ENTRY 21965 20230209 23142196500000001 SUBENT 21965001 20230209 23142196500100001 BIB 10 37 2196500100002 TITLE Neutron-induced reactions on Ni-58 2196500100003 AUTHOR (A.Pavlik, G.Winkler, M.Uhl, A.Paulsen, H.Liskien) 2196500100004 REFERENCE (J,NSE,90,186,1985) Main reference for Ni-58 data. 2196500100005 (C,82ANTWER,,400,1982) 2196500100006 REL-REF (O,21807001,A.Pavlik+,J,JP/G,8,1283,1982) Details of 2196500100007 the experiment and analysis; data for Zr-90(n,2n) 2196500100008 (I,,A.Pavlik,T,PAVLIK,1982) Thesis, University of 2196500100009 Vienna. Experimental details. 2196500100010 INSTITUTE (2AUSIRK) A.Pavlik, G.Winkler, M.Uhl 2196500100011 (2ZZZGEL) A.Paulsen., H.Liskien. 2196500100012 INC-SOURCE (D-T) 2196500100013 IRK; air-jet-cooled solid state Ti-T target. 2196500100014 Geel; solid state target of tritium occluded in 2196500100015 a 3.9 mg/cm**2 Y-layer on a 0.5 mm Cu-backing. 2196500100016 METHOD (ACTIV) 2196500100017 DETECTOR (NAICR) 12.7 cm * 12.7 cm NaI(Tl) detector to 2196500100018 measure Ni-57, Co-57, Co-58g, Na-24 gamma activity 2196500100019 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Does not include the error of the 2196500100020 given average energy. 2196500100021 (ERR-S) Uncertainty in counting statistics 2196500100022 (ERR-1,,,F) Uncertainty due to isotopic content 2196500100023 (ERR-16,,,F) Uncertainty in the half-life of the 2196500100024 reaction product 2196500100025 (EN-ERR) Center of the neutron energy line 2196500100026 displacement 2196500100027 Error matrices are given in tables 5,6. 2196500100028 HISTORY (19850702C) Subents 2 and 3 were taken from EXFOR 218072196500100029 and were translated to this entry because of new 2196500100030 results on Ni-58 2196500100031 (20060609A) Date is corrected. New information added 2196500100032 from the main reference 2196500100033 (20060612A) Last corrections have been done. 2196500100034 (20170816A) SD: Small correction in the REACTION code 2196500100035 in Subent 006. ERR-ANALYS update in Subents 002-006. 2196500100036 ERR-HL -> ERR-16. Two refs moved to REL-REF. STATUS 2196500100037 'COREL' deleted (info moved to REL-REF). 2196500100038 (20230209U) SD: Correction in Subent 004. 2196500100039 ENDBIB 37 0 2196500100040 COMMON 1 3 2196500100041 ERR-1 2196500100042 PER-CENT 2196500100043 0.2 2196500100044 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2196500100045 ENDSUBENT 44 0 2196500199999 SUBENT 21965002 20170816 22642196500200001 BIB 10 51 2196500200002 REACTION (28-NI-58(N,2N)28-NI-57,,SIG) 2196500200003 FACILITY (VDG,2ZZZGEL) 7 MV Van de Graaff accelerator of GEEL. 2196500200004 For the energy range 12.3 to 19.5 MeV. 2196500200005 Energy steps 0.2 to 0.8 MeV. 2196500200006 METHOD (SITA) Single target irradiation 2196500200007 (REC) Recoil particle method 2196500200008 DETECTOR (TELES,CSICR,CSICR) To detect the recoil protons used 2196500200009 at the CBNM 2196500200010 MONITOR (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG) 2196500200011 DECAY-DATA (28-NI-57,,DG) 2196500200012 SAMPLE .Natural Ni, purity > 99.98% 2196500200013 .Samples were fastened to the inner side of a 1 mm 2196500200014 thick aluminum ring 20 cm in diam. with the target 2196500200015 in the centre, arranged