ENTRY 20922 20230203 23132092200000001 SUBENT 20922001 20230203 23132092200100001 BIB 16 89 2092200100002 TITLE Absolute cross sections for some (n,p), (n,alpha) 2092200100003 and (n,2n) reactions 2092200100004 AUTHOR (J.M.F.Jeronymo, G.S.Mani, J.Olkowsky, A.Sadeghi, 2092200100005 C.F.Williamson) 2092200100006 REFERENCE (J,NP,47,157,1963) 2092200100007 (P,EANDC(E)-49,51,1964) same data 2092200100008 This reference is given for this work in 2092200100009 UCRL-50400, v.2, rev.2, page 3-60. 2092200100010 INSTITUTE (2FR SAC) CEN Saclay.G.S.Mani, J.Olkowsky, A.Sadeghi 2092200100011 (3BZLRIO) J.M.F.Jeronymo. 2092200100012 (1USAWAU) C.F.Williamson. 2092200100013 REL-REF (N,,D.E.Cullen+,R,UCRL-50400,1976) 2092200100014 Vol.8, Revision 1, part A. 2092200100015 "Supplemental neutron-induced interactions (Z=<35): 2092200100016 graphical, experimental data." 2092200100017 ECSIL-374 (63) - for this article (NP,47,1,157,1963). 2092200100018 Graphs are given. 2092200100019 (N,,J.M.F.Jeronymo+,R,EANDC(E)-49L,51,1964) 2092200100020 (N,,H.D.Lemmel,W,LEMEL,196906) In UCRL-40500,v.2,rev.2,2092200100021 page 3-60 the comment for this work is given: " Data 2092200100022 corrected as per private communication of H.D.Lemmel, 2092200100023 IAEA, Vienna, June 1969". 2092200100024 (A,,N.Jarmie+,R,LA-2014,1956) Angular distribution of 2092200100025 neutrons from D(t,n)He-4 reaction was evaluated from 2092200100026 curves given by N.Jarmie and J.D.Seagrave. 2092200100027 FACILITY (VDG,2FR SAC) Van De Graaff generator, producing 2092200100028 a 4 uA beam of 4.2 MeV deuterons. 2092200100029 INC-SOURCE (D-T) Air cooled titanium-tritium disk target 1 mg/cm2 2092200100030 thick, various neutron angles used to obtain 2092200100031 different energies. 2092200100032 SAMPLE All samples were cylinders of spectroscopically pure 2092200100033 elements of diameter 10.5 mm and length 49.5 mm. 2092200100034 Eight such samples used spaced at 20 deg intervals. 2092200100035 METHOD (ACTIV) Eight samples were irradiated simultaneously 2092200100036 in all cases except silicon. In silicon measurement 2092200100037 only one sample was irradiated at time. 2092200100038 Sample Irradiation time Waiting time Counting time 2092200100039 Al 9.75 h > 27min 5min 2092200100040 Mg 12.3 h > 45 min 5min 2092200100041 Si 5 min 1 min 5min 2092200100042 Co * 2.0 h > 40 min 5min 2092200100043 Co ** 12.25 h > 48 min variable 2092200100044 Ni 11.5 h > 30 min variable 2092200100045 * - for n,alpha reaction, 2092200100046 ** - for n,2n and n,p reactions. 2092200100047 Background measured with unirradiated sample in 2092200100048 rotation at frequent intervals was found to be less 2092200100049 few percents of counts under photopeak. 2092200100050 DETECTOR (NAICR) NaI(Tl) well crystal, 4.4 cm by 5.1 cm, with 2092200100051 a cylindrical well 1.3 cm in diameter and 2092200100052 4.01 cm deep. For samples counting. 2092200100053 Before counting the samples were placed in plexiglass 2092200100054 holder also served to absorb a part of unwanted beta 2092200100055 activity, that accompanies the gamma rays. 2092200100056 Empirical measure of "effective" efficiency of crystal2092200100057 for the irradiated sources was described in Appendix 2092200100058 of reference. 2092200100059 Entire spectrometer was surrounded by 5 cm lead to 2092200100060 reduce background. 2092200100061 (SCIN) Plastic scintillator used as proton recoil 2092200100062 spectrometer. Scintillator was 2.0 cm in 2092200100063 diameter, 1.0 cm thick, mounted on an EMI 2092200100064 6097 photomultiplier and placed at 50 cm 2092200100065 from the target at 90 deg to beam direction. 