ENTRY 22029 20230209 23132202900000001 SUBENT 22029001 20230209 23132202900100001 BIB 15 41 2202900100002 TITLE Neutron analysing powers and a low-energy optical 2202900100003 model analysis 2202900100004 AUTHOR (J.R.M.Annand,R.B.Galloway) 2202900100005 REFERENCE (J,JP/G,11,1341,1985) Main reference 2202900100006 (J,NIM,206,431,1983) Experim. details, Bi prelim.data 2202900100007 REL-REF (O,20801016,G.Haouat+,J,NSE,81,491,1982) Additional 2202900100008 results 2202900100009 (O,10803001,P.T.Guenther+,J,PR/C,26,2433,1982) - 2202900100010 Additional results 2202900100011 INSTITUTE (2UK EDG) 2202900100012 FACILITY (VDG,2UK EDG) 2202900100013 INC-SOURCE (D-D) Polarization of neutrons emitted at 49dgrs taken 2202900100014 as -0.15+-0.01 2202900100015 METHOD (TOF,PSD,PHD) Proton recoil spectra were collected with2202900100016 pulse shape discrimination against gamma rays and pulse2202900100017 height discrimination to reduce detection 2202900100018 DETECTOR (SCIN)24 NE213 detectors, 5 cm in diam. and 15 cm long,2202900100019 at angles 20-167 dgrs with an interval of 7 dgrs 2202900100020 MONITOR Two flux monitors were used to normalize polarimeter 2202900100021 counting rates. A collimated beam monitor looking at 2202900100022 neutrons emitted at 49 degrees and a target yield 2202900100023 monitor viewing neutrons emitted at 90 degrees. 2202900100024 ADD-RES All of the optical model analysis has been made with 2202900100025 compound elastic scattering accounted for using a 2202900100026 recent formulation of the statistical model. 2202900100027 CORRECTION Made by using an analytical method, followed by a 2202900100028 Monte-Carlo method. 2202900100029 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Contain uncertainties in source to sample 2202900100030 distance and relative detector efficiencies. Counting 2202900100031 statistics uncertainties are small. 2202900100032 (ERR-1) The overall normalisation error 2202900100033 STATUS (TABLE) Data were taken from private communication 2202900100034 R.Galloway, 1987-02 2202900100035 HISTORY (19870615C) IF. 2202900100036 (20070306A) Date and numerical error in Subent 007 2202900100037 are corrected - SM/N.Otsuka. Code for ANALYSIS key- 2202900100038 word in Subent 001 erased. 2202900100039 (20070309A) Last corrections have been done. 2202900100040 (20160818U) SD: COMMENT and CRITIQUE were added to 2202900100041 Subent 003. Author's names corrected (initials added). 2202900100042 (20230209A) SD: Corrections in several Subents. 2202900100043 ENDBIB 41 0 2202900100044 COMMON 3 3 2202900100045 EN EN-ERR ERR-1 2202900100046 EV EV PER-CENT 2202900100047 3.0E+06 2.E+05 8. 2202900100048 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2202900100049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 2202900199999 SUBENT 22029002 20230209 23132202900200001 BIB 5 7 2202900200002 REACTION (74-W-0(N,EL)74-W-0,EXL,DA) 2202900200003 SAMPLE Solid sintered cylinder 2202900200004 CRITIQUE S.Simakov (2022-08-06): Possible inclusion of 2202900200005 inelastic scattering below Ex~<0.8 MeV 2202900200006 REL-REF (C,,S.Simakov+,S,INDC(NDS)-0857,91,2022) 2202900200007 HISTORY (20230209A) SD: SF5=EXL added to REACTION code. 2202900200008 CRITIQUE and REL-REF added. 