ENTRY 21595 20230319 23162159500000001 SUBENT 21595001 20230319 23162159500100001 BIB 12 40 2159500100002 TITLE Mass yields in the fission of uranium-235 and 2159500100003 plutonium-239 in the neutron spectrum of a gas-cooled 2159500100004 fast reactor 2159500100005 AUTHOR (M.Rajagopalan,H.S.Pruys,A.Gruetter,H.R.Von Gunten, 2159500100006 E.A.Hermes,R.Richmond,E.Roessler,A.Schmid,P.Wydler) 2159500100007 REFERENCE (J,NSE,58,414,1975) - final publ. 2159500100008 (P,INDC(SEC)-43,83,1974) - prelim.data 2159500100009 ((P,INDC(SWT)-6,15,1974)=(P,NEANDC(OR)-140,15,1974)) 2159500100010 - prelim.data 2159500100011 INSTITUTE (2SWTWUR) 2159500100012 FACILITY (REAC,2SWTWUR) PROTEUS fast reactor, Wuerenlingen. 2159500100013 INC-SOURCE (REAC) Gas-cooled fast reactor. 2159500100014 INC-SPECT Gas-cooled fast reactor spectrum with a flux 2159500100015 of 3 10*9 n/cm*2/sec. A graph of the spectrum is 2159500100016 shown with a broad peak from 0.01 MeV to 1.0 MeV. 2159500100017 The median energy is quoted as 180 keV. 2159500100018 SAMPLE Several 40 mg samples of uranium dioxide, enriched 2159500100019 to 97.5% U-235, and plutonium dioxide, enriched 2159500100020 to 92.1% Pu-239. 2159500100021 Irradiation were performed in the fast zone of the 2159500100022 PROTEUS reactor. The uranium and plutonium samples 2159500100023 were irradiated for 1 and 2 hours, respectively. 2159500100024 METHOD (ACTIV) Gamma-ray spectroscopy of fission products 2159500100025 after chemical separation of fission products in 2159500100026 aqueous solution. Only zirconium, niobium, tellurium 2159500100027 and iodine were partially separated, all other 2159500100028 products were fully extracted. 2159500100029 DETECTOR (GELI) A 40 cm*3 Ge(Li) spectrometer, resolution 2159500100030 of 2.0 keV at 1.3 MeV. Counting started 80 min after 2159500100031 the irradiation and continued for 10 days. 2159500100032 ANALYSIS Relative yields are converted to absolute yields by 2159500100033 normalizing the total fission yields of all nuclides 2159500100034 in the heavy peak to 100%. The measured yields 2159500100035 amount to 66% of the total yields in the heavy peak, 2159500100036 yields of missing mass chains were interpolated 2159500100037 An error of 10 to 20% was assigned to the 2159500100038 interpolated yields. 2159500100039 HISTORY (19800619C) 2159500100040 (20200906A) SD: Entry revised. 2159500100041 (20230319A) SD: Correction in Subent 002. 2159500100042 ENDBIB 40 0 2159500100043 NOCOMMON 0 0 2159500100044 ENDSUBENT 43 0 2159500199999 SUBENT 21595002 20230319 23162159500200001 BIB 9 33 2159500200002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F)MASS,CHN,FY,,FST) 2159500200003 ANALYSIS Relative yields were converted to absolute yields by 2159500200004 normalizing the total fission yields of all nuclides in2159500200005 the heavy peak to 100%. The measured yields amount to 2159500200006 ~66% of the total yield in the heavy peak. The yields 2159500200007 of the missing mass chains were interpolated. 2159500200008 MONITOR (92-U-235(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY) 2159500200009 MONIT-REF (,M.E.Meek+,R,NEDO-12154-1,1974) 2159500200010 REL-REF (A,13270016,F.L.Lisman+,J,NSE,42,191,1970) 2159500200011 (A,13270017,F.L.Lisman+,J,NSE,42,191,1970) 2159500200012 (A,20768002,J.G.Cuninghame+,R,AERE-R-6862,1972) 2159500200013 (A,12771002,R.P.Larsen+,J,NSE,54,263,1974) 2159500200014 (A,,M.E.Meek+,R,NEDO-12154-1,1974) - All values 2159500200015 compared with data from this ref. 2159500200016 FLAG (1.) In Tbl.I result was assigned to Kr and Rb but in 2159500200017 Tbl.III value compared with Kr from F.L.Lisman+ 