ENTRY 21808 20230518 23172180800000001 SUBENT 21808001 20230518 23172180800100001 BIB 13 92 2180800100002 TITLE Isotopic neon cross sections for a study of neutron 2180800100003 balance and temperature during s-process 2180800100004 nucleosynthesis 2180800100005 AUTHOR (J.Almeida, F.Kaeppeler) 2180800100006 REFERENCE (J,AJ,265,417,1983) 2180800100007 (J,PR/C,90,045804,2014) - new analysis of 2180800100008 resonance parameters. 2180800100009 Authors: M.Heil, R.Plag, E.Uberseder, R.Gallino, 2180800100010 S.Bisterzo, A.Juseviciute, F.Kaeppeler, C.Lederer, 2180800100011 A.Mengoni, M.Pignatari 2180800100012 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.90.045804 2180800100013 (J,PR/C,92,019902,2015) - erratum of PR/C,90,045804 2180800100014 ((R,KFK-3347,198205)=(T,ALMEIDA,1982)) 2180800100015 Thesis J.Almeida,Univ.of Heidelberg 2180800100016 (C,82ANTWER,,948,1982) 2180800100017 (R,KFK-3280,198202) Pages 2-31 - 2-33. 2180800100018 Prelim. MACS at kT=30keV for Ne-20,21,22 in text. 2180800100019 ((P,NEANDC(E)-222,(5),1,1981)= 2180800100020 (P,INDC(GER)-23,1,1981)) 2180800100021 Point-wise tot.CS in 7-800 keV interval on Figures 2180800100022 FACILITY (VDG,2GERKFK) Karlsruhe 3 MV pulsed VDG accelerator. 2180800100023 INSTITUTE (2GERKFK) 2180800100024 INC-SOURCE (P-LI7) 2180800100025 SAMPLE Neon gas, contained in stainless steel containers, 2180800100026 mounted on an automatic sample changer. 2180800100027 For the Ne-20 measurements were used 2180800100028 -natural neon (transmission exp.) 2180800100029 -Enriched Ne-20, 99.8% (capture exp.) 2180800100030 Enriched Ne-21, 95.4% 2180800100031 Enriched Ne-22, 99.8% 2180800100032 The gas pressure was 150 atm. (Transmission exp.) 2180800100033 And 300 atm. (Capture exp.) 2180800100034 In case of the capture measurements the sample 2180800100035 changer contained as well a 2180800100036 -graphite sphere, for the background corrections, 2180800100037 -Au standard. 2180800100038 METHOD (TOF) 2180800100039 Total and capture cross sections were measured in 2180800100040 the following energy ranges 2180800100041 total C.S. (5-350) keV and (150-800) keV, 2180800100042 capture C.S. (4-215) keV. 2180800100043 The flight path was 3 m for the transmitted neutrons 2180800100044 and 60 cm for the capture events. 2180800100045 Spectra for the different isotopes were measured 2180800100046 cyclically in runs of about 10 minutes. 2180800100047 The transmission was higher than 95 per cent. 2180800100048 In order to obtain a large enough signal from 2180800100049 neutron captures in the neon, the experimental 2180800100050 set-up was designed to reduce the background, while 2180800100051 allowing the detectors to be placed at a distance of 2180800100052 2 cm from the sample. Besides the TOF signal the 2180800100053 detector pulse height was also recorded in order 2180800100054 to use the Meyer-Leibnitz pulse height 2180800100055 weighting method. 2180800100056 DETECTOR (GLASD) Li-6 glass detector to monitor neutron flux 2180800100057 in the total C.S. measurements. 2180800100058 (SCIN) C(6)D(6) liquid scin.detectors coupled to fast 2180800100059 PM for gamma-rays detecting. 2180800100060 Transmitted neutrons were detected by a 10 X 10 cm 2180800100061 B-10 slab, through the 478 keV gamma-rays of the 2180800100062 B-10(n,alpha) Li-7* reaction. 2180800100063 Capture events were counted by detecting gamma-ray 2180800100064 cascades following n-capture. 2180800100065 ANALYSIS The total C.S. measurements were needed to correct 2180800100066 the capture data for the background. Thus the 2180800100067 background from scattered neutrons was determined 2180800100068 using the graphite TOF spectrum (for the shape) 2180800100069 and the total C.S. measurements (for the 2180800100070 magnitude of the background spectrum). 2180800100071 ADD-RES From the discussion of the S-process neutron balance 2180800100072 it was found that neutron capture in the neon 2180800100073 isotopes is a minor effect thus not effecting the 2180800100074 main (alpha,n)- reaction on Ne-22. 2180800100075 Lower limit for S-process temperature is given. 2180800100076 CORRECTION Various corrections were made to the capture data. 2180800100077 In the ERR-ANALYSIS the applied corrections are 2180800100078 given together with the related uncertainties. 2180800100079 The negative capture cross section values are due to 2180800100080 the correction for scattered neutron background. 2180800100081 Details of this correction are described in the main 2180800100082 reference, KFK-3347. 2180800100083 HISTORY (19820130C) BN. 2180800100084 (19830725A) BN. Monitor moved from SAN001 to SAN008-0162180800100085 SAN015,016 added. 2180800100086 (20080529A) Date is corrected 2180800100087 (20080529U) Last checking has been done. 2180800100088 (20161111A) M.M. Ref. J,AJ,265,417,1983 was added. 2180800100089 BIB information was updated. 2180800100090 Subents 017, 018 were added. 2180800100091 (20190923A) SD: Data from 23265 Entry added (confirmed 2180800100092 by Franz Kaeppeler). Subents 019-022 added. 2180800100093 (20211227A) SD: Corrections in Subents 017-019. 2180800100094 ENDBIB 92 0 2180800100095 NOCOMMON 0 0 2180800100096 ENDSUBENT 95 0 2180800199999 SUBENT 21808002 20161111 22552180800200001 BIB 4 11 2180800200002 REACTION (10-NE-20(N,TOT),,SIG) 2180800200003 Low energy run (5-350 keV). 2180800200004 METHOD (TRN) 2180800200005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Only the statistical uncertainty is given. 2180800200006 .For total cross sections 2180800200007 - above 30 keV the systematic error is estimated 2180800200008 to be less than 0.5 per cent. 2180800200009 - Below 30 keV the systematic error is in the 2180800200010 worst case than 5 per cent. 2180800200011 STATUS (TABLE) Table a) on pages 52-54 in Appendix 1 of 2180800200012 KFK-3347,1982 2180800200013 ENDBIB 11 0 2180800200014 NOCOMMON 0 0 2180800200015 DATA 3 407 2180800200016 EN DATA ERR-S 2180800200017 KEV B B 2180800200018 5.1 2.19 0.2 2180800200019 6.1 2.87 0.2 2180800200020 6.9 2.45 0.2 2180800200021 7.7 3.10 0.2 2180800200022 8.4 2.77 0.2 2180800200023 9.2 1.80 0.2 2180800200024 9.9 2.86 0.2 2180800200025 10.7 2.79 0.2 2180800200026 11.5 2.78 0.2 2180800200027 12.2 2.77 0.2 2180800200028 13.0 2.47 0.2 2180800200029 14.5 2.50 0.2 2180800200030 15.3 2.59 0.2 2180800200031 16.1 2.49 0.2 2180800200032 16.8 2.15 0.2 2180800200033 17.6 2.31 0.2 2180800200034 18.4 2.65 0.2 2180800200035 19.2 2.11 0.2 2180800200036 19.9 2.57 0.2 2180800200037 20.7 2.38 0.2 2180800200038 21.5 2.27 0.2 2180800200039 22.3 2.47 0.2 2180800200040 23.1 2.23 0.2 2180800200041 23.9 2.34 0.2 2180800200042 24.7 2.33 0.2 2180800200043 25.5 1.95 0.2 2180800200044 26.2 2.45 0.2 2180800200045 27.0 2.30 0.2 2180800200046 27.8 2.04 0.2 2180800200047 28.6 2.33 0.2 2180800200048 29.4 2.29 0.2 2180800200049 30.2 2.47 0.2 2180800200050 31.0 2.55 0.2 2180800200051 31.8 2.26 0.2 2180800200052 32.7 2.57 0.2 2180800200053 33.5 2.48 0.2 2180800200054 34.3 2.55 0.2 2180800200055 35.1 2.21 0.2 2180800200056 35.9 2.24 0.2 2180800200057 36.7 2.34 0.2 2180800200058 37.6 2.42 0.2 2180800200059 38.4 2.11 0.2 2180800200060 39.2 2.16 0.2 2180800200061 40.1 2.58 0.2 2180800200062 40.9 2.19 0.2 2180800200063 41.8 2.33 0.2 2180800200064 42.6 2.31 0.2 2180800200065 43.5 2.31 0.2 2180800200066 44.3 2.26 0.2 2180800200067 45.2 2.31 0.2 2180800200068 46.0 2.51 0.2 2180800200069 46.9 2.22 0.2 2180800200070 47.8 2.20 0.2 2180800200071 48.6 2.41 0.2 2180800200072 49.5 2.22 0.2 2180800200073 50.4 2.20 0.2 2180800200074 51.2 2.45 0.2 2180800200075 52.1 2.45 0.2 2180800200076 53.0 2.54 0.2 2180800200077 53.9 1.94 0.2 2180800200078 54.8 2.21 0.2 2180800200079 55.7 2.12 0.2 2180800200080 56.5 2.23 0.2 2180800200081 57.4 2.43 0.2 2180800200082 58.3 2.42 0.2 2180800200083 59.3 2.33 0.2 2180800200084 60.2 1.92 0.2 2180800200085 61.1 2.27 0.2 2180800200086 62.0 2.23 0.2 2180800200087 62.9 2.47 0.2 2180800200088 63.8 2.38 0.2 2180800200089 64.8 1.97 0.2 2180800200090 65.8 2.51 0.2 2180800200091 66.8 2.34 0.2 2180800200092 67.7 2.41 0.2 2180800200093 68.6 2.39 0.2 2180800200094 69.5 2.09 0.2 2180800200095 70.4 2.49 0.2 2180800200096 71.4 2.25 0.2 2180800200097 72.4 2.04 0.2 2180800200098 73.4 2.21 0.2 2180800200099 74.4 2.31 0.2 2180800200100 75.5 2.18 0.2 2180800200101 76.4 2.57 0.2 2180800200102 77.3 2.36 0.2 2180800200103 78.3 2.40 0.2 2180800200104 79.2 1.96 0.2 2180800200105 80.2 2.07 0.2 2180800200106 81.2 2.49 0.2 2180800200107 82.2 2.26 0.2 2180800200108 83.3 2.35 0.2 2180800200109 84.3 2.30 0.2 2180800200110 85.4 1.98 0.2 2180800200111 86.5 2.27 0.2 2180800200112 87.7 2.23 0.2 2180800200113 88.6 2.23 0.2 2180800200114 89.6 2.15 0.2 2180800200115 90.6 2.27 0.2 2180800200116 91.6 2.08 0.2 2180800200117 92.6 2.21 0.2 2180800200118 93.6 1.99 0.2 2180800200119 94.7 2.26 0.2 2180800200120 95.8 2.24 0.2 2180800200121 96.8 2.21 0.2 2180800200122 97.9 1.86 0.2 2180800200123 99.1 2.40 0.2 2180800200124 100.2 2.11 0.2 2180800200125 101.4 2.15 0.2 2180800200126 102.6 2.37 0.2 2180800200127 103.8 1.95 0.2 2180800200128 105.0 2.16 0.2 2180800200129 106.3 2.35 0.2 2180800200130 107.3 2.01 0.2 2180800200131 108.3 2.29 0.2 2180800200132 109.4 2.22 0.2 2180800200133 110.4 2.17 0.2 2180800200134 111.5 2.09 0.2 2180800200135 112.6 1.90 0.2 2180800200136 113.7 2.17 0.2 2180800200137 114.9 2.11 0.2 2180800200138 116.0 2.10 0.2 2180800200139 117.2 2.26 0.2 2180800200140 118.3 2.06 0.2 2180800200141 119.5 2.04 0.2 2180800200142 120.8 2.02 0.2 2180800200143 122.0 1.98 0.2 2180800200144 123.2 1.92 0.2 2180800200145 124.5 2.14 0.2 2180800200146 125.8 2.07 0.2 2180800200147 127.1 2.22 0.2 2180800200148 128.5 2.27 0.2 2180800200149 129.8 2.05 0.2 2180800200150 131.2 1.99 0.2 2180800200151 132.6 1.87 0.2 2180800200152 134.0 1.86 0.2 2180800200153 135.4 2.06 0.2 2180800200154 136.9 2.20 0.2 2180800200155 138.4 2.03 0.2 2180800200156 139.5 1.94 0.2 2180800200157 140.7 2.52 0.4 2180800200158 141.1 2.28 0.4 2180800200159 141.5 2.57 0.4 2180800200160 141.8 2.28 0.4 2180800200161 142.2 2.28 0.4 2180800200162 143.0 2.14 0.4 2180800200163 143.4 2.34 0.4 2180800200164 143.8 2.18 0.4 2180800200165 144.2 2.42 0.4 2180800200166 144.6 2.13 0.4 2180800200167 145.0 2.03 0.4 2180800200168 145.4 2.99 0.4 2180800200169 145.8 2.85 0.4 2180800200170 146.2 3.71 0.4 2180800200171 146.6 5.38 0.4 2180800200172 147.1 7.97 0.4 2180800200173 147.5 8.98 0.4 2180800200174 147.9 7.66 0.4 2180800200175 148.3 5.57 0.4 2180800200176 149.1 2.94 0.4 2180800200177 149.6 2.57 0.4 2180800200178 150.0 2.06 0.4 2180800200179 150.4 2.25 0.4 2180800200180 150.8 1.78 0.4 2180800200181 151.3 2.37 0.4 2180800200182 151.7 2.41 0.4 2180800200183 152.1 1.81 0.4 2180800200184 152.6 1.95 0.4 2180800200185 153.0 2.06 0.4 2180800200186 153.4 1.94 0.4 2180800200187 153.9 1.48 0.4 2180800200188 154.3 2.09 0.4 2180800200189 154.8 1.55 0.4 2180800200190 155.2 2.46 0.4 2180800200191 155.6 2.19 0.4 2180800200192 156.1 1.68 0.4 2180800200193 156.5 1.95 0.4 2180800200194 157.0 1.97 0.4 2180800200195 157.5 1.78 0.4 2180800200196 158.4 1.98 0.4 2180800200197 158.8 2.38 0.4 2180800200198 159.3 2.36 0.4 2180800200199 159.8 2.19 0.4 2180800200200 160.2 1.76 0.4 2180800200201 160.7 2.21 0.4 2180800200202 161.2 1.95 0.4 2180800200203 161.6 1.95 0.4 2180800200204 162.1 2.24 0.4 2180800200205 162.6 1.81 0.4 2180800200206 163.1 1.96 0.4 2180800200207 163.6 2.28 0.4 2180800200208 164.0 2.05 0.4 2180800200209 164.5 2.08 0.4 2180800200210 165.0 1.78 0.4 2180800200211 165.5 2.08 0.3 2180800200212 166.0 2.15 0.4 2180800200213 166.5 2.06 0.4 2180800200214 167.0 2.15 0.3 2180800200215 167.5 2.16 0.4 2180800200216 168.0 1.89 0.4 2180800200217 168.5 1.88 0.3 2180800200218 169.0 2.05 0.3 2180800200219 169.5 2.19 0.3 2180800200220 170.0 1.97 0.3 2180800200221 170.5 2.24 0.3 2180800200222 171.0 2.24 0.3 2180800200223 171.6 1.71 0.3 2180800200224 172.1 2.48 0.3 2180800200225 172.6 2.46 0.3 2180800200226 173.1 1.66 0.3 2180800200227 173.7 2.21 0.3 2180800200228 174.2 2.14 0.3 2180800200229 174.7 1.79 0.3 2180800200230 175.2 2.00 0.3 2180800200231 175.8 1.70 0.3 2180800200232 176.3 1.93 0.3 2180800200233 176.9 1.53 0.3 2180800200234 177.4 1.53 0.3 2180800200235 178.0 2.18 0.3 2180800200236 178.5 1.58 0.3 2180800200237 179.1 1.70 0.3 2180800200238 179.6 2.13 0.3 2180800200239 180.2 1.87 0.3 2180800200240 180.7 2.00 0.3 2180800200241 181.3 2.09 0.3 2180800200242 181.9 2.23 0.3 2180800200243 182.4 1.77 0.3 2180800200244 183.0 1.97 0.3 2180800200245 183.6 1.58 0.3 2180800200246 184.1 1.53 0.3 2180800200247 184.7 1.66 0.3 2180800200248 185.3 1.91 0.3 2180800200249 185.9 1.93 0.3 2180800200250 186.5 1.93 0.3 2180800200251 187.1 1.73 0.3 2180800200252 187.6 2.45 0.3 2180800200253 188.2 1.84 0.3 2180800200254 188.8 1.85 0.3 2180800200255 189.4 2.43 0.3 2180800200256 190.0 1.76 0.3 2180800200257 190.7 2.31 0.3 2180800200258 191.3 1.47 0.3 2180800200259 191.9 1.91 0.3 2180800200260 192.5 1.75 0.3 2180800200261 193.1 2.35 0.3 2180800200262 193.7 2.25 0.3 2180800200263 194.3 1.63 0.3 2180800200264 195.0 1.62 0.3 2180800200265 195.6 1.51 0.3 2180800200266 196.2 1.73 0.3 2180800200267 196.9 1.98 0.3 2180800200268 197.5 2.05 0.3 2180800200269 198.2 1.77 0.3 2180800200270 198.8 1.94 0.3 2180800200271 199.4 1.78 0.3 2180800200272 200.1 1.57 0.3 2180800200273 200.8 2.12 0.3 2180800200274 201.4 1.72 0.3 2180800200275 202.1 1.76 0.3 2180800200276 202.7 1.81 0.3 2180800200277 203.4 1.75 0.3 2180800200278 204.1 1.51 0.3 2180800200279 204.8 1.71 0.3 2180800200280 205.4 1.73 0.3 2180800200281 206.1 1.86 0.3 2180800200282 206.8 1.83 0.3 2180800200283 207.5 1.34 0.3 2180800200284 208.2 1.89 0.3 2180800200285 208.9 2.22 0.3 2180800200286 209.6 1.07 0.3 2180800200287 210.3 1.55 0.3 2180800200288 211.0 1.40 0.3 2180800200289 211.7 1.78 0.3 2180800200290 212.4 1.81 0.3 2180800200291 213.1 1.82 0.3 2180800200292 213.8 1.36 0.3 2180800200293 214.6 1.80 0.3 2180800200294 215.3 2.02 0.3 2180800200295 216.0 1.81 0.3 2180800200296 216.8 1.77 0.3 2180800200297 217.5 1.78 0.3 2180800200298 218.2 1.90 0.3 2180800200299 219.0 1.86 0.3 2180800200300 219.7 1.60 0.3 2180800200301 