ENTRY            21766   20211226                             23062176600000001 
SUBENT        21766001   20211226                             23062176600100001 
BIB                 12         26                                 2176600100002 
TITLE      Measurements of neutron total cross section for Th-232 2176600100003 
AUTHOR     (T.Iwasaki,M.Baba,K.Hattori,K.Kanda,S.Kamata,          2176600100004 
            N.Hirakawa)                                           2176600100005 
INSTITUTE  (2JPNTOH)                                              2176600100006 
REFERENCE  (P,NETU-38,18,1981)                                    2176600100007 
FACILITY   (ACCEL,2JPNTOH)  Not given in the main ref.            2176600100008 
INC-SOURCE (D-LI ) 0.6-10 MeV neutrons,                           2176600100009 
           (P-LI7) 0.05-0.3 MeV neutrons,                         2176600100010 
            and mono energetic neutrons with thin Li-F target.    2176600100011 
SAMPLE      Metallic thorium plates. The thicknesses were 0.1493  2176600100012 
            and 0.0554 atoms/b for MeV region, and 0.0276 atoms/b 2176600100013 
            for keV region.                                       2176600100014 
METHOD     (TOF) Flight path length of 13.75m, the samples        2176600100015 
            were located at 2.7m from Li-target.                  2176600100016 
           (TRN) Transmission measurement.                        2176600100017 
DETECTOR   (SCIN ) Ne-213                                         2176600100018 
CORRECTION  Back ground correction                                2176600100019 
            dead time correction                                  2176600100020 
            correction for the self-shielding effect              2176600100021 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Total error given. No details.              2176600100022 
HISTORY    (19810908C) T.N.                                       2176600100023 
           (19840106U) A.P.T. Japan code changed to jpn           2176600100024 
           (19860121U) refererence added                          2176600100025 
           (20211226A) SD:Updated to new date formats,lower case. 2176600100026 
           Corrections in all Subents. Ref. updated.              2176600100027 
           ERR-T->DATA-ERR. Ref. on INDC report deleted (no data).2176600100028 
ENDBIB              26          0                                 2176600100029 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2176600100030 
ENDSUBENT           29          0                                 2176600199999 
SUBENT        21766002   20211226                             23062176600200001 
BIB                  3          3                                 2176600200002 
REACTION   (90-TH-232(N,TOT),,SIG)                                2176600200003 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data from T.Iwasaki                            2176600200004 
HISTORY    (20211226U) SD: STATUS updated. ERR-T->DATA-ERR.       2176600200005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 2176600200006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2176600200007 
DATA                 3         83                                 2176600200008 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                                    2176600200009 
MEV        B          B                                           2176600200010 
 4.9600E-02 1.3613E+01 2.6020E-01                                 2176600200011 
 5.4800E-02 1.2760E+01 2.3420E-01                                 2176600200012 
 6.0500E-02 1.3224E+01 2.0950E-01                                 2176600200013 
 6.6900E-02 1.3178E+01 1.8940E-01                                 2176600200014 
 7.4000E-02 1.2730E+01 1.7270E-01                                 2176600200015 
 8.1700E-02 1.2926E+01 1.6210E-01                                 2176600200016 
 9.0300E-02 1.2375E+01 1.5030E-01                                 2176600200017 
 9.9800E-02 1.2268E+01 1.3500E-01                                 2176600200018 
 1.1040E-01 1.1921E+01 1.2470E-01                                 2176600200019 
 1.2200E-01 1.2104E+01 1.1640E-01                                 2176600200020 
 1.3480E-01 1.1529E+01 1.0990E-01                                 2176600200021 
 1.4900E-01 1.1352E+01 1.0600E-01                                 2176600200022 
 1.6470E-01 1.1189E+01 1.0030E-01                                 2176600200023 
 1.8200E-01 1.1106E+01 9.6000E-02                                 2176600200024 
 2.0110E-01 1.0778E+01 9.4300E-02                                 2176600200025 
 2.2230E-01 1.0528E+01 9.2300E-02                                 2176600200026 
 2.4570E-01 1.0416E+01 9.1500E-02                                 2176600200027 
 2.9800E-01 9.8900E+00 1.1570E-01                                 2176600200028 
 3.3170E-01 9.3511E+00 9.3200E-02                                 2176600200029 
 3.5800E-01 9.4180E+00 1.3790E-01                                 2176600200030 
 4.4700E-01 8.7710E+00 1.2260E-01                                 2176600200031 
 5.0000E-01 8.4620E+00 7.2500E-02                                 2176600200032 
