ENTRY            21988   20170206                             22592198800000001 
SUBENT        21988001   20170206                             22592198800100001 
BIB                 18        321                                 2198800100002 
INSTITUTE  (2GERJUL)                                              2198800100003 
REFERENCE  (J,NSE,91,162,1985)                                    2198800100004 
AUTHOR     (R.Woefle,S.Sudar,S.M.Qaim)                            2198800100005 
TITLE      -Determination of excitation function of triton        2198800100006 
            emission reaction on aluminum from threshold up to    2198800100007 
            30 MeV via activation in diverse neutron fields and   2198800100008 
            unfolding code calculations                           2198800100009 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2GERJUL) Julich Isochronous Cyclotron(Julic)    2198800100010 
INC-SOURCE (D-BE) A beryllium degrader of variable thickness used.2198800100011 
             Deutron energies 17.5, 20.0, 22.5, 27.5, 30.0 MeV.   2198800100012 
             Beam current 2-3 microA .                            2198800100013 
INC-SPECT    The fluxes were normalized as SUM(F(Ei)*dE)=10**5 .  2198800100014 
             Flux distributions obtained with SAND-II code:       2198800100015 
                  - 17.5 MeV deutrons        - 20 MeV deutrons    2198800100016 
            En    Flux           Error       Flux            Error2198800100017 
            MeV   n/cm2/sec/MeV  %           n/cm2/sec/MeV   %    2198800100018 
             2.    20327.        16.4        14511.          18.8 2198800100019 
             3.    12859.        11.3        11077.          12.6 2198800100020 
             4.     7724.        10.0         7850.           9.5 2198800100021 
             5.     5262.         9.7         5816.           8.3 2198800100022 
             6.     5327.        10.2         5861.           8.5 2198800100023 
             7.     7194.         8.9         6823.           7.4 2198800100024 
             8.     7563.        10.3         7540.           8.5 2198800100025 
             9.     6977.         8.1         7443.           7.0 2198800100026 
            10.     6551.         6.4         6481.           6.8 2198800100027 
            11.     5609.         8.2         5478.           9.4 2198800100028 
            12.     3744.         9.0         4224.          10.2 2198800100029 
            13.     2026.         7.7         3378.           7.1 2198800100030 
            14.     1502.         5.7         2820.           4.5 2198800100031 
            15.     1437.         4.3         2370.           4.2 2198800100032 
            16.     1412.         4.5         1979.           5.0 2198800100033 
            17.     1324.         5.9         1609.           6.5 2198800100034 
            18.     1211.         6.1         1243.           6.9 2198800100035 
            19.      813.         5.9          925.           5.8 2198800100036 
            20.      500.         8.3          623.           5.6 2198800100037 
            21.      245.        13.0          580.           7.2 2198800100038 
            22.      133.        14.1          507.           9.1 2198800100039 
            23.       82.        10.0          326.           8.4 2198800100040 
            24.       58.         5.8          197.           5.9 2198800100041 
            25.       41.         4.0          113.           4.0 2198800100042 
            26.       27.         4.7           73.           4.0 2198800100043 
            27.       19.         5.9           51.           5.0 2198800100044 
            28.       13.         6.9           40.           5.8 2198800100045 
            29.       10.         7.3           35.           6.4 2198800100046 
            30.        8.         7.6           30.           6.7 2198800100047 
                  - 22.5 MeV deutrons        - 25 MeV deutrons    2198800100048 
            En    Flux           Error       Flux            Error2198800100049 
            MeV   n/cm2/sec/MeV  %           n/cm2/sec/MeV   %    2198800100050 
             2.    15771.        23.1          15752.        18.0 2198800100051 
             3.    10497.        10.3           8536.        11.4 2198800100052 
             4.     6737.         7.9           4947.         8.8 2198800100053 
             5.     4844.        11.1           3554.         9.4 2198800100054 
             6.     4837.        11.4           3812.         9.6 2198800100055 
             7.     5749.         7.9           4828.         9.4 2198800100056 