in steps of 6 and 12 degr. 2196500200016 symmetric to the direction of the deuteron beam. 2196500200017 ERR-ANALYS .The principal sources of uncertainty were 2196500200018 (ERR-2,,,P) ERROR due to the irradiation geometry of 2196500200019 the sample 2196500200020 (ERR-3) Error due to the sample mass including purity2196500200021 (ERR-4,,,F) Error due to the detector efficiency 2196500200022 (ERR-5,,0.01) Max error due to the half-life of 2196500200023 interfering Co-57 2196500200024 (ERR-6,0.01,0.1) Max error due to the half-life of 2196500200025 interfering Co-58g 2196500200026 (ERR-7) Error due to the irradiation time, dead time 2196500200027 (ERR-8,,,P) Error due to the differential T(d,n)He4 2196500200028 cross section 2196500200029 (ERR-9,,,F) Error due to fluence determination with 2196500200030 proton recoil telescope 2196500200031 (ERR-10,,,F) Error due to correction for absorption and2196500200032 scattering by sample holder ring and samples 2196500200033 between source and telescope 2196500200034 (ERR-11,,,F) Error due to correction for neutron 2196500200035 absorption in target backing (forward hemisphere)2196500200036 (ERR-12,,,F) Error due to correction for neutron 2196500200037 absorption in beam-line (backward hemisphere)2196500200038 (ERR-13,,,F) Error due to correction for neutron 2196500200039 scattering effects in target backing 2196500200040 (ERR-14,,,F) Error due to correction for absorption, 2196500200041 scattering and backscattering by samples and 2196500200042 sample holder ring 2196500200043 (ERR-15,,,F) Error due to correction for relating the 2196500200044 measured cross section to the averaged neutron2196500200045 energy 2196500200046 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl.III from 82ANTWERP,440 and 2196500200047 Tbl.III from NSE,90,186,1985 (the same results) 2196500200048 (COREL,21965003) with 27Al(n,a)24Na monitor (Vienna) 2196500200049 HISTORY (19850702C) IF. 2196500200050 (20060609A) Error structure, energy resolution added 2196500200051 (20060610A) Last corrections have been done. 2196500200052 (20170816U) SD: ERR-ANALYS update. 2196500200053 ENDBIB 51 0 2196500200054 COMMON 7 6 2196500200055 ERR-3 ERR-4 ERR-7 ERR-8 ERR-9 ERR-10 2196500200056 ERR-14 2196500200057 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2196500200058 PER-CENT 2196500200059 0.1 0.57 0.04 2.0 2.5 0.352196500200060 0.20 2196500200061 ENDCOMMON 6 0 2196500200062 DATA 12 11 2196500200063 EN EN-ERR EN-RSL-FW DATA ERR-T ERR-S 2196500200064 ERR-2 ERR-16 ERR-11 ERR-12 ERR-13 ERR-15 2196500200065 MEV MEV MEV MB MB PER-CENT 2196500200066 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2196500200067 13.305 0.025 0.115 9.06 3.33 36.612196500200068 0.25 0.27 0.15 0.20 0.102196500200069 13.955 0.030 0.130 21.43 3.00 13.612196500200070 0.17 0.29 0.14 0.12 0.102196500200071 14.690 0.030 0.130 38.06 3.08 7.392196500200072 0.14 0.32 0.13 0.10 0.102196500200073 15.485 0.035 0.160 51.92 4.60 5.112196500200074 0.12 0.33 6.00 0.09 0.202196500200075 16.305 0.040 0.165 58.58 3.09 4.022196500200076 0.11 0.34 0.90 0.07 0.202196500200077 17.120 0.040 0.170 65.41 2.90 2.942196500200078 0.14 0.35 0.27 0.06 0.102196500200079 17.880 0.035 0.170 69.23 2.97 2.742196500200080 