075        5.4        1.12040301100206 
      4.312      0.020      0.717      0.251        5.0        1.02040301100208 
      4.312      0.020      0.717      0.422        6.8        2.42040301100210 
      4.312      0.020      0.717      0.582        6.9        2.12040301100212 
      4.312      0.020      0.717      0.723        7.7        2.32040301100214 
      4.312      0.020      0.717      0.840        8.9        2.72040301100216 
      4.312      0.020      1.740     -0.756                      2040301100218 
        0.4                                                       2040301100219 
      4.312      0.020      1.740     -0.574                      2040301100220 
        0.4                                                       2040301100221 
      4.312      0.020      1.740     -0.352                      2040301100222 
        0.5                                                       2040301100223 
      4.312      0.020      1.740     -0.101                      2040301100224 
        0.4                                                       2040301100225 
      4.312      0.020      1.740      0.075        1.4        0.72040301100226 
      4.312      0.020      1.740      0.251        0.6        0.32040301100228 
      4.312      0.020      1.740      0.422                      2040301100230 
        0.4                                                       2040301100231 
      4.312      0.020      1.740      0.582        2.1        1.02040301100232 
      4.312      0.020      1.740      0.723        0.7        0.32040301100234 
      4.312      0.020      1.740      0.840        0.9        0.42040301100236 
      4.312      0.020      2.154     -0.756        2.4        0.62040301100238 
      4.312      0.020      2.154     -0.574        2.4        0.62040301100240 
      4.312      0.020      2.154     -0.352        2.8        0.72040301100242 
      4.312      0.020      2.154     -0.101        2.4        0.62040301100244 
      4.312      0.020      2.154      0.075        2.2        0.52040301100246 
      4.312      0.020      2.154      0.251        2.5        0.82040301100248 
      4.312      0.020      2.154      0.422        2.5        0.82040301100250 
      4.312      0.020      2.154      0.582        2.8        0.92040301100252 
      4.312      0.020      2.154      0.723        2.5        0.82040301100254 
      4.312      0.020      2.154      0.840        2.5        0.82040301100256 
      4.338      0.121      0.717     -0.756        8.3        2.52040301100258 
      4.338      0.121      0.717     -0.574        6.1        1.82040301100260 
      4.338      0.121      0.717     -0.352        6.5        2.02040301100262 
      4.338      0.121      0.717     -0.101        5.4        1.12040301100264 
      4.338      0.121      0.717      0.075        5.4        1.12040301100266 
      4.338      0.121      0.717      0.251        5.0        1.02040301100268 
      4.338      0.121      0.717      0.422        6.8        2.42040301100270 
      4.338      0.121      0.717      0.582        6.9        2.12040301100272 
      4.338      0.121      0.717      0.723        7.7        2.32040301100274 
      4.338      0.121      0.717      0.840        8.9        2.72040301100276 
      4.338      0.121      1.740     -0.756                      2040301100278 
        0.4                                                       2040301100279 
      4.338      0.121      1.740     -0.574                      2040301100280 
        0.4                                                       2040301100281 
      4.338      0.121      1.740     -0.352                      2040301100282 
        0.5                                                       2040301100283 
      4.338      0.121      1.740     -0.101                      2040301100284 
        0.4                                                       2040301100285 
      4.338      0.121      1.740      0.075        1.4        0.72040301100286 
      4.338      0.121      1.740      0.251        0.6        0.32040301100288 
      4.338      0.121      1.740      0.422                      2040301100290 
        0.4                                                       2040301100291 
      4.338      0.121      1.740      0.582        2.1        1.02040301100292 
      4.338      0.121      1.740      0.723        0.7        0.32040301100294 
      4.338      0.121      1.740      0.840        0.9        0.42040301100296 
      4.338      0.121      2.154     -0.756        2.4        0.62040301100298 
      4.338      0.121      2.154     -0.574        2.4        0.62040301100300 
      4.338      0.121      2.154     -0.352        2.8        0.72040301100302 
      4.338      0.121      2.154     -0.101        2.4        0.62040301100304 
      4.338      0.121      2.154      0.075        2.2        0.52040301100306 
      4.338      0.121      2.154      0.251        2.5        0.82040301100308 
      4.338      0.121      2.154      0.422        2.5        0.82040301100310 
      4.338      0.121      2.154      0.582        2.8        0.92040301100312 
      4.338      0.121      2.154      0.723        2.5        0.82040301100314 
      4.338      0.121      2.154      0.840        2.5        0.82040301100316 
      4.823      0.098      0.717     -0.756       10.0        2.52040301100318 
