ENTRY            20989   20170731                             22632098900000001 
SUBENT        20989001   20170731                             22632098900100001 
BIB                 15         33                                 2098900100002 
INSTITUTE  (2JPNISS)                                              2098900100003 
REFERENCE  (J,JPJ,28,1116,1970) Main reference.                   2098900100004 
           (C,75ZURICH,,189,1975)                                 2098900100005 
           (C,70MADISON,,638,1970)                                2098900100006 
AUTHOR     (K.Katori,T.Nagata,A.Uchida,S.Kobayashi)               2098900100007 
TITLE       Neutron depolarization in elastic scattering          2098900100008 
FACILITY   .No information given.                                 2098900100009 
INC-SOURCE (POLNS,D-C12) Polarized neutrons from the C12(d,n)     2098900100010 
INC-SPECT  (EN-RSL-FW) - energy spread                            2098900100011 
SAMPLE     .Five cylindrical samples 5 cm in dia. and 5 cm in     2098900100012 
            length with a 2.5 cm hole at the center. Ni, Cu, Al,  2098900100013 
            Co, Bi all with natural isotopic compositions.        2098900100014 
METHOD     (TOF) A time of flight liquid helium polarimeter.      2098900100015 
           .Triple scattering experiment.                         2098900100016 
DETECTOR   (SCIN) One NE213 liquid scintillator to detect         2098900100017 
            neutrons and one 6810A scintillator to detect alpha   2098900100018 
            recoils in the helium.                                2098900100019 
PART-DET   (A) Alphas.                                            2098900100020 
COMMENT    .All data were normalized to the integrated beam       2098900100021 
            current.                                              2098900100022 
CORRECTION .The correction for setting the polarization, obtained 2098900100023 
            by scattering an unpolarized beam from the sample,    2098900100024 
            equal to zero is estimated to be 15 percent at most.  2098900100025 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The possible source of errors in the        2098900100026 
           detection system was checked and found to be negligable2098900100027 
HISTORY    (19790726C) CN.                                        2098900100028 
           (19800108A) Subents 002 and 003 deleted because they   2098900100029 
            refer to (d,n)-reactions.                             2098900100030 
           (19840106U) A.P.T. Japan code changed to JPN           2098900100031 
           (20170731A) SD:Updated to new date formats,lower case. 2098900100032 
           REACTION code and data corrected in Subents 004-009.   2098900100033 
           Meaningless zeros were deleted from the data.          2098900100034 
           EN-RSL corrected (0.02 -> 0.3 MeV). EN-RSL -> EN-RSL-FW2098900100035 
ENDBIB              33          0                                 2098900100036 
COMMON               2          3                                 2098900100037 
EN         EN-RSL-FW                                              2098900100038 
MEV        MEV                                                    2098900100039 
   1.36        0.3                                                2098900100040 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2098900100041 
ENDSUBENT           40          0                                 2098900199999 
SUBENT        20989004   20170731                             22632098900400001 
BIB                  5         14                                 2098900400002 
REACTION   (28-NI-0(N,EL)28-NI-0,NN,POL/DA,,D)                    2098900400003 
ASSUMED    (ASSUM1,28-NI-0(N,EL)28-NI-0,,POL)                     2098900400004 
           (ASSUM2,6-C-12(D,N)7-N-13,,POL/DA,,ASY)                2098900400005 
COMMENT    .Reference gives depolarization parameter D = E3/E1+   2098900400006 
            (E3/A3-A3/E1)P2, where E1 is the asymmetry in the     2098900400007 
            neutron producing reaction, A3 the analyzing power    2098900400008 
            and E3 the asymmetry of elastically scattered un-     2098900400009 
            polarized neutrons from He-4. P2 is the polarization  2098900400010 
            obtained by scattering an unpolarized beam from the   2098900400011 
            sample (see ASSUM1).                                  2098900400012 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table on p.1126 from JPJ,28,1116,1970          2098900400013 
HISTORY    (20170731A) SD: SF4 was added to REACTION and ASSUMED  2098900400014 
           codes. POL,,ASY -> NN,POL/DA,,D in REACTION code.      2098900400015 
           Data were restored from tbl.                           2098900400016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 2098900400017 
COMMON               3          3                                 2098900400018 
ASSUM1     ASSUM2     ASSUM2-ERR                                  2098900400019 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      2098900400020 
  0.0        -0.205      0.01                                     2098900400021 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2098900400022 
DATA                 3          4                                 2098900400023 
ANG        DATA       DATA-ERR                                    2098900400024 
ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      2098900400025 
        30.   0.94      0.18                                      2098900400026 
        80.   0.80      0.12                                      2098900400027 
       120.   0.99      0.24                                      2098900400028 
       150.   0.92      0.10                                      2098900400029 
ENDDATA              6          0                                 2098900400030 
ENDSUBENT           29          0                                 2098900499999 
SUBENT        20989005   20170731                             22632098900500001 
BIB                  6         15                                 2098900500002 
REACTION   (28-NI-0(N,EL)28-NI-0,NN,POL/DA,,D)                    2098900500003 
