ENTRY 21711 20230319 23162171100000001 SUBENT 21711001 20230319 23162171100100001 BIB 14 33 2171100100002 TITLE Independent yields of Nb-92m in the thermal 2171100100003 neutron-induced fission of U-233, U-235 and Pu-239 2171100100004 AUTHOR (D.T.Jost,H.R.Von Gunten) 2171100100005 INSTITUTE (2SWTUBE) 2171100100006 REFERENCE (J,JIN,43,2629,1981) 2171100100007 (W,ERTEN,19810106) Private communication of 2171100100008 H.N.Erten with experimental details and data 2171100100009 FACILITY (REAC,2SWTWUR) The swimming pool reactor 'SAPHIR'. 2171100100010 INC-SPECT Thermal neutron flux 1.5*10**13/S*cm2, 2171100100011 epithermal, higher than 0.1 keV, equal to 1% 2171100100012 METHOD (ACTIV) Irradiation time 2 Hr. 2171100100013 (CHSEP) Chemical separation of Nb. 2171100100014 DETECTOR (GELI) Calibrated Ge(LI) detectors. 2171100100015 CORRECTION Corrections for Nb-92m formed from Mo-92 and 2171100100016 systematic errors are assumed to be small and 2171100100017 negligible compared to other errors. See ERR-ANALYS. 2171100100018 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total error includes: 2171100100019 (ERR-1) Calibration of detectors 2171100100020 (ERR-2) Uncertainties due to decay schemes 2171100100021 - Statistical uncertainties 2171100100022 - Uncertainties in fission yields in monitor reaction 2171100100023 ANALYSIS Peak areas in spectra calculated with a modified 2171100100024 'GASPAN' program. 2171100100025 DECAY-DATA (41-NB-92-M,243.8HR,DG,912.8,0.016,DG,934.5,0.955, 2171100100026 DG,1847.4,0.008) 2171100100027 STATUS (TABLE) Table 3 from J.Inorg.Nucl.Chem.,43(1981)2629 2171100100028 HISTORY (19810115C) G.C. 2171100100029 (19831108A) A.L. Extra data and bibliographic 2171100100030 information added from final report 2171100100031 (20031017A) Date is corrected. Bib-information 2171100100032 detailed. Pointer in SAN 002 corrected 2171100100033 (20031017U) Last checking has been done. 2171100100034 (20230319A) SD: Corrections in several Subents. 2171100100035 ENDBIB 33 0 2171100100036 COMMON 3 3 2171100100037 EN-DUMMY ERR-1 ERR-2 2171100100038 EV PER-CENT PER-CENT 2171100100039 2.53E-02 5. 5. 2171100100040 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2171100100041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 2171100199999 SUBENT 21711002 20230319 23162171100200001 BIB 8 24 2171100200002 REACTION 1(92-U-233(N,F)41-NB-92-M,IND,FY,,MXW) 2171100200003 2(92-U-233(N,F)41-NB-92-M,IND,FY,,FRC/MXW) 2171100200004 3(92-U-233(N,F)41-NB-92-G,IND,FY,,MXW) 2171100200005 4(92-U-233(N,F)41-NB-92-G,IND,FY,,FRC/MXW) 2171100200006 COMMENT 2.Yields for chain 92 taken from B.F.Rider (see REL-REF)2171100200007 3.Total Yield of Nb-92 obtained from 2171100200008 Nb-92m using formalism of Madland+ (see REL-REF) 2171100200009 4.Yields obtained using procedures 2171100200010 described in reactions 2 and 3. 2171100200011 MONITOR (92-U-233(N,F)41-NB-96,IND,FY,,MXW) 2171100200012 MONIT-REF (21218002,T.Kaiser+,J,JIN,40,377,1978) 2171100200013 REL-REF (R,,B.F.Rider,R,NEDO-12154-3B,1980) 2171100200014 (M,,D.G.Madland+,J,NSE,64,859,1977) 2171100200015 DECAY-MON (41-NB-96,23.35HR,DG,569.0,0.590,DG,778.4,0.970, 2171100200016 DG,1091.4,0.490) 2171100200017 SAMPLE (92-U-233,ENR=0.9991) Nitrates, weight 2 - 10 mg. 2171100200018 HISTORY (19810116C) G.C. 2171100200019 (19831108A) A.L. Extra data and bibliographic 2171100200020 information added from Final Report 2171100200021 (20031017A) Pointer corrected in line 5 sample moved 2171100200022 from San 001 2171100200023 (20031017U) Last checking has been done. 2171100200024 (20230319A) SD: SF8=FRC added to REACTION code (2,4). 