ENTRY            21109   20191104                             22832110900000001 
SUBENT        21109001   20191104                             22832110900100001 
BIB                  8         23                                 2110900100002 
TITLE       The neutron resonance parameters and average capture  2110900100003 
            cross-section of Ho-165                               2110900100004 
AUTHOR     (M.Asghar,C.M.Chaffey,M.C.Moxon)                       2110900100005 
REFERENCE  (J,NP/A,108,535,1968)                                  2110900100006 
           (C,66TRIESTE,,831,1966) Graph.                         2110900100007 
           (S,EANDC-50-S,(1),(65),1965) - full report, abstract   2110900100008 
            was published in 65ANTWERP,,522(65),1965.             2110900100009 
           (P,AERE-PR/NP-8,9,1965) Abstract.                      2110900100010 
INSTITUTE  (2UK HAR)                                              2110900100011 
FACILITY   (LINAC,2UK HAR) 45 MeV electron Linac.                 2110900100012 
INC-SOURCE  Pulsed neutron source using boosted neutron target.   2110900100013 
METHOD     (TOF) Time-of-flight.                                  2110900100014 
            Flight path of 50 meters for scattering, and 32.5 m   2110900100015 
            for capture measurements.                             2110900100016 
HISTORY    (19790903C)                                            2110900100017 
           (19800131A) full set of references added,              2110900100018 
                       data unchanged                             2110900100019 
           (19800227A) reaction strings corrected.                2110900100020 
           (19800314A) Subwork 003 and 004 corrected.             2110900100021 
           (20191104A) SD:Updated to new date formats,lower case. 2110900100022 
           Ref. corrected (65ANTWERP,522 -> EANDC-50-S,(1),(65)). 2110900100023 
           Data from fig.2 were digitized. Corrections in all     2110900100024 
           Subents.                                               2110900100025 
ENDBIB              23          0                                 2110900100026 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2110900100027 
ENDSUBENT           26          0                                 2110900199999 
SUBENT        21109002   20191104                             22832110900200001 
BIB                  8         15                                 2110900200002 
REACTION   (67-HO-165(N,EL),,WID,,S0)                             2110900200003 
SAMPLE      Metallic sample of thickness 0.9322E-04 atom/barn.    2110900200004 
DETECTOR   (SCIN) Lithium glass scintillator placed at flight     2110900200005 
                   path of 50 meteres. Timing resolution 6 nsec/m.2110900200006 
ANALYSIS   (AREA) From measured scattering yield of Ho in fig.3   2110900200007 
                   of the publication and of a 5.48 atoms/b       2110900200008 
                   calibration sample.                            2110900200009 
CORRECTION  Resonance self screening, Doppler broadening and      2110900200010 
            multiple scattering corrections applied to the        2110900200011 
            observed resonance areas.                             2110900200012 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainties2110900200013 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 1 from Nucl.Phys.,A108(1968)535          2110900200014 
           (COREL,21109003) Data from 3.398E-04 atoms/b sample    2110900200015 
HISTORY    (19800227A)                                            2110900200016 
           (20191104U) SD: STATUS updated. THICKNESS deleted.     2110900200017 
ENDBIB              15          0                                 2110900200018 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2110900200019 
DATA                 3         26                                 2110900200020 
EN-RES     DATA       DATA-ERR                                    2110900200021 
EV         B*EV       B*EV                                        2110900200022 
       35.3       29.7        5.3                                 2110900200023 
       39.4      141.7        6.0                                 2110900200024 
       47.4      161.0        7.1                                 2110900200025 
       51.4      465.7       14.0                                 2110900200026 
       60.0      105.2        5.6                                 2110900200027 
       71.3      127.6        6.8                                 2110900200028 
       83.8       30.7        5.3                                 2110900200029 
       85.5      304.6       15.4                                 2110900200030 
       93.3      800.2       17.2                                 2110900200031 
      101.8       63.1        6.4                                 2110900200032 
      117.8       24.1        4.0                                 2110900200033 
      124.5      168.3       10.0                                 2110900200034 
      126.6       69.0        7.5                                 2110900200035 
      128.1       48.0        7.5                                 2110900200036 
      150.8      127.2       10.4                                 2110900200037 
      163.9       22.0        8.2                                 2110900200038 
      169.5       40.0        8.8                                 2110900200039 
      180.8       45.1       10.5                                 2110900200040 
      189.6       25.5        9.1                                 2110900200041 
      201.9      290.0       13.5                                 2110900200042 
      214.2      155.8       13.0                                 2110900200043 
      220.4       51.5       11.4                                 2110900200044 
      239.2       57.1       11.4                                 2110900200045 