      4.823      0.098      0.717     -0.574        6.9        1.72040301100320 
      4.823      0.098      0.717     -0.352        5.8        1.42040301100322 
      4.823      0.098      0.717     -0.101        4.4        1.32040301100324 
      4.823      0.098      0.717      0.075        3.2        0.82040301100326 
      4.823      0.098      0.717      0.251        5.2        1.32040301100328 
      4.823      0.098      0.717      0.422        5.9        1.82040301100330 
      4.823      0.098      0.717      0.582        7.2        2.22040301100332 
      4.823      0.098      0.717      0.723        9.6        2.92040301100334 
      4.823      0.098      0.717      0.840       12.2        2.52040301100336 
      4.823      0.098      1.740     -0.756                      2040301100338 
        0.7                                                       2040301100339 
      4.823      0.098      1.740     -0.574                      2040301100340 
        0.6                                                       2040301100341 
      4.823      0.098      1.740     -0.352        0.8        0.22040301100342 
      4.823      0.098      1.740     -0.101                      2040301100344 
        0.4                                                       2040301100345 
      4.823      0.098      1.740      0.075                      2040301100346 
        0.5                                                       2040301100347 
      4.823      0.098      1.740      0.251                      2040301100348 
        0.4                                                       2040301100349 
      4.823      0.098      1.740      0.422                      2040301100350 
        0.5                                                       2040301100351 
      4.823      0.098      1.740      0.582                      2040301100352 
        0.6                                                       2040301100353 
      4.823      0.098      1.740      0.723                      2040301100354 
        0.7                                                       2040301100355 
      4.823      0.098      1.740      0.840        0.4        0.22040301100356 
      4.823      0.098      2.154     -0.756        4.3        0.92040301100358 
      4.823      0.098      2.154     -0.574        3.8        0.82040301100360 
      4.823      0.098      2.154     -0.352        2.8        0.62040301100362 
      4.823      0.098      2.154     -0.101        2.4        0.52040301100364 
      4.823      0.098      2.154      0.075        3.1        0.62040301100366 
      4.823      0.098      2.154      0.251        2.5        0.52040301100368 
      4.823      0.098      2.154      0.422        3.0        0.62040301100370 
      4.823      0.098      2.154      0.582        3.8        1.32040301100372 
      4.823      0.098      2.154      0.723        4.4        0.92040301100374 
      4.823      0.098      2.154      0.840        5.6        2.02040301100376 
      4.823      0.098      3.590     -0.756        2.2        0.92040301100378 
      4.823      0.098      3.590     -0.574        1.5        0.62040301100380 
      4.823      0.098      3.590     -0.352        0.9        0.42040301100382 
      4.823      0.098      3.590     -0.101        0.6        0.22040301100384 
      4.823      0.098      3.590      0.075        1.1        0.42040301100386 
      4.823      0.098      3.590      0.251        0.5        0.22040301100388 
      4.823      0.098      3.590      0.422        1.5        0.52040301100390 
      4.823      0.098      3.590      0.582        1.4        0.42040301100392 
      4.823      0.098      3.590      0.723        1.5        0.52040301100394 
      4.823      0.098      3.590      0.840        2.2        0.72040301100396 
ENDDATA            364          0                                 2040301100398 
ENDSUBENT          397          0                                 2040301199999 
NOSUBENT      20403012   20180821                             22702040301200001 
NOSUBENT      20403013   20180821                             22702040301300001 
NOSUBENT      20403014   20180821                             22702040301400001 
NOSUBENT      20403015   20180821                             22702040301500001 
NOSUBENT      20403016   20180821                             22702040301600001 
NOSUBENT      20403017   20180821                             22702040301700001 
SUBENT        20403018   20180821                             22702040301800001 
BIB                  5          9                                 2040301800002 
REACTION   (5-B-10(N,NON),,SIG,,,DERIV)                           2040301800003 
ANALYSIS    Derived from sum of sigma(n,n') + sig(n,p) +          2040301800004 
            sig(n,t) + sig(n,alpha)  based partly in this work.   2040301800005 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainties2040301800006 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 5 from  AWRE-O-45/70.                    2040301800007 
           (DEP,20403011)  see ANALYSIS                           2040301800008 
HISTORY    (20180821A) SD: STATUS updated. PART-DET deleted.      2040301800009 
           SF9=DERIV was added to REACTION code. ANALYSIS added.  2040301800010 
