ENTRY 21086 20230130 23132108600000001 SUBENT 21086001 20230130 23132108600100001 BIB 14 31 2108600100002 TITLE Inelastic scattering of fast neutrons by U-235 2108600100003 AUTHOR (B.H.Armitage,A.T.G.Ferguson,J.H.Montague,N.Starfelt) 2108600100004 REFERENCE (C,66PARIS,1,383,1966) 2108600100005 (C,66OXFORD,,1,1966) Same as 66PARIS. 2108600100006 (P,AERE-PR/NP-7,1(1),1964) 2108600100007 (P,AERE-PR/NP-6,1(2),1963) 2108600100008 INSTITUTE (2UK HAR) 2108600100009 (2SWDAE ) N.S on leave. 2108600100010 FACILITY (VDG,2UK HAR) IBIS 3 MeV Van der Graaff. 2108600100011 INC-SOURCE (P-LI7) Pulsed proton bombardment of thick lithium. 2108600100012 (P-T) and tritium gas targets, to produce 2108600100013 monoenergetic neutrons. 2108600100014 SAMPLE (92-U-235,ENR=0.97) Metal. Two samples, 0.5 inch 2108600100015 diameter, 1.0 inch long. 0.6 Inch diameter, 1.2 inch 2108600100016 long. 2108600100017 METHOD (TOF) 150 cm from scattering sample to detector. 2108600100018 DETECTOR (SCIN) Plastic scintillator, 10 cm diameter, 2.5 cm 2108600100019 thick, with threshold to minimize background. 2108600100020 MONITOR (6-C-12(N,EL)6-C-12,,SIG) 2108600100021 MONIT-REF (10415007,R.O.Lane+,J,AP,12,135,1961) 2108600100022 CORRECTION Corrected for background, elastic scattered 2108600100023 spectrum from lead sample used to separate the 2108600100024 elastic and inelastic scattering from U-235. 2108600100025 Corrected for sample attenuation and multiple 2108600100026 scattering by monte-carlo calculation. 2108600100027 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors mainly are systematic, statistical 2108600100028 errors are considered negligible. 2108600100029 HISTORY (19790905C) 2108600100030 (19800108A) Recompiled from table I, 66PARIS 2108600100031 (20230130A) SD:Updated to new date formats,lower case. 2108600100032 Corrections in all Subents. 2108600100033 ENDBIB 31 0 2108600100034 COMMON 1 3 2108600100035 ANG 2108600100036 ADEG 2108600100037 90. 2108600100038 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2108600100039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 2108600199999 SUBENT 21086002 20230130 23132108600200001 BIB 4 10 2108600200002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,EL)92-U-235,,DA) 2108600200003 CRITIQUE Stanislav Simakov (2022-06-03): The Pb-shape peak 2108600200004 subtraction of inelastically scattered neutrons 2108600200005 probably not valid for the first level of 235U with 2108600200006 excitation energy 0.08 keV which is substantially 2108600200007 lower than energy resolution 25 keV. 2108600200008 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 3 from 66PARIS,383 2108600200009 HISTORY (20230130A) SD: SF8=4PI deleted from REACTION code 2108600200010 according to description at the bottom of the fig.3. 2108600200011 CRITUQUE added. 2108600200012 ENDBIB 10 0 2108600200013 COMMON 2 3 2108600200014 EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG 2108600200015 MEV B/SR 2108600200016 0.002 0.001 2108600200017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2108600200018 DATA 3 7 2108600200019 EN DATA DATA-ERR 2108600200020 MEV B/SR B/SR 2108600200021 0.124 0.734 0.071 2108600200022 0.398 0.381 0.039 2108600200023 0.546 0.280 0.030 2108600200024 0.697 0.236 0.025 2108600200025 1.000 0.185 0.020 2108600200026 1.501 0.188 0.019 2108600200027 1.899 0.188 0.017 2108600200028 ENDDATA 9 0 2108600200029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 