0.18 0.36 0.13 0.05 0.102196500200081 18.540 0.030 0.175 72.16 3.01 2.532196500200082 0.24 0.36 0.06 0.04 0.102196500200083 19.065 0.025 0.205 75.70 3.16 2.542196500200084 0.30 0.37 0.03 0.03 0.102196500200085 19.415 0.025 0.220 78.70 3.34 2.632196500200086 0.35 0.37 0.01 0.03 0.102196500200087 19.570 0.020 0.225 79.25 3.42 2.762196500200088 0.40 0.38 0.03 0.102196500200089 ENDDATA 26 0 2196500200090 ENDSUBENT 89 0 2196500299999 SUBENT 21965003 20170816 22642196500300001 BIB 14 51 2196500300002 REACTION (28-NI-58(N,2N)28-NI-57,,SIG) 2196500300003 FACILITY (CCW,2AUSIRK) IRK accelerator for the energy range 2196500300004 13.4 to 14.8 MeV, energy steps 0.04 to 0.15 MeV. 2196500300005 METHOD (STTA) Stack target irradiation 2196500300006 DETECTOR (SCIN) Li-I(Eu) scintillation detector for the time 2196500300007 distribution of the neutron production 2196500300008 DECAY-DATA (28-NI-57,,DG) 2196500300009 MONITOR (13-AL-27(N,A)11-NA-24,,SIG) 2196500300010 MONIT-REF (,S.Tagesen+,R,FIZ-KA-13-1,1981) Cross section data 2196500300011 taken from evaluation by Tagesen and Vonach, 2196500300012 Physics Data 13-1,1981, Fachinformationszentrum 2196500300013 Karlsruhe. 2196500300014 DECAY-MON (11-NA-24,14.98HR,DG) 2196500300015 COMMENT .The datum at E = 14.690 MeV resulted from a 2196500300016 measurement at the Van de Graaff accelerator/CBNM. 2196500300017 SAMPLE .Natural Ni, purity > 99.98% 2196500300018 .Each sample was packed together either with two or 2196500300019 at least one aluminum foil for monitoring. 2196500300020 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl.III from 82ANTWERP,440 and 2196500300021 Tbl.IV from NSE,90,186,1985 (the same results) 2196500300022 (COREL,21965002) with proton recoil telescope (Geel) 2196500300023 ERR-ANALYS .The principal sources of uncertainty were 2196500300024 (ERR-2,,,P) Error due to masses for sample and 2196500300025 reference including purity 2196500300026 (ERR-3,,,F) Error due to the detector efficiency for 2196500300027 sample radiation 2196500300028 (ERR-4,,,F) Error due to the detector efficiency for 2196500300029 Na-24 radiation 2196500300030 (ERR-5) Error due to the half-life of interfering 2196500300031 Co-57 2196500300032 (ERR-6) Error due to the half-life of interfering 2196500300033 Co-58-g 2196500300034 (ERR-7,,0.1) Max error due to half-life of Na-24 2196500300035 (ERR-8,,,F) Error due to flux gradient in sample 2196500300036 (experimentally determined) 2196500300037 (ERR-9,,0.1) Error due to correction for elastic 2196500300038 neutron scattering by samples and sample holder 2196500300039 (ERR-10,,0.1) Error raised from correction for 2196500300040 neutron scattering effects due to target backing 2196500300041 (ERR-11) Error due to room return background 2196500300042 (ERR-12) Error due to correction for relating the 2196500300043 measured cross section to the average 2196500300044 neutron energy 2196500300045 (MONIT-ERR,,,P) 27-Al(N,A)Na-24 reference cross section2196500300046 error 2196500300047 FLAG (1.) Irradiation at Geel - CBNM 2196500300048 HISTORY (19850702C) BN. 2196500300049 (20060609A) Error structure, energy resolution and 2196500300050 monitor values added. Displacement of data-energy 2196500300051 corrected 2196500300052 (20170816U) SD: ERR-ANALYS update. 