           EN-RSL -> EN-RSL-HW.                                   2040301800011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 2040301800012 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2040301800013 
DATA                 4          7                                 2040301800014 
EN         EN-RSL-HW  DATA       DATA-ERR                         2040301800015 
MEV        MEV        B          B                                2040301800016 
      2.032      0.032       0.42       0.03                      2040301800017 
      2.618      0.027       0.32       0.03                      2040301800018 
      3.177      0.024       0.29       0.03                      2040301800019 
      3.740      0.022       0.29       0.03                      2040301800020 
      4.312      0.020       0.43       0.03                      2040301800021 
      4.338      0.121       0.43       0.03                      2040301800022 
      4.823      0.098       0.48       0.04                      2040301800023 
ENDDATA              9          0                                 2040301800024 
ENDSUBENT           23          0                                 2040301899999 
SUBENT        20403019   20180821                             22702040301900001 
BIB                  5         10                                 2040301900002 
REACTION   (5-B-10(N,TOT),,SIG,,,DERIV)                           2040301900003 
ANALYSIS    Derived from sum of sigma(elastic,exp.) +             2040301900004 
                                     Sigma(non-elastic,estimate). 2040301900005 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainties2040301900006 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 5 from  AWRE-O-45/70.                    2040301900007 
           (DEP,20403002) see ANALYSIS                            2040301900008 
           (DEP,20403018) see ANALYSIS                            2040301900009 
HISTORY    (20180821A) SD: STATUS updated. PART-DET deleted.      2040301900010 
           SF9=DERIV was added to REACTION code. ANALYSIS added.  2040301900011 
           EN-RSL -> EN-RSL-HW.                                   2040301900012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 2040301900013 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2040301900014 
DATA                 4          7                                 2040301900015 
EN         EN-RSL-HW  DATA       DATA-ERR                         2040301900016 
MEV        MEV        B          B                                2040301900017 
      2.032      0.032       1.74       0.05                      2040301900018 
      2.618      0.027       2.15       0.07                      2040301900019 
      3.177      0.024       2.03       0.07                      2040301900020 
      3.740      0.022       1.69       0.06                      2040301900021 
      4.312      0.020       1.72       0.06                      2040301900022 
      4.338      0.121       1.87       0.06                      2040301900023 
      4.823      0.098       1.82       0.06                      2040301900024 
ENDDATA              9          0                                 2040301900025 
ENDSUBENT           24          0                                 2040301999999 
SUBENT        20403020   20180821                             22702040302000001 
BIB                  6         32                                 2040302000002 
REACTION   (5-B-11(N,EL)5-B-11,,SIG)                              2040302000003 
SAMPLE     (5-B-11,ENR=0.9266) .Isotopic composition,             2040302000004 
            for B-11, 92.66% B-11 7.34% B-10.                     2040302000005 
           .The estimate of the amount of hydrogen                2040302000006 
            contamination is 4.8% H by atom in B-11.              2040302000007 
CORRECTION  In calculating cross sections, corrections were made  2040302000008 
            for flux attenuation and multiple scattering using    2040302000009 
            the Monte Carlo code program MAGGIE.                  2040302000010 
           .For elastic peak estimates,                           2040302000011 
            (A) contamination neutrons                            2040302000012 
            (B) energy reduction of elastically scattered neutron 2040302000013 
            by light nuclei multiple collision (shift to inelastic2040302000014 
            region of the time spectrum),                         2040302000015 
            (C) the scattered neutrons from the collimator-wall,  2040302000016 
            (D) random counts due to electronic noise and         2040302000017 
            background neutrons and gammas, were considered       2040302000018 
            to be corrected.                                      2040302000019 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) The error represents one standard deviation,   2040302000020 
            they are a combination of the relative errors and     2040302000021 
            the absolute error from the normalization.            2040302000022 
             - the relative error is taken as that on the area    2040302000023 
            derived by integration of the Legendre polynomial fits2040302000024 
            (even and odd terms) to the data)                     2040302000025 
           (ERR-1) the absolute error is from the normalization to2040302000026 