2108600299999 SUBENT 21086003 20230130 23132108600300001 BIB 3 4 2108600300002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,INL)92-U-235,PAR,DA,,4PI) 2108600300003 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 from 66PARIS,383 2108600300004 HISTORY (19800108A) Recompiled from table I, 66PARIS 2108600300005 (20230130A) SD: E-MIN/MAX -> E-EXC-MIN/MAX. 2108600300006 ENDBIB 4 0 2108600300007 COMMON 1 3 2108600300008 DATA-ERR 2108600300009 PER-CENT 2108600300010 2.0000E+01 2108600300011 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2108600300012 DATA 4 48 2108600300013 EN E-EXC-MIN E-EXC-MAX DATA 2108600300014 KEV KEV KEV MB 2108600300015 130. 0. 25. 344. 2108600300016 130. 25. 50. 238. 2108600300017 400. 0. 25. 37. 2108600300018 400. 25. 50. 306. 2108600300019 400. 50. 100. 616. 2108600300020 400. 100. 150. 327. 2108600300021 400. 150. 200. 184. 2108600300022 400. 200. 300. 350. 2108600300023 550. 25. 50. 92. 2108600300024 550. 50. 100. 314. 2108600300025 550. 100. 150. 224. 2108600300026 550. 150. 200. 236. 2108600300027 550. 200. 300. 203. 2108600300028 550. 300. 400. 229. 2108600300029 550. 400. 500. 66. 2108600300030 710. 25. 50. 45. 2108600300031 710. 50. 100. 211. 2108600300032 710. 100. 150. 221. 2108600300033 710. 150. 200. 191. 2108600300034 710. 200. 300. 245. 2108600300035 710. 300. 400. 285. 2108600300036 710. 400. 500. 359. 2108600300037 710. 500. 600. 206. 2108600300038 1000. 50. 100. 182. 2108600300039 1000. 100. 150. 178. 2108600300040 1000. 150. 200. 130. 2108600300041 1000. 200. 300. 166. 2108600300042 1000. 300. 400. 187. 2108600300043 1000. 400. 500. 177. 2108600300044 1000. 500. 600. 126. 2108600300045 1000. 600. 700. 172. 2108600300046 1000. 700. 800. 157. 2108600300047 1000. 800. 900. 89. 2108600300048 1500. 50. 100. 90. 2108600300049 1500. 100. 150. 159. 2108600300050 1500. 150. 200. 102. 2108600300051 1500. 200. 300. 94. 2108600300052 1500. 300. 400. 68. 2108600300053 1500. 400. 500. 47. 2108600300054 1500. 500. 600. 48. 2108600300055 1500. 600. 700. 69. 2108600300056 1500. 700. 800. 94. 2108600300057 1500. 800. 900. 121. 2108600300058 1500. 900. 1000. 159. 2108600300059 1500. 1000. 1100. 195. 2108600300060 1500. 1100. 1200. 166. 2108600300061 1500. 1200. 1300. 110. 2108600300062 1550. 1300. 1400. 54. 2108600300063 ENDDATA 50 0 2108600300064 ENDSUBENT 63 0 2108600399999 SUBENT 21086004 20230130 23132108600400001 BIB 4 5 2108600400002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,INL)92-U-235,PAR,DA,,4PI) 2108600400003 ANALYSIS (INTED) Integrated secondary neutron energy distribut. 2108600400004 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 from 66PARIS,383 2108600400005 HISTORY (19800108A) Recompiled from table I, 66PARIS 2108600400006 (20230130A) SD: E-MIN/MAX -> E-EXC-MIN/MAX. 2108600400007 ENDBIB 5 0 2108600400008 COMMON 1 3 2108600400009 DATA-ERR 2108600400010 PER-CENT 2108600400011 10. 2108600400012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2108600400013 DATA 3 6 2108600400014 EN E-EXC-MIN DATA 2108600400015 KEV KEV MB 2108600400016 130. 70. 582. 2108600400017 400. 170. 1820. 2108600400018 550. 110. 1364. 2108600400019 710. 130. 1763. 2108600400020 1000. 130. 1564. 2108600400021 1500. 140. 1576. 2108600400022 ENDDATA 8 0 2108600400023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 2108600499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 2108699999999