2092200100066 MONITOR (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG) 2092200100067 ANALYSIS Photopeaks were assumed to have Gaussian shape, 2092200100068 Compton tails with backgrounds were amused to be 2092200100069 given by series of exponential. 2092200100070 Area under photo peak was evaluated and standard 2092200100071 errors were obtained by inverting the normal matrix. 2092200100072 STATUS Data from publication. 2092200100073 CORRECTION For background. 2092200100074 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Data errors obtained from : 2092200100075 1.error in area of photopeak. 2092200100076 2.Errors in absolute efficiency determination of the 2092200100077 well crystal. 2092200100078 3.Errors in the d-t angular distribution. 2092200100079 4.Error in the neutron flux measurement. 2092200100080 Maximum error in neutron energy was 150 keV. 2092200100081 HISTORY (19790515C) 2092200100082 (20080312A)M.M. Dates were corrected for 4-digits year.2092200100083 Free text was corrected to be "human-readable". 2092200100084 BIB and COMMON information was added. 2092200100085 SUBENT 010 was added. Comments were added in SUBENTs 2092200100086 for Ni and Co reactions. 2092200100087 (20080930A) M.M. Misprints in Subent 009 were corrected2092200100088 (20200930A) SD: Correction in Subent 003. 2092200100089 Ref. EANDC(E)-49 moved to REFERENCE from REL-REF. 2092200100090 (20230203A) SD: Correction in Subent 008. 2092200100091 ENDBIB 89 0 2092200100092 COMMON 1 3 2092200100093 EN-ERR 2092200100094 MEV 2092200100095 0.2 2092200100096 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2092200100097 ENDSUBENT 96 0 2092200199999 SUBENT 20922002 20080312 21962092200200001 BIB 3 4 2092200200002 REACTION (13-AL-27(N,A)11-NA-24,,SIG) 2092200200003 DECAY-DATA (11-NA-24,15.HR,DG,1368.,,DG,2754.) 2092200200004 Only the 1.368 MeV gamma was used. 2092200200005 STATUS (TABLE) Table 3 of reference. Fig.5 of reference. 2092200200006 ENDBIB 4 0 2092200200007 NOCOMMON 0 0 2092200200008 DATA 3 8 2092200200009 EN DATA DATA-ERR 2092200200010 MEV MB MB 2092200200011 1.2550E+01 1.1500E+02 12. 2092200200012 1.3550E+01 1.1500E+02 12. 2092200200013 1.4900E+01 1.0700E+02 11. 2092200200014 1.6500E+01 8.4000E+01 9. 2092200200015 1.8150E+01 6.4000E+01 7. 2092200200016 1.9600E+01 5.2000E+01 7. 2092200200017 2.0600E+01 3.7000E+01 6. 2092200200018 2.1000E+01 3.1000E+01 6. 2092200200019 ENDDATA 10 0 2092200200020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 2092200299999 SUBENT 20922003 20200930 22912092200300001 BIB 4 12 2092200300002 REACTION (12-MG-0(N,X)11-NA-24,,SIG) 2092200300003 As the total Na-24 activity was measured, the cross 2092200300004 section is the sum of the reactions Mg-24(n,p), 2092200300005 Mg-25(n,d), Mg-26(n,t) weighted by abundance of 2092200300006 respective magnesium isotope in sample. Abundances are2092200300007 not given in reference. 2092200300008 DECAY-DATA (11-NA-24,15.HR,DG,1368.,,DG,2754.) 2092200300009 Only the 1.368 MeV gamma was used. 2092200300010 STATUS (TABLE) Table 3 (and fig.6) from Nucl.Phys.,47(1963)1572092200300011 HISTORY (20080312A) M.M. In REACTION the code Mg-0(n,x)Na-24 2092200300012 was added, all Mg isotopes were changed into Mg-0. 2092200300013 (20200930A) SD: Right hand of REACTION code deleted. 