2159500200018 (2.) In Tbl.I result was assigned to Sr, Y but in 2159500200019 Tbl.III value compared with Sr from M.E.Meek+ 2159500200020 (3.) In Tbl.I result was assigned to Zr, Nb but in 2159500200021 Tbl.III value compared with Zr from F.L.Lisman+ 2159500200022 (4.) In Tbl.I result was assigned to Te, I but in 2159500200023 Tbl.III value compared with Xe from F.L.Lisman+ 2159500200024 (5.) In Tbl.I result was assigned to Ba, Ce but in 2159500200025 Tbl.III value compared with estimated Ce from 2159500200026 F.L.Lisman+ and Ce from J.G.Cuninghame+ 2159500200027 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One standard deviation, including 2159500200028 uncertainties in analysis of absolute yields and 2159500200029 STATUS (TABLE) Table I from Nucl.Sci.Eng.,58(1975)414. 2159500200030 (DEP,21595004) R-values 2159500200031 HISTORY (20200906A) SD: REACTION code modified. REACTION (2) 2159500200032 added. MONITOR added. STATUS updated. 2159500200033 (20230319A) SD: SF4=ELEM/MASS -> MASS in REACTION (1) 2159500200034 code. Subent 002 was split in two. Subent 004 added. 2159500200035 ENDBIB 33 0 2159500200036 COMMON 1 3 2159500200037 EN-MEAN 2159500200038 MEV 2159500200039 0.180 2159500200040 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2159500200041 DATA 4 26 2159500200042 MASS DATA DATA-ERR FLAG 2159500200043 NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS NO-DIM 2159500200044 87. 2.89 0.10 2159500200045 88. 4.45 0.10 1. 2159500200046 91. 5.64 0.12 2159500200047 92. 5.77 0.12 2. 2159500200048 93. 6.23 0.13 2159500200049 94. 6.12 0.27 2159500200050 95. 6.49 0.19 2159500200051 97. 6.05 0.13 3. 2159500200052 99. 6.23 0.13 2159500200053 101. 5.32 0.13 2159500200054 103. 3.21 0.11 2159500200055 104. 1.87 0.11 2159500200056 105. 1.17 0.13 2159500200057 131. 3.07 0.08 2159500200058 132. 4.59 0.10 4. 2159500200059 133. 7.10 0.14 2159500200060 134. 7.81 0.17 4. 2159500200061 135. 6.68 0.17 2159500200062 139. 6.54 0.15 2159500200063 141. 5.56 0.18 5. 2159500200064 142. 5.59 0.12 2159500200065 143. 5.72 0.20 2159500200066 146. 2.76 0.12 2159500200067 147. 2.28 0.13 2159500200068 149. 1.06 0.03 2159500200069 151. 0.43 0.02 2159500200070 ENDDATA 28 0 2159500200071 ENDSUBENT 70 0 2159500299999 SUBENT 21595003 20230319 23162159500300001 BIB 9 18 2159500300002 REACTION (((94-PU-239(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,FST)/ 2159500300003 (94-PU-239(N,F)56-BA-140,CUM,FY,,FST))// 2159500300004 ((94-PU-239(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY)/ 2159500300005 (94-PU-239(N,F)56-BA-140,CUM,FY))) 2159500300006 RESULT (RVAL) 2159500300007 MONITOR ((94-PU-239(N,F)56-BA-140,CUM,FY,,FST)/ 2159500300008 (94-PU-239(N,F)56-BA-140,CUM,FY)) 2159500300009 MONIT-REF (,M.E.Meek+,R,NEDO-12154-1,1974) 2159500300010 FLAG (1.) In Tbl.IV result was assigned to Sr and Y 2159500300011 (2.) In Tbl.IV result was assigned to Mo and Tc 2159500300012 (3.) In Tbl.IV result was assigned to Ba and Ce 2159500300013 COMMENT Not enough mass chains could be analysed to perform 2159500300014 a satisfactory normalization. 2159500300015 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) statistical errors 2159500300016 STATUS (TABLE) Table IV from Nucl.Sci.Eng.,58(1975)414. 2159500300017 HISTORY (20200906A) SD: REACTION code was modified. 2159500300018 STATUS updated. Col. ELEMENT added. 2159500300019 (20230319U) SD: EN-MEAN-NM and EN-DUM-DN added. 2159500300020 ENDBIB 18 0 2159500300021 COMMON 2 3 2159500300022 EN-MEAN-NM EN-DUM-DN 2159500300023 MEV EV 2159500300024 0.180 0.0253 2159500300025 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2159500300026 DATA 5 20 2159500300027 MASS ELEMENT DATA ERR-S FLAG 2159500300028 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM 2159500300029 91. 