ENTRY 21568 20230212 23142156800000001 SUBENT 21568001 20230212 23142156800100001 BIB 12 82 2156800100002 TITLE Measurement of the U-235(n,2n) cross section between 2156800100003 threshold and 13 MeV 2156800100004 AUTHOR (J.Frehaut, A.Bertin, R.Bois) 2156800100005 REFERENCE (J,NSE,74,29,1980) For experimental information and 2156800100006 U-235 data. 2156800100007 (W,FREHAUT,19800609) Letter of J.Frehaut. 2156800100008 (R,CEA-R-6447,2016) Revised data 2156800100009 INSTITUTE (2FR BRC) Service De Physique Neutronique Et 2156800100010 Nucleaire. 2156800100011 REL-REF (M,,J.Frehaut,J,NIM,135,511,1976) 2156800100012 Ref. for setup, method, corrections details. 2156800100013 (O,21971004,J.Frehaut,R,CEA-R-6447,201611) 2156800100014 H-2 n,2n cross section 2156800100015 (O,21669001,J.Frehaut,R,CEA-R-6447,201611) 2156800100016 C-13 n,2n cross section 2156800100017 (O,20416001,J.Frehaut,R,CEA-R-6447,201611) 2156800100018 Lot of other n,2n cross-sections . 2156800100019 FACILITY (VDGT,2FR BRC) 14 MeV Tandem Van de Graaff, 2156800100020 2.5 MHz, pulse width ~2 ns. 2156800100021 DETECTOR (STANK) Large Gd-loaded liquid scintillator. 2156800100022 Detector efficiency determined relative to the 2156800100023 average number of prompt neutrons per spontaneous 2156800100024 fission of Cf-252, taken as 3.732 and Maxwellian 2156800100025 spectrum temperature 1.43 MeV. 2156800100026 En,MeV Efficiency smoothed,% Efficiency ,% 2156800100027 0.25 80.00 79.90 2156800100028 0.50 79.80 77.90 2156800100029 0.75 79.60 79.20 2156800100030 1.00 79.30 80.70 2156800100031 1.25 78.90 79.30 2156800100032 1.50 78.40 79.30 2156800100033 1.75 77.70 77.10 2156800100034 2.00 76.90 77.20 2156800100035 2.25 75.90 73.10 2156800100036 2.50 74.90 71.90 2156800100037 2.75 73.80 75.70 2156800100038 3.00 72.70 74.30 2156800100039 3.25 71.40 71.80 2156800100040 3.50 70.30 70.10 2156800100041 3.75 69.30 70.40 2156800100042 4.00 68.40 68.50 2156800100043 4.25 67.40 70.20 2156800100044 4.50 66.40 66.60 2156800100045 4.75 65.40 63.20 2156800100046 5.00 64.60 64.60 2156800100047 5.25 63.70 64.80 2156800100048 5.50 62.90 61.70 2156800100049 5.75 62.10 63.20 2156800100050 6.00 61.30 60.60 2156800100051 6.25 60.60 61.40 2156800100052 6.50 59.90 59.20 2156800100053 6.75 59.30 56.00 2156800100054 7.00 58.80 56.40 2156800100055 7.25 58.20 57.70 2156800100056 7.50 57.50 59.20 2156800100057 7.75 56.80 58.20 2156800100058 8.00 56.00 56.90 2156800100059 8.25 55.20 56.50 2156800100060 8.50 54.20 51.00 2156800100061 8.75 53.30 51.00 2156800100062 9.00 52.30 53.90 2156800100063 9.25 51.30 51.00 2156800100064 9.50 50.20 49.80 2156800100065 9.75 49.90 50.30 2156800100066 10.00 49.50 49.90 2156800100067 ASSUMED (ASSUM,98-CF-252(N,F),,NU) 2156800100068 ANALYSIS Determination of the neutron multiplicity 2156800100069 distribution for the detected events. 2156800100070 CORRECTION Background, dead time, efficiency, multiple events, 2156800100071 fission events with a multiplicity of 2 neutrons. 2156800100072 COMMENT 1985-06-18 -Letter of J.Frehaut containing U-238 2156800100073 data from NSE,74,29,1980 but corrected for the change 2156800100074 in detection efficiency resulting from the difference 2156800100075 between the energy spectra of (n,2n) and fission 2156800100076 neutrons. 