ENTRY            21411   20151212                             22462141100000001 
SUBENT        21411001   20151212                             22462141100100001 
BIB                 15         28                                 2141100100002 
INSTITUTE  (2UK BIA)                                              2141100100003 
REFERENCE  (J,JIN,31,2957,196909)                                 2141100100004 
AUTHOR     (A.J.Cox,P.E.Francois)                                 2141100100005 
TITLE       A re-assessment of the isomeric cross section ratio   2141100100006 
            in Ge-75                                              2141100100007 
FACILITY   (VDG,2UK BIA) SAMES accelerator, 150 kV.               2141100100008 
INC-SOURCE (D-T) 150 keV deuterium beam on tritium target         2141100100009 
            giving neutrons of 14.5 MeV with an energy spread     2141100100010 
            of +- 0.2 MeV.                                        2141100100011 
SAMPLE     A few grams of spectrographically-pure arsenic trioxide2141100100012 
METHOD     (ACTIV) Activation.                                    2141100100013 
           (ASSOP) Associated particle technique for neutron      2141100100014 
            flux monitor.                                         2141100100015 
DETECTOR   (NAICR) 3 by 3 inch NaI(Tl) crystal.                   2141100100016 
MONITOR    (1-H-3(D,N)2-HE-4,,SIG) Associated alpha counting.     2141100100017 
COMMENT    From compiler: This measurement is in disagreement with2141100100018 
           previous data in NP/A,93,74,1967 (see Entry 20303).    2141100100019 
STATUS     (TABLE) From the text on p.2958 of JIN,31,2957,1969    2141100100020 
CORRECTION  Corrected for self absorption of decay gammas.        2141100100021 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Principal uncertainties are from decay      2141100100022 
           scheme data, gamma ray absorption in sample, NaI(Tl)   2141100100023 
           detector efficiency and neutron flux monitor. All      2141100100024 
           uncertainties are combined in quadrature to give the   2141100100025 
           quoted error.                                          2141100100026 
HISTORY    (19800304T)                                            2141100100027 
           (20151212A) SD:Updated to new date formats,lower case. 2141100100028 
            Correction following last EXFOR rules and Dict.       2141100100029 
           DECAY-DATA corrected in Subent 002.                    2141100100030 
ENDBIB              28          0                                 2141100100031 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2141100100032 
ENDSUBENT           31          0                                 2141100199999 
SUBENT        21411002   20151212                             22462141100200001 
BIB                  3          8                                 2141100200002 
REACTION   (33-AS-75(N,P)32-GE-75-M/G,,SIG/RAT) Ratio of cross    2141100200003 
            sections to isomeric and ground states.               2141100200004 
DECAY-DATA (32-GE-75-M,48.SEC,DG,136.) measured after 2.min       2141100200005 
                                                    irradiation   2141100200006 
           (32-GE-75-G,82.MIN,DG,264.) measured after 30.min      2141100200007 
                                                    irradiation   2141100200008 
HISTORY    (20151212A) SD: Ge-75 -> Ge-75m (half-life=48.sec) in  2141100200009 
           DECAY-DATA.                                            2141100200010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 2141100200011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2141100200012 
DATA                 4          1                                 2141100200013 
EN         EN-RSL     DATA       DATA-ERR                         2141100200014 
MEV        MEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM                           2141100200015 
 14.5        0.2       0.82       0.08                            2141100200016 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2141100200017 
ENDSUBENT           16          0                                 2141100299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 2141199999999