             8.     6586.         6.4           5872.         9.5 2198800100057 
             9.     6958.         6.3           6297.         6.7 2198800100058 
            10.     6735.         6.4           6246.         5.8 2198800100059 
            11.     5812.         7.5           6246.         8.3 2198800100060 
            12.     4561.         8.2           5495.         8.2 2198800100061 
            13.     3664.         6.1           4403.         6.3 2198800100062 
            14.     3108.         4.3           3678.         4.9 2198800100063 
            15.     2706.         4.2           3154.         4.6 2198800100064 
            16.     2372.         5.6           2741.         5.7 2198800100065 
            17.     2052.         7.2           2378.         7.2 2198800100066 
            18.     1759.         7.3           2109.         8.0 2198800100067 
            19.     1482.         5.3           1908.         6.8 2198800100068 
            20.     1200.         6.8           1725.         6.3 2198800100069 
            21.      899.        11.1           1545.         9.6 2198800100070 
            22.      561.        14.3           1305.        14.2 2198800100071 
            23.      283.        13.2            988.        15.6 2198800100072 
            24.      210.         9.7            654.        12.8 2198800100073 
            25.      155.         5.8            382.         7.5 2198800100074 
            26.      120.         4.7            322.         4.3 2198800100075 
            27.      101.         5.7            300.         4.8 2198800100076 
            28.       87.         7.4            283.         7.3 2198800100077 
            29.       80.         8.4            274.         9.2 2198800100078 
            30.       74.         9.2            267.        10.5 2198800100079 
                  - 27.5 MeV deutrons        - 30 MeV deutrons    2198800100080 
            En    Flux           Error       Flux            Error2198800100081 
            MeV   n/cm2/sec/MeV  %           n/cm2/sec/MeV   %    2198800100082 
             2.    11305.       15.8            10010.          232198800100083 
             3.     8799.       10.6             7044.          122198800100084 
             4.     5872.       10.0             4482.          102198800100085 
             5.     4127.       11.6             3178.          122198800100086 
             6.     4116.       14.3             2711.          122198800100087 
             7.     4836.       10.7             3444.          112198800100088 
             8.     5177.        8.5             4191.          112198800100089 
             9.     5160.        9.4             4579.           82198800100090 
            10.     5171.        7.9             4867.           62198800100091 
            11.     5147.        7.8             5118.           82198800100092 
            12.     4951.        6.5             5141.           82198800100093 
            13.     4565.        5.9             5106.           52198800100094 
            14.     4041.        4.8             4825.           42198800100095 
            15.     3652.        5.3             4355.           42198800100096 
            16.     3346.        6.3             3978.           52198800100097 
            17.     3074.        7.3             3640.           62198800100098 
            18.     2794.        8.1             3334.           72198800100099 
            19.     2514.        6.9             3054.           72198800100100 
            20.     2238.        5.3             2790.           72198800100101 
            21.     1963.        7.3             2547.           62198800100102 
            22.     1682.       11.0             2303.           82198800100103 
            23.     1414.       13.0             2041.          102198800100104 
            24.     1141.       11.0             1780.           92198800100105 
            25.      887.        6.3             1521.           62198800100106 
            26.      651.        4.7             1264.           42198800100107 
            27.      441.        6.7             1021.           42198800100108 
            28.      330.        8.7              787.           72198800100109 
            29.      314.       10.0              556.           82198800100110 
            30.      312.       10.6              332.          102198800100111 
SAMPLE      The aluminum sample (99.999% purity ) consisted of    2198800100112 
            two parts, each 1 x 1 x 0.5 cm thick, between which   2198800100113 
