ENTRY 20844 20221024 23122084400000001 SUBENT 20844001 20221024 23122084400100001 BIB 13 45 2084400100002 TITLE Fission cross section ratio measurements of 232Th/235U 2084400100003 and 236U/235U 2084400100004 AUTHOR (C.Nordborg, H.Conde, L.G.Stroemberg) 2084400100005 INSTITUTE (2SWDUPP,2SWDFOA) 2084400100006 REFERENCE (C,78HARWELL,,910,1978) 2084400100007 FACILITY (VDGT,2SWDUPP) 6 MV EN-type tandem accelerator 2084400100008 INC-SOURCE (P-T) Tritium gas cell made of brass lined with Au 2084400100009 (26 mm long, 10 mm diam., ~1.5 atm.) 2084400100010 (D-D) Deuterium gas cell made of Ta (26 mm long, 10 mm 2084400100011 diam., ~1.5 atm.) 2084400100012 (P-LI7) Li metal (1 mg/cm2) on Ta backing 2084400100013 INC-SPECT (EN-RSL) contributions from gas cell and evaporation 2084400100014 target and angular acceptance of fission detector 2084400100015 METHOD (TOF) Fission chamber operated in a TOF mode to avoid 2084400100016 influence of alpha-background and fission events from 2084400100017 thermal neutrons 2084400100018 DETECTOR (FISCH) Three pairs of fission foils mounted 2084400100019 back-to-back 2084400100020 (SCIN) Plastic scintillator as neutron monitor 2084400100021 ADD-RES Fission fragment angular distributions at 5.65, 6.75, 2084400100022 7.75 and 8.75 MeV. 2084400100023 Claes Nordborg (2016-08-03): 2084400100024 The angular distributions were not published and 2084400100025 withdrawn from this EXFOR entry due to bad statistics 2084400100026 and thus too large uncertainties. 2084400100027 CORRECTION Corrected for 2084400100028 - low energy neutrons (1-5%) 2084400100029 - extrapolation to zero pulse height 2084400100030 - detector efficiency (<1.5%) 2084400100031 - solid angle (~0.3%) 2084400100032 - isotopic impurities (0.5-1.5%) 2084400100033 - scattered neutrons (0.5%) 2084400100034 STATUS (APRVD) Approved by C.Nordborg 2016-08-03 2084400100035 HISTORY (19790312C) 2084400100036 (19790425E) 2084400100037 (20160702A) M.M. Upper -> lower case correction. 2084400100038 Dates were corrected for 4-digits year. 2084400100039 Refs.were checked,BIB information was updated. 2084400100040 C,75GOTHEN,154,1975 is not available for checking. 2084400100041 Two refs. of INDC reports were added. 2084400100042 Comments of author Claes Nordborg were added in 2084400100043 Subents 004, 006. 2084400100044 Subent 005 was deleted as superseded by 20869003. 2084400100045 (20221024A) VT+On. Major revisions in 002 and 003. 2084400100046 (20221025D) VT+On. 004+006 deleted. ADD-RES added. 2084400100047 ENDBIB 45 0 2084400100048 NOCOMMON 0 0 2084400100049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 2084400199999 SUBENT 20844002 20221024 23122084400200001 BIB 5 10 2084400200002 REACTION ((90-TH-232(N,F),,SIG)/(92-U-235(N,F),,SIG)) 2084400200003 SAMPLE - 232Th fluoride (1 mg/cm2 thick) 2084400200004 - 235U fluoride (97% 235U + 3% 238U, 1 mg/cm2 thick) 2084400200005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) statistical error (2%) 2084400200006 (ERR-1) mass determination (5%) 2084400200007 (ERR-2) low energy neutron flux correction (1%) 2084400200008 STATUS (TABLE) Table I of C,78HARWELL,910,1978 . 2084400200009 HISTORY (20160702A) M.M. DATA-ERR -> ERR-S, COMMON added. 2084400200010 (20221024A) VT+On. DATA: replaced floating decimal 2084400200011 point numbers with fixed decimal point numbers. 2084400200012 ENDBIB 10 0 2084400200013 COMMON 3 3 2084400200014 EN-RSL ERR-1 ERR-2 2084400200015 KEV PER-CENT PER-CENT 2084400200016 50. 5. 1. 