220.5 1.42 0.3 2180800200302 221.2 1.51 0.3 2180800200303 222.0 1.83 0.3 2180800200304 222.8 1.54 0.3 2180800200305 223.5 1.74 0.3 2180800200306 224.3 1.67 0.3 2180800200307 225.1 1.55 0.3 2180800200308 225.9 1.59 0.3 2180800200309 226.7 1.54 0.3 2180800200310 227.4 1.91 0.3 2180800200311 228.2 1.53 0.3 2180800200312 229.0 1.42 0.3 2180800200313 229.8 1.69 0.3 2180800200314 230.6 1.73 0.3 2180800200315 231.5 1.45 0.3 2180800200316 232.3 1.63 0.3 2180800200317 233.1 1.30 0.3 2180800200318 233.9 1.32 0.3 2180800200319 234.7 1.34 0.3 2180800200320 235.6 1.58 0.3 2180800200321 236.4 1.51 0.3 2180800200322 237.2 1.60 0.3 2180800200323 238.1 1.49 0.3 2180800200324 238.9 1.09 0.3 2180800200325 239.8 1.32 0.3 2180800200326 240.7 1.70 0.3 2180800200327 241.5 1.51 0.3 2180800200328 242.4 1.95 0.3 2180800200329 243.3 1.38 0.3 2180800200330 244.1 1.54 0.3 2180800200331 245.0 1.11 0.3 2180800200332 245.9 1.67 0.3 2180800200333 246.8 1.99 0.3 2180800200334 247.7 1.42 0.3 2180800200335 248.6 1.21 0.3 2180800200336 249.5 1.64 0.3 2180800200337 250.4 1.70 0.3 2180800200338 251.3 1.45 0.3 2180800200339 252.3 1.76 0.3 2180800200340 253.2 1.14 0.3 2180800200341 254.1 1.74 0.3 2180800200342 255.1 1.61 0.3 2180800200343 256.0 1.54 0.3 2180800200344 256.9 1.28 0.3 2180800200345 257.9 1.32 0.4 2180800200346 258.9 1.98 0.4 2180800200347 259.8 1.90 0.4 2180800200348 260.8 1.86 0.4 2180800200349 261.8 1.88 0.4 2180800200350 262.7 1.64 0.4 2180800200351 263.7 2.21 0.4 2180800200352 264.7 2.05 0.4 2180800200353 265.7 2.29 0.4 2180800200354 266.7 1.89 0.4 2180800200355 267.7 2.29 0.4 2180800200356 268.7 1.88 0.4 2180800200357 269.8 1.73 0.4 2180800200358 270.8 1.56 0.4 2180800200359 271.8 1.87 0.4 2180800200360 272.9 1.99 0.4 2180800200361 273.9 0.90 0.4 2180800200362 275.0 1.45 0.4 2180800200363 276.0 1.85 0.4 2180800200364 277.1 2.07 0.4 2180800200365 278.1 1.96 0.4 2180800200366 279.2 1.50 0.4 2180800200367 280.3 1.62 0.4 2180800200368 281.4 1.87 0.4 2180800200369 282.5 1.23 0.4 2180800200370 283.6 1.92 0.4 2180800200371 284.7 1.25 0.4 2180800200372 285.8 1.79 0.4 2180800200373 286.9 1.50 0.4 2180800200374 288.0 2.07 0.4 2180800200375 289.2 1.65 0.4 2180800200376 290.3 2.02 0.4 2180800200377 291.4 1.35 0.4 2180800200378 292.6 2.49 0.4 2180800200379 293.8 2.48 0.4 2180800200380 294.9 2.09 0.4 2180800200381 296.1 1.77 0.4 2180800200382 297.3 2.31 0.4 2180800200383 298.5 2.37 0.4 2180800200384 299.6 2.61 0.4 2180800200385 300.8 2.30 0.4 2180800200386 302.1 1.86 0.4 2180800200387 303.3 2.26 0.4 2180800200388 304.5 2.52 0.4 2180800200389 305.7 2.56 0.4 2180800200390 307.0 1.52 0.4 2180800200391 308.2 1.93 0.4 2180800200392 309.5 2.21 0.4 2180800200393 310.7 1.61 0.4 2180800200394 312.0 2.29 0.4 2180800200395 313.3 2.32 0.5 2180800200396 314.5 2.33 0.5 2180800200397 315.8 1.94 0.5 2180800200398 317.1 1.81 0.5 2180800200399 318.4 1.94 0.5 2180800200400 319.8 1.57 0.5 2180800200401 321.1 2.37 0.5 2180800200402 322.4 2.17 0.5 2180800200403 323.8 2.15 0.5 2180800200404 325.1 1.12 0.5 2180800200405 326.5 1.90 0.5 2180800200406 327.8 1.15 0.5 2180800200407 329.2 1.74 0.5 2180800200408 330.6 1.69 0.5 2180800200409 332.0 0.54 0.5 2180800200410 333.4 1.26 0.6 2180800200411 334.8 1.52 0.6 2180800200412 336.2 1.42 0.6 2180800200413 337.6 1.04 0.6 2180800200414 339.1 1.90 0.6 2180800200415 340.5 0.98 0.7 2180800200416 342.0 0.88 0.8 2180800200417 343.4 1.52 0.9 2180800200418 344.9 2.44 1.0 2180800200419 346.4 1.70 1.3 2180800200420 347.9 0.77 1.7 2180800200421 349.4 -2.22 2.2 2180800200422 350.9 2.75 2.6 2180800200423 352.4 -1.56 2.7 2180800200424 353.9 1.25 2.8 2180800200425 ENDDATA 409 0 2180800200426 ENDSUBENT 425 0 2180800299999 SUBENT 21808003 20161111 22552180800300001 BIB 6 17 2180800300002 REACTION (10-NE-21(N,TOT),,SIG) 2180800300003 Low energy run ( 5-350 keV) . 2180800300004 METHOD (TRN) 2180800300005 COMMENT .The cross section at 8.0 keV is printed in 2180800300006 report KFK-3347 as '4. 9' barns. The blank is 2180800300007 assumed to be a zero and the value appears as 2180800300008 '4.09' in the data section of this subwork. 2180800300009 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Only the statistical uncertainty is given. 2180800300010 .For total cross sections 2180800300011 - above 30 keV the systematic error is estimated 2180800300012 to be less than 0.5 per cent. 2180800300013 - Below 30 keV the systematic error is in the 2180800300014 worst case than 5 per cent. 2180800300015 STATUS (TABLE) Table on pages 54-56 in Appendix 1 of 2180800300016 KFK-3347,1982 2180800300017 HISTORY (19830420U) A.P.T. comment added. Embedded blank in 2180800300018 data point at 8.0 keV replaced by a zero. 2180800300019 ENDBIB 17 0 2180800300020 NOCOMMON 0 0 2180800300021 DATA 3 300 2180800300022 EN DATA ERR-S 2180800300023 KEV B B 2180800300024 5.1 4.27 2.20 2180800300025 5.8 4.13 2.60 2180800300026 6.4 3.21 2.40 2180800300027 6.9 2.38 2.30 2180800300028 7.4 4.80 2.20 2180800300029 8.0 4.09 2.10 2180800300030 8.5 3.19 2.10 2180800300031 9.0 4.79 2.20 2180800300032 9.6 1.51 2.30 2180800300033 10.1 3.58 2.30 2180800300034 10.6 2.04 2.30 2180800300035 11.2 2.44 2.40 2180800300036 11.7 1.51 2.30 2180800300037 12.3 2.37 2.40 2180800300038 12.8 3.07 2.20 2180800300039 13.4 4.81 2.30 2180800300040 13.9 2.33 2.30 2180800300041 14.4 3.54 2.20 2180800300042 15.0 3.50 2.30 2180800300043 15.5 3.66 2.30 2180800300044 16.1 3.43 2.10 2180800300045 16.6 1.04 2.20 2180800300046 17.2 2.30 2.20 2180800300047 17.7 2.19 2.20 2180800300048 18.3 3.64 2.10 2180800300049 18.8 3.73 2.10 2180800300050 19.4 3.01 2.10 2180800300051 20.0 5.47 2.10 2180800300052 20.5 4.67 2.10 2180800300053 21.1 4.56 2.00 2180800300054 21.6 0.94 2.00 2180800300055 22.2 3.08 2.00 2180800300056 22.8 4.21 2.00 2180800300057 23.3 3.28 2.00 2180800300058 23.9 6.85 2.00 2180800300059 24.5 3.75 2.00 2180800300060 25.0 1.88 2.00 2180800300061 25.6 1.20 1.90 2180800300062 26.2 3.03 2.00 2180800300063 26.7 0.78 1.90 2180800300064 27.3 2.82 1.90 2180800300065 27.9 -0.20 1.90 2180800300066 28.5 0.12 1.90 2180800300067 29.1 -0.64 1.90 2180800300068 29.6 0.96 2.00 2180800300069 30.2 3.07 1.90 2180800300070 30.8 2.91 1.90 2180800300071 31.4 7.02 2.00 2180800300072 32.0 4.33 1.90 2180800300073 32.6 3.56 1.90 2180800300074 33.2 4.99 2.00 2180800300075 33.8 5.41 2.00 2180800300076 34.3 3.52 1.90 2180800300077 35.0 1.20 2.00 2180800300078 35.5 1.09 2.00 2180800300079 36.1 2.41 2.00 2180800300080 36.7 3.82 2.00 2180800300081 37.4 0.58 2.00 2180800300082 38.0 3.00 2.00 2180800300083 38.6 0.24 2.00 2180800300084 39.2 4.60 2.00 2180800300085 39.8 3.69 2.10 2180800300086 40.4 3.15 2.10 2180800300087 41.0 2.18 2.00 2180800300088 41.6 3.77 2.00 2180800300089 42.2 4.21 2.00 2180800300090 42.9 3.26 2.00 2180800300091 43.5 0.73 2.10 2180800300092 44.1 4.82 2.10 2180800300093 44.7 3.32 2.10 2180800300094 45.4 2.19 2.00 2180800300095 46.0 5.20 2.00 2180800300096 46.7 5.78 2.00 2180800300097 47.3 6.39 2.10 2180800300098 47.9 4.47 2.10 2180800300099 48.6 7.29 2.10 2180800300100 49.2 3.24 2.10 2180800300101 49.8 2.34 2.10 2180800300102 50.5 1.49 2.10 2180800300103 51.2 6.34 2.10 2180800300104 51.8 5.58 2.00 2180800300105 52.5 2.96 2.20 2180800300106 53.2 5.09 2.10 2180800300107 53.8 2.35 2.10 2180800300108 54.4 3.88 2.10 2180800300109 55.1 3.36 2.10 2180800300110 55.8 4.85 2.10 2180800300111 56.4 3.73 2.10 2180800300112 57.1 4.58 2.10 2180800300113 57.8 3.70 1.90 2180800300114 58.5 2.17 2.00 2180800300115 59.3 4.15 2.20 2180800300116 59.9 1.78 2.20 2180800300117 60.6 1.62 2.20 2180800300118 61.2 1.60 2.10 2180800300119 61.9 4.93 2.10 2180800300120 62.6 3.50 2.10 2180800300121 63.3 4.59 2.10 2180800300122 64.0 6.39 2.10 2180800300123 64.7 0.96 2.10 2180800300124 65.4 4.84 2.10 2180800300125 66.1 3.23 2.10 2180800300126 66.9 1.74 2.00 2180800300127 67.7 6.00 2.00 2180800300128 68.4 3.04 2.20 2180800300129 69.1 4.01 2.20 2180800300130 69.8 1.67 2.20 2180800300131 70.4 6.42 2.20 2180800300132 71.1 2.41 2.20 2180800300133 71.8 6.35 2.20 2180800300134 72.5 3.95 2.10 2180800300135 73.2 1.76 2.10 2180800300136 74.0 1.55 2.10 2180800300137 74.7 5.58 2.10 2180800300138 75.5 2.47 2.10 2180800300139 76.2 5.16 2.10 2180800300140 77.0 4.38 2.10 2180800300141 77.8 3.12 2.10 2180800300142 78.6 4.06 2.00 2180800300143 79.4 1.49 2.00 2180800300144 80.2 2.47 2.00 2180800300145 81.0 6.00 2.00 2180800300146 81.9 6.00 2.00 2180800300147 82.8 5.65 2.00 2180800300148 83.6 7.15 2.20 2180800300149 84.3 2.97 2.20 2180800300150 85.1 2.47 2.20 2180800300151 85.8 0.77 2.20 2180800300152 86.5 3.16 2.20 2180800300153 87.3 6.37 2.20 2180800300154 88.0 4.09 2.20 2180800300155 88.8 2.27 2.10 2180800300156 89.6 3.42 2.10 2180800300157 90.4 5.49 2.10 2180800300158 91.2 4.20 2.10 2180800300159 92.0 2.32 2.10 2180800300160 92.8 4.93 2.10 2180800300161 93.6 -0.62 2.10 2180800300162 94.5 3.74 2.10 2180800300163 95.3 1.17 2.00 2180800300164 96.2 5.92 2.10 2180800300165 97.1 5.84 2.00 2180800300166 97.9 -1.14 2.00 2180800300167 98.9 4.28 2.00 2180800300168 99.8 4.75 2.00 2180800300169 100.7 3.97 2.00 2180800300170 101.6 5.64 2.00 2180800300171 102.6 3.92 2.00 2180800300172 103.5 4.10 2.00 2180800300173 104.5 3.70 2.00 2180800300174 105.5 5.41 2.00 2180800300175 106.5 2.81 2.00 2180800300176 107.6 2.67 1.90 2180800300177 108.6 3.56 1.90 2180800300178 109.6 4.60 2.20 2180800300179 110.4 4.42 2.20 2180800300180 111.2 5.39 2.20 2180800300181 112.1 0.87 2.20 2180800300182 112.9 3.57 2.20 2180800300183 113.7 5.17 2.20 2180800300184 114.6 5.59 2.20 2180800300185 115.4 3.63 2.20 2180800300186 116.3 2.28 2.20 2180800300187 117.2 3.07 2.20 2180800300188 118.0 3.27 2.20 2180800300189 118.9 6.20 2.20 2180800300190 119.8 4.39 2.10 2180800300191 120.8 3.88 2.10 2180800300192 121.7 4.16 2.10 2180800300193 122.6 3.46 2.10 2180800300194 123.6 4.33 2.10 2180800300195 124.5 1.98 2.10 2180800300196 125.5 4.32 2.10 2180800300197 126.5 2.86 2.10 2180800300198 127.5 7.89 2.10 2180800300199 128.5 6.62 2.10 2180800300200 129.5 5.15 2.00 2180800300201 130.5 4.37 2.1 2180800300202 131.5 4.32 2.10 2180800300203 132.6 5.04 2.10 2180800300204 133.6 6.30 2.10 2180800300205 134.7 10.91 2.00 2180800300206 135.8 15.24 2.00 2180800300207 136.9 20.42 2.00 2180800300208 138.0 17.88 2.00 2180800300209 139.2 11.64 2.00 2180800300210 140.3 9.66 2.00 2180800300211 141.5 6.47 2.00 2180800300212 142.6 4.45 2.00 2180800300213 143.8 3.91 2.00 2180800300214 145.0 4.52 2.00 2180800300215 146.2 2.44 2.00 2180800300216 147.5 5.12 2.00 2180800300217 148.7 2.86 2.00 2180800300218 150.0 3.19 2.00 2180800300219 151.3 4.75 2.00 2180800300220 152.6 5.28 2.00 2180800300221 153.9 5.08 1.90 2180800300222 155.2 5.69 1.90 2180800300223 156.5 2.65 1.90 2180800300224 157.9 0.93 1.90 2180800300225 159.3 3.27 1.90 2180800300226 160.7 1.72 1.90 2180800300227 162.1 4.17 1.90 2180800300228 163.6 6.59 1.90 2180800300229 165.0 5.01 1.90 2180800300230 166.5 2.23 1.90 2180800300231 168.0 2.75 1.90 2180800300232 169.5 2.20 1.90 2180800300233 171.0 5.52 1.90 2180800300234 172.6 2.74 1.90 2180800300235 174.2 1.98 2.30 2180800300236 175.2 1.63 2.30 2180800300237 176.3 1.06 2.30 2180800300238 177.4 -1.62 2.30 2180800300239 178.5 -2.00 2.30 2180800300240 179.6 0.95 2.30 2180800300241 180.7 6.82 2.30 2180800300242 181.9 6.67 2.30 2180800300243 183.0 9.36 2.30 2180800300244 184.1 7.74 2.30 2180800300245 185.3 4.32 2.30 2180800300246 186.5 6.83 2.30 2180800300247 187.6 5.86 2.30 2180800300248 188.8 5.85 2.30 2180800300249 190.0 5.77 2.30 2180800300250 191.3 4.37 2.30 2180800300251 192.5 8.29 2.30 2180800300252 193.7 5.85 2.30 2180800300253 195.0 4.05 2.30 2180800300254 196.2 0.84 2.30 2180800300255 197.5 5.22 2.20 2180800300256 198.8 3.35 2.30 2180800300257 200.1 3.34 2.30 2180800300258 201.4 3.62 2.30 2180800300259 202.7 2.55 2.20 2180800300260 204.1 4.43 2.20 2180800300261 205.4 3.32 2.20 2180800300262 206.8 1.91 2.30 2180800300263 208.2 4.17 2.20 2180800300264 209.6 0.14 2.20 2180800300265 211.0 -1.93 3.20 2180800300266 211.7 0.88 3.20 2180800300267 212.4 2.27 3.20 2180800300268 213.1 3.70 3.20 2180800300269 213.8 0.45 3.20 2180800300270 214.6 3.10 3.20 2180800300271 215.3 6.36 3.20 2180800300272 216.0 6.18 3.20 2180800300273 216.8 4.18 3.20 2180800300274 217.5 6.16 3.20 2180800300275 218.2 4.45 3.20 2180800300276 219.0 4.63 3.20 2180800300277 219.7 4.96 3.20 2180800300278 220.5 -0.58 3.20 2180800300279 221.2 -2.97 3.20 2180800300280 222.0 4.41 3.20 2180800300281 222.8 4.68 3.20 2180800300282 223.5 4.23 3.20 2180800300283 224.3 2.54 3.20 2180800300284 225.1 0.17 3.20 2180800300285 225.9 1.00 3.20 2180800300286 226.7 2.19 3.20 2180800300287 227.4 5.96 3.20 2180800300288 228.2 0.97 3.20 2180800300289 229.0 1.35 3.20 2180800300290 229.8 0.18 3.20 2180800300291 230.6 3.11 3.20 2180800300292 231.5 1.14 3.20 2180800300293 232.3 5.44 3.20 2180800300294 233.1 -2.13 3.20 2180800300295 233.9 4.22 3.20 2180800300296 234.7 3.73 3.20 2180800300297 235.6 5.90 3.20 2180800300298 236.4 3.96 3.20 2180800300299 237.2 3.42 3.20 2180800300300 238.1 5.78 3.20 2180800300301 238.9 5.06 3.20 2180800300302 239.8 3.86 3.20 2180800300303 240.7 4.74 3.20 2180800300304 241.5 1.22 3.20 2180800300305 242.4 3.55 3.20 2180800300306 243.3 0.15 3.30 2180800300307 244.1 2.75 3.20 2180800300308 245.0 1.36 3.20 2180800300309 245.9 4.93 3.30 2180800300310 246.8 2.98 3.20 2180800300311 247.7 0.59 3.30 2180800300312 248.6 6.11 3.20 2180800300313 249.5 4.64 3.30 2180800300314 250.4 2.92 3.30 2180800300315 251.3 -1.38 3.30 2180800300316 252.3 0.05 3.30 2180800300317 253.2 -2.35 3.30 2180800300318 254.1 2.88 3.30 2180800300319 255.1 1.34 3.30 2180800300320 256.0 2.15 3.30 2180800300321 256.9 1.93 3.30 2180800300322 257.9 0.09 3.30 2180800300323 258.9 2.97 3.30 2180800300324 ENDDATA 302 0 2180800300325 ENDSUBENT 324 0 2180800399999 SUBENT 21808004 20161111 22552180800400001 BIB 4 11 2180800400002 REACTION (10-NE-22(N,TOT),,SIG) 2180800400003 Low energy run (5-350 keV) . 2180800400004 METHOD (TRN) 2180800400005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Only the statistical uncertainty is given. 