2202900200009 ENDBIB 7 0 2202900200010 NOCOMMON 0 0 2202900200011 DATA 3 22 2202900200012 ANG-CM DATA-CM ERR-T 2202900200013 ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 2202900200014 2.0000E+01 2.1611E+03 1.2480E+02 2202900200015 2.7000E+01 1.4439E+03 8.8000E+01 2202900200016 3.4000E+01 8.4190E+02 5.1600E+01 2202900200017 4.1000E+01 4.2360E+02 3.3500E+01 2202900200018 4.8000E+01 1.8270E+02 1.0500E+01 2202900200019 5.5000E+01 6.9500E+01 4.2000E+00 2202900200020 6.2000E+01 2.9100E+01 1.7000E+00 2202900200021 6.9000E+01 2.3500E+01 1.4000E+00 2202900200022 7.6000E+01 3.4100E+01 2.0000E+00 2202900200023 8.3000E+01 5.1000E+01 3.0000E+00 2202900200024 9.0000E+01 6.5300E+01 3.7000E+00 2202900200025 9.7000E+01 6.9200E+01 4.0000E+00 2202900200026 1.0400E+02 6.0000E+01 3.4000E+00 2202900200027 1.1100E+02 4.2600E+01 2.5000E+00 2202900200028 1.1800E+02 2.6000E+01 1.5000E+00 2202900200029 1.2500E+02 1.6300E+01 1.0000E+00 2202900200030 1.3200E+02 1.4000E+01 8.0000E-10 2202900200031 1.3900E+02 1.5400E+01 9.0000E-10 2202900200032 1.4600E+02 1.8000E+01 1.1000E+00 2202900200033 1.5300E+02 2.2400E+01 1.4000E+00 2202900200034 1.6000E+02 3.0400E+01 2.0000E+00 2202900200035 1.6700E+02 4.1500E+01 2.6000E+00 2202900200036 ENDDATA 24 0 2202900200037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 2202900299999 SUBENT 22029003 20160818 22522202900300001 BIB 5 8 2202900300002 REACTION (80-HG-0(N,EL)80-HG-0,,DA) 2202900300003 SAMPLE Thin stainless-steel container 2202900300004 COMMENT N.Otsuka (2016-02-23): The question on the uncertainty 2202900300005 at 34 deg was sent to John Annand (Univ.Glasgow) but 2202900300006 without response. 2202900300007 CRITIQUE K.Shibata (2016-01-04): The uncertainty at 34 deg 2202900300008 (735 mb) is too large. 2202900300009 HISTORY (20160818U) SD: COMMENT and CRITIQUE were added. 2202900300010 ENDBIB 8 0 2202900300011 NOCOMMON 0 0 2202900300012 DATA 3 22 2202900300013 ANG-CM DATA-CM ERR-T 2202900300014 ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 2202900300015 20. 2966.5 173.5 2202900300016 27. 1987.7 110.8 2202900300017 34. 1163.3 735.0 2202900300018 41. 587.1 32.8 2202900300019 48. 252.9 15.0 2202900300020 55. 97.1 5.5 2202900300021 62. 47.8 2.9 2202900300022 69. 53.6 3.0 2202900300023 76. 84.7 5.2 2202900300024 83. 121.5 6.8 2202900300025 90. 147.3 9.2 2202900300026 97. 150.5 8.5 2202900300027 104. 130.4 8.3 2202900300028 111. 97.2 5.5 2202900300029 118. 64.1 4.0 2202900300030 125. 39.2 2.2 2202900300031 132. 23.6 1.5 2202900300032 139. 17.4 1.0 2202900300033 146. 25.3 1.7 2202900300034 153. 55.4 3.2 2202900300035 160. 109.4 7.4 2202900300036 167. 