ENTRY            20582   20131125                             22382058200000001 
SUBENT        20582001   20131125                             22382058200100001 
BIB                 14         30                                 2058200100002 
INSTITUTE  (2GERMUN)                                              2058200100003 
REFERENCE  (P,EANDC(E)-150S,41,197210) Main reference             2058200100004 
                             Supplement of EANDC(E)-150           2058200100005 
REL-REF    (M,21017001,A.Steyerl+,J,ZP,250,166,197202) Experim.   2058200100006 
             details; Values for gold and aluminium and copper    2058200100007 
           (M,21016001,A.Steyerl+,J,ZP,267,379,197404) Graphite   2058200100008 
            results given in a description of a neutron bottle.   2058200100009 
           (M,,A.Steyerl,J,PL/B,29,33,196903)  Experim.  details  2058200100010 
AUTHOR     (A.Steyerl)                                            2058200100011 
TITLE       Measurement of total cross-sections for very cold     2058200100012 
            neutrons                                              2058200100013 
FACILITY   (CHOPS,2GERMUN) FRM research reactor. Glass chopper    2058200100014 
INC-SOURCE (REAC)                                                 2058200100015 
INC-SPECT  .Ultra cold neutrons from a vertical curved guide      2058200100016 
            tube, length 11 m, curvature 35 m.                    2058200100017 
METHOD     (TOF) Time of flight. Resolution about 10%.            2058200100018 
DETECTOR   (BF3) Time-of-flight spectrometer for ultracold        2058200100019 
           neutrons in the energy range from 0.3 micro-eV to      2058200100020 
           0.5 milli-eV and temperature range 100.< T < 5900 K.   2058200100021 
CORRECTION .No details.                                           2058200100022 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Standard deviation.                         2058200100023 
STATUS     (TABLE) From text on p.41 of EANDC(E)-150, Supplement  2058200100024 
HISTORY    (19760624C)                                            2058200100025 
           (19761217E)                                            2058200100026 
           (19860228U) N.Ch                                       2058200100027 
           (19860411E)                                            2058200100028 
           (19991225U)  dates corrected                           2058200100029 
           (20131125A) SD:Updated to new date formats,lower case. 2058200100030 
                Corrected according to last EXFOR rules and Dict. 2058200100031 
                SF6 in REACTION code was corrected in Subent 2.   2058200100032 
ENDBIB              30          0                                 2058200100033 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2058200100034 
ENDSUBENT           33          0                                 2058200199999 
SUBENT        20582002   20131125                             22382058200200001 
BIB                  5         14                                 2058200200002 
REACTION  1(12-MG-0(N,TOT),,SIG) Value at 100 m/sec; T=295K       2058200200003 
          2(12-MG-0(N,TOT),,SIG/TMP)                              2058200200004 
SAMPLE     .Magnesium single crystal (purity 99.995%,             2058200200005 
            density 1.735 g/cm3).                                 2058200200006 
COMMENT    .Deviations from the 1/v dependence of homogeneous     2058200200007 
            substances, possibly due to coherent scattering       2058200200008 
            from semiperiodic density fluctuations.               2058200200009 
            The value at 100 m/s is derived from data with        2058200200010 
            neutron velocities greater than 50 m/sec.             2058200200011 
STATUS     (TABLE) .Values in text at EANDC(E)-150,41,1972        2058200200012 
HISTORY    (19991225U)  REACTION SF6 corrected                    2058200200013 
           (20131125A) SD: SF6 in REACTION code (1) was corrected 2058200200014 
            (SIG/TMP -> SIG). (MEMO CP-D/574rev.). EN -> EN-DUMMY 2058200200015 
            in DATA section (value not given in the article)      2058200200016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 2058200200017 
COMMON               1          3                                 2058200200018 
TEMP      2                                                       2058200200019 
K                                                                 2058200200020 
 1.2000E+02                                                       2058200200021 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2058200200022 
DATA                 5          1                                 2058200200023 
EN-DUMMY   DATA      1DATA-ERR  1DATA      2DATA-ERR  2           2058200200024 
EV         B          B          B          B                     2058200200025 
 0.0005     4.3880E+00 2.6666E-02 1.7800E+00 1.6666E-02           2058200200026 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2058200200027 
ENDSUBENT           26          0                                 2058200299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 2058299999999