      255.2      336.4       21.0                                 2110900200046 
      260.7       38.0       17.5                                 2110900200047 
      299.0      332.2       19.2                                 2110900200048 
ENDDATA             28          0                                 2110900200049 
ENDSUBENT           48          0                                 2110900299999 
SUBENT        21109003   20191104                             22832110900300001 
BIB                  8         16                                 2110900300002 
REACTION   (67-HO-165(N,EL),,WID,,S0)                             2110900300003 
SAMPLE      Metallic sample of thickness 3.398E-04 atom/barn.     2110900300004 
DETECTOR   (SCIN ) Lithium glass scintillator placed at flight    2110900300005 
                   path of 50 meters. Timing resolution 6 nsec/m. 2110900300006 
ANALYSIS   (AREA ) From measured scattering yield of Ho in fig.3  2110900300007 
                   of the publication and of a 5.48 atoms/b       2110900300008 
                   calibration sample.                            2110900300009 
CORRECTION  Resonance self screening, Doppler broadening and      2110900300010 
            multiple scattering corrections applied to the        2110900300011 
            observed resonance areas.                             2110900300012 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainties2110900300013 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 1 from Nucl.Phys.,A108(1968)535          2110900300014 
           (COREL,21109002) Data from 9.322E-05 atoms/b sample    2110900300015 
HISTORY    (19800227A)                                            2110900300016 
           (19800314A)                                            2110900300017 
           (20191104U) SD: STATUS updated. THICKNESS deleted.     2110900300018 
ENDBIB              16          0                                 2110900300019 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2110900300020 
DATA                 3         26                                 2110900300021 
EN-RES     DATA       DATA-ERR                                    2110900300022 
EV         B*EV       B*EV                                        2110900300023 
       35.3       22.4        3.0                                 2110900300024 
       39.4      130.6        2.3                                 2110900300025 
       47.4      167.6        3.3                                 2110900300026 
       51.4      472.1        7.2                                 2110900300027 
       60.0      109.7        5.0                                 2110900300028 
       71.3      128.5        3.0                                 2110900300029 
       83.8       26.9        2.3                                 2110900300030 
       85.5      282.5        9.5                                 2110900300031 
       93.3      816.7       10.0                                 2110900300032 
      101.8       55.6        2.6                                 2110900300033 
      117.8       23.0        2.3                                 2110900300034 
      124.5      160.3        4.7                                 2110900300035 
      126.6       74.7        7.6                                 2110900300036 
      128.1       48.3        5.4                                 2110900300037 
      150.8      131.9        5.6                                 2110900300038 
      163.9       23.3        3.1                                 2110900300039 
      169.5       37.0        2.1                                 2110900300040 
      180.8       53.4        4.0                                 2110900300041 
      189.6       24.3        3.4                                 2110900300042 
      201.9      292.1        7.1                                 2110900300043 
      214.2      152.5        5.5                                 2110900300044 
      220.4       56.8        4.3                                 2110900300045 
      239.2       55.0        5.3                                 2110900300046 
      255.2      357.1        8.0                                 2110900300047 
      260.7       55.3        5.2                                 2110900300048 
      299.0      331.1       16.5                                 2110900300049 
ENDDATA             28          0                                 2110900300050 
ENDSUBENT           49          0                                 2110900399999 
SUBENT        21109004   20191104                             22832110900400001 
BIB                  5         10                                 2110900400002 
REACTION   (67-HO-165(N,G)67-HO-166,,SIG)                         2110900400003 
SAMPLE      3 Metallic samples. Two 8 cm diameter discs of        2110900400004 
            thickness 0.9332E-04 and 3.398E-04 atoms/b, one       2110900400005 
            square of side 2.5 cm and thickness 1.596E-03         2110900400006 
            atom/b.                                               2110900400007 
DETECTOR   (MOXR ) Moxon-RaE detector placed at flight path of    2110900400008 
                   32.5 meters. Timing resolution 12 nsec/m.      2110900400009 
STATUS     (CURVE) fig.2 from Nucl.Phys.,A108(1968)535            2110900400010 
HISTORY    (19800314A)                                            2110900400011 
           (20191104A) SD: Data were digitized from fig.1.        2110900400012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 2110900400013 
COMMON               2          3                                 2110900400014 
EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG                                                2110900400015 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                               2110900400016 
  1.          1.                                                  2110900400017 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2110900400018 