ASSUMED    (ASSUM,6-C-12(D,N)7-N-13,,POL/DA,,ASY)                 2098900500004 
COMMENT    .Reference gives depolarization parameter D = E3/E1+   2098900500005 
            (E3/A3-A3/E1)P2, where E1 is the asymmetry in the     2098900500006 
            neutron producing reaction, A3 the analyzing power    2098900500007 
            and E3 the asymmetry of elastically scattered un-     2098900500008 
            polarized neutrons from He-4. P2 is the polarization  2098900500009 
            obtained by scattering an unpolarized beam from the   2098900500010 
            sample, at En= 850 keV (private communication,        2098900500011 
            see REL-REF).                                         2098900500012 
REL-REF    (R,,E.E.Dowling Whiting+,W,DOWLING WHITING,1970)       2098900500013 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table on p.1126 from JPJ,28,1116,1970          2098900500014 
HISTORY    (20170731A) SD: SF4 was added to REACTION and ASSUMED  2098900500015 
           codes. POL,,ASY -> NN,POL/DA,,D in REACTION code.      2098900500016 
           Data were restored from tbl.                           2098900500017 
ENDBIB              15          0                                 2098900500018 
COMMON               2          3                                 2098900500019 
ASSUM      ASSUM-ERR                                              2098900500020 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                                 2098900500021 
 -0.205       0.01                                                2098900500022 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2098900500023 
DATA                 3          4                                 2098900500024 
ANG        DATA       DATA-ERR                                    2098900500025 
ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      2098900500026 
        30.  0.94        0.19                                     2098900500027 
        80.  0.96        0.13                                     2098900500028 
       120.  0.90        0.25                                     2098900500029 
       150.  0.92        0.11                                     2098900500030 
ENDDATA              6          0                                 2098900500031 
ENDSUBENT           30          0                                 2098900599999 
SUBENT        20989006   20170731                             22632098900600001 
BIB                  5         14                                 2098900600002 
REACTION   (29-CU-0(N,EL)29-CU-0,NN,POL/DA,,D)                    2098900600003 
ASSUMED    (ASSUM1,29-CU-0(N,EL)29-CU-0,,POL)                     2098900600004 
           (ASSUM2,6-C-12(D,N)7-N-13,,POL/DA,,ASY)                2098900600005 
COMMENT    .Reference gives depolarization parameter D = E3/E1+   2098900600006 
            (E3/A3-A3/E1)P2, where e1 is the asymmetry in the     2098900600007 
            neutron producing reaction, A3 the analyzing power    2098900600008 
            and E3 the asymmetry of elastically scattered         2098900600009 
            unpolarized neutrons from He-4. P2 is the polarization2098900600010 
            obtained by scattering an unpolarized beam from the   2098900600011 
            sample (see ASSUM1).                                  2098900600012 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table on p.1126 from JPJ,28,1116,1970          2098900600013 
HISTORY    (20170731A) SD: SF4 was added to REACTION and ASSUMED  2098900600014 
           codes. POL,,ASY -> NN,POL/DA,,D in REACTION code.      2098900600015 
           Data were restored from tbl.                           2098900600016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 2098900600017 
COMMON               3          3                                 2098900600018 
ASSUM1     ASSUM2     ASSUM2-ERR                                  2098900600019 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      2098900600020 
  0.0       -0.205       0.01                                     2098900600021 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2098900600022 
DATA                 3          4                                 2098900600023 
ANG        DATA       DATA-ERR                                    2098900600024 
ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      2098900600025 
        38.  0.74        0.33                                     2098900600026 
        80.  0.74        0.23                                     2098900600027 
       120.  0.56        0.17                                     2098900600028 
       150.  0.49        0.13                                     2098900600029 
ENDDATA              6          0                                 2098900600030 
ENDSUBENT           29          0                                 2098900699999 
SUBENT        20989007   20170731                             22632098900700001 
BIB                  5         13                                 2098900700002 
REACTION   (13-AL-27(N,EL)13-AL-27,NN,POL/DA,,D)                  2098900700003 
ASSUMED    (ASSUM1,13-AL-27(N,EL)13-AL-27,,POL)                   2098900700004 
           (ASSUM2,6-C-12(D,N)7-N-13,,POL/DA,,ASY)                2098900700005 
COMMENT    .Reference gives depolarization parameter D = E3/E1+   2098900700006 
            (E3/A3-A3/E1)P2, where E1 is the asymmetry in the     2098900700007 
            neutron producing reaction, A3 the analyzing power    2098900700008 
            and E3 the asymmetry of elastically scattered un-     2098900700009 
            polarized neutrons from He-4. P2 is the polarization  2098900700010 
            obtained by scattering an unpolarized beam from the   2098900700011 
            sample (see ASSUM1).                                  2098900700012 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table on p.1126 from JPJ,28,1116,1970          2098900700013 
HISTORY    (20170731A) SD: POL,,ASY -> NN,POL/DA,,D in REACTION   2098900700014 
           code. Data were restored from tbl.                     2098900700015 
ENDBIB              13          0                                 2098900700016 
COMMON               3          3                                 2098900700017 