2180800400006 .For total cross sections 2180800400007 - above 30 keV the systematic error is estimated 2180800400008 to be less than 0.5 per cent. 2180800400009 - Below 30 keV the systematic error is in the 2180800400010 worst case than 5 per cent. 2180800400011 STATUS (TABLE) Table on pages 56-58 in Appendix 1 of 2180800400012 KFK-3347,1982 2180800400013 ENDBIB 11 0 2180800400014 NOCOMMON 0 0 2180800400015 DATA 3 291 2180800400016 EN DATA ERR-S 2180800400017 KEV B B 2180800400018 5.1 2.83 0.2 2180800400019 6.1 2.82 0.3 2180800400020 6.9 1.81 0.2 2180800400021 7.7 1.67 0.2 2180800400022 8.4 1.75 0.2 2180800400023 9.2 1.63 0.2 2180800400024 9.9 1.32 0.2 2180800400025 10.7 2.12 0.2 2180800400026 11.5 2.3 0.2 2180800400027 12.2 2.04 0.3 2180800400028 13.0 1.94 0.2 2180800400029 13.8 1.54 0.2 2180800400030 14.5 1.88 0.2 2180800400031 15.3 1.88 0.2 2180800400032 16.1 1.82 0.2 2180800400033 16.8 1.47 0.2 2180800400034 17.6 1.94 0.2 2180800400035 18.4 1.92 0.2 2180800400036 19.2 1.44 0.2 2180800400037 19.9 2.2 0.2 2180800400038 20.7 1.85 0.2 2180800400039 21.5 1.78 0.2 2180800400040 22.3 1.52 0.2 2180800400041 23.1 1.65 0.2 2180800400042 23.9 1.52 0.2 2180800400043 24.7 1.45 0.2 2180800400044 25.5 1.31 0.2 2180800400045 26.2 1.81 0.2 2180800400046 27.0 1.23 0.2 2180800400047 27.8 1.53 0.2 2180800400048 28.6 1.41 0.2 2180800400049 29.4 1.29 0.2 2180800400050 30.2 1.57 0.2 2180800400051 31.0 1.76 0.2 2180800400052 31.8 1.52 0.2 2180800400053 32.7 1.85 0.2 2180800400054 33.5 1.93 0.2 2180800400055 34.3 1.46 0.2 2180800400056 35.1 1.46 0.2 2180800400057 35.9 1.27 0.2 2180800400058 36.7 1.5 0.2 2180800400059 37.6 1.53 0.2 2180800400060 38.4 1.45 0.2 2180800400061 39.2 1.48 0.2 2180800400062 40.1 1.38 0.2 2180800400063 40.9 1.45 0.2 2180800400064 41.8 1.58 0.2 2180800400065 42.6 1.49 0.2 2180800400066 43.5 1.47 0.2 2180800400067 44.3 1.49 0.2 2180800400068 45.2 1.57 0.2 2180800400069 46.0 1.55 0.2 2180800400070 46.9 1.74 0.2 2180800400071 47.8 1.28 0.2 2180800400072 48.6 1.67 0.2 2180800400073 49.5 1.26 0.2 2180800400074 50.4 1.54 0.2 2180800400075 51.2 1.42 0.2 2180800400076 52.1 1.63 0.2 2180800400077 53.0 2.02 0.2 2180800400078 53.9 1.33 0.2 2180800400079 54.8 1.29 0.2 2180800400080 55.7 1.69 0.2 2180800400081 56.5 1.48 0.2 2180800400082 57.4 1.58 0.2 2180800400083 58.3 1.49 0.2 2180800400084 59.3 1.51 0.2 2180800400085 60.2 1.16 0.2 2180800400086 61.1 1.1 0.2 2180800400087 62.0 1.32 0.2 2180800400088 62.9 1.61 0.2 2180800400089 63.8 1.31 0.2 2180800400090 64.8 1.05 0.2 2180800400091 65.8 1.4 0.2 2180800400092 66.8 1.27 0.2 2180800400093 67.7 1.3 0.2 2180800400094 68.6 1.49 0.2 2180800400095 69.5 1.23 0.2 2180800400096 70.4 1.62 0.2 2180800400097 71.4 1.41 0.2 2180800400098 72.4 1.51 0.2 2180800400099 73.4 9.2000E-01 0.2 2180800400100 74.4 1.52 0.2 2180800400101 75.5 1.32 0.2 2180800400102 76.4 1.66 0.2 2180800400103 77.3 1.25 0.2 2180800400104 78.3 1.32 0.2 2180800400105 79.2 1.26 0.2 2180800400106 80.2 1.37 0.2 2180800400107 81.2 1.73 0.2 2180800400108 82.2 1.4 0.2 2180800400109 83.3 1.3 0.2 2180800400110 84.3 1.4 0.2 2180800400111 85.4 1.16 0.2 2180800400112 86.5 1.29 0.2 2180800400113 87.7 1.36 0.2 2180800400114 88.6 1.29 0.2 2180800400115 89.6 1.55 0.2 2180800400116 90.6 1.16 0.2 2180800400117 91.6 1.34 0.2 2180800400118 92.6 1.5 0.2 2180800400119 93.6 1.04 0.2 2180800400120 94.7 1.35 0.2 2180800400121 95.8 1.41 0.2 2180800400122 96.8 1.43 0.2 2180800400123 97.9 5.7000E-01 0.2 2180800400124 99.1 1.4 0.2 2180800400125 100.2 1.12 0.2 2180800400126 101.4 1.28 0.2 2180800400127 102.6 1.54 0.2 2180800400128 103.8 1.04 0.2 2180800400129 105.0 1.5 0.2 2180800400130 106.3 1.43 0.2 2180800400131 107.3 9.0000E-01 0.2 2180800400132 108.3 1.05 0.2 2180800400133 109.4 1.18 0.2 2180800400134 110.4 1.22 0.2 2180800400135 111.5 6.7000E-01 0.2 2180800400136 112.6 1.11 0.2 2180800400137 113.7 8.2000E-01 0.2 2180800400138 114.9 1.0 0.2 2180800400139 116.0 1.13 0.2 2180800400140 117.2 1.13 0.2 2180800400141 118.3 1.12 0.2 2180800400142 119.5 1.02 0.2 2180800400143 120.8 1.19 0.2 2180800400144 122.0 1.2 0.2 2180800400145 123.2 1.08 0.2 2180800400146 124.5 1.08 0.2 2180800400147 125.8 1.0 0.2 2180800400148 127.1 9.5000E-01 0.2 2180800400149 128.5 1.56 0.2 2180800400150 129.8 9.9000E-01 0.2 2180800400151 131.2 1.06 0.2 2180800400152 132.6 1.13 0.2 2180800400153 134.0 9.2000E-01 0.2 2180800400154 135.4 8.8000E-01 0.2 2180800400155 136.9 8.8000E-01 0.2 2180800400156 138.4 1.14 0.3 2180800400157 139.5 1.0 0.3 2180800400158 140.7 1.11 0.3 2180800400159 141.8 1.01 0.3 2180800400160 143.0 9.3000E-01 0.3 2180800400161 144.2 9.6000E-01 0.3 2180800400162 145.4 9.8000E-01 0.3 2180800400163 146.6 7.7000E-01 0.3 2180800400164 147.9 6.2000E-01 0.3 2180800400165 149.1 7.6000E-01 0.2 2180800400166 150.4 1.18 0.2 2180800400167 151.7 1.09 0.2 2180800400168 153.0 8.3000E-01 0.2 2180800400169 154.3 9.4000E-01 0.2 2180800400170 155.6 5.9000E-01 0.2 2180800400171 157.0 9.3000E-01 0.2 2180800400172 158.4 9.5000E-01 0.2 2180800400173 159.8 5.7000E-01 0.2 2180800400174 161.2 7.8000E-01 0.2 2180800400175 162.6 1.09 0.2 2180800400176 164.0 1.3 0.2 2180800400177 165.5 5.6000E-01 0.2 2180800400178 167.0 1.05 0.2 2180800400179 168.5 9.5000E-01 0.2 2180800400180 170.0 8.1000E-01 0.2 2180800400181 171.6 1.07 0.2 2180800400182 173.1 8.9000E-01 0.2 2180800400183 174.7 8.3000E-01 0.2 2180800400184 176.3 5.7000E-01 0.2 2180800400185 178.0 5.3000E-01 0.2 2180800400186 179.6 1.01 0.2 2180800400187 181.3 9.7000E-01 0.2 2180800400188 183.0 5.8000E-01 0.2 2180800400189 184.7 5.0000E-01 0.2 2180800400190 186.5 4.6000E-01 0.2 2180800400191 188.2 5.7000E-01 0.2 2180800400192 190.0 5.8000E-01 0.2 2180800400193 191.9 9.0000E-01 0.2 2180800400194 193.7 4.0000E-01 0.2 2180800400195 195.6 5.6000E-01 0.2 2180800400196 197.5 7.8000E-01 0.2 2180800400197 199.4 5.1000E-01 0.2 2180800400198 201.4 4.0000E-01 0.2 2180800400199 203.4 4.2000E-01 0.2 2180800400200 205.4 3.7000E-01 0.2 2180800400201 207.5 1.7000E-01 0.2 2180800400202 209.6 2.2000E-01 0.2 2180800400203 211.7 3.1000E-01 0.2 2180800400204 213.8 2.2000E-01 0.2 2180800400205 216.0 7.3000E-01 0.2 2180800400206 218.2 4.4000E-01 0.2 2180800400207 220.5 -7.0000E-02 0.3 2180800400208 222.0 1.5000E-01 0.3 2180800400209 223.5 1.5000E-01 0.3 2180800400210 225.1 -3.7000E-01 0.3 2180800400211 226.7 4.5000E-01 0.3 2180800400212 228.2 2.2000E-01 0.3 2180800400213 229.8 3.6000E-01 0.3 2180800400214 231.5 2.0000E-02 0.3 2180800400215 233.1 -8.0000E-02 0.3 2180800400216 234.7 2.3000E-01 0.3 2180800400217 236.4 5.3000E-01 0.3 2180800400218 238.1 1.1000E-01 0.3 2180800400219 239.8 4.2000E-01 0.3 2180800400220 241.5 1.6000E-01 0.3 2180800400221 243.3 1.7000E-01 0.3 2180800400222 245.0 4.5000E-01 0.3 2180800400223 246.8 3.5000E-01 0.3 2180800400224 248.6 4.7000E-01 0.3 2180800400225 250.4 5.0000E-01 0.3 2180800400226 252.3 9.7000E-01 0.3 2180800400227 254.1 1.22 0.3 2180800400228 256.0 1.73 0.3 2180800400229 257.9 2.1 0.4 2180800400230 258.9 3.35 0.4 2180800400231 259.8 3.5 0.4 2180800400232 260.8 5.28 0.4 2180800400233 261.8 6.53 0.4 2180800400234 262.7 7.36 0.4 2180800400235 263.7 9.06 0.4 2180800400236 264.7 9.89 0.4 2180800400237 265.7 9.82 0.4 2180800400238 266.7 8.5 0.4 2180800400239 267.7 7.18 0.4 2180800400240 268.7 5.77 0.4 2180800400241 269.8 4.53 0.4 2180800400242 270.8 3.88 0.4 2180800400243 271.8 3.28 0.4 2180800400244 272.9 2.63 0.4 2180800400245 273.9 2.48 0.4 2180800400246 275.0 2.49 0.4 2180800400247 276.0 2.66 0.4 2180800400248 277.1 2.24 0.4 2180800400249 278.1 2.65 0.4 2180800400250 279.2 2.63 0.4 2180800400251 280.3 3.19 0.4 2180800400252 281.4 3.52 0.4 2180800400253 282.5 3.81 0.4 2180800400254 283.6 4.67 0.4 2180800400255 284.7 4.05 0.4 2180800400256 285.8 4.56 0.4 2180800400257 286.9 5.25 0.4 2180800400258 288.0 6.46 0.5 2180800400259 289.2 7.01 0.5 2180800400260 290.3 7.65 0.5 2180800400261 291.4 7.81 0.5 2180800400262 292.6 9.1 0.5 2180800400263 293.8 1.0050E+01 0.5 2180800400264 294.9 8.81 0.5 2180800400265 296.1 9.79 0.5 2180800400266 297.3 1.1010E+01 0.5 2180800400267 298.5 1.0150E+01 0.5 2180800400268 299.6 1.0910E+01 0.5 2180800400269 300.8 1.0450E+01 0.5 2180800400270 302.1 9.59 0.5 2180800400271 303.3 1.0330E+01 0.5 2180800400272 304.5 1.0140E+01 0.5 2180800400273 305.7 9.38 0.5 2180800400274 307.0 8.64 0.5 2180800400275 308.2 8.64 0.5 2180800400276 309.5 8.91 0.5 2180800400277 310.7 7.55 0.5 2180800400278 312.0 8.04 0.5 2180800400279 313.3 7.45 0.5 2180800400280 314.5 7.04 0.5 2180800400281 315.8 7.22 0.6 2180800400282 317.1 6.44 0.6 2180800400283 318.4 5.86 0.6 2180800400284 319.8 6.0 0.6 2180800400285 321.1 6.18 0.6 2180800400286 322.4 5.35 0.6 2180800400287 323.8 5.7 0.6 2180800400288 325.1 4.1 0.6 2180800400289 326.5 5.0 0.6 2180800400290 327.8 4.87 0.6 2180800400291 329.2 4.76 0.6 2180800400292 330.6 4.29 0.6 2180800400293 332.0 3.07 0.6 2180800400294 333.4 4.15 0.7 2180800400295 334.8 3.33 0.7 2180800400296 336.2 3.98 0.7 2180800400297 337.6 3.25 0.7 2180800400298 339.1 3.8 0.8 2180800400299 340.5 3.19 0.8 2180800400300 342.0 2.84 0.9 2180800400301 343.4 4.11 1.0 2180800400302 344.9 3.6 1.2 2180800400303 346.4 2.6 1.6 2180800400304 347.9 2.22 2.0 2180800400305 349.4 -3.39 2.7 2180800400306 350.9 5.52 3.2 2180800400307 352.4 -4.64 3.2 2180800400308 353.9 -7.59 3.3 2180800400309 ENDDATA 293 0 2180800400310 ENDSUBENT 309 0 2180800499999 SUBENT 21808005 20161111 22552180800500001 BIB 4 11 2180800500002 REACTION (10-NE-20(N,TOT),,SIG) 2180800500003 High energy run ( 130-800 keV) . 2180800500004 METHOD (TRN) 2180800500005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Only the statistical uncertainty is given. 2180800500006 .For total cross sections 2180800500007 - above 30 keV the systematic error is estimated 2180800500008 to be less than 0.5 per cent. 2180800500009 - Below 30 keV the systematic error is in the 2180800500010 worst case than 5 per cent. 2180800500011 STATUS (TABLE) Table on pages 58-60 in Appendix 1 of 2180800500012 KFK-3347,1982 2180800500013 ENDBIB 11 0 2180800500014 NOCOMMON 0 0 2180800500015 DATA 3 345 2180800500016 EN DATA ERR-S 2180800500017 KEV B B 2180800500018 133.3 2.82 0.7 2180800500019 134.4 2.8 0.3 2180800500020 135.6 1.37 0.3 2180800500021 136.7 2.18 0.3 2180800500022 137.9 2.54 0.3 2180800500023 139.0 2.53 0.3 2180800500024 140.2 2.27 0.3 2180800500025 141.4 1.99 0.3 2180800500026 142.7 2.2 0.3 2180800500027 143.9 1.79 0.3 2180800500028 145.2 2.34 0.3 2180800500029 146.4 5.28 0.3 2180800500030 147.7 9.12 0.3 2180800500031 149.0 3.07 0.3 2180800500032 150.3 1.99 0.3 2180800500033 151.7 1.89 0.3 2180800500034 153.0 2.3 0.3 2180800500035 154.4 2.07 0.3 2180800500036 155.8 1.89 0.3 2180800500037 157.2 2.27 0.3 2180800500038 158.6 2.24 0.3 2180800500039 160.1 1.84 0.3 2180800500040 161.5 1.8 0.3 2180800500041 163.0 1.64 0.3 2180800500042 164.6 2.06 0.3 2180800500043 166.1 2.03 0.3 2180800500044 167.6 1.22 0.3 2180800500045 169.2 1.65 0.3 2180800500046 170.3 2.04 0.3 2180800500047 171.3 2.16 0.3 2180800500048 172.4 2.17 0.3 2180800500049 173.5 1.89 0.3 2180800500050 174.6 2.65 0.3 2180800500051 175.7 2.46 0.3 2180800500052 176.9 1.71 0.3 2180800500053 178.0 1.98 0.3 2180800500054 179.1 2.48 0.3 2180800500055 180.3 1.64 0.3 2180800500056 181.5 1.91 0.3 2180800500057 182.6 2.26 0.3 2180800500058 183.8 2.05 0.3 2180800500059 185.0 2.07 0.3 2180800500060 186.2 2.44 0.3 2180800500061 187.5 1.76 0.3 2180800500062 188.7 1.81 0.3 2180800500063 190.0 1.92 0.3 2180800500064 191.2 1.53 0.3 2180800500065 192.5 2.45 0.3 2180800500066 193.8 2.0 0.3 2180800500067 195.1 1.81 0.3 2180800500068 196.4 2.36 0.3 2180800500069 197.7 2.01 0.3 2180800500070 199.1 1.68 0.3 2180800500071 200.4 2.08 0.3 2180800500072 201.8 2.2 0.3 2180800500073 203.2 2.13 0.3 2180800500074 204.6 1.66 0.3 2180800500075 206.0 1.43 0.4 2180800500076 206.7 1.94 0.4 2180800500077 207.4 2.1 0.4 2180800500078 208.1 1.55 0.4 2180800500079 208.8 2.04 0.4 2180800500080 209.5 2.39 0.4 2180800500081 210.3 2.53 0.4 2180800500082 211.0 1.34 0.4 2180800500083 211.7 2.06 0.4 2180800500084 212.5 1.47 0.4 2180800500085 213.2 1.55 0.4 2180800500086 214.0 2.1 0.4 2180800500087 214.7 2.08 0.4 2180800500088 215.5 1.97 0.4 2180800500089 216.2 1.51 0.4 2180800500090 217.0 2.03 0.4 2180800500091 217.8 1.36 0.4 2180800500092 218.5 1.84 0.4 2180800500093 219.3 1.86 0.4 2180800500094 220.1 1.78 0.4 2180800500095 220.9 1.91 0.4 2180800500096 221.7 1.39 0.4 2180800500097 222.5 1.72 0.4 2180800500098 223.3 1.88 0.4 2180800500099 224.1 1.8 0.4 2180800500100 224.9 1.29 0.4 2180800500101 225.7 2.06 0.4 2180800500102 226.5 1.47 0.4 2180800500103 227.3 1.57 0.4 2180800500104 228.1 1.18 0.4 2180800500105 229.0 2.2 0.4 2180800500106 229.8 1.19 0.4 2180800500107 230.6 1.6 0.4 2180800500108 231.5 1.69 0.4 2180800500109 232.3 2.23 0.4 2180800500110 233.2 1.31 0.4 2180800500111 234.0 2.41 0.4 2180800500112 234.9 1.23 0.4 2180800500113 235.8 1.74 0.4 2180800500114 236.6 2.0 0.4 2180800500115 237.5 1.12 0.4 2180800500116 238.4 1.38 0.4 2180800500117 239.3 1.16 0.4 2180800500118 240.1 1.84 0.4 2180800500119 241.0 1.71 0.4 2180800500120 241.9 2.25 0.4 2180800500121 242.8 1.65 0.4 2180800500122 243.8 2.07 0.4 2180800500123 244.7 1.57 0.4 2180800500124 245.6 2.34 0.4 2180800500125 246.5 1.38 0.4 2180800500126 247.4 1.37 0.4 2180800500127 248.4 1.82 0.4 2180800500128 249.3 1.95 0.4 2180800500129 250.3 2.47 0.4 2180800500130 251.2 1.79 0.4 2180800500131 252.2 1.35 0.4 2180800500132 253.1 2.02 0.4 2180800500133 254.1 1.88 0.4 2180800500134 255.1 1.64 0.4 2180800500135 256.0 1.59 0.4 2180800500136 257.0 1.53 0.4 2180800500137 258.0 1.42 0.3 2180800500138 259.0 1.77 0.3 2180800500139 260.0 1.23 0.3 2180800500140 261.0 1.76 0.3 2180800500141 262.0 2.37 0.3 2180800500142 263.0 2.66 0.3 2180800500143 264.1 2.5 0.3 2180800500144 265.1 2.32 0.3 2180800500145 266.1 2.27 0.3 2180800500146 267.2 2.17 0.3 2180800500147 268.2 2.22 0.3 2180800500148 269.3 1.51 0.3 2180800500149 270.3 2.41 0.3 2180800500150 271.4 2.03 0.3 2180800500151 272.5 1.83 0.3 2180800500152 273.6 1.87 0.3 2180800500153 274.6 1.55 0.3 2180800500154 275.7 1.26 0.3 2180800500155 276.8 2.03 0.3 2180800500156 277.9 1.09 0.3 2180800500157 279.0 1.7 0.3 2180800500158 280.2 1.79 0.3 2180800500159 281.3 1.79 