ENTRY 21755 20230517 23172175500000001 SUBENT 21755001 20230517 23172175500100001 BIB 12 43 2175500100002 TITLE The value of eta for U-238 with neutrons 2175500100003 of energy between 12 MeV and 19 MeV 2175500100004 AUTHOR (P.H.White) 2175500100005 REFERENCE (J,JNE/AB,16,261,1962) 2175500100006 INSTITUTE (2UK ALD) 2175500100007 FACILITY (VDG,2UK ALD) 3 MV Van der Graaff 2175500100008 INC-SOURCE (D-T) 5 cm long tritium gas target. 2175500100009 For neutron source inside uranium shell- 2175500100010 600 keV deuterons at a current of 30 microAmps 2175500100011 for neutron detector inside uranium shell- 2175500100012 3 MeV deuterons at a current of 7 to 8 microAmps 2175500100013 SAMPLE Two uranium shells of thickness 2.04 cm and 4.08 cm. 2175500100014 Isotopic composition measured by mass spectrometer. 2175500100015 METHOD Neutron multiplication and transmission measured 2175500100016 at one energy with the uranium shell surrounding 2175500100017 the neutron source. 2175500100018 Neutron multiplication measured at a series 2175500100019 of energies with the uranium shell surrounding the 2175500100020 detector. 2175500100021 Eta values obtained from a two energy group analysis. 2175500100022 DETECTOR (SCIN) Xenon gas scintillator with Pu-239 deposited 2175500100023 on the detector walls. 2175500100024 (LONGC) 2175500100025 (SCIN) proton recoil plastic scintillator were used 2175500100026 to monitor the neutron flux from the source. 2175500100027 CORRECTION .Background thermal neutrons. 2175500100028 .Neutrons produced in the target by reactions 2175500100029 other than d-t. 2175500100030 .Neutron scattering within and between the two 2175500100031 energy groups by structural material. 2175500100032 .Variation of neutron flux across uranium shells. 2175500100033 .Alpha particle background in fission detector. 2175500100034 .Photomultiplier background. 2175500100035 .Target contamination. 2175500100036 .Geometric effects, including finite counter 2175500100037 size and counter absorption. 2175500100038 .Isotopic composition of uranium sample and 2175500100039 fissile material in the fission counters. 2175500100040 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty 2175500100041 HISTORY (19820129C) A.P.T. 2175500100042 (19820915C) A.P.T. Main reference corrected 2175500100043 (20230517A) SD:Updated to new date formats,lower case. 2175500100044 Corrections in all Subents. 2175500100045 ENDBIB 43 0 2175500100046 NOCOMMON 0 0 2175500100047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 2175500199999 SUBENT 21755002 20230517 23172175500200001 BIB 3 3 2175500200002 REACTION (92-U-238(N,NON),,ETA) 2175500200003 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl.4 from J.Nucl.En.,AB16(1962)261 2175500200004 HISTORY (20230517A) SD: Data units corrected. 2175500200005 ENDBIB 3 0 2175500200006 NOCOMMON 0 0 2175500200007 DATA 3 6 2175500200008 EN DATA DATA-ERR 2175500200009 MEV PRT/REAC PRT/REAC 2175500200010 12.6 3.07 0.19 2175500200011 14.4 3.34 0.15 2175500200012 15.6 4.36 0.40 2175500200013 16.8 3.98 0.23 2175500200014 17.8 4.12 0.25 2175500200015 18.8 4.11 0.22 2175500200016 ENDDATA 8 0 2175500200017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 2175500299999 SUBENT 21755003 20230517 23172175500300001 BIB 6 18 2175500300002 REACTION (92-U-238(N,INL)92-U-238,,SIG,,,DERIV) 