            hydrogen and uncertainties from the sample composition2040302000027 
            and impurities plus the effect of the Al can screening2040302000028 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 6 of AWRE-O-45/70.                       2040302000029 
           (DEP,20403021)                                         2040302000030 
HISTORY    (20180821A) SD: STATUS updated. PART-DET deleted.      2040302000031 
           DATA-ERR -> ERR-T. BIB was updated. MISC deleted (not  2040302000032 
           relevant to EXFOR - optical model calculation).        2040302000033 
           EN-RSL -> EN-RSL-HW.                                   2040302000034 
ENDBIB              32          0                                 2040302000035 
COMMON               1          3                                 2040302000036 
ERR-1                                                             2040302000037 
PER-CENT                                                          2040302000038 
 3.5                                                              2040302000039 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2040302000040 
DATA                 4          7                                 2040302000041 
EN         EN-RSL-HW  DATA       ERR-T                            2040302000042 
MEV        MEV        B          B                                2040302000043 
      2.032      0.032       1.68       0.06                      2040302000044 
      2.618      0.027       2.01       0.07                      2040302000045 
      3.177      0.024       1.66       0.06                      2040302000046 
      3.740      0.022       1.65       0.06                      2040302000047 
      4.312      0.020       1.24       0.05                      2040302000048 
      4.338      0.121       1.41       0.05                      2040302000049 
      4.823      0.098       1.75       0.07                      2040302000050 
ENDDATA              9          0                                 2040302000051 
ENDSUBENT           50          0                                 2040302099999 
SUBENT        20403021   20180821                             22702040302100001 
BIB                  6         26                                 2040302100002 
REACTION   (5-B-11(N,EL)5-B-11,,DA)                               2040302100003 
CORRECTION  In calculating cross sections, corrections were made  2040302100004 
            for flux attenuation and multiple scattering using    2040302100005 
            the Monte Carlo code program MAGGIE.                  2040302100006 
           .For elastic peak estimates,                           2040302100007 
            (A) contamination neutrons                            2040302100008 
            (B) energy reduction of elastically scattered neutron 2040302100009 
            by light nuclei multiple collision (shift to inelastic2040302100010 
            region of the time spectrum),                         2040302100011 
            (C) the scattered neutrons from the collimator-wall,  2040302100012 
            (D) random counts due to electronic noise and         2040302100013 
            background neutrons and gammas, were considered       2040302100014 
            to be corrected.                                      2040302100015 
MISC-COL   (MISC) measured data, without MAGGIE correction        2040302100016 
ERR-ANALYS (MISC-ERR) The error represents one standard deviation,2040302100017 
            they are a combination of the relative errors         2040302100018 
            (statistics, n- detector efficiency and other sources)2040302100019 
            and the absolute error from the normalization to the  2040302100020 
            hydrogen and uncertainties from the sample composition2040302100021 
            and impurities plus the effect of the Al can screening2040302100022 
           (ERR-2) the absolute error                             2040302100023 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tables 8A,9A,10A,11A,12A,13A,14A (p.27-33)     2040302100024 
                                             from  AWRE-O-45/70.  2040302100025 
HISTORY    (20180821A) SD: STATUS updated. PART-DET deleted.      2040302100026 
           BIB was updated. Data from Subents 022-027 were added. 2040302100027 
           DATA -> DATA-CM; DATA-ERR -> ERR-T. EN-RSL -> EN-RSL-HW2040302100028 
ENDBIB              26          0                                 2040302100029 
COMMON               1          3                                 2040302100030 
ERR-2                                                             2040302100031 
PER-CENT                                                          2040302100032 
  3.                                                              2040302100033 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2040302100034 
DATA                 6         70                                 2040302100035 
EN         EN-RSL-HW  COS-CM     DATA-CM    MISC       MISC-ERR   2040302100036 
MEV        MEV        NO-DIM     MB/SR      MB/SR      MB/SR      2040302100037 
      2.032      0.032     -0.752       140.       133.         7.2040302100038 
      2.032      0.032     -0.567       132.       125.         7.2040302100039 
      2.032      0.032     -0.343       131.       122.         7.2040302100040 