174.8 9.9 2202900300037 ENDDATA 24 0 2202900300038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 2202900399999 SUBENT 22029004 20070306 21842202900400001 BIB 2 2 2202900400002 REACTION (81-TL-0(N,EL)81-TL-0,,DA) 2202900400003 SAMPLE .Solid cylinders casted 2202900400004 ENDBIB 2 0 2202900400005 NOCOMMON 0 0 2202900400006 DATA 3 22 2202900400007 ANG-CM DATA-CM ERR-T 2202900400008 ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 2202900400009 2.0000E+01 2.9473E+03 1.6470E+02 2202900400010 2.7000E+01 1.9877E+03 1.1110E+02 2202900400011 3.4000E+01 1.1529E+03 6.5200E+01 2202900400012 4.1000E+01 5.5060E+02 3.2200E+01 2202900400013 4.8000E+01 1.9860E+02 1.1300E+01 2202900400014 5.5000E+01 4.9200E+01 3.2000E+00 2202900400015 6.2000E+01 2.8500E+01 1.6000E+00 2202900400016 6.9000E+01 6.7600E+01 4.0000E+00 2202900400017 7.6000E+01 1.1740E+02 6.8000E+00 2202900400018 8.3000E+01 1.5040E+02 9.1000E+00 2202900400019 9.0000E+01 1.5700E+02 8.9000E+00 2202900400020 9.7000E+01 1.4080E+02 8.0000E+00 2202900400021 1.0400E+02 1.1310E+02 6.4000E+00 2202900400022 1.1100E+02 8.5700E+01 4.8000E+00 2202900400023 1.1800E+02 6.4100E+01 3.6000E+00 2202900400024 1.2500E+02 4.6900E+01 2.7000E+00 2202900400025 1.3200E+02 3.0600E+01 1.8000E+00 2202900400026 1.3900E+02 1.7700E+01 1.0000E+00 2202900400027 1.4600E+02 1.9500E+01 1.2000E+00 2202900400028 1.5300E+02 4.9000E+01 2.8000E+00 2202900400029 1.6000E+02 1.0880E+02 6.2000E+00 2202900400030 1.6700E+02 1.8340E+02 1.0600E+01 2202900400031 ENDDATA 24 0 2202900400032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 2202900499999 SUBENT 22029005 20070306 21842202900500001 BIB 2 2 2202900500002 REACTION (82-PB-0(N,EL)82-PB-0,,DA) 2202900500003 SAMPLE .Solid cylinders casted 2202900500004 ENDBIB 2 0 2202900500005 NOCOMMON 0 0 2202900500006 DATA 3 22 2202900500007 ANG-CM DATA-CM ERR-T 2202900500008 ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 2202900500009 20. 3.7495E+03 2.383E+02 2202900500010 27. 2.5048E+03 1.403E+02 2202900500011 34. 1.4709E+03 8.870E+01 2202900500012 41. 7.8760E+02 4.410E+01 2202900500013 48. 4.2430E+02 2.520E+01 2202900500014 55. 2.2430E+02 1.290E+01 2202900500015 62. 1.7180E+02 1.110E+01 2202900500016 69. 2.0010E+02 1.120E+01 2202900500017 76. 2.3430E+02 1.430E+01 2202900500018 83. 2.5800E+02 1.450E+01 2202900500019 90. 2.7120E+02 1.640E+01 2202900500020 97. 2.4570E+02 1.390E+01 2202900500021 104. 1.9200E+02 1.190E+01 2202900500022 111. 1.6240E+02 9.200E+00 2202900500023 118. 1.4940E+02 9.300E+00 2202900500024 125. 1.1890E+02 6.900E+00 2202900500025 132. 1.0520E+02 6.700E+00 2202900500026 139. 1.0570E+02 6.000E+00 2202900500027 146. 1.4880E+02 9.300E+00 2202900500028 153. 2.3180E+02 1.370E+00 2202900500029 160. 3.3660E+02 2.130E+00 2202900500030 167. 4.6100E+02 2.580E+00 2202900500031 ENDDATA 24 0 2202900500032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 2202900599999 SUBENT 22029006 20070306 21842202900600001 BIB 2 2 2202900600002 REACTION (83-BI-209(N,EL)83-BI-209,,DA) 2202900600003 SAMPLE .Solid cylinders casted 2202900600004 ENDBIB 2 0 2202900600005 NOCOMMON 0 0 2202900600006 DATA 3 22 2202900600007 ANG-CM DATA-CM ERR-T 2202900600008 ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 2202900600009 20. 3.2810E+03 2.291E+02 2202900600010 27. 2.3166E+03 1.369E+02 2202900600011 34. 1.3338E+03 7.980E+01 2202900600012 41. 