0.3 2180800500160 282.4 1.71 0.3 2180800500161 283.6 1.99 0.3 2180800500162 284.7 2.35 0.3 2180800500163 285.9 1.96 0.3 2180800500164 287.0 2.38 0.3 2180800500165 288.2 1.79 0.3 2180800500166 289.4 1.65 0.3 2180800500167 290.5 1.9 0.3 2180800500168 291.7 1.83 0.3 2180800500169 292.9 2.07 0.3 2180800500170 294.1 1.87 0.3 2180800500171 295.3 2.43 0.3 2180800500172 296.6 1.94 0.3 2180800500173 297.8 1.85 0.3 2180800500174 299.0 2.43 0.3 2180800500175 300.3 1.96 0.3 2180800500176 301.5 2.34 0.3 2180800500177 302.8 2.0 0.3 2180800500178 304.0 2.38 0.3 2180800500179 305.3 2.12 0.3 2180800500180 306.6 2.34 0.3 2180800500181 307.9 2.27 0.3 2180800500182 309.2 1.96 0.3 2180800500183 310.5 2.09 0.3 2180800500184 311.8 1.53 0.3 2180800500185 313.1 1.93 0.3 2180800500186 314.4 2.02 0.3 2180800500187 315.8 1.76 0.3 2180800500188 317.1 2.04 0.3 2180800500189 318.5 1.94 0.3 2180800500190 319.8 1.7 0.3 2180800500191 321.2 1.95 0.3 2180800500192 322.6 1.59 0.3 2180800500193 324.0 1.56 0.3 2180800500194 325.4 1.44 0.3 2180800500195 326.8 1.26 0.3 2180800500196 328.2 1.58 0.3 2180800500197 329.6 1.21 0.3 2180800500198 331.1 1.23 0.3 2180800500199 332.5 1.24 0.3 2180800500200 334.0 1.22 0.3 2180800500201 335.4 1.95 0.3 2180800500202 336.9 1.34 0.3 2180800500203 338.4 1.34 0.3 2180800500204 339.9 1.45 0.3 2180800500205 341.4 1.07 0.3 2180800500206 342.9 1.13 0.3 2180800500207 344.4 1.46 0.3 2180800500208 346.0 1.03 0.3 2180800500209 347.5 1.42 0.3 2180800500210 349.1 1.41 0.3 2180800500211 350.6 1.15 0.3 2180800500212 352.2 1.18 0.3 2180800500213 353.8 1.08 0.3 2180800500214 355.4 8.0000E-01 0.3 2180800500215 357.0 9.2000E-01 0.3 2180800500216 358.6 1.35 0.3 2180800500217 360.3 8.5000E-01 0.3 2180800500218 361.9 1.01 0.3 2180800500219 363.6 1.23 0.3 2180800500220 365.2 1.14 0.2 2180800500221 366.9 1.09 0.2 2180800500222 368.6 8.6000E-01 0.2 2180800500223 370.3 1.05 0.2 2180800500224 372.0 7.3000E-01 0.2 2180800500225 373.7 7.0000E-01 0.2 2180800500226 375.4 6.7000E-01 0.2 2180800500227 377.2 4.0000E-01 0.2 2180800500228 378.9 8.5000E-01 0.2 2180800500229 380.7 6.7000E-01 0.2 2180800500230 382.5 8.8000E-01 0.2 2180800500231 384.3 6.9000E-01 0.2 2180800500232 386.1 6.5000E-01 0.2 2180800500233 387.9 5.8000E-01 0.2 2180800500234 389.8 4.0000E-01 0.2 2180800500235 391.6 6.2000E-01 0.2 2180800500236 393.5 9.4000E-01 0.2 2180800500237 395.3 5.9000E-01 0.2 2180800500238 397.2 2.3000E-01 0.2 2180800500239 399.1 3.1000E-01 0.2 2180800500240 401.1 5.4000E-01 0.2 2180800500241 403.0 6.4000E-01 0.2 2180800500242 404.9 5.5000E-01 0.2 2180800500243 406.9 5.5000E-01 0.2 2180800500244 408.9 5.9000E-01 0.2 2180800500245 410.8 6.4000E-01 0.2 2180800500246 412.8 3.7000E-01 0.2 2180800500247 414.9 4.3000E-01 0.2 2180800500248 416.9 1.9000E-01 0.3 2180800500249 418.9 7.2000E-01 0.3 2180800500250 421.0 1.66 0.3 2180800500251 423.1 1.94 0.3 2180800500252 425.2 1.67 0.3 2180800500253 427.3 1.03 0.3 2180800500254 429.4 8.9000E-01 0.3 2180800500255 431.5 1.17 0.3 2180800500256 433.7 7.8000E-01 0.3 2180800500257 435.8 1.15 0.3 2180800500258 438.0 1.63 0.3 2180800500259 440.2 8.8000E-01 0.3 2180800500260 442.4 1.2 0.3 2180800500261 444.7 1.31 0.3 2180800500262 446.9 1.17 0.3 2180800500263 449.2 1.5 0.3 2180800500264 451.5 1.17 0.3 2180800500265 453.8 1.84 0.3 2180800500266 456.1 1.84 0.3 2180800500267 458.4 1.82 0.2 2180800500268 460.8 2.38 0.2 2180800500269 463.2 2.69 0.2 2180800500270 465.6 3.1 0.2 2180800500271 468.0 3.02 0.2 2180800500272 470.4 3.21 0.2 2180800500273 472.9 3.72 0.2 2180800500274 475.3 3.7 0.2 2180800500275 477.8 3.88 0.2 2180800500276 480.3 4.29 0.2 2180800500277 482.9 4.71 0.2 2180800500278 485.4 4.65 0.2 2180800500279 488.0 4.87 0.2 2180800500280 490.6 5.05 0.2 2180800500281 493.2 5.46 0.2 2180800500282 495.8 5.75 0.2 2180800500283 498.5 5.96 0.2 2180800500284 501.1 6.24 0.2 2180800500285 503.8 5.97 0.2 2180800500286 506.6 6.19 0.2 2180800500287 509.3 6.04 0.2 2180800500288 512.1 6.09 0.2 2180800500289 514.9 6.11 0.2 2180800500290 517.7 6.09 0.2 2180800500291 520.5 6.34 0.2 2180800500292 523.3 6.2 0.2 2180800500293 526.2 6.29 0.2 2180800500294 529.1 6.02 0.2 2180800500295 532.0 6.1 0.2 2180800500296 535.0 6.16 0.2 2180800500297 538.0 5.98 0.2 2180800500298 541.0 6.03 0.2 2180800500299 544.0 6.07 0.2 2180800500300 547.0 6.07 0.2 2180800500301 550.1 5.91 0.2 2180800500302 553.2 5.93 0.2 2180800500303 556.4 5.56 0.2 2180800500304 559.5 5.6 0.2 2180800500305 562.7 5.32 0.2 2180800500306 565.9 5.26 0.2 2180800500307 569.1 5.29 0.2 2180800500308 572.4 5.18 0.2 2180800500309 575.7 5.29 0.2 2180800500310 579.0 5.39 0.2 2180800500311 582.4 4.99 0.2 2180800500312 585.7 5.1 0.2 2180800500313 589.1 4.85 0.2 2180800500314 592.6 4.7 0.2 2180800500315 596.1 4.83 0.2 2180800500316 599.6 4.46 0.2 2180800500317 603.1 4.27 0.2 2180800500318 606.6 3.87 0.3 2180800500319 610.2 3.99 0.3 2180800500320 613.9 4.35 0.4 2180800500321 617.5 4.04 0.4 2180800500322 621.2 3.97 0.4 2180800500323 624.9 4.39 0.4 2180800500324 628.7 4.46 0.4 2180800500325 632.5 4.83 0.4 2180800500326 636.3 3.41 0.4 2180800500327 640.2 3.97 0.5 2180800500328 644.1 4.24 0.5 2180800500329 648.0 3.95 0.5 2180800500330 652.0 3.85 0.5 2180800500331 656.0 4.47 0.5 2180800500332 660.0 4.71 0.5 2180800500333 664.1 4.17 0.5 2180800500334 668.2 4.71 0.5 2180800500335 672.4 5.03 0.5 2180800500336 676.5 3.98 0.5 2180800500337 680.8 4.18 0.5 2180800500338 685.1 4.57 0.5 2180800500339 689.4 4.97 0.5 2180800500340 693.7 4.25 0.5 2180800500341 698.1 4.31 0.5 2180800500342 702.6 4.54 0.5 2180800500343 707.0 3.61 0.5 2180800500344 711.6 4.49 0.6 2180800500345 716.1 3.8 0.6 2180800500346 720.7 3.38 0.6 2180800500347 725.4 3.17 0.7 2180800500348 730.1 2.49 0.7 2180800500349 734.8 3.49 0.7 2180800500350 739.6 5.27 0.7 2180800500351 744.5 2.0 0.7 2180800500352 749.4 4.61 0.8 2180800500353 754.3 2.72 0.8 2180800500354 759.3 3.85 0.8 2180800500355 764.3 3.27 0.9 2180800500356 769.4 1.71 0.9 2180800500357 774.5 2.3 0.9 2180800500358 779.7 4.07 0.9 2180800500359 785.0 2.6000E-01 1.0 2180800500360 790.3 1.43 1.1 2180800500361 795.6 3.08 1.1 2180800500362 801.0 1.26 1.2 2180800500363 ENDDATA 347 0 2180800500364 ENDSUBENT 363 0 2180800599999 SUBENT 21808006 20161111 22552180800600001 BIB 4 11 2180800600002 REACTION (10-NE-21(N,TOT),,SIG) 2180800600003 High energy run ( 130-800 keV) . 2180800600004 METHOD (TRN) 2180800600005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Only the statistical uncertainty is given. 2180800600006 .For total cross sections 2180800600007 - above 30 keV the systematic error is estimated 2180800600008 to be less than 0.5 per cent. 2180800600009 - Below 30 keV the systematic error is in the 2180800600010 worst case than 5 per cent. 2180800600011 STATUS (TABLE) Table on pages 60-61 in Appendix 1 of 2180800600012 KFK-3347,1982 2180800600013 ENDBIB 11 0 2180800600014 NOCOMMON 0 0 2180800600015 DATA 3 114 2180800600016 EN DATA ERR-S 2180800600017 KEV B B 2180800600018 133.3 6.69 7.3 2180800600019 134.4 1.8200E+01 3.1 2180800600020 135.6 2.0260E+01 3.2 2180800600021 136.7 2.8820E+01 3.1 2180800600022 137.9 2.1320E+01 3.1 2180800600023 139.0 2.0790E+01 3.0 2180800600024 140.2 1.3940E+01 3.0 2180800600025 141.4 7.46 2.9 2180800600026 142.7 8.32 2.8 2180800600027 143.9 7.79 2.8 2180800600028 145.2 5.37 2.8 2180800600029 146.4 1.1950E+01 2.8 2180800600030 147.7 1.0290E+01 2.8 2180800600031 149.0 4.98 2.7 2180800600032 150.3 7.05 2.7 2180800600033 151.7 1.16 2.7 2180800600034 153.0 7.68 2.7 2180800600035 154.4 6.39 2.7 2180800600036 155.8 3.86 2.6 2180800600037 157.2 9.56 2.6 2180800600038 158.6 7.9 2.6 2180800600039 160.1 7.95 2.6 2180800600040 161.5 5.82 2.6 2180800600041 163.0 4.81 2.6 2180800600042 164.6 5.72 2.5 2180800600043 166.1 4.73 2.5 2180800600044 167.6 5.83 2.5 2180800600045 169.2 5.7000E-01 3.1 2180800600046 170.3 7.82 3.0 2180800600047 171.3 8.28 3.0 2180800600048 172.4 3.77 3.0 2180800600049 173.5 4.41 3.0 2180800600050 174.6 1.0920E+01 3.0 2180800600051 175.7 6.96 3.0 2180800600052 176.9 9.39 3.0 2180800600053 178.0 3.31 2.9 2180800600054 179.1 8.89 2.9 2180800600055 180.3 1.05 2.9 2180800600056 181.5 7.44 2.9 2180800600057 182.6 1.2060E+01 2.9 2180800600058 183.8 1.4830E+01 2.8 2180800600059 185.0 5.26 2.6 2180800600060 186.2 9.11 2.7 2180800600061 187.5 8.21 2.8 2180800600062 188.7 6.62 2.8 2180800600063 190.0 2.53 2.8 2180800600064 191.2 4.21 2.8 2180800600065 192.5 9.94 2.8 2180800600066 193.8 7.23 2.8 2180800600067 195.1 1.66 2.7 2180800600068 196.4 7.4 2.7 2180800600069 197.7 4.51 2.7 2180800600070 199.1 4.12 2.7 2180800600071 200.4 3.39 2.7 2180800600072 201.8 8.55 2.7 2180800600073 203.2 2.87 2.6 2180800600074 204.6 3.44 2.6 2180800600075 206.0 2.9000E-01 3.7 2180800600076 206.7 4.23 3.7 2180800600077 207.4 4.99 3.7 2180800600078 208.1 3.03 3.7 2180800600079 208.8 7.78 3.7 2180800600080 209.5 4.7 3.7 2180800600081 210.3 8.86 3.7 2180800600082 211.0 -2.07 3.7 2180800600083 211.7 7.78 3.7 2180800600084 212.5 1.85 3.7 2180800600085 213.2 1.4000E-01 3.6 2180800600086 214.0 3.12 3.6 2180800600087 214.7 3.78 3.6 2180800600088 215.5 4.82 3.6 2180800600089 216.2 4.5000E-01 3.6 2180800600090 217.0 5.72 3.6 2180800600091 217.8 1.62 3.6 2180800600092 218.5 8.4000E-01 3.6 2180800600093 219.3 3.4 3.6 2180800600094 220.1 4.47 3.5 2180800600095 220.9 2.03 3.5 2180800600096 221.7 8.4000E-01 3.5 2180800600097 222.5 6.6000E-01 3.5 2180800600098 223.3 3.67 3.5 2180800600099 224.1 9.45 3.5 2180800600100 224.9 -1.72 3.5 2180800600101 225.7 5.34 3.5 2180800600102 226.5 -1.69 3.5 2180800600103 227.3 2.94 3.5 2180800600104 228.1 -4.1000E-01 3.4 2180800600105 229.0 5.51 3.5 2180800600106 229.8 2.31 3.4 2180800600107 230.6 1.3000E-01 3.4 2180800600108 231.5 4.9 3.4 2180800600109 232.3 5.87 3.4 2180800600110 233.2 5.96 3.4 2180800600111 234.0 9.44 3.4 2180800600112 234.9 1.32 3.4 2180800600113 235.8 4.36 3.4 2180800600114 236.6 4.01 3.4 2180800600115 237.5 -9.2000E-01 3.4 2180800600116 238.4 2.55 3.4 2180800600117 239.3 -1.51 3.4 2180800600118 240.1 2.79 3.3 2180800600119 241.0 4.03 3.3 2180800600120 241.9 3.4000E-01 3.3 2180800600121 242.8 2.65 3.3 2180800600122 243.8 9.21 3.3 2180800600123 244.7 8.29 3.3 2180800600124 245.6 8.42 3.3 2180800600125 246.5 -2.02 3.3 2180800600126 247.4 1.81 3.3 2180800600127 248.4 -1.72 3.3 2180800600128 249.3 -1.6 3.3 2180800600129 250.3 7.9 3.3 2180800600130 251.2 1.13 3.3 2180800600131 252.2 -9.8000E-01 3.3 2180800600132 ENDDATA 116 0 2180800600133 ENDSUBENT 132 0 2180800699999 SUBENT 21808007 20161111 22552180800700001 BIB 4 11 2180800700002 REACTION (10-NE-22(N,TOT),,SIG) 2180800700003 High energy run (130-800 keV) . 2180800700004 METHOD (TRN) 2180800700005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Only the statistical uncertainty is given. 2180800700006 .For total cross sections 2180800700007 - above 30 keV the systematic error is estimated 2180800700008 to be less than 0.5 per cent. 2180800700009 - Below 30 keV the systematic error is in the 2180800700010 worst case than 5 per cent. 2180800700011 STATUS (TABLE) Table on pages 61-63 in Appendix 1 of 2180800700012 KFK-3347,1982 2180800700013 ENDBIB 11 0 2180800700014 NOCOMMON 0 0 2180800700015 DATA 3 345 2180800700016 EN DATA ERR-S 2180800700017 KEV B B 2180800700018 133.3 -5.44 0.9 2180800700019 134.4 1.96 0.4 2180800700020 135.6 9.5000E-01 0.4 2180800700021 136.7 2.02 0.4 2180800700022 137.9 2.04 0.4 2180800700023 139.0 1.27 0.4 2180800700024 140.2 2.07 0.4 2180800700025 141.4 1.15 0.4 2180800700026 142.7 1.45 0.4 2180800700027 143.9 8.3000E-01 0.4 2180800700028 145.2 1.24 0.4 2180800700029 146.4 1.68 0.4 2180800700030 147.7 1.35 0.4 2180800700031 149.0 1.93 0.3 2180800700032 150.3 1.4 0.3 2180800700033 151.7 8.2000E-01 0.3 2180800700034 153.0 1.8 0.3 2180800700035 154.4 1.8 0.3 2180800700036 155.8 1.52 0.3 2180800700037 157.2 1.45 0.3 2180800700038 158.6 1.38 0.3 2180800700039 160.1 1.75 0.3 2180800700040 161.5 1.39 0.3 2180800700041 163.0 8.0000E-01 0.3 2180800700042 164.6 1.54 0.3 2180800700043 166.1 1.08 0.3 2180800700044 167.6 8.3000E-01 0.3 2180800700045 169.2 1.03 0.4 2180800700046 170.3 9.6000E-01 0.4 2180800700047 171.3 1.19 0.4 2180800700048 172.4 1.46 0.4 2180800700049 173.5 1.69 0.4 2180800700050 174.6 2.33 0.4 2180800700051 175.7 1.39 0.4 2180800700052 176.9 1.36 0.4 2180800700053 178.0 1.65 0.4 2180800700054 179.1 1.47 0.4 2180800700055 180.3 1.15 0.4 2180800700056 181.5 9.3000E-01 0.4 2180800700057 182.6 1.55 0.4 2180800700058 183.8 1.88 0.4 2180800700059 185.0 1.55 0.3 2180800700060 186.2 1.95 0.3 2180800700061 187.5 1.51 0.4 2180800700062 188.7 1.06 0.4 2180800700063 190.0 1.01 0.4 2180800700064 191.2 6.3000E-01 0.4 2180800700065 192.5 7.4000E-01 0.3 2180800700066 193.8 1.7 0.4 2180800700067 195.1 9.2000E-01 0.3 2180800700068 196.4 1.1 0.3 2180800700069 197.7 1.08 0.3 2180800700070 199.1 1.35 0.3 2180800700071 200.4 1.26 0.3 2180800700072 201.8 1.56 0.3 2180800700073 203.2 1.26 0.3 2180800700074 204.6 1.19 0.3 2180800700075 206.0 8.2000E-01 0.5 2180800700076 206.7 1.77 0.5 2180800700077 207.4 1.1 0.5 2180800700078 208.1 7.5000E-01 0.5 2180800700079 208.8 2.6000E-01 0.5 2180800700080 209.5 1.22 0.5 2180800700081 210.3 1.4 0.5 2180800700082 211.0 5.0000E-02 0.5 2180800700083 211.7 9.4000E-01 0.5 2180800700084 212.5 2.0000E-01 0.5 2180800700085 213.2 4.8000E-01 0.5 2180800700086 214.0 9.3000E-01 0.5 2180800700087 214.7 5.8000E-01 0.5 2180800700088 215.5 4.5000E-01 0.5 2180800700089 216.2 7.4000E-01 0.5 2180800700090 217.0 1.04 0.5 2180800700091 217.8 3.8000E-01 0.5 2180800700092 218.5 7.1000E-01 0.5 2180800700093 219.3 8.6000E-01 0.5 2180800700094 220.1 9.7000E-01 0.4 2180800700095 220.9 3.8000E-01 0.4 2180800700096 221.7 4.3000E-01 0.4 2180800700097 222.5 6.3000E-01 0.4 2180800700098 223.3 1.17 0.4 2180800700099 224.1 7.3E-01 0.4 2180800700100 224.9 6.2000E-01 0.4 2180800700101 225.7 1.21 0.4 2180800700102 226.5 5.0000E-02 0.4 2180800700103 227.3 9.4000E-01 0.4 2180800700104 228.1 5.2000E-01 0.4 2180800700105 229.0 1.06 0.4 2180800700106 229.8 6.8000E-01 0.4 2180800700107 230.6 4.0000E-01 0.4 2180800700108 231.5 7.1000E-01 0.4 2180800700109 232.3 6.5000E-01 0.4 2180800700110 233.2 