DATA                 3        148                                 2110900400019 
EN         DATA       THICKNESS                                   2110900400020 
KEV        B          ATOMS/B                                     2110900400021 
      0.514     23.550 0.9332E-04                                 2110900400022 
      0.519     21.407  1.596E-03                                 2110900400023 
      0.519     21.856  0.340E-03                                 2110900400024 
      0.609     15.496 0.9332E-04                                 2110900400025 
      0.611     14.027  1.596E-03                                 2110900400026 
      0.614     14.561  0.340E-03                                 2110900400027 
      0.725     14.210 0.9332E-04                                 2110900400028 
      0.732     13.464  1.596E-03                                 2110900400029 
      0.732     13.464  0.340E-03                                 2110900400030 
      0.876     10.768 0.9332E-04                                 2110900400031 
      0.883     10.118  1.596E-03                                 2110900400032 
      0.883     10.118  0.340E-03                                 2110900400033 
      1.077     11.707 0.9332E-04                                 2110900400034 
      1.078     11.092  1.596E-03                                 2110900400035 
      1.078     10.910  0.340E-03                                 2110900400036 
      1.238      9.798  1.596E-03                                 2110900400037 
      1.238     10.341 0.9332E-04                                 2110900400038 
      1.248      9.558  0.340E-03                                 2110900400039 
      1.723      7.938  1.596E-03                                 2110900400040 
      1.723      7.840  0.340E-03                                 2110900400041 
      1.723      7.840 0.9332E-04                                 2110900400042 
      2.247      5.991  0.340E-03                                 2110900400043 
      2.247      6.194 0.9332E-04                                 2110900400044 
      2.257      5.991  1.596E-03                                 2110900400045 
      2.744      5.704  1.596E-03                                 2110900400046 
      2.744      5.657 0.9332E-04                                 2110900400047 
      2.756      5.564  0.340E-03                                 2110900400048 
      3.492      4.620  1.596E-03                                 2110900400049 
      3.492      4.543  0.340E-03                                 2110900400050 
      3.506      4.736 0.9332E-04                                 2110900400051 
      3.742      4.601  0.340E-03                                 2110900400052 
      4.460      3.932  1.596E-03                                 2110900400053 
      4.479      3.788 0.9332E-04                                 2110900400054 
      4.480      3.649  0.340E-03                                 2110900400055 
      5.492      3.446  0.340E-03                                 2110900400056 
      6.336      3.018  1.596E-03                                 2110900400057 
      6.363      2.908  0.340E-03                                 2110900400058 
      6.363      2.848 0.9332E-04                                 2110900400059 
      7.489      2.780  9.330E-05                                 2110900400060 
      7.521      2.700  0.340E-03                                 2110900400061 
      7.995      2.623  1.596E-03                                 2110900400062 
      8.130      2.231  1.596E-03                                 2110900400063 
      8.332      2.222  1.596E-03                                 2110900400064 
      8.404      1.875  1.596E-03                                 2110900400065 
      8.643      2.213  1.596E-03                                 2110900400066 
      8.709      2.657  1.596E-03                                 2110900400067 
      8.927      2.395  0.340E-03                                 2110900400068 
      9.152      2.072  1.596E-03                                 2110900400069 
      9.414      2.251  1.596E-03                                 2110900400070 
      9.531      2.142  1.596E-03                                 2110900400071 
      9.684      2.446  1.596E-03                                 2110900400072 
      9.886      2.242  1.596E-03                                 2110900400073 
     10.091      2.081  1.596E-03                                 2110900400074 
     10.463      2.437  1.596E-03                                 2110900400075 
     10.769      2.206  1.596E-03                                 2110900400076 
     10.854      2.417  1.596E-03                                 2110900400077 
     11.169      2.309  1.596E-03                                 2110900400078 
     11.499      1.908  1.596E-03                                 2110900400079 
     11.590      2.073  1.596E-03                                 2110900400080 
     11.778      2.234  1.596E-03                                 2110900400081 
     12.071      2.108  1.596E-03                                 2110900400082 
     12.623      2.198  1.596E-03                                 2110900400083 
     12.729      2.006  1.596E-03                                 2110900400084 
     13.099      1.949  1.596E-03                                 2110900400085 
     13.534      1.893  1.596E-03                                 2110900400086 
     13.757      1.855  1.596E-03                                 2110900400087 
     14.098      1.839  1.596E-03                                 2110900400088 
     15.231      1.878  1.596E-03                                 2110900400089 
     15.545      1.825  1.596E-03                                 2110900400090 
     16.190      1.879  1.596E-03                                 2110900400091 
     16.460      1.729  1.596E-03                                 2110900400092 
     16.935      1.766  1.596E-03                                 2110900400093 