2196500300053 ENDBIB 51 0 2196500300054 COMMON 7 6 2196500300055 ERR-3 ERR-4 ERR-16 ERR-5 ERR-6 ERR-11 2196500300056 ERR-12 2196500300057 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2196500300058 PER-CENT 2196500300059 0.57 0.3 0.15 0.01 0.1 0.12196500300060 0.1 2196500300061 ENDCOMMON 6 0 2196500300062 DATA 12 18 2196500300063 EN EN-ERR EN-RSL-FW DATA ERR-T MONIT 2196500300064 MONIT-ERR MONIT-ERR ERR-S ERR-2 ERR-8 FLAG 2196500300065 MEV MEV MEV MB MB MB 2196500300066 MB PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT NO-DIM 2196500300067 13.470 0.015 0.160 11.24 0.33 125.192196500300068 1.17 0.93 2.70 0.20 0.06 2196500300069 13.565 0.015 0.130 12.98 0.40 125.582196500300070 0.78 0.62 2.90 0.15 0.12 2196500300071 13.620 0.015 0.120 14.20 0.36 125.592196500300072 0.69 0.55 2.35 0.20 2196500300073 13.680 0.010 0.110 15.08 0.40 125.042196500300074 0.70 0.56 2.50 0.15 0.12 2196500300075 13.815 0.010 0.090 18.45 0.36 122.772196500300076 0.67 0.55 1.70 0.20 0.06 2196500300077 13.960 0.010 0.080 21.37 0.43 122.562196500300078 0.64 0.52 1.80 0.15 0.12 2196500300079 14.035 0.010 0.080 23.41 0.46 122.132196500300080 0.64 0.52 1.70 0.20 2196500300081 14.115 0.010 0.090 24.77 0.35 121.862196500300082 0.65 0.53 1.10 0.15 0.12 2196500300083 14.265 0.010 0.110 28.78 0.59 120.682196500300084 0.72 0.60 1.80 0.20 0.06 2196500300085 14.415 0.010 0.150 31.47 0.56 117.322196500300086 0.43 0.37 1.60 0.15 0.12 2196500300087 14.480 0.010 0.170 33.24 0.49 116.342196500300088 0.64 0.55 1.15 0.20 2196500300089 14.550 0.015 0.180 34.84 0.67 115.292196500300090 0.67 0.58 1.65 0.15 0.12 2196500300091 14.660 0.015 0.210 36.62 0.47 113.672196500300092 0.58 0.51 0.90 0.20 0.06 2196500300093 14.690 0.015 0.150 37.65 2.82 113.242196500300094 0.52 0.52 7.43 0.20 0.12 1.2196500300095 14.750 0.015 0.230 39.05 0.62 113.202196500300096 0.60 0.53 1.30 0.15 0.12 2196500300097 14.780 0.015 0.240 39.63 0.52 113.272196500300098 0.64 0.57 0.90 0.20 2196500300099 14.810 0.015 0.250 40.01 0.65 113.112196500300100 0.78 0.69 1.25 0.15 0.12 2196500300101 14.830 0.015 0.270 40.55 0.54 112.702196500300102 0.85 0.75 0.80 0.20 0.06 2196500300103 ENDDATA 40 0 2196500300104 ENDSUBENT 103 0 2196500399999 SUBENT 21965004 20230209 23142196500400001 BIB 10 46 2196500400002 REACTION (28-NI-58(N,X)27-CO-57,,SIG) 2196500400003 FACILITY (VDG,2ZZZGEL) 7 MV Van de Graaff accelerator of GEEL. 2196500400004 For the energy range 12.3 to 19.5 MeV. 2196500400005 Energy steps 0.2 to 0.8 MeV. 2196500400006 METHOD (SITA,REC) 2196500400007 DETECTOR (TELES,CSICR,CSICR) To detect the recoil protons used 2196500400008 at the CBNM 2196500400009 MONITOR (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG) 2196500400010 RAD-DET (27-CO-57,DG) 2196500400011 SAMPLE Natural Ni, purity > 99.98% 2196500400012 Samples were fastened to the inner side of a 1 mm 2196500400013 thick aluminum ring 20 cm in diam. with the target in 2196500400014 the centre, arranged in steps of 6 and 12 degr. 2196500400015 symmetric to the direction of the deuteron beam. 2196500400016 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl.III from NSE,90,186,1985 2196500400017 (COREL,21965005) with 27Al(n,a)24Na