ENTRY 20416 20230201 23132041600000001 SUBENT 20416001 20230201 23132041600100001 BIB 16 180 2041600100002 TITLE Status of (n,xn) cross section measurements 2041600100003 at Bruyeres-le-Chatel 2041600100004 AUTHOR (J.Frehaut,A.Bertin,R.Bois,J.Jary,G.Mosinski) 2041600100005 REFERENCE (R,CEA-R-6447,2016) Revised data. In French . 2041600100006 ((S,INDC(USA)-84,(1),399,1980)= 2041600100007 (S,BNL-NCS-51245,(1),399,1980)) 2041600100008 Full paper of contribution to Symposium on Neutron 2041600100009 Cross Sections from 10-50 MeV, held at Upton, 2041600100010 L.I.(U.S.A.), May, 12-14,1980, supersedes all 2041600100011 former publications. 2041600100012 (C,75KIEV,4,303,1975) - In French, Tables of 2041600100013 preliminary n,2n c-s for Sc45,Fe56,Co59,Se76,78,80,82,2041600100014 Y89,Nb93,Rh103 2041600100015 (C,75WASH,2,855,1975) Preliminary, Tables and Graphs 2041600100016 (C,75GAUSSIG,,24,1975) X-sect. plotted and tabulated. 2041600100017 (R,CEA-R-4627,1974) Details on the experiment. 2041600100018 Cross-sections given there are superseded. 2041600100019 INSTITUTE (2FR BRC) Service De Physique Neutronique Et 2041600100020 Nucleaire. 2041600100021 REL-REF (M,,J.Poitou+,J,NIM,114,113,1974) 2041600100022 Monte-Carlo simulation 2041600100023 (O,21568001,J.Frehaut,R,CEA-R-6447,201611) 2041600100024 U-235, U-238 (n,2n) cross section 2041600100025 (O,21669001,J.Frehaut,R,CEA-R-6447,201611) 2041600100026 C-13 n,2n cross section 2041600100027 (O,21971001,J.Frehaut,R,CEA-R-6447,201611) 2041600100028 1-H-2 n,2n cross section. 2041600100029 FACILITY (VDG,2FR BRC) Van De Graaff, 14 MeV. 2041600100030 INC-SOURCE (D-D) Deuteron-deuterium reaction in a 10 cm long 2041600100031 gaseous target containing deuterium at 1 atm. 2041600100032 DETECTOR (STANK) Large Gd-loaded liquid scintillator. 2041600100033 76cm diameter. Equipped by 12 photomultipliers. 2041600100034 Detector efficiency was calibrated using a 252-Cf 2041600100035 source assuming a value of NU=3.732 and Maxwellian 2041600100036 spectrum temperature 1.43 MeV. 2041600100037 Neutron detection efficiency as function of energy 2041600100038 was estimated by Monte Carlo calculations . 2041600100039 The efficiency energy dependence was smoothed as 2041600100040 80.2+1.5601*E-2.2113*E**2+0.335*E**3-0.01629*E**4 2041600100041 En,MeV Efficiency smoothed,% Efficiency ,% 2041600100042 0.25 80.00 79.90 2041600100043 0.50 79.80 77.90 2041600100044 0.75 79.60 79.20 2041600100045 1.00 79.30 80.70 2041600100046 1.25 78.90 79.30 2041600100047 1.50 78.40 79.30 2041600100048 1.75 77.70 77.10 2041600100049 2.00 76.90 77.20 2041600100050 2.25 75.90 73.10 2041600100051 2.50 74.90 71.90 2041600100052 2.75 73.80 75.70 2041600100053 3.00 72.70 74.30 2041600100054 3.25 71.40 71.80 2041600100055 3.50 70.30 70.10 2041600100056 3.75 69.30 70.40 2041600100057 4.00 68.40 68.50 2041600100058 4.25 67.40 70.20 2041600100059 4.50 66.40 66.60 2041600100060 4.75 65.40 63.20 2041600100061 5.00 64.60 64.60 2041600100062 5.25 63.70 64.80 2041600100063 5.50 62.90 61.70 2041600100064 5.75 62.10 63.20 2041600100065 6.00 61.30 60.60 2041600100066 6.25 60.60 61.40 2041600100067 6.50 59.90 59.20 2041600100068 6.75 59.30 56.00 2041600100069 7.00 58.80 56.40 2041600100070 7.25 58.20 57.70 2041600100071 7.50 57.50 59.20 2041600100072 7.75 56.80 58.20 2041600100073 8.00 56.00 56.90 2041600100074 8.25 55.20 56.50 2041600100075 8.50 54.20 51.00 2041600100076 8.75 53.30 51.00 2041600100077 9.00 52.30 53.90 2041600100078 9.25 51.30 51.00 2041600100079 9.50 50.20 49.80 2041600100080 9.75 49.90 50.30 2041600100081 10.00 49.50 49.90 2041600100082 SAMPLE Natural elements Ti,V,Cr,Fe,Cu,Ga,Zr,Mo,W,Pt 2041600100083 and Pb. 2041600100084 Monoisotopic natural elements Sc,Co,Y,Nb,Rh,Tm, 2041600100085 Au, and Bi, (and Lu and Ta). 2041600100086 Separated isotopes for the even isotopes of Se,Nd, 2041600100087 Sm,Eu-151, and the main isotopes of Gd,W,Tl and 2041600100088 Pb, and For U-238. 2041600100089 Lu-175 and Ta-181 are only the major components of 2041600100090 the natural elements. 2041600100091 Calculation by S.Pearlstein, Nuclear Data B, 2041600100092 Section A, 3(1967) used for correcting Se-74 and 2041600100093 Se-77 contributions and to derive (n,2n) cross- 2041600100094 sections of Fe-56 and Lu-175. 2041600100095 About 15 gram. disks of 25 mm diam. Metallic 2041600100096 samples except for separated isotopes of Se, Sm, 2041600100097 Nd and Gd, which were oxides. 2041600100098 MONITOR (92-U-238(N,F),,SIG) MONIT-REFs in data Subents. 2041600100099 Sowerby Standard2007 Ratio 2041600100100 En,MeV Cross-section,barn No-dim. 2041600100101 1. 0.0121 0.01355 1.1240 2041600100102 1.2 0.0393 0.0336 0.8555 2041600100103 1.4 0.129 0.1912 1.4806 2041600100104 1.6 0.372 0.4233 1.1379 2041600100105 1.8 0.487 0.4839 0.9938 2041600100106 2. 0.522 0.5340 1.0230 2041600100107 2.2 0.525 0.5471 1.0421 2041600100108 2.4 0.515 0.5463 1.0608 2041600100109 2.6 0.507 0.5411 1.0673 2041600100110 2.8 0.503 0.5372 1.0680 2041600100111 3. 0.502 0.5237 1.0432 2041600100112 3.5 0.506 0.5430 1.0731 2041600100113 4. 0.512 0.5544 1.0828 2041600100114 4.5 0.513 0.5593 1.0903 2041600100115 5. 0.514 0.5467 1.0636 2041600100116 5.5 0.54 0.5463 1.0117 2041600100117 6. 0.613 0.6108 0.9964 2041600100118 6.5 0.753 0.8158 1.0834 2041600100119 7. 0.874 0.9387 1.0740 2041600100120 8. 0.956 1.0111 1.0576 2041600100121 9. 0.963 1.0094 1.0482 2041600100122 10. 0.952 1.0013 1.0518 2041600100123 11. 0.954 1.0019 1.0502 2041600100124 12. 0.966 0.9850 1.0197 2041600100125 13. 1.008 1.0151 1.0070 2041600100126 14. 1.126 1.1434 1.0155 2041600100127 15. 1.238 1.2346 0.9973 2041600100128 ASSUMED (ASSUM,98-CF-252(0,F),PR,NU) 2041600100129 ANALYSIS Determination of the neutron multiplicity 2041600100130 distribution for the detected events. 2041600100131 CORRECTION Background correction. 2041600100132 For dead time losses. 2041600100133 Efficiency correction for difference of Cf252 fission 2041600100134 neutron and (n,2n) neutron spectra. 2041600100135 Multiple event correction. 2041600100136 For events not induced in sample. 2041600100137 For (n,2n) reactions induced by non-monoenergetic 2041600100138 neutrons. 2041600100139 Correction in the flux measurement. 2041600100140 For the effect of (n,2n) reaction in the axial tube 2041600100141 of scintillator tank - estimated to be negligible. 2041600100142 For reactions induced by degraded neutrons ( -3%) 2041600100143 and loss of secondary neutrons in sample ( +0.5%) . 2041600100144 COMMENT The direct detection technique of emitted neutrons 2041600100145 used in this experiment is not limited to nuclei 2041600100146 with suitable activity characteristics of 2041600100147 residual isotopes as it is the case for activation 2041600100148 measurements. 2041600100149 CRITIQUE H.Vonach et al., Nucl.Sci.Eng. 106(1990)409 corrected 2041600100150 data published in J.Frehaut et al., INDC(USA)-84, p.3992041600100151 (1980) with a normalization factor of 1.078 (agreed 2041600100152 with Frehaut). Data compiled in this EXFOR Entry 2041600100153 (Subents 002-062) are original ones not corrected by 2041600100154 this factor. 2041600100155 HISTORY (19750728C) 2041600100156 (19800603A) G.C. REACTION strings converted, 2041600100157 data updated with the Upton Conference Paper. 2041600100158 (19831122A) SUBWORK 005 deleted, as Ni-data were with- 2041600100159 drawn before the Washington Conference 1975. 2041600100160 (20041212U) HH 2041600100161 (20090901U) M.M. Page and volume numbers were added in 2041600100162 reference C,75KIEV. Author name G.Mosinski was added 2041600100163 from C,75KIEV. Page was added in C,75GAUSSIG. 2041600100164 MONIT-REF, ASSUM, COMMON were added. 2041600100165 (20121207A) SD: CRITIQUE was added. Ref. on private 2041600100166 comm. was changed on (S,INDC(USA)-84,1,399,1980)= 2041600100167 (S,BNL-NCS-51245,1,399,1980). Page was added to 2041600100168 C,75WASH; page was corrected in C,75GAUSSIG. Data 2041600100169 values were corrected in Subents 002-004,006-022, 2041600100170 030,043,050, units were changed. 2041600100171 (20170228A) M.M. 2041600100172 Upper -> lower case corrections in Subents 023-062. 2041600100173 Ref.R,CEA-R-6447,201611 was added. 2041600100174 Subents ( 063-123 ) were added . 2041600100175 Initial data were superseded by revised data. 2041600100176 Subent 005 was deleted: 2041600100177 1983-11-22 Data ( Ni-0(n,2n) CS) were never presented 2041600100178 at the Washington Conference (line in this Subent 005)2041600100179 (20230201U) SD: CEA-R-6447 moved on te first place. 2041600100180 (all active datasets (except for 003 and 040) are 2041600100181 taken from this report). 2041600100182 ENDBIB 180 0 2041600100183 COMMON 1 3 2041600100184 ASSUM 2041600100185 PRT/FIS 2041600100186 3.732 2041600100187 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2041600100188 ENDSUBENT 187 0 2041600199999 SUBENT 20416002 20170228 22592041600200001 BIB 5 16 2041600200002 REACTION (21-SC-45(N,2N)21-SC-44,,SIG) 2041600200003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041600200004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041600200005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041600200006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041600200007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041600200008 cross-sections are not included. 2041600200009 STATUS (TABLE) .Tbl 3 of BNL-NCS-51245,1,399 2041600200010 (SPSDD,20416075) Superseded by revised data 2041600200011 HISTORY (19800603A) G.C. REACTION string converted. 2041600200012 Data updated. 2041600200013 (19800612E) 2041600200014 (20121207A) SD: Values from EN-RSL was divided by 1000;2041600200015 units were changed KEV -> MEV 2041600200016 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041600200017 revised data. 2041600200018 ENDBIB 16 0 2041600200019 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041600200020 DATA 5 6 2041600200021 EN EN-RSL-HW MONIT DATA DATA-ERR 2041600200022 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041600200023 12.36 0.085 978. 53. 7. 2041600200024 12.85 0.080 999. 90. 10. 2041600200025 13.33 0.075 1031. 149. 14. 2041600200026 13.80 0.075 1086. 211. 17. 2041600200027 14.28 0.070 1163. 250. 21. 2041600200028 14.76 0.065 1216. 309. 25. 2041600200029 ENDDATA 8 0 2041600200030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 2041600299999 SUBENT 20416003 20170228 22592041600300001 BIB 5 12 2041600300002 REACTION (26-FE-56(N,2N)26-FE-55,,SIG) 2041600300003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041600300004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041600300005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041600300006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041600300007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041600300008 cross-sections are not included. 2041600300009 STATUS (TABLE) .From Tbl.1 of C,75KIEV,4,303. 2041600300010 HISTORY (19800603A) G.C. REACTION string converted. 2041600300011 (19800612E) 2041600300012 (20121207A) SD: Values from EN-RSL was divided by 1000,2041600300013 units were changed KEV -> MEV 2041600300014 ENDBIB 12 0 2041600300015 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041600300016 DATA 5 7 2041600300017 EN EN-RSL-HW MONIT DATA DATA-ERR 2041600300018 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041600300019 11.88 0.085 965. 37. 4. 2041600300020 12.36 0.085 978. 104. 6. 2041600300021 12.85 0.080 999. 213. 12. 2041600300022 13.33 0.075 1031. 316. 19. 2041600300023 13.80 0.075 1086. 402. 24. 2041600300024 14.28 0.070 1163. 410. 33. 2041600300025 14.76 0.065 1216. 519. 41. 2041600300026 ENDDATA 9 0 2041600300027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 2041600399999 SUBENT 20416004 20170228 22592041600400001 BIB 5 18 2041600400002 REACTION (27-CO-59(N,2N)27-CO-58,,SIG) 2041600400003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041600400004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041600400005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041600400006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041600400007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041600400008 cross-sections are not included. 2041600400009 STATUS (TABLE) .Table 3 of INDC(USA)-84,1,399 2041600400010 (SPSDD,20416076) Superseded by revised data. 2041600400011 HISTORY (19750728C) 2041600400012 (19750808E) 2041600400013 (19800603A) G.C. REACTION string converted. 2041600400014 Data updated. 2041600400015 (19800612E) 2041600400016 (20121207A) SD: Values from EN-RSL was divided by 1000,2041600400017 units were changed KEV -> MEV 2041600400018 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041600400019 revised data. 2041600400020 ENDBIB 18 0 2041600400021 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041600400022 DATA 5 8 2041600400023 EN EN-RSL-HW MONIT DATA DATA-ERR 2041600400024 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041600400025 10.91 0.095 952. 16. 6. 2041600400026 11.40 0.090 957. 110. 10. 2041600400027 11.88 0.085 965. 216. 17. 2041600400028 12.36 0.085 978. 326. 24. 2041600400029 12.85 0.080 999. 453. 30. 2041600400030 13.33 0.075 1031. 539. 36. 2041600400031 13.80 0.075 1086. 640. 41. 2041600400032 14.76 0.065 1216. 734. 50. 2041600400033 ENDDATA 10 0 2041600400034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 2041600499999 NOSUBENT 20416005 20170228 22592041600500001 SUBENT 20416006 20170228 22592041600600001 BIB 5 16 2041600600002 REACTION (31-GA-0(N,2N),,SIG) 2041600600003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041600600004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041600600005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041600600006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041600600007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041600600008 cross-sections are not included. 2041600600009 STATUS (TABLE) .Table 1 of INDC(USA)-84,1,399 2041600600010 (SPSDD,20416068) Superseded by revised data. 2041600600011 HISTORY (19800603A) G.C. REACTION string converted. 2041600600012 Data updated. 2041600600013 (19800612E) 2041600600014 (20121207A) SD: Values from EN-RSL was divided by 1000,2041600600015 units were changed KEV -> MEV 2041600600016 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041600600017 revised data. 2041600600018 ENDBIB 16 0 2041600600019 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041600600020 DATA 5 11 2041600600021 EN EN-RSL-HW MONIT DATA DATA-ERR 2041600600022 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041600600023 9.93 0.110 952. 17. 7. 2041600600024 10.42 0.100 948. 27. 12. 2041600600025 10.91 0.095 952. 83. 9. 2041600600026 11.40 0.090 957. 180. 12. 2041600600027 11.88 0.085 965. 303. 19. 2041600600028 12.36 0.085 978. 431. 34. 2041600600029 12.85 0.080 999. 546. 42. 2041600600030 13.33 0.075 1031. 672. 37. 2041600600031 13.80 0.075 1086. 743. 56. 2041600600032 14.28 0.070 1163. 829. 63. 2041600600033 14.76 0.065 1216. 854. 65. 2041600600034 ENDDATA 13 0 2041600600035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 2041600699999 SUBENT 20416007 20170228 22592041600700001 BIB 5 18 2041600700002 REACTION (34-SE-76(N,2N)34-SE-75,,SIG) 2041600700003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041600700004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041600700005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041600700006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041600700007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041600700008 cross-sections are not included. 2041600700009 STATUS (TABLE) .Table 5 of INDC(USA)-84,1,399 2041600700010 (SPSDD,20416083) Superseded by revised data. 2041600700011 HISTORY (19750728C) 2041600700012 (19750808E) 2041600700013 (19800603A) G.C. REACTION string converted. 2041600700014 Data updated. 2041600700015 (19800612E) 2041600700016 (20121207A) SD: Values from EN-RSL was divided by 1000,2041600700017 units were changed KEV -> MEV 2041600700018 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041600700019 revised data. 2041600700020 ENDBIB 18 0 2041600700021 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041600700022 DATA 5 7 2041600700023 EN EN-RSL-HW MONIT DATA DATA-ERR 2041600700024 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041600700025 11.88 0.085 965. 98. 12. 2041600700026 12.36 0.085 978. 213. 24. 2041600700027 12.85 0.080 999. 368. 36. 2041600700028 13.33 0.075 1031. 520. 48. 2041600700029 13.80 0.075 1086. 644. 56. 2041600700030 14.28 0.070 1163. 699. 60. 2041600700031 14.76 0.065 1216. 774. 65. 2041600700032 ENDDATA 9 0 2041600700033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 2041600799999 SUBENT 20416008 20170228 22592041600800001 BIB 5 18 2041600800002 REACTION (34-SE-78(N,2N)34-SE-77,,SIG) 2041600800003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041600800004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041600800005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041600800006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041600800007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041600800008 cross-sections are not included. 2041600800009 STATUS (TABLE) .Table 5 of INDC(USA)-84,1,399 2041600800010 (SPSDD,20416084) Superseded by revised data. 2041600800011 HISTORY (19800603A) G.C. REACTION string converted. 2041600800012 Data updated. 2041600800013 (19800612E) 2041600800014 (19860305A)N.CH 2041600800015 (19860411E) 2041600800016 (20121207A) SD: Values from EN-RSL was divided by 1000,2041600800017 units were changed KEV -> MEV 2041600800018 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041600800019 revised data. 2041600800020 ENDBIB 18 0 2041600800021 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041600800022 DATA 5 9 2041600800023 EN EN-RSL-HW MONIT DATA DATA-ERR 2041600800024 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041600800025 10.91 0.095 952. 15. 5. 2041600800026 11.40 0.090 957. 130. 9. 2041600800027 11.88 0.085 965. 309. 21. 2041600800028 12.36 0.085 978. 461. 38. 2041600800029 12.85 0.080 999. 618. 50. 2041600800030 13.33 0.075 1031. 747. 60. 2041600800031 13.80 0.075 1086. 886. 69. 2041600800032 14.28 0.070 1163. 897. 70. 2041600800033 14.76 0.065 1216. 951. 74. 2041600800034 ENDDATA 11 0 2041600800035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 2041600899999 SUBENT 20416009 20170228 22592041600900001 BIB 5 18 2041600900002 REACTION (34-SE-80(N,2N)34-SE-79,,SIG) 2041600900003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041600900004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041600900005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041600900006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041600900007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041600900008 cross-sections are not included. 2041600900009 STATUS (TABLE) .Table 5 of INDC(USA)-84,1,399 2041600900010 (SPSDD,20416085) Superseded by revised data. 2041600900011 HISTORY (19800603A) G.C. REACTION string converted. 2041600900012 Data updated. 2041600900013 (19800612E) 2041600900014 (19860305A)N.CH 2041600900015 (19860411E) 2041600900016 (20121207A) SD: Values from EN-RSL was divided by 1000,2041600900017 units were changed KEV -> MEV 2041600900018 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041600900019 revised data. 2041600900020 ENDBIB 18 0 2041600900021 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041600900022 DATA 5 10 2041600900023 EN EN-RSL-HW MONIT DATA DATA-ERR 2041600900024 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041600900025 10.42 0.100 948. 56. 5. 2041600900026 10.91 0.095 952. 219. 14. 2041600900027 11.40 0.090 957. 391. 24. 2041600900028 11.88 0.085 965. 547. 36. 2041600900029 12.36 0.085 978. 734. 61. 2041600900030 12.85 0.080 999. 823. 67. 2041600900031 13.33 0.075 1031. 922. 73. 2041600900032 13.80 0.075 1086. 1023. 81. 2041600900033 14.28 0.070 1163. 1008. 79. 2041600900034 14.76 0.065 1216. 1043. 82. 2041600900035 ENDDATA 12 0 2041600900036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 2041600999999 SUBENT 20416010 20170228 22592041601000001 BIB 5 18 2041601000002 REACTION (34-SE-82(N,2N)34-SE-81,,SIG) 2041601000003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041601000004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041601000005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041601000006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041601000007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041601000008 cross-sections are not included. 2041601000009 STATUS (TABLE) .Table 5 of INDC(USA)-84,1,399 2041601000010 (SPSDD,20416086) Superseded by revised data. 2041601000011 HISTORY (19800603A) G.C. REACTION string converted. 2041601000012 Data updated. 2041601000013 (19800612E) 2041601000014 (19860305A)N.CH 2041601000015 (19860411E) 2041601000016 (20121207A) SD: Values from EN-RSL was divided by 1000,2041601000017 units were changed KEV -> MEV 2041601000018 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041601000019 revised data. 2041601000020 ENDBIB 18 0 2041601000021 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041601000022 DATA 5 11 2041601000023 EN EN-RSL-HW MONIT DATA DATA-ERR 2041601000024 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041601000025 9.93 0.110 952. 94. 6. 2041601000026 10.42 0.100 948. 281. 16. 2041601000027 10.91 0.095 952. 451. 26. 2041601000028 11.40 0.090 957. 605. 36. 2041601000029 11.88 0.085 965. 721. 44. 2041601000030 12.36 0.085 978. 868. 68. 2041601000031 12.85 0.080 999. 944. 73. 2041601000032 13.33 0.075 1031. 1048. 80. 2041601000033 13.80 0.075 1086. 1044. 80. 2041601000034 14.28 0.070 1163. 1057. 81. 2041601000035 14.76 0.065 1216. 1101. 84. 2041601000036 ENDDATA 13 0 2041601000037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 2041601099999 SUBENT 20416011 20170228 22592041601100001 BIB 5 16 2041601100002 REACTION (39-Y-89(N,2N)39-Y-88,,SIG) 2041601100003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041601100004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041601100005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041601100006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041601100007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041601100008 cross-sections are not included. 2041601100009 STATUS (TABLE) .Table 3 of INDC(USA)-84,1,399 2041601100010 (SPSDD,20416078) Superseded by revised data 2041601100011 HISTORY (19800603A) G.C. REACTION string converted. 2041601100012 Data updated. 2041601100013 (19800612E) 2041601100014 (20121207A) SD: Values from EN-RSL was divided by 1000,2041601100015 units were changed KEV -> MEV 2041601100016 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041601100017 revised data. 2041601100018 ENDBIB 16 0 2041601100019 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041601100020 DATA 5 7 2041601100021 EN EN-RSL-HW MONIT DATA DATA-ERR 2041601100022 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041601100023 11.88 0.085 965. 49. 8. 2041601100024 12.36 0.085 978. 188. 13. 2041601100025 12.85 0.080 999. 395. 21. 2041601100026 13.33 0.075 1031. 585. 41. 2041601100027 13.80 0.075 1086. 748. 36. 2041601100028 14.28 0.070 1163. 828. 43. 2041601100029 14.76 0.065 1216. 914. 71. 2041601100030 ENDDATA 9 0 2041601100031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 2041601199999 SUBENT 20416012 20170228 22592041601200001 BIB 5 16 2041601200002 REACTION (41-NB-93(N,2N)41-NB-92,,SIG) 2041601200003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041601200004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041601200005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041601200006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041601200007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041601200008 cross-sections are not included. 2041601200009 STATUS (TABLE) .Table 3 of INDC(USA)-84,1,399 2041601200010 (SPSDD,20416079) Superseded by revised data. 2041601200011 HISTORY (19800603A) G.C. REACTION string converted. 2041601200012 Data updated. 2041601200013 (19800612E) 2041601200014 (20121207A) SD: Values from EN-RSL was divided by 1000,2041601200015 units were changed KEV -> MEV 2041601200016 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041601200017 revised data. 2041601200018 ENDBIB 16 0 2041601200019 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041601200020 DATA 5 12 2041601200021 EN EN-RSL-HW MONIT DATA DATA-ERR 2041601200022 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041601200023 9.44 0.115 960. 44. 17. 2041601200024 9.93 0.110 952. 319. 25. 2041601200025 10.42 0.100 948. 493. 37. 2041601200026 10.91 0.095 952. 694. 45. 2041601200027 11.40 0.090 957. 794. 52. 2041601200028 11.88 0.085 965. 976. 64. 2041601200029 12.36 0.085 978. 1042. 63. 2041601200030 12.85 0.080 999. 1122. 69. 2041601200031 13.33 0.075 1031. 1195. 69. 2041601200032 13.80 0.075 1086. 1168. 70. 2041601200033 14.28 0.070 1163. 1270. 98. 2041601200034 14.76 0.065 1216. 1313. 99. 2041601200035 ENDDATA 14 0 2041601200036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 2041601299999 SUBENT 20416013 20170228 22592041601300001 BIB 5 17 2041601300002 REACTION (45-RH-103(N,2N)45-RH-102,,SIG) 2041601300003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041601300004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041601300005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041601300006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041601300007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041601300008 cross-sections are not included. 