     17.494      1.825  1.596E-03                                 2110900400094 
     17.866      1.459  1.596E-03                                 2110900400095 
     18.528      1.605  1.596E-03                                 2110900400096 
     19.226      1.441  1.596E-03                                 2110900400097 
     19.617      1.560  1.596E-03                                 2110900400098 
     19.869      1.305  0.340E-03                                 2110900400099 
     20.268      1.515  1.596E-03                                 2110900400100 
     20.774      1.412  1.596E-03                                 2110900400101 
     20.776      1.360  0.340E-03                                 2110900400102 
     21.209      1.247  0.340E-03                                 2110900400103 
     21.462      1.406  1.596E-03                                 2110900400104 
     21.907      1.344  0.340E-03                                 2110900400105 
     22.261      1.460  1.596E-03                                 2110900400106 
     22.623      1.535  1.596E-03                                 2110900400107 
     22.636      1.273  0.340E-03                                 2110900400108 
     23.382      1.344  1.596E-03                                 2110900400109 
     23.475      1.372  0.340E-03                                 2110900400110 
     24.160      1.263  0.340E-03                                 2110900400111 
     24.352      1.367  1.596E-03                                 2110900400112 
     25.059      1.328  1.596E-03                                 2110900400113 
     25.895      1.222  0.340E-03                                 2110900400114 
     26.204      1.378  1.596E-03                                 2110900400115 
     26.316      1.295  0.340E-03                                 2110900400116 
     27.074      1.333  1.596E-03                                 2110900400117 
     27.653      1.027  0.340E-03                                 2110900400118 
     28.097      1.163  1.596E-03                                 2110900400119 
     28.439      1.207  0.340E-03                                 2110900400120 
     29.135      1.301  1.596E-03                                 2110900400121 
     29.264      1.163  0.340E-03                                 2110900400122 
     30.106      1.223  1.596E-03                                 2110900400123 
     30.603      1.188  0.340E-03                                 2110900400124 
     31.355      1.259  1.596E-03                                 2110900400125 
     32.015      1.075  0.340E-03                                 2110900400126 
     32.397      1.208  1.596E-03                                 2110900400127 
     33.069      1.140  0.340E-03                                 2110900400128 
     33.742      1.223  1.596E-03                                 2110900400129 
     34.451      1.071  0.340E-03                                 2110900400130 
     35.152      1.149  1.596E-03                                 2110900400131 
     35.735      1.089  0.340E-03                                 2110900400132 
     36.452      1.275  1.596E-03                                 2110900400133 
     37.524      1.094  0.340E-03                                 2110900400134 
     38.133      1.159  1.596E-03                                 2110900400135 
     39.094      1.003  0.340E-03                                 2110900400136 
     39.715      1.189  1.596E-03                                 2110900400137 
     40.552      1.015  0.340E-03                                 2110900400138 
     42.576      1.067  0.340E-03                                 2110900400139 
     43.273      1.090  1.596E-03                                 2110900400140 
     44.359      0.974  0.340E-03                                 2110900400141 
     45.437      1.113  1.596E-03                                 2110900400142 
     46.567      1.068  0.340E-03                                 2110900400143 
     47.326      1.113  1.596E-03                                 2110900400144 
     49.324      0.908  0.340E-03                                 2110900400145 
     49.698      1.095  1.596E-03                                 2110900400146 
     50.736      0.991  0.340E-03                                 2110900400147 
     52.413      1.012  1.596E-03                                 2110900400148 
     54.613      0.894  0.340E-03                                 2110900400149 
     54.824      0.959  1.596E-03                                 2110900400150 
     56.184      0.935  0.340E-03                                 2110900400151 
     57.803      0.963  1.596E-03                                 2110900400152 
     59.491      0.883  0.340E-03                                 2110900400153 
     60.948      0.951  1.596E-03                                 2110900400154 
     62.716      0.928  0.340E-03                                 2110900400155 
     66.421      0.816  0.340E-03                                 2110900400156 
     67.481      0.948  1.596E-03                                 2110900400157 
     70.306      0.865  0.340E-03                                 2110900400158 
     72.033      0.913  1.596E-03                                 2110900400159 
     73.834      0.837  0.340E-03                                 2110900400160 
     75.958      0.880  1.596E-03                                 2110900400161 
     78.171      0.820  0.340E-03                                 2110900400162 
     80.430      0.827  1.596E-03                                 2110900400163 
     83.430      0.834  0.340E-03                                 2110900400164 
     85.168      0.768  1.596E-03                                 2110900400165 
     86.912      0.790  0.340E-03                                 2110900400166 
     89.408      0.841  0.340E-03                                 2110900400167 