monitor (Vienna) 2196500400018 ERR-ANALYS The principal sources of uncertainty were 2196500400019 (ERR-2,,,P) Error due to the irradiation geometry of 2196500400020 the sample 2196500400021 (ERR-3) Error due to the sample mass including purity2196500400022 (ERR-4,,,F) Error due to the detector efficiency 2196500400023 (ERR-7) Error due to the irradiation time, dead time 2196500400024 (ERR-8,,,P) Error due to the differential T(d,n)He4 2196500400025 cross section 2196500400026 (ERR-9,,,F) Error due to fluence determination with 2196500400027 proton recoil telescope 2196500400028 (ERR-10,,,F) Error due to correction for absorption and2196500400029 scattering by sample holder ring and samples 2196500400030 between source and telescope 2196500400031 (ERR-11,,,F) Error due to correction for neutron 2196500400032 absorption in target backing (forward hemisphere) 2196500400033 (ERR-12,,,F) Error due to correction for neutron 2196500400034 absorption in beam-line (backward hemisphere)2196500400035 (ERR-13,,,F) Error due to correction for neutron 2196500400036 scattering effects in target backing 2196500400037 (ERR-14,,,F) Error due to correction for absorption, 2196500400038 scattering and backscattering by samples and 2196500400039 sample holder ring 2196500400040 (ERR-15,,,F) Error due to correction for relating the 2196500400041 measured cross section to the averaged neutron2196500400042 energy 2196500400043 HISTORY (19850702C) IF. 2196500400044 (20060609A) Error structure, energy resolution added 2196500400045 (20170816U) SD: ERR-ANALYS update. 2196500400046 (20230209U) SD: ERR-12 deleted from COMMON section 2196500400047 (value is given in the DATA section). 2196500400048 ENDBIB 46 0 2196500400049 COMMON 9 6 2196500400050 ERR-16 ERR-3 ERR-4 ERR-7 ERR-8 ERR-9 2196500400051 ERR-10 ERR-14 ERR-15 2196500400052 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2196500400053 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2196500400054 0.02 0.1 3.6 0.04 2.0 2.52196500400055 0.35 0.20 0.10 2196500400056 ENDCOMMON 6 0 2196500400057 DATA 10 12 2196500400058 EN EN-ERR EN-RSL-FW DATA ERR-T ERR-S 2196500400059 ERR-2 ERR-11 ERR-12 ERR-13 2196500400060 MEV MEV MEV MB MB PER-CENT 2196500400061 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2196500400062 12.760 0.025 0.100 402. 32. 6.302196500400063 0.30 0.16 0.06 2196500400064 13.305 0.025 0.115 498. 35. 5.102196500400065 0.25 0.15 0.06 2196500400066 13.955 0.030 0.130 572. 38. 4.452196500400067 0.17 0.14 0.07 2196500400068 14.690 0.030 0.130 656. 40. 3.652196500400069 0.14 0.13 0.09 2196500400070 15.485 0.035 0.160 713. 58. 2.752196500400071 0.12 6.00 0.09 2196500400072 16.305 0.040 0.165 769. 43. 2.702196500400073 0.11 0.90 0.09 2196500400074 17.120 0.040 0.170 803. 43. 2.202196500400075 0.14 0.27 0.07 2196500400076 17.880 0.035 0.170 815. 43. 2.002196500400077 0.18 0.13 0.06 2196500400078 18.540 0.030 0.175 822. 43. 2.002196500400079 0.24 0.06 0.05 2196500400080 19.065 0.025 0.205 841. 44. 2.002196500400081 0.30 0.03 0.04 2196500400082 19.415 0.025 0.220 844. 44. 2.002196500400083 0.35 0.01 0.04 2196500400084 19.570 0.020 0.225 836. 44. 