      2.032      0.032     -0.092       113.       108.         6.2040302100041 
      2.032      0.032      0.084       113.       107.         5.2040302100042 
      2.032      0.032      0.260       106.       113.         6.2040302100043 
      2.032      0.032      0.430       113.       126.         6.2040302100044 
      2.032      0.032      0.587       119.       133.         6.2040302100045 
      2.032      0.032      0.727       140.       152.         8.2040302100046 
      2.032      0.032      0.842       190.       195.        10.2040302100047 
      2.618      0.027     -0.752       130.       134.         7.2040302100048 
      2.618      0.027     -0.567       111.       114.         6.2040302100049 
      2.618      0.027     -0.344       103.       103.         5.2040302100050 
      2.618      0.027     -0.092       97.6       98.9        4.92040302100051 
      2.618      0.027      0.084       96.8       104.         5.2040302100052 
      2.618      0.027      0.260       113.       124.         6.2040302100053 
      2.618      0.027      0.430       135.       148.         7.2040302100054 
      2.618      0.027      0.587       176.       185.         9.2040302100055 
      2.618      0.027      0.727       243.       241.        12.2040302100056 
      2.618      0.027      0.842       346.       325.        16.2040302100057 
      3.177      0.024     -0.752       145.       136.         7.2040302100058 
      3.177      0.024     -0.567       122.       116.         6.2040302100059 
      3.177      0.024     -0.344       98.5       93.4        5.12040302100060 
      3.177      0.024     -0.092       75.9       75.6        3.82040302100061 
      3.177      0.024      0.084       72.3       77.6        3.82040302100062 
      3.177      0.024      0.260       81.4       90.9        4.22040302100063 
      3.177      0.024      0.430       91.7       103.         5.2040302100064 
      3.177      0.024      0.587       133.       144.         8.2040302100065 
      3.177      0.024      0.727       182.       190.         9.2040302100066 
      3.177      0.024      0.842       253.       254.        13.2040302100067 
      3.740      0.022     -0.752       117.       114.         6.2040302100068 
      3.740      0.022     -0.567       97.2       95.7        4.82040302100069 
      3.740      0.022     -0.344       76.9       76.7        3.82040302100070 
      3.740      0.022     -0.092       64.2       67.3        3.42040302100071 
      3.740      0.022      0.084       66.2       72.8        3.62040302100072 
      3.740      0.022      0.260       80.4       89.5        4.52040302100073 
      3.740      0.022      0.430       117.       127.         6.2040302100074 
      3.740      0.022      0.587       157.       165.         8.2040302100075 
      3.740      0.022      0.727       202.       202.        10.2040302100076 
      3.740      0.022      0.842       314.       303.        15.2040302100077 
      4.312      0.020     -0.752       110.       104.         5.2040302100078 
      4.312      0.020     -0.567       83.9       80.7        4.02040302100079 
      4.312      0.020     -0.344       56.1       56.1        2.82040302100080 
      4.312      0.020     -0.092       40.4       44.6        2.22040302100081 
      4.312      0.020      0.084       37.7       44.8        2.22040302100082 
      4.312      0.020      0.260       48.1       56.8        2.82040302100083 
      4.312      0.020      0.429       77.2       85.0        4.32040302100084 
      4.312      0.020      0.587       119.       125.         6.2040302100085 
      4.312      0.020      0.727       175.       177.         9.2040302100086 
      4.312      0.020      0.842       187.       186.         9.2040302100087 
      4.338      0.121     -0.695       120.       112.         6.2040302100088 
      4.338      0.121     -0.567       99.1       94.5        4.72040302100089 
      4.338      0.121     -0.344       64.5       63.6        3.22040302100090 
      4.338      0.121     -0.092       51.2       54.4        2.72040302100091 
      4.338      0.121      0.084       40.2       46.7        2.32040302100092 
      4.338      0.121      0.260       51.5       61.4        3.12040302100093 
      4.338      0.121      0.429       75.2       86.1        4.32040302100094 
      4.338      0.121      0.587       118.       128.         6.2040302100095 
      4.338      0.121      0.727       183.       188.         9.2040302100096 
      4.338      0.121      0.842       249.       234.        12.2040302100097 
      4.823      0.098     -0.752       137.       130.         6.2040302100098 
      4.823      0.098     -0.567       90.3       91.3        4.62040302100099 
      4.823      0.098     -0.344       70.6       75.3        3.82040302100100 
      4.823      0.098     -0.092       55.7       60.9        3.02040302100101 
      4.823      0.098      0.084       55.4       64.2        3.22040302100102 
      4.823      0.098      0.260       61.3       74.0        3.72040302100103 
      4.823      0.098      0.429       78.4       94.4        4.72040302100104 
      4.823      0.098      0.587       124.       140.         7.2040302100105 
      4.823      0.098      0.727       209.       215.        11.2040302100106 
      4.823      0.098      0.842       374.       355.        18.2040302100107 