ASSUM1     ASSUM2     ASSUM2-ERR                                  2098900700018 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      2098900700019 
  0.0       -0.205       0.01                                     2098900700020 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2098900700021 
DATA                 3          5                                 2098900700022 
ANG        DATA       DATA-ERR                                    2098900700023 
ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      2098900700024 
        30.  0.76        0.26                                     2098900700025 
        38.  0.97        0.18                                     2098900700026 
        80.  0.63        0.18                                     2098900700027 
       120.  0.40        0.26                                     2098900700028 
       150.  0.25        0.40                                     2098900700029 
ENDDATA              7          0                                 2098900700030 
ENDSUBENT           29          0                                 2098900799999 
SUBENT        20989008   20170731                             22632098900800001 
BIB                  5         13                                 2098900800002 
REACTION   (27-CO-59(N,EL)27-CO-59,NN,POL/DA,,D)                  2098900800003 
ASSUMED    (ASSUM1,27-CO-59(N,EL)27-CO-59,,POL)                   2098900800004 
           (ASSUM2,6-C-12(D,N)7-N-13,,POL/DA,,ASY)                2098900800005 
COMMENT    .Reference gives depolarization parameter D = E3/E1+   2098900800006 
            (E3/A3-A3/E1)P2, where E1 is the asymmetry in the     2098900800007 
            neutron producing reaction, A3 the analyzing power    2098900800008 
            and E3 the asymmetry of elastically scattered un-     2098900800009 
            polarized neutrons from He-4. P2 is the polarization  2098900800010 
            obtained by scattering an unpolarized beam from the   2098900800011 
            sample (see ASSUM1).                                  2098900800012 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table on p.1126 from JPJ,28,1116,1970          2098900800013 
HISTORY    (20170731A) SD: POL,,ASY -> NN,POL/DA,,D in REACTION   2098900800014 
           code. Data were restored from tbl.                     2098900800015 
ENDBIB              13          0                                 2098900800016 
COMMON               3          3                                 2098900800017 
ASSUM1     ASSUM2     ASSUM2-ERR                                  2098900800018 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      2098900800019 
  0.0       -0.205       0.01                                     2098900800020 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2098900800021 
DATA                 3          5                                 2098900800022 
ANG        DATA       DATA-ERR                                    2098900800023 
ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      2098900800024 
        35.  1.13       0.25                                      2098900800025 
        38.   0.68      0.29                                      2098900800026 
        80.   0.46      0.17                                      2098900800027 
       120.   0.57      0.13                                      2098900800028 
       150.   0.60      0.11                                      2098900800029 
ENDDATA              7          0                                 2098900800030 
ENDSUBENT           29          0                                 2098900899999 
SUBENT        20989009   20170731                             22632098900900001 
BIB                  5         13                                 2098900900002 
REACTION   (83-BI-209(N,EL)83-BI-209,NN,POL/DA,,D)                2098900900003 
ASSUMED    (ASSUM1,83-BI-209(N,EL)83-BI-209,,POL)                 2098900900004 
           (ASSUM2,6-C-12(D,N)7-N-13,,POL/DA,,ASY)                2098900900005 
COMMENT    .Reference gives depolarization parameter D = E3/E1+   2098900900006 
            (E3/A3-A3/E1)P2, where A1 is the asymmetry in the     2098900900007 
            neutron producing reaction, E3 the analyzing power    2098900900008 
            and e3 the asymmetry of elastically scattered un-     2098900900009 
            polarized neutrons from He-4. P2 is the polarization  2098900900010 
            obtained by scattering an unpolarized beam from the   2098900900011 
            sample (see ASSUM1).                                  2098900900012 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table on p.1126 from JPJ,28,1116,1970          2098900900013 
HISTORY    (20170731A) SD: POL,,ASY -> NN,POL/DA,,D in REACTION   2098900900014 
           code. Data were restored from tbl.                     2098900900015 
ENDBIB              13          0                                 2098900900016 
COMMON               3          3                                 2098900900017 
ASSUM1     ASSUM2     ASSUM2-ERR                                  2098900900018 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      2098900900019 
  0.0       -0.205       0.01                                     2098900900020 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2098900900021 
DATA                 3          5                                 2098900900022 
ANG        DATA       DATA-ERR                                    2098900900023 
ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      2098900900024 
        30.   0.12      0.13                                      2098900900025 
        38.   0.09      0.09                                      2098900900026 
        80.   0.46      0.20                                      2098900900027 
       120.   0.19      0.09                                      2098900900028 
       150.   0.39      0.09                                      2098900900029 
ENDDATA              7          0                                 2098900900030 
ENDSUBENT           29          0                                 2098900999999 
ENDENTRY             7          0                                 2098999999999