2.002196500400085 0.40 0.04 2196500400086 ENDDATA 28 0 2196500400087 ENDSUBENT 86 0 2196500499999 SUBENT 21965005 20170816 22642196500500001 BIB 14 47 2196500500002 REACTION (28-NI-58(N,X)27-CO-57,,SIG) Sum of the N,N+P, 2196500500003 N,P+N and N,D reactions 2196500500004 FACILITY (CCW,2AUSIRK) IRK accelerator for the energy range 2196500500005 13.4 to 14.8 MeV, energy steps 0.04 to 0.15 MeV. 2196500500006 METHOD (STTA) Stack target irradiation 2196500500007 DETECTOR (SCIN) Li-I(Eu) scintillation detector for the time 2196500500008 distribution of the neutron production 2196500500009 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-57,,DG) 2196500500010 MONITOR (13-AL-27(N,A)11-NA-24,,SIG) 2196500500011 MONIT-REF (,S.Tagesen+,R,FIZ-KA-13-3,1981) Cross section data 2196500500012 taken from evaluation by Tagesen and Vonach, 2196500500013 Physics Data 13-1,1981, Fachinformationszentrum 2196500500014 Karlsruhe. 2196500500015 DECAY-MON (11-NA-24,14.98HR,DG) 2196500500016 COMMENT .The datum at e = 14.690 MeV resulted from a 2196500500017 measurement at the Van de Graaff accelerator/CBNM. 2196500500018 SAMPLE .Natural Ni, purity > 99.98% 2196500500019 .Each sample was packed together either with two or 2196500500020 at least one aluminum foil for monitoring. 2196500500021 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl.IV from NSE,90,186,1985 2196500500022 (COREL,21965004) with proton recoil telescope (Geel) 2196500500023 ERR-ANALYS .The principal sources of uncertainty were 2196500500024 (ERR-2,,,P) Error due to masses for sample and 2196500500025 reference including purity 2196500500026 (ERR-3,,,F) Error due to the detector efficiency for 2196500500027 sample radiation 2196500500028 (ERR-4,,,F) Error due to the detector efficiency for 2196500500029 Na-24 radiation 2196500500030 (ERR-7,,0.1) Max error due to half-life of Na-24 2196500500031 (ERR-8,,,F) Error due to flux gradient in sample 2196500500032 (experimentally determined) 2196500500033 (ERR-9,,0.1) Error due to correction for elastic 2196500500034 neutron scattering by samples and sample holder 2196500500035 (ERR-10,,0.1) Error raised from correction for 2196500500036 neutron scattering effects due to target backing 2196500500037 (ERR-11) Error due to room return background 2196500500038 (ERR-12) Error due to correction for relating the 2196500500039 measured cross section to the average 2196500500040 neutron energy 2196500500041 (MONIT-ERR,,,P) 27-Al(n,alpha)Na-24 reference cross 2196500500042 section error 2196500500043 FLAG (1.) Irradiation at Geel - CBNM 2196500500044 HISTORY (19850702C) IF. 2196500500045 (20060609A) Error structure, energy resolution and 2196500500046 monitor values added. Displacement of Data-Energy 2196500500047 corrected 2196500500048 (20170816U) SD: ERR-ANALYS update. 2196500500049 ENDBIB 47 0 2196500500050 COMMON 5 3 2196500500051 ERR-3 ERR-4 ERR-16 ERR-11 ERR-12 2196500500052 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2196500500053 2.70 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1 2196500500054 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2196500500055 DATA 12 18 2196500500056 EN EN-ERR EN-RSL-FW DATA ERR-T MONIT 2196500500057 MONIT-ERR MONIT-ERR ERR-S ERR-2 ERR-8 FLAG 2196500500058 MEV MEV MEV MB MB MB 2196500500059 MB PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT NO-DIM 2196500500060 13.470 0.015 0.160 498. 