 5.4000E-01 8.0230E+00 9.7500E-02                                 2176600200033 
 6.2500E-01 7.9470E+00 1.0160E-01                                 2176600200034 
 6.5000E-01 7.8165E+00 5.5500E-02                                 2176600200035 
 7.0000E-01 7.7133E+00 5.3200E-02                                 2176600200036 
 7.5000E-01 7.4018E+00 5.4100E-02                                 2176600200037 
 8.0000E-01 7.1835E+00 5.8300E-02                                 2176600200038 
 8.5000E-01 7.0725E+00 5.7600E-02                                 2176600200039 
 9.0000E-01 7.0855E+00 5.8100E-02                                 2176600200040 
 9.5000E-01 6.9535E+00 6.6500E-02                                 2176600200041 
 1.0000E+00 7.0827E+00 7.2800E-02                                 2176600200042 
 1.1000E+00 6.9405E+00 4.6100E-02                                 2176600200043 
 1.2000E+00 6.8694E+00 4.4200E-02                                 2176600200044 
 1.3000E+00 6.8833E+00 4.7200E-02                                 2176600200045 
 1.4000E+00 6.8391E+00 4.5700E-02                                 2176600200046 
 1.5000E+00 6.8820E+00 4.4800E-02                                 2176600200047 
 1.6000E+00 6.8620E+00 4.5500E-02                                 2176600200048 
 1.7000E+00 6.8800E+00 4.4000E-02                                 2176600200049 
 1.8000E+00 6.9150E+00 4.5000E-02                                 2176600200050 
 1.9000E+00 6.9853E+00 4.7400E-02                                 2176600200051 
 2.0000E+00 7.1262E+00 4.6700E-02                                 2176600200052 
 2.1000E+00 7.1405E+00 4.7200E-02                                 2176600200053 
 2.2000E+00 7.2176E+00 4.6400E-02                                 2176600200054 
 2.3000E+00 7.1759E+00 4.6100E-02                                 2176600200055 
 2.4000E+00 7.3234E+00 4.7600E-02                                 2176600200056 
 2.5000E+00 7.4239E+00 4.9100E-02                                 2176600200057 
 2.6000E+00 7.4965E+00 4.9200E-02                                 2176600200058 
 2.7000E+00 7.5261E+00 4.9300E-02                                 2176600200059 
 2.8000E+00 7.5515E+00 5.0000E-02                                 2176600200060 
 2.9000E+00 7.5997E+00 5.1000E-02                                 2176600200061 
 3.0000E+00 7.6597E+00 5.0000E-02                                 2176600200062 
 3.1000E+00 7.7103E+00 5.1600E-02                                 2176600200063 
 3.2000E+00 7.7249E+00 5.3100E-02                                 2176600200064 
 3.3000E+00 7.8685E+00 5.3900E-02                                 2176600200065 
 3.4000E+00 7.9210E+00 5.4400E-02                                 2176600200066 
 3.5000E+00 7.8328E+00 5.4700E-02                                 2176600200067 
 3.6000E+00 7.8683E+00 5.5000E-02                                 2176600200068 
 3.7000E+00 7.8076E+00 5.5000E-02                                 2176600200069 
 3.8000E+00 7.7584E+00 5.5100E-02                                 2176600200070 
 3.9000E+00 7.8143E+00 5.4400E-02                                 2176600200071 
 4.0000E+00 7.7437E+00 5.4300E-02                                 2176600200072 
 4.2000E+00 7.7965E+00 3.8900E-02                                 2176600200073 
 4.4000E+00 7.7004E+00 3.9400E-02                                 2176600200074 
 4.6000E+00 7.6114E+00 3.9600E-02                                 2176600200075 
 4.8000E+00 7.5538E+00 4.0200E-02                                 2176600200076 
 5.0000E+00 7.5000E+00 4.1600E-02                                 2176600200077 
 5.2000E+00 7.3675E+00 4.3800E-02                                 2176600200078 
 5.4000E+00 7.2042E+00 4.5900E-02                                 2176600200079 
 5.6000E+00 7.2223E+00 5.0300E-02                                 2176600200080 
 5.8000E+00 7.0443E+00 5.3700E-02                                 2176600200081 
 6.0000E+00 6.9620E+00 6.0200E-02                                 2176600200082 
 6.2000E+00 6.8648E+00 6.3200E-02                                 2176600200083 
 6.4000E+00 6.8016E+00 6.6800E-02                                 2176600200084 
 6.6000E+00 6.6587E+00 6.9700E-02                                 2176600200085 
 6.8000E+00 6.6351E+00 7.3100E-02                                 2176600200086 
 7.0000E+00 6.5930E+00 7.6200E-02                                 2176600200087 
 7.5000E+00 6.2900E+00 5.3600E-02                                 2176600200088 
 8.0000E+00 6.0349E+00 5.7500E-02                                 2176600200089 
 8.5000E+00 5.9160E+00 6.0100E-02                                 2176600200090 
 9.0000E+00 5.7913E+00 6.0800E-02                                 2176600200091 
 9.5000E+00 5.6814E+00 6.0400E-02                                 2176600200092 
 1.0000E+01 5.5842E+00 5.8300E-02                                 2176600200093 
ENDDATA             85          0                                 2176600200094 
ENDSUBENT           93          0                                 2176600299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 2176699999999