2041601300009 STATUS (TABLE) .Table 3 of INDC(USA)-84,1,399 2041601300010 (SPSDD,20416080) Superseded by revised data 2041601300011 HISTORY (19800603A) G.C. REACTION string converted. 2041601300012 Data updated. 2041601300013 (19800612E) 2041601300014 (20041203A) Reaction corrected 2041601300015 (20121207A) SD: Values from EN-RSL was divided by 1000,2041601300016 units were changed KEV -> MEV 2041601300017 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041601300018 revised data. 2041601300019 ENDBIB 17 0 2041601300020 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041601300021 DATA 5 11 2041601300022 EN EN-RSL-HW MONIT DATA DATA-ERR 2041601300023 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041601300024 9.93 0.110 952. 82. 12. 2041601300025 10.42 0.100 948. 293. 23. 2041601300026 10.91 0.095 952. 513. 31. 2041601300027 11.40 0.090 957. 703. 46. 2041601300028 11.88 0.085 965. 871. 57. 2041601300029 12.36 0.085 978. 1022. 62. 2041601300030 12.85 0.080 999. 1094. 67. 2041601300031 13.33 0.075 1031. 1187. 65. 2041601300032 13.80 0.075 1086. 1223. 72. 2041601300033 14.28 0.070 1163. 1311. 99. 2041601300034 14.76 0.065 1216. 1340. 99. 2041601300035 ENDDATA 13 0 2041601300036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 2041601399999 SUBENT 20416014 20170228 22592041601400001 BIB 5 17 2041601400002 REACTION (69-TM-169(N,2N)69-TM-168,,SIG) 2041601400003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041601400004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041601400005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041601400006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041601400007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041601400008 cross-sections are not included. 2041601400009 STATUS (TABLE) .Table 4 of INDC(USA)-84,1,399 2041601400010 (SPSDD,20416088) Superseded by revised data 2041601400011 HISTORY (19800603A) G.C. REACTION string converted. 2041601400012 Data updated. 2041601400013 (19800612E) 2041601400014 (20121207A) SD: EN-RSL in a few points was corrected. 2041601400015 Values from EN-RSL was divided by 1000, 2041601400016 units were changed KEV -> MEV 2041601400017 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041601400018 revised data. 2041601400019 ENDBIB 17 0 2041601400020 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041601400021 DATA 5 14 2041601400022 EN EN-RSL-HW MONIT DATA DATA-ERR 2041601400023 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041601400024 8.44 0.135 962. 60. 31. 2041601400025 8.94 0.125 964. 335. 27. 2041601400026 9.44 0.115 960. 875. 87. 2041601400027 9.93 0.110 952. 1102. 69. 2041601400028 10.42 0.110 948. 1348. 83. 2041601400029 10.91 0.095 952. 1443. 103. 2041601400030 11.40 0.090 957. 1557. 79. 2041601400031 11.88 0.085 965. 1739. 101. 2041601400032 12.36 0.085 978. 1799. 84. 2041601400033 12.85 0.080 999. 1938. 86. 2041601400034 13.33 0.075 1031. 1939. 123. 2041601400035 13.80 0.075 1086. 1961. 89. 2041601400036 14.28 0.070 1163. 1845. 95. 2041601400037 14.76 0.065 1216. 1926. 155. 2041601400038 ENDDATA 16 0 2041601400039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 2041601499999 SUBENT 20416015 20170228 22592041601500001 BIB 5 17 2041601500002 REACTION (71-LU-175(N,2N)71-LU-174,,SIG) 2041601500003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041601500004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041601500005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041601500006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041601500007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041601500008 cross-sections are not included. 2041601500009 STATUS (TABLE) .Table 4 of INDC(USA)-84,1,399 2041601500010 (SPSDD,20416089) Superseded by revised data 2041601500011 HISTORY (19800603A) G.C. REACTION string converted. 2041601500012 Data updated. 2041601500013 (19800612E) 2041601500014 (20121207A) SD: EN-RSL in a few points was corrected. 2041601500015 Values from EN-RSL was divided by 1000, 2041601500016 units were changed KEV -> MEV 2041601500017 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041601500018 revised data. 2041601500019 ENDBIB 17 0 2041601500020 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041601500021 DATA 5 14 2041601500022 EN EN-RSL-HW MONIT DATA DATA-ERR 2041601500023 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041601500024 8.44 0.135 962. 192. 32. 2041601500025 8.94 0.125 964. 623. 48. 2041601500026 9.44 0.115 960. 1092. 108. 2041601500027 9.93 0.110 952. 1309. 83. 2041601500028 10.42 0.110 948. 1447. 91. 2041601500029 10.91 0.095 952. 1596. 120. 2041601500030 11.40 0.090 957. 1598. 104. 2041601500031 11.88 0.085 965. 1777. 108. 2041601500032 12.36 0.085 978. 1854. 119. 2041601500033 12.85 0.080 999. 1898. 124. 2041601500034 13.33 0.075 1031. 1892. 124. 2041601500035 13.80 0.075 1086. 1905. 122. 2041601500036 14.28 0.070 1163. 1932. 159. 2041601500037 14.76 0.065 1216. 1891. 162. 2041601500038 ENDDATA 16 0 2041601500039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 2041601599999 SUBENT 20416016 20170228 22592041601600001 BIB 5 17 2041601600002 REACTION (73-TA-181(N,2N)73-TA-180,,SIG) 2041601600003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041601600004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041601600005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041601600006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041601600007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041601600008 cross-sections are not included. 2041601600009 STATUS (TABLE) .Table 4 of INDC(USA)-84,1,399 2041601600010 (SPSDD,20416090) Superseded by revised data 2041601600011 HISTORY (19800603A) G.C. REACTION string converted. 2041601600012 Data updated. 2041601600013 (19800612E) 2041601600014 (20121207A) SD: EN-RSL in a few points was corrected. 2041601600015 Values from EN-RSL was divided by 1000, 2041601600016 units were changed KEV -> MEV 2041601600017 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041601600018 revised data. 2041601600019 ENDBIB 17 0 2041601600020 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041601600021 DATA 5 14 2041601600022 EN EN-RSL-HW MONIT DATA DATA-ERR 2041601600023 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041601600024 8.44 0.135 962. 271. 28. 2041601600025 8.94 0.125 964. 709. 47. 2041601600026 9.44 0.115 960. 1217. 112. 2041601600027 9.93 0.110 952. 1372. 83. 2041601600028 10.42 0.110 948. 1518. 93. 2041601600029 10.91 0.095 952. 1581. 110. 2041601600030 11.40 0.090 957. 1653. 102. 2041601600031 11.88 0.085 965. 1778. 101. 2041601600032 12.36 0.085 978. 1845. 111. 2041601600033 12.85 0.080 999. 1935. 117. 2041601600034 13.33 0.075 1031. 1891. 119. 2041601600035 13.80 0.075 1086. 1920. 118. 2041601600036 14.28 0.070 1163. 1900. 153. 2041601600037 14.76 0.065 1216. 1856. 159. 2041601600038 ENDDATA 16 0 2041601600039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 2041601699999 SUBENT 20416017 20170228 22592041601700001 BIB 5 17 2041601700002 REACTION (74-W-0(N,2N),,SIG) 2041601700003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041601700004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041601700005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041601700006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041601700007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041601700008 cross-sections are not included. 2041601700009 STATUS (TABLE) .Table 2 of INDC(USA)-84,1,399 2041601700010 (SPSDD,20416071) Superseded by revised data. 2041601700011 HISTORY (19800603A) G.C. REACTION string converted. 2041601700012 Data updated. 2041601700013 (19800612E) 2041601700014 (20121207A) SD: EN-RSL in a few points was corrected. 2041601700015 Values from EN-RSL was divided by 1000, 2041601700016 units were changed KEV -> MEV 2041601700017 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041601700018 revised data. 2041601700019 ENDBIB 17 0 2041601700020 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041601700021 DATA 5 17 2041601700022 EN EN-RSL-HW MONIT DATA DATA-ERR 2041601700023 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041601700024 7.93 0.150 952. 208. 27. 2041601700025 8.18 0.145 385. 22. 2041601700026 8.44 0.135 962. 588. 46. 2041601700027 8.69 0.130 758. 41. 2041601700028 8.94 0.125 964. 911. 55. 2041601700029 9.44 0.115 960. 1214. 89. 2041601700030 9.93 0.110 952. 1417. 93. 2041601700031 10.42 0.100 948. 1479. 93. 2041601700032 10.91 0.095 952. 1618. 94. 2041601700033 11.40 0.090 957. 1750. 109. 2041601700034 11.88 0.085 965. 1787. 112. 2041601700035 12.36 0.085 978. 1831. 108. 2041601700036 12.85 0.080 999. 1867. 114. 2041601700037 13.33 0.075 1031. 1899. 100. 2041601700038 13.80 0.075 1086. 1868. 101. 2041601700039 14.28 0.070 1163. 1943. 157. 2041601700040 14.76 0.065 1216. 1950. 169. 2041601700041 ENDDATA 19 0 2041601700042 ENDSUBENT 41 0 2041601799999 SUBENT 20416018 20170228 22592041601800001 BIB 5 17 2041601800002 REACTION (78-PT-0(N,2N),,SIG) 2041601800003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041601800004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041601800005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041601800006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041601800007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041601800008 cross-sections are not included. 2041601800009 STATUS (TABLE) .Table 2 of INDC(USA)-84,1,399 2041601800010 (SPSDD,20416072) Superseded by revised data. 2041601800011 HISTORY (19800603A) G.C. REACTION string converted. 2041601800012 Data updated. 2041601800013 (19800612E) 2041601800014 (20121207A) SD: EN-RSL in a few points was corrected. 2041601800015 Values from EN-RSL was divided by 1000, 2041601800016 units were changed KEV -> MEV 2041601800017 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041601800018 revised data. 2041601800019 ENDBIB 17 0 2041601800020 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041601800021 DATA 5 15 2041601800022 EN EN-RSL-HW MONIT DATA DATA-ERR 2041601800023 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041601800024 7.93 0.150 952. 183. 26. 2041601800025 8.44 0.145 962. 359. 36. 2041601800026 8.94 0.125 964. 533. 47. 2041601800027 9.44 0.115 960. 858. 67. 2041601800028 9.93 0.110 952. 1102. 93. 2041601800029 10.42 0.100 948. 1274. 83. 2041601800030 10.91 0.095 952. 1458. 85. 2041601800031 11.40 0.090 957. 1562. 97. 2041601800032 11.88 0.085 965. 1738. 109. 2041601800033 12.36 0.085 978. 1782. 104. 2041601800034 12.85 0.080 999. 1830. 110. 2041601800035 13.33 0.075 1031. 1780. 102. 2041601800036 13.80 0.075 1086. 1831. 110. 2041601800037 14.28 0.070 1163. 1888. 152. 2041601800038 14.76 0.065 1216. 1942. 164. 2041601800039 ENDDATA 17 0 2041601800040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 2041601899999 SUBENT 20416019 20170228 22592041601900001 BIB 5 18 2041601900002 REACTION (79-AU-197(N,2N)79-AU-196,,SIG) 2041601900003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041601900004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041601900005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041601900006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041601900007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041601900008 cross-sections are not included. 2041601900009 STATUS (TABLE) .Table 4 of INDC(USA)-84,1,399 2041601900010 (SPSDD,20416091) Superseded by revised data. 2041601900011 HISTORY (19800603A) G.C. REACTION string converted. 2041601900012 Data updated. 2041601900013 (19800612E) 2041601900014 (20121207A) SD: First values of EN and DATA were 2041601900015 corrected. DATA value at En=12.36 MeV was corrected.2041601900016 Values from EN-RSL was divided by 1000, 2041601900017 units were changed KEV -> MEV 2041601900018 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041601900019 revised data. 2041601900020 ENDBIB 18 0 2041601900021 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041601900022 DATA 5 14 2041601900023 EN EN-RSL-HW MONIT DATA DATA-ERR 2041601900024 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041601900025 8.44 0.135 962. 39. 20. 2041601900026 8.94 0.125 964. 254. 20. 2041601900027 9.44 0.120 960. 651. 65. 2041601900028 9.93 0.110 952. 905. 57. 2041601900029 10.42 0.110 948. 1138. 72. 2041601900030 10.91 0.095 952. 1360. 97. 2041601900031 11.40 0.090 957. 1511. 76. 2041601900032 11.88 0.085 965. 1726. 99. 2041601900033 12.36 0.085 978. 1818. 83. 2041601900034 12.85 0.080 999. 1949. 87. 2041601900035 13.33 0.075 1031. 1967. 123. 2041601900036 13.80 0.075 1086. 2039. 91. 2041601900037 14.28 0.070 1163. 1936. 97. 2041601900038 14.76 0.065 1216. 1935. 155. 2041601900039 ENDDATA 16 0 2041601900040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 2041601999999 SUBENT 20416020 20170228 22592041602000001 BIB 5 17 2041602000002 REACTION (83-BI-209(N,2N)83-BI-208,,SIG) 2041602000003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041602000004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041602000005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041602000006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041602000007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041602000008 cross-sections are not included. 2041602000009 STATUS (TABLE) .Table 4 of INDC(USA)-84,1,399 2041602000010 (SPSDD,20416092) Superseded by revised data. 2041602000011 HISTORY (19800603A) G.C. REACTION string converted. 2041602000012 Data updated. 2041602000013 (19800612E) 2041602000014 (20121207A) SD: EN-RSL in a few points was corrected. 2041602000015 Values from EN-RSL was divided by 1000, 2041602000016 units were changed KEV -> MEV 2041602000017 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041602000018 revised data. 2041602000019 ENDBIB 17 0 2041602000020 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041602000021 DATA 5 15 2041602000022 EN EN-RSL-HW MONIT DATA DATA-ERR 2041602000023 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041602000024 7.93 0.150 952. 113. 13. 2041602000025 8.44 0.135 962. 342. 36. 2041602000026 8.94 0.125 964. 730. 51. 2041602000027 9.44 0.110 960. 1078. 98. 2041602000028 9.93 0.110 952. 1415. 86. 2041602000029 10.42 0.110 948. 1598. 96. 2041602000030 10.91 0.095 952. 1710. 119. 2041602000031 11.40 0.090 957. 1768. 108. 2041602000032 11.88 0.085 965. 1884. 106. 2041602000033 12.36 0.085 978. 1970. 117. 2041602000034 12.85 0.080 999. 2035. 121. 2041602000035 13.33 0.075 1031. 1964. 122. 2041602000036 13.80 0.075 1086. 2088. 129. 2041602000037 14.28 0.070 1163. 2014. 163. 2041602000038 14.76 0.065 1216. 2018. 170. 2041602000039 ENDDATA 17 0 2041602000040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 2041602099999 SUBENT 20416021 20170228 22592041602100001 BIB 5 16 2041602100002 REACTION (92-U-238(N,2N)92-U-237,,SIG) 2041602100003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041602100004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041602100005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041602100006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041602100007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041602100008 cross-sections are not included. 2041602100009 STATUS (TABLE) .Table 9 of INDC(USA)-84,1,399 2041602100010 (SPSDD,21568005) Superseded by revised data 2041602100011 HISTORY (19800603A) G.C. REACTION string converted. 2041602100012 Data updated. 2041602100013 (19800612E) 2041602100014 (20121207A) SD: Values from EN-RSL was divided by 1000,2041602100015 units were changed KEV -> MEV 2041602100016 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041602100017 revised data. 2041602100018 ENDBIB 16 0 2041602100019 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041602100020 DATA 5 20 2041602100021 EN EN-RSL-HW MONIT DATA DATA-ERR 2041602100022 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041602100023 6.89 0.185 233. 39. 2041602100024 7.41 0.165 604. 54. 2041602100025 7.67 0.160 811. 62. 2041602100026 7.93 0.150 952. 879. 48. 2041602100027 8.18 0.145 999. 41. 2041602100028 8.44 0.135 962. 1072. 52. 2041602100029 8.69 0.130 1029. 60. 2041602100030 8.94 0.125 964. 1156. 42. 2041602100031 9.44 0.115 960. 1171. 46. 2041602100032 9.93 0.110 952. 1232. 44. 2041602100033 10.42 0.100 948. 1258. 48. 2041602100034 10.91 0.095 952. 1260. 44. 2041602100035 11.40 0.090 957. 1300. 52. 2041602100036 11.88 0.085 965. 1324. 48. 2041602100037 12.36 0.085 978. 1313. 66. 2041602100038 12.85 0.080 999. 1272. 56. 2041602100039 13.33 0.075 1031. 1134. 58. 2041602100040 13.80 0.075 1086. 925. 54. 2041602100041 14.28 0.070 1163. 790. 66. 2041602100042 14.76 0.065 1216. 642. 64. 2041602100043 ENDDATA 22 0 2041602100044 ENDSUBENT 43 0 2041602199999 SUBENT 20416022 20170228 22592041602200001 BIB 5 16 2041602200002 REACTION (92-U-238(N,3N)92-U-236,,SIG) 2041602200003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041602200004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041602200005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041602200006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041602200007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041602200008 cross-sections are not included. 2041602200009 STATUS (TABLE) .Table 11 of INDC(USA)-84,1,399 2041602200010 (SPSDD,21568006) Superseded by revised data 2041602200011 HISTORY (19800603A) G.C. REACTION string converted. 2041602200012 Data updated. 2041602200013 (19800612E) 2041602200014 (20121207A) SD: Values from EN-RSL was divided by 1000,2041602200015 units were changed KEV -> MEV 2041602200016 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041602200017 revised data. 2041602200018 ENDBIB 16 0 2041602200019 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041602200020 DATA 5 7 2041602200021 EN EN-RSL-HW MONIT DATA DATA-ERR 2041602200022 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041602200023 11.88 0.085 965. 30. 9. 2041602200024 12.36 0.085 978. 69. 13. 2041602200025 12.85 0.080 999. 172. 24. 2041602200026 13.33 0.075 1031. 295. 32. 2041602200027 13.80 0.075 1086. 389. 36. 2041602200028 14.28 0.070 1163. 500. 46. 2041602200029 14.76 0.065 1216. 568. 50. 2041602200030 ENDDATA 9 0 2041602200031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 2041602299999 SUBENT 20416023 20170228 22592041602300001 BIB 5 15 2041602300002 REACTION (22-TI-0(N,2N),,SIG) 2041602300003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041602300004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041602300005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041602300006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041602300007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041602300008 cross-sections are not included. 2041602300009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 of Upton paper. 2041602300010 (SPSDD,20416063) Superseded by revised data. 2041602300011 HISTORY (19800604A) G.C., Added data set. 2041602300012 (before EXFOR ENTRY 20571002, reaction string 2041602300013 converted and data updated) 2041602300014 (19800612E) 2041602300015 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041602300016 revised data. 2041602300017 ENDBIB 15 0 2041602300018 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041602300019 DATA 5 12 2041602300020 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR MONIT 2041602300021 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041602300022 1.0190E+01 1.0500E-01 1.1000E+01 1.0000E+00 9.4900E+02 2041602300023 1.0740E+01 9.5000E-02 1.8000E+01 4.0000E+00 2041602300024 1.1400E+01 9.0000E-02 3.5000E+01 3.0000E+00 9.5700E+02 2041602300025 1.1880E+01 8.5000E-02 4.8000E+01 4.0000E+00 9.6500E+02 2041602300026 1.2120E+01 8.5000E-02 6.0000E+01 5.0000E+00 2041602300027 1.2360E+01 8.5000E-02 8.9000E+01 7.0000E+00 9.7800E+02 2041602300028 1.2600E+01 8.0000E-02 1.2900E+02 1.0000E+01 2041602300029 1.2850E+01 8.0000E-02 1.6300E+02 1.3000E+01 9.9900E+02 2041602300030 1.3330E+01 7.5000E-02 2.3900E+02 1.9000E+01 1.0310E+03 2041602300031 1.3800E+01 7.5000E-02 3.1600E+02 2.6000E+01 1.0860E+03 2041602300032 1.4280E+01 7.0000E-02 3.6600E+02 2.8000E+01 2041602300033 1.4760E+01 6.5000E-02 5.0100E+02 3.5000E+01 1.2160E+03 2041602300034 ENDDATA 14 0 2041602300035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 2041602399999 SUBENT 20416024 20170228 22592041602400001 BIB 5 15 2041602400002 REACTION (23-V-0(N,2N),,SIG) 2041602400003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041602400004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041602400005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041602400006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041602400007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041602400008 cross-sections are not included. 2041602400009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 of Upton paper. 2041602400010 (SPSDD,20416064) Superseded by revised data. 2041602400011 HISTORY (19800604A) Added data set. 2041602400012 (before EXFOR ENTRY 20571003, REACTION string 2041602400013 converted and data updated) 2041602400014 (19800612E) 2041602400015 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041602400016 revised data. 2041602400017 ENDBIB 15 0 2041602400018 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041602400019 DATA 5 8 2041602400020 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR MONIT 2041602400021 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041602400022 1.1400E+01 9.0000E-02 1.5000E+01 2.0000E+00 9.5700E+02 2041602400023 1.1880E+01 8.5000E-02 7.0000E+01 7.0000E+00 9.6500E+02 2041602400024 1.2360E+01 8.5000E-02 1.4500E+02 1.2000E+01 9.7800E+02 2041602400025 1.2850E+01 8.0000E-02 2.4200E+02 1.9000E+01 9.9900E+02 2041602400026 1.3330E+01 7.5000E-02 3.4500E+02 2.8000E+01 1.0310E+03 2041602400027 1.3800E+01 7.5000E-02 4.3300E+02 3.6000E+01 1.0860E+03 2041602400028 1.4280E+01 7.0000E-02 4.9900E+02 3.5000E+01 2041602400029 1.4760E+01 6.5000E-02 5.5800E+02 4.4000E+01 1.2160E+03 2041602400030 ENDDATA 10 0 2041602400031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 2041602499999 SUBENT 20416025 20170228 22592041602500001 BIB 5 15 2041602500002 REACTION (24-CR-0(N,2N),,SIG) 2041602500003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041602500004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041602500005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041602500006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041602500007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041602500008 cross-sections are not included. 2041602500009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 of Upton paper. 2041602500010 (SPSDD,20416065) Superseded by revised data. 2041602500011 HISTORY (19800604A) G.C. Added data set. 2041602500012 (before EXFOR ENTRY 20571004, REACTION string 2041602500013 converted and data updated) 2041602500014 (19800612E) 2041602500015 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041602500016 revised data. 2041602500017 ENDBIB 15 0 2041602500018 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041602500019 DATA 5 11 2041602500020 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR MONIT 2041602500021 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041602500022 1.0190E+01 1.0500E-01 2.6000E+01 2.0000E+00 9.4900E+02 2041602500023 1.0740E+01 9.5000E-02 3.1000E+01 3.0000E+00 2041602500024 1.1400E+01 9.0000E-02 5.1000E+01 3.0000E+00 9.5700E+02 2041602500025 1.1880E+01 8.5000E-02 6.5000E+01 5.0000E+00 9.6500E+02 2041602500026 1.2360E+01 8.5000E-02 6.8000E+01 6.0000E+00 9.7800E+02 2041602500027 1.2600E+01 8.0000E-02 1.0000E+02 8.0000E+00 2041602500028 1.2850E+01 8.0000E-02 1.2800E+02 1.0000E+01 9.9900E+02 2041602500029 1.3330E+01 7.5000E-02 2.0100E+02 1.6000E+01 1.0310E+03 2041602500030 1.3800E+01 7.5000E-02 2.7300E+02 2.2000E+01 1.0860E+03 2041602500031 1.4280E+01 7.0000E-02 3.4400E+02 2.5000E+01 2041602500032 1.4760E+01 6.5000E-02 4.0600E+02 3.2000E+01 1.2160E+03 2041602500033 ENDDATA 13 0 2041602500034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 2041602599999 SUBENT 20416026 20170228 22592041602600001 BIB 5 15 2041602600002 REACTION (29-CU-0(N,2N),,SIG) 2041602600003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041602600004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041602600005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041602600006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041602600007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041602600008 cross-sections are not included. 2041602600009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 of Upton paper. 2041602600010 (SPSDD,20416067) Superseded by revised data 2041602600011 HISTORY (19800604A) G.C. Added data set. 2041602600012 (before EXFOR ENTRY 20571005, REACTION string 2041602600013 converted and data updated) 2041602600014 (19800612E) 2041602600015 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041602600016 revised data. 2041602600017 ENDBIB 15 0 2041602600018 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041602600019 DATA 5 10 2041602600020 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR MONIT 2041602600021 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041602600022 1.0190E+01 1.0500E-01 9.0000E+00 2.0000E+00 9.4900E+02 2041602600023 1.0740E+01 9.5000E-02 1.9000E+01 5.0000E+00 2041602600024 1.1400E+01 9.0000E-02 7.6000E+01 5.0000E+00 9.5700E+02 2041602600025 1.1880E+01 8.5000E-02 1.4500E+02 1.1000E+01 9.6500E+02 2041602600026 1.2360E+01 8.5000E-02 2.2800E+02 1.8000E+01 9.7800E+02 2041602600027 1.2850E+01 8.0000E-02 3.3600E+02 2.6000E+01 9.9900E+02 2041602600028 1.3330E+01 7.5000E-02 4.3600E+02 3.3000E+01 1.0310E+03 2041602600029 1.3800E+01 7.5000E-02 5.0200E+02 4.0000E+01 1.0860E+03 2041602600030 1.4280E+01 7.0000E-02 5.5000E+02 4.0000E+01 2041602600031 1.4760E+01 6.5000E-02 6.2800E+02 4.8000E+01 1.2160E+03 2041602600032 ENDDATA 12 0 2041602600033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 2041602699999 SUBENT 20416027 20170228 22592041602700001 BIB 5 15 2041602700002 REACTION (40-ZR-0(N,2N),,SIG) 2041602700003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041602700004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041602700005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041602700006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041602700007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041602700008 cross-sections are not included. 