ENTRY 21412 20230315 23162141200000001 SUBENT 21412001 20230315 23162141200100001 BIB 12 25 2141200100002 TITLE Mass distribution in the fission of Np-237 with 2141200100003 epi-cadmium neutrons 2141200100004 AUTHOR (R.Stella,L.G.Moretto,V.Maxia,M.Di Casa,V.Crespi, 2141200100005 M.A.Rollier) 2141200100006 INSTITUTE (2ITYPAV) Radio chemistry lab. 2141200100007 REFERENCE (J,JIN,31,3739,1969) 2141200100008 (J,RIC,37,357,1967) - part of data. 2141200100009 FACILITY (REAC,2ITYPAV) 2141200100010 INC-SOURCE (REAC) Reactor neutrons. 2141200100011 INC-SPECT The reactor spectrum has a thermal flux of 2141200100012 1.0E+13 n/sec and a cadmium ratio for gold of about 2.2141200100013 The sample of Np-237 was shielded by 2 mm cadmium to 2141200100014 eliminate thermal capture. 2141200100015 SAMPLE Neptunium dioxide from O.R.N.L. 10 mg NpO2 and 0.6 mg 2141200100016 of 93% enriched uranium 235. Fission products 2141200100017 were chemically separated by precipitation and 2141200100018 solvent extraction procedures before counting. 2141200100019 METHOD (ACTIV) 2141200100020 DETECTOR (NAICR) NaI(Tl) crystal, 3 by 3 inch. 2141200100021 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Uncertainties are one standard deviation 2141200100022 from average of several independent measurements. 2141200100023 HISTORY (19800304C) 2141200100024 (20211224A) SD:Updated to new date formats,lower case. 2141200100025 Corrections in all Subents. 2141200100026 (20230315U) SD: Ref. RIC,37,357 added. 2141200100027 ENDBIB 25 0 2141200100028 COMMON 1 3 2141200100029 EN-MIN 2141200100030 EV 2141200100031 6.3000E-01 2141200100032 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2141200100033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 2141200199999 SUBENT 21412002 20211224 23062141200200001 BIB 5 23 2141200200002 REACTION (93-NP-237(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,EPI) 2141200200003 DECAY-DATA (39-Y-93-G,10.00HR,DG) 2141200200004 (40-ZR-95,65.00D,DG) 2141200200005 (40-ZR-97,17.00HR,DG) 2141200200006 (42-MO-99,66.00HR,DG) 2141200200007 (47-AG-111-G,7.50D,DG) 2141200200008 (48-CD-115-G,2.30D,DG) 2141200200009 (53-I-131,8.06D,DG) 2141200200010 (52-TE-132,78.00HR,DG) 2141200200011 (53-I-133-G,20.80HR,DG) 2141200200012 (54-XE-135-G,9.20HR,DG) 2141200200013 (57-LA-140,40.00HR,DG,1600.) 2141200200014 (58-CE-141,32.50D,DG) 2141200200015 (58-CE-143,33.40HR,DG) 2141200200016 (58-CE-144,284.00D,DG) 2141200200017 (60-ND-147,11.10D,DG) 2141200200018 (61-PM-149,53.00HR,DG) 2141200200019 (61-PM-151,28.40HR,DG) 2141200200020 (62-SM-153,47.00HR,DG) 2141200200021 MONITOR (93-NP-237(N,F)57-LA-140,CUM,FY,,SPA) 2141200200022 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl.1 from J.Inorg.Nucl.Chem.,31(1969)3739 2141200200023 HISTORY (20211224A) SD: SP8=SPA -> EPI in REACTION code. 2141200200024 STATUS updated. 2141200200025 ENDBIB 23 0 2141200200026 COMMON 1 3 2141200200027 MONIT 2141200200028 PC/FIS 2141200200029 6.35 2141200200030 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2141200200031 DATA 4 17 2141200200032 ELEMENT MASS DATA DATA-ERR 2141200200033 NO-DIM NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS 2141200200034 39. 93. 5.72 0.08 2141200200035 40. 95. 5.70 0.12 2141200200036 40. 97. 6.04 0.11 2141200200037 42. 99. 6.78 0.24 2141200200038 47. 111. 0.122 0.007 2141200200039 48. 115. 0.053 0.003 2141200200040 52. 132. 6.72 0.22 2141200200041 53. 131. 3.47 0.28 2141200200042 53. 133. 6.42 0.58 2141200200043 54. 135. 5.35 0.13 2141200200044 58. 141. 6.67 0.11 2141200200045 58. 143. 5.54 0.12 2141200200046 58. 144. 5.07 0.17 2141200200047 60. 147. 3.21 0.15 2141200200048 61. 149. 1.88 0.14 2141200200049 61. 151. 1.07 0.05 2141200200050 62. 153. 0.44 0.07 2141200200051 ENDDATA 19 0 2141200200052 ENDSUBENT 51 0 2141200299999 SUBENT 21412003 20211224 23062141200300001 BIB 5 11 2141200300002 REACTION (93-NP-237(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,EPI/FCT) 2141200300003 ANALYSIS Relative yields in table 1 were converted to absolute 2141200300004 values by normalizing the area under the fission yield2141200300005 curve to 200%. 2141200300006 MONITOR (92-U-235(N,F)56-BA-140,CUM,FY) Value taken 2141200300007 as 5.60 pc/fis, and assumed to be the same for both 2141200300008 U-235 thermal fission and Np-237 epi-cadmium fission. 2141200300009 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl.2 from J.Inorg.Nucl.Chem.,31(1969)3739 2141200300010 (DEP,21412002) 2141200300011 HISTORY (20211224A) SD: SP8=SPA -> EPI/FCT in REACTION code. 2141200300012 STATUS updated. 2141200300013 ENDBIB 11 0 2141200300014 COMMON 1 3 2141200300015 MONIT 2141200300016 PC/FIS 2141200300017 5.6 2141200300018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2141200300019 DATA 4 17 2141200300020 ELEMENT MASS DATA DATA-ERR 2141200300021 NO-DIM NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS 2141200300022 39. 93. 5.15 0.07 2141200300023 40. 95. 5.13 0.10 2141200300024 40. 97. 5.44 0.10 2141200300025 42. 99. 6.11 0.21 2141200300026 47. 111. 0.11 0.006 2141200300027 48. 115. 0.045 0.003 2141200300028 52. 132. 5.92 0.19 2141200300029 53. 131. 3.06 0.25 2141200300030 53. 133. 5.66 0.51 2141200300031 54. 135. 4.71 0.11 2141200300032 58. 141. 5.88 0.10 2141200300033 58. 143. 4.88 0.11 2141200300034 58. 144. 4.47 0.15 2141200300035 60. 147. 2.83 0.13 2141200300036 61. 149. 1.66 0.12 2141200300037 61. 151. 0.94 0.04 2141200300038 62. 153. 0.39 0.04 2141200300039 ENDDATA 19 0 2141200300040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 2141200399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 2141299999999