2092200300014 ENDBIB 12 0 2092200300015 NOCOMMON 0 0 2092200300016 DATA 3 8 2092200300017 EN DATA DATA-ERR 2092200300018 MEV MB MB 2092200300019 1.2550E+01 2.5500E+02 3.0000E+01 2092200300020 1.3550E+01 2.8300E+02 3.5000E+01 2092200300021 1.4900E+01 1.9500E+02 2.4000E+01 2092200300022 1.6500E+01 1.7700E+02 2.2000E+01 2092200300023 1.8150E+01 1.5800E+02 2.0000E+01 2092200300024 1.9600E+01 1.3400E+02 1.8000E+01 2092200300025 2.0600E+01 1.4000E+02 2.0000E+01 2092200300026 2.1000E+01 1.2200E+02 1.4000E+01 2092200300027 ENDDATA 10 0 2092200300028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 2092200399999 SUBENT 20922004 20080312 21962092200400001 BIB 4 7 2092200400002 REACTION (14-SI-28(N,P)13-AL-28,,SIG) 2092200400003 DECAY-DATA (13-AL-28,2.3MIN,DG,1780.) 2092200400004 COMMENT Contributions from Si-29(N,A) and Si-30(N,T), which 2092200400005 give the same residual nucleus, are assumed negligible2092200400006 in view of the low natural abundance (4.7% and 3.1% 2092200400007 respectively) of these isotopes. 2092200400008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 3 of reference.Fig.7 of reference. 2092200400009 ENDBIB 7 0 2092200400010 NOCOMMON 0 0 2092200400011 DATA 3 8 2092200400012 EN DATA DATA-ERR 2092200400013 MEV MB MB 2092200400014 1.2550E+01 1.9700E+02 2.5000E+01 2092200400015 1.3550E+01 1.8900E+02 2.5000E+01 2092200400016 1.4900E+01 1.8100E+02 2.0000E+01 2092200400017 1.6500E+01 1.2500E+02 1.4000E+01 2092200400018 1.8150E+01 1.4000E+02 1.6000E+01 2092200400019 1.9600E+01 7.5000E+01 1.0000E+01 2092200400020 2.0600E+01 8.8000E+01 1.0000E+01 2092200400021 2.1000E+01 7.9000E+01 1.0000E+01 2092200400022 ENDDATA 10 0 2092200400023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 2092200499999 SUBENT 20922005 20080312 21962092200500001 BIB 6 9 2092200500002 REACTION (27-CO-59(N,A)25-MN-56,,SIG) 2092200500003 DECAY-DATA (25-MN-56,2.576HR,DG,845.,,DG,1810.,,DG,2130.) 2092200500004 Only the 845 keV gamma was used. 2092200500005 ANALYSIS (DECAY) Small admixture of n,2n reaction was subtracted2092200500006 out by decay curve analysis. 2092200500007 STATUS (TABLE) Table 3 of reference. Fig.9 of reference. 2092200500008 FLAG (1.) On Fig.9 at EN=14.9 MeV data value is about 24.mb.2092200500009 Data of Figure in 1st REL-REF = data of this Subent. 2092200500010 HISTORY (20080312U) M.M. Flag was added. 2092200500011 ENDBIB 9 0 2092200500012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2092200500013 DATA 4 8 2092200500014 EN DATA DATA-ERR FLAG 2092200500015 MEV MB MB NO-DIM 2092200500016 1.2550E+01 2.5000E+01 3. 2092200500017 1.3550E+01 2.6000E+01 3. 2092200500018 1.4900E+01 2.6000E+01 3. 1. 2092200500019 1.6500E+01 2.0000E+01 3. 2092200500020 1.8150E+01 1.9000E+01 3. 2092200500021 1.9600E+01 1.1000E+01 2. 2092200500022 2.0600E+01 1.1000E+01 2. 2092200500023 2.1000E+01 8. 2. 2092200500024 ENDDATA 10 0 2092200500025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 2092200599999 SUBENT 20922006 20080312 21962092200600001 BIB 6 18 2092200600002 REACTION (27-CO-59(N,P)26-FE-59,,SIG) 2092200600003 DECAY-DATA (26-FE-59,45.D,DG,191.,,DG,1098.,,DG,1289.) 2092200600004 ANALYSIS Only the 1.098 MeV gamma was used. Q=-0.780 MeV was 2092200600005 given in Table 2 for this reaction. 2092200600006 STATUS (TABLE) Table 3 and Fig.8 of reference. 2092200600007 CRITIQUE -Of E.Dupont (CEA Saclay). Data are about 3-10 times 2092200600008 too large than other exp. data. 2092200600009 -Of compiler. The origin of discrepancy is not clear. 