2041602700009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 2 of Upton paper. 2041602700010 (SPSDD,20416069) Superseded by revised data 2041602700011 HISTORY (19800604A) G.C. Added data set. 2041602700012 (before EXFOR ENTRY 20571006, REACTION string 2041602700013 converted and data updated) 2041602700014 (19800612E) 2041602700015 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041602700016 revised data. 2041602700017 ENDBIB 15 0 2041602700018 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041602700019 DATA 5 15 2041602700020 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR MONIT 2041602700021 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041602700022 7.9300E+00 1.5000E-01 1.8000E+01 1.0000E+01 2041602700023 8.4400E+00 1.3500E-01 6.5000E+01 9.0000E+00 2041602700024 8.9400E+00 1.2500E-01 9.2000E+01 1.1000E+01 2041602700025 9.4400E+00 1.1500E-01 1.7700E+02 1.4000E+01 9.6000E+02 2041602700026 9.9300E+00 1.1000E-01 2.5900E+02 1.4000E+01 9.5200E+02 2041602700027 1.0190E+01 1.0500E-01 2.8700E+02 1.5000E+01 9.4900E+02 2041602700028 1.0740E+01 9.5000E-02 3.4700E+02 1.9000E+01 2041602700029 1.1400E+01 9.0000E-02 4.4100E+02 2.4000E+01 9.5700E+02 2041602700030 1.1880E+01 8.5000E-02 4.9500E+02 2.6000E+01 9.6500E+02 2041602700031 1.2360E+01 8.5000E-02 5.5800E+02 4.0000E+01 9.7800E+02 2041602700032 1.2850E+01 8.0000E-02 6.5800E+02 4.7000E+01 9.9900E+02 2041602700033 1.3330E+01 7.5000E-02 7.9300E+02 5.8000E+01 1.0310E+03 2041602700034 1.3800E+01 7.5000E-02 8.8000E+02 6.8000E+01 1.0860E+03 2041602700035 1.4280E+01 7.0000E-02 9.4600E+02 6.7000E+01 2041602700036 1.4760E+01 6.5000E-02 9.8800E+02 7.4000E+01 1.2160E+03 2041602700037 ENDDATA 17 0 2041602700038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 2041602799999 SUBENT 20416028 20170228 22592041602800001 BIB 5 15 2041602800002 REACTION (42-MO-0(N,2N),,SIG) 2041602800003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041602800004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041602800005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041602800006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041602800007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041602800008 cross-sections are not included. 2041602800009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 2 of Upton paper. 2041602800010 (SPSDD,20416070) Superseded by revised data. 2041602800011 HISTORY (19800604A) G.C. Added data set. 2041602800012 (before EXFOR ENTRY 20571007, REACTION string 2041602800013 converted and data updated) 2041602800014 (19800612E) 2041602800015 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041602800016 revised data. 2041602800017 ENDBIB 15 0 2041602800018 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041602800019 DATA 5 15 2041602800020 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR MONIT 2041602800021 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041602800022 7.9300E+00 1.5000E-01 1.8000E+01 7.0000E+00 2041602800023 8.4400E+00 1.3500E-01 4.1000E+01 7.0000E+00 2041602800024 8.9400E+00 1.2500E-01 1.0400E+02 1.1000E+01 2041602800025 9.4400E+00 1.1500E-01 1.6500E+02 1.0000E+01 9.6000E+02 2041602800026 9.9300E+00 1.1000E-01 3.0500E+02 1.7000E+01 9.5200E+02 2041602800027 1.0190E+01 1.0500E-01 3.8200E+02 2.1000E+01 9.4900E+02 2041602800028 1.0740E+01 9.5000E-02 5.3000E+02 3.0000E+01 2041602800029 1.1400E+01 9.0000E-02 6.7700E+02 3.9000E+01 9.5700E+02 2041602800030 1.1880E+01 8.5000E-02 7.9600E+02 6.1000E+01 9.6500E+02 2041602800031 1.2360E+01 8.5000E-02 8.8500E+02 6.8000E+01 9.7800E+02 2041602800032 1.2850E+01 8.0000E-02 9.7000E+02 7.4000E+01 9.9900E+02 2041602800033 1.3330E+01 7.5000E-02 1.0240E+03 7.9000E+01 1.0310E+03 2041602800034 1.3800E+01 7.5000E-02 1.0430E+03 8.5000E+01 1.0860E+03 2041602800035 1.4280E+01 7.0000E-02 1.0910E+03 8.0000E+01 2041602800036 1.4760E+01 6.5000E-02 1.1090E+03 8.8000E+01 1.2160E+03 2041602800037 ENDDATA 17 0 2041602800038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 2041602899999 SUBENT 20416029 20170228 22592041602900001 BIB 5 16 2041602900002 REACTION (60-ND-142(N,2N)60-ND-141,,SIG) 2041602900003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041602900004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041602900005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041602900006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041602900007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041602900008 cross-sections are not included. 2041602900009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 6 of Upton paper. 2041602900010 (SPSDD,20416093) Superseded by revised data. 2041602900011 HISTORY (19800604A) G.C. Added data set. 2041602900012 (before EXFOR ENTRY 20571008, REACTION string 2041602900013 converted and data updated) 2041602900014 (19800612E) 2041602900015 (20041203A) Reaction corrected 2041602900016 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041602900017 revised data. 2041602900018 ENDBIB 16 0 2041602900019 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041602900020 DATA 5 6 2041602900021 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR MONIT 2041602900022 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041602900023 1.0420E+01 1.1000E-01 1.9400E+02 1.7000E+01 9.4800E+02 2041602900024 1.0910E+01 9.5000E-02 4.1100E+02 2.6000E+01 9.5200E+02 2041602900025 1.1880E+01 8.5000E-02 8.6200E+02 6.6000E+01 9.6500E+02 2041602900026 1.2850E+01 8.0000E-02 1.3180E+03 9.8000E+01 9.9900E+02 2041602900027 1.3800E+01 7.5000E-02 1.5640E+03 1.1800E+02 1.0860E+03 2041602900028 1.4760E+01 6.5000E-02 1.9070E+03 1.4600E+02 1.2160E+03 2041602900029 ENDDATA 8 0 2041602900030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 2041602999999 SUBENT 20416030 20170228 22592041603000001 BIB 5 15 2041603000002 REACTION (60-ND-144(N,2N)60-ND-143,,SIG) 2041603000003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041603000004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041603000005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041603000006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041603000007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041603000008 cross-sections are not included. 2041603000009 STATUS (TABLE) .Table 6 of INDC(USA)-84,1,399 2041603000010 (SPSDD,20416094) Superseded by revised data. 2041603000011 HISTORY (19800604A) G.C. Added data set. 2041603000012 (19800612E) 2041603000013 (20121207A) SD: EN-RSL and DATA were corrected 2041603000014 in string 1. 2041603000015 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041603000016 revised data. 2041603000017 ENDBIB 15 0 2041603000018 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041603000019 DATA 5 12 2041603000020 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR MONIT 2041603000021 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041603000022 8.18 0.145 127. 14. 957. 2041603000023 8.59 0.130 291. 21. 963. 2041603000024 8.94 0.125 566. 31. 964. 2041603000025 9.44 0.115 786. 43. 960. 2041603000026 9.93 0.110 1048. 56. 952. 2041603000027 10.42 0.110 1135. 61. 948. 2041603000028 10.91 0.095 1264. 68. 952. 2041603000029 11.88 0.085 1410. 102. 965. 2041603000030 12.85 0.080 1576. 120. 999. 2041603000031 13.80 0.075 1588. 121. 1086. 2041603000032 14.28 0.070 1619. 127. 1136. 2041603000033 14.76 0.065 1713. 137. 1216. 2041603000034 ENDDATA 14 0 2041603000035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 2041603099999 SUBENT 20416031 20170228 22592041603100001 BIB 5 15 2041603100002 REACTION (60-ND-146(N,2N)60-ND-145,,SIG) 2041603100003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041603100004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041603100005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041603100006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041603100007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041603100008 cross-sections are not included. 2041603100009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 6 of Upton paper. 2041603100010 (SPSDD,20416095) Superseded by revised data. 2041603100011 HISTORY (19800604A) G.C. Added data set. 2041603100012 (before EXFOR ENTRY 20571010, REACTION string 2041603100013 converted and data updated) 2041603100014 (19800612E) 2041603100015 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041603100016 revised data. 2041603100017 ENDBIB 15 0 2041603100018 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041603100019 DATA 5 11 2041603100020 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR MONIT 2041603100021 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041603100022 8.0300E+00 1.4500E-01 1.5100E+02 1.4000E+01 9.5300E+02 2041603100023 8.4400E+00 1.3500E-01 4.1600E+02 2.4000E+01 9.6200E+02 2041603100024 8.9400E+00 1.2500E-01 7.4800E+02 4.1000E+01 9.6400E+02 2041603100025 9.4400E+00 1.1500E-01 1.0080E+03 5.4000E+01 9.6000E+02 2041603100026 9.9300E+00 1.1000E-01 1.2030E+03 6.5000E+01 9.5200E+02 2041603100027 1.0420E+01 1.1000E-01 1.3030E+03 7.0000E+01 9.4800E+02 2041603100028 1.0910E+01 9.5000E-02 1.4580E+03 8.0000E+01 9.5200E+02 2041603100029 1.1880E+01 8.5000E-02 1.6010E+03 1.1600E+02 9.6500E+02 2041603100030 1.2850E+01 8.0000E-02 1.7410E+03 1.2800E+02 9.9900E+02 2041603100031 1.3800E+01 7.5000E-02 1.8320E+03 1.3700E+02 1.0860E+03 2041603100032 1.4760E+01 6.5000E-02 1.8760E+03 1.5300E+02 1.2160E+03 2041603100033 ENDDATA 13 0 2041603100034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 2041603199999 SUBENT 20416032 20170228 22592041603200001 BIB 5 15 2041603200002 REACTION (60-ND-146(N,3N)60-ND-144,,SIG) 2041603200003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041603200004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041603200005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041603200006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041603200007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041603200008 cross-sections are not included. 2041603200009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 11 of Upton paper. 2041603200010 (SPSDD,20416116) Superseded by revised data. 2041603200011 HISTORY (19800604A) G.C. Added data set. 2041603200012 (before EXFOR ENTRY 20571011, REACTION string 2041603200013 converted and data updated) 2041603200014 (19800612E) 2041603200015 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041603200016 revised data. 2041603200017 ENDBIB 15 0 2041603200018 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041603200019 DATA 5 1 2041603200020 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR MONIT 2041603200021 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041603200022 1.4760E+01 6.5000E-02 2.9000E+01 5.0000E+00 1.2160E+03 2041603200023 ENDDATA 3 0 2041603200024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2041603299999 SUBENT 20416033 20170228 22592041603300001 BIB 5 15 2041603300002 REACTION (60-ND-148(N,2N)60-ND-147,,SIG) 2041603300003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041603300004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041603300005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041603300006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041603300007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041603300008 cross-sections are not included. 2041603300009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 6 of Upton paper. 2041603300010 (SPSDD,20416096) Superseded by revised data. 2041603300011 HISTORY (19800604A) G.C. Added data set. 2041603300012 (before EXFOR ENTRY 20571012, REACTION string 2041603300013 converted and data updated) 2041603300014 (19800612E) 2041603300015 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041603300016 revised data. 2041603300017 ENDBIB 15 0 2041603300018 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041603300019 DATA 5 12 2041603300020 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR MONIT 2041603300021 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041603300022 8.0300E+00 1.4500E-01 3.0400E+02 2.0000E+01 9.5300E+02 2041603300023 8.4400E+00 1.3500E-01 5.9000E+02 3.2000E+01 9.6200E+02 2041603300024 8.9400E+00 1.2500E-01 9.8500E+02 5.0000E+01 9.6400E+02 2041603300025 9.4400E+00 1.1500E-01 1.1390E+03 5.9000E+01 9.6000E+02 2041603300026 9.9300E+00 1.1000E-01 1.3110E+03 6.8000E+01 9.5200E+02 2041603300027 1.0420E+01 1.1000E-01 1.3650E+03 7.1000E+01 9.4800E+02 2041603300028 1.0910E+01 9.5000E-02 1.4690E+03 7.8000E+01 9.5200E+02 2041603300029 1.1880E+01 8.5000E-02 1.5480E+03 1.1100E+02 9.6500E+02 2041603300030 1.2850E+01 8.0000E-02 1.6540E+03 1.2100E+02 9.9900E+02 2041603300031 1.3800E+01 7.5000E-02 1.7550E+03 1.3400E+02 1.0860E+03 2041603300032 1.4280E+01 7.0000E-02 1.6680E+03 1.3300E+02 1.1360E+03 2041603300033 1.4760E+01 6.5000E-02 1.7000E+03 1.4200E+02 1.2160E+03 2041603300034 ENDDATA 14 0 2041603300035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 2041603399999 SUBENT 20416034 20170228 22592041603400001 BIB 5 15 2041603400002 REACTION (60-ND-148(N,3N)60-ND-146,,SIG) 2041603400003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041603400004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041603400005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041603400006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041603400007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041603400008 cross-sections are not included. 2041603400009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 11 of Upton paper. 2041603400010 (SPSDD,20416117) Superseded by revised data. 2041603400011 HISTORY (19800604A) G.C. Added data set. 2041603400012 (before EXFOR ENTRY 20571013, REACTION string 2041603400013 converted and data updated) 2041603400014 (19800612E) 2041603400015 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041603400016 revised data. 2041603400017 ENDBIB 15 0 2041603400018 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041603400019 DATA 5 3 2041603400020 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR MONIT 2041603400021 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041603400022 1.3800E+01 7.5000E-02 2.6000E+01 4.0000E+00 1.0860E+03 2041603400023 1.4280E+01 7.0000E-02 6.4000E+01 6.0000E+00 1.1360E+03 2041603400024 1.4760E+01 6.5000E-02 1.3200E+02 1.1000E+01 1.2160E+03 2041603400025 ENDDATA 5 0 2041603400026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 2041603499999 SUBENT 20416035 20170228 22592041603500001 BIB 5 15 2041603500002 REACTION (60-ND-150(N,2N)60-ND-149,,SIG) 2041603500003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041603500004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041603500005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041603500006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041603500007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041603500008 cross-sections are not included. 2041603500009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 6 of Upton paper. 2041603500010 (SPSDD,20416097) Superseded by revised data. 2041603500011 HISTORY (19800604A) G.C. Added data set. 2041603500012 (before EXFOR ENTRY 20571014, REACTION string 2041603500013 converted and data updated) 2041603500014 (19800612E) 2041603500015 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041603500016 revised data. 2041603500017 ENDBIB 15 0 2041603500018 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041603500019 DATA 5 11 2041603500020 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR MONIT 2041603500021 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041603500022 8.0300E+00 1.4500E-01 2.1300E+02 1.7000E+01 9.5300E+02 2041603500023 8.4400E+00 1.3500E-01 5.3300E+02 3.0000E+01 9.6200E+02 2041603500024 8.9400E+00 1.2500E-01 8.7400E+02 4.7000E+01 9.6400E+02 2041603500025 9.4400E+00 1.1500E-01 1.1190E+03 5.9000E+01 9.6000E+02 2041603500026 9.9300E+00 1.1000E-01 1.2350E+03 6.9000E+01 9.5200E+02 2041603500027 1.0420E+01 1.1000E-01 1.3880E+03 7.3000E+01 9.4800E+02 2041603500028 1.0910E+01 9.5000E-02 1.4790E+03 7.9000E+01 9.5200E+02 2041603500029 1.1880E+01 8.5000E-02 1.6500E+03 1.1800E+02 9.6500E+02 2041603500030 1.2850E+01 8.0000E-02 1.7910E+03 1.3000E+02 9.9900E+02 2041603500031 1.3800E+01 7.5000E-02 1.8610E+03 1.3900E+02 1.0860E+03 2041603500032 1.4760E+01 6.5000E-02 1.6520E+03 1.3800E+02 1.2160E+03 2041603500033 ENDDATA 13 0 2041603500034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 2041603599999 SUBENT 20416036 20170228 22592041603600001 BIB 5 15 2041603600002 REACTION (60-ND-150(N,3N)60-ND-148,,SIG) 2041603600003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041603600004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041603600005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041603600006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041603600007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041603600008 cross-sections are not included. 2041603600009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 11 of Upton paper. 2041603600010 (SPSDD,20416118) Superseded by revised data. 2041603600011 HISTORY (19800604A) G.C. Added data set. 2041603600012 (before EXFOR ENTRY 20571015, REACTION string 2041603600013 converted and data updated) 2041603600014 (19800612E) 2041603600015 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041603600016 revised data. 2041603600017 ENDBIB 15 0 2041603600018 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041603600019 DATA 5 3 2041603600020 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR MONIT 2041603600021 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041603600022 1.2850E+01 8.0000E-02 9.0000E+00 2.0000E+00 9.9900E+02 2041603600023 1.3800E+01 7.5000E-02 4.7000E+01 5.0000E+00 1.0860E+03 2041603600024 1.4760E+01 6.5000E-02 2.4800E+02 1.8000E+01 1.2160E+03 2041603600025 ENDDATA 5 0 2041603600026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 2041603699999 SUBENT 20416037 20170228 22592041603700001 BIB 5 15 2041603700002 REACTION (62-SM-148(N,2N)62-SM-147,,SIG) 2041603700003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041603700004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041603700005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041603700006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041603700007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041603700008 cross-sections are not included. 2041603700009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 7 of Upton paper. 2041603700010 (SPSDD,20416098) Superseded by revised data 2041603700011 HISTORY (19800604A) G.C. Added data set. 2041603700012 (before EXFOR ENTRY 20571016, REACTION string 2041603700013 converted and data updated) 2041603700014 (19800612E) 2041603700015 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041603700016 revised data. 2041603700017 ENDBIB 15 0 2041603700018 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041603700019 DATA 5 10 2041603700020 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR MONIT 2041603700021 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041603700022 8.5900E+00 1.3000E-01 1.4300E+02 1.4000E+01 9.6300E+02 2041603700023 8.9400E+00 1.2500E-01 3.1800E+02 2.0000E+01 9.6400E+02 2041603700024 9.4400E+00 1.1500E-01 6.0000E+02 3.4000E+01 9.6000E+02 2041603700025 9.9300E+00 1.1000E-01 9.1600E+02 4.9000E+01 9.5200E+02 2041603700026 1.0420E+01 1.0000E-01 1.0520E+03 5.7000E+01 9.4800E+02 2041603700027 1.0910E+01 9.5000E-02 1.2360E+03 6.7000E+01 9.5200E+02 2041603700028 1.1880E+01 8.5000E-02 1.5100E+03 1.1000E+02 9.6500E+02 2041603700029 1.2850E+01 8.0000E-02 1.5870E+03 1.1600E+02 9.9900E+02 2041603700030 1.3800E+01 7.5000E-02 1.6970E+03 1.2800E+02 1.0860E+03 2041603700031 1.4760E+01 6.5000E-02 1.7830E+03 1.3900E+02 1.2160E+03 2041603700032 ENDDATA 12 0 2041603700033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 2041603799999 SUBENT 20416038 20170228 22592041603800001 BIB 5 15 2041603800002 REACTION (62-SM-150(N,2N)62-SM-149,,SIG) 2041603800003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041603800004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041603800005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041603800006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041603800007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041603800008 cross-sections are not included. 2041603800009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 7 of Upton paper. 2041603800010 (SPSDD,20416099) Superseded by revised data 2041603800011 HISTORY (19800604A) G.C. Added data set. 2041603800012 (before EXFOR ENTRY 20571017, REACTION string 2041603800013 converted and data updated) 2041603800014 (19800612E) 2041603800015 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041603800016 revised data. 2041603800017 ENDBIB 15 0 2041603800018 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041603800019 DATA 5 10 2041603800020 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR MONIT 2041603800021 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041603800022 8.5900E+00 1.3000E-01 1.5800E+02 1.5000E+01 9.6300E+02 2041603800023 8.9400E+00 1.2500E-01 3.7300E+02 2.4000E+01 9.6400E+02 2041603800024 9.4400E+00 1.1500E-01 6.3700E+02 3.7000E+01 9.6000E+02 2041603800025 9.9300E+00 1.1000E-01 9.9000E+02 5.7000E+01 9.5200E+02 2041603800026 1.0420E+01 1.0000E-01 1.0860E+03 6.0000E+01 9.4800E+02 2041603800027 1.0910E+01 9.5000E-02 1.2430E+03 6.9000E+01 9.5200E+02 2041603800028 1.1880E+01 8.5000E-02 1.4180E+03 1.0400E+02 9.6500E+02 2041603800029 1.2850E+01 8.0000E-02 1.6000E+03 1.1900E+02 9.9900E+02 2041603800030 1.3800E+01 7.5000E-02 1.7560E+03 1.3400E+02 1.0860E+03 2041603800031 1.4760E+01 6.5000E-02 1.8760E+03 1.4800E+02 1.2160E+03 2041603800032 ENDDATA 12 0 2041603800033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 2041603899999 SUBENT 20416039 20170228 22592041603900001 BIB 5 15 2041603900002 REACTION (62-SM-152(N,2N)62-SM-151,,SIG) 2041603900003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041603900004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041603900005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041603900006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041603900007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041603900008 cross-sections are not included. 2041603900009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 7 of Upton paper. 2041603900010 (SPSDD,20416100) Superseded by revised data. 2041603900011 HISTORY (19800604A) G.C. Added data set. 2041603900012 (before EXFOR ENTRY 20571018, REACTION string 2041603900013 converted and data updated) 2041603900014 (19800612E) 2041603900015 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041603900016 revised data. 2041603900017 ENDBIB 15 0 2041603900018 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041603900019 DATA 5 10 2041603900020 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR MONIT 2041603900021 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041603900022 8.5900E+00 1.3000E-01 3.1000E+01 1.4000E+01 9.6300E+02 2041603900023 8.9400E+00 1.2500E-01 2.7800E+02 1.7000E+01 9.6400E+02 2041603900024 9.4400E+00 1.1500E-01 5.6700E+02 3.1000E+01 9.6000E+02 2041603900025 9.9300E+00 1.1000E-01 9.3300E+02 4.9000E+01 9.5200E+02 2041603900026 1.0420E+01 1.0000E-01 1.0930E+03 5.8000E+01 9.4800E+02 2041603900027 1.0910E+01 9.5000E-02 1.2710E+03 6.8000E+01 9.5200E+02 2041603900028 1.1880E+01 8.5000E-02 1.4580E+03 1.0400E+02 9.6500E+02 2041603900029 1.2850E+01 8.0000E-02 1.6130E+03 1.1800E+02 9.9900E+02 2041603900030 1.3800E+01 7.5000E-02 1.7510E+03 1.3200E+02 1.0860E+03 2041603900031 1.4760E+01 6.5000E-02 1.8400E+03 1.4300E+02 1.2160E+03 2041603900032 ENDDATA 12 0 2041603900033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 2041603999999 SUBENT 20416040 20170228 22592041604000001 BIB 5 12 2041604000002 REACTION (62-SM-152(N,3N)62-SM-150,,SIG) 2041604000003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041604000004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041604000005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041604000006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041604000007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041604000008 cross-sections are not included. 2041604000009 STATUS (TABLE) 75GAUSSIG Conf.paper. 2041604000010 HISTORY (19800604A) G.C. Added data set. 2041604000011 (before EXFOR ENTRY 20571019, REACTION string 2041604000012 converted) 2041604000013 (19800612E) 2041604000014 ENDBIB 12 0 2041604000015 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041604000016 DATA 5 1 2041604000017 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR MONIT 2041604000018 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041604000019 1.4760E+01 7.0000E-02 1.0000E+01 4.0000E+00 1.2160E+03 2041604000020 ENDDATA 3 0 2041604000021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 2041604099999 SUBENT 20416041 20170228 22592041604100001 BIB 5 15 2041604100002 REACTION (62-SM-154(N,2N)62-SM-153,,SIG) 2041604100003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041604100004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041604100005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041604100006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041604100007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041604100008 cross-sections are not included. 