38. 0.497 0.007 1. 2159500300030 92. 38. 0.589 0.008 1. 2159500300031 93. 39. 0.640 0.015 2159500300032 95. 40. 1.057 0.036 2159500300033 97. 40. 1.068 0.017 2159500300034 99. 42. 1.169 0.023 2. 2159500300035 101. 43. 1.648 0.085 2159500300036 103. 44. 2.468 0.053 2159500300037 105. 44. 6.798 0.144 2159500300038 132. 53. 1.491 0.068 2159500300039 133. 53. 1.244 0.021 2159500300040 134. 53. 0.970 0.023 2159500300041 135. 53. 1.228 0.021 2159500300042 139. 56. 1.117 0.080 2159500300043 141. 56. 1.139 0.020 3. 2159500300044 142. 57. 1.000 0.017 2159500300045 143. 58. 0.839 0.022 2159500300046 147. 60. 0.989 0.021 2159500300047 149. 60. 1.415 0.259 2159500300048 151. 61. 2.091 0.155 2159500300049 ENDDATA 22 0 2159500300050 ENDSUBENT 49 0 2159500399999 SUBENT 21595004 20230319 23162159500400001 BIB 9 21 2159500400002 REACTION (((92-U-235(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,FST)/ 2159500400003 (92-U-235(N,F)56-BA-140,CUM,FY,,FST))// 2159500400004 ((92-U-235(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY)/ 2159500400005 (92-U-235(N,F)56-BA-140,CUM,FY))) 2159500400006 RESULT (RVAL) 2159500400007 ANALYSIS Relative yields were converted to absolute yields by 2159500400008 normalizing the total fission yields of all nuclides in2159500400009 the heavy peak to 100%. The measured yields amount to 2159500400010 ~66% of the total yield in the heavy peak. The yields 2159500400011 of the missing mass chains were interpolated. 2159500400012 MONITOR ((92-U-235(N,F)56-BA-140,CUM,FY,,FST)/ 2159500400013 (92-U-235(N,F)56-BA-140,CUM,FY)) 2159500400014 MONIT-REF (,M.E.Meek+,R,NEDO-12154-1,1974) 2159500400015 FLAG (1.) In Tbl.I result was assigned to Kr and Rb 2159500400016 (2.) In Tbl.I result was assigned to Sr, Y 2159500400017 (3.) In Tbl.I result was assigned to Zr, Nb 2159500400018 (4.) In Tbl.I result was assigned to Te, I 2159500400019 (5.) In Tbl.I result was assigned to Ba, Ce 2159500400020 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) statistical errors 2159500400021 STATUS (TABLE) Table I from Nucl.Sci.Eng.,58(1975)414. 2159500400022 HISTORY (20230319T) SD: Part of Subent 002. 2159500400023 ENDBIB 21 0 2159500400024 COMMON 2 3 2159500400025 EN-MEAN-NM EN-DUM-DN 2159500400026 MEV EV 2159500400027 0.180 0.0253 2159500400028 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2159500400029 DATA 5 26 2159500400030 MASS ELEMENT DATA ERR-S FLAG 2159500400031 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM 2159500400032 87. 36. 1.140 0.033 2159500400033 88. 36. 1.234 0.017 1. 2159500400034 91. 38. 0.957 0.014 2159500400035 92. 38. 0.974 0.014 2. 2159500400036 93. 39. 0.983 0.015 2159500400037 94. 39. 0.959 0.040 2159500400038 95. 40. 1.010 0.025 2159500400039 97. 40. 1.019 0.014 3. 2159500400040 99. 42. 1.021 0.014 2159500400041 101. 43. 1.059 0.018 2159500400042 103. 44. 1.028 0.023 2159500400043 104. 43. 1.032 0.057 2159500400044 105. 44. 1.188 0.032 2159500400045 131. 53. 1.088 0.020 2159500400046 132. 52. 1.093 0.015 4. 2159500400047 133. 53. 1.053 0.015 2159500400048 134. 52. 1.022 0.014 4. 2159500400049 135. 53. 1.012 0.014 2159500400050 139. 56. 1.014 0.014 2159500400051 141. 56. 0.948 0.026 5. 2159500400052 142. 57. 0.946 0.015 2159500400053 143. 58. 0.962 0.030 2159500400054 146. 59. 0.926 0.039 2159500400055 147. 60. 1.004 0.056 2159500400056 149. 60. 0.970 0.017 2159500400057 151. 61. 1.020 0.032 2159500400058 ENDDATA 28 0 2159500400059 ENDSUBENT 58 0 2159500499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 2159599999999