ENTRY 21748 20230416 23162174800000001 SUBENT 21748001 20230416 23162174800100001 BIB 13 48 2174800100002 TITLE Measurement of the neutron capture cross section 2174800100003 of Th-232 from 1 keV to 408 keV 2174800100004 AUTHOR (K.Kobayashi,Y.Fujita,N.Yamamuro) 2174800100005 REFERENCE (J,NST,18,823,1981) 2174800100006 (P,NEANDC(J)-56,1978) - prelim.data 2174800100007 INSTITUTE (2JPNKTO) K.K and Y.F 2174800100008 (2JPNTIT) Y.F 2174800100009 FACILITY (LINAC,2JPNKTO) 46-MeV Linac of Research Reactor 2174800100010 Institute, Kyoto University. 2174800100011 SAMPLE ThO2 powder in an alminum can. Sample thickness 2174800100012 was about 2.2 g/cm**2. 2174800100013 Chemical separation was done to remove radioactive 2174800100014 daughters, and the sample was heated to remove water. 2174800100015 B-10 powder in an alminum can, enriched to 93% 2174800100016 DETECTOR (SCIN) A pair of C6D6 liquid scintilators (NE230) 2174800100017 11 cm in dia. and 5 cm thick, located at 12 m on 2174800100018 flight path. 2174800100019 ANALYSIS After dead time correction, data in each channel were 2174800100020 added in energy interval of 0.1 lethergy unit. The 2174800100021 capture cross section was measured relatively to the 2174800100022 B-10(n,alpha,gamma) cross section and the Th-232(n,g) 2174800100023 cross section at 24 keV. See MONITOR. 2174800100024 MONITOR (5-B-10(N,A)3-LI-7,PAR,SIG) 2174800100025 values taken from INDC-30/L+Sp(1980),p.19 for ENDF/B-V2174800100026 (90-TH-232(N,G)90-TH-233,,SIG) 2174800100027 520+-45 mb at 24 keV, previously obtained by the 2174800100028 authors (NST,15,637(1978)). 2174800100029 CORRECTION For multiple scattering and self-shielding. 2174800100030 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total error 2174800100031 (ERR-1) normalization error of 8.6%, 2174800100032 (ERR-2,1.5,2.) counting statistics of 1.5 to 2.0%, 2174800100033 (ERR-3,1.6,4.2) correction error of 1.6 to 4.2%, 2174800100034 (MONIT-ERR,0.2,1.6) standard deviation in the 2174800100035 B-10(n,alpha,gamma) cross section of 0.2 to 1.6%, 2174800100036 (ERR-4) The other systematic errors, which included 2174800100037 correlations between the uncertainties, were 2174800100038 assumed to be 1%. 2174800100039 (ERR-5) The other residual systematic errors without 2174800100040 the correlations were also evaluated to be 1%. 2174800100041 (ERR-6,0.5,1.) uncertainty of the relative efficiency 2174800100042 for the capture detector is about 1% near 400 keV and 2174800100043 0.5% near 1 keV 2174800100044 COMMENT In the paper, errors for 11 elements are given, and 2174800100045 correlation matrix is also given for 12 energy groups.2174800100046 HISTORY (19811209C) T.N 2174800100047 (19840106U) A.P.T. Japan code changed to jpn 2174800100048 (20230416A) SD:Updated to new date formats,lower case. 2174800100049 Corrections in all Subents. 2174800100050 ENDBIB 48 0 2174800100051 COMMON 3 3 2174800100052 ERR-1 ERR-4 ERR-5 2174800100053 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2174800100054 8.6 1. 1. 2174800100055 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2174800100056 ENDSUBENT 55 0 2174800199999 SUBENT 21748002 20230416 23162174800200001 BIB 5 5 2174800200002 REACTION (90-TH-232(N,G)90-TH-233,,SIG,,AV) 2174800200003 INC-SOURCE (PHOTO) Tantalum plates, white neutrons. 