            a set of 12 flux monitor foils was inserted.          2198800100114 
METHOD     (ACTIV) Irradiation were done for 5 to 20 hr.          2198800100115 
           Tritium activities induced in Al samples were separated2198800100116 
           after addition of H2 carrier by vacuum extraction at   2198800100117 
           900 degC and were counted in a proportional gas        2198800100118 
           counting tybe in an anticoincidence arrangement .      2198800100119 
DETECTOR   (PROPC,GELI)                                           2198800100120 
ANALYSIS    The shapes of the neutron spectra were determined by  2198800100121 
            spectrum unfolding, using the known excitation        2198800100122 
            functions of the monitor nuclides and their measured  2198800100123 
            activities.  In a second calculational step, the      2198800100124 
            excitation function for the triton emission process   2198800100125 
            on Al-27 was obtained from the neutron flux           2198800100126 
            distributions and the measured tritium activities.    2198800100127 
            At both calculational stages of iterative code        2198800100128 
            SAND-II and the generalized least-squares (LSQ)       2198800100129 
            unfolding code were applied, the latter yielding      2198800100130 
            additionally the error covariance matrix.             2198800100131 
            For input and output unfolding codes scheme see       2198800100132 
            Table VII of NSE,91,162,1985 .                        2198800100133 
MONITOR    (49-IN-115(N,INL)49-IN-115-M,,SIG)            11       2198800100134 
             Max.response region 1.5 - 11.5 MeV                   2198800100135 
           (28-NI-58(N,P)27-CO-58-G,,SIG)                12       2198800100136 
            Max.response region 3.7 - 15.3 MeV                    2198800100137 
           (26-FE-54(N,P)25-MN-54,,SIG)                  13       2198800100138 
            Max.response region 3.7 - 15.9 MeV                    2198800100139 
           (13-AL-27(N,A)11-NA-24-G,,SIG)                14       2198800100140 
            Max.response region 8.9 - 17.8 MeV                    2198800100141 
           (29-CU-65(N,P)28-NI-65,,SIG)                  15       2198800100142 
            Max.response region 8.4 - 25.2 MeV                    2198800100143 
           (79-AU-197(N,2N)79-AU-196-G,,SIG)             16       2198800100144 
            Max.response region 10.1 - 20.0 MeV                   2198800100145 
           (22-TI-48(N,P)21-SC-48,,SIG)                  17       2198800100146 
            Max.response region 10.3 - 23.0 MeV                   2198800100147 
           (27-CO-59(N,2N)27-CO-58-G,,SIG)               18       2198800100148 
            Max.response region 12.6 - 27.4 MeV                   2198800100149 
           (39-Y-89(N,2N)39-Y-88-G,,SIG)                 19       2198800100150 
            Max.response region 13.6 - 27.5 MeV                   2198800100151 
           (40-ZR-90(N,2N)40-ZR-89-G,,SIG)               20       2198800100152 
            Max.response region 14.2 - 29.3 MeV                   2198800100153 
           (47-AG-107(N,3N)47-AG-105-G,,SIG)             21       2198800100154 
            Max.response region >22.5 - >30.0 MeV                 2198800100155 
           (39-Y-89(N,3N)39-Y-87-G,,SIG)                 22       2198800100156 
            Max.response region >27.0 - >30.0 MeV .               2198800100157 
            Max.response region - region where                    2198800100158 
            SIG(E) > or = 0.5*SIGmaximal .                        2198800100159 
            Threshold monitor reactions were used for neutron     2198800100160 
            spectrum unfolding.                                   2198800100161 
DECAY-MON  (49-IN-115-M,,DG,336.,0.459)                11         2198800100162 
           (27-CO-58-G,,DG,811.,0.9945)                12         2198800100163 
           (25-MN-54,,DG,835.,0.9998)                  13         2198800100164 
           (11-NA-24-G,,DG,1369.,0.9999)               14         2198800100165 
           (28-NI-65,,DG,1482.,0.235)                  15         2198800100166 
           (79-AU-196-G,,DG,356.,0.8761)               16         2198800100167 
           (21-SC-48,,DG,1312.,1.00)                   17         2198800100168 
           (27-CO-58-G,,DG,811.,0.9945)                18         2198800100169 
           (39-Y-88-G,,DG,898.,0.937)                  19         2198800100170 
           (40-ZR-89-G,,DG,909.,0.9901)                20         2198800100171 