15. 125.192196500500061 1.17 0.93 0.80 0.20 0.06 2196500500062 13.565 0.015 0.130 512. 15. 125.582196500500063 0.78 0.62 0.95 0.15 0.12 2196500500064 13.620 0.015 0.120 522. 15. 125.592196500500065 0.69 0.55 0.95 0.20 2196500500066 13.680 0.010 0.110 529. 15. 125.042196500500067 0.70 0.56 0.90 0.15 0.12 2196500500068 13.815 0.010 0.090 549. 15. 122.772196500500069 0.67 0.55 0.70 0.20 0.06 2196500500070 13.960 0.010 0.080 565. 16. 122.562196500500071 0.64 0.52 0.80 0.15 0.12 2196500500072 14.035 0.010 0.080 570. 17. 122.132196500500073 0.64 0.52 1.00 0.20 2196500500074 14.115 0.010 0.090 578. 17. 121.862196500500075 0.65 0.53 0.90 0.15 0.12 2196500500076 14.265 0.010 0.110 606. 17. 120.682196500500077 0.72 0.60 0.60 0.20 0.06 2196500500078 14.415 0.010 0.150 622. 18. 117.322196500500079 0.43 0.37 0.75 0.15 0.12 2196500500080 14.480 0.010 0.170 627. 18. 116.342196500500081 0.64 0.55 0.75 0.20 2196500500082 14.550 0.015 0.180 632. 18. 115.292196500500083 0.67 0.58 0.70 0.15 0.12 2196500500084 14.660 0.015 0.210 640. 18. 113.672196500500085 0.58 0.51 0.60 0.20 0.06 2196500500086 14.690 0.015 0.150 649. 34. 113.242196500500087 0.52 0.52 3.73 0.20 0.12 1.2196500500088 14.750 0.015 0.230 652. 19. 113.202196500500089 0.60 0.53 0.65 0.15 0.12 2196500500090 14.780 0.015 0.240 656. 19. 113.272196500500091 0.64 0.57 0.60 0.20 2196500500092 14.810 0.015 0.250 664. 19. 113.112196500500093 0.78 0.69 0.65 0.15 0.12 2196500500094 14.830 0.015 0.270 662. 19. 112.702196500500095 0.85 0.75 0.60 0.20 0.06 2196500500096 ENDDATA 40 0 2196500500097 ENDSUBENT 96 0 2196500599999 SUBENT 21965006 20170816 22642196500600001 BIB 13 47 2196500600002 REACTION (28-NI-58(N,P)27-CO-58,,SIG) 2196500600003 FACILITY (CCW,2AUSIRK) IRK accelerator for the energy range 2196500600004 13.4 to 14.8 MeV, energy steps 0.04 to 0.15 MeV. 2196500600005 METHOD (STTA) Stack target irradiation 2196500600006 DETECTOR (SCIN) Li-I(Eu) scintillation detector for the time 2196500600007 distribution of the neutron production 2196500600008 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-58-G,,DG) 2196500600009 MONITOR (13-AL-27(N,A)11-NA-24,,SIG) 2196500600010 MONIT-REF (,S.Tagesen+,B,PH-DAT,13-3,1981) Cross section data 2196500600011 taken from evaluation by Tagesen and Vonach, 2196500600012 Physics Data 13-1,1981, Fachinformationszentrum 2196500600013 Karlsruhe. 2196500600014 DECAY-MON (11-NA-24,14.98HR,DG) 2196500600015 COMMENT .The datum at En = 14.690 MeV resulted from a 2196500600016 measurement at the Van de Graaff accelerator/CBNM. 2196500600017 SAMPLE .Natural Ni, purity > 99.98% 2196500600018 .Each sample was packed together either with two or 2196500600019 at least one aluminum foil for monitoring. 