2171100200025 DATA -> DATA-MAX. 2171100200026 ENDBIB 24 0 2171100200027 NOCOMMON 0 0 2171100200028 DATA 8 1 2171100200029 DATA-MAX 1ERR-T 1DATA-MAX 2ERR-T 2DATA-MAX 3ERR-T 32171100200030 DATA-MAX 4ERR-T 4 2171100200031 PC/FIS PC/FIS NO-DIM NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS 2171100200032 NO-DIM NO-DIM 2171100200033 2.2E-08 1.1E-08 3.3E-09 1.7E-09 5.4E-08 2.7E-082171100200034 8.2E-09 6.2E-09 2171100200035 ENDDATA 6 0 2171100200036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 2171100299999 SUBENT 21711003 20230319 23162171100300001 BIB 8 23 2171100300002 REACTION 1(92-U-235(N,F)41-NB-92-M,IND,FY,,MXW) 2171100300003 2(92-U-235(N,F)41-NB-92-M,IND,FY,,FRC/MXW) 2171100300004 3(92-U-235(N,F)41-NB-92-G,IND,FY,,MXW) 2171100300005 4(92-U-235(N,F)41-NB-92-G,IND,FY,,FRC/MXW) 2171100300006 COMMENT 2.Yields for chain 92 taken from B.F.Rider (see REL-REF)2171100300007 3.Total yield of Nb-92 obtained from 2171100300008 Nb-92m using formalism of Madland+ (see REL-REF) 2171100300009 4.Yields obtained using procedures 2171100300010 described in reactions 2 and 3. 2171100300011 MONITOR (92-U-235(N,F)41-NB-96,IND,FY,,MXW) 2171100300012 MONIT-REF (21218004,T.Kaiser+,J,JIN,40,377,1978) 2171100300013 REL-REF (R,,B.F.Rider,R,NEDO-12154-3B,1980) 2171100300014 (M,,D.G.Madland+,J,NSE,64,859,1977) 2171100300015 DECAY-MON (41-NB-96,23.35HR,DG,569.0,0.590,DG,778.4,0.970, 2171100300016 DG,1091.4,0.490) 2171100300017 SAMPLE (92-U-235,ENR=0.9961) Nitrates, weight 2 - 10 mg. 2171100300018 HISTORY (19810116C) G.C. 2171100300019 (19831108A) A.L. Extra data and bibliographic 2171100300020 information Added from Final Report 2171100300021 (20031017U) Sample Moved from San 001 2171100300022 (20031017U) Last checking has been done. 2171100300023 (20230319A) SD: SF8=FRC added to REACTION code (2,4). 2171100300024 DATA -> DATA-MAX. 2171100300025 ENDBIB 23 0 2171100300026 NOCOMMON 0 0 2171100300027 DATA 8 1 2171100300028 DATA-MAX 1ERR-T 1DATA-MAX 2ERR-T 2DATA-MAX 3ERR-T 32171100300029 DATA-MAX 4ERR-T 4 2171100300030 PC/FIS PC/FIS NO-DIM NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS 2171100300031 NO-DIM NO-DIM 2171100300032 4.6E-08 2.4E-08 7.7E-09 4.0E-09 1.2E-07 8.0E-082171100300033 2.0E-08 1.6E-08 2171100300034 ENDDATA 6 0 2171100300035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 2171100399999 SUBENT 21711004 20230319 23162171100400001 BIB 8 22 2171100400002 REACTION 1(94-PU-239(N,F)41-NB-92-M,IND,FY,,MXW) 2171100400003 2(94-PU-239(N,F)41-NB-92-M,IND,FY,,FRC/MXW) 2171100400004 3(94-PU-239(N,F)41-NB-92-G,IND,FY,,MXW) 2171100400005 4(94-PU-239(N,F)41-NB-92-G,IND,FY,,FRC/MXW) 2171100400006 COMMENT 2.Yields for chain 92 taken from B.F.Rider (see REL-REF)2171100400007 3.Total yield of Nb-92 obtained from 2171100400008 Nb-92m using formalism of Madland+ (see REL-REF) 2171100400009 4.Yields obtained using procedures 2171100400010 described in reactions 2 and 3. 2171100400011 MONITOR (94-PU-239(N,F)41-NB-96,IND,FY,,MXW) 2171100400012 MONIT-REF (21218006,T.Kaiser+,J,JIN,40,377,1978) 2171100400013 REL-REF (R,,B.F.Rider,R,NEDO-12154-3B,1980) 2171100400014 (M,,D.G.Madland+,J,NSE,64,859,1977) 2171100400015 DECAY-MON (41-NB-96,23.35HR,DG,569.0,0.590,DG,778.4,0.970, 2171100400016 DG,1091.4,0.490) 2171100400017 SAMPLE (94-PU-239,ENR=0.9741) Nitrates, weight 2 - 10 mg. 2171100400018 HISTORY (19810116C) G.C. 2171100400019 (19831108A) A.L. Extra data and bibliographic 2171100400020 Information added from final report 2171100400021 (20031017U) Sample moved from San 001 2171100400022 (20031017U) Last checking has been done. 2171100400023 (20230319A) SD: SF8=FRC added to REACTION code (2,4). 2171100400024 ENDBIB 22 0 2171100400025 NOCOMMON 0 0 2171100400026 DATA 8 1 2171100400027 DATA 1ERR-T 1DATA 2ERR-T 2DATA 3ERR-T 32171100400028 DATA 4ERR-T 4 2171100400029 PC/FIS PC/FIS NO-DIM NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS 2171100400030 NO-DIM NO-DIM 2171100400031 1.1E-07 6.0E-08 3.6E-08 1.8E-08 2.6E-07 1.9E-072171100400032 8.7E-08 6.5E-08 2171100400033 ENDDATA 6 0 2171100400034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 2171100499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 2171199999999