     91.626      0.824  1.596E-03                                 2110900400168 
    103.950      0.845  1.596E-03                                 2110900400169 
ENDDATA            150          0                                 2110900400170 
ENDSUBENT          169          0                                 2110900499999 
SUBENT        21109005   20191104                             22832110900500001 
BIB                  9         34                                 2110900500002 
REACTION  1(67-HO-165(N,EL),,WID)                                 2110900500003 
          2(67-HO-165(N,G),,WID)                                  2110900500004 
          3(67-HO-165(N,0),,J)                                    2110900500005 
ANALYSIS   (AREA) Area analysis applied to capture data and used  2110900500006 
                   with scattering areas to give resonance widths 2110900500007 
                   with chi-squared fitting to select the spin.   2110900500008 
ASSUMED    (ASSUM,67-HO-165(N,0),,J) Value of resonance spin from 2110900500009 
                   BNL-325, 3rd.Edn., where this has been assumed 2110900500010 
                   to select resonance parameters .               2110900500011 
REL-REF    (R,,S.F.Mughabghab+,R,BNL-325,1973) Width data given   2110900500012 
           for both possible spins by authors. Compiled data is   2110900500013 
           for preferred spin values either from publication or   2110900500014 
           from BNL-325, 3rd.Edn.(Comment by compiler).           2110900500015 
FLAG       (1.) Spin value taken from BNL-325, 3rd edn., Vol 1,   2110900500016 
                by compiler.                                      2110900500017 
           (2.) Spin value provisional in BNL-325, 3rd edn.       2110900500018 
           (3.) Preferred spin value measured in publication.     2110900500019 
           (4.) Tentative spin assignment from publication from   2110900500020 
                chi-squared test.                                 2110900500021 
           (5.) Tentative spin assignment from publication        2110900500022 
                assuming gamma width of 75.7+-2.4 milli-eV.       2110900500023 
           (6.) No preferred spin from either publication or      2110900500024 
                BNL-325. widths for both possible spins given.    2110900500025 
CORRECTION  Multiple scattering corrections applied to capture    2110900500026 
            data.                                                 2110900500027 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Errors due to multiple scattering              2110900500028 
            corrections, to the measurement of the energy         2110900500029 
            dependence of the incident neutron flux and           2110900500030 
           (ERR-1) error in capture detector efficiency.          2110900500031 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 2 from Nucl.Phys.,A108(1968)535          2110900500032 
HISTORY    (19800124A)                                            2110900500033 
           (19800227A)                                            2110900500034 
           (20191104U) SD: STATUS updated. REL-REF added. COMMENT 2110900500035 
           deleted (info moved to REL-REF). ERR-ANALYS updated.   2110900500036 
ENDBIB              34          0                                 2110900500037 
COMMON               1          3                                 2110900500038 
ERR-1                                                             2110900500039 
PER-CENT                                                          2110900500040 
  3.                                                              2110900500041 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2110900500042 
DATA                 8         47                                 2110900500043 
EN-RES     DATA      1ERR-T     1DATA      2ERR-T     2DATA      32110900500044 
ASSUM      FLAG                                                   2110900500045 
EV         MILLI-EV   MILLI-EV   MILLI-EV   MILLI-EV   NO-DIM     2110900500046 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                                 2110900500047 
       8.14       0.17       0.06                                 2110900500048 
         3.         1.                                            2110900500049 
      12.63       15.0       0.15                                 2110900500050 
         4.         1.                                            2110900500051 
      18.08       1.35       0.14                                 2110900500052 
         3.         1.                                            2110900500053 
      20.97       0.63        0.2                                 2110900500054 
         4.         1.                                            2110900500055 
      35.42        7.4        0.1       72.6        5.5         3.2110900500056 
                    3.                                            2110900500057 
      37.24       0.75        0.3                                 2110900500058 
         3.         1.                                            2110900500059 
      39.59       19.5        0.2       90.1        4.5         4.2110900500060 
                    3.                                            2110900500061 
      47.63       26.9        0.3       90.0        2.1           2110900500062 
         3.         1.                                            2110900500063 
      51.36       54.0        1.2       79.0        2.6         3.2110900500064 
                    3.                                            2110900500065 
      54.22        3.3        0.8                                 2110900500066 
         4.         1.                                            2110900500067 
      64.96       20.6        0.3       74.6        2.0         4.2110900500068 
                    3.                                            2110900500069 
      68.75         1.        0.3                                 2110900500070 