2092200600010 Figure in REL-REF (UCRL-50400,v.8,rev.1,part A, 2092200600011 page 3-178,19760704) is the same as Fig.8 of reference.2092200600012 It could be assumed, that data for n,p reaction on Ni 2092200600013 and Co were jumbled. Proposal is to use the data of 2092200600014 SUBENT 20922010. For explanation see SUBENT 010. 2092200600015 Data, presented in this SUBENT 006, could be assumed 2092200600016 rather as total c-s for Ni(n,p)Co-58 reaction. In 1st 2092200600017 REL-REF,page 3-219, data of this SUBENT are presented 2092200600018 as Ni-58(n,p) reaction. 2092200600019 HISTORY (20080312A) (M.M.) CRITIQUE was added. 2092200600020 ENDBIB 18 0 2092200600021 NOCOMMON 0 0 2092200600022 DATA 3 7 2092200600023 EN DATA DATA-ERR 2092200600024 MEV MB MB 2092200600025 1.3550E+01 6.3900E+02 7.5000E+01 2092200600026 1.4900E+01 5.3400E+02 7.0000E+01 2092200600027 1.6500E+01 4.2800E+02 6.0000E+01 2092200600028 1.8150E+01 1.9500E+02 3.0000E+01 2092200600029 1.9600E+01 1.2000E+02 1.4000E+01 2092200600030 2.0600E+01 1.0500E+02 1.0000E+01 2092200600031 2.1000E+01 6.8000E+01 1.0000E+01 2092200600032 ENDDATA 9 0 2092200600033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 2092200699999 SUBENT 20922007 20080312 21962092200700001 BIB 6 14 2092200700002 REACTION (27-CO-59(N,2N)27-CO-58,,SIG) 2092200700003 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-58-G,71.D,DG,799.) 2092200700004 ANALYSIS Authors used 800.keV gamma ray, and said that they 2092200700005 observed only the ground state and not the isomeric 2092200700006 state. Q=-10.502MeV was given in Table 2 of reference.2092200700007 STATUS (TABLE) Table 3 of reference.Fig.10 of reference. 2092200700008 CRITIQUE Of compiler. In REL-REF (UCRL-50400,v.8,rev.1,part A, 2092200700009 197607) page 3-175, these data are presented as 2092200700010 Co-59(n,2n)Co-58-G cross section, HL=71.01 day is 2092200700011 given, what is probably misprint, because is not in 2092200700012 agreement with others exp. data. 2092200700013 HISTORY (19790515C) 2092200700014 (19790628E) 2092200700015 (20080312A) (M.M.) COMMENT was added. 2092200700016 ENDBIB 14 0 2092200700017 NOCOMMON 0 0 2092200700018 DATA 3 7 2092200700019 EN DATA DATA-ERR 2092200700020 MEV MB MB 2092200700021 1.3550E+01 2.3200E+02 3.0000E+01 2092200700022 1.4900E+01 5.0800E+02 7.0000E+01 2092200700023 1.6500E+01 6.4000E+02 6.8000E+01 2092200700024 1.8150E+01 7.2500E+02 8.5000E+01 2092200700025 1.9600E+01 7.3400E+02 8.5000E+01 2092200700026 2.0600E+01 7.5300E+02 9.0000E+01 2092200700027 2.1000E+01 6.2000E+02 7.5000E+01 2092200700028 ENDDATA 9 0 2092200700029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 2092200799999 SUBENT 20922008 20230203 23132092200800001 BIB 6 15 2092200800002 REACTION (28-NI-58(N,P)27-CO-58,,SIG) 2092200800003 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-58-G,71.D,DG,799.,,DG,1664.,,DG,863.) 2092200800004 ANALYSIS Only the 799 keV gamma was used. 2092200800005 Authors said that they observed only ground state and 2092200800006 not isomeric state. Q=+0.365 is given in Table 2 of 2092200800007 reference. 2092200800008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 3 from Nucl.Phys.,47(1963)157 2092200800009 CRITIQUE The authors are aware that their cross sections are 2092200800010 much smaller than the cross sections from the 2092200800011 previous measurements, and the authors could not find 2092200800012 the reason of the discrepancy. Note that Table 3 and 2092200800013 Fig.11 give different values. 2092200800014 HISTORY (20080312A) M.M. CRITIQUE of compiler was added. 2092200800015 (20230203A) SD: SF4=Co-58g -> Co-58 in REACTION code. 2092200800016 BIB updated. 