2174800200004 METHOD (TOF) 2174800200005 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl.6 from Nucl.Sci.Tech.,18(1981)823 2174800200006 HISTORY (20230416U) SD: BIB updated. 2174800200007 ENDBIB 5 0 2174800200008 NOCOMMON 0 0 2174800200009 DATA 4 60 2174800200010 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA ERR-T 2174800200011 KEV KEV MB MB 2174800200012 1.00 1.10 1304. 138.4 2174800200013 1.10 1.23 1328. 142.2 2174800200014 1.23 1.36 1614. 176.9 2174800200015 1.36 1.50 1345. 144.6 2174800200016 1.50 1.66 1739. 192.2 2174800200017 1.66 1.83 1632. 168.7 2174800200018 1.83 2.02 1515. 155.1 2174800200019 2.02 2.24 1655. 171.7 2174800200020 2.24 2.47 1316. 134.3 2174800200021 2.47 2.73 1423. 155.2 2174800200022 2.73 3.02 1294. 144.0 2174800200023 3.02 3.34 1194. 123.0 2174800200024 3.34 3.69 935. 98.9 2174800200025 3.69 4.08 1049. 110.9 2174800200026 4.08 4.50 1057. 106.9 2174800200027 4.50 4.98 1084. 109.7 2174800200028 4.98 5.50 921. 92.0 2174800200029 5.50 6.08 1002. 101.8 2174800200030 6.08 6.72 832. 82.8 2174800200031 6.72 7.43 820. 81.9 2174800200032 7.43 8.21 844. 84.5 2174800200033 8.21 9.07 799. 79.9 2174800200034 9.07 10.0 707. 70.1 2174800200035 10.0 11.0 712. 71.3 2174800200036 11.0 12.3 702. 70.3 2174800200037 12.3 13.6 683. 68.2 2174800200038 13.6 15.0 671. 67.5 2174800200039 15.0 16.6 636. 63.9 2174800200040 16.6 18.3 571. 56.7 2174800200041 18.3 20.2 566. 56.3 2174800200042 20.2 22.4 554. 55.7 2174800200043 22.4 24.7 520. 52.0 2174800200044 24.7 27.3 511. 51.2 2174800200045 27.3 30.2 492. 49.1 2174800200046 30.2 33.4 474. 47.2 2174800200047 33.4 36.9 462. 46.2 2174800200048 36.9 40.8 425. 42.8 2174800200049 40.8 45.0 417. 41.9 2174800200050 45.0 49.8 369. 36.9 2174800200051 49.8 55.0 322. 31.7 2174800200052 55.0 60.8 337. 33.6 2174800200053 60.8 67.2 294. 29.0 2174800200054 67.2 74.3 269. 26.3 2174800200055 74.3 82.1 263. 25.9 2174800200056 82.1 90.7 248. 25.2 2174800200057 90.7 100. 229. 23.3 2174800200058 100. 110. 211. 21.4 2174800200059 110. 123. 209. 21.3 2174800200060 123. 136. 189. 18.5 2174800200061 136. 150. 177. 17.3 2174800200062 150. 166. 162. 15.9 2174800200063 166. 183. 161. 15.8 2174800200064 183. 202. 164. 16.3 2174800200065 202. 224. 161. 16.0 2174800200066 224. 247. 159. 16.0 2174800200067 247. 273. 149. 15.2 2174800200068 273. 302. 152. 15.8 2174800200069 302. 334. 144. 15.1 2174800200070 334. 369. 138. 14.7 2174800200071 369. 408. 145. 15.9 2174800200072 ENDDATA 62 0 2174800200073 ENDSUBENT 72 0 2174800299999 SUBENT 21748003 20230416 23162174800300001 BIB 5 5 2174800300002 REACTION (90-TH-232(N,G)90-TH-233,,SIG) 2174800300003 INC-SOURCE (PHOTO) Tantalum plates, and iron and silicon filters. 2174800300004 METHOD (FNB) 2174800300005 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl.7 from Nucl.Sci.Tech.,18(1981)823 2174800300006 HISTORY (20230416U) SD: BIB updated. 2174800300007 ENDBIB 5 0 2174800300008 NOCOMMON 0 0 2174800300009 DATA 3 3 2174800300010 EN DATA ERR-T 2174800300011 KEV MB MB 2174800300012 24. 520. 48.7 2174800300013 55. 328. 32.0 2174800300014 146. 165. 15.6 2174800300015 ENDDATA 5 0 2174800300016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 2174800399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 2174899999999