         4.         1.                                            2110900500071 
      71.73       23.7        0.3       74.9        1.8         4.2110900500072 
                    3.                                            2110900500073 
      79.92        1.6        0.7                                 2110900500074 
         4.         1.                                            2110900500075 
      83.76       11.2        0.2       66.7        4.3           2110900500076 
         4.         1.                                            2110900500077 
      93.34       87.4        1.0       76.7        1.6         4.2110900500078 
                    3.                                            2110900500079 
      101.7       18.8        0.3       75.9        2.6         4.2110900500080 
                    3.                                            2110900500081 
      106.1        7.5        0.5                                 2110900500082 
         4.         1.                                            2110900500083 
      117.8       15.3        0.4       80.1        3.6           2110900500084 
         3.         6.                                            2110900500085 
      117.8       12.0        0.3       70.3        4.2           2110900500086 
         4.         6.                                            2110900500087 
      120.4        7.5        0.7                                 2110900500088 
         3.         6.                                            2110900500089 
      120.4        5.8        0.5                                 2110900500090 
         4.         6.                                            2110900500091 
      124.7       37.1        0.5       74.1        1.6           2110900500092 
         4.         1.                                            2110900500093 
      126.6       23.6        0.4       73.0        4.2         4.2110900500094 
                    5.                                            2110900500095 
      128.1       20.7        0.4       65.0        4.6         3.2110900500096 
                    3.                                            2110900500097 
      141.0        1.6        0.4                                 2110900500098 
         3.         6.                                            2110900500099 
      141.0        1.2        0.3                                 2110900500100 
         4.         6.                                            2110900500101 
      150.8       42.5        0.6       71.7        2.7           2110900500102 
         3.         1.                                            2110900500103 
      169.4       22.6        0.5       75.6        5.6         3.2110900500104 
                    5.                                            2110900500105 
      169.4       17.7        0.4       60.2         5.           2110900500106 
         4.         2.                                            2110900500107 
      180.5       39.6        0.8       161.        9.7           2110900500108 
         3.         6.                                            2110900500109 
      180.5       30.4        0.6      121.6        5.5           2110900500110 
         4.         6.                                            2110900500111 
      188.4       16.2        0.5       70.6        5.3         4.2110900500112 
                    4.                                            2110900500113 
      201.8       75.6        1.0       75.5        1.7         4.2110900500114 
                    3.                                            2110900500115 
      204.5       12.0        1.4                                 2110900500116 
         3.         6.                                            2110900500117 
      204.5        9.5        1.1                                 2110900500118 
         4.         6.                                            2110900500119 
      214.2       60.6        1.0       75.2        1.7         3.2110900500120 
                    5.                                            2110900500121 
      220.0       29.7        0.7       81.7        5.0         4.2110900500122 
                    5.                                            2110900500123 
      229.6       11.5        1.5                                 2110900500124 
         3.         6.                                            2110900500125 
      229.6        8.5        1.2                                 2110900500126 
         4.         6.                                            2110900500127 
      232.5        7.0        1.0                                 2110900500128 
         3.         6.                                            2110900500129 
      232.5        5.5        0.7                                 2110900500130 
         4.         6.                                            2110900500131 
      239.1       31.2        0.8       83.6        5.0         4.2110900500132 
                    4.                                            2110900500133 
      253.9      160.5        2.3      188.7        4.2           2110900500134 
         3.         6.                                            2110900500135 
      253.9      125.0        1.8      146.0        3.5           2110900500136 
         4.         6.                                            2110900500137 
      261.0       37.8        1.0       85.8         7.           2110900500138 
         3.         6.                                            2110900500139 
      261.0       29.7        0.9        69.        4.3           2110900500140 
         4.         6.                                            2110900500141 
ENDDATA             98          0                                 2110900500142 
ENDSUBENT          141          0                                 2110900599999 
ENDENTRY             5          0                                 2110999999999