2092200800017 ENDBIB 15 0 2092200800018 NOCOMMON 0 0 2092200800019 DATA 3 8 2092200800020 EN DATA DATA-ERR 2092200800021 MEV MB MB 2092200800022 12.55 130. 15. 2092200800023 13.55 125. 15. 2092200800024 14.90 122. 15. 2092200800025 16.50 175. 21. 2092200800026 18.15 261. 31. 2092200800027 19.60 248. 30. 2092200800028 20.60 275. 33. 2092200800029 21.00 273. 32. 2092200800030 ENDDATA 10 0 2092200800031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 2092200899999 SUBENT 20922009 20080930 22042092200900001 BIB 5 11 2092200900002 REACTION (28-NI-58(N,2N)28-NI-57,,SIG) 2092200900003 DECAY-DATA (28-NI-57,36.HR,DG,128.,,DG,1380.,,DG,1910.) 2092200900004 STATUS (TABLE) Table 3 and Fig.13 of reference. 2092200900005 COMMENT Of compiler. There are misprints in Table 3 : data for 2092200900006 this reaction are presented in reverse order.See Fig.132092200900007 of reference. And Fig. of REL-REF, page 3-208. 2092200900008 HISTORY (20080312A) M.M. Correction was done in according to 2092200900009 data values on Fig.13 of reference. 2092200900010 (EN values were reversed). 2092200900011 (20080930A) M.M. Two misprints in energy values were 2092200900012 corrected . 2092200900013 ENDBIB 11 0 2092200900014 NOCOMMON 0 0 2092200900015 DATA 3 8 2092200900016 EN DATA DATA-ERR 2092200900017 MEV MB MB 2092200900018 12.55 1. 1. 2092200900019 13.55 8. 2. 2092200900020 14.90 19. 3. 2092200900021 16.50 24. 3. 2092200900022 18.50 34. 4. 2092200900023 19.60 39. 4. 2092200900024 20.60 45. 4. 2092200900025 21.00 38. 4. 2092200900026 ENDDATA 10 0 2092200900027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 2092200999999 SUBENT 20922010 20080312 21962092201000001 BIB 7 18 2092201000002 REACTION (27-CO-59(N,P)26-FE-59,,SIG) 2092201000003 DECAY-DATA (26-FE-59,45.D,DG,191.,,DG,1098.,,DG,1289.) 2092201000004 ANALYSIS Only the 1.098 MeV gamma was used. Q=-0.780 MeV was 2092201000005 given in Table 2 for this reaction. 2092201000006 CRITIQUE Of compiler. Data given for this reaction in SUBENT 0062092201000007 are in disagreement with other exp. data. 2092201000008 Data presented in this SUBENT 010 are data digitized 2092201000009 from Fig.11 of reference(marked as Ni-58(n,p) reaction,2092201000010 what is probably wrong, because disagrees with other 2092201000011 exp. data) in according to assumption(of compiler), 2092201000012 that data for n,p reaction on Ni and Co were jumbled. 2092201000013 These digitized data are in reasonable agreement with 2092201000014 other exp. data. 2092201000015 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-DIG) Digitizing error of DATA and DATA-ERR. 2092201000016 STATUS (CURVE) Data were digitized from Fig.11 of reference. 2092201000017 These data are absent in Table of reference. 2092201000018 These data has not be found in REL-REF. 2092201000019 HISTORY (20080312A) M.M. 2092201000020 ENDBIB 18 0 2092201000021 COMMON 1 3 2092201000022 ERR-DIG 2092201000023 PER-CENT 2092201000024 0.32617E-02 2092201000025 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2092201000026 DATA 3 8 2092201000027 EN DATA DATA-ERR 2092201000028 MEV MB MB 2092201000029 12.55 68.926 12.203 2092201000030 13.55 60.192 9.8632 2092201000031 14.90 55.278 7.9855 2092201000032 16.50 42.879 7.5932 2092201000033 18.15 45.827 8.4192 2092201000034 19.60 35.957 7.5737 2092201000035 20.60 38.875 7.1408 2092201000036 21.00 26.972 5.6803 2092201000037 ENDDATA 10 0 2092201000038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 2092201099999 ENDENTRY 10 0 2092299999999