ENTRY            21230   20170805                             22632123000000001 
SUBENT        21230001   20170805                             22632123000100001 
BIB                 16         42                                 2123000100002 
INSTITUTE  (2ZZZGEL)                                              2123000100003 
REFERENCE  (J,ZP,213,185,1968) Curves and Legendre fits.          2123000100004 
           (R,EUR-2798E,1966) - The experimental results in the   2123000100005 
           lab. system together with the measuring equipment have 2123000100006 
           been reported                                          2123000100007 
           (C,65ANTWERP,,557,1965) Abst.                          2123000100008 
           (P,EANDC(E)-66,131,1966) Abst.                         2123000100009 
AUTHOR     (M.Coppola,H.H.Knitter)                                2123000100010 
TITLE       A study of levels in the highly excited Si-29 nucleus 2123000100011 
FACILITY   (VDG,2ZZZGEL) Van de Graff.                            2123000100012 
INC-SOURCE (P-T) Proton beam on tritium target. TiT target,       2123000100013 
            1. mg/cm2 thick.                                      2123000100014 
INC-SPECT  (EN-RSL) - The neutron energy spreads due to target    2123000100015 
            thickness and finite geometry                         2123000100016 
SAMPLE      Silicon cylinder of 2.2 cm diam. and 3.0 cm height.   2123000100017 
           The weight of this sample was ( 26.676 +- 0.001)g.     2123000100018 
METHOD     (TOF) Time of flight.                                  2123000100019 
DETECTOR   (SCIN) The detector itself was a 56 AVP photomultiplier2123000100020 
           tube facing a stilbene crystal of 45 mm diam. and 30 mm2123000100021 
           thickness.                                             2123000100022 
           (LONGC) The neutron flux from the target was monitored 2123000100023 
            with a long counter of the Hanson-Mc Kibben type      2123000100024 
REL-REF    (I,,A.O.Hanson+,J,PR,72,673,1947) - counter of the     2123000100025 
                 Hansoh-Mc Kibben type description                2123000100026 
MONITOR    (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG) Polyethelene scatterer.        2123000100027 
CORRECTION  The experimental points were corrected:               2123000100028 
             *  for neutron flux attenuation,                     2123000100029 
             *  for multiple scattering in the sample,            2123000100030 
             *  for finite geometry.                              2123000100031 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Uncertainty in stability of neutron flux       2123000100032 
           (DATA-ERR) One standard deviation from fits to         2123000100033 
            differential measurements.                            2123000100034 
           (ERR-S,,2.) Statistical errors on the measured points  2123000100035 
           were always in the order of or better than 2.0%.       2123000100036 
           (ERR-T) Overall accuracies of the absolute cross       2123000100037 
           sections are estimated to be around 6%.                2123000100038 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table from ZP,213,185,1968                     2123000100039 
HISTORY    (19800110T)                                            2123000100040 
           (20170805A) SD:Updated to new date formats,lower case. 2123000100041 
           REACTION code corrected in Subents 002-008. Title and  2123000100042 
           Refs update. Meaningless zeros were deleted from the   2123000100043 
           data. Subents 002-008 merged. Subents 003-008 deleted. 2123000100044 
ENDBIB              42          0                                 2123000100045 
COMMON               2          3                                 2123000100046 
ERR-1      ERR-T                                                  2123000100047 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                               2123000100048 
  1.         6.0                                                  2123000100049 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2123000100050 
ENDSUBENT           49          0                                 2123000199999 
SUBENT        21230002   20170805                             22632123000200001 
BIB                  2          4                                 2123000200002 
REACTION   (14-SI-0(N,EL)14-SI-0,,DA,,LEG) Legendre coefficients  2123000200003 
            to fit elastic angular distribution.                  2123000200004 
HISTORY    (20170805A) SD: SF4=Si-0 was added to REACTION code.   2123000200005 
           Subents 002-008 merged in one.                         2123000200006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 2123000200007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2123000200008 
DATA                 5         42                                 2123000200009 
EN         EN-RSL     NUMBER     DATA       DATA-ERR              2123000200010 
MEV        MEV        NO-DIM     MB/SR      MB/SR                 2123000200011 
       0.57      0.122         0.      350.5        2.8           2123000200012 
       0.57      0.122         1.      211.8        6.3           2123000200013 
       0.57      0.122         2.      169.8        9.2           2123000200014 
       0.57      0.122         3.      -13.7       18.7           2123000200015 
       0.57      0.122         4.        3.2        3.1           2123000200016 
       0.57      0.122         5.      -28.6       17.3           2123000200017 
       0.84      0.110         0.      355.2        2.8           2123000200018 
       0.84      0.110         1.      332.7        5.0           2123000200019 
       0.84      0.110         2.      170.3        6.6           2123000200020 
       0.84      0.110         3.        8.2        6.6           2123000200021 
       0.84      0.110         4.      -28.6        9.1           2123000200022 
       0.84      0.110         5.      -14.7        9.3           2123000200023 
       1.00      0.104         0.      342.1        3.0           2123000200024 
       1.00      0.104         1.      439.1        6.3           2123000200025 
       1.00      0.104         2.      219.7        9.1           2123000200026 
       1.00      0.104         3.        3.4        5.3           2123000200027 
       1.00      0.104         4.        5.0        8.1           2123000200028 
       1.00      0.104         5.        3.3       16.2           2123000200029 
       1.41      0.092         0.      210.6        1.7           2123000200030 
       1.41      0.092         1.      211.4        3.3           2123000200031 
       1.41      0.092         2.      103.7        4.6           2123000200032 
       1.41      0.092         3.      -22.6        5.4           2123000200033 
       1.41      0.092         4.       -8.0        9.1           2123000200034 
       1.41      0.092         5.        9.2        6.9           2123000200035 
       1.75      0.084         0.      144.4        1.3           2123000200036 
       1.75      0.084         1.      111.1        2.4           2123000200037 
       1.75      0.084         2.      121.5        3.4           2123000200038 
       1.75      0.084         3.       68.4        4.5           2123000200039 
       1.75      0.084         4.       23.0        4.5           2123000200040 
       1.75      0.084         5.      -14.8        5.6           2123000200041 
       1.94      0.082         0.      260.9        2.5           2123000200042 
       1.94      0.082         1.      354.9        6.1           2123000200043 
       1.94      0.082         2.      287.0        8.2           2123000200044 
       1.94      0.082         3.      117.6       10.2           2123000200045 
       1.94      0.082         4.        8.4        4.8           2123000200046 
       1.94      0.082         5.        3.0        4.5           2123000200047 
       2.28      0.071         0.      206.1        3.1           2123000200048 
       2.28      0.071         1.      265.4        5.8           2123000200049 
       2.28      0.071         2.      222.1        8.4           2123000200050 
       2.28      0.071         3.       72.5       11.3           2123000200051 
       2.28      0.071         4.       15.3       15.3           2123000200052 
       2.28      0.071         5.      -12.4       15.4           2123000200053 
ENDDATA             44          0                                 2123000200054 
ENDSUBENT           53          0                                 2123000299999 
NOSUBENT      21230003   20170805                             22632123000300001 
NOSUBENT      21230004   20170805                             22632123000400001 
NOSUBENT      21230005   20170805                             22632123000500001 
NOSUBENT      21230006   20170805                             22632123000600001 
NOSUBENT      21230007   20170805                             22632123000700001 
NOSUBENT      21230008   20170805                             22632123000800001 
ENDENTRY             8          0                                 2123099999999