2175500300003 ASSUMED (ASSUM1,92-U-238(N,NON),,SIG) For 14.2 MeV neutrons 2175500300004 taken from A.V.Cohen, see REL-REF. 2175500300005 (ASSUM2,92-U-238(N,2N)92-U-237,,SIG) for 14.2 MeV 2175500300006 neutrons interpolated from J.L.Perkin+, see REL-REF. 2175500300007 (ASSUM3,92-U-238(N,F),,NU) for 14.2 MeV neutrons 2175500300008 taken from J.L.Perkin+, see REL-REF. 2175500300009 (ASSUM4,92-U-238(N,F),,SIG) for 14.2 MeV neutrons 2175500300010 REL-REF (R,21211001,A.V.Cohen,J,JNE/AB,14,180,1961) -ASSUM1 2175500300011 (R,21208001,J.L.Perkin+,J,JNE/AB,14,69,1961) -ASSUM2 2175500300012 (R,21252001,A.Moat+,J,JNE/AB,15,102,1961) -ASSUM3 2175500300013 ANALYSIS Data was calculated using an interpolated value 2175500300014 for eta from Subent 002 and the following assumed 2175500300015 values. 2175500300016 STATUS (TABLE) Text on p.270 of J.Nucl.En.,AB16(1962)261 2175500300017 (DEP,21755002) Eta value 2175500300018 HISTORY (20230517A) SD: SF9=DERIV added to REACTION code. 2175500300019 Data units corrected. COMMENT -> ANALYSIS. 2175500300020 ENDBIB 18 0 2175500300021 COMMON 7 6 2175500300022 ASSUM1 ASSUM1-ERR ASSUM2 ASSUM3 ASSUM3-ERR ASSUM4 2175500300023 ASSUM4-ERR 2175500300024 B B B NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM 2175500300025 NO-DIM 2175500300026 2.89 0.05 0.75 4.44 0.12 1.13 2175500300027 0.02 2175500300028 ENDCOMMON 6 0 2175500300029 DATA 3 1 2175500300030 EN DATA DATA-ERR 2175500300031 MEV B B 2175500300032 14.2 0.10 0.19 2175500300033 ENDDATA 3 0 2175500300034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 2175500399999 SUBENT 21755004 20230517 23172175500400001 BIB 6 18 2175500400002 REACTION (92-U-238(N,3N)92-U-236,,SIG,,,DERIV) 2175500400003 ASSUMED (ASSUM1,92-U-238(N,NON),,SIG) For 14.2 MeV neutrons 2175500400004 taken from A.V.Cohen, see REL-REF. 2175500400005 (ASSUM2,92-U-238(N,2N)92-U-237,,SIG) for 14.2 MeV 2175500400006 neutrons interpolated from J.L.Perkin+, see REL-REF. 2175500400007 (ASSUM3,92-U-238(N,F),,NU) for 14.2 MeV neutrons 2175500400008 taken from A.Moat+, see REL-REF. 2175500400009 (ASSUM4,92-U-238(N,F),,SIG) for 14.2 MeV neutrons 2175500400010 REL-REF (R,21211001,A.V.Cohen,J,JNE/AB,14,180,1961) -ASSUM1 2175500400011 (R,21208001,J.L.Perkin+,J,JNE/AB,14,69,1961) -ASSUM2 2175500400012 (R,21252001,A.Moat+,J,JNE/AB,15,102,1961) -ASSUM3 2175500400013 ANALYSIS Data was calculated using an interpolated value 2175500400014 for eta from Subent 002 and the following assumed 2175500400015 values. 2175500400016 STATUS (TABLE) Text on p.270 of J.Nucl.En.,AB16(1962)261 2175500400017 (DEP,21755002) Eta value 2175500400018 HISTORY (20230517A) SD: SF9=DERIV added to REACTION code. 2175500400019 Data units corrected. COMMENT -> ANALYSIS. 2175500400020 ENDBIB 18 0 2175500400021 COMMON 7 6 2175500400022 ASSUM1 ASSUM1-ERR ASSUM2 ASSUM3 ASSUM3-ERR ASSUM4 2175500400023 ASSUM4-ERR 2175500400024 B B B NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM 2175500400025 NO-DIM 2175500400026 2.89 0.05 0.75 4.44 0.12 1.13 2175500400027 0.02 2175500400028 ENDCOMMON 6 0 2175500400029 DATA 3 1 2175500400030 EN DATA DATA-ERR 2175500400031 MEV B B 2175500400032 14.2 0.89 0.20 2175500400033 ENDDATA 3 0 2175500400034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 2175500499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 2175599999999