6.9000E-01 0.4 2180800700111 234.0 1.9 0.4 2180800700112 234.9 6.5000E-01 0.4 2180800700113 235.8 7.3000E-01 0.4 2180800700114 236.6 7.4000E-01 0.4 2180800700115 237.5 -1.5000E-01 0.4 2180800700116 238.4 1.9000E-01 0.4 2180800700117 239.3 7.1000E-01 0.4 2180800700118 240.1 1.01 0.4 2180800700119 241.0 1.02 0.4 2180800700120 241.9 4.5000E-01 0.4 2180800700121 242.8 3.5000E-01 0.4 2180800700122 243.8 1.43 0.4 2180800700123 244.7 1.48 0.4 2180800700124 245.6 1.13 0.4 2180800700125 246.5 2.6000E-01 0.4 2180800700126 247.4 1.7000E-01 0.4 2180800700127 248.4 1.15 0.4 2180800700128 249.3 8.1000E-01 0.4 2180800700129 250.3 1.12 0.4 2180800700130 251.2 9.4000E-01 0.4 2180800700131 252.2 1.07 0.4 2180800700132 253.1 2.11 0.4 2180800700133 254.1 1.23 0.4 2180800700134 255.1 1.38 0.4 2180800700135 256.0 1.45 0.4 2180800700136 257.0 1.92 0.4 2180800700137 258.0 2.1 0.4 2180800700138 259.0 3.18 0.4 2180800700139 260.0 3.18 0.4 2180800700140 261.0 4.48 0.4 2180800700141 262.0 6.08 0.4 2180800700142 263.0 8.27 0.4 2180800700143 264.1 9.06 0.4 2180800700144 265.1 9.4 0.4 2180800700145 266.1 9.15 0.4 2180800700146 267.2 8.13 0.4 2180800700147 268.2 6.85 0.4 2180800700148 269.3 5.26 0.4 2180800700149 270.3 4.69 0.4 2180800700150 271.4 3.52 0.4 2180800700151 272.5 2.59 0.4 2180800700152 273.6 3.03 0.4 2180800700153 274.6 2.85 0.4 2180800700154 275.7 2.35 0.4 2180800700155 276.8 2.95 0.4 2180800700156 277.9 2.74 0.4 2180800700157 279.0 2.49 0.4 2180800700158 280.2 3.13 0.4 2180800700159 281.3 3.58 0.4 2180800700160 282.4 3.7 0.4 2180800700161 283.6 4.5 0.4 2180800700162 284.7 4.59 0.4 2180800700163 285.9 4.29 0.4 2180800700164 287.0 5.34 0.4 2180800700165 288.2 6.17 0.4 2180800700166 289.4 6.17 0.4 2180800700167 290.5 6.83 0.4 2180800700168 291.7 7.67 0.4 2180800700169 292.9 7.74 0.4 2180800700170 294.1 8.47 0.4 2180800700171 295.3 9.44 0.4 2180800700172 296.6 8.68 0.4 2180800700173 297.8 9.62 0.4 2180800700174 299.0 9.64 0.4 2180800700175 300.3 9.74 0.4 2180800700176 301.5 9.14 0.4 2180800700177 302.8 9.46 0.4 2180800700178 304.0 8.85 0.4 2180800700179 305.3 8.72 0.4 2180800700180 306.6 8.46 0.4 2180800700181 307.9 8.0 0.4 2180800700182 309.2 7.63 0.4 2180800700183 310.5 7.38 0.4 2180800700184 311.8 6.97 0.4 2180800700185 313.1 7.15 0.4 2180800700186 314.4 6.19 0.3 2180800700187 315.8 5.68 0.3 2180800700188 317.1 6.07 0.3 2180800700189 318.5 6.01 0.3 2180800700190 319.8 4.76 0.3 2180800700191 321.2 5.78 0.3 2180800700192 322.6 4.92 0.3 2180800700193 324.0 4.46 0.3 2180800700194 325.4 4.63 0.3 2180800700195 326.8 3.98 0.3 2180800700196 328.2 4.53 0.3 2180800700197 329.6 3.69 0.3 2180800700198 331.1 3.47 0.3 2180800700199 332.5 3.26 0.3 2180800700200 334.0 3.37 0.3 2180800700201 335.4 4.38 0.3 2180800700202 336.9 3.55 0.3 2180800700203 338.4 2.97 0.3 2180800700204 339.9 3.0 0.3 2180800700205 341.4 2.58 0.3 2180800700206 342.9 3.05 0.3 2180800700207 344.4 3.08 0.3 2180800700208 346.0 2.3 0.3 2180800700209 347.5 3.29 0.3 2180800700210 349.1 2.53 0.3 2180800700211 350.6 1.79 0.3 2180800700212 352.2 2.41 0.3 2180800700213 353.8 2.29 0.3 2180800700214 355.4 1.78 0.3 2180800700215 357.0 2.22 0.3 2180800700216 358.6 2.03 0.3 2180800700217 360.3 1.88 0.3 2180800700218 361.9 1.43 0.3 2180800700219 363.6 2.08 0.3 2180800700220 365.2 1.66 0.3 2180800700221 366.9 1.67 0.3 2180800700222 368.6 1.59 0.3 2180800700223 370.3 1.46 0.3 2180800700224 372.0 1.33 0.3 2180800700225 373.7 1.5 0.3 2180800700226 375.4 1.44 0.3 2180800700227 377.2 9.5000E-01 0.3 2180800700228 378.9 1.09 0.3 2180800700229 380.7 1.32 0.3 2180800700230 382.5 1.16 0.3 2180800700231 384.3 8.6000E-01 0.3 2180800700232 386.1 1.17 0.3 2180800700233 387.9 1.02 0.3 2180800700234 389.8 1.04 0.3 2180800700235 391.6 6.1000E-01 0.3 2180800700236 393.5 1.23 0.3 2180800700237 395.3 6.7000E-01 0.2 2180800700238 397.2 5.0000E-01 0.2 2180800700239 399.1 6.2000E-01 0.2 2180800700240 401.1 6.8000E-01 0.2 2180800700241 403.0 3.4000E-01 0.2 2180800700242 404.9 8.5000E-01 0.2 2180800700243 406.9 4.6000E-01 0.2 2180800700244 408.9 8.2000E-01 0.2 2180800700245 410.8 8.1000E-01 0.2 2180800700246 412.8 1.18 0.3 2180800700247 414.9 1.23 0.3 2180800700248 416.9 1.49 0.3 2180800700249 418.9 2.72 0.3 2180800700250 421.0 4.91 0.3 2180800700251 423.1 5.73 0.4 2180800700252 425.2 5.08 0.4 2180800700253 427.3 2.96 0.4 2180800700254 429.4 1.79 0.4 2180800700255 431.5 9.7000E-01 0.4 2180800700256 433.7 1.43 0.3 2180800700257 435.8 1.12 0.3 2180800700258 438.0 1.59 0.3 2180800700259 440.2 1.05 0.3 2180800700260 442.4 8.3000E-01 0.3 2180800700261 444.7 1.11 0.3 2180800700262 446.9 9.8000E-01 0.3 2180800700263 449.2 6.9000E-01 0.3 2180800700264 451.5 1.11 0.3 2180800700265 453.8 1.16 0.3 2180800700266 456.1 1.42 0.3 2180800700267 458.4 1.28 0.3 2180800700268 460.8 1.96 0.3 2180800700269 463.2 1.91 0.3 2180800700270 465.6 2.01 0.3 2180800700271 468.0 1.76 0.2 2180800700272 470.4 1.71 0.2 2180800700273 472.9 1.85 0.2 2180800700274 475.3 1.79 0.2 2180800700275 477.8 2.21 0.2 2180800700276 480.3 2.31 0.2 2180800700277 482.9 2.8 0.2 2180800700278 485.4 2.5 0.2 2180800700279 488.0 2.59 0.2 2180800700280 490.6 2.92 0.2 2180800700281 493.2 3.05 0.2 2180800700282 495.8 3.51 0.2 2180800700283 498.5 3.42 0.2 2180800700284 501.1 3.58 0.2 2180800700285 503.8 3.84 0.2 2180800700286 506.6 3.88 0.2 2180800700287 509.3 4.22 0.2 2180800700288 512.1 4.32 0.2 2180800700289 514.9 4.4 0.2 2180800700290 517.7 4.65 0.2 2180800700291 520.5 4.89 0.2 2180800700292 523.3 4.85 0.2 2180800700293 526.2 4.88 0.2 2180800700294 529.1 5.05 0.2 2180800700295 532.0 5.53 0.2 2180800700296 535.0 5.66 0.2 2180800700297 538.0 6.14 0.2 2180800700298 541.0 7.07 0.2 2180800700299 544.0 8.93 0.2 2180800700300 547.0 9.28 0.2 2180800700301 550.1 7.67 0.2 2180800700302 553.2 6.61 0.2 2180800700303 556.4 5.82 0.2 2180800700304 559.5 5.65 0.2 2180800700305 562.7 5.38 0.2 2180800700306 565.9 5.27 0.2 2180800700307 569.1 5.48 0.2 2180800700308 572.4 5.04 0.2 2180800700309 575.7 5.33 0.2 2180800700310 579.0 5.37 0.2 2180800700311 582.4 5.07 0.2 2180800700312 585.7 5.34 0.2 2180800700313 589.1 4.95 0.2 2180800700314 592.6 4.99 0.2 2180800700315 596.1 4.83 0.2 2180800700316 599.6 4.71 0.2 2180800700317 603.1 4.83 0.2 2180800700318 606.6 4.98 0.2 2180800700319 610.2 4.91 0.3 2180800700320 613.9 5.04 0.3 2180800700321 617.5 5.03 0.3 2180800700322 621.2 5.18 0.3 2180800700323 624.9 5.62 0.3 2180800700324 628.7 5.44 0.3 2180800700325 632.5 5.67 0.3 2180800700326 636.3 5.82 0.3 2180800700327 640.2 5.82 0.3 2180800700328 644.1 5.99 0.3 2180800700329 648.0 7.04 0.3 2180800700330 652.0 7.09 0.3 2180800700331 656.0 7.59 0.3 2180800700332 660.0 8.83 0.3 2180800700333 664.1 9.94 0.3 2180800700334 668.2 1.0890E+01 0.3 2180800700335 672.4 1.1580E+01 0.3 2180800700336 676.5 1.1830E+01 0.3 2180800700337 680.8 1.1630E+01 0.3 2180800700338 685.1 1.0870E+01 0.3 2180800700339 689.4 9.82 0.3 2180800700340 693.7 8.71 0.3 2180800700341 698.1 7.57 0.3 2180800700342 702.6 7.88 0.3 2180800700343 707.0 6.6 0.3 2180800700344 711.6 6.27 0.3 2180800700345 716.1 5.03 0.3 2180800700346 720.7 5.63 0.3 2180800700347 725.4 4.68 0.3 2180800700348 730.1 4.81 0.3 2180800700349 734.8 4.52 0.3 2180800700350 739.6 5.15 0.3 2180800700351 744.5 4.48 0.3 2180800700352 749.4 4.19 0.3 2180800700353 754.3 3.82 0.4 2180800700354 759.3 4.01 0.4 2180800700355 764.3 3.64 0.4 2180800700356 769.4 3.44 0.4 2180800700357 774.5 3.48 0.4 2180800700358 779.7 3.07 0.4 2180800700359 785.0 2.06 0.5 2180800700360 790.3 1.79 0.6 2180800700361 795.6 9.7000E-01 0.8 2180800700362 801.0 3.5000E-01 1.1 2180800700363 ENDDATA 347 0 2180800700364 ENDSUBENT 363 0 2180800799999 SUBENT 21808008 20161111 22552180800800001 BIB 5 20 2180800800002 REACTION (10-NE-20(N,G)10-NE-21,,SIG) 2180800800003 MONITOR (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG) 2180800800004 ERR-ANALYS .For capture cross sections corrections and related 2180800800005 uncertainties (given in per cent) were 2180800800006 (ERR-1,40.,60.) background from scattered neutrons 2180800800007 (ERR-2) background from sample container 2180800800008 (ERR-3) background from neutron self-shielding 2180800800009 and multiple scattering 2180800800010 (ERR-4) pile-up events 2180800800011 (ERR-5) gamma-ray self absorption 2180800800012 (ERR-6) effect of electronic threshold 2180800800013 (ERR-7) pulse height weighting 2180800800014 (ERR-S) statistical uncertainty 2180800800015 STATUS (TABLE) Table on pages 64-65 in Appendix 2 of 2180800800016 KFK-3347,1982 2180800800017 HISTORY (19830724A) Monitor added 2180800800018 (19831004E) 2180800800019 (20080529U) Last checking has been done. 2180800800020 (20161111A) M.M. G+M was deleted from SF4 of MONITOR 2180800800021 ERR-ANALYS was corrected. 2180800800022 ENDBIB 20 0 2180800800023 COMMON 6 3 2180800800024 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 ERR-5 ERR-6 ERR-7 2180800800025 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2180800800026 6. 2. 2. 1. 1. 0.5 2180800800027 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2180800800028 DATA 3 210 2180800800029 EN DATA ERR-S 2180800800030 KEV MB MB 2180800800031 4.1 2.2300E+01 28.8 2180800800032 4.5 9.0400E+01 29.3 2180800800033 4.9 -1.7800E+01 26.6 2180800800034 5.3 6.3700E+01 25.3 2180800800035 5.7 4.4600E+01 27.8 2180800800036 6.1 1.9400E+01 23.5 2180800800037 6.5 -2.3000E+01 19.0 2180800800038 6.9 9.1 16.4 2180800800039 7.4 1.9700E+01 14.9 2180800800040 7.8 -1.8 14.0 2180800800041 8.2 4.4600E+01 13.3 2180800800042 8.6 3.9600E+01 12.6 2180800800043 9.0 2.1200E+01 12.5 2180800800044 9.4 1.3300E+01 12.5 2180800800045 9.8 9.5 11.8 2180800800046 10.2 5.2 11.5 2180800800047 10.7 -5.7400E+01 10.9 2180800800048 11.1 -1.5400E+01 10.9 2180800800049 11.5 -1.2600E+01 10.3 2180800800050 12.0 3.3600E+01 10.2 2180800800051 12.4 1.1000E+01 9.4 2180800800052 12.8 1.6800E+01 9.2 2180800800053 13.3 2.6400E+01 8.7 2180800800054 13.7 1.7500E+01 8.1 2180800800055 14.1 1.1600E+01 8.0 2180800800056 14.5 1.4200E+01 7.4 2180800800057 15.0 3.0200E+01 6.9 2180800800058 15.4 1.0200E+01 6.2 2180800800059 15.9 5.0 5.8 2180800800060 16.4 -1.1 5.9 2180800800061 16.8 9.1 5.4 2180800800062 17.2 1.4100E+01 5.1 2180800800063 17.7 -6.5 4.8 2180800800064 18.2 -3.2 4.5 2180800800065 18.6 1.7100E+01 4.7 2180800800066 19.0 -1.4700E+01 4.5 2180800800067 19.5 -4.9 4.2 2180800800068 19.9 1.6000E+01 4.1 2180800800069 20.4 -3.1 3.8 2180800800070 20.8 -1.2100E+01 3.6 2180800800071 21.3 -2.6 3.5 2180800800072 21.9 4.0 3.2 2180800800073 22.4 -3.9 3.2 2180800800074 22.9 1.0700E+01 3.6 2180800800075 23.3 0.0 3.5 2180800800076 23.7 1.3700E+01 3.3 2180800800077 24.2 5.8 3.0 2180800800078 24.6 4.5 2.9 2180800800079 25.1 -5.3 2.7 2180800800080 25.6 -5.7 2.6 2180800800081 26.1 1.5 2.6 2180800800082 26.6 -6.0000E-01 2.7 2180800800083 27.1 -2.7 2.7 2180800800084 27.7 -1.8 2.6 2180800800085 28.2 9.5 2.6 2180800800086 28.8 7.6 2.4 2180800800087 29.3 1.8800E+01 2.8 2180800800088 29.7 1.4900E+01 2.6 2180800800089 30.1 -3.0000E-01 2.6 2180800800090 30.6 -2.0000E-01 2.4 2180800800091 31.0 1.6 2.3 2180800800092 31.4 4.2 2.4 2180800800093 31.9 3.2 2.3 2180800800094 32.3 -1.3 2.3 2180800800095 32.8 2.4 2.3 2180800800096 33.3 -6.6 2.3 2180800800097 33.8 9.5 2.3 2180800800098 34.3 1.1 2.3 2180800800099 34.8 8.9 2.3 2180800800100 35.3 5.2 2.2 2180800800101 35.9 9.2 2.0 2180800800102 36.4 -8.0000E-01 1.9 2180800800103 37.0 -8.0000E-01 1.9 2180800800104 37.6 -1.0200E+01 1.9 2180800800105 38.2 3.1 1.9 2180800800106 38.8 5.8 1.8 2180800800107 39.4 5.0000E-01 1.8 2180800800108 40.0 1.0500E+01 1.7 2180800800109 40.7 1.3 1.6 2180800800110 41.4 2.9 1.5 2180800800111 42.0 -5.0 1.4 2180800800112 42.7 3.2 1.4 2180800800113 43.5 6.0000E-01 1.4 2180800800114 44.2 6.3 1.4 2180800800115 45.0 -3.9 1.4 2180800800116 45.7 -1.8 1.4 2180800800117 46.5 -1.5 1.4 2180800800118 47.1 1.1 2.1 2180800800119 47.6 -1.5 2.1 2180800800120 48.0 6.3 2.0 2180800800121 48.4 -2.1 1.9 2180800800122 48.8 1.5 1.9 2180800800123 49.3 -8.0000E-01 1.9 2180800800124 49.7 -7.1 1.9 2180800800125 50.2 1.1 1.8 2180800800126 50.6 -5.0000E-01 1.9 2180800800127 51.1 -1.8 1.9 2180800800128 51.5 1.6 2.0 2180800800129 52.0 -6.0 1.9 2180800800130 52.5 -1.0 2.0 2180800800131 53.0 -4.9 2.0 2180800800132 53.5 3.4 2.0 2180800800133 54.0 6.1 2.0 2180800800134 54.5 9.4 1.8 2180800800135 55.0 6.0000E-01 1.7 2180800800136 55.5 1.6 1.7 2180800800137 56.0 1.3 1.6 2180800800138 56.6 8.0000E-01 1.6 2180800800139 57.1 1.5 1.5 2180800800140 57.7 -8.4 1.6 2180800800141 58.2 -2.3 1.7 2180800800142 58.8 -3.6 1.7 2180800800143 59.4 -4.2 1.7 2180800800144 60.0 8.0000E-01 1.6 2180800800145 60.6 7.8 1.6 2180800800146 61.2 1.0 1.6 2180800800147 61.8 -1.0 1.6 2180800800148 62.4 7.4 1.5 2180800800149 63.0 0.0 1.5 2180800800150 63.7 -6.0000E-01 1.5 2180800800151 64.3 4.0 1.4 2180800800152 65.0 -2.3 1.4 2180800800153 65.7 3.4 1.4 2180800800154 66.3 -1.0 1.3 2180800800155 67.0 3.1 1.2 2180800800156 67.7 1.0 1.2 2180800800157 68.4 -6.0000E-01 1.2 2180800800158 69.2 -3.0000E-01 1.1 2180800800159 69.9 2.0000E-01 1.1 2180800800160 70.7 -3.0000E-01 1.1 2180800800161 71.4 -5.0000E-01 1.2 2180800800162 72.2 -3.2 1.2 2180800800163 73.0 1.9 1.2 2180800800164 73.8 4.2 1.2 2180800800165 74.6 -1.1 1.2 2180800800166 75.4 4.7 1.2 2180800800167 76.2 3.2 1.1 2180800800168 77.1 5.2 1.1 2180800800169 78.0 -6.0000E-01 1.1 2180800800170 78.8 -3.1 1.2 2180800800171 79.7 -6.0000E-01 1.2 2180800800172 80.7 1.0 1.2 2180800800173 81.6 -6.0 1.3 2180800800174 82.5 2.6 1.3 2180800800175 83.5 5.0 1.2 2180800800176 84.5 6.6 1.1 2180800800177 85.5 1.8 1.1 2180800800178 86.5 3.7 1.1 2180800800179 87.5 2.0000E-01 1.1 2180800800180 88.6 -6.0000E-01 1.1 2180800800181 89.6 -3.6 1.1 2180800800182 90.7 -3.6 1.1 2180800800183 91.8 3.6 1.1 2180800800184 92.9 -2.4 1.2 2180800800185 94.1 3.2 1.3 2180800800186 95.3 5.3 1.3 2180800800187 96.5 -1.1 1.3 2180800800188 97.7 2.3 1.3 2180800800189 98.9 -4.7 1.3 2180800800190 100.2 8.6 1.2 2180800800191 101.5 5.8 1.2 2180800800192 102.8 -6.0000E-01 1.2 2180800800193 104.1 -1.9 1.3 2180800800194 105.5 -1.6 1.3 2180800800195 106.9 2.9 1.3 2180800800196 108.3 2.6 1.3 2180800800197 109.7 6.0000E-01 1.4 2180800800198 