ENDDATA             72          0                                 2040302100108 
ENDSUBENT          107          0                                 2040302199999 
NOSUBENT      20403022   20180821                             22702040302200001 
NOSUBENT      20403023   20180821                             22702040302300001 
NOSUBENT      20403024   20180821                             22702040302400001 
NOSUBENT      20403025   20180821                             22702040302500001 
NOSUBENT      20403026   20180821                             22702040302600001 
NOSUBENT      20403027   20180821                             22702040302700001 
SUBENT        20403028   20180821                             22702040302800001 
BIB                  6         30                                 2040302800002 
REACTION   (5-B-11(N,INL)5-B-11,PAR,SIG)                          2040302800003 
FLAG       (1.)       The experimental runs for 4.312 and 4.338   2040302800004 
            MeV have been combined as the overlapping ones.       2040302800005 
            Although the apparent duplication of work at neutron  2040302800006 
           energies 4.312 and 4.338 MeV is unfortunate, it does   2040302800007 
           provide a check on the extraction of inelastic cross   2040302800008 
           sections from backgrounds due to the tails from elastic2040302800009 
           peaks and from other sources such as the hydrogen      2040302800010 
           contamination. It thus allows an estimate of errors due2040302800011 
           to circumstances which otherwise are difficult to      2040302800012 
           quantify.                                              2040302800013 
CORRECTION  In calculating cross sections, corrections were made  2040302800014 
            for flux attenuation and multiple scattering using    2040302800015 
            the Monte Carlo code program MAGGIE.                  2040302800016 
           .For inelastic peak estimates, corrections due to      2040302800017 
            separation of inelastic group from elastic peak and   2040302800018 
            the presence of H-contamination are considered.       2040302800019 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) The error represents one standard deviation,   2040302800020 
            they are a combination of the relative errors and     2040302800021 
            the absolute error from the normalization.            2040302800022 
             - the relative error is taken as that on the area    2040302800023 
            derived by integration of the Legendre polynomial fits2040302800024 
            (even and odd terms) to the data)                     2040302800025 
           (ERR-1) the absolute error is from the normalization to2040302800026 
            hydrogen and uncertainties from the sample composition2040302800027 
            and impurities plus the effect of the Al can screening2040302800028 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 8 of AWRE-O-45/70.                       2040302800029 
           (DEP,20403029)                                         2040302800030 
HISTORY    (20180821A) SD: STATUS updated. PART-DET deleted. BIB  2040302800031 
           was updated. DATA-ERR -> ERR-T; EN-RSL -> EN-RSL-HW.   2040302800032 
ENDBIB              30          0                                 2040302800033 
COMMON               2          3                                 2040302800034 
E-LVL      ERR-1                                                  2040302800035 
MEV        PER-CENT                                               2040302800036 
 2.140       5.5                                                  2040302800037 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2040302800038 
DATA                 5          5                                 2040302800039 
EN         EN-RSL-HW  DATA       ERR-T      FLAG                  2040302800040 
MEV        MEV        B          B          NO-DIM                2040302800041 
      3.177      0.024     0.0108     0.0017                      2040302800042 
      3.740      0.021     0.0450     0.0025                      2040302800043 
      4.312      0.020     0.0706     0.0044         1.           2040302800044 
      4.338      0.121     0.0706     0.0044         1.           2040302800045 
      4.823      0.098     0.1620     0.0100                      2040302800046 
ENDDATA              7          0                                 2040302800047 
ENDSUBENT           46          0                                 2040302899999 
SUBENT        20403029   20180821                             22702040302900001 
BIB                  5         24                                 2040302900002 
REACTION   (5-B-11(N,INL)5-B-11,PAR,DA)                           2040302900003 
CORRECTION  In calculating cross sections, corrections were made  2040302900004 
            for flux attenuation and multiple scattering using    2040302900005 
            the Monte Carlo code program MAGGIE.                  2040302900006 
           .For inelastic peak estimates, corrections due to      2040302900007 
            separation of inelastic group from elastic peak and   2040302900008 
            the presence of H-contamination are considered.       2040302900009 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) The error represents one standard deviation,   2040302900010 