           (47-AG-105-G,,DG,345.,0.425)                21         2198800100172 
           (39-Y-87-G,,DG,485.,0.921)                  22         2198800100173 
MONIT-REF  (,B.P.Bayhurst+,J,PR/C,12,451,1975)                    2198800100174 
            for MONITOR 14,16,19,20,21,22                         2198800100175 
           (,,3,ENDF/B-V,,1979) Dosimetry file .                  2198800100176 
            for MONITOR  11,12,13,17,18                           2198800100177 
           (,S.Tagesen+,B,PH-DAT,13-1,1981)                       2198800100178 
            Physics Data 13-1, Fachinformation zentrum Karlsruhe, 2198800100179 
            also                                                  2198800100180 
           (,H.Vonach+,R,IAEA-227,59,1983) Techn.Rep.Ser.         2198800100181 
            for MONITOR 14                                        2198800100182 
           (,D.C.Santry+,J,CJP,44,1183,1966)                      2198800100183 
            for MONITOR 15                                        2198800100184 
CORRECTION .For monitor foils corrections for pile-up effects,    2198800100185 
            coincidence losses, self-absorption, etc., were       2198800100186 
            applied.                                              2198800100187 
ERR-ANALYS   Error component of measured tritium  activities :    2198800100188 
           Origin of error component  Partial error,%  Correlation2198800100190 
           -Statistics of sample counting   0.26 - 3.62           2198800100192 
           -Statistics of calibration       1.              +     2198800100193 
            standard counting                                     2198800100194 
           -Plateau uncertainty of          1.5                   2198800100195 
            sample counting                                       2198800100196 
           -Plateau uncertainty of          1.5             +     2198800100197 
            calibration standard counting                         2198800100198 
           -Uncertainty of chemical         1.5                   2198800100199 
            yield of sample                                       2198800100200 
           -Disintegration rate uncertainty 3.              +     2198800100201 
            of calibration standard                               2198800100202 
           -Irradiation geometry            2.5                   2198800100203 
            uncertainty, ect.                                     2198800100204 
                Typical Error components of 12 measured Monitor   2198800100205 
              activities :                                        2198800100206 
           Origin of error component  Partial error,%  Correlation2198800100208 
           -Statistics of monitor counting 0.58-2.37              2198800100210 
           -Statistics of calibration      1.                     2198800100211 
            standard counting                                     2198800100212 
           -Pile-up correction uncertainty  0-0.37                2198800100213 
            for monitor                                           2198800100214 
           -Pile-up correction uncertainty  0.28-2.17       +     2198800100215 
            for calibration standard                              2198800100216 
           -Coincidence losses correction   0-4.45          +     2198800100217 
            uncertainty for monitor                               2198800100218 
           -Coincidence losses correction   0-3.51          +     2198800100219 
            uncertainty for calibr.standard                       2198800100220 
           -Gamma-abundance uncertainty     0-1.7                 2198800100221 
            for monitor                                           2198800100222 
           -Gamma-abundance uncertainty     0-1.1           +     2198800100223 
            for calibration standard                              2198800100224 
           -Half-life uncertainty           0-1.34                2198800100225 
            for monitor                                           2198800100226 
           -Half-life uncertainty           0-2.24          +     2198800100227 
            for calibration standard                              2198800100228 
           -Disintegration rate uncertainty 0.5-2.5         +     2198800100229 
            for calibration standard                              2198800100230 
           -Irradiation geometry            2.                    2198800100231 
             deviation etc.                                       2198800100232 
