ENTRY 20871 20230413 23162087100000001 SUBENT 20871001 20230413 23162087100100001 BIB 13 27 2087100100002 TITLE Measurement of the cross section for the 2087100100003 Th-232(n,gamma) reaction from 1 keV to 450 keV 2087100100004 AUTHOR (K.Kobayashi,Y.Fujita,N.Yamamuro) 2087100100005 REFERENCE (W,KOBAYASHI,197904) Preliminary data. 2087100100006 (P,NEANDC(J)-56,1978) 2087100100007 REL-REF (O,21748001,K.Kobayash+,J,NST,18,823,1981) - final data2087100100008 INSTITUTE (2JPNKTO) K.K. , Y.F. 2087100100009 (2JPNTIT) N.Y. 2087100100010 FACILITY (LINAC,2JPNKTO) 46 MeV KUR linear accelerator. 2087100100011 INC-SOURCE (PHOTO) Tantalum photoneutron target with a 5 cm 2087100100012 thick polyethylene moderator. 2087100100013 SAMPLE Chemically purified thorium oxide sample. 2087100100014 METHOD (TOF) 2087100100015 DETECTOR (SCIN) A pair of C6D6 scintillation detectors. 2087100100016 COMMENT To obtain the energy dependence of the Th-232(n,g) 2087100100017 cross section, the B-10(n,a)Li-7 cross section curve 2087100100018 to the excited state of Li-7 was used. 2087100100019 Background in time of flight experiment was deter- 2087100100020 mined by using notch filters of Na-23 and S-32. 2087100100021 The energy dependence of the Th-232(n,g) cross 2087100100022 section was also measured with Fe and Si filtered 2087100100023 neutron beams. 2087100100024 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty 2087100100025 HISTORY (19790423C) CN. 2087100100026 (19801113A) G.C., Wrong monitor keyword removed 2087100100027 (20230413A) SD:Updated to new date formats,lower case. 2087100100028 Corrections in all Subents. 2087100100029 ENDBIB 27 0 2087100100030 COMMON 1 3 2087100100031 EN-NRM 2087100100032 KEV 2087100100033 23.7 2087100100034 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2087100100035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 2087100199999 SUBENT 20871002 20230413 23162087100200001 BIB 3 6 2087100200002 REACTION (90-TH-232(N,G)90-TH-233,,SIG) 2087100200003 STATUS (TABLE) Preliminary data from private communication 2087100200004 with author. Data hadling in progress. 2087100200005 (SPSDD,21748002) final data 2087100200006 HISTORY (19801113A) G.C., Data headings changed 2087100200007 (20230413U) SD: BIB updated. 2087100200008 ENDBIB 6 0 2087100200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 2087100200010 DATA 4 61 2087100200011 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA ERR-S 2087100200012 KEV KEV MB MB 2087100200013 1.00 1.10 1672. 108.5 2087100200014 1.10 1.23 1660. 74.0 2087100200015 1.23 1.36 1993. 97.8 2087100200016 1.36 1.50 1586. 67.5 2087100200017 1.50 1.66 1961. 100.2 2087100200018 1.66 1.83 1764. 91.8 2087100200019 1.83 2.02 1573. 86.1 2087100200020 2.02 2.24 1713. 93.2 2087100200021 2.24 2.47 1359. 75.3 2087100200022 2.47 2.73 1465. 129.8 2087100200023 2.73 3.02 1330. 114.1 2087100200024 3.02 3.34 1226. 95.4 2087100200025 3.34 3.69 959. 67.2 2087100200026 3.69 4.08 1076. 57.5 2087100200027 4.08 4.50 1083. 53.3 2087100200028 4.50 4.98 1108. 55.9 2087100200029 4.98 5.50 939. 48.4 2087100200030 5.50 6.08 1019. 60.4 2087100200031 6.08 6.72 845. 46.6 2087100200032 6.72 7.43 832. 55.9 2087100200033 7.43 8.21 856. 43.4 2087100200034 8.21 9.07 810. 38.1 2087100200035 9.07 10.0 717. 32.3 2087100200036 10.0 11.0 726. 40.7 2087100200037 11.0 12.3 710. 41.2 2087100200038 12.3 13.6 689. 43.8 2087100200039 13.6 15.0 676. 41.0 2087100200040 15.0 16.6 640. 42.5 2087100200041 16.6 18.3 567. 29.6 2087100200042 18.3 20.2 554. 31.0 2087100200043 20.2 22.4 573. 31.8 2087100200044 22.4 24.7 520. 2087100200045 24.7 27.3 511. 26.2 2087100200046 27.3 30.2 491. 29.1 2087100200047 30.2 33.4 471. 26.8 2087100200048 33.4 36.9 457. 24.4 2087100200049 36.9 40.8 420. 20.6 2087100200050 40.8 45.0 411. 20.9 2087100200051 45.0 49.8 364. 17.7 2087100200052 49.8 55.0 317. 16.5 2087100200053 55.0 60.8 331. 17.3 2087100200054 60.8 67.2 289. 13.1 2087100200055 67.2 74.3 264. 11.8 2087100200056 74.3 82.1 257. 13.4 2087100200057 82.1 90.7 241. 14.8 2087100200058 90.7 100. 222. 14.7 2087100200059 100. 110. 204. 12.3 2087100200060 110. 123. 201. 12.3 2087100200061 123. 136. 181. 11.1 2087100200062 136. 150. 169. 8.2 2087100200063 150. 166. 154. 7.2 2087100200064 166. 183. 152. 7.3 2087100200065 183. 202. 154. 7.2 2087100200066 202. 224. 148. 7.5 2087100200067 224. 247. 143. 8.4 2087100200068 247. 273. 131. 8.7 2087100200069 273. 302. 132. 9.2 2087100200070 302. 334. 127. 9.2 2087100200071 334. 369. 123. 9.1 2087100200072 369. 408. 133. 10.8 2087100200073 408. 450. 127. 10.5 2087100200074 ENDDATA 63 0 2087100200075 ENDSUBENT 74 0 2087100299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 2087199999999