            they are a combination of the relative errors         2040302900011 
            (statistics, n-detector efficiency and other sources) 2040302900012 
            and the absolute error from the normalization to the  2040302900013 
            hydrogen and uncertainties from the sample composition2040302900014 
            and impurities plus the effect of the Al can screening2040302900015 
           (ERR-1,20.,30.) the relative errors 20 to 30%  due to: 2040302900016 
           .For inelastics, also with reference to the overlapping2040302900017 
            runs at 4.312 and 4.338 MeV in the peak unfolding     2040302900018 
            method.                                               2040302900019 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tables 10A,11A,12A,14A (p.29-33)               2040302900020 
                                             from  AWRE-O-45/70.  2040302900021 
HISTORY    (20180821A) SD: STATUS updated. PART-DET deleted.      2040302900022 
           BIB was updated. Data from Subents 012-017 were added. 2040302900023 
           COS -> COS-CM; DATA -> DATA-CM; DATA-ERR -> ERR-T;     2040302900024 
           EN-RSL -> EN-RSL-HW. All values for col.COS-CM were    2040302900025 
           corrected according presentation in the tables.        2040302900026 
ENDBIB              24          0                                 2040302900027 
COMMON               1          3                                 2040302900028 
E-LVL                                                             2040302900029 
MEV                                                               2040302900030 
 2.140                                                            2040302900031 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2040302900032 
DATA                 5         50                                 2040302900033 
EN         EN-RSL-HW  COS-CM     DATA-CM    ERR-T                 2040302900034 
MEV        MEV        NO-DIM     MB/SR      MB/SR                 2040302900035 
      3.177      0.024     -0.752        1.0        0.4           2040302900036 
      3.177      0.024     -0.567        0.9        0.3           2040302900037 
      3.177      0.024     -0.344        1.5        0.3           2040302900038 
      3.177      0.024     -0.092        1.3        0.3           2040302900039 
      3.177      0.024      0.084        0.4        0.2           2040302900040 
      3.177      0.024      0.260        1.0        0.4           2040302900041 
      3.177      0.024      0.430        1.0        0.4           2040302900042 
      3.177      0.024      0.587        1.0        0.4           2040302900043 
      3.177      0.024      0.727        0.7        0.2           2040302900044 
      3.177      0.024      0.842        1.1        0.3           2040302900045 
      3.740      0.022     -0.752        4.3        0.7           2040302900046 
      3.740      0.022     -0.567        3.9        0.6           2040302900047 
      3.740      0.022     -0.344        3.3        0.5           2040302900048 
      3.740      0.022     -0.092        2.8        0.4           2040302900049 
      3.740      0.022      0.084        2.5        0.4           2040302900050 
      3.740      0.022      0.260        2.7        0.4           2040302900051 
      3.740      0.022      0.430        3.1        0.9           2040302900052 
      3.740      0.022      0.587        3.6        1.1           2040302900053 
      3.740      0.022      0.727        4.1        1.2           2040302900054 
      3.740      0.022      0.842        4.0        1.2           2040302900055 
      4.312      0.020     -0.752        7.6        1.1           2040302900056 
      4.312      0.020     -0.567        5.5        0.8           2040302900057 
      4.312      0.020     -0.344        4.8        0.7           2040302900058 
      4.312      0.020     -0.092        2.6        0.4           2040302900059 
      4.312      0.020      0.084        2.7        0.4           2040302900060 
      4.312      0.020      0.260        3.1        0.5           2040302900061 
      4.312      0.020      0.430        4.2        1.3           2040302900062 
      4.312      0.020      0.587        5.1        1.5           2040302900063 
      4.312      0.020      0.727        6.5        2.0           2040302900064 
      4.312      0.020      0.842        8.4        2.5           2040302900065 
      4.338      0.121     -0.752        7.6        1.1           2040302900066 
      4.338      0.121     -0.567        5.5        0.8           2040302900067 
      4.338      0.121     -0.344        4.8        0.7           2040302900068 
      4.338      0.121     -0.092        2.6        0.4           2040302900069 
      4.338      0.121      0.084        2.7        0.4           2040302900070 
      4.338      0.121      0.260        3.1        0.5           2040302900071 
      4.338      0.121      0.430        4.2        1.3           2040302900072 
      4.338      0.121      0.587        5.1        1.5           2040302900073 
      4.338      0.121      0.727        6.5        2.0           2040302900074 
      4.338      0.121      0.842        8.4        2.5           2040302900075 