2041604100009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 7 of Upton paper. 2041604100010 (SPSDD,20416101) Superseded by revised data. 2041604100011 HISTORY (19800604A) G.C. Added data set. 2041604100012 (before EXFOR ENTRY 20571020, REACTION string 2041604100013 converted and data updated) 2041604100014 (19800612E) 2041604100015 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041604100016 revised data. 2041604100017 ENDBIB 15 0 2041604100018 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041604100019 DATA 5 10 2041604100020 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR MONIT 2041604100021 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041604100022 8.4400E+00 1.3500E-01 1.2200E+02 4.4000E+01 9.6200E+02 2041604100023 8.9400E+00 1.2500E-01 4.9200E+02 2.9000E+01 9.6400E+02 2041604100024 9.4400E+00 1.1500E-01 8.4300E+02 4.6000E+01 9.6000E+02 2041604100025 9.9300E+00 1.1000E-01 1.0700E+03 6.1000E+01 9.5200E+02 2041604100026 1.0420E+01 1.0000E-01 1.2590E+03 6.8000E+01 9.4800E+02 2041604100027 1.0910E+01 9.5000E-02 1.4140E+03 7.8000E+01 9.5200E+02 2041604100028 1.1880E+01 8.5000E-02 1.6190E+03 1.1800E+02 9.6500E+02 2041604100029 1.2850E+01 8.0000E-02 1.7550E+03 1.2900E+02 9.9900E+02 2041604100030 1.3800E+01 7.5000E-02 1.8880E+03 1.4300E+02 1.0860E+03 2041604100031 1.4760E+01 6.5000E-02 1.9580E+03 1.5600E+02 1.2160E+03 2041604100032 ENDDATA 12 0 2041604100033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 2041604199999 SUBENT 20416042 20170228 22592041604200001 BIB 5 15 2041604200002 REACTION (62-SM-154(N,3N)62-SM-152,,SIG) 2041604200003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041604200004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041604200005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041604200006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041604200007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041604200008 cross-sections are not included. 2041604200009 STATUS (TABLE) 75GAUSSIG Conf paper. 2041604200010 (SPSDD,20416119) Superseded by revised data. 2041604200011 HISTORY (19800604A) G.C. Added data set. 2041604200012 (before EXFOR ENTRY 20571021, REACTION string 2041604200013 converted) 2041604200014 (19800612E) 2041604200015 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041604200016 revised data. 2041604200017 ENDBIB 15 0 2041604200018 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041604200019 DATA 5 1 2041604200020 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR MONIT 2041604200021 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041604200022 1.4760E+01 7.0000E-02 1.6000E+01 5.0000E+00 1.2160E+03 2041604200023 ENDDATA 3 0 2041604200024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2041604299999 SUBENT 20416043 20170228 22592041604300001 BIB 5 14 2041604300002 REACTION (82-PB-0(N,2N),,SIG) 2041604300003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041604300004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041604300005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041604300006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041604300007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041604300008 cross-sections are not included. 2041604300009 STATUS (TABLE) .Table 2 of INDC(USA)-84,1,399 2041604300010 (SPSDD,20416073) Superseded by revised data. 2041604300011 HISTORY (19800604A) G.C. Added data set. 2041604300012 (19800612E) 2041604300013 (20121207A) SD: EN-RSL in one point was corrected. 2041604300014 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041604300015 revised data. 2041604300016 ENDBIB 14 0 2041604300017 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041604300018 DATA 5 16 2041604300019 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR MONIT 2041604300020 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041604300021 7.41 0.165 42. 31. 2041604300022 7.93 0.150 104. 15. 2041604300023 8.44 0.135 299. 23. 2041604300024 8.94 0.125 530. 36. 2041604300025 9.44 0.115 835. 44. 960. 2041604300026 9.93 0.110 1044. 54. 952. 2041604300027 10.19 0.105 1148. 59. 949. 2041604300028 10.74 0.095 1386. 72. 2041604300029 11.40 0.090 1566. 83. 957. 2041604300030 11.88 0.085 1707. 85. 965. 2041604300031 12.36 0.085 1782. 129. 978. 2041604300032 12.85 0.080 1869. 136. 999. 2041604300033 13.33 0.075 1924. 143. 1031. 2041604300034 13.80 0.075 1961. 154. 1086. 2041604300035 14.28 0.070 1953. 142. 2041604300036 14.76 0.065 2006. 156. 1216. 2041604300037 ENDDATA 18 0 2041604300038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 2041604399999 SUBENT 20416044 20170228 22592041604400001 BIB 5 13 2041604400002 REACTION (26-FE-0(N,2N),,SIG) 2041604400003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041604400004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041604400005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041604400006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041604400007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041604400008 cross-sections are not included. 2041604400009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 of Upton paper. 2041604400010 (SPSDD,20416066) Superseded by revised data. 2041604400011 HISTORY (19800604A) G.C. Added data set. 2041604400012 (19800612E) 2041604400013 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041604400014 revised data. 2041604400015 ENDBIB 13 0 2041604400016 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041604400017 DATA 5 7 2041604400018 EN EN-RSL-HW MONIT DATA DATA-ERR 2041604400019 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041604400020 1.1880E+01 8.5000E-02 9.6500E+02 4.8000E+01 6.0000E+00 2041604400021 1.2360E+01 8.5000E-02 9.7800E+02 1.0000E+02 9.0000E+00 2041604400022 1.2850E+01 8.0000E-02 9.9900E+02 1.8800E+02 1.4000E+01 2041604400023 1.3330E+01 7.5000E-02 1.0310E+03 2.7100E+02 2.0000E+01 2041604400024 1.3800E+01 7.5000E-02 1.0860E+03 3.4200E+02 2.3000E+01 2041604400025 1.4280E+01 7.0000E-02 3.9200E+02 3.2000E+01 2041604400026 1.4760E+01 6.5000E-02 1.2160E+03 4.7000E+02 3.6000E+01 2041604400027 ENDDATA 9 0 2041604400028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 2041604499999 SUBENT 20416045 20170228 22592041604500001 BIB 5 13 2041604500002 REACTION (64-GD-155(N,2N)64-GD-154,,SIG) 2041604500003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041604500004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041604500005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041604500006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041604500007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041604500008 cross-sections are not included. 2041604500009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 8 of Upton paper. 2041604500010 (SPSDD,20416102) Superseded by revised data. 2041604500011 HISTORY (19800604A) G.C. Added data set. 2041604500012 (19800612E) 2041604500013 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041604500014 revised data. 2041604500015 ENDBIB 13 0 2041604500016 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041604500017 DATA 5 17 2041604500018 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR MONIT 2041604500019 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041604500020 6.8900E+00 1.8500E-01 3.0000E+01 1.9000E+01 2041604500021 7.4100E+00 1.6500E-01 2.0900E+02 2.2000E+01 2041604500022 7.9300E+00 1.5000E-01 5.1300E+02 3.3000E+01 9.5200E+02 2041604500023 8.4400E+00 1.3500E-01 7.3600E+02 4.8000E+01 9.6200E+02 2041604500024 8.9400E+00 1.2500E-01 9.2000E+02 6.4000E+01 9.6400E+02 2041604500025 9.4400E+00 1.1500E-01 1.1030E+03 6.6000E+01 9.6000E+02 2041604500026 9.9300E+00 1.1000E-01 1.2570E+03 8.7000E+01 9.5200E+02 2041604500027 1.0420E+01 1.0000E-01 1.4100E+03 8.1000E+01 9.4800E+02 2041604500028 1.0910E+01 9.5000E-02 1.5140E+03 8.9000E+01 9.5200E+02 2041604500029 1.1400E+01 9.0000E-02 1.5630E+03 9.8000E+01 9.5700E+02 2041604500030 1.1880E+01 8.5000E-02 1.6220E+03 9.0000E+01 9.6500E+02 2041604500031 1.2360E+01 8.5000E-02 1.6840E+03 1.0200E+02 9.7800E+02 2041604500032 1.2850E+01 8.0000E-02 1.7040E+03 1.4500E+02 9.9900E+02 2041604500033 1.3330E+01 7.5000E-02 1.7470E+03 1.2500E+02 1.0310E+03 2041604500034 1.3800E+01 7.5000E-02 1.7680E+03 1.4600E+02 1.0860E+03 2041604500035 1.4280E+01 7.0000E-02 1.8080E+03 1.5500E+02 1.1630E+03 2041604500036 1.4760E+01 6.5000E-02 1.8430E+03 1.6300E+02 1.2160E+03 2041604500037 ENDDATA 19 0 2041604500038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 2041604599999 SUBENT 20416046 20170228 22592041604600001 BIB 5 13 2041604600002 REACTION (64-GD-156(N,2N)64-GD-155,,SIG) 2041604600003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041604600004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041604600005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041604600006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041604600007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041604600008 cross-sections are not included. 2041604600009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 8 of Upton paper. 2041604600010 (SPSDD,20416103) Superseded by revised data. 2041604600011 HISTORY (19800604) G.C. Added data set. 2041604600012 (19800612E) 2041604600013 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041604600014 revised data. 2041604600015 ENDBIB 13 0 2041604600016 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041604600017 DATA 5 14 2041604600018 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR MONIT 2041604600019 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041604600020 8.4400E+00 1.3500E-01 1.6000E+01 1.3000E+01 9.6200E+02 2041604600021 8.9400E+00 1.2500E-01 3.7000E+01 1.2000E+01 9.6400E+02 2041604600022 9.4400E+00 1.1500E-01 2.9900E+02 2.5000E+01 9.6000E+02 2041604600023 9.9300E+00 1.1000E-01 6.4900E+02 5.3000E+01 9.5200E+02 2041604600024 1.0420E+01 1.0000E-01 9.1500E+02 5.9000E+01 9.4800E+02 2041604600025 1.0910E+01 9.5000E-02 1.1380E+03 7.2000E+01 9.5200E+02 2041604600026 1.1400E+01 9.0000E-02 1.3090E+03 8.7000E+01 9.5700E+02 2041604600027 1.1880E+01 8.5000E-02 1.4280E+03 8.3000E+01 9.6500E+02 2041604600028 1.2360E+01 8.5000E-02 1.5300E+03 9.6000E+01 9.7800E+02 2041604600029 1.2850E+01 8.0000E-02 1.5920E+03 1.3600E+02 9.9900E+02 2041604600030 1.3330E+01 7.5000E-02 1.6590E+03 1.1900E+02 1.0310E+03 2041604600031 1.3800E+01 7.5000E-02 1.6610E+03 1.3400E+02 1.0860E+03 2041604600032 1.4280E+01 7.0000E-02 1.7660E+03 1.4300E+02 1.1630E+03 2041604600033 1.4760E+01 6.5000E-02 1.7300E+03 1.4300E+02 1.2160E+03 2041604600034 ENDDATA 16 0 2041604600035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 2041604699999 SUBENT 20416047 20170228 22592041604700001 BIB 5 13 2041604700002 REACTION (64-GD-157(N,2N)64-GD-156,,SIG) 2041604700003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041604700004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041604700005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041604700006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041604700007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041604700008 cross-sections are not included. 2041604700009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 8 of Upton paper. 2041604700010 (SPSDD,20416104) Superseded by revised data. 2041604700011 HISTORY (19800604A) G.C. Added data set. 2041604700012 (19800612E) 2041604700013 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041604700014 revised data. 2041604700015 ENDBIB 13 0 2041604700016 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041604700017 DATA 5 17 2041604700018 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR MONIT 2041604700019 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041604700020 6.8900E+00 1.8500E-01 1.0400E+02 1.9000E+01 2041604700021 7.4100E+00 1.6500E-01 3.4400E+02 2.6000E+01 2041604700022 7.9300E+00 1.5000E-01 6.8100E+02 4.3000E+01 9.5200E+02 2041604700023 8.4400E+00 1.3500E-01 9.7600E+02 6.0000E+01 9.6200E+02 2041604700024 8.9400E+00 1.2500E-01 1.1330E+03 8.1000E+01 9.6400E+02 2041604700025 9.4400E+00 1.1500E-01 1.3000E+03 8.0000E+01 9.6000E+02 2041604700026 9.9300E+00 1.1000E-01 1.4340E+03 1.0000E+02 9.5200E+02 2041604700027 1.0420E+01 1.0000E-01 1.5240E+03 9.0000E+01 9.4800E+02 2041604700028 1.0910E+01 9.5000E-02 1.5940E+03 9.5000E+01 9.5200E+02 2041604700029 1.1400E+01 9.0000E-02 1.6720E+03 1.0600E+02 9.5700E+02 2041604700030 1.1880E+01 8.5000E-02 1.6680E+03 9.3000E+01 9.6500E+02 2041604700031 1.2360E+01 8.5000E-02 1.7180E+03 1.0600E+02 9.7800E+02 2041604700032 1.2850E+01 8.0000E-02 1.7540E+03 1.5100E+02 9.9900E+02 2041604700033 1.3330E+01 7.5000E-02 1.7520E+03 1.2800E+02 1.0310E+03 2041604700034 1.3800E+01 7.5000E-02 1.8300E+03 1.5400E+02 1.0860E+03 2041604700035 1.4280E+01 7.0000E-02 1.8170E+03 1.6100E+02 1.1630E+03 2041604700036 1.4760E+01 6.5000E-02 1.8200E+03 1.6900E+02 1.2160E+03 2041604700037 ENDDATA 19 0 2041604700038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 2041604799999 SUBENT 20416048 20170228 22592041604800001 BIB 5 13 2041604800002 REACTION (64-GD-158(N,2N)64-GD-157,,SIG) 2041604800003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041604800004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041604800005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041604800006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041604800007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041604800008 cross-sections are not included. 2041604800009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 8 of Upton paper. 2041604800010 (SPSDD,20416105) Superseded by revised data. 2041604800011 HISTORY (19800604A) G.C. Added data set. 2041604800012 (19800612E) 2041604800013 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041604800014 revised data. 2041604800015 ENDBIB 13 0 2041604800016 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041604800017 DATA 5 14 2041604800018 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR MONIT 2041604800019 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041604800020 8.4400E+00 1.3500E-01 8.9000E+01 1.4000E+01 9.6200E+02 2041604800021 8.9400E+00 1.2500E-01 4.1800E+02 3.4000E+01 9.6400E+02 2041604800022 9.4400E+00 1.1500E-01 7.7500E+02 5.2000E+01 9.6000E+02 2041604800023 9.9300E+00 1.1000E-01 1.0790E+03 8.0000E+01 9.5200E+02 2041604800024 1.0420E+01 1.0000E-01 1.2330E+03 7.6000E+01 9.4800E+02 2041604800025 1.0910E+01 9.9000E-02 1.3800E+03 9.5000E+01 9.5200E+02 2041604800026 1.1400E+01 9.0000E-02 1.5040E+03 9.8000E+01 9.5700E+02 2041604800027 1.1880E+01 8.5000E-02 1.5570E+03 1.3000E+02 9.6500E+02 2041604800028 1.2360E+01 8.5000E-02 1.6100E+03 1.0000E+02 9.7800E+02 2041604800029 1.2850E+01 8.0000E-02 1.6890E+03 1.4300E+02 9.9900E+02 2041604800030 1.3330E+01 7.5000E-02 1.7350E+03 1.2100E+02 1.0310E+03 2041604800031 1.3800E+01 7.5000E-02 1.7710E+03 1.4300E+02 1.0860E+03 2041604800032 1.4280E+01 7.0000E-02 1.8010E+03 1.4800E+02 1.1630E+03 2041604800033 1.4760E+01 6.5000E-02 1.7940E+03 1.5000E+02 1.2160E+03 2041604800034 ENDDATA 16 0 2041604800035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 2041604899999 SUBENT 20416049 20170228 22592041604900001 BIB 5 13 2041604900002 REACTION (64-GD-160(N,2N)64-GD-159,,SIG) 2041604900003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041604900004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041604900005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041604900006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041604900007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041604900008 cross-sections are not included. 2041604900009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 8 of Upton paper. 2041604900010 (SPSDD,20416106) Superseded by revised data. 2041604900011 HISTORY (19800604A) G.C. Added data set. 2041604900012 (19800612E) 2041604900013 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041604900014 revised data. 2041604900015 ENDBIB 13 0 2041604900016 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041604900017 DATA 5 15 2041604900018 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR MONIT 2041604900019 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041604900020 7.9300E+00 1.5000E-01 1.0900E+02 1.4000E+01 9.5200E+02 2041604900021 8.4400E+00 1.3500E-01 5.0200E+02 3.6000E+01 9.6200E+02 2041604900022 8.9400E+00 1.2500E-01 8.5700E+02 6.6000E+01 9.6400E+02 2041604900023 9.4400E+00 1.1500E-01 1.1460E+03 7.4000E+01 9.6000E+02 2041604900024 9.9300E+00 1.1000E-01 1.3630E+03 9.9000E+01 9.5200E+02 2041604900025 1.0420E+01 1.0000E-01 1.4310E+03 8.8000E+01 9.4800E+02 2041604900026 1.0910E+01 9.5000E-02 1.5090E+03 1.0800E+02 9.5200E+02 2041604900027 1.1400E+01 9.0000E-02 1.6240E+03 1.0500E+02 9.5700E+02 2041604900028 1.1880E+01 8.5000E-02 1.6510E+03 1.3800E+02 9.6500E+02 2041604900029 1.2360E+01 8.5000E-02 1.7350E+03 1.0700E+02 9.7800E+02 2041604900030 1.2850E+01 8.0000E-02 1.7390E+03 1.4700E+02 9.9900E+02 2041604900031 1.3330E+01 7.5000E-02 1.7580E+03 1.2700E+02 1.0310E+03 2041604900032 1.3800E+01 7.5000E-02 1.7790E+03 1.4700E+02 1.0860E+03 2041604900033 1.4280E+01 7.0000E-02 1.8170E+03 1.5500E+02 1.1630E+03 2041604900034 1.4760E+01 6.5000E-02 1.7120E+03 1.5100E+02 1.2160E+03 2041604900035 ENDDATA 17 0 2041604900036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 2041604999999 SUBENT 20416050 20170228 22592041605000001 BIB 5 14 2041605000002 REACTION (74-W-182(N,2N)74-W-181,,SIG) 2041605000003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041605000004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041605000005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041605000006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041605000007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041605000008 cross-sections are not included. 2041605000009 STATUS (TABLE) .Table 9 of INDC(USA)-84,1,399 2041605000010 (SPSDD,20416107) Superseded by revised data. 2041605000011 HISTORY (19800604A) G.C. Added data set. 2041605000012 (19800612E) 2041605000013 (20121207A) SD: EN-RSL in one point was corrected. 2041605000014 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041605000015 revised data. 2041605000016 ENDBIB 14 0 2041605000017 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041605000018 DATA 5 14 2041605000019 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR MONIT 2041605000020 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041605000021 8.18 0.145 15. 12. 2041605000022 8.44 0.135 61. 12. 962. 2041605000023 8.69 0.130 209. 27. 2041605000024 8.94 0.125 342. 21. 964. 2041605000025 9.44 0.115 687. 40. 960. 2041605000026 9.93 0.110 1085. 58. 952. 2041605000027 10.42 0.100 1293. 67. 948. 2041605000028 10.91 0.095 1503. 95. 952. 2041605000029 11.88 0.085 1750. 124. 965. 2041605000030 12.85 0.080 1869. 136. 999. 2041605000031 13.33 0.075 1887. 136. 1031. 2041605000032 13.80 0.075 1912. 141. 1086. 2041605000033 14.28 0.070 2030. 157. 1163. 2041605000034 14.76 0.065 2017. 150. 1216. 2041605000035 ENDDATA 16 0 2041605000036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 2041605099999 SUBENT 20416051 20170228 22592041605100001 BIB 5 13 2041605100002 REACTION (74-W-183(N,2N)74-W-182,,SIG) 2041605100003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041605100004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041605100005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041605100006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041605100007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041605100008 cross-sections are not included. 2041605100009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 9 of Upton paper. 2041605100010 (SPSDD,20416108) Superseded by revised data. 2041605100011 HISTORY (19800604A) G.C. Added data set. 2041605100012 (19800612E) 2041605100013 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041605100014 revised data. 2041605100015 ENDBIB 13 0 2041605100016 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041605100017 DATA 5 14 2041605100018 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR MONIT 2041605100019 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041605100020 7.4100E+00 1.6500E-01 5.9700E+02 3.0000E+01 2041605100021 7.9300E+00 1.5000E-01 9.4400E+02 4.4000E+01 9.5200E+02 2041605100022 8.1800E+00 1.4500E-01 1.0860E+03 5.4000E+01 2041605100023 8.4400E+00 1.3500E-01 1.2410E+03 5.6000E+01 9.6200E+02 2041605100024 8.9400E+00 1.2500E-01 1.4320E+03 6.3000E+01 9.6400E+02 2041605100025 9.4400E+00 1.1500E-01 1.5350E+03 7.6000E+01 9.6000E+02 2041605100026 9.9300E+00 1.1000E-01 1.6710E+03 8.2000E+01 9.5200E+02 2041605100027 1.0910E+01 9.5000E-02 1.7880E+03 8.0000E+01 9.5200E+02 2041605100028 1.1880E+01 8.5000E-02 1.8550E+03 1.3200E+02 9.6500E+02 2041605100029 1.2850E+01 8.0000E-02 1.8670E+03 1.4000E+02 9.9900E+02 2041605100030 1.3330E+01 7.5000E-02 1.8630E+03 1.3500E+02 1.0310E+03 2041605100031 1.3800E+01 7.5000E-02 1.8700E+03 1.4000E+02 1.0860E+03 2041605100032 1.4280E+01 7.0000E-02 1.8550E+03 1.7000E+02 1.1630E+03 2041605100033 1.4760E+01 6.5000E-02 1.8550E+03 1.7000E+02 1.2160E+03 2041605100034 ENDDATA 16 0 2041605100035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 2041605199999 SUBENT 20416052 20170228 22592041605200001 BIB 5 13 2041605200002 REACTION (74-W-184(N,2N)74-W-183,,SIG) 2041605200003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041605200004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041605200005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041605200006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041605200007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041605200008 cross-sections are not included. 2041605200009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 9 of Upton paper. 2041605200010 (SPSDD,20416109) Superseded by revised data. 2041605200011 HISTORY (19800604A) G.C. Added data set. 2041605200012 (19800612E) 2041605200013 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041605200014 revised data. 2041605200015 ENDBIB 13 0 2041605200016 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041605200017 DATA 5 15 2041605200018 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR MONIT 2041605200019 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041605200020 7.6700E+00 1.6000E-01 7.6000E+01 2.4000E+01 2041605200021 7.9300E+00 1.5000E-01 1.4800E+02 1.5000E+01 9.5200E+02 2041605200022 8.1800E+00 1.4500E-01 3.1800E+02 2.2000E+01 2041605200023 8.4400E+00 1.3500E-01 5.0900E+02 2.8000E+01 9.6200E+02 2041605200024 8.6900E+00 1.3000E-01 7.2500E+02 4.0000E+01 2041605200025 8.9400E+00 1.2500E-01 9.1300E+02 4.6000E+01 9.6400E+02 2041605200026 9.4400E+00 1.1500E-01 1.2410E+03 6.6000E+01 9.6000E+02 2041605200027 9.9300E+00 1.1000E-01 1.4390E+03 7.3000E+01 9.5200E+02 2041605200028 1.0910E+01 9.5000E-02 1.6990E+03 8.5000E+01 9.5200E+02 2041605200029 1.1880E+01 8.5000E-02 1.8370E+03 1.2900E+02 9.6500E+02 2041605200030 1.2850E+01 8.0000E-02 1.9050E+03 1.3800E+02 9.9900E+02 2041605200031 1.3330E+01 7.5000E-02 1.8890E+03 1.3500E+02 1.0310E+03 2041605200032 1.3800E+01 7.5000E-02 1.9210E+03 1.3500E+02 1.0860E+03 2041605200033 1.4280E+01 7.0000E-02 1.9500E+03 1.5800E+02 1.1630E+03 2041605200034 1.4760E+01 6.5000E-02 1.8510E+03 1.5200E+02 1.2160E+03 2041605200035 ENDDATA 17 0 2041605200036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 2041605299999 SUBENT 20416053 20170228 22592041605300001 BIB 5 13 2041605300002 REACTION (74-W-186(N,2N)74-W-185,,SIG) 2041605300003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041605300004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041605300005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041605300006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041605300007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041605300008 cross-sections are not included. 2041605300009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 9 of Upton paper. 2041605300010 (SPSDD,20416110) Superseded by revised data. 2041605300011 HISTORY (19800604A) G.C. Added data set. 2041605300012 (19800612E) 2041605300013 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041605300014 revised data. 2041605300015 ENDBIB 13 0 2041605300016 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041605300017 DATA 5 16 2041605300018 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR MONIT 2041605300019 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041605300020 7.4100E+00 1.6500E-01 5.0000E+01 2.9000E+01 2041605300021 7.6700E+00 1.6000E-01 1.3400E+02 1.7000E+01 2041605300022 7.9300E+00 1.5000E-01 2.8500E+02 2.0000E+01 9.5200E+02 2041605300023 8.1800E+00 1.4500E-01 5.1400E+02 2.9000E+01 2041605300024 8.4400E+00 1.3500E-01 6.9100E+02 3.7000E+01 9.6200E+02 2041605300025 8.6900E+00 1.3000E-01 9.1400E+02 4.8000E+01 2041605300026 8.9400E+00 1.2500E-01 1.1120E+03 5.6000E+01 9.6400E+02 2041605300027 9.4400E+00 1.1500E-01 1.3210E+03 6.9000E+01 9.6000E+02 2041605300028 9.9300E+00 1.1000E-01 1.5490E+03 7.8000E+01 9.5200E+02 2041605300029 1.0910E+01 9.5000E-02 1.7220E+03 8.6000E+01 9.5200E+02 2041605300030 1.1880E+01 8.5000E-02 1.8300E+03 1.2800E+02 9.6500E+02 2041605300031 1.2850E+01 8.0000E-02 1.9270E+03 1.3800E+02 9.9900E+02 2041605300032 1.3330E+01 7.5000E-02 1.9250E+03 1.3500E+02 1.0310E+03 2041605300033 1.3800E+01 7.5000E-02 1.8970E+03 1.4400E+02 1.0860E+03 2041605300034 1.4280E+01 7.0000E-02 1.8800E+03 1.5300E+02 1.1630E+03 2041605300035 1.4760E+01 6.5000E-02 1.7850E+03 1.4900E+02 1.2160E+03 2041605300036 ENDDATA 18 0 2041605300037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 2041605399999 SUBENT 20416054 20170228 22592041605400001 BIB 5 13 2041605400002 REACTION (81-TL-203(N,2N)81-TL-202,,SIG) 2041605400003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041605400004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041605400005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041605400006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041605400007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041605400008 cross-sections are not included. 