2156800100077 HISTORY (19800609C) G.C. 2156800100078 (19850618C) CN. 2156800100079 (20170125A) M.M. Upper -> lower case correction. Dates 2156800100080 were corrected for 4-digits year. REL-REFs were added. 2156800100081 New ref. R,CEA-R-6447 was added. Subent 004 was added. 2156800100082 EN-RSL->EN-RSL-HW. Ref. W,FREHAUT,19850618 was deleted.2156800100083 (20230212A) SD: Correction in Subents 005, 006. 2156800100084 ENDBIB 82 0 2156800100085 COMMON 1 3 2156800100086 ASSUM 2156800100087 PRT/FIS 2156800100088 3.732 2156800100089 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2156800100090 ENDSUBENT 89 0 2156800199999 SUBENT 21568002 20170125 22592156800200001 BIB 8 13 2156800200002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,2N)92-U-234,,SIG) 2156800200003 INC-SOURCE (P-T) Proton-tritium reaction on gaseous target. 2156800200004 SAMPLE .Metallic enriched sample. Disk of 25 mm diam., 2156800200005 about 15 gram. 2156800200006 MONITOR ((MONIT)92-U-235(N,F),,SIG) Taken from ENDF/B-5. 2156800200007 MONIT-REF (,,3,ENDF/B-V,,1978) 2156800200008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error only. No contribution for the2156800200009 reference monitor reaction. 2156800200010 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1, NSE,74,29,1980 2156800200011 (SPSDD,21568004) Superseded by revised data 2156800200012 HISTORY (19800609C) G.C. 2156800200013 (19800612E) 2156800200014 (20170225A) M.M. DATA-ERR -> ERR-S 2156800200015 ENDBIB 13 0 2156800200016 NOCOMMON 0 0 2156800200017 DATA 5 16 2156800200018 EN EN-RSL-HW MONIT DATA ERR-S 2156800200019 MEV MEV B B B 2156800200020 5.7300E+00 9.0000E-02 1.0600E+00 4.0000E-03 2.4000E-02 2156800200021 5.9800E+00 9.0000E-02 1.1120E+00 1.2800E-01 2.3000E-02 2156800200022 6.4900E+00 8.5000E-02 1.3640E+00 2.7300E-01 3.0000E-02 2156800200023 7.0100E+00 8.0000E-02 1.5530E+00 3.5500E-01 3.2000E-02 2156800200024 7.5200E+00 7.5000E-02 1.7200E+00 4.6300E-01 3.4000E-02 2156800200025 8.0300E+00 7.5000E-02 1.7820E+00 4.8200E-01 3.8000E-02 2156800200026 8.5400E+00 7.0000E-02 1.7820E+00 6.1400E-01 5.2000E-02 2156800200027 9.0400E+00 6.5000E-02 1.7700E+00 6.4200E-01 4.3000E-02 2156800200028 9.5500E+00 6.5000E-02 1.7600E+00 7.3400E-01 4.8000E-02 2156800200029 1.0060E+01 6.0000E-02 1.7480E+00 7.7200E-01 5.5000E-02 2156800200030 1.0560E+01 6.0000E-02 1.7370E+00 7.7500E-01 5.5000E-02 2156800200031 1.1070E+01 5.5000E-02 1.7320E+00 8.5700E-01 6.6000E-02 2156800200032 1.1570E+01 5.5000E-02 1.7340E+00 8.7000E-01 7.1000E-02 2156800200033 1.2080E+01 5.5000E-02 1.7510E+00 8.5700E-01 8.5000E-02 2156800200034 1.2580E+01 5.0000E-02 1.8400E+00 8.6300E-01 1.0900E-01 2156800200035 1.3090E+01 5.0000E-02 1.9300E+00 7.1700E-01 1.1000E-01 2156800200036 ENDDATA 18 0 2156800200037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 2156800299999 SUBENT 21568003 20170125 22592156800300001 BIB 8 17 2156800300002 REACTION (92-U-238(N,2N)92-U-237,,SIG) 2156800300003 INC-SOURCE (P-T) Proton-tritium reaction on gaseous target. 2156800300004 SAMPLE .Metallic enriched sample. Disk of 25 mm diam., 2156800300005 about 15 gram. 2156800300006 MONITOR ((MONIT)92-U-238(N,F),,SIG) Taken from evaluation of 2156800300007 Sowerby et al.,AERE-R-72/73 (1973). 