      4.823      0.098     -0.752       16.4        2.5           2040302900076 
      4.823      0.098     -0.567       13.7        2.1           2040302900077 
      4.823      0.098     -0.344       12.9        1.9           2040302900078 
      4.823      0.098     -0.092       10.0        1.5           2040302900079 
      4.823      0.098      0.084        9.1        1.4           2040302900080 
      4.823      0.098      0.260       10.4        1.6           2040302900081 
      4.823      0.098      0.430        9.5        1.9           2040302900082 
      4.823      0.098      0.587       12.3        3.7           2040302900083 
      4.823      0.098      0.727       12.3        3.7           2040302900084 
      4.823      0.098      0.842       14.3        4.3           2040302900085 
ENDDATA             52          0                                 2040302900086 
ENDSUBENT           85          0                                 2040302999999 
NOSUBENT      20403030   20180821                             22702040303000001 
NOSUBENT      20403031   20180821                             22702040303100001 
NOSUBENT      20403032   20180821                             22702040303200001 
NOSUBENT      20403033   20180821                             22702040303300001 
SUBENT        20403034   20180821                             22702040303400001 
BIB                  5          9                                 2040303400002 
REACTION   (5-B-11(N,NON),,SIG,,,DERIV)                           2040303400003 
ANALYSIS    Derived from sum of sigma(n,n') + sig(n,p) +          2040303400004 
            sig(n,t) + sig(n,alpha)  based partly in this work.   2040303400005 
ERR-ANALYS No information about source of uncertainties           2040303400006 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 6 from  AWRE-O-45/70.                    2040303400007 
           (DEP,20403028) see ANALYSIS                            2040303400008 
HISTORY    (20180821A) SD: STATUS updated. PART-DET deleted.      2040303400009 
           SF9=DERIV was added to REACTION code. ANALYSIS added.  2040303400010 
           EN-RSL -> EN-RSL-HW.                                   2040303400011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 2040303400012 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2040303400013 
DATA                 3          7                                 2040303400014 
EN         EN-RSL-HW  DATA                                        2040303400015 
MEV        MEV        B                                           2040303400016 
      2.032      0.032       0.01                                 2040303400017 
      2.618      0.027       0.03                                 2040303400018 
      3.177      0.024       0.02                                 2040303400019 
      3.740      0.022       0.05                                 2040303400020 
      4.312      0.020       0.08                                 2040303400021 
      4.338      0.121       0.08                                 2040303400022 
      4.823      0.098       0.17                                 2040303400023 
ENDDATA              9          0                                 2040303400024 
ENDSUBENT           23          0                                 2040303499999 
SUBENT        20403035   20180821                             22702040303500001 
BIB                  5         10                                 2040303500002 
REACTION   (5-B-11(N,TOT),,SIG,,,DERIV)                           2040303500003 
ANALYSIS   Derived from sum of sigma(elastic,exp.) +              2040303500004 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainties2040303500006 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 5 from  AWRE-O-45/70.                    2040303500007 
           (DEP,20403020)  see ANALYSIS                           2040303500008 
           (DEP,20403034) see ANALYSIS                            2040303500009 
HISTORY    (20180821A) SD: STATUS updated. PART-DET deleted.      2040303500010 
           SF9=DERIV was added to REACTION code. ANALYSIS added.  2040303500011 
           EN-RSL -> EN-RSL-HW.                                   2040303500012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 2040303500013 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2040303500014 
DATA                 4          7                                 2040303500015 
EN         EN-RSL-HW  DATA       DATA-ERR                         2040303500016 
MEV        MEV        B          B                                2040303500017 
      2.032      0.032       1.69       0.06                      2040303500018 
      2.618      0.027       2.04       0.07                      2040303500019 
      3.177      0.024       1.68       0.06                      2040303500020 
      3.740      0.022       1.71       0.06                      2040303500021 
      4.312      0.020       1.32       0.05                      2040303500022 
      4.338      0.121       1.49       0.05                      2040303500023 
      4.823      0.098       1.92       0.07                      2040303500024 
ENDDATA              9          0                                 2040303500025 
ENDSUBENT           24          0                                 2040303599999 
ENDENTRY            35          0                                 2040399999999