2041605400009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 10 of Upton paper. 2041605400010 (SPSDD,20416111) Superseded by revised data. 2041605400011 HISTORY (19800604A) G.C. Added data set. 2041605400012 (19800612E) 2041605400013 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041605400014 revised data. 2041605400015 ENDBIB 13 0 2041605400016 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041605400017 DATA 5 13 2041605400018 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR MONIT 2041605400019 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041605400020 8.4400E+00 1.3500E-01 3.9000E+01 1.0000E+01 9.6200E+02 2041605400021 8.9400E+00 1.2500E-01 2.1100E+02 2.6000E+01 9.6400E+02 2041605400022 9.4400E+00 1.1500E-01 4.3500E+02 3.7000E+01 9.6000E+02 2041605400023 9.9300E+00 1.1000E-01 7.1400E+02 5.6000E+01 9.5200E+02 2041605400024 1.0420E+01 1.0000E-01 1.0370E+03 8.0000E+01 9.4800E+02 2041605400025 1.0910E+01 9.5000E-02 1.2160E+03 7.1000E+01 9.5200E+02 2041605400026 1.1400E+01 9.0000E-02 1.4890E+03 9.0000E+01 9.5700E+02 2041605400027 1.1880E+01 8.5000E-02 1.5780E+03 1.2100E+02 9.6500E+02 2041605400028 1.2360E+01 8.5000E-02 1.6550E+03 1.2100E+02 9.7800E+02 2041605400029 1.2850E+01 8.0000E-02 1.7500E+03 1.2800E+02 9.9900E+02 2041605400030 1.3330E+01 7.5000E-02 1.8170E+03 1.4200E+02 1.0310E+03 2041605400031 1.3800E+01 7.5000E-02 1.9300E+03 1.5100E+02 1.0860E+03 2041605400032 1.4760E+01 6.5000E-02 1.9270E+03 1.5500E+02 1.2160E+03 2041605400033 ENDDATA 15 0 2041605400034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 2041605499999 SUBENT 20416055 20170228 22592041605500001 BIB 5 13 2041605500002 REACTION (81-TL-205(N,2N)81-TL-204,,SIG) 2041605500003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041605500004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041605500005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041605500006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041605500007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041605500008 cross-sections are not included. 2041605500009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 10 of Upton paper. 2041605500010 (SPSDD,20416112) Superseded by revised data. 2041605500011 HISTORY (19800604A) G.C. Added data set. 2041605500012 (19800612E) 2041605500013 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041605500014 revised data. 2041605500015 ENDBIB 13 0 2041605500016 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041605500017 DATA 5 13 2041605500018 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR MONIT 2041605500019 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041605500020 8.4400E+00 1.3500E-01 1.0900E+02 2.2000E+01 9.6200E+02 2041605500021 8.9400E+00 1.2500E-01 4.7400E+02 3.9000E+01 9.6400E+02 2041605500022 9.4400E+00 1.1500E-01 7.3800E+02 5.3000E+01 9.6000E+02 2041605500023 9.9300E+00 1.1000E-01 9.7900E+02 5.0000E+01 9.5200E+02 2041605500024 1.0420E+01 1.0000E-01 1.3120E+03 9.3000E+01 9.4800E+02 2041605500025 1.0910E+01 9.5000E-02 1.4210E+03 8.1000E+01 9.5200E+02 2041605500026 1.1400E+01 9.0000E-02 1.5760E+03 9.5000E+01 9.5700E+02 2041605500027 1.1880E+01 8.5000E-02 1.6600E+03 1.1700E+02 9.6500E+02 2041605500028 1.2360E+01 8.5000E-02 1.7480E+03 1.2700E+02 9.7800E+02 2041605500029 1.2850E+01 8.0000E-02 1.8110E+03 1.3200E+02 9.9900E+02 2041605500030 1.3330E+01 7.5000E-02 1.8410E+03 1.4600E+02 1.0310E+03 2041605500031 1.3800E+01 7.5000E-02 1.8780E+03 1.4700E+02 1.0860E+03 2041605500032 1.4760E+01 6.5000E-02 1.8410E+03 1.4800E+02 1.2160E+03 2041605500033 ENDDATA 15 0 2041605500034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 2041605599999 SUBENT 20416056 20170228 22592041605600001 BIB 5 13 2041605600002 REACTION (82-PB-206(N,2N)82-PB-205,,SIG) 2041605600003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041605600004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041605600005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041605600006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041605600007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041605600008 cross-sections are not included. 2041605600009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 10 of Upton paper. 2041605600010 (SPSDD,20416113) Superseded by revised data. 2041605600011 HISTORY (19800604A) G.C. Added data set. 2041605600012 (19800612E) 2041605600013 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041605600014 revised data. 2041605600015 ENDBIB 13 0 2041605600016 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041605600017 DATA 5 14 2041605600018 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR MONIT 2041605600019 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041605600020 8.4400E+00 1.3500E-01 6.2000E+01 1.3000E+01 9.6200E+02 2041605600021 8.9400E+00 1.2500E-01 2.2500E+02 2.0000E+01 9.6400E+02 2041605600022 9.4400E+00 1.1500E-01 4.7600E+02 3.3000E+01 9.6000E+02 2041605600023 9.9300E+00 1.1000E-01 7.5800E+02 5.0000E+01 9.5200E+02 2041605600024 1.0420E+01 1.0000E-01 1.0560E+03 6.2000E+01 9.4800E+02 2041605600025 1.0910E+01 9.5000E-02 1.2730E+03 8.0000E+01 9.5200E+02 2041605600026 1.1400E+01 9.0000E-02 1.4640E+03 8.5000E+01 9.5700E+02 2041605600027 1.1880E+01 8.5000E-02 1.6550E+03 9.6000E+01 9.6500E+02 2041605600028 1.2360E+01 8.5000E-02 1.7560E+03 1.3200E+02 9.7800E+02 2041605600029 1.2850E+01 8.0000E-02 1.8250E+03 1.3700E+02 9.9900E+02 2041605600030 1.3330E+01 7.5000E-02 1.8660E+03 1.4700E+02 1.0310E+03 2041605600031 1.3800E+01 7.5000E-02 1.8640E+03 1.4700E+02 1.0860E+03 2041605600032 1.4280E+01 7.0000E-02 1.9770E+03 1.5900E+02 1.1630E+03 2041605600033 1.4760E+01 6.5000E-02 1.9710E+03 1.6000E+02 1.2160E+03 2041605600034 ENDDATA 16 0 2041605600035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 2041605699999 SUBENT 20416057 20170228 22592041605700001 BIB 5 13 2041605700002 REACTION (82-PB-207(N,2N)82-PB-206,,SIG) 2041605700003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041605700004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041605700005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041605700006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041605700007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041605700008 cross-sections are not included. 2041605700009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 10 of Upton paper. 2041605700010 (SPSDD,20416114) Superseded by revised data. 2041605700011 HISTORY (19800604A) G.C. Added data set. 2041605700012 (19800612E) 2041605700013 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041605700014 revised data. 2041605700015 ENDBIB 13 0 2041605700016 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041605700017 DATA 5 17 2041605700018 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR MONIT 2041605700019 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041605700020 7.4100E+00 1.6500E-01 2.1000E+01 1.8000E+01 2041605700021 7.9300E+00 1.5000E-01 1.9800E+02 1.8000E+01 9.5200E+02 2041605700022 8.1800E+00 1.4500E-01 3.0100E+02 2.4000E+01 2041605700023 8.4400E+00 1.3500E-01 3.9600E+02 2.8000E+01 9.6200E+02 2041605700024 8.9400E+00 1.2500E-01 6.7000E+02 4.5000E+01 9.6400E+02 2041605700025 9.4400E+00 1.1500E-01 9.7600E+02 6.3000E+01 9.6000E+02 2041605700026 9.9300E+00 1.1000E-01 1.1610E+03 7.4000E+01 9.5200E+02 2041605700027 1.0420E+01 1.0000E-01 1.3730E+03 8.0000E+01 9.4800E+02 2041605700028 1.0910E+01 9.5000E-02 1.5330E+03 9.5000E+01 9.5200E+02 2041605700029 1.1400E+01 9.0000E-02 1.6230E+03 9.3000E+01 9.5700E+02 2041605700030 1.1880E+01 8.5000E-02 1.7400E+03 1.0000E+02 9.6500E+02 2041605700031 1.2360E+01 8.5000E-02 1.8110E+03 1.3700E+02 9.7800E+02 2041605700032 1.2850E+01 8.0000E-02 1.8580E+03 1.4000E+02 9.9900E+02 2041605700033 1.3330E+01 7.5000E-02 1.8660E+03 1.4700E+02 1.0310E+03 2041605700034 1.3800E+01 7.5000E-02 1.9710E+03 1.6100E+02 1.0860E+03 2041605700035 1.4280E+01 7.0000E-02 1.8880E+03 1.6000E+02 1.1630E+03 2041605700036 1.4760E+01 6.5000E-02 1.9200E+03 1.6600E+02 1.2160E+03 2041605700037 ENDDATA 19 0 2041605700038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 2041605799999 SUBENT 20416058 20170228 22592041605800001 BIB 5 13 2041605800002 REACTION (82-PB-208(N,2N)82-PB-207,,SIG) 2041605800003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041605800004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041605800005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041605800006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041605800007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041605800008 cross-sections are not included. 2041605800009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 10 of Upton paper. 2041605800010 (SPSDD,20416115) Superseded by revised data. 2041605800011 HISTORY (19800604A) G.C. Added data set. 2041605800012 (19800612E) 2041605800013 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041605800014 revised data. 2041605800015 ENDBIB 13 0 2041605800016 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041605800017 DATA 5 16 2041605800018 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR MONIT 2041605800019 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041605800020 7.9300E+00 1.5000E-01 8.0000E+01 1.0000E+01 9.5200E+02 2041605800021 8.1800E+00 1.4500E-01 1.6200E+02 1.3000E+01 2041605800022 8.4400E+00 1.3500E-01 2.9900E+02 2.1000E+01 9.6200E+02 2041605800023 8.9400E+00 1.2500E-01 5.7800E+02 3.9000E+01 9.6400E+02 2041605800024 9.4400E+00 1.1500E-01 8.9700E+02 5.9000E+01 9.6000E+02 2041605800025 9.9300E+00 1.1000E-01 1.1220E+03 7.2000E+01 9.5200E+02 2041605800026 1.0420E+01 1.0000E-01 1.3560E+03 8.0000E+01 9.4800E+02 2041605800027 1.0910E+01 9.5000E-02 1.4930E+03 9.4000E+01 9.5200E+02 2041605800028 1.1400E+01 9.0000E-02 1.6370E+03 9.5000E+01 9.5700E+02 2041605800029 1.1880E+01 8.5000E-02 1.7720E+03 1.0300E+02 9.6500E+02 2041605800030 1.2360E+01 8.5000E-02 1.7760E+03 1.3500E+02 9.7800E+02 2041605800031 1.2850E+01 8.0000E-02 1.8650E+03 1.4200E+02 9.9900E+02 2041605800032 1.3330E+01 7.5000E-02 1.8770E+03 1.4800E+02 1.0310E+03 2041605800033 1.3800E+01 7.5000E-02 1.9610E+03 1.5900E+02 1.0860E+03 2041605800034 1.4280E+01 7.0000E-02 1.9370E+03 1.6200E+02 1.1630E+03 2041605800035 1.4760E+01 6.5000E-02 1.9710E+03 1.6800E+02 1.2160E+03 2041605800036 ENDDATA 18 0 2041605800037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 2041605899999 SUBENT 20416059 20170228 22592041605900001 BIB 5 13 2041605900002 REACTION (64-GD-160(N,3N)64-GD-158,,SIG) 2041605900003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041605900004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041605900005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041605900006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041605900007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041605900008 cross-sections are not included. 2041605900009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 11 of Upton paper. 2041605900010 (SPSDD,20416120) Superseded by revised data. 2041605900011 HISTORY (19800604A) G.C. Added data set. 2041605900012 (19800612E) 2041605900013 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041605900014 revised data. 2041605900015 ENDBIB 13 0 2041605900016 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041605900017 DATA 5 2 2041605900018 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR MONIT 2041605900019 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041605900020 1.4280E+01 7.0000E-02 1.0000E+01 4.0000E+00 1.1630E+03 2041605900021 1.4760E+01 6.5000E-02 5.3000E+01 6.0000E+00 1.2160E+03 2041605900022 ENDDATA 4 0 2041605900023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 2041605999999 SUBENT 20416060 20170228 22592041606000001 BIB 5 13 2041606000002 REACTION (74-W-184(N,3N)74-W-182,,SIG) 2041606000003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041606000004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041606000005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041606000006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041606000007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041606000008 cross-sections are not included. 2041606000009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 11 of Upton paper. 2041606000010 (SPSDD,20416121) Superseded by revised data. 2041606000011 HISTORY (19800604A) G.C. Added data set. 2041606000012 (19800612E) 2041606000013 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041606000014 revised data. 2041606000015 ENDBIB 13 0 2041606000016 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041606000017 DATA 5 1 2041606000018 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR MONIT 2041606000019 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041606000020 1.4760E+01 6.5000E-02 2.2000E+01 4.0000E+00 1.2160E+03 2041606000021 ENDDATA 3 0 2041606000022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 2041606099999 SUBENT 20416061 20170228 22592041606100001 BIB 5 13 2041606100002 REACTION (74-W-186(N,3N)74-W-184,,SIG) 2041606100003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041606100004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041606100005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041606100006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041606100007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041606100008 cross-sections are not included. 2041606100009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 11 of Upton paper. 2041606100010 (SPSDD,20416122) Superseded by revised data. 2041606100011 HISTORY (19800604A) G.C. Added data set. 2041606100012 (19800612E) 2041606100013 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041606100014 revised data. 2041606100015 ENDBIB 13 0 2041606100016 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041606100017 DATA 5 3 2041606100018 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR MONIT 2041606100019 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041606100020 1.3800E+01 7.5000E-02 9.0000E+00 3.0000E+00 1.0860E+03 2041606100021 1.4280E+01 7.0000E-02 5.8000E+01 5.0000E+00 1.1630E+03 2041606100022 1.4760E+01 6.5000E-02 1.4500E+02 1.2000E+01 1.2160E+03 2041606100023 ENDDATA 5 0 2041606100024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2041606199999 SUBENT 20416062 20170228 22592041606200001 BIB 5 13 2041606200002 REACTION (63-EU-151(N,2N)63-EU-150,,SIG) 2041606200003 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2041606200004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041606200005 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041606200006 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041606200007 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041606200008 cross-sections are not included. 2041606200009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 7 of Upton paper. 2041606200010 (SPSDD,20416087) Superseded by revised data 2041606200011 HISTORY (19800604A) G.C. Added data set. 2041606200012 (19800612E) 2041606200013 (20170228) M.M. Initial data were superseded by 2041606200014 revised data. 2041606200015 ENDBIB 13 0 2041606200016 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041606200017 DATA 5 14 2041606200018 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR MONIT 2041606200019 MEV MEV MB MB MB 2041606200020 8.4400E+00 1.3500E-01 2.2000E+01 1.4000E+01 9.6200E+02 2041606200021 8.9400E+00 1.3000E-01 2.0600E+02 1.7000E+01 9.6400E+02 2041606200022 9.4400E+00 1.1500E-01 4.8300E+02 3.3000E+01 9.6000E+02 2041606200023 9.9300E+00 1.1000E-01 7.2500E+02 4.8000E+01 9.5200E+02 2041606200024 1.0420E+01 1.0000E-01 1.0070E+03 5.9000E+01 9.4800E+02 2041606200025 1.0910E+01 9.5000E-02 1.1760E+03 7.4000E+01 9.5200E+02 2041606200026 1.1400E+01 9.0000E-02 1.3400E+03 7.8000E+01 9.5700E+02 2041606200027 1.1880E+01 8.5000E-02 1.4760E+03 8.6000E+01 9.6500E+02 2041606200028 1.2360E+01 8.5000E-02 1.5850E+03 1.2000E+02 9.7800E+02 2041606200029 1.2850E+01 8.0000E-02 1.6230E+03 1.2200E+02 9.9900E+02 2041606200030 1.3330E+01 7.5000E-02 1.6650E+03 1.2500E+02 1.0310E+03 2041606200031 1.3800E+01 7.5000E-02 1.7770E+03 1.4000E+02 1.0860E+03 2041606200032 1.4280E+01 7.0000E-02 1.7020E+03 1.3800E+02 1.1630E+03 2041606200033 1.4760E+01 6.5000E-02 1.7520E+03 1.4500E+02 1.2160E+03 2041606200034 ENDDATA 16 0 2041606200035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 2041606299999 SUBENT 20416063 20170228 22592041606300001 BIB 5 9 2041606300002 REACTION (22-TI-0(N,2N),,SIG) 2041606300003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041606300004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041606300005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041606300006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041606300007 in the article. 2041606300008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 9 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041606300009 This Subent supersedes Subent 023. 2041606300010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041606300011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041606300012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041606300013 DATA 4 12 2041606300014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041606300015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041606300016 10.19 0.105 11. 1. 2041606300017 10.74 0.095 19. 4. 2041606300018 11.40 0.090 37. 3. 2041606300019 11.88 0.085 49. 4. 2041606300020 12.12 0.085 61. 5. 2041606300021 12.36 0.085 91. 7. 2041606300022 12.60 0.080 132. 10. 2041606300023 12.85 0.080 168. 13. 2041606300024 13.33 0.075 248. 19. 2041606300025 13.80 0.075 329. 26. 2041606300026 14.28 0.070 377. 27. 2041606300027 14.76 0.065 453. 34. 2041606300028 ENDDATA 14 0 2041606300029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 2041606399999 SUBENT 20416064 20170228 22592041606400001 BIB 5 9 2041606400002 REACTION (23-V-0(N,2N),,SIG) 2041606400003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041606400004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041606400005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041606400006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041606400007 in the article. 2041606400008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 9 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041606400009 This Subent supersedes Subent 024. 2041606400010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041606400011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041606400012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041606400013 DATA 4 8 2041606400014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041606400015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041606400016 11.40 0.090 15. 2. 2041606400017 11.88 0.085 71. 7. 2041606400018 12.36 0.085 148. 12. 2041606400019 12.85 0.080 250. 19. 2041606400020 13.33 0.075 359. 28. 2041606400021 13.80 0.075 451. 36. 2041606400022 14.28 0.070 514. 34. 2041606400023 14.76 0.065 574. 43. 2041606400024 ENDDATA 10 0 2041606400025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 2041606499999 SUBENT 20416065 20170228 22592041606500001 BIB 5 9 2041606500002 REACTION (24-CR-0(N,2N),,SIG) 2041606500003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041606500004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041606500005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041606500006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041606500007 in the article. 2041606500008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 9 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041606500009 This Subent supersedes Subent 025. 2041606500010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041606500011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041606500012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041606500013 DATA 4 11 2041606500014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041606500015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041606500016 10.19 0.105 27. 2. 2041606500017 10.74 0.095 33. 3. 2041606500018 11.40 0.090 53. 3. 2041606500019 11.88 0.085 66. 5. 2041606500020 12.36 0.085 70. 6. 2041606500021 12.60 0.080 103. 8. 2041606500022 12.85 0.080 132. 10. 2041606500023 13.33 0.075 209. 16. 2041606500024 13.80 0.075 284. 22. 2041606500025 14.28 0.070 354. 24. 2041606500026 14.76 0.065 418. 31. 2041606500027 ENDDATA 13 0 2041606500028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 2041606599999 SUBENT 20416066 20170228 22592041606600001 BIB 5 9 2041606600002 REACTION (26-FE-0(N,2N),,SIG) 2041606600003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041606600004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041606600005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041606600006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041606600007 in the article. 2041606600008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 9 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041606600009 This Subent supersedes Subent 044. 2041606600010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041606600011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041606600012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041606600013 DATA 4 7 2041606600014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041606600015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041606600016 11.88 0.085 49. 6. 2041606600017 12.36 0.085 102. 9. 2041606600018 12.85 0.080 193. 14. 2041606600019 13.33 0.075 282. 20. 2041606600020 13.80 0.075 356. 23. 2041606600021 14.28 0.070 404. 31. 2041606600022 14.76 0.065 484. 35. 2041606600023 ENDDATA 9 0 2041606600024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2041606699999 SUBENT 20416067 20170228 22592041606700001 BIB 5 9 2041606700002 REACTION (29-CU-0(N,2N),,SIG) 2041606700003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041606700004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041606700005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041606700006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041606700007 in the article. 2041606700008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 9 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041606700009 This Subent supersedes Subent 026. 2041606700010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041606700011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041606700012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041606700013 DATA 4 10 2041606700014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041606700015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041606700016 10.19 0.105 9. 2. 2041606700017 10.74 0.095 20. 3. 2041606700018 11.40 0.090 121. 5. 2041606700019 11.88 0.085 148. 11. 2041606700020 12.36 0.085 233. 18. 2041606700021 12.85 0.080 346. 26. 2041606700022 13.33 0.075 453. 33. 2041606700023 13.80 0.075 522. 40. 2041606700024 14.28 0.070 567. 39. 2041606700025 14.76 0.065 646. 46. 2041606700026 ENDDATA 12 0 2041606700027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 2041606799999 SUBENT 20416068 20170228 22592041606800001 BIB 5 9 2041606800002 REACTION (31-GA-0(N,2N),,SIG) 2041606800003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041606800004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041606800005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041606800006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041606800007 in the article. 2041606800008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 9 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041606800009 This Subent supersedes Subent 006. 2041606800010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041606800011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041606800012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041606800013 DATA 4 11 2041606800014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041606800015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041606800016 9.93 0.105 18. 7. 2041606800017 10.42 0.100 29. 12. 2041606800018 10.91 0.095 88. 9. 2041606800019 11.40 0.090 188. 12. 2041606800020 11.88 0.085 310. 19. 2041606800021 12.36 0.085 441. 34. 2041606800022 12.85 0.080 561. 42. 2041606800023 13.33 0.075 698. 53. 2041606800024 13.80 0.075 774. 56. 2041606800025 14.28 0.070 854. 62. 2041606800026 14.76 0.065 879. 63. 2041606800027 ENDDATA 13 0 2041606800028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 2041606899999 SUBENT 20416069 20170228 22592041606900001 BIB 5 9 2041606900002 REACTION (40-ZR-0(N,2N),,SIG) 2041606900003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041606900004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041606900005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041606900006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041606900007 in the article. 2041606900008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 10 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041606900009 This Subent supersedes Subent 027. 