ENTRY 21717 20230211 23142171700000001 SUBENT 21717001 20230211 23142171700100001 BIB 15 47 2171700100002 TITLE Reactor neutron activation analysis by a triple 2171700100003 comparator method 2171700100004 AUTHOR (F.De Corte, A.Speecke, J.Hoste) 2171700100005 REFERENCE (J,JRC,3,205,1969) Full Report. 2171700100006 INSTITUTE (2BLGGHT) Institute for Nuclear Sciences, Ghent Univ. 2171700100007 FACILITY (REAC,2BLGGHT) THETIS reactor of the Institute for 2171700100008 Nuclear Sciences at Ghent. 2171700100009 INC-SOURCE (REAC) Two irradiation positions at a reactor power 2171700100010 of 15 kW. Thermal and epithermal neutron fluxes at 2171700100011 both positions was monitored with Co and Au flux 2171700100012 monitors. 2171700100013 SAMPLE Samples contained 1 milligram of spectroscopically 2171700100014 pure In2-O3 mixed with one gram of spec. pure Al2-O3. 2171700100015 Samples were irradiated with and without a 0.75 mm 2171700100016 cadmium foil. After dissolution of In2-O3in HCl and 2171700100017 filtering Al2-O3, gamma counting was started one week 2171700100018 after irradiation to allow decay of the 54 min In-116 2171700100019 and 15 hr Na-24 activities, the latter formed by the 2171700100020 (N,A) reaction on Al-27. 2171700100021 METHOD (ACTIV) Triple comparator method with analysis of the 2171700100022 K ratios of the three elements irradiated for 2171700100023 correction for each thermal to epithermal ratio. 2171700100024 After irradiation each element was dissolved and 2171700100025 gamma activity measured in 20 ml glass tubes in a well2171700100026 type NaI(Tl) scintillation counter. 2171700100027 DETECTOR (NAICR) Well type NaI(Tl) scintillation counter with 2171700100028 efficiency determined by the liquid scintillator 2171700100029 method. 2171700100030 MONIT-REF (,M.K.Drake+,J,NUC,24,108,1969)-for resonance integrals2171700100031 D.T.Goldman+,Chart of Nuclides,N.Y.,1966,- for thermal2171700100032 cross-sections. 2171700100033 CORRECTION Corrected for half-life, thermal to epithermal flux 2171700100034 ratio and extraneous activities. 2171700100035 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Standard deviations from counting statistics, 2171700100036 not including uncertainties in monitor cross sections 2171700100037 ADD-RES (COMP) In Table 7 the experimental and calculated 2171700100038 K-factors (K=S1/S2 ,where A1 and A2 are the specific 2171700100039 photopeak activities of the isotope investigated and 2171700100040 comparator, respectively) for isotopes of Na-24,Sc-46,2171700100041 Cu-64,Ga-72, As-76, Sb-122 and comparators of Co-60, 2171700100042 In-114m, Au-198 are compared. 2171700100043 STATUS (TABLE) Table 4, J.Radioan.Chem.,3,205,1969. 2171700100044 HISTORY (19810108C) 2171700100045 (20080306U) M.M. BIB information was added. Dates were 2171700100046 corrected for 4-digits year. Free text was corrected 2171700100047 for "human-readable". 2171700100048 (20230211A) SD: Corrections in Subents 002, 003. 2171700100049 ENDBIB 47 0 2171700100050 NOCOMMON 0 0 2171700100051 ENDSUBENT 50 0 2171700199999 SUBENT 21717002 20230211 23142171700200001 BIB 6 25 2171700200002 REACTION (49-IN-113(N,G)49-IN-114-M,,SIG,,MXW) 2171700200003 INC-SPECT Thermal Maxwellian reactor spectrum. 2171700200004 Average ratios of thermal to epithermal fluxes are 2171700200005 23.7 at 1st position, 119. at 2nd position. 2171700200006 ANALYSIS Average of six measurements at two irradiation 2171700200007 positions. 2171700200008 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-114-M,50.0D,DG,192.) An internal 2171700200009 conversion ratio of 5. was assumed for the 192keV 2171700200010 gamma. 2171700200011 MONITOR ((MONIT1)27-CO-59(N,G)27-CO-60,,SIG,,MXW) 2171700200012 Value taken as 37.0 b. 2171700200013 ((MONIT2)27-CO-59(N,G)27-CO-60,,RI) 2171700200014 The resonance integral was taken as 75.0 b. 2171700200015 ((MONIT3)79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG) 2171700200016 ((MONIT4)79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,RI) 2171700200017 Gold was used as a second monitor with values of 98.8b2171700200018 and 1550.b for the thermal cross section and the 2171700200019 resonance integral. 2171700200020 HISTORY (19810108C) 2171700200021 (20080306A) M.M. Obsolete code in REACTION "SIG/SUM" 2171700200022 was changed into "SIG". Obsolete codes in MONIT1 line 2171700200023 were changed "27-CO-60-G+M,,SIG/SUM," into 2171700200024 "27-CO-60,,SIG," . 2171700200025 (20230211A) SD: SF4=In-114-M1+M2 -> In-114m in REACTION2171700200026 code. 2171700200027 ENDBIB 25 0 2171700200028 NOCOMMON 0 0 2171700200029 DATA 7 1 2171700200030 EN-DUMMY MONIT1 DATA ERR-S MONIT2 MONIT3 2171700200031 MONIT4 2171700200032 EV B B B B B 2171700200033 B 2171700200034 0.0253 37. 9.45 0.38 75.0 98.82171700200035 1550. 2171700200036 ENDDATA 6 0 2171700200037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 2171700299999 SUBENT 21717003 20230211 23142171700300001 BIB 5 21 2171700300002 REACTION (49-IN-113(N,G)49-IN-114-M,,RI) 2171700300003 ANALYSIS Average of six measurements at two irradiation 2171700300004 positions. 2171700300005 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-114-M,49.0D,DG,192.) The internal 2171700300006 conversion ratio was taken as 5 for the 192keV gamma. 2171700300007 MONITOR ((MONIT1)27-CO-59(N,G)27-CO-60,,RI) Value taken 2171700300008 as 75. b. The thermal cross section was taken 2171700300009 as 37.0 b. 2171700300010 ((MONIT2)27-CO-59(N,G)27-CO-60,,SIG) 2171700300011 ((MONIT3)79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG) 2171700300012 ((MONIT4)79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,RI) 2171700300013 Gold was used as a second monitor with values of 98.8 2171700300014 and 1550 b taken for the thermal cross section and 2171700300015 resonance integral. 2171700300016 HISTORY (19810108C) 2171700300017 (20080306A) M.M. Obsolete code in REACTION line was 2171700300018 changed: ",RI/SUM)" into ",RI)". Obsolete codes in 2171700300019 MONIT1 line were changed "27-CO-60-G+M,,RI/SUM)" into 2171700300020 "27-CO-60,,RI)". 2171700300021 (20230211A) SD: SF4=In-114-M1+M2 -> In-114m in REACTION2171700300022 code. 2171700300023 ENDBIB 21 0 2171700300024 NOCOMMON 0 0 2171700300025 DATA 7 1 2171700300026 EN-MIN MONIT1 DATA ERR-S MONIT2 MONIT3 2171700300027 MONIT4 2171700300028 EV B B B B B 2171700300029 B 2171700300030 0.5 75. 258. 18. 37.0 98.82171700300031 1550. 2171700300032 ENDDATA 6 0 2171700300033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 2171700399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 2171799999999