ENTRY 20792 20230202 23132079200000001 SUBENT 20792001 20230202 23132079200100001 BIB 11 20 2079200100002 TITLE Fission spectrum averaged cross section for the 2079200100003 Th-232(n,f) reaction 2079200100004 AUTHOR (K.Kobayashi) 2079200100005 INSTITUTE (2JPNKTO) Kyoto university research reactor institute. 2079200100006 REFERENCE (J,ANE,4,177,1977) Final publication. 2079200100007 FACILITY (REAC,2JPNKTO) Beam port E-3 of KUR reactor. 2079200100008 INC-SOURCE (REAC) 2079200100009 INC-SPECT Fast neutron spectrum has been confirmed to 2079200100010 be equivalent to that of 235U fission neutrons. 2079200100011 MONITOR (28-NI-58(N,P)27-CO-58,,SIG,,FIS) 2079200100012 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total error 2079200100013 (ERR-1,,3.) Uncertainty in flux normalization 2079200100014 (ERR-3,,3.5) other systematic errors 2079200100015 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 from Annals of Nucl.Energy,4(1977)177 2079200100016 HISTORY (19781204C) PDJ. 2079200100017 (19801112A) G.C. Monitor reaction string corrected. 2079200100018 (20211220A) SD:Updated to new date formats,lower case. 2079200100019 MONITOR reaction updated (-G+M from SF4 and /SUM from 2079200100020 SF6 deleted). 2079200100021 (20230202U) SD: Corrections in Subent 003. 2079200100022 ENDBIB 20 0 2079200100023 COMMON 1 3 2079200100024 MONIT 2079200100025 MB 2079200100026 102. 2079200100027 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2079200100028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 2079200199999 SUBENT 20792002 20211220 23062079200200001 BIB 9 21 2079200200002 REACTION (90-TH-232(N,F),,SIG,,FIS) 2079200200003 SAMPLE Thorium electrodeposited onto a stainless steel plate 2079200200004 thickness 20 to 30 ug/cm2 from alpha monitoring. 2079200200005 DETECTOR (FISCH) Fission chamber with a silicon detector 2079200200006 (SI) silicon detector 2079200200007 ANALYSIS Average cross section derived from combining 2079200200008 the counting rates for fission fragments and decay 2079200200009 alphas to eliminate detector efficiency. 2079200200010 PART-DET (FF) Fission fragments. 2079200200011 CORRECTION Anisotropy of fission fragment distributions 2079200200012 corrected using Monte Carlo calculation and data 2079200200013 from REFS (see REL-REF). 2079200200014 REL-REF (M,,S.Lo Nigro+,J,NP/A,118,461,1968) 2079200200015 (M,,S.Lo Nigro+,J,NP/A,96,617,1967) 2079200200016 (M,,V.Emma+,J,NP/A,199,186,1973) 2079200200017 (M,13709001,R.L.Henkel+,J,PR,103,1292,1956) 2079200200018 resulting correction 14.17%. 2079200200019 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S,1.5,2.5) Statistical error 2079200200020 (ERR-2) geometrical uncertainty 2079200200021 HISTORY (19801112A) G.C., Data headings changed. 2079200200022 (20211220U) SD: BIB updated. 2079200200023 ENDBIB 21 0 2079200200024 NOCOMMON 0 0 2079200200025 DATA 4 1 2079200200026 EN-DUMMY DATA ERR-T ERR-2 2079200200027 MEV MB MB PER-CENT 2079200200028 1.5 77.4 3.7 1.5 2079200200029 ENDDATA 3 0 2079200200030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 2079200299999 SUBENT 20792003 20230202 23132079200300001 BIB 10 21 2079200300002 REACTION (90-TH-232(N,F),,SIG,,FIS) 2079200300003 SAMPLE Commercial thorium foils. Impurities checked by 2079200300004 thermal neutrons contributed about 1.5% to 2079200300005 Th fission cross section. 2079200300006 METHOD (ACTIV) 2079200300007 DETECTOR (PLATE) Fission plate irradiated simultaneously 2079200300008 with monitor 2079200300009 (GELI) induced activity detected with GeLi detector. 2079200300010 30cc calibrated with standard sources. 2079200300011 Activities of 140-La and 140-Ba were measured. 2079200300012 ASSUMED (ASSUM,90-TH-232(N,F)56-BA-140,CUM,FY) 2079200300013 REL-REF (R,,M.E.Meek+,R,NEDO-12154,46,1972) 2079200300014 ANALYSIS Average cross section from activity and known 2079200300015 140-La and 140-Ba fission yields and decay 2079200300016 parameters. 2079200300017 DECAY-DATA (57-LA-140,,DG) 2079200300018 (56-BA-140,,DG) 2079200300019 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error 2079200300020 HISTORY (19801112A) G.C. Data headings changed. 2079200300021 (20211220U) SD: BIB updated. 2079200300022 (20230202U) SD: ASSUMED and REL-REF added. 2079200300023 ENDBIB 21 0 2079200300024 NOCOMMON 0 0 2079200300025 DATA 5 1 2079200300026 EN-DUMMY DATA ERR-T ERR-S ASSUM 2079200300027 MEV MB MB PER-CENT PC/FIS 2079200300028 1.5 78.1 3.9 2. 7.91 2079200300029 ENDDATA 3 0 2079200300030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 2079200399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 2079299999999