            Scale error of the neutron energy was estimated 2-5 % 2198800100234 
            and not included in error calculations.               2198800100235 
           (DATA-ERR) Uncertainties given by a code used for      2198800100236 
           unfolding.                                             2198800100237 
COVARIANCE      Activities errors relative covariance matrix in   2198800100238 
            percent squared after irradiations in six different   2198800100239 
            neutron fields ( see six spectra in INC-SOURCE)       2198800100240 
             1   25.4                                             2198800100242 
             2   12.3 36.1                                        2198800100243 
             3   12.3 12.3 25.2                                   2198800100244 
             4   12.3 12.3 12.3 23.1      (symmetric)             2198800100245 
             5   12.3 12.3 12.3 12.3 23.4                         2198800100246 
             6   12.3 12.3 12.3 12.3 12.3 23.0                    2198800100247 
                   1    2    3    4    5    6                     2198800100248 
           .Relative error correlation matrix for the Al-27((n,t) 2198800100250 
            +(n,t+n)) excitation function results(LSQ-2)          2198800100251 
            EN(MeV)  11    12    13    14    15    16    17    18 2198800100253 
              11    1                                             2198800100254 
              12    0.50  1                                       2198800100255 
              13    0.    0.49  1                (Symmetric)      2198800100256 
              14   -0.01 -0.02  0.49  1                           2198800100257 
              15   -0.01 -0.02 -0.04  0.48  1                     2198800100258 
              16   -0.01 -0.02 -0.04 -0.05  0.47  1               2198800100259 
              17   -0.01 -0.03 -0.04 -0.05 -0.06  0.49  1         2198800100260 
              18   -0.01 -0.02 -0.04 -0.05 -0.06 -0.06  0.45  1   2198800100261 
              19   -0.01 -0.02 -0.03 -0.04 -0.04 -0.05 -0.05  0.492198800100262 
              20    0    -0.01 -0.03 -0.03 -0.04 -0.04 -0.04 -0.042198800100263 
              21    0    -0.01 -0.02 -0.03 -0.04 -0.04 -0.04 -0.042198800100264 
              22    0    -0.01 -0.02 -0.03 -0.03 -0.04 -0.04 -0.042198800100265 
              23    0    -0.01 -0.02 -0.02 -0.03 -0.03 -0.03 -0.032198800100266 
              24    0     0    -0.01 -0.02 -0.02 -0.02 -0.02 -0.022198800100267 
              25    0     0    -0.01 -0.01 -0.01 -0.02 -0.02 -0.022198800100268 
              26    0     0     0    -0.01 -0.01 -0.01 -0.01 -0.022198800100269 
              27    0     0     0    -0.01 -0.01 -0.01 -0.01 -0.012198800100270 
              28    0     0     0     0    -0.01 -0.01 -0.01 -0.012198800100271 
              29    0     0     0     0     0     0     0    -0.012198800100272 
              30    0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0   2198800100273 
            EN(MeV)  19    20    21    22    23    24    25    26 2198800100274 
              19    1                                             2198800100275 
              20    0.48  1                                       2198800100276 
              21   -0.04  0.48  1                                 2198800100277 
              22   -0.04 -0.05  0.47  1                           2198800100278 
              23   -0.03 -0.04 -0.06  0.46  1                     2198800100279 
              24   -0.03 -0.04 -0.06 -0.08  0.45  1               2198800100280 
              25   -0.03 -0.04 -0.06 -0.08 -0.09  0.44  1         2198800100281 
              26   -0.02 -0.03 -0.05 -0.07 -0.08 -0.09  0.46  1   2198800100282 
              27   -0.02 -0.03 -0.04 -0.05 -0.06 -0.07 -0.07  0.472198800100283 
              28   -0.01 -0.02 -0.03 -0.03 -0.04 -0.04 -0.05 -0.042198800100284 
              29   -0.01 -0.01 -0.02 -0.02 -0.02 -0.03 -0.03 -0.022198800100285 
              30    0    -0.01 -0.01 -0.01 -0.01 -0.01 -0.01 -0.012198800100286 
            EN(MeV)  27    28    29    30                         2198800100287 
              27    1                                             2198800100288 
              28    0.48  1                                       2198800100289 
              29   -0.02  0.49  1                                 2198800100290 
              30   -0.01 -0.01  0.50  1                           2198800100291 
            Relative covariance matrix(symmetric, in percent      2198800100293 
            squared) of 12 measured Monitor activities for        2198800100294 
            irradiation with 20-MeV neutrons -  Table II of       2198800100295 