2041606900010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041606900011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041606900012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041606900013 DATA 4 15 2041606900014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041606900015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041606900016 7.93 0.150 19. 10. 2041606900017 8.44 0.135 69. 9. 2041606900018 8.94 0.125 96. 11. 2041606900019 9.44 0.115 186. 14. 2041606900020 9.93 0.110 274. 15. 2041606900021 10.19 0.105 304. 16. 2041606900022 10.74 0.095 366. 20. 2041606900023 11.40 0.090 460. 25. 2041606900024 11.88 0.085 506. 27. 2041606900025 12.36 0.085 573. 41. 2041606900026 12.85 0.080 677. 47. 2041606900027 13.33 0.075 824. 59. 2041606900028 13.80 0.075 916. 69. 2041606900029 14.28 0.070 975. 65. 2041606900030 14.76 0.065 1017. 72. 2041606900031 ENDDATA 17 0 2041606900032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 2041606999999 SUBENT 20416070 20170228 22592041607000001 BIB 5 9 2041607000002 REACTION (42-MO-0(N,2N),,SIG) 2041607000003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041607000004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041607000005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041607000006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041607000007 in the article. 2041607000008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 10 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041607000009 This Subent supersedes Subent 028. 2041607000010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041607000011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041607000012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041607000013 DATA 4 15 2041607000014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041607000015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041607000016 7.93 0.150 19. 7. 2041607000017 8.44 0.135 43. 7. 2041607000018 8.94 0.125 109. 11. 2041607000019 9.44 0.115 173. 10. 2041607000020 9.93 0.110 321. 18. 2041607000021 10.19 0.105 403. 22. 2041607000022 10.74 0.095 559. 31. 2041607000023 11.40 0.090 705. 40. 2041607000024 11.88 0.085 814. 62. 2041607000025 12.36 0.085 908. 69. 2041607000026 12.85 0.080 998. 75. 2041607000027 13.33 0.075 1064. 80. 2041607000028 13.80 0.075 1086. 86. 2041607000029 14.28 0.070 1125. 78. 2041607000030 14.76 0.065 1141. 85. 2041607000031 ENDDATA 17 0 2041607000032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 2041607099999 SUBENT 20416071 20170228 22592041607100001 BIB 5 9 2041607100002 REACTION (74-W-0(N,2N),,SIG) 2041607100003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041607100004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041607100005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041607100006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041607100007 in the article. 2041607100008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 10 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041607100009 This Subent supersedes Subent 017. 2041607100010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041607100011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041607100012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041607100013 DATA 4 17 2041607100014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041607100015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041607100016 7.93 0.150 217. 28. 2041607100017 8.18 0.145 406. 23. 2041607100018 8.44 0.135 616. 48. 2041607100019 8.69 0.130 794. 43. 2041607100020 8.94 0.125 953. 57. 2041607100021 9.44 0.115 1273. 92. 2041607100022 9.93 0.110 1495. 96. 2041607100023 10.42 0.100 1563. 97. 2041607100024 10.91 0.095 1703. 97. 2041607100025 11.40 0.090 1825. 112. 2041607100026 11.88 0.085 1828. 114. 2041607100027 12.36 0.085 1878. 109. 2041607100028 12.85 0.080 1921. 115. 2041607100029 13.33 0.075 1972. 101. 2041607100030 13.80 0.075 1944. 102. 2041607100031 14.28 0.070 2002. 153. 2041607100032 14.76 0.065 2007. 164. 2041607100033 ENDDATA 19 0 2041607100034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 2041607199999 SUBENT 20416072 20170228 22592041607200001 BIB 5 9 2041607200002 REACTION (78-PT-0(N,2N),,SIG) 2041607200003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041607200004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041607200005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041607200006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041607200007 in the article. 2041607200008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 10 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041607200009 This Subent supersedes Subent 018. 2041607200010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041607200011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041607200012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041607200013 DATA 4 15 2041607200014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041607200015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041607200016 7.93 0.150 191. 27. 2041607200017 8.44 0.135 376. 37. 2041607200018 8.94 0.125 558. 49. 2041607200019 9.44 0.115 900. 69. 2041607200020 9.93 0.110 1162. 96. 2041607200021 10.42 0.100 1347. 86. 2041607200022 10.91 0.095 1535. 88. 2041607200023 11.40 0.090 1627. 100. 2041607200024 11.88 0.085 1778. 111. 2041607200025 12.36 0.085 1828. 105. 2041607200026 12.85 0.080 1883. 111. 2041607200027 13.33 0.075 1848. 103. 2041607200028 13.80 0.075 1906. 111. 2041607200029 14.28 0.070 1945. 149. 2041607200030 14.76 0.065 1998. 159. 2041607200031 ENDDATA 17 0 2041607200032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 2041607299999 SUBENT 20416073 20170228 22592041607300001 BIB 5 9 2041607300002 REACTION (82-PB-0(N,2N),,SIG) 2041607300003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041607300004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041607300005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041607300006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041607300007 in the article. 2041607300008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 10 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041607300009 This Subent supersedes Subent 043. 2041607300010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041607300011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041607300012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041607300013 DATA 4 16 2041607300014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041607300015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041607300016 7.41 0.165 45. 33. 2041607300017 7.93 0.150 108. 16. 2041607300018 8.44 0.135 314. 24. 2041607300019 8.94 0.125 554. 37. 2041607300020 9.44 0.115 876. 45. 2041607300021 9.93 0.110 1101. 56. 2041607300022 10.19 0.105 1216. 61. 2041607300023 10.74 0.095 1463. 75. 2041607300024 11.40 0.090 1632. 85. 2041607300025 11.88 0.085 1746. 87. 2041607300026 12.36 0.085 1828. 131. 2041607300027 12.85 0.080 1923. 137. 2041607300028 13.33 0.075 1998. 145. 2041607300029 13.80 0.075 2041. 155. 2041607300030 14.28 0.070 2012. 139. 2041607300031 14.76 0.065 2065. 151. 2041607300032 ENDDATA 18 0 2041607300033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 2041607399999 SUBENT 20416074 20170228 22592041607400001 BIB 6 10 2041607400002 REACTION (58-CE-0(N,2N),,SIG) 2041607400003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041607400004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041607400005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041607400006 EXP-YEAR (1981) Data were measured at 1981, but were not 2041607400007 puplished at that time. 2041607400008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041607400009 in the article. 2041607400010 STATUS (TABLE) Table 10 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041607400011 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041607400012 ENDBIB 10 0 2041607400013 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041607400014 DATA 4 15 2041607400015 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041607400016 MEV MEV MB MB 2041607400017 7.93 0.150 42. 37. 2041607400018 8.44 0.135 86. 34. 2041607400019 8.94 0.125 201. 31. 2041607400020 9.44 0.115 175. 36. 2041607400021 9.93 0.110 433. 38. 2041607400022 10.42 0.100 668. 46. 2041607400023 10.91 0.095 849. 58. 2041607400024 11.40 0.090 1161. 80. 2041607400025 11.88 0.085 1284. 97. 2041607400026 12.36 0.085 1423. 100. 2041607400027 12.85 0.080 1576. 115. 2041607400028 13.33 0.075 1706. 120. 2041607400029 13.80 0.075 1799. 116. 2041607400030 14.28 0.070 1813. 121. 2041607400031 14.76 0.065 1896. 113. 2041607400032 ENDDATA 17 0 2041607400033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 2041607499999 SUBENT 20416075 20170228 22592041607500001 BIB 5 9 2041607500002 REACTION (21-SC-45(N,2N)21-SC-44,,SIG) 2041607500003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041607500004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041607500005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041607500006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041607500007 in the article. 2041607500008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 11 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041607500009 This Subent supersedes Subent 002. 2041607500010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041607500011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041607500012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041607500013 DATA 4 6 2041607500014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041607500015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041607500016 12.36 0.085 54. 7. 2041607500017 12.85 0.080 93. 10. 2041607500018 13.33 0.075 154. 14. 2041607500019 13.80 0.075 220. 17. 2041607500020 14.28 0.070 257. 21. 2041607500021 14.76 0.065 318. 24. 2041607500022 ENDDATA 8 0 2041607500023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 2041607599999 SUBENT 20416076 20170228 22592041607600001 BIB 5 9 2041607600002 REACTION (27-CO-59(N,2N)27-CO-58,,SIG) 2041607600003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041607600004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041607600005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041607600006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041607600007 in the article. 2041607600008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 11 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041607600009 This Subent supersedes Subent 004. 2041607600010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041607600011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041607600012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041607600013 DATA 4 8 2041607600014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041607600015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041607600016 10.91 0.095 17. 6. 2041607600017 11.40 0.090 115. 10. 2041607600018 11.88 0.085 220. 17. 2041607600019 12.36 0.085 334. 24. 2041607600020 12.85 0.080 466. 30. 2041607600021 13.33 0.075 560. 36. 2041607600022 13.80 0.075 666. 41. 2041607600023 14.76 0.065 755. 48. 2041607600024 ENDDATA 10 0 2041607600025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 2041607699999 SUBENT 20416077 20170228 22592041607700001 BIB 5 9 2041607700002 REACTION (33-AS-75(N,2N)33-AS-74,,SIG) 2041607700003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041607700004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041607700005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041607700006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041607700007 in the article. 2041607700008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 11 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041607700009 This Subend superseeds Subent 123. 2041607700010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041607700011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041607700012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041607700013 DATA 4 9 2041607700014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041607700015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041607700016 10.91 0.095 62. 13. 2041607700017 11.40 0.090 199. 17. 2041607700018 11.88 0.085 364. 25. 2041607700019 12.36 0.085 569. 45. 2041607700020 12.85 0.080 727. 55. 2041607700021 13.33 0.075 871. 65. 2041607700022 13.80 0.075 947. 70. 2041607700023 14.28 0.070 1028. 75. 2041607700024 14.76 0.065 1122. 80. 2041607700025 ENDDATA 11 0 2041607700026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 2041607799999 SUBENT 20416078 20170228 22592041607800001 BIB 5 9 2041607800002 REACTION (39-Y-89(N,2N)39-Y-88,,SIG) 2041607800003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041607800004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041607800005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041607800006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041607800007 in the article. 2041607800008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 11 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041607800009 This Subent supersedes Subent 011. 2041607800010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041607800011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041607800012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041607800013 DATA 4 7 2041607800014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041607800015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041607800016 11.88 0.085 50. 8. 2041607800017 12.36 0.085 194. 13. 2041607800018 12.85 0.080 407. 21. 2041607800019 13.33 0.075 607. 41. 2041607800020 13.80 0.075 779. 36. 2041607800021 14.28 0.070 854. 42. 2041607800022 14.76 0.065 941. 71. 2041607800023 ENDDATA 9 0 2041607800024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2041607899999 SUBENT 20416079 20170228 22592041607900001 BIB 5 9 2041607900002 REACTION (41-NB-93(N,2N)41-NB-92,,SIG) 2041607900003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041607900004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041607900005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041607900006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041607900007 in the article. 2041607900008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 11 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041607900009 This Subent supersedes Subent 012. 2041607900010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041607900011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041607900012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041607900013 DATA 4 12 2041607900014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041607900015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041607900016 9.44 0.115 46. 18. 2041607900017 9.93 0.110 337. 26. 2041607900018 10.42 0.100 520. 38. 2041607900019 10.91 0.095 731. 46. 2041607900020 11.40 0.090 828. 53. 2041607900021 11.88 0.085 998. 65. 2041607900022 12.36 0.085 1069. 64. 2041607900023 12.85 0.080 1155. 69. 2041607900024 13.33 0.075 1241. 70. 2041607900025 13.80 0.075 1216. 71. 2041607900026 14.28 0.070 1309. 96. 2041607900027 14.76 0.065 1352. 96. 2041607900028 ENDDATA 14 0 2041607900029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 2041607999999 SUBENT 20416080 20170228 22592041608000001 BIB 5 9 2041608000002 REACTION (45-RH-103(N,2N)45-RH-102,,SIG) 2041608000003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041608000004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041608000005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041608000006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041608000007 in the article. 2041608000008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 11 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041608000009 This Subent supersedes Subent 013. 2041608000010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041608000011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041608000012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041608000013 DATA 4 11 2041608000014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041608000015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041608000016 9.93 0.110 86. 12. 2041608000017 10.42 0.100 310. 24. 2041608000018 10.91 0.095 540. 32. 2041608000019 11.40 0.090 733. 47. 2041608000020 11.88 0.085 891. 58. 2041608000021 12.36 0.085 1048. 63. 2041608000022 12.85 0.080 1126. 67. 2041608000023 13.33 0.075 1233. 66. 2041608000024 13.80 0.075 1273. 73. 2041608000025 14.28 0.070 1351. 97. 2041608000026 14.76 0.065 1379. 96. 2041608000027 ENDDATA 13 0 2041608000028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 2041608099999 SUBENT 20416081 20170228 22592041608100001 BIB 6 10 2041608100002 REACTION (29-CU-63(N,2N)29-CU-62,,SIG) 2041608100003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041608100004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041608100005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041608100006 EXP-YEAR (1981) Data were measured at 1981, but were not 2041608100007 puplished at that time. 2041608100008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041608100009 in the article. 2041608100010 STATUS (TABLE) Table 12 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041608100011 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041608100012 ENDBIB 10 0 2041608100013 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041608100014 DATA 4 7 2041608100015 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041608100016 MEV MEV MB MB 2041608100017 11.88 0.085 53. 13. 2041608100018 12.36 0.085 131. 12. 2041608100019 12.85 0.080 238. 19. 2041608100020 13.33 0.075 339. 23. 2041608100021 13.80 0.075 419. 28. 2041608100022 14.28 0.070 445. 31. 2041608100023 14.76 0.065 518. 32. 2041608100024 ENDDATA 9 0 2041608100025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 2041608199999 SUBENT 20416082 20170228 22592041608200001 BIB 6 10 2041608200002 REACTION (29-CU-65(N,2N)29-CU-64,,SIG) 2041608200003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041608200004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041608200005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041608200006 EXP-YEAR (1981) Data were measured at 1981, but were not 2041608200007 puplished at that time. 2041608200008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041608200009 in the article. 2041608200010 STATUS (TABLE) Table 12 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041608200011 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041608200012 ENDBIB 10 0 2041608200013 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041608200014 DATA 4 9 2041608200015 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041608200016 MEV MEV MB MB 2041608200017 10.91 0.095 96. 12. 2041608200018 11.40 0.090 248. 21. 2041608200019 11.88 0.085 361. 30. 2041608200020 12.36 0.085 486. 35. 2041608200021 12.85 0.080 647. 48. 2041608200022 13.33 0.075 744. 53. 2041608200023 13.80 0.075 811. 52. 2041608200024 14.28 0.070 837. 57. 2041608200025 14.76 0.065 871. 52. 2041608200026 ENDDATA 11 0 2041608200027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 2041608299999 SUBENT 20416083 20170228 22592041608300001 BIB 5 9 2041608300002 REACTION (34-SE-76(N,2N)34-SE-75,,SIG) 2041608300003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041608300004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041608300005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041608300006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041608300007 in the article. 2041608300008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 12 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041608300009 This Subent supersedes Subent 007. 2041608300010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041608300011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041608300012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041608300013 DATA 4 7 2041608300014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041608300015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041608300016 11.88 0.085 100. 12. 2041608300017 12.36 0.085 218. 24. 2041608300018 12.85 0.080 379. 36. 2041608300019 13.33 0.075 546. 49. 2041608300020 13.80 0.075 680. 56. 2041608300021 14.28 0.070 725. 59. 2041608300022 14.76 0.065 806. 63. 2041608300023 ENDDATA 9 0 2041608300024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2041608399999 SUBENT 20416084 20170228 22592041608400001 BIB 5 9 2041608400002 REACTION (34-SE-78(N,2N)34-SE-77,,SIG) 2041608400003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041608400004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041608400005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041608400006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041608400007 in the article. 2041608400008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 12 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041608400009 This Subent supersedes Subent 008. 2041608400010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041608400011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041608400012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041608400013 DATA 4 9 2041608400014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041608400015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041608400016 10.91 0.095 15. 5. 2041608400017 11.40 0.090 136. 9. 2041608400018 11.88 0.085 316. 21. 2041608400019 12.36 0.085 472. 39. 2041608400020 12.85 0.080 635. 50. 2041608400021 13.33 0.075 775. 61. 2041608400022 13.80 0.075 921. 70. 2041608400023 14.28 0.070 924. 68. 2041608400024 14.76 0.065 978. 72. 2041608400025 ENDDATA 11 0 2041608400026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 2041608499999 SUBENT 20416085 20170228 22592041608500001 BIB 5 9 2041608500002 REACTION (34-SE-80(N,2N)34-SE-79,,SIG) 2041608500003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041608500004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041608500005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041608500006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041608500007 in the article. 2041608500008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 12 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041608500009 This Subent supersedes Subent 009. 2041608500010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041608500011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041608500012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041608500013 DATA 4 10 2041608500014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041608500015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041608500016 10.42 0.100 59. 5. 2041608500017 10.91 0.095 231. 14. 2041608500018 11.40 0.090 408. 25. 2041608500019 11.88 0.085 559. 37. 2041608500020 12.36 0.085 753. 62. 2041608500021 12.85 0.080 847. 67. 2041608500022 13.33 0.075 958. 74. 2041608500023 13.80 0.075 1064. 82. 2041608500024 14.28 0.070 1038. 77. 2041608500025 14.76 0.065 1074. 79. 2041608500026 ENDDATA 12 0 2041608500027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 2041608599999 SUBENT 20416086 20170228 22592041608600001 BIB 5 9 2041608600002 REACTION (34-SE-82(N,2N)34-SE-81,,SIG) 2041608600003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041608600004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041608600005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041608600006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041608600007 in the article. 2041608600008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 12 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041608600009 This Subent supersedes Subent 010. 2041608600010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041608600011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041608600012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041608600013 DATA 4 11 2041608600014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041608600015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041608600016 9.93 0.110 100. 6. 2041608600017 10.42 0.100 297. 17. 2041608600018 10.91 0.095 475. 27. 2041608600019 11.40 0.090 630. 37. 2041608600020 11.88 0.085 738. 45. 2041608600021 12.36 0.085 890. 69. 2041608600022 12.85 0.080 972. 74. 2041608600023 13.33 0.075 1088. 81. 2041608600024 13.80 0.075 1087. 81. 2041608600025 14.28 0.070 1088. 79. 2041608600026 14.76 0.065 1133. 81. 2041608600027 ENDDATA 13 0 2041608600028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 2041608699999 SUBENT 20416087 20170228 22592041608700001 BIB 5 9 2041608700002 REACTION (63-EU-151(N,2N)63-EU-150,,SIG) 2041608700003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041608700004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041608700005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041608700006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041608700007 in the article. 2041608700008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 13,15 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041608700009 This Subent supersedes Subent 062. 2041608700010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041608700011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041608700012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041608700013 DATA 4 14 2041608700014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041608700015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041608700016 8.44 0.135 23. 15. 2041608700017 8.94 0.125 215. 18. 2041608700018 9.44 0.115 506. 34. 2041608700019 9.93 0.110 765. 50. 2041608700020 10.42 0.100 1064. 61. 