2084400200017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2084400200018 DATA 3 23 2084400200019 EN DATA ERR-S 2084400200020 MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM 2084400200021 4.58 0.137 0.003 2084400200022 4.92 0.140 0.003 2084400200023 5.07 0.134 0.003 2084400200024 5.46 0.137 0.004 2084400200025 5.48 0.141 0.003 2084400200026 5.77 0.140 0.003 2084400200027 6.06 0.147 0.004 2084400200028 6.16 0.155 0.004 2084400200029 6.28 0.168 0.005 2084400200030 6.46 0.198 0.004 2084400200031 6.75 0.242 0.005 2084400200032 6.87 0.258 0.007 2084400200033 7.01 0.263 0.004 2084400200034 7.04 0.263 0.005 2084400200035 7.33 0.236 0.005 2084400200036 7.63 0.225 0.004 2084400200037 7.66 0.220 0.004 2084400200038 7.69 0.220 0.003 2084400200039 7.95 0.209 0.004 2084400200040 8.23 0.207 0.004 2084400200041 8.36 0.197 0.003 2084400200042 8.51 0.196 0.004 2084400200043 8.78 0.183 0.004 2084400200044 ENDDATA 25 0 2084400200045 ENDSUBENT 44 0 2084400299999 SUBENT 20844003 20221024 23122084400300001 BIB 5 11 2084400300002 REACTION ((92-U-236(N,F),,SIG)/(92-U-235(N,F),,SIG)) 2084400300003 SAMPLE - 236U oxide (98.73% 236U + 0.74% 235U + 0.53% 238U, 2084400300004 1 mg/cm2 thick) 2084400300005 - 235U fluoride (97% 235U + 3% 238U, 1 mg/cm2 thick) 2084400300006 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) statistical error (2%) 2084400300007 (ERR-1) mass determination (1.5%) 2084400300008 (ERR-2) low energy neutron flux correction (1%) 2084400300009 STATUS (TABLE) Table II of C,78HARWELL,910,1978 2084400300010 HISTORY (20160702A) M.M. ERR-ANALYS corrected, REL-REFs added. 2084400300011 (20221024A) VT+On. DATA: replaced floating decimal 2084400300012 point numebrs with fixed decimal point numbers. 2084400300013 ENDBIB 11 0 2084400300014 COMMON 3 3 2084400300015 EN-RSL ERR-1 ERR-2 2084400300016 KEV PER-CENT PER-CENT 2084400300017 50. 1.5 1. 2084400300018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2084400300019 DATA 3 40 2084400300020 EN DATA ERR-S 2084400300021 MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM 2084400300022 3.21 0.683 0.010 2084400300023 3.66 0.705 0.009 2084400300024 3.87 0.728 0.030 2084400300025 4.11 0.728 0.011 2084400300026 4.17 0.719 0.013 2084400300027 4.47 0.727 0.013 2084400300028 4.55 0.708 0.010 2084400300029 4.77 0.753 0.015 2084400300030 5.00 0.755 0.012 2084400300031 5.05 0.762 0.031 2084400300032 5.08 0.759 0.015 2084400300033 5.24 0.791 0.020 2084400300034 5.34 0.806 0.021 2084400300035 5.37 0.796 0.017 2084400300036 5.47 0.853 0.020 2084400300037 5.63 0.807 0.022 2084400300038 5.67 0.799 0.017 2084400300039 5.69 0.817 0.019 2084400300040 5.90 0.835 0.019 2084400300041 5.92 0.840 0.023 2084400300042 5.96 0.855 0.019 2084400300043 6.11 0.852 0.019 2084400300044 6.21 0.845 0.023 2084400300045 6.26 0.841 0.018 2084400300046 6.31 0.838 0.017 2084400300047 6.50 0.848 0.022 2084400300048 6.52 0.841 0.016 2084400300049 6.55 0.863 0.013 2084400300050 6.72 0.863 0.015 2084400300051 6.79 0.867 0.022 2084400300052 6.92 0.905 0.016 2084400300053 7.08 0.904 0.023 2084400300054 7.12 0.895 0.015 2084400300055 7.37 0.895 0.022 2084400300056 7.76 0.868 0.021 2084400300057 8.05 0.837 0.020 2084400300058 8.34 0.848 0.021 2084400300059 8.49 0.837 0.020 2084400300060 8.53 0.861 0.021 2084400300061 8.62 0.843 0.020 2084400300062 ENDDATA 42 0 2084400300063 ENDSUBENT 62 0 2084400399999 NOSUBENT 20844004 20221024 23122084400400001 NOSUBENT 20844005 20160702 22512084400500001 NOSUBENT 20844006 20221024 23122084400600001 ENDENTRY 6 0 2084499999999