            NSE,91,162,1985 :                                     2198800100296 
              1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10     2198800100297 
            1 18.4                                                2198800100298 
            2 0.   9.60                                           2198800100299 
            3 0.   3.84 12.2                                      2198800100300 
            4 0.   0.   0.   12.8                                 2198800100301 
            5 0.   0.   0.   0.   28.0                            2198800100302 
            6 12.1 0.   0.   0.   0.   21.5                       2198800100303 
            7 0.   0.   0.   4.03 0.   0.   30.3                  2198800100304 
            8 0.   4.22 3.84 0.   0.   0.   0.   9.76             2198800100305 
            9 0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   20.0        2198800100306 
           10 0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   12.7 19.1   2198800100307 
           11 12.1 0.   0.   0.   0.   12.1 0.   0.   0.   0.     2198800100308 
           12 0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.     2198800100309 
              continued:                                          2198800100310 
               11   12                                            2198800100311 
           11  26.7                                               2198800100312 
           12  0.   17.3                                          2198800100313 
HISTORY    (19860127C)                                            2198800100314 
           (19860210E)                                            2198800100315 
           (19860417A)                                            2198800100316 
           (19860703E)                                            2198800100317 
           (20170206A) M.M. INC-SPECT,DECAY-MON,MONIT-REF were    2198800100318 
            added.                                                2198800100319 
            Article was checked, BIB information was updated in   2198800100320 
            TITLE, STATUS, MONITOR, ERR-ANALYS, COVARIANCE.       2198800100321 
            Upper -> lower case correction.                       2198800100322 
            Dates were corrected for 4-digits year.               2198800100323 
ENDBIB             321          0                                 2198800100324 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2198800100325 
ENDSUBENT          324          0                                 2198800199999 
SUBENT        21988002   20170206                             22592198800200001 
BIB                  3          8                                 2198800200002 
REACTION  1(13-AL-27(N,X)1-H-3,,SIG,,,DERIV) SAND-II              2198800200003 
          2(13-AL-27(N,X)1-H-3,,SIG,,,DERIV) LSQ-1                2198800200004 
          3(13-AL-27(N,X)1-H-3,,SIG,,,DERIV) LSQ-2                2198800200005 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table V of NSE,91,162,1985                     2198800200006 
HISTORY    (19860127C)                                            2198800200007 
           (19860210E)                                            2198800200008 
           (19860417A)                                            2198800200009 
           (19860703E)                                            2198800200010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 2198800200011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2198800200012 
DATA                 7         39                                 2198800200013 
EN         DATA      1DATA-ERR  1DATA      2DATA-ERR  2DATA      32198800200014 
DATA-ERR  3                                                       2198800200015 
MEV        MB         PER-CENT   MB         PER-CENT   MB         2198800200016 
PER-CENT                                                          2198800200017 
 1.1000E+01 0.0000E+00 1.0000E+01 0.0000E+00 1.9900E+01 1.0000E-022198800200018 
 1.0300E+01                                                       2198800200019 
 1.1500E+01 1.9000E-01 9.5000E+00 1.9000E-01 1.9900E+01           2198800200020 
 1.2000E+01 4.1000E-01 8.0000E+00 4.1000E-01 1.9900E+01 3.1000E-012198800200022 
 8.1000E+00                                                       2198800200023 
 1.2500E+01 6.4000E-01 6.8000E+00 6.4000E-01 1.9900E+01           2198800200024 
 1.3000E+01 8.8000E-01 6.8000E+00 8.8000E-01 1.9900E+01 9.0000E-012198800200026 
 6.9000E+00                                                       2198800200027 
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