2156800300008 MONIT-REF (,M.G.Sowerby+,R,AERE-R-72/73,1973) 2156800300009 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error only. No contribution for the2156800300010 reference monitor reaction. 2156800300011 STATUS (TABLE) Data from Frehaut's letter of 18th June 1985. 2156800300012 Prelim. data in Table 1 of NSE,74,29,1980 2156800300013 (SPSDD,21568005) Superseded by revised data 2156800300014 HISTORY (19800609C) G.C. 2156800300015 (19800612E) 2156800300016 (19850618C) CN. 2156800300017 (19850723E) 2156800300018 (20170225A) M.M. DATA-ERR -> ERR-S 2156800300019 ENDBIB 17 0 2156800300020 NOCOMMON 0 0 2156800300021 DATA 5 14 2156800300022 EN EN-RSL-HW MONIT DATA ERR-S 2156800300023 MEV MEV B B B 2156800300024 6.4900E+00 8.5000E-02 5.0000E-03 5.0000E-02 2156800300025 7.0100E+00 8.0000E-02 8.7300E-01 3.0300E-01 4.4000E-02 2156800300026 7.5200E+00 7.5000E-02 9.3100E-01 5.8400E-01 5.3000E-02 2156800300027 8.0300E+00 7.5000E-02 9.5500E-01 8.3100E-01 7.0000E-02 2156800300028 8.5400E+00 7.0000E-02 9.6300E-01 1.0790E+00 8.3000E-02 2156800300029 9.0400E+00 6.5000E-02 9.6300E-01 1.1010E+00 8.3000E-02 2156800300030 9.5500E+00 6.5000E-02 9.5800E-01 1.2150E+00 8.2000E-02 2156800300031 1.0060E+01 6.0000E-02 9.5000E-01 1.2310E+00 9.3000E-02 2156800300032 1.0560E+01 6.0000E-02 9.4800E-01 1.2580E+00 8.0000E-02 2156800300033 1.1070E+01 5.5000E-02 9.5300E-01 1.3390E+00 9.7000E-02 2156800300034 1.1570E+01 5.5000E-02 9.6000E-01 1.3470E+00 1.1500E-01 2156800300035 1.2080E+01 5.5000E-02 9.7100E-01 1.3170E+00 9.8000E-02 2156800300036 1.2580E+01 5.8000E-02 9.8800E-01 1.3030E+00 1.2500E-01 2156800300037 1.3090E+01 5.0000E-02 1.0160E+00 1.2100E+00 1.0500E-01 2156800300038 ENDDATA 16 0 2156800300039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 2156800399999 SUBENT 21568004 20170125 22592156800400001 BIB 8 37 2156800400002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,2N)92-U-234,,SIG) 2156800400003 INC-SOURCE (P-T) 2156800400004 MONITOR (92-U-235(N,F),,SIG) 2156800400005 En,MeV Standard2007 cross-section,barn 2156800400006 5. 0.5467 2156800400007 5.5 0.5463 2156800400008 6. 0.6108 2156800400009 6.5 0.8158 2156800400010 7. 0.9387 2156800400011 8. 1.0111 2156800400012 9. 1.0094 2156800400013 10. 1.0013 2156800400014 11. 1.0019 2156800400015 12. 0.9850 2156800400016 13. 1.0151 2156800400017 14. 1.1434 2156800400018 15. 1.2346 2156800400019 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2156800400020 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2156800400021 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2156800400022 CORRECTION Background correction. 2156800400023 For dead time losses. 2156800400024 Efficiency correction. 2156800400025 Multiple event correction. 2156800400026 For events not induced in sample. 2156800400027 For (n,2n) reactions induced by non-monoenergetic 2156800400028 neutrons. 2156800400029 Correction in the flux measurement. 2156800400030 For the effect of (n,2n) reaction in the axial tube 2156800400031 of scintillator tank - estimated to be negligible. 2156800400032 For reactions induced by degradated neutrons ( -3%) 2156800400033 and loss of secondary neutrons in sample ( +0.5%) . 2156800400034 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of error is not explained. 2156800400035 reference monitor reaction. 