111.2 2.7 1.4 2180800800199 112.7 -5.2 1.4 2180800800200 114.2 -2.9 1.4 2180800800201 115.8 1.6 1.4 2180800800202 117.4 6.1 1.3 2180800800203 119.0 3.1 1.3 2180800800204 120.7 3.1 1.2 2180800800205 122.4 2.1 1.3 2180800800206 124.1 3.1 1.3 2180800800207 125.9 4.0 1.2 2180800800208 127.7 -1.9 1.3 2180800800209 129.6 3.1 1.2 2180800800210 131.5 2.4 1.1 2180800800211 133.4 -8.0000E-01 1.1 2180800800212 135.4 3.1 1.0 2180800800213 137.4 -1.0 1.0 2180800800214 139.5 -3.2 1.1 2180800800215 141.6 8.0000E-01 1.1 2180800800216 143.8 3.6 1.1 2180800800217 146.0 1.1000E+01 1.0 2180800800218 148.3 1.1600E+01 9.0000E-01 2180800800219 150.6 1.1000E+01 9.0000E-01 2180800800220 153.0 6.0 9.0000E-01 2180800800221 155.4 5.0000E-01 8.0000E-01 2180800800222 157.9 1.1 9.0000E-01 2180800800223 160.4 3.1 9.0000E-01 2180800800224 163.0 1.5 1.0 2180800800225 165.7 -1.6 1.1 2180800800226 168.5 2.3 1.1 2180800800227 171.3 -3.2 1.1 2180800800228 174.2 5.0000E-01 1.1 2180800800229 177.1 -1.3 1.1 2180800800230 180.1 6.0000E-01 1.0 2180800800231 183.3 3.0000E-01 1.0 2180800800232 186.4 -1.5 1.0 2180800800233 189.7 1.6 1.0 2180800800234 193.1 1.6 9.0000E-01 2180800800235 196.5 1.8 1.0 2180800800236 200.1 0.0 1.2 2180800800237 203.7 0.0 1.7 2180800800238 207.5 2.0000E-01 2.6 2180800800239 211.3 -3.0000E-01 4.1 2180800800240 215.3 1.1500E+01 3.7 2180800800241 ENDDATA 212 0 2180800800242 ENDSUBENT 241 0 2180800899999 SUBENT 21808009 20161111 22552180800900001 BIB 5 19 2180800900002 REACTION (10-NE-21(N,G)10-NE-22,,SIG) 2180800900003 MONITOR (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG) 2180800900004 ERR-ANALYS .For capture cross sections corrections and related 2180800900005 uncertainties (given in per cent) were 2180800900006 (ERR-1,40.,60.) background from scattered neutrons 2180800900007 (ERR-2) background from sample container 2180800900008 (ERR-3) background from neutron self-shielding 2180800900009 and multiple scattering 2180800900010 (ERR-4) pile-up events 2180800900011 (ERR-5) gamma-ray self absorption 2180800900012 (ERR-6) effect of electronic threshold 2180800900013 (ERR-7) pulse height weighting 2180800900014 (ERR-S) statistical uncertainty 2180800900015 STATUS (TABLE) Table on pages 65-66 in Appendix 1 of 2180800900016 KFK-3347,1982 2180800900017 HISTORY (19830724A) Monitor added 2180800900018 (19831004E) 2180800900019 (20080529U) Last checking has been done. 2180800900020 (20161111A) ERR-ANALYS was corrected. 2180800900021 ENDBIB 19 0 2180800900022 COMMON 6 3 2180800900023 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 ERR-5 ERR-6 ERR-7 2180800900024 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2180800900025 6. 2. 2. 1. 1. 0.5 2180800900026 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2180800900027 DATA 3 210 2180800900028 EN DATA ERR-S 2180800900029 KEV MB MB 2180800900030 4.1 1.6500E+01 35.3 2180800900031 4.5 1.3400E+01 35.8 2180800900032 4.9 -2.3700E+01 32.6 2180800900033 5.3 8.0000E-01 30.9 2180800900034 5.7 1.8700E+01 34.1 2180800900035 6.1 3.1200E+01 29.0 2180800900036 6.5 -1.3800E+01 23.4 2180800900037 6.9 2.6 20.1 2180800900038 7.4 2.8500E+01 18.4 2180800900039 7.8 -7.0000E-01 17.1 2180800900040 8.2 -1.8100E+01 16.2 2180800900041 8.6 2.6000E+01 15.5 2180800900042 9.0 8.8 15.3 2180800900043 9.4 2.7400E+01 15.4 2180800900044 9.8 -7.8 14.4 2180800900045 10.2 -7.4 14.0 2180800900046 10.7 4.1 13.4 2180800900047 11.1 6.7 13.4 2180800900048 11.5 -6.9 12.6 2180800900049 12.0 -3.3 12.5 2180800900050 12.4 3.8 11.4 2180800900051 12.8 1.9800E+01 11.4 2180800900052 13.3 1.8600E+01 10.7 2180800900053 13.7 2.7 9.9 2180800900054 14.1 5.0000E-01 9.8 2180800900055 14.5 3.9 9.0 2180800900056 15.0 4.3 8.3 2180800900057 15.4 6.2 7.6 2180800900058 15.9 -2.7 7.1 2180800900059 16.4 -3.0000E-01 7.2 2180800900060 16.8 3.1 6.7 2180800900061 17.2 -4.6 6.2 2180800900062 17.7 -5.5 5.9 2180800900063 18.2 2.3 5.5 2180800900064 18.6 7.3 5.8 2180800900065 19.0 -2.0000E-01 5.5 2180800900066 19.5 -6.5 5.2 2180800900067 19.9 5.6 5.0 2180800900068 20.4 -2.6 4.7 2180800900069 20.8 -9.0000E-01 4.5 2180800900070 21.3 -2.0000E-01 4.3 2180800900071 21.9 -4.0000E-01 4.1 2180800900072 22.4 -4.1 3.9 2180800900073 22.9 3.1 4.4 2180800900074 23.3 3.3 4.2 2180800900075 23.7 4.9 4.1 2180800900076 24.2 -1.6 3.7 2180800900077 24.6 1.0000E-01 3.5 2180800900078 25.1 3.2 3.4 2180800900079 25.6 8.0000E-01 3.3 2180800900080 26.1 -1.8 3.3 2180800900081 26.6 -2.5 3.3 2180800900082 27.1 -3.0000E-01 3.3 2180800900083 27.7 -2.8 3.2 2180800900084 28.2 4.5 3.2 2180800900085 28.8 2.0 3.0 2180800900086 29.3 6.1 3.4 2180800900087 29.7 4.8 3.2 2180800900088 30.1 -7.0000E-01 3.1 2180800900089 30.6 2.7 3.0 2180800900090 31.0 2.2 3.0 2180800900091 31.4 -7.0000E-01 2.9 2180800900092 31.9 -1.1 2.8 2180800900093 32.3 5.0000E-01 2.8 2180800900094 32.8 -4.0000E-01 2.8 2180800900095 33.3 -2.2 2.8 2180800900096 33.8 2.4 2.9 2180800900097 34.3 -3.0000E-01 2.8 2180800900098 34.8 1.2 2.8 2180800900099 35.3 1.7 2.7 2180800900100 35.9 3.0000E-01 2.4 2180800900101 36.4 1.4 2.4 2180800900102 37.0 -2.6 2.3 2180800900103 37.6 -4.0000E-01 2.4 2180800900104 38.2 7.0000E-01 2.3 2180800900105 38.8 -6.0000E-01 2.2 2180800900106 39.4 2.0000E-01 2.2 2180800900107 40.0 2.0 2.0 2180800900108 40.7 7.0000E-01 1.9 2180800900109 41.4 1.0 1.8 2180800900110 42.0 -1.4 1.8 2180800900111 42.7 -3.0000E-01 1.7 2180800900112 43.5 -8.0000E-01 1.7 2180800900113 44.2 3.1 1.7 2180800900114 45.0 -2.0 1.7 2180800900115 45.7 -2.2 1.7 2180800900116 46.5 -6.0000E-01 1.8 2180800900117 47.1 1.4 2.6 2180800900118 47.6 8.0000E-01 2.6 2180800900119 48.0 4.2 2.5 2180800900120 48.4 -5.0000E-01 2.4 2180800900121 48.8 -8.0000E-01 2.3 2180800900122 49.3 1.0 2.4 2180800900123 49.7 -1.8 2.3 2180800900124 50.2 8.0000E-01 2.2 2180800900125 50.6 -9.0000E-01 2.3 2180800900126 51.1 8.3 2.4 2180800900127 51.5 1.1500E+01 2.5 2180800900128 52.0 1.3200E+01 2.5 2180800900129 52.5 1.0100E+01 2.6 2180800900130 53.0 5.7 2.5 2180800900131 53.5 6.3 2.5 2180800900132 54.0 0.0 2.4 2180800900133 54.5 3.0 2.2 2180800900134 55.0 -1.5 2.1 2180800900135 55.5 1.9 2.1 2180800900136 56.0 1.7 1.9 2180800900137 56.6 -1.9 1.9 2180800900138 57.1 1.3 1.9 2180800900139 57.7 -2.2 2.0 2180800900140 58.2 1.3 2.0 2180800900141 58.8 -5.0000E-01 2.0 2180800900142 59.4 -2.3 2.0 2180800900143 60.0 1.3 2.0 2180800900144 60.6 2.8 1.9 2180800900145 61.2 -1.3 1.9 2180800900146 61.8 -1.6 1.9 2180800900147 62.4 1.2 1.8 2180800900148 63.0 9.0000E-01 1.9 2180800900149 63.7 -1.2 1.8 2180800900150 64.3 3.3 1.8 2180800900151 65.0 -5.0000E-01 1.8 2180800900152 65.7 9.0000E-01 1.7 2180800900153 66.3 1.3 1.7 2180800900154 67.0 1.0000E-01 1.5 2180800900155 67.7 -7.0000E-01 1.5 2180800900156 68.4 -1.0 1.5 2180800900157 69.2 5.0000E-01 1.4 2180800900158 69.9 8.0000E-01 1.4 2180800900159 70.7 -1.0000E-01 1.4 2180800900160 71.4 -2.0000E-01 1.5 2180800900161 72.2 -2.0 1.5 2180800900162 73.0 -8.0000E-01 1.5 2180800900163 73.8 3.0 1.5 2180800900164 74.6 -1.5 1.5 2180800900165 75.4 2.3 1.5 2180800900166 76.2 1.6 1.4 2180800900167 77.1 1.0 1.3 2180800900168 78.0 -1.0000E-01 1.4 2180800900169 78.8 -1.1 1.5 2180800900170 79.7 9.0000E-01 1.5 2180800900171 80.7 4.0000E-01 1.5 2180800900172 81.6 -1.4 1.6 2180800900173 82.5 3.0000E-01 1.5 2180800900174 83.5 7.0000E-01 1.5 2180800900175 84.5 1.7 1.5 2180800900176 85.5 1.2 1.3 2180800900177 86.5 2.2 1.3 2180800900178 87.5 -7.0000E-01 1.3 2180800900179 88.6 -8.0000E-01 1.3 2180800900180 89.6 5.0000E-01 1.3 2180800900181 90.7 1.4 1.4 2180800900182 91.8 3.2 1.4 2180800900183 92.9 1.1 1.5 2180800900184 94.1 2.9 1.6 2180800900185 95.3 4.6 1.6 2180800900186 96.5 6.2 1.6 2180800900187 97.7 7.3 1.6 2180800900188 98.9 7.3 1.7 2180800900189 100.2 5.2 1.5 2180800900190 101.5 1.8 1.5 2180800900191 102.8 9.0000E-01 1.5 2180800900192 104.1 -4.0000E-01 1.5 2180800900193 105.5 -9.0000E-01 1.5 2180800900194 106.9 -6.0000E-01 1.6 2180800900195 108.3 -3.0000E-01 1.6 2180800900196 109.7 1.9 1.7 2180800900197 111.2 -6.0000E-01 1.7 2180800900198 112.7 5.0000E-01 1.8 2180800900199 114.2 -1.3 1.7 2180800900200 115.8 7.0000E-01 1.7 2180800900201 117.4 2.6 1.6 2180800900202 119.0 8.0000E-01 1.5 2180800900203 120.7 1.5 1.5 2180800900204 122.4 3.0000E-01 1.6 2180800900205 124.1 2.4 1.6 2180800900206 125.9 1.1 1.5 2180800900207 127.7 -1.5 1.6 2180800900208 129.6 1.8 1.5 2180800900209 131.5 6.0000E-01 1.4 2180800900210 133.4 1.5 1.3 2180800900211 135.4 5.6 1.2 2180800900212 137.4 5.3 1.3 2180800900213 139.5 4.5 1.3 2180800900214 141.6 4.4 1.3 2180800900215 143.8 2.6 1.3 2180800900216 146.0 1.2 1.2 2180800900217 148.3 3.0000E-01 1.1 2180800900218 150.6 8.0000E-01 1.1 2180800900219 153.0 2.0000E-01 1.1 2180800900220 155.4 5.0000E-01 1.1 2180800900221 157.9 1.7 1.1 2180800900222 160.4 5.0000E-01 1.1 2180800900223 163.0 -8.0000E-01 1.2 2180800900224 165.7 -1.1 1.3 2180800900225 168.5 2.3 1.3 2180800900226 171.3 -1.3 1.3 2180800900227 174.2 3.0000E-01 1.3 2180800900228 177.1 1.0000E-01 1.3 2180800900229 180.1 1.0000E-01 1.2 2180800900230 183.3 1.0 1.2 2180800900231 186.4 5.0000E-01 1.2 2180800900232 189.7 0.0 1.2 2180800900233 193.1 1.0 1.1 2180800900234 196.5 2.0000E-01 1.2 2180800900235 200.1 -5.0000E-01 1.5 2180800900236 203.7 2.3 2.0 2180800900237 207.5 1.0 3.2 2180800900238 211.3 4.2 5.1 2180800900239 215.3 2.7 4.5 2180800900240 ENDDATA 212 0 2180800900241 ENDSUBENT 240 0 2180800999999 SUBENT 21808010 20161111 22552180801000001 BIB 5 19 2180801000002 REACTION (10-NE-22(N,G)10-NE-23,,SIG) 2180801000003 MONITOR (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG) 2180801000004 ERR-ANALYS .For capture cross sections corrections and related 2180801000005 uncertainties (given in per cent) were 2180801000006 (ERR-1,40.,60.) background from scattered neutrons 2180801000007 (ERR-2) background from sample container 2180801000008 (ERR-3) background from neutron self-shielding 2180801000009 and multiple scattering 2180801000010 (ERR-4) pile-up events 2180801000011 (ERR-5) gamma-ray self absorption 2180801000012 (ERR-6) effect of electronic threshold 2180801000013 (ERR-7) pulse height weighting 2180801000014 (ERR-S) statistical uncertainty 2180801000015 STATUS (TABLE) Table on pages 66-68 in Appendix 1 of 2180801000016 KFK-3347,1982 2180801000017 HISTORY (19830724A) Monitor added 2180801000018 (19831004E) 2180801000019 (20080529U) Data units corrected from MB to MICRO-B 2180801000020 (20161111A) ERR-ANALYS was corrected. 2180801000021 ENDBIB 19 0 2180801000022 COMMON 6 3 2180801000023 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 ERR-5 ERR-6 ERR-7 2180801000024 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2180801000025 6. 2. 2. 1. 1. 0.5 2180801000026 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2180801000027 DATA 3 209 2180801000028 EN DATA ERR-S 2180801000029 KEV MICRO-B MICRO-B 2180801000030 4.1 56.6 37.6 2180801000031 4.5 12.5 38.1 2180801000032 4.9 -42.5 34.6 2180801000033 5.3 2.9 32.8 2180801000034 5.7 26.2 36.2 2180801000035 6.1 8.0 30.7 2180801000036 6.5 21.0 24.9 2180801000037 6.9 -11.1 21.3 2180801000038 7.4 28.4 19.6 2180801000039 7.8 18.5 18.3 2180801000040 8.2 3.9 17.2 2180801000041 8.6 23.6 16.5 2180801000042 9.0 7.3 16.3 2180801000043 9.4 -2.8 16.3 2180801000044 9.8 29.3 15.5 2180801000045 10.2 -3.7 14.9 2180801000046 10.7 -17.9 14.3 2180801000047 11.1 -9.3 14.3 2180801000048 11.5 1.3 13.5 2180801000049 12.0 7.2 13.3 2180801000050 12.4 9.9 12.2 2180801000051 13.3 -10.1 11.3 2180801000052 13.7 -2.7 10.5 2180801000053 14.1 10.0 10.5 2180801000054 14.5 6.7 9.6 2180801000055 15.0 6.7 8.9 2180801000056 15.4 6.1 8.2 2180801000057 15.9 2.7 7.5 2180801000058 16.4 0.9 7.7 2180801000059 16.8 11.1 7.2 2180801000060 17.2 4.1 6.7 2180801000061 17.7 -2.5 6.3 2180801000062 18.2 -5.6 6.0 2180801000063 18.6 5.1 6.1 2180801000064 19.0 -0.3 5.8 2180801000065 19.5 -5.6 5.5 2180801000066 19.9 1.1 5.2 2180801000067 20.4 -1.5 5.0 2180801000068 20.8 2.5 4.9 2180801000069 21.3 3.3 4.5 2180801000070 21.9 -1.1 4.2 2180801000071 22.4 -0.1 4.1 2180801000072 22.9 0.0 4.7 2180801000073 23.3 -2.0 4.5 2180801000074 23.7 15.6 4.4 2180801000075 24.2 14.1 3.9 2180801000076 24.6 4.7 3.8 2180801000077 25.1 0.7 3.6 2180801000078 25.6 -3.5 3.4 2180801000079 26.1 5.6 3.4 2180801000080 26.6 -1.2 3.4 2180801000081 27.1 -2.5 3.4 2180801000082 27.7 -2.7 3.4 2180801000083 28.2 -0.1 3.3 2180801000084 28.8 9.7 3.1 2180801000085 29.3 12.9 3.6 2180801000086 29.7 10.0 3.4 2180801000087 30.1 3.9 3.3 2180801000088 30.6 3.5 3.3 2180801000089 31.0 2.3 3.1 2180801000090 31.4 0.7 3.1 2180801000091 31.9 -1.7 3.0 2180801000092 32.3 1.6 3.0 2180801000093 32.8 -1.9 3.0 2180801000094 33.3 -10.5 3.0 2180801000095 33.8 -3.2 3.0 2180801000096 34.3 -3.1 3.0 2180801000097 34.8 -3.1 3.0 2180801000098 35.3 2.4 2.8 2180801000099 35.9 2.1 2.7 2180801000100 36.4 3.1 2.5 2180801000101 37.0 0.4 2.5 2180801000102 37.6 -9.6 2.5 2180801000103 38.2 2.5 2.5 2180801000104 38.8 -0.7 2.4 2180801000105 39.4 -0.1 2.4 2180801000106 40.0 9.3 2.2 2180801000107 40.7 5.2 2.0 2180801000108 41.4 3.3 2.0 2180801000109 42.0 -2.1 1.9 2180801000110 42.7 0.9 1.9 2180801000111 43.5 0.0 1.9 2180801000112 44.2 3.3 1.7 2180801000113 45.0 -6.7 1.9 2180801000114 45.7 -2.0 1.9 2180801000115 46.5 -4.9 1.9 2180801000116 47.1 -2.9 2.7 2180801000117 47.6 -5.5 2.8 2180801000118 48.0 7.6 2.7 2180801000119 48.4 3.9 2.7 2180801000120 48.8 -0.3 2.5 2180801000121 49.3 -1.5 2.5 2180801000122 49.7 -2.9 2.5 2180801000123 50.2 2.3 2.4 2180801000124 50.6 -2.3 2.5 2180801000125 51.1 -5.5 2.4 2180801000126 51.5 -4.4 2.5 2180801000127 52.0 -3.2 2.5 2180801000128 52.5 -9.2 2.5 2180801000129 53.0 -6.0 2.7 2180801000130 53.5 0.1 2.7 2180801000131 54.0 0.1 2.5 2180801000132 54.5 0.9 2.5 2180801000133 55.0 5.9 2.4 2180801000134 55.5 2.1 2.2 2180801000135 56.0 5.5 2.0 2180801000136 56.6 2.8 2.0 2180801000137 57.1 0.8 2.0 2180801000138 57.7 -6.9 2.0 2180801000139 58.2 -0.7 2.2 2180801000140 58.8 -2.0 2.2 2180801000141 59.4 -3.5 2.2 2180801000142 60.0 -0.9 2.0 2180801000143 60.6 3.1 2.0 2180801000144 61.2 1.3 2.0 2180801000145 61.8 1.1 2.0 2180801000146 62.4 3.5 2.0 2180801000147 63.0 0.7 1.9 2180801000148 63.7 -3.3 1.9 2180801000149 64.3 1.2 1.9 2180801000150 