2041608700021 10.91 0.095 1238. 76. 2041608700022 11.40 0.090 1396. 80. 2041608700023 11.88 0.085 1510. 88. 2041608700024 12.36 0.085 1627. 122. 2041608700025 12.85 0.080 1669. 123. 2041608700026 13.33 0.075 1729. 127. 2041608700027 13.80 0.075 1850. 141. 2041608700028 14.28 0.070 1753. 135. 2041608700029 14.76 0.065 1803. 140. 2041608700030 ENDDATA 16 0 2041608700031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 2041608799999 SUBENT 20416088 20170228 22592041608800001 BIB 5 9 2041608800002 REACTION (69-TM-169(N,2N)69-TM-168,,SIG) 2041608800003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041608800004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041608800005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041608800006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041608800007 in the article. 2041608800008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 13 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041608800009 This Subent supersedes Subent 014. 2041608800010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041608800011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041608800012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041608800013 DATA 4 14 2041608800014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041608800015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041608800016 8.44 0.135 63. 32. 2041608800017 8.94 0.125 350. 28. 2041608800018 9.44 0.115 917. 90. 2041608800019 9.93 0.110 1162. 72. 2041608800020 10.42 0.100 1425. 86. 2041608800021 10.91 0.095 1518. 106. 2041608800022 11.40 0.090 1622. 81. 2041608800023 11.88 0.085 1779. 103. 2041608800024 12.36 0.085 1846. 85. 2041608800025 12.85 0.080 1994. 87. 2041608800026 13.33 0.075 2013. 125. 2041608800027 13.80 0.075 2041. 90. 2041608800028 14.28 0.070 1901. 93. 2041608800029 14.76 0.065 1982. 150. 2041608800030 ENDDATA 16 0 2041608800031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 2041608899999 SUBENT 20416089 20170228 22592041608900001 BIB 5 9 2041608900002 REACTION (71-LU-175(N,2N)71-LU-174,,SIG) 2041608900003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041608900004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041608900005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041608900006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041608900007 in the article. 2041608900008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 13 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041608900009 This Subent supersedes Subent 015. 2041608900010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041608900011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041608900012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041608900013 DATA 4 14 2041608900014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041608900015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041608900016 8.44 0.135 203. 33. 2041608900017 8.94 0.125 659. 50. 2041608900018 9.44 0.115 1162. 112. 2041608900019 9.93 0.110 1404. 86. 2041608900020 10.42 0.100 1560. 95. 2041608900021 10.91 0.095 1720. 124. 2041608900022 11.40 0.090 1696. 107. 2041608900023 11.88 0.085 1813. 110. 2041608900024 12.36 0.085 1919. 121. 2041608900025 12.85 0.080 1996. 125. 2041608900026 13.33 0.075 2036. 126. 2041608900027 13.80 0.075 2076. 123. 2041608900028 14.28 0.070 2113. 155. 2041608900029 14.76 0.065 2094. 157. 2041608900030 ENDDATA 16 0 2041608900031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 2041608999999 SUBENT 20416090 20170228 22592041609000001 BIB 5 9 2041609000002 REACTION (73-TA-181(N,2N)73-TA-180,,SIG) 2041609000003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041609000004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041609000005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041609000006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041609000007 in the article. 2041609000008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 13 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041609000009 This Subent supersedes Subent 016. 2041609000010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041609000011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041609000012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041609000013 DATA 4 14 2041609000014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041609000015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041609000016 8.44 0.135 284. 29. 2041609000017 8.94 0.125 742. 49. 2041609000018 9.44 0.115 1277. 116. 2041609000019 9.93 0.110 1447. 86. 2041609000020 10.42 0.100 1604. 97. 2041609000021 10.91 0.095 1665. 114. 2041609000022 11.40 0.090 1723. 105. 2041609000023 11.88 0.085 1819. 103. 2041609000024 12.36 0.085 1892. 113. 2041609000025 12.85 0.080 1991. 118. 2041609000026 13.33 0.075 1964. 121. 2041609000027 13.80 0.075 1999. 119. 2041609000028 14.28 0.070 1957. 150. 2041609000029 14.76 0.065 1910. 154. 2041609000030 ENDDATA 16 0 2041609000031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 2041609099999 SUBENT 20416091 20170228 22592041609100001 BIB 5 9 2041609100002 REACTION (79-AU-197(N,2N)79-AU-196,,SIG) 2041609100003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041609100004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041609100005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041609100006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041609100007 in the article. 2041609100008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 13 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041609100009 This Subent supersedes Subent 019. 2041609100010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041609100011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041609100012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041609100013 DATA 4 14 2041609100014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041609100015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041609100016 8.44 0.135 41. 21. 2041609100017 8.94 0.125 266. 21. 2041609100018 9.44 0.115 683. 67. 2041609100019 9.93 0.110 955. 59. 2041609100020 10.42 0.100 1203. 75. 2041609100021 10.91 0.095 1431. 100. 2041609100022 11.40 0.090 1575. 78. 2041609100023 11.88 0.085 1766. 101. 2041609100024 12.36 0.085 1865. 84. 2041609100025 12.85 0.080 2005. 88. 2041609100026 13.33 0.075 2043. 125. 2041609100027 13.80 0.075 2123. 92. 2041609100028 14.28 0.070 1995. 95. 2041609100029 14.76 0.065 1992. 150. 2041609100030 ENDDATA 16 0 2041609100031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 2041609199999 SUBENT 20416092 20170228 22592041609200001 BIB 5 9 2041609200002 REACTION (83-BI-209(N,2N)83-BI-208,,SIG) 2041609200003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041609200004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041609200005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041609200006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041609200007 in the article. 2041609200008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 13 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041609200009 This Subent supersedes Subent 020. 2041609200010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041609200011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041609200012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041609200013 DATA 4 15 2041609200014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041609200015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041609200016 7.93 0.150 118. 14. 2041609200017 8.44 0.135 358. 37. 2041609200018 8.94 0.125 764. 53. 2041609200019 9.44 0.115 1131. 101. 2041609200020 9.93 0.110 1493. 89. 2041609200021 10.42 0.100 1689. 100. 2041609200022 10.91 0.095 1800. 123. 2041609200023 11.40 0.090 1843. 111. 2041609200024 11.88 0.085 1927. 108. 2041609200025 12.36 0.085 2021. 119. 2041609200026 12.85 0.080 2093. 122. 2041609200027 13.33 0.075 2040. 124. 2041609200028 13.80 0.075 2173. 130. 2041609200029 14.28 0.070 2075. 159. 2041609200030 14.76 0.065 2077. 165. 2041609200031 ENDDATA 17 0 2041609200032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 2041609299999 SUBENT 20416093 20170228 22592041609300001 BIB 5 9 2041609300002 REACTION (60-ND-142(N,2N)60-ND-141,,SIG) 2041609300003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041609300004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041609300005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041609300006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041609300007 in the article. 2041609300008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 14 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041609300009 This Subent supersedes Subent 029. 2041609300010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041609300011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041609300012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041609300013 DATA 4 6 2041609300014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041609300015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041609300016 10.42 0.100 205. 18. 2041609300017 10.91 0.095 432. 27. 2041609300018 11.88 0.085 882. 67. 2041609300019 12.85 0.080 1356. 99. 2041609300020 13.80 0.075 1628. 119. 2041609300021 14.76 0.065 1963. 141. 2041609300022 ENDDATA 8 0 2041609300023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 2041609399999 SUBENT 20416094 20170228 22592041609400001 BIB 5 9 2041609400002 REACTION (60-ND-144(N,2N)60-ND-143,,SIG) 2041609400003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041609400004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041609400005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041609400006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041609400007 in the article. 2041609400008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 14 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041609400009 This Subent supersedes Subent 030. 2041609400010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041609400011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041609400012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041609400013 DATA 4 12 2041609400014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041609400015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041609400016 8.18 0.145 134. 15. 2041609400017 8.59 0.130 304. 22. 2041609400018 8.94 0.125 593. 32. 2041609400019 9.44 0.115 824. 44. 2041609400020 9.93 0.110 1105. 58. 2041609400021 10.42 0.100 1200. 63. 2041609400022 10.91 0.095 1330. 70. 2041609400023 11.88 0.085 1443. 104. 2041609400024 12.85 0.080 1622. 121. 2041609400025 13.80 0.075 1653. 122. 2041609400026 14.28 0.070 1668. 124. 2041609400027 14.76 0.065 1763. 133. 2041609400028 ENDDATA 14 0 2041609400029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 2041609499999 SUBENT 20416095 20170228 22592041609500001 BIB 5 9 2041609500002 REACTION (60-ND-146(N,2N)60-ND-145,,SIG) 2041609500003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041609500004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041609500005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041609500006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041609500007 in the article. 2041609500008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 14 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041609500009 This Subent supersedes Subent 031. 2041609500010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041609500011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041609500012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041609500013 DATA 4 11 2041609500014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041609500015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041609500016 8.03 0.115 160. 15. 2041609500017 8.44 0.135 436. 25. 2041609500018 8.94 0.125 783. 42. 2041609500019 9.44 0.115 1058. 56. 2041609500020 9.93 0.110 1269. 67. 2041609500021 10.42 0.100 1377. 73. 2041609500022 10.91 0.095 1535. 83. 2041609500023 11.88 0.085 1638. 118. 2041609500024 12.85 0.080 1791. 129. 2041609500025 13.80 0.075 1907. 138. 2041609500026 14.76 0.065 1937. 148. 2041609500027 ENDDATA 13 0 2041609500028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 2041609599999 SUBENT 20416096 20170228 22592041609600001 BIB 5 9 2041609600002 REACTION (60-ND-148(N,2N)60-ND-147,,SIG) 2041609600003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041609600004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041609600005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041609600006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041609600007 in the article. 2041609600008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 14 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041609600009 This Subent supersedes Subent 033. 2041609600010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041609600011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041609600012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041609600013 DATA 4 12 2041609600014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041609600015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041609600016 8.03 0.115 322. 21. 2041609600017 8.44 0.135 618. 33. 2041609600018 8.94 0.125 1031. 52. 2041609600019 9.44 0.115 1195. 61. 2041609600020 9.93 0.110 1383. 71. 2041609600021 10.42 0.100 1443. 74. 2041609600022 10.91 0.095 1546. 81. 2041609600023 11.88 0.085 1583. 113. 2041609600024 12.85 0.080 1702. 122. 2041609600025 13.80 0.075 1832. 135. 2041609600026 14.28 0.070 1732. 130. 2041609600027 14.76 0.065 1773. 137. 2041609600028 ENDDATA 14 0 2041609600029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 2041609699999 SUBENT 20416097 20170228 22592041609700001 BIB 5 9 2041609700002 REACTION (60-ND-150(N,2N)60-ND-149,,SIG) 2041609700003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041609700004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041609700005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041609700006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041609700007 in the article. 2041609700008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 14 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041609700009 This Subent supersedes Subent 035. 2041609700010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041609700011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041609700012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041609700013 DATA 4 11 2041609700014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041609700015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041609700016 8.03 0.115 226. 18. 2041609700017 8.44 0.135 559. 31. 2041609700018 8.94 0.125 915. 49. 2041609700019 9.44 0.115 1173. 61. 2041609700020 9.93 0.110 1303. 72. 2041609700021 10.42 0.100 1467. 76. 2041609700022 10.91 0.095 1556. 82. 2041609700023 11.88 0.085 1688. 120. 2041609700024 12.85 0.080 1844. 131. 2041609700025 13.80 0.075 1946. 140. 2041609700026 14.76 0.065 1762. 134. 2041609700027 ENDDATA 13 0 2041609700028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 2041609799999 SUBENT 20416098 20170228 22592041609800001 BIB 5 9 2041609800002 REACTION (62-SM-148(N,2N)62-SM-147,,SIG) 2041609800003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041609800004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041609800005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041609800006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041609800007 in the article. 2041609800008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 15 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041609800009 This Subent supersedes Subent 037. 2041609800010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041609800011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041609800012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041609800013 DATA 4 10 2041609800014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041609800015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041609800016 8.59 0.130 150. 15. 2041609800017 8.94 0.125 333. 21. 2041609800018 9.44 0.115 629. 35. 2041609800019 9.93 0.110 966. 51. 2041609800020 10.42 0.100 1112. 59. 2041609800021 10.91 0.095 1300. 69. 2041609800022 11.88 0.085 1544. 112. 2041609800023 12.85 0.080 1633. 117. 2041609800024 13.80 0.075 1766. 129. 2041609800025 14.76 0.065 1835. 135. 2041609800026 ENDDATA 12 0 2041609800027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 2041609899999 SUBENT 20416099 20170228 22592041609900001 BIB 5 9 2041609900002 REACTION (62-SM-150(N,2N)62-SM-149,,SIG) 2041609900003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041609900004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041609900005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041609900006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041609900007 in the article. 2041609900008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 15 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041609900009 This Subent supersedes Subent 038. 2041609900010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041609900011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041609900012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041609900013 DATA 4 10 2041609900014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041609900015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041609900016 8.59 0.130 159. 16. 2041609900017 8.94 0.125 391. 25. 2041609900018 9.44 0.115 668. 38. 2041609900019 9.93 0.110 1044. 59. 2041609900020 10.42 0.100 1148. 62. 2041609900021 10.91 0.095 1308. 71. 2041609900022 11.88 0.085 1451. 106. 2041609900023 12.85 0.080 1646. 120. 2041609900024 13.80 0.075 1766. 135. 2041609900025 14.76 0.065 1931. 143. 2041609900026 ENDDATA 12 0 2041609900027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 2041609999999 SUBENT 20416100 20170228 22592041610000001 BIB 5 9 2041610000002 REACTION (62-SM-152(N,2N)62-SM-151,,SIG) 2041610000003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041610000004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041610000005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041610000006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041610000007 in the article. 2041610000008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 15 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041610000009 This Subent supersedes Subent 039. 2041610000010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041610000011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041610000012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041610000013 DATA 4 10 2041610000014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041610000015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041610000016 8.59 0.130 32. 15. 2041610000017 8.94 0.125 288. 18. 2041610000018 9.44 0.115 586. 32. 2041610000019 9.93 0.110 968. 51. 2041610000020 10.42 0.100 1133. 60. 2041610000021 10.91 0.095 1305. 70. 2041610000022 11.88 0.085 1496. 106. 2041610000023 12.85 0.080 1623. 119. 2041610000024 13.80 0.075 1740. 133. 2041610000025 14.76 0.065 1760. 138. 2041610000026 ENDDATA 12 0 2041610000027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 2041610099999 SUBENT 20416101 20170228 22592041610100001 BIB 5 9 2041610100002 REACTION (62-SM-154(N,2N)62-SM-153,,SIG) 2041610100003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041610100004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041610100005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041610100006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041610100007 in the article. 2041610100008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 15 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041610100009 This Subent supersedes Subent 041. 2041610100010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041610100011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041610100012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041610100013 DATA 4 10 2041610100014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041610100015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041610100016 8.44 0.135 128. 46. 2041610100017 8.94 0.125 515. 30. 2041610100018 9.44 0.115 884. 48. 2041610100019 9.93 0.110 1129. 63. 2041610100020 10.42 0.100 1331. 71. 2041610100021 10.91 0.095 1489. 81. 2041610100022 11.88 0.085 1657. 120. 2041610100023 12.85 0.080 1805. 130. 2041610100024 13.80 0.075 1965. 144. 2041610100025 14.76 0.065 2018. 151. 2041610100026 ENDDATA 12 0 2041610100027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 2041610199999 SUBENT 20416102 20170228 22592041610200001 BIB 5 9 2041610200002 REACTION (64-GD-155(N,2N)64-GD-154,,SIG) 2041610200003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041610200004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041610200005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041610200006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041610200007 in the article. 2041610200008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 16 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041610200009 This Subent supersedes Subent 045. 2041610200010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041610200011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041610200012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041610200013 DATA 4 17 2041610200014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041610200015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041610200016 6.89 0.185 32. 20. 2041610200017 7.41 0.165 222. 23. 2041610200018 7.93 0.150 535. 34. 2041610200019 8.44 0.135 772. 50. 2041610200020 8.94 0.125 963. 66. 2041610200021 9.44 0.115 1157. 68. 2041610200022 9.93 0.110 1326. 90. 2041610200023 10.42 0.100 1491. 84. 2041610200024 10.91 0.095 1593. 92. 2041610200025 11.40 0.090 1629. 101. 2041610200026 11.88 0.085 1660. 92. 2041610200027 12.36 0.085 1727. 103. 2041610200028 12.85 0.080 1753. 146. 2041610200029 13.33 0.075 1814. 127. 2041610200030 13.80 0.075 1841. 147. 2041610200031 14.28 0.070 1864. 152. 2041610200032 14.76 0.065 1897. 158. 2041610200033 ENDDATA 19 0 2041610200034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 2041610299999 SUBENT 20416103 20170228 22592041610300001 BIB 5 9 2041610300002 REACTION (64-GD-156(N,2N)64-GD-155,,SIG) 2041610300003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041610300004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041610300005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041610300006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041610300007 in the article. 2041610300008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 16 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041610300009 This Subent supersedes Subent 046. 2041610300010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041610300011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041610300012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041610300013 DATA 4 14 2041610300014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041610300015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041610300016 8.44 0.135 17. 14. 2041610300017 8.94 0.125 38. 12. 2041610300018 9.44 0.115 314. 26. 2041610300019 9.93 0.110 684. 55. 2041610300020 10.42 0.100 967. 61. 2041610300021 10.91 0.095 1198. 74. 2041610300022 11.40 0.090 1365. 89. 2041610300023 11.88 0.085 1462. 85. 2041610300024 12.36 0.085 1569. 97. 2041610300025 12.85 0.080 1638. 137. 2041610300026 13.33 0.075 1723. 121. 2041610300027 13.80 0.075 1729. 135. 2041610300028 14.28 0.070 1819. 140. 2041610300029 14.76 0.065 1780. 138. 2041610300030 ENDDATA 16 0 2041610300031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 2041610399999 SUBENT 20416104 20170228 22592041610400001 BIB 5 9 2041610400002 REACTION (64-GD-157(N,2N)64-GD-156,,SIG) 2041610400003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041610400004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041610400005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041610400006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041610400007 in the article. 2041610400008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 16 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041610400009 This Subent supersedes Subent 047. 2041610400010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041610400011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041610400012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041610400013 DATA 4 17 2041610400014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041610400015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041610400016 6.89 0.185 112. 20. 2041610400017 7.41 0.165 365. 28. 2041610400018 7.93 0.150 710. 45. 2041610400019 8.44 0.135 1023. 62. 2041610400020 8.94 0.125 1186. 84. 2041610400021 9.44 0.115 1363. 83. 2041610400022 9.93 0.110 1512. 104. 2041610400023 10.42 0.100 1610. 94. 2041610400024 10.91 0.095 1678. 98. 2041610400025 11.40 0.090 1742. 109. 2041610400026 11.88 0.085 1707. 95. 2041610400027 12.36 0.085 1763. 107. 2041610400028 12.85 0.080 1804. 152. 2041610400029 13.33 0.075 1819. 130. 2041610400030 13.80 0.075 1905. 155. 2041610400031 14.28 0.070 1872. 157. 2041610400032 14.76 0.065 1873. 164. 2041610400033 ENDDATA 19 0 2041610400034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 2041610499999 SUBENT 20416105 20170228 22592041610500001 BIB 5 9 2041610500002 REACTION (64-GD-158(N,2N)64-GD-157,,SIG) 2041610500003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041610500004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041610500005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041610500006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041610500007 in the article. 