ENTRY            21949   20121208                             22342194900000001 
SUBENT        21949001   20121208                             22342194900100001 
BIB                 15         25                                 2194900100002 
INSTITUTE  (2JPNMZK)  Department of Applied Physics Miyazaki      2194900100003 
                      University                                  2194900100004 
REFERENCE  (J,JJAP,21,(4),636,198204)                             2194900100005 
AUTHOR     (K.Kaminishi,T.Shuin)                                  2194900100006 
TITLE       Thermal neutron cross-sections of Na-23 and K-41      2194900100007 
FACILITY   .Miyazaki univ.                                        2194900100008 
INC-SOURCE (AM-BE)  Am241-Be  source, moderated with paraffin     2194900100009 
INC-SPECT  .Moderated thermal neutron spectrum.                   2194900100010 
SAMPLE     .Na-chloride and K-chloride powders                    2194900100011 
           .Irradiation time=16 hours                             2194900100012 
           .Counting for 10 min, 6.5 hours after the irradiation  2194900100013 
METHOD     (ACTIV)                                                2194900100014 
DETECTOR   (GEMUC)  2Pi detector type G.M. counter                2194900100015 
PART-DET   (B-)                                                   2194900100016 
CORRECTION .Contribution of the higher-energy neutrons to the     2194900100017 
            reaction negligible                                   2194900100018 
           .Self-absorption and self-backscattering are taken     2194900100019 
            into account                                          2194900100020 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No details given.                           2194900100021 
STATUS     (TABLE) .From the text of Jap.J.of Appl.Phys.,21,636   2194900100022 
HISTORY    (19850206C) BL                                         2194900100023 
           (19850423E)                                            2194900100024 
           (20060805A) Date and reference are corrected           2194900100025 
           (20060807U) Last checking has been done.               2194900100026 
           (20121208U) SD: INC-SOURCE was corrected.              2194900100027 
ENDBIB              25          0                                 2194900100028 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2194900100029 
ENDSUBENT           28          0                                 2194900199999 
SUBENT        21949002   20060807                             21782194900200001 
BIB                  2          3                                 2194900200002 
REACTION   (11-NA-23(N,G)11-NA-24,,SIG,,MXW)                      2194900200003 
HISTORY    (19850206C)                                            2194900200004 
           (19850423E)                                            2194900200005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 2194900200006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2194900200007 
DATA                 3          1                                 2194900200008 
EN-DUMMY   DATA       DATA-ERR                                    2194900200009 
EV         MB         MB                                          2194900200010 
 2.5000E-02 5.7700E+02 8.0000E+00                                 2194900200011 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2194900200012 
ENDSUBENT           11          0                                 2194900299999 
SUBENT        21949003   20060807                             21782194900300001 
BIB                  2          3                                 2194900300002 
REACTION   (19-K-41(N,G)19-K-42,,SIG,,MXW)                        2194900300003 
HISTORY    (19850206C)                                            2194900300004 
           (19850423E)                                            2194900300005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 2194900300006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2194900300007 
DATA                 3          1                                 2194900300008 
EN-DUMMY   DATA       DATA-ERR                                    2194900300009 
EV         B          B                                           2194900300010 
 2.5000E-02 1.5700E+00 1.7000E-01                                 2194900300011 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2194900300012 
ENDSUBENT           11          0                                 2194900399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 2194999999999