2156800400036 STATUS (TABLE) Table 20 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2156800400037 This Subent supersedes Subent 002. 2156800400038 HISTORY (20170225C) M.M. Subent was added. 2156800400039 ENDBIB 37 0 2156800400040 NOCOMMON 0 0 2156800400041 DATA 4 16 2156800400042 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2156800400043 MEV MEV MB MB 2156800400044 5.73 0.090 4. 24. 2156800400045 5.98 0.090 126. 23. 2156800400046 6.49 0.085 267. 30. 2156800400047 7.01 0.080 352. 32. 2156800400048 7.52 0.075 458. 34. 2156800400049 8.03 0.115 483. 38. 2156800400050 8.54 0.070 618. 52. 2156800400051 9.04 0.065 645. 43. 2156800400052 9.55 0.065 738. 48. 2156800400053 10.06 0.060 776. 48. 2156800400054 10.56 0.060 779. 55. 2156800400055 11.07 0.055 857. 66. 2156800400056 11.57 0.055 856. 71. 2156800400057 12.08 0.055 849. 85. 2156800400058 12.58 0.050 852. 109. 2156800400059 13.09 0.050 707. 110. 2156800400060 ENDDATA 18 0 2156800400061 ENDSUBENT 60 0 2156800499999 SUBENT 21568005 20230212 23142156800500001 BIB 8 36 2156800500002 REACTION (92-U-238(N,2N)92-U-237,,SIG) 2156800500003 INC-SOURCE (P-T,D-D) 2156800500004 MONITOR (92-U-238(N,F),,SIG) 2156800500005 Sowerby Standard2007 Ratio 2156800500006 En,MeV Cross-section,barn No-dim.2156800500007 6. 0.613 0.6108 0.9964 2156800500008 6.5 0.753 0.8158 1.0834 2156800500009 7. 0.874 0.9387 1.0740 2156800500010 8. 0.956 1.0111 1.0576 2156800500011 9. 0.963 1.0094 1.0482 2156800500012 10. 0.952 1.0013 1.0518 2156800500013 11. 0.954 1.0019 1.0502 2156800500014 12. 0.966 0.9850 1.0197 2156800500015 13. 1.008 1.0151 1.0070 2156800500016 14. 1.126 1.1434 1.0155 2156800500017 15. 1.238 1.2346 0.9973 2156800500018 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2156800500019 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2156800500020 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2156800500021 CORRECTION Background correction. 2156800500022 For dead time losses. 2156800500023 Efficiency correction. 2156800500024 Multiple event correction. 2156800500025 For events not induced in sample. 2156800500026 For (n,2n) reactions induced by non-monoenergetic 2156800500027 neutrons. 2156800500028 Correction in the flux measurement. 2156800500029 For the effect of (n,2n) reaction in the axial tube 2156800500030 of scintillator tank - estimated to be negligible. 2156800500031 For reactions induced by degraded neutrons ( -3%) 2156800500032 and loss of secondary neutrons in sample ( +0.5%) . 2156800500033 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of error is not explained. 2156800500034 STATUS (TABLE) Table 19 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2156800500035 This Subent supersedes Subents 21568.003 and 20416.0212156800500036 HISTORY (20170225C) M.M. Subent was added. 2156800500037 (20230212A) SD: SF1=U-235 -> U-238 in MONITOR. 2156800500038 ENDBIB 36 0 2156800500039 NOCOMMON 0 0 2156800500040 DATA 4 36 2156800500041 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2156800500042 MEV MEV MB MB 2156800500043 6.49 0.085 27. 33. 2156800500044 6.89 0.185 251. 39. 2156800500045 7.01 0.080 315. 39. 2156800500046 7.41 0.165 630. 27. 2156800500047 7.52 0.075 697. 37. 2156800500048 7.67 0.160 857. 62. 2156800500049 7.93 0.150 916. 25. 2156800500050 8.03 0.115 969. 39. 2156800500051 8.18 0.145 1054. 