65.0 0.4 1.9 2180801000151 65.7 1.3 1.9 2180801000152 66.3 3.2 1.7 2180801000153 67.0 3.9 1.6 2180801000154 67.7 -0.4 1.6 2180801000155 68.4 0.0 1.6 2180801000156 69.2 -0.7 1.6 2180801000157 69.9 1.1 1.6 2180801000158 70.7 0.1 1.6 2180801000159 71.4 -3.1 1.6 2180801000160 72.2 -5.1 1.6 2180801000161 73.0 -2.0 1.6 2180801000162 73.8 0.1 1.6 2180801000163 74.6 -1.2 1.6 2180801000164 75.4 -0.3 1.6 2180801000165 76.2 3.9 1.6 2180801000166 77.1 4.3 1.4 2180801000167 78.0 -0.7 1.4 2180801000168 78.8 -3.1 1.6 2180801000169 79.7 -4.3 1.6 2180801000170 80.7 1.1 1.6 2180801000171 81.6 -6.9 1.6 2180801000172 82.5 -0.8 1.6 2180801000173 83.5 1.7 1.6 2180801000174 84.5 2.0 1.6 2180801000175 85.5 5.9 1.4 2180801000176 86.5 3.1 1.4 2180801000177 87.5 1.9 1.4 2180801000178 88.6 0.8 1.4 2180801000179 89.6 -2.1 1.4 2180801000180 90.7 -3.9 1.4 2180801000181 91.8 -0.1 1.4 2180801000182 92.9 -4.5 1.6 2180801000183 94.1 0.3 1.6 2180801000184 95.3 -0.4 1.6 2180801000185 96.5 -0.7 1.7 2180801000186 97.7 2.0 1.7 2180801000187 98.9 0.0 1.7 2180801000188 100.2 3.6 1.6 2180801000189 101.5 5.9 1.6 2180801000190 102.8 -1.5 1.6 2180801000191 104.1 -4.7 1.6 2180801000192 105.5 -0.3 1.7 2180801000193 106.9 2.5 1.7 2180801000194 108.3 2.3 1.7 2180801000195 109.7 -0.3 1.7 2180801000196 111.2 1.9 1.9 2180801000197 112.7 -0.9 1.9 2180801000198 114.2 -3.5 1.7 2180801000199 115.8 2.1 1.7 2180801000200 117.4 5.3 1.7 2180801000201 119.0 -1.5 1.6 2180801000202 120.7 -2.0 1.6 2180801000203 122.4 -3.2 1.6 2180801000204 124.1 -0.8 1.7 2180801000205 125.9 0.0 1.6 2180801000206 127.7 -2.3 1.7 2180801000207 129.6 3.7 1.6 2180801000208 131.5 2.5 1.4 2180801000209 133.4 1.2 1.4 2180801000210 135.4 2.5 1.3 2180801000211 137.4 -2.8 1.3 2180801000212 139.5 -3.7 1.4 2180801000213 141.6 1.1 1.4 2180801000214 143.8 0.1 1.4 2180801000215 146.0 2.7 1.3 2180801000216 148.3 2.8 1.3 2180801000217 150.6 1.7 1.1 2180801000218 153.0 0.4 1.1 2180801000219 155.4 0.8 1.1 2180801000220 157.9 1.1 1.3 2180801000221 160.4 0.7 1.1 2180801000222 163.0 -0.7 1.3 2180801000223 165.7 -2.3 1.3 2180801000224 168.5 2.3 1.4 2180801000225 171.3 -1.2 1.4 2180801000226 174.2 0.5 1.4 2180801000227 177.1 -0.8 1.4 2180801000228 180.1 1.2 1.3 2180801000229 183.3 0.0 1.3 2180801000230 186.4 -1.2 1.3 2180801000231 189.7 0.5 1.3 2180801000232 193.1 0.3 1.3 2180801000233 196.5 1.7 1.3 2180801000234 200.1 -0.1 1.6 2180801000235 203.7 0.7 2.2 2180801000236 207.5 2.7 3.3 2180801000237 211.3 4.0 5.3 2180801000238 215.3 5.5 4.9 2180801000239 ENDDATA 211 0 2180801000240 ENDSUBENT 239 0 2180801099999 SUBENT 21808011 20161111 22552180801100001 BIB 7 31 2180801100002 REACTION (10-NE-20(N,G)10-NE-21,,SIG,,MXW) 2180801100003 INC-SPECT .Approximately Maxwellian spectrum for 2180801100004 a temperature of kt=30 keV. 2180801100005 MONITOR (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG) 2180801100006 ANALYSIS MACS were determined using measured point-wise cross 2180801100007 section in energy range 5-200 keV. Contribution of 2180801100008 neutrons of energy > 200 keV was considered as 2180801100009 negligible. Neutrons of the energy range 0-5 keV 2180801100010 represent less than 5% of total neutrons and could 2180801100011 increase the MACS by at most a few percent. 2180801100012 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) The total estimated uncertainties. 2180801100013 .For capture cross sections corrections and related 2180801100014 uncertainties (given in per cent) were 2180801100015 (ERR-1,40.,60.) background from scattered neutrons 2180801100016 (ERR-2) background from sample container 2180801100017 (ERR-3) background from neutron self-shielding 2180801100018 and multiple scattering 2180801100019 (ERR-4) pile-up events 2180801100020 (ERR-5) gamma-ray self absorption 2180801100021 (ERR-6) effect of electronic threshold 2180801100022 (ERR-7) pulse height weighting 2180801100023 (ERR-S,25.,40.) statistical uncertainty 2180801100024 STATUS (TABLE) Table II - DATA, Table I - uncertainties of 2180801100025 C,82ANTWER,,948,1982. 2180801100026 Table 2 of J,AJ,265,417,1983 2180801100027 (DEP,21808008) Point-wise cross section 2180801100028 HISTORY (19830724A) Monitor added 2180801100029 (19831004E) 2180801100030 (20080529U) Last checking has been done. 2180801100031 (20161111A) M.M. EN-DUMMY -> KT . 2180801100032 ERR-ANALYS was corrected. 2180801100033 ENDBIB 31 0 2180801100034 COMMON 6 3 2180801100035 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 ERR-5 ERR-6 ERR-7 2180801100036 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2180801100037 6. 2. 2. 1. 1. 0.5 2180801100038 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2180801100039 DATA 3 6 2180801100040 KT DATA ERR-T 2180801100041 KEV MB MB 2180801100042 20. 1.8 2180801100043 25. 1.6 2180801100044 30. 1.5 0.7 2180801100045 35. 1.5 2180801100046 40. 1.4 2180801100047 50. 1.4 0.3 2180801100048 ENDDATA 8 0 2180801100049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 2180801199999 SUBENT 21808012 20161111 22552180801200001 BIB 7 31 2180801200002 REACTION (10-NE-21(N,G)10-NE-22,,SIG,,MXW) 2180801200003 INC-SPECT .Approximately Maxwellian spectrum for 2180801200004 a temperature of kt= 30 keV. 2180801200005 MONITOR (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG) 2180801200006 ANALYSIS MACS were determined using measured point-wise cross 2180801200007 section in energy range 5-200 keV. Contribution of 2180801200008 neutrons of energy > 200 keV was considered as 2180801200009 negligible. Neutrons of the energy range 0-5 keV 2180801200010 represent less than 5% of total neutrons and could 2180801200011 increase the MACS by at most a few percent. 2180801200012 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total error 2180801200013 .For capture cross sections corrections and related 2180801200014 uncertainties (given in per cent) were 2180801200015 (ERR-1,40.,60.) background from scattered neutrons 2180801200016 (ERR-2) background from sample container 2180801200017 (ERR-3) background from neutron self-shielding 2180801200018 and multiple scattering 2180801200019 (ERR-4) pile-up events 2180801200020 (ERR-5) gamma-ray self absorption 2180801200021 (ERR-6) effect of electronic threshold 2180801200022 (ERR-7) pulse height weighting 2180801200023 (ERR-S,25.,40.) statistical uncertainty 2180801200024 STATUS (TABLE) Table II - DATA, Table I - uncertainties of 2180801200025 C,82ANTWER,,948,1982 2180801200026 Table 2 of J,AJ,265,417,1983 2180801200027 (DEP,21808009) Point-wise cross section 2180801200028 HISTORY (19830724A) Monitor added. 2180801200029 (19831004E) 2180801200030 (20080529U) Last checking has been done. 2180801200031 (20161111A) M.M. EN-DUMMY -> KT . 2180801200032 ERR-ANALYS was corrected. 2180801200033 ENDBIB 31 0 2180801200034 COMMON 6 3 2180801200035 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 ERR-5 ERR-6 ERR-7 2180801200036 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2180801200037 6. 2. 2. 1. 1. 0.5 2180801200038 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2180801200039 DATA 3 6 2180801200040 KT DATA ERR-T 2180801200041 KEV MB MB 2180801200042 20. 1.8 2180801200043 25. 1.7 2180801200044 30. 1.6 0.9 2180801200045 35. 1.5 2180801200046 40. 1.4 2180801200047 50. 1.3 0.3 2180801200048 ENDDATA 8 0 2180801200049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 2180801299999 SUBENT 21808013 20161111 22552180801300001 BIB 7 31 2180801300002 REACTION (10-NE-22(N,G)10-NE-23,,SIG,,MXW) 2180801300003 INC-SPECT .Approximately Maxwellian spectrum for 2180801300004 a temperature of kt = 30 keV. 2180801300005 MONITOR (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG) 2180801300006 ANALYSIS MACS were determined using measured point-wise cross 2180801300007 section in energy range 5-200 keV. Contribution of 2180801300008 neutrons of energy > 200 keV was considered as 2180801300009 negligible. Neutrons of the energy range 0-5 keV 2180801300010 represent less than 5% of total neutrons and could 2180801300011 increase the MACS by at most a few percent. 2180801300012 STATUS (TABLE) Table II - DATA, Table I - uncertainties of 2180801300013 C,82ANTWER,,948,1982 2180801300014 Table 2 of J,AJ,265,417,1983 2180801300015 (DEP,21808010) Point-wise cross section 2180801300016 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total error 2180801300017 .For capture cross sections corrections and related 2180801300018 uncertainties (given in per cent) were 2180801300019 (ERR-1,40.,60.) background from scattered neutrons 2180801300020 (ERR-2) background from sample container 2180801300021 (ERR-3) background from neutron self-shielding 2180801300022 and multiple scattering 2180801300023 (ERR-4) pile-up events 2180801300024 (ERR-5) gamma-ray self absorption 2180801300025 (ERR-6) effect of electronic threshold 2180801300026 (ERR-7) pulse height weighting 2180801300027 (ERR-S,25.,40.) statistical uncertainty 2180801300028 HISTORY (19830724A) Monitor added 2180801300029 (19831004E) 2180801300030 (20080529U) Last checking has been done. 2180801300031 (20161111A) M.M. EN-DUMMY -> KT . 2180801300032 ERR-ANALYS was corrected. 2180801300033 ENDBIB 31 0 2180801300034 COMMON 6 3 2180801300035 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 ERR-5 ERR-6 ERR-7 2180801300036 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2180801300037 6. 2. 2. 1. 1. 0.5 2180801300038 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2180801300039 DATA 3 6 2180801300040 KT DATA ERR-T 2180801300041 KEV MB MB 2180801300042 20. 1.7 2180801300043 25. 1.2 2180801300044 30. 0.9 0.7 2180801300045 35. 0.8 2180801300046 40. 0.8 2180801300047 50. 0.7 0.3 2180801300048 ENDDATA 8 0 2180801300049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 2180801399999 SUBENT 21808014 20161111 22552180801400001 BIB 5 11 2180801400002 REACTION (10-NE-20(N,G)10-NE-21,,SIG,,AV) 2180801400003 MONITOR (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG) 2180801400004 COMMENT .Only an upper limit for the average 2180801400005 cross section can be given because of the 2180801400006 reduced statistical accuracy for energies 2180801400007 above 200 keV. 2180801400008 STATUS (TABLE) Text, page 950, C,82ANTWER,,948,1982 2180801400009 Text,page 424 of J,AJ,265,417,1983 2180801400010 HISTORY (19830724A) Ne-21,Ne-22 data moved to Subents 015,016 2180801400011 (19831004E) 2180801400012 (20080529U) Last checking has been done. 2180801400013 ENDBIB 11 0 2180801400014 NOCOMMON 0 0 2180801400015 DATA 3 1 2180801400016 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA-MAX 2180801400017 KEV KEV MB 2180801400018 200. 400. 1. 2180801400019 ENDDATA 3 0 2180801400020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 2180801499999 SUBENT 21808015 20161111 22552180801500001 BIB 4 8 2180801500002 REACTION (10-NE-21(N,G)10-NE-22,,SIG,,AV) 2180801500003 MONITOR (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG) 2180801500004 COMMENT .Only an upper limit for the average 2180801500005 cross section can be given because of the 2180801500006 reduced statistical accuracy for energies 2180801500007 above 200 keV. 2180801500008 STATUS (TABLE) Text, page 950, C,82ANTWER,,948,1982 2180801500009 Text,page 424 of J,AJ,265,417,1983 2180801500010 ENDBIB 8 0 2180801500011 NOCOMMON 0 0 2180801500012 DATA 3 1 2180801500013 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA-MAX 2180801500014 KEV KEV MB 2180801500015 200. 400. 1. 2180801500016 ENDDATA 3 0 2180801500017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 2180801599999 SUBENT 21808016 20161111 22552180801600001 BIB 4 8 2180801600002 REACTION (10-NE-22(N,G)10-NE-23,,SIG,,AV) 2180801600003 MONITOR (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG) 2180801600004 COMMENT .Only an upper limit for the average 2180801600005 cross section can be given because of the 2180801600006 reduced statistical accuracy for energies 2180801600007 above 200 keV. 2180801600008 STATUS (TABLE) Text, page 950, C,82ANTWER,,948,1982 2180801600009 Text,page 424 of J,AJ,265,417,1983 2180801600010 ENDBIB 8 0 2180801600011 NOCOMMON 0 0 2180801600012 DATA 3 1 2180801600013 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA-MAX 2180801600014 KEV KEV MB 2180801600015 200. 400. 1. 2180801600016 ENDDATA 3 0 2180801600017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 2180801699999 SUBENT 21808017 20211227 23062180801700001 BIB 7 39 2180801700002 REACTION 1(10-NE-21(N,0),,EN) 2180801700003 2(10-NE-21(N,0),,J) 2180801700004 3(10-NE-21(N,0),,L) 2180801700005 4(10-NE-21(N,G),,WID) 2180801700006 5(10-NE-21(N,EL),,WID) 2180801700007 6(10-NE-20(N,G),,WID/STR) 2180801700008 7(10-NE-21(N,0),,SWG) 2180801700009 REL-REF (R,21808001,J.Almeida+,R,KFK-3347,1982) 2180801700010 TOF data of total and capture cross-sections used 2180801700011 to define resonance parameters. 2180801700012 ANALYSIS Resonances in capture cross-sections are identified 2180801700013 using the multilevel R-matrix code SAMMY. 2180801700014 Capture width could be determined only for those 2180801700015 resonances, which were observed in the total cross 2180801700016 section. 2180801700017 A possible subthreshold resonance at -7.6 keV was 2180801700018 omitted in the SAMMY analysis. 2180801700019 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty. 2180801700020 (DATA-ERR) Uncertainty of resonance energy corresponds 2180801700021 to the accuracy in the experimental definition of the 2180801700022 flight path in the transmission measurements; 2180801700023 excepting two resonances 52.1 and 98.2 keV, which do 2180801700024 not appear in the total cross section, their energy 2180801700025 uncertainties are due to the 60-cm flight path in the 2180801700026 capture measurements. 2180801700027 COMMENT Of authors. 2180801700028 Sys.8.5 % uncertainty in capture c-s is causing a 2180801700029 visible effect on the uncertainty of the capture area 2180801700030 of the 52keV resonance which increases to 0.26 +- 0.04.2180801700031 STATUS (TABLE) Table II of Phys.Rev.,C90(2014)045804 2180801700032 (DEP,21808003) total cr.sec. 2180801700033 (DEP,21808006) total cr.sec. 2180801700034 (DEP,21808009) (n,gamma) cr.sec. 2180801700035 HISTORY (20190923A) SD: Subent updated according to 23265.003. 