2041610500008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 16 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041610500009 This Subent supersedes Subent 048. 2041610500010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041610500011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041610500012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041610500013 DATA 4 14 2041610500014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041610500015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041610500016 8.44 0.135 93. 15. 2041610500017 8.94 0.125 437. 35. 2041610500018 9.44 0.115 813. 54. 2041610500019 9.93 0.110 1138. 83. 2041610500020 10.42 0.100 1303. 79. 2041610500021 10.91 0.095 1453. 102. 2041610500022 11.40 0.090 1568. 101. 2041610500023 11.88 0.085 1592. 133. 2041610500024 12.36 0.085 1652. 101. 2041610500025 12.85 0.080 1738. 144. 2041610500026 13.33 0.075 1802. 123. 2041610500027 13.80 0.075 1844. 144. 2041610500028 14.28 0.070 1856. 145. 2041610500029 14.76 0.065 1846. 145. 2041610500030 ENDDATA 16 0 2041610500031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 2041610599999 SUBENT 20416106 20170228 22592041610600001 BIB 5 9 2041610600002 REACTION (64-GD-160(N,2N)64-GD-159,,SIG) 2041610600003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041610600004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041610600005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041610600006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041610600007 in the article. 2041610600008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 16 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041610600009 This Subent supersedes Subent 049. 2041610600010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041610600011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041610600012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041610600013 DATA 4 15 2041610600014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041610600015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041610600016 7.93 0.150 114. 15. 2041610600017 8.44 0.135 526. 37. 2041610600018 8.94 0.125 897. 68. 2041610600019 9.44 0.115 1202. 76. 2041610600020 9.93 0.110 1438. 103. 2041610600021 10.42 0.100 1513. 91. 2041610600022 10.91 0.095 1588. 10. 2041610600023 11.40 0.090 1692. 108. 2041610600024 11.88 0.085 1689. 141. 2041610600025 12.36 0.085 1780. 108. 2041610600026 12.85 0.080 1789. 148. 2041610600027 13.33 0.075 1826. 129. 2041610600028 13.80 0.075 1852. 148. 2041610600029 14.28 0.070 1874. 152. 2041610600030 14.76 0.065 1772. 146. 2041610600031 ENDDATA 17 0 2041610600032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 2041610699999 SUBENT 20416107 20170228 22592041610700001 BIB 5 9 2041610700002 REACTION (74-W-182(N,2N)74-W-181,,SIG) 2041610700003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041610700004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041610700005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041610700006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041610700007 in the article. 2041610700008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 17 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041610700009 This Subent supersedes Subent 050. 2041610700010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041610700011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041610700012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041610700013 DATA 4 14 2041610700014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041610700015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041610700016 8.18 0.145 16. 12. 2041610700017 8.44 0.135 64. 12. 2041610700018 8.69 0.130 219. 28. 2041610700019 8.94 0.125 358. 22. 2041610700020 9.44 0.115 721. 41. 2041610700021 9.93 0.110 1144. 60. 2041610700022 10.42 0.100 1366. 70. 2041610700023 10.91 0.095 1582. 80. 2041610700024 11.88 0.085 1790. 127. 2041610700025 12.85 0.080 1923. 137. 2041610700026 13.33 0.075 1960. 138. 2041610700027 13.80 0.075 1990. 142. 2041610700028 14.28 0.070 2092. 153. 2041610700029 14.76 0.065 2076. 145. 2041610700030 ENDDATA 16 0 2041610700031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 2041610799999 SUBENT 20416108 20170228 22592041610800001 BIB 5 9 2041610800002 REACTION (74-W-183(N,2N)74-W-182,,SIG) 2041610800003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041610800004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041610800005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041610800006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041610800007 in the article. 2041610800008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 17 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041610800009 This Subent supersedes Subent 051. 2041610800010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041610800011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041610800012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041610800013 DATA 4 14 2041610800014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041610800015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041610800016 7.41 0.165 633. 32. 2041610800017 7.93 0.150 985. 46. 2041610800018 8.18 0.145 1145. 56. 2041610800019 8.44 0.135 1300. 58. 2041610800020 8.94 0.125 1499. 65. 2041610800021 9.44 0.115 1610. 79. 2041610800022 9.93 0.110 1762. 85. 2041610800023 10.91 0.095 1882. 83. 2041610800024 11.88 0.085 1897. 135. 2041610800025 12.85 0.080 1921. 141. 2041610800026 13.33 0.075 1934. 137. 2041610800027 13.80 0.075 1946. 141. 2041610800028 14.28 0.070 1910. 166. 2041610800029 14.76 0.065 1909. 165. 2041610800030 ENDDATA 16 0 2041610800031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 2041610899999 SUBENT 20416109 20170228 22592041610900001 BIB 5 9 2041610900002 REACTION (74-W-184(N,2N)74-W-183,,SIG) 2041610900003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041610900004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041610900005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041610900006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041610900007 in the article. 2041610900008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 17 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041610900009 This Subent supersedes Subent 052. 2041610900010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041610900011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041610900012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041610900013 DATA 4 15 2041610900014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041610900015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041610900016 7.67 0.160 80. 25. 2041610900017 7.93 0.150 154. 16. 2041610900018 8.18 0.145 335. 23. 2041610900019 8.44 0.135 533. 29. 2041610900020 8.69 0.130 759. 42. 2041610900021 8.94 0.125 955. 48. 2041610900022 9.44 0.115 1301. 68. 2041610900023 9.93 0.110 1518. 76. 2041610900024 10.91 0.095 1788. 88. 2041610900025 11.88 0.085 1879. 132. 2041610900026 12.85 0.080 1959. 139. 2041610900027 13.33 0.075 1962. 137. 2041610900028 13.80 0.075 2000. 136. 2041610900029 14.28 0.070 2009. 154. 2041610900030 14.76 0.065 1910. 147. 2041610900031 ENDDATA 17 0 2041610900032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 2041610999999 SUBENT 20416110 20170228 22592041611000001 BIB 5 9 2041611000002 REACTION (74-W-186(N,2N)74-W-185,,SIG) 2041611000003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041611000004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041611000005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041611000006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041611000007 in the article. 2041611000008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 17 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041611000009 This Subent supersedes Subent 053. 2041611000010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041611000011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041611000012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041611000013 DATA 4 16 2041611000014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041611000015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041611000016 7.41 0.165 53. 31. 2041611000017 7.67 0.160 141. 18. 2041611000018 7.93 0.150 297. 21. 2041611000019 8.18 0.145 542. 30. 2041611000020 8.44 0.135 724. 38. 2041611000021 8.69 0.130 957. 50. 2041611000022 8.94 0.125 1164. 58. 2041611000023 9.44 0.115 1385. 71. 2041611000024 9.93 0.110 1634. 81. 2041611000025 10.91 0.095 1812. 89. 2041611000026 11.88 0.085 1872. 131. 2041611000027 12.85 0.080 1982. 139. 2041611000028 13.33 0.075 1999. 137. 2041611000029 13.80 0.075 1976. 145. 2041611000030 14.28 0.070 1949. 150. 2041611000031 14.76 0.065 1865. 144. 2041611000032 ENDDATA 18 0 2041611000033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 2041611099999 SUBENT 20416111 20170228 22592041611100001 BIB 5 9 2041611100002 REACTION (81-TL-203(N,2N)81-TL-202,,SIG) 2041611100003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041611100004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041611100005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041611100006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041611100007 in the article. 2041611100008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 18 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041611100009 This Subent supersedes Subent 054. 2041611100010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041611100011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041611100012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041611100013 DATA 4 13 2041611100014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041611100015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041611100016 8.44 0.135 41. 10. 2041611100017 8.94 0.125 221. 27. 2041611100018 9.44 0.115 456. 38. 2041611100019 9.93 0.110 753. 58. 2041611100020 10.42 0.100 1096. 83. 2041611100021 10.91 0.095 1281. 73. 2041611100022 11.40 0.090 1553. 92. 2041611100023 11.88 0.085 1615. 124. 2041611100024 12.36 0.085 1698. 123. 2041611100025 12.85 0.080 1800. 129. 2041611100026 13.33 0.075 1887. 143. 2041611100027 13.80 0.075 2008. 152. 2041611100028 14.76 0.065 1983. 150. 2041611100029 ENDDATA 15 0 2041611100030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 2041611199999 SUBENT 20416112 20170228 22592041611200001 BIB 5 9 2041611200002 REACTION (81-TL-205(N,2N)81-TL-204,,SIG) 2041611200003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041611200004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041611200005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041611200006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041611200007 in the article. 2041611200008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 18 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041611200009 This Subent supersedes Subent 055. 2041611200010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041611200011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041611200012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041611200013 DATA 4 13 2041611200014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041611200015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041611200016 8.44 0.135 114. 23. 2041611200017 8.94 0.125 496. 40. 2041611200018 9.44 0.115 774. 55. 2041611200019 9.93 0.110 1033. 52. 2041611200020 10.42 0.100 1387. 97. 2041611200021 10.91 0.095 1495. 84. 2041611200022 11.40 0.090 1642. 98. 2041611200023 11.88 0.085 1698. 119. 2041611200024 12.36 0.085 1793. 129. 2041611200025 12.85 0.080 1863. 133. 2041611200026 13.33 0.075 1912. 148. 2041611200027 13.80 0.075 1955. 148. 2041611200028 14.76 0.065 1895. 143. 2041611200029 ENDDATA 15 0 2041611200030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 2041611299999 SUBENT 20416113 20170228 22592041611300001 BIB 5 9 2041611300002 REACTION (82-PB-206(N,2N)82-PB-205,,SIG) 2041611300003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041611300004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041611300005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041611300006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041611300007 in the article. 2041611300008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 18 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041611300009 This Subent supersedes Subent 056. 2041611300010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041611300011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041611300012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041611300013 DATA 4 14 2041611300014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041611300015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041611300016 8.44 0.135 65. 14. 2041611300017 8.94 0.125 235. 21. 2041611300018 9.44 0.115 499. 34. 2041611300019 9.93 0.110 799. 52. 2041611300020 10.42 0.100 1116. 64. 2041611300021 10.91 0.095 1339. 83. 2041611300022 11.40 0.090 1526. 87. 2041611300023 11.88 0.085 1693. 98. 2041611300024 12.36 0.085 1801. 134. 2041611300025 12.85 0.080 1878. 138. 2041611300026 13.33 0.075 1938. 149. 2041611300027 13.80 0.075 1939. 148. 2041611300028 14.28 0.070 2037. 155. 2041611300029 14.76 0.065 2028. 155. 2041611300030 ENDDATA 16 0 2041611300031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 2041611399999 SUBENT 20416114 20170228 22592041611400001 BIB 5 9 2041611400002 REACTION (82-PB-207(N,2N)82-PB-206,,SIG) 2041611400003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041611400004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041611400005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041611400006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041611400007 in the article. 2041611400008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 18 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041611400009 This Subent supersedes Subent 057. 2041611400010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041611400011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041611400012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041611400013 DATA 4 17 2041611400014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041611400015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041611400016 7.41 0.165 22. 19. 2041611400017 7.93 0.150 207. 19. 2041611400018 8.18 0.145 318. 25. 2041611400019 8.44 0.135 414. 29. 2041611400020 8.94 0.125 701. 47. 2041611400021 9.44 0.115 1024. 65. 2041611400022 9.93 0.110 1224. 77. 2041611400023 10.42 0.100 1452. 83. 2041611400024 10.91 0.095 1614. 98. 2041611400025 11.40 0.090 1691. 96. 2041611400026 11.88 0.085 1780. 102. 2041611400027 12.36 0.085 1858. 139. 2041611400028 12.85 0.080 1911. 141. 2041611400029 13.33 0.075 1938. 149. 2041611400030 13.80 0.075 2051. 162. 2041611400031 14.28 0.070 1945. 156. 2041611400032 14.76 0.065 1976. 161. 2041611400033 ENDDATA 19 0 2041611400034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 2041611499999 SUBENT 20416115 20170228 22592041611500001 BIB 5 9 2041611500002 REACTION (82-PB-208(N,2N)82-PB-207,,SIG) 2041611500003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041611500004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041611500005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041611500006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041611500007 in the article. 2041611500008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 18 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041611500009 This Subent supersedes Subent 058. 2041611500010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041611500011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041611500012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041611500013 DATA 4 16 2041611500014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041611500015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041611500016 7.93 0.150 83. 10. 2041611500017 8.18 0.145 171. 14. 2041611500018 8.44 0.135 314. 22. 2041611500019 8.94 0.125 605. 40. 2041611500020 9.44 0.115 941. 61. 2041611500021 9.93 0.110 1184. 75. 2041611500022 10.42 0.100 1434. 83. 2041611500023 10.91 0.095 1580. 97. 2041611500024 11.40 0.090 1714. 98. 2041611500025 11.88 0.085 1804. 105. 2041611500026 12.36 0.085 1817. 137. 2041611500027 12.85 0.080 1921. 143. 2041611500028 13.33 0.075 1972. 150. 2041611500029 13.80 0.075 2071. 160. 2041611500030 14.28 0.070 2010. 158. 2041611500031 14.76 0.065 2028. 163. 2041611500032 ENDDATA 18 0 2041611500033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 2041611599999 SUBENT 20416116 20170228 22592041611600001 BIB 5 9 2041611600002 REACTION (60-ND-146(N,3N)60-ND-144,,SIG) 2041611600003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041611600004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041611600005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041611600006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041611600007 in the article. 2041611600008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 20 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041611600009 This Subent supersedes Subent 032. 2041611600010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041611600011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041611600012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041611600013 DATA 4 1 2041611600014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041611600015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041611600016 14.76 0.065 27. 5. 2041611600017 ENDDATA 3 0 2041611600018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 2041611699999 SUBENT 20416117 20170228 22592041611700001 BIB 5 9 2041611700002 REACTION (60-ND-148(N,3N)60-ND-146,,SIG) 2041611700003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041611700004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041611700005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041611700006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041611700007 in the article. 2041611700008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 20 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041611700009 This Subent supersedes Subent 034. 2041611700010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041611700011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041611700012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041611700013 DATA 4 3 2041611700014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041611700015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041611700016 13.80 0.075 24. 4. 2041611700017 14.28 0.070 59. 6. 2041611700018 14.76 0.065 121. 11. 2041611700019 ENDDATA 5 0 2041611700020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 2041611799999 SUBENT 20416118 20170228 22592041611800001 BIB 5 9 2041611800002 REACTION (60-ND-150(N,3N)60-ND-148,,SIG) 2041611800003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041611800004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041611800005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041611800006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041611800007 in the article. 2041611800008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 20 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041611800009 This Subent supersedes Subent 036. 2041611800010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041611800011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041611800012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041611800013 DATA 4 3 2041611800014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041611800015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041611800016 12.85 0.080 8. 3. 2041611800017 13.80 0.075 43. 5. 2041611800018 14.76 0.065 229. 18. 2041611800019 ENDDATA 5 0 2041611800020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 2041611899999 SUBENT 20416119 20170228 22592041611900001 BIB 5 9 2041611900002 REACTION (62-SM-154(N,3N)62-SM-152,,SIG) 2041611900003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041611900004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041611900005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041611900006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041611900007 in the article. 2041611900008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 20 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041611900009 This Subent supersedes Subent 042. 2041611900010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041611900011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041611900012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041611900013 DATA 4 1 2041611900014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041611900015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041611900016 14.76 0.065 15. 5. 2041611900017 ENDDATA 3 0 2041611900018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 2041611999999 SUBENT 20416120 20170228 22592041612000001 BIB 5 9 2041612000002 REACTION (64-GD-160(N,3N)64-GD-158,,SIG) 2041612000003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041612000004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041612000005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041612000006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041612000007 in the article. 2041612000008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 20 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041612000009 This Subent supersedes Subent 059. 2041612000010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041612000011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041612000012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041612000013 DATA 4 2 2041612000014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041612000015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041612000016 14.28 0.070 9. 4. 2041612000017 14.76 0.065 48. 6. 2041612000018 ENDDATA 4 0 2041612000019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 2041612099999 SUBENT 20416121 20170228 22592041612100001 BIB 5 9 2041612100002 REACTION (74-W-184(N,3N)74-W-182,,SIG) 2041612100003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041612100004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041612100005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041612100006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041612100007 in the article. 2041612100008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 20 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041612100009 This Subent supersedes Subent 060. 2041612100010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041612100011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041612100012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041612100013 DATA 4 1 2041612100014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041612100015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041612100016 14.76 0.065 20. 4. 2041612100017 ENDDATA 3 0 2041612100018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 2041612199999 SUBENT 20416122 20170228 22592041612200001 BIB 5 9 2041612200002 REACTION (74-W-186(N,3N)74-W-184,,SIG) 2041612200003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041612200004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041612200005 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2041612200006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained 2041612200007 in the article. 2041612200008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 20 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2041612200009 This Subent supersedes Subent 061. 2041612200010 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041612200011 ENDBIB 9 0 2041612200012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041612200013 DATA 4 3 2041612200014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041612200015 MEV MEV MB MB 2041612200016 13.80 0.075 8. 3. 2041612200017 14.28 0.070 54. 5. 2041612200018 14.76 0.065 134. 12. 2041612200019 ENDDATA 5 0 2041612200020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 2041612299999 SUBENT 20416123 20170228 22592041612300001 BIB 5 11 2041612300002 REACTION (33-AS-75(N,2N)33-AS-74,,SIG) 2041612300003 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2041612300004 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2041612300005 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are standard errors derived by 2041612300006 quadratic addition of the statistical errors of the 2041612300007 experimental data and the errors of the correction. 2041612300008 .Uncertainties of Cf-252(NU-BAR) and U-238-fission 2041612300009 cross-sections are not included. 2041612300010 STATUS (TABLE) Table III of S,INDC(USA)-84,(1),399,1980, Upton2041612300011 (SPSDD,20416077) Superseded by revised data. 2041612300012 HISTORY (20170228C) M.M. Subent was added. 2041612300013 ENDBIB 11 0 2041612300014 NOCOMMON 0 0 2041612300015 DATA 4 9 2041612300016 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2041612300017 MEV MEV MB MB 2041612300018 10.91 0.095 59. 13. 2041612300019 11.40 0.090 191. 17. 2041612300020 11.88 0.085 356. 25. 2041612300021 12.36 0.085 554. 45. 2041612300022 12.85 0.080 707. 55. 2041612300023 13.33 0.075 839. 65. 2041612300024 13.80 0.075 909. 70. 2041612300025 14.28 0.070 997. 77. 2041612300026 14.76 0.065 1091. 83. 2041612300027 ENDDATA 11 0 2041612300028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 2041612399999 ENDENTRY 123 0 2041699999999