ENTRY 21891 20230208 23132189100000001 SUBENT 21891001 20230208 23132189100100001 BIB 15 48 2189100100002 TITLE Measurement of neutron activation cross 2189100100003 sections by generalized intermittent radiation 2189100100004 AUTHOR (D.Antonini,P.Moioli,E.Pedretti,R.Scafe,A.Visentin) 2189100100005 REFERENCE (J,NIM,151,567,1978) 2189100100006 INSTITUTE (2ITYCAS) 2189100100007 FACILITY (REAC,2ITYCAS) TRIGA reactor 2189100100008 INC-SOURCE (REAC) 2189100100009 INC-SPECT Thermal neutron flux between 2189100100010 1. and 17. * 10**9 neutrons/S*cm**2. 2189100100011 SAMPLE Foils enclosed in a small aluminum capsule, 2189100100012 rigidly positioned within a cylindrical nylon 2189100100013 container (length 10 cm, diameter 2 cm) used 2189100100014 as a 'RABBIT'. 2189100100015 Au-foil, 1% Au and 99% Al, 2189100100016 diam 10 mm, thickn. 0.1 mm, mass 20 mg. 2189100100017 In-foil 1, 100% in, 2189100100018 diam 1.5 mm, thickn. 0.18 mm, mass 2.25 mg 2189100100019 in-foil 2, 0.7% in, 99.3% Pb, 2189100100020 diam 3 mm, thickn. 0.19 mm, mass 15 mg. 2189100100021 METHOD (ACTIV) Activation was done in intermittent 2189100100022 irradiations by rapidly inserting the sample into 2189100100023 a triga reactor core and by rapidly withdrawing it 2189100100024 while the neutron flux in the core was changed. 2189100100025 Neutron flux during irradiations was measured with 2189100100026 a gamma-compensated ionization chamber. Several 2189100100027 patterns of intermittent irradiations were tested. 2189100100028 The gamma-compensated ionization chamber was 2189100100029 calibrated by single irradiations of bare 2189100100030 and cadmium-covered gold plates. 2189100100031 DETECTOR (NAICR) 3 Inch * 3 inch NaI scintillator, 2189100100032 HARSHAW 12S12/GR, phototube RCA8054. 2189100100033 ANALYSIS Cross sections were determined from measured activitied2189100100034 number of target atoms and 'ft' (called 'flux-time 2189100100035 factor', containing all information of neutron fluxes 2189100100036 and timing of intermittent irradiation). 2189100100037 MONITOR The gamma-compensated ionization chamber was 2189100100038 calibrated by single irradiations of bare 2189100100039 and cadmium-covered gold plates. 2189100100040 CORRECTION For - 2189100100041 self-absorption 2189100100042 self-shielding 2189100100043 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty including 2189100100044 - statistical uncertainty 2189100100045 (ERR-1) uncertainty of detector efficiency 2189100100046 - other systematic uncertainties 2189100100047 HISTORY (19831117C) A.L. 2189100100048 (20230208A) SD:Updated to new date formats,lower case. 2189100100049 Corrections in all Subents. 2189100100050 ENDBIB 48 0 2189100100051 COMMON 2 3 2189100100052 EN-DUMMY ERR-1 2189100100053 EV PER-CENT 2189100100054 0.0253 5. 2189100100055 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2189100100056 ENDSUBENT 55 0 2189100199999 SUBENT 21891002 20230208 23132189100200001 BIB 5 6 2189100200002 REACTION (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG,,MXW) 2189100200003 DECAY-DATA (79-AU-198-G,2.7D,DG,412.,0.997) 2189100200004 FLAG (1.) Experiment 1. 2189100200005 (2.) experiment 2. 2189100200006 STATUS (TABLE) Table 2 from Nucl.Instr.Meth.,151(1978)567 2189100200007 HISTORY (20230208U) SD: BIB updated. 2189100200008 ENDBIB 6 0 2189100200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 2189100200010 DATA 3 2 2189100200011 DATA ERR-T FLAG 2189100200012 B B NO-DIM 2189100200013 93.7 6.7 1. 2189100200014 98.9 7.3 2. 2189100200015 ENDDATA 4 0 2189100200016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 2189100299999 SUBENT 21891003 20230208 23132189100300001 BIB 5 7 2189100300002 REACTION (49-IN-115(N,G)49-IN-116-M1+M2,,SIG,,MXW) 2189100300003 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-116-M1,54.MIN,DG,1293.,0.85) 2189100300004 FLAG (3.) Experiment 3. 2189100300005 (4.) experiment 4. 2189100300006 STATUS (TABLE) Table 2 from Nucl.Instr.Meth.,151(1978)567 2189100300007 HISTORY (20230208A) SD: SF4: In-116-M -> In-116M1+M2 in 2189100300008 REACTION code. 2189100300009 ENDBIB 7 0 2189100300010 NOCOMMON 0 0 2189100300011 DATA 3 2 2189100300012 DATA ERR-T FLAG 2189100300013 B B NO-DIM 2189100300014 153.9 11.8 3. 2189100300015 157.3 11.5 4. 2189100300016 ENDDATA 4 0 2189100300017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 2189100399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 2189199999999