2180801700036 Values updated according to last publ. in 2180801700037 Phys.Rev.,C90(2015)019902 2180801700038 (20211227A) SD: SF3=G -> 0 in REACTION code (3). 2180801700039 SF3=EL -> G in REACTION (6). Col. MISC deleted (data 2180801700040 were presented under REACTION (7).) 2180801700041 ENDBIB 39 0 2180801700042 NOCOMMON 0 0 2180801700043 DATA 12 4 2180801700044 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA 3DATA 4ERR-S 42180801700045 DATA-MAX 4DATA 5ERR-S 5DATA 6ERR-S 6DATA 72180801700046 KEV KEV NO-DIM NO-DIM EV EV 2180801700047 EV EV EV EV EV NO-DIM 2180801700048 52.1 0.3 4. 2. 2180801700049 0.35 0.04 1.1252180801700050 98.2 0.5 4. 2. 2180801700051 0.90 0.11 1.1252180801700052 137.3 0.2 4. 2. 1.56 0.212180801700053 3157. 240. 1.1252180801700054 180.6 0.4 2. 0. 2180801700055 0.24 2236. 568. 0.6252180801700056 ENDDATA 12 0 2180801700057 ENDSUBENT 56 0 2180801799999 SUBENT 21808018 20211227 23062180801800001 BIB 5 29 2180801800002 REACTION 1(10-NE-20(N,0),,EN) 2180801800003 2(10-NE-20(N,0),,J) 2180801800004 3(10-NE-20(N,0),,L) 2180801800005 4(10-NE-20(N,G),,WID) 2180801800006 5(10-NE-20(N,EL),,WID) 2180801800007 6(10-NE-20(N,0),,SWG) 2180801800008 ANALYSIS Resonances in capture cross-sections are identified 2180801800009 using the multilevel R-matrix code SAMMY. 2180801800010 Capture width could be determined only for those 2180801800011 resonances, which were observed in the total cross 2180801800012 section. 2180801800013 A possible subthreshold resonance at -7.6 keV was 2180801800014 omitted in the SAMMY analysis. 2180801800015 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty. 2180801800016 (DATA-ERR) resonance energies uncertainties of +-1% 2180801800017 corresponding to the accuracy in the experimental 2180801800018 definition of the flight path in the transmission 2180801800019 measurements. 2180801800020 4(ERR-T) Total uncertainty including sys.uncertainty 2180801800021 causing by 8.5% uncertainty in capture c-s. 2180801800022 STATUS (TABLE) Table II of Phys.Rev.,C90(2014)045804 2180801800023 (DEP,21808002) total cr.sec. 2180801800024 (DEP,21808005) total cr.sec. 2180801800025 (DEP,21808008) (n,gamma) cr.sec. 2180801800026 HISTORY (20190923A) SD: Subent updated according to 23265.002. 2180801800027 Values updated according to last publ. in 2180801800028 Phys.Rev. C90(2015)019902 2180801800029 (20211227A) SD: SF3=G -> 0 in REACTION code (3). 2180801800030 MISC deleted (data were presented under REACTION (6).) 2180801800031 ENDBIB 29 0 2180801800032 NOCOMMON 0 0 2180801800033 DATA 10 2 2180801800034 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA 3DATA 4ERR-S 42180801800035 ERR-T 4DATA 5ERR-S 5DATA 6 2180801800036 KEV KEV NO-DIM NO-DIM EV EV 2180801800037 EV EV EV NO-DIM 2180801800038 147.40 0.15 0.5 1. 3.7 0.22180801800039 0.4 861. 29. 1. 2180801800040 472.6 0.5 0.5 0. 2180801800041 107795. 1113. 1. 2180801800042 ENDDATA 8 0 2180801800043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 2180801899999 SUBENT 21808019 20211227 23062180801900001 BIB 6 26 2180801900002 REACTION 1(10-NE-22(N,0),,EN) 2180801900003 2(10-NE-22(N,0),,J) 2180801900004 3(10-NE-22(N,0),,L) 2180801900005 4(10-NE-22(N,EL),,WID) 2180801900006 5(10-NE-22(N,0),,SWG) 2180801900007 ASSUMED (ASSUM,10-NE-22(N,G),,WID) 2180801900008 ANALYSIS Resonances in capture cross-sections are identified 2180801900009 using the multilevel R-matrix code SAMMY. 2180801900010 Capture width could be determined only for those 2180801900011 resonances, which were observed in the total cross 2180801900012 section. 2180801900013 A possible subthreshold resonance at -7.6 keV was 2180801900014 omitted in the SAMMY analysis. 2180801900015 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty. 2180801900016 (DATA-ERR) Uncertainty of resonance energy corresponds 2180801900017 to the accuracy in the experimental definition of the 2180801900018 flight path in the transmission measurements. 2180801900019 STATUS (TABLE) Table II of Phys.Rev.,C90(2014)045804 2180801900020 (DEP,21808004) total cr.sec. 2180801900021 (DEP,21808007) total cr.sec. 2180801900022 (DEP,21808010) (n,gamma) cr.sec. 2180801900023 HISTORY (20190923A) SD: Subent updated according to 23265.002. 2180801900024 Values updated according to last publ. in 2180801900025 Phys.Rev. C92(2015)019902 2180801900026 (20211227A) SD: SF3=G -> 0 in REACTION code (3). 2180801900027 MISC deleted (data were presented under REACTION (5).) 2180801900028 ENDBIB 26 0 2180801900029 COMMON 1 3 2180801900030 ASSUM 2180801900031 EV 2180801900032 200. 2180801900033 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2180801900034 DATA 7 7 2180801900035 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA 3DATA 4ERR-S 42180801900036 DATA 5 2180801900037 KEV KEV NO-DIM NO-DIM EV EV 2180801900038 NO-DIM 2180801900039 272.0 0.3 0.5 1. 8226. 190.2180801900040 1. 2180801900041 290.7 0.3 0.5 0. 28609. 471.2180801900042 1. 2180801900043 427.1 0.5 0.5 1. 8204. 311.2180801900044 1. 2180801900045 493.1 0.5 0.5 0. 118795. 2147.2180801900046 1. 2180801900047 564.1 0.6 1.5 2. 5100. 180.2180801900048 2. 2180801900049 690.4 0.7 1.5 1. 37457. 1122.2180801900050 2. 2180801900051 802. 5. 0.5 0. 27184. 5139.2180801900052 1. 2180801900053 ENDDATA 18 0 2180801900054 ENDSUBENT 53 0 2180801999999 SUBENT 21808020 20230518 23172180802000001 BIB 6 27 2180802000002 REACTION (10-NE-20(N,G)10-NE-21,,SIG,,MXW,DERIV) MACS 2180802000003 ANALYSIS The s-wave part was described by a 1/v extrapolation of2180802000004 the thermal cross sections, corrected for the small 2180802000005 contribution from the tails of the few resonances in 2180802000006 the keV energy range. 2180802000007 The p-wave components have been calculated using the 2180802000008 potential two-body model with bound-state wave 2180802000009 functions determined by Woods-Saxon mean-field 2180802000010 potential with fixed well depth parameters to reproduce2180802000011 the experimental binding energy Bn. 2180802000012 MISC-COL (MISC1) Resonances contribution, 2180802000013 (MISC2) DRC contribution: s wave, 2180802000014 (MISC3) DRC contribution: p wave. 2180802000015 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) MACS uncertainties are composed of the 2180802000016 contributions from the DRC ( direct radiative capture) 2180802000017 components and from the resonances; 2180802000018 including 8.5% sys.uncertainty of capture experiment. 2180802000019 (MISC1-ERR) Uncertainty from normalization to thermal 2180802000020 cross-section. 2180802000021 (MISC2-ERR) Adopted uncertainty 30%: Uncertainties 2180802000022 determined by the spectroscopic factors (15-20%) 2180802000023 and by the model parameters ( 20%) . 2180802000024 STATUS (TABLE) Table IV of Phys.Rev.,C90(2014)045804 2180802000025 (DEP,21808018) Radiative widths used. 2180802000026 HISTORY (20190923T) SD: Data from 23265.005. 2180802000027 (20230518U) SD: Titles in COMMON section corrected: 2180802000028 MISC1-ERR -> MISC2-ERR; MISC3-ERR -> MISC3-ERR. 2180802000029 ENDBIB 27 0 2180802000030 COMMON 2 3 2180802000031 MISC2-ERR MISC3-ERR 2180802000032 PER-CENT PER-CENT 2180802000033 11. 30. 2180802000034 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2180802000035 DATA 7 14 2180802000036 KT DATA DATA-ERR MISC1 MISC1-ERR MISC2 2180802000037 MISC3 2180802000038 KEV MICRO-B MICRO-B MICRO-B MICRO-B MICRO-B 2180802000039 MICRO-B 2180802000040 5. 85. 12. 0.3 0.02 70.9 2180802000041 14.2 2180802000042 8. 74. 12. 0.4 0.03 56.0 2180802000043 18.0 2180802000044 10. 71. 12. 0.7 0.04 50.1 2180802000045 20.1 2180802000046 15. 73. 13. 7.4 0.4 40.9 2180802000047 24.7 2180802000048 20. 103. 17. 39. 3. 35.4 2180802000049 28.6 2180802000050 23. 137. 20. 73. 4. 33.0 2180802000051 30.7 2180802000052 25. 164. 24. 100. 6. 31.7 2180802000053 32.0 2180802000054 30. 240. 32. 176. 11. 28.9 2180802000055 35.1 2180802000056 40. 384. 48. 318. 19. 25.1 2180802000057 40.7 2180802000058 50. 479. 59. 411. 25. 22.4 2180802000059 45.6 2180802000060 60. 527. 65. 456. 27. 20.5 2180802000061 50.1 2180802000062 80. 536. 67. 460. 28. 17.7 2180802000063 58.1 2180802000064 90. 521. 67. 442. 27. 16.7 2180802000065 61.8 2180802000066 100. 500. 65. 419. 25. 15.8 2180802000067 65.2 2180802000068 ENDDATA 32 0 2180802000069 ENDSUBENT 68 0 2180802099999 SUBENT 21808021 20230518 23172180802100001 BIB 6 29 2180802100002 REACTION (10-NE-21(N,G)10-NE-22,,SIG,,MXW,DERIV) MACS 2180802100003 ANALYSIS The s-wave part was described by a 1/v extrapolation of2180802100004 the thermal cross sections, corrected for the small 2180802100005 contribution from the tails of the few resonances in 2180802100006 the keV energy range. 2180802100007 The p-wave components have been calculated using the 2180802100008 potential two-body model with bound-state wave 2180802100009 functions determined by Woods-Saxon mean-field 2180802100010 potential with fixed well depth parameters to reproduce2180802100011 the experimental binding energy Bn. 2180802100012 MISC-COL (MISC1) Resonances contribution, 2180802100013 (MISC2) DRC contribution: s wave, 2180802100014 (MISC3) DRC contribution: p wave. 2180802100015 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) MACS uncertainties are composed of the 2180802100016 contributions from the DRC (direct radiative capture) 2180802100017 components and from the resonances; 2180802100018 including 8.5% sys.uncertainty of capture experiment. 2180802100019 (MISC1-ERR) Uncertainty from normalization to thermal 2180802100020 cross-section. 2180802100021 (MISC2-ERR) Adopted uncertainty 30%: Uncertainties 2180802100022 determined by the spectroscopic factors (15-20%) 2180802100023 and by the model parameters ( 20%) . 2180802100024 STATUS (TABLE) Table V of Phys.Rev.,C90(2014)045804 2180802100025 (DEP,21808017) Radiative widths used. 2180802100026 HISTORY (20190923T) SD: Data from 23265.005. 2180802100027 (20230518U) SD: Titles in COMMON section corrected: 2180802100028 MISC2-ERR -> MISC3-ERR; MISC1-ERR -> MISC2-ERR. Titles 2180802100029 in DATA section corrected: DATA(-ERR)-> MISC1(-ERR); 2180802100030 MISC1 -> MISC2; MISC3 -> DATA-ERR. 2180802100031 ENDBIB 29 0 2180802100032 COMMON 2 3 2180802100033 MISC2-ERR MISC3-ERR 2180802100034 PER-CENT PER-CENT 2180802100035 17. 30. 2180802100036 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2180802100037 DATA 7 14 2180802100038 KT DATA DATA-ERR MISC1 MISC1-ERR MISC2 2180802100039 MISC3 2180802100040 KEV MICRO-B MICRO-B MICRO-B MICRO-B MICRO-B 2180802100041 MICRO-B 2180802100042 5. 1440. 103. 3.2 0.4 1428.2180802100043 9. 2180802100044 8. 1192. 91. 51. 7. 1129.2180802100045 12. 2180802100046 10. 1138. 91. 115. 13. 1010.2180802100047 13. 2180802100048 15. 1142. 103. 301. 31. 825.2180802100049 16. 2180802100050 20. 1191. 113. 458. 42. 714.2180802100051 19. 2180802100052 23. 1221. 120. 534. 49. 666.2180802100053 21. 2180802100054 25. 1237. 124. 576. 53. 639.2180802100055 21. 2180802100056 30. 1263. 123. 656. 50. 583.2180802100057 24. 2180802100058 40. 1260. 125. 727. 52. 505.2180802100059 28. 2180802100060 50. 1208. 122. 725. 52. 452.2180802100061 31. 2180802100062 60. 1133. 116. 687. 50. 412.2180802100063 34. 2180802100064 80. 975. 103. 578. 44. 357.2180802100065 40. 2180802100066 90. 906. 97. 526. 40. 337.2180802100067 43. 2180802100068 100. 842. 91. 477. 37. 319.2180802100069 46. 2180802100070 ENDDATA 32 0 2180802100071 ENDSUBENT 70 0 2180802199999 SUBENT 21808022 20190923 22822180802200001 BIB 6 24 2180802200002 REACTION (10-NE-22(N,G)10-NE-23,,SIG,,MXW,DERIV) MACS 2180802200003 ANALYSIS The s-wave part was described by a 1/v extrapolation of2180802200004 the thermal cross sections, corrected for the small 2180802200005 contribution from the tails of the few resonances in 2180802200006 the keV energy range. 2180802200007 The p-wave components have been calculated using the 2180802200008 potential two-body model with bound-state wave 2180802200009 functions determined by Woods-Saxon mean-field 2180802200010 potential with fixed well depth parameters to reproduce2180802200011 the experimental binding energy Bn. 2180802200012 MISC-COL (MISC1) Resonances contribution, using radiative widths2180802200013 of Table II of J,PR/C,90,045804,2014 ( Subent 004). 2180802200014 (MISC2) DFC contribution: s wave, 2180802200015 (MISC3) DFC contribution: p wave, 2180802200016 normalized at kT=52 keV by factor 0.366+-0.037. 2180802200017 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) MACS uncertainties are composed of the 2180802200018 contributions from the DRC ( direct radiative capture) 2180802200019 components and from the resonances; 2180802200020 including 8.5% sys.uncertainty of capture experiment. 2180802200021 (MISC1-ERR) Uncertainty from normalization to thermal 2180802200022 cross-section. 2180802200023 STATUS (TABLE) Table VI of Phys.Rev.,C90(2014)045804 2180802200024 (DEP,21808019) Radiative widths used. 2180802200025 HISTORY (20190923T) SD: Data from 23265.007. 2180802200026 ENDBIB 24 0 2180802200027 COMMON 1 3 2180802200028 MISC1-ERR 2180802200029 PER-CENT 2180802200030 3. 2180802200031 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2180802200032 DATA 6 15 2180802200033 KT DATA DATA-ERR MISC1 MISC2 MISC3 2180802200034 KEV MICRO-B MICRO-B MICRO-B MICRO-B MICRO-B 2180802200035 5. 109.1 4.1 2.8 105.4 0.9 2180802200036 8. 88.8 3.6 2.3 83.3 4.0 2180802200037 10. 81.1 3.3 2.1 74.5 4.5 2180802200038 15. 68.4 3.0 1.9 60.9 5.6 2180802200039 20. 60.9 2.8 1.7 52.7 6.5 2180802200040 23. 57.9 2.7 1.7 49.1 7.1 2180802200041 25. 56.3 2.6 1.8 47.1 7.4 2180802200042 30. 53.2 2.7 2.0 43.0 8.2 2180802200043 40. 50.2 3.1 3.2 37.3 9.7 2180802200044 50. 49.8 3.8 5.5 33.3 11.0 2180802200045 52. 49.9 3.8 6.0 32.7 11.2 2180802200046 60. 50.8 4.5 8.1 30.4 12.3 2180802200047 80. 54.5 6.3 13.3 26.4 14.8 2180802200048 90. 56.2 7.0 15.5 24.8 15.9 2180802200049 100. 57.9 7.6 17.3 23.6 17.0 2180802200050 ENDDATA 17 0 2180802200051 ENDSUBENT 50 0 2180802299999 ENDENTRY 22 0 2180899999999