41. 2156800500052 8.44 0.135 1122. 26. 2156800500053 8.54 0.070 1167. 40. 2156800500054 8.69 0.130 1078. 60. 2156800500055 8.94 0.125 1209. 20. 2156800500056 9.04 0.065 1153. 61. 2156800500057 9.44 0.115 1228. 23. 2156800500058 9.55 0.065 1215. 56. 2156800500059 9.93 0.110 1299. 22. 2156800500060 10.06 0.06 1299. 55. 2156800500061 10.19 0.105 1302. 65. 2156800500062 10.42 0.100 1332. 24. 2156800500063 10.56 0.060 1295. 54. 2156800500064 10.74 0.095 1348. 71. 2156800500065 10.91 0.095 1329. 22. 2156800500066 11.07 0.055 1358. 59. 2156800500067 11.40 0.090 1350. 26. 2156800500068 11.57 0.055 1381. 84. 2156800500069 11.88 0.085 1368. 23. 2156800500070 12.08 0.055 1355. 47. 2156800500071 12.36 0.085 1360. 31. 2156800500072 12.58 0.050 1380. 64. 2156800500073 12.85 0.080 1330. 23. 2156800500074 13.09 0.050 1322. 72. 2156800500075 13.33 0.075 1227. 29. 2156800500076 13.80 0.075 1020. 27. 2156800500077 14.28 0.070 904. 31. 2156800500078 14.76 0.065 757. 32. 2156800500079 ENDDATA 38 0 2156800500080 ENDSUBENT 79 0 2156800599999 SUBENT 21568006 20230212 23142156800600001 BIB 8 31 2156800600002 REACTION (92-U-238(N,3N)92-U-236,,SIG) 2156800600003 INC-SOURCE (D-D) 2156800600004 MONITOR (92-U-238(N,F),,SIG) 2156800600005 Sowerby Standard2007 Ratio 2156800600006 En,MeV Cross-section,barn No-dim.2156800600007 10. 0.952 1.0013 1.0518 2156800600008 11. 0.954 1.0019 1.0502 2156800600009 12. 0.966 0.9850 1.0197 2156800600010 13. 1.008 1.0151 1.0070 2156800600011 14. 1.126 1.1434 1.0155 2156800600012 15. 1.238 1.2346 0.9973 2156800600013 MONIT-REF (,,R,STI/PUB-1291,2007) 2156800600014 International Evaluation of neutron cross-section 2156800600015 Standards. IAEA,Vienna, 2007. 2156800600016 CORRECTION Background correction. 2156800600017 For dead time losses. 2156800600018 Efficiency correction. 2156800600019 Multiple event correction. 2156800600020 For events not induced in sample. 2156800600021 For (n,2n) reactions induced by non-monoenergetic 2156800600022 neutrons. 2156800600023 Correction in the flux measurement. 2156800600024 For the effect of (n,2n) reaction in the axial tube 2156800600025 of scintillator tank - estimated to be negligible. 2156800600026 For reactions induced by degraded neutrons ( -3%) 2156800600027 and loss of secondary neutrons in sample ( +0.5%) 2156800600028 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of error is not explained. 2156800600029 STATUS (TABLE) Table 19 of R,CEA-R-6447,201611 2156800600030 This Subent supersedes Subent 20416.022 2156800600031 HISTORY (20170225C) M.M. Subent was added. 2156800600032 (20230212A) SD: SF1=U-235 -> U-238 in MONITOR. 2156800600033 ENDBIB 31 0 2156800600034 NOCOMMON 0 0 2156800600035 DATA 4 10 2156800600036 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2156800600037 MEV MEV MB MB 2156800600038 11.88 0.085 35. 11. 2156800600039 12.08 0.055 42. 25. 2156800600040 12.36 0.085 66. 13. 2156800600041 12.58 0.050 106. 23. 2156800600042 12.85 0.080 173. 12. 2156800600043 13.09 0.050 188. 31. 2156800600044 13.33 0.075 309. 16. 2156800600045 13.80 0.075 407. 18. 2156800600046 14.28 0.070 515. 24. 2156800600047 14.76 0.065 585. 24. 2156800600048 ENDDATA 12 0 2156800600049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 2156800699999 ENDENTRY 6 0 2156899999999