2196500600020 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. IV from NSE,90,186,1985 2196500600021 ERR-ANALYS .The principal sources of uncertainty were 2196500600022 (ERR-2,,,P) Error due to masses for sample and 2196500600023 reference including purity 2196500600024 (ERR-3,,,F) Error due to the detector efficiency for 2196500600025 sample radiation 2196500600026 (ERR-4,,,F) Error due to the detector efficiency for 2196500600027 Na-24 radiation 2196500600028 (ERR-7,,0.1) Error due to half-life of Na-24 2196500600029 (ERR-8,,,F) Error due to flux gradient in sample 2196500600030 (experimentally determined) 2196500600031 (ERR-9,,0.1) Error due to correction for elastic 2196500600032 neutron scattering by samples and sample holder 2196500600033 (ERR-10,,0.1) Error raised from correction for neutron2196500600034 scattering effects due to target backing2196500600035 (ERR-11) Error due to room return background 2196500600036 (ERR-12) Error due to correction for relating the 2196500600037 measured cross section to the average 2196500600038 neutron energy 2196500600039 (ERR-13,,,F) Error due to neutron source contamination2196500600040 by D(d,n)He-3 reaction 2196500600041 (MONIT-ERR,,,P) 27-Al(N,A)Na-24 reference cross section2196500600042 error 2196500600043 HISTORY (19850702C) BN. 2196500600044 (20060610A) Error structure, energy resolution and 2196500600045 monitor values added. Displacement of Data-Energy 2196500600046 corrected 2196500600047 (20170816A) SD: Co-58g -> Co-58. Ref. corrected: 2196500600048 R,FIZ-KA-13-1 -> B,PH-DAT,13-1. ERR-ANALYS update. 2196500600049 ENDBIB 47 0 2196500600050 COMMON 6 3 2196500600051 ERR-3 ERR-4 ERR-16 ERR-11 ERR-12 ERR-13 2196500600052 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2196500600053 0.45 0.3 0.20 0.1 0.1 1.02196500600054 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2196500600055 DATA 11 17 2196500600056 EN EN-ERR EN-RSL-FW DATA ERR-T MONIT 2196500600057 MONIT-ERR MONIT-ERR ERR-S ERR-2 ERR-8 2196500600058 MEV MEV MEV MB MB MB 2196500600059 MB PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2196500600060 13.470 0.015 0.160 419.9 7.9 125.192196500600061 1.17 0.93 1.10 0.20 0.06 2196500600062 13.565 0.015 0.130 414.4 7.7 125.582196500600063 0.78 0.62 1.30 0.15 0.12 2196500600064 13.620 0.010 0.120 404.5 7.5 125.592196500600065 0.69 0.55 1.30 0.20 2196500600066 13.680 0.010 0.110 400.9 7.4 125.042196500600067 0.70 0.56 1.30 0.15 0.12 2196500600068 13.815 0.010 0.090 386.1 6.9 122.772196500600069 0.67 0.55 1.20 0.20 0.06 2196500600070 13.960 0.010 0.080 371.8 6.8 122.562196500600071 0.64 0.52 1.30 0.15 0.12 2196500600072 14.035 0.010 0.080 360.6 7.2 122.132196500600073 0.64 0.52 1.50 0.20 2196500600074 14.115 0.010 0.090 355.8 6.8 121.862196500600075 0.65 0.53 1.40 0.15 0.12 2196500600076 14.265 0.010 0.110 343.8 6.2 120.682196500600077 0.72 0.60 1.20 0.20 0.06 2196500600078 14.415 0.010 0.150 329.9 6.2 117.322196500600079 0.43 0.37 1.40 0.15 0.12 2196500600080 14.480 0.015 0.170 322.8 6.2 116.342196500600081 0.64 0.55 1.40 0.20 2196500600082 14.550 0.015 0.180 314.4 6.3 115.292196500600083 0.67 0.58 1.50 0.15 0.12 2196500600084 14.660 0.015 0.210 303.3 5.0 113.672196500600085 0.58 0.51 1.00 0.20 0.06 2196500600086 14.750 0.015 0.230 292.2 5.4 113.202196500600087 0.60 0.53 1.30 0.15 0.12 2196500600088 14.780 0.015 0.240 291.6 5.2 113.272196500600089 0.64 0.57 1.20 0.20 2196500600090 14.810 0.015 0.250 289.0 6.1 113.112196500600091 0.78 0.69 1.50 0.15 0.12 2196500600092 14.830 0.015 0.270 287.4 5.0 112.702196500600093 0.85 0.75 1.00 0.20 0.06 2196500600094 ENDDATA 38 0 2196500600095 ENDSUBENT 94 0 2196500699999 ENDENTRY 6 0 2196599999999