6.7370E+02 3.960E+01 2202900600013 48. 3.3260E+02 2.190E+01 2202900600014 55. 2.0160E+02 1.210E+01 2202900600015 62. 1.8750E+02 1.590E+01 2202900600016 69. 2.3450E+02 1.420E+01 2202900600017 76. 2.7540E+02 2.170E+01 2202900600018 83. 2.7100E+02 1.590E+01 2202900600019 90. 2.8300E+02 2.170E+01 2202900600020 97. 2.4690E+02 1.460E+01 2202900600021 104. 2.2270E+02 1.590E+01 2202900600022 111. 1.9180E+02 1.120E+01 2202900600023 118. 1.7580E+02 1.360E+01 2202900600024 125. 1.4300E+02 8.500E+00 2202900600025 132. 1.2670E+02 1.390E+01 2202900600026 139. 1.1540E+02 7.100E+00 2202900600027 146. 1.3640E+02 1.090E+01 2202900600028 153. 1.9820E+02 1.200E+01 2202900600029 160. 2.3260E+02 1.700E+01 2202900600030 167. 3.7280E+02 2.190E+01 2202900600031 ENDDATA 24 0 2202900600032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 2202900699999 SUBENT 22029007 20230209 23132202900700001 BIB 6 12 2202900700002 REACTION (92-U-238(N,EL)92-U-238,EXL,DA) 2202900700003 SAMPLE Solid cylinders casted 2202900700004 FLAG (1.) Numerical data at 34 degree may be wrong. 2202900700005 Probably value is that given is this line 2202900700006 assessed according to Fig. 3 of main reference 2202900700007 (2.) Old numerical value 2202900700008 CRITIQUE S.Simakov (2022-08-06): Possible inclusion of 2202900700009 inelastic scattering below Ex~<0.8 MeV 2202900700010 REL-REF (C,,S.Simakov+,S,INDC(NDS)-0857,91,2022) 2202900700011 HISTORY (20070309A) Numerical value at ANG=34 deg specified 2202900700012 (20230209A) SD: SF5=EXL added to REACTION code. 2202900700013 CRITIQUE and REL-REF added. 2202900700014 ENDBIB 12 0 2202900700015 NOCOMMON 0 0 2202900700016 DATA 4 23 2202900700017 ANG-CM DATA-CM ERR-T FLAG 2202900700018 ADEG MB/SR MB/SR NO-DIM 2202900700019 20. 2.8143E+03 1.713E+02 2202900700020 27. 1.7381E+03 1.072E+02 2202900700021 34. 8.8 E+02 1. 2202900700022 34. 8.8030E+03 5.510E+01 2. 2202900700023 41. 3.4400E+02 2.560E+01 2202900700024 48. 1.0240E+02 8.200E+00 2202900700025 55. 5.4600E+01 5.400E+00 2202900700026 62. 9.2600E+01 7.700E+00 2202900700027 69. 1.4340E+02 1.060E+01 2202900700028 76. 1.7500E+02 1.280E+01 2202900700029 83. 1.8060E+02 1.290E+01 2202900700030 90. 1.6200E+02 1.160E+01 2202900700031 97. 1.2480E+02 9.600E+00 2202900700032 104. 7.9800E+01 7.000E+00 2202900700033 111. 4.2200E+01 4.800E+00 2202900700034 118. 2.4700E+01 3.800E+00 2202900700035 125. 2.9200E+01 4.100E+00 2202900700036 132. 4.6300E+01 5.300E+00 2202900700037 139. 6.3000E+01 6.200E+00 2202900700038 146. 7.3100E+01 7.000E+00 2202900700039 153. 8.0000E+01 7.300E+00 2202900700040 160. 9.0500E+01 8.000E+00 2202900700041 167. 1.0650E+02 9.200E+00 2202900700042 ENDDATA 25 0 2202900700043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 2202900799999 SUBENT 22029008 20230209 23132202900800001 BIB 5 7 2202900800002 REACTION (74-W-0(N,EL)74-W-0,EXL,POL/DA,,ANA) 2202900800003 SAMPLE Solid cylinders casted 2202900800004 CRITIQUE S.Simakov (2022-08-06): Possible inclusion of 2202900800005 inelastic scattering below Ex~<0.8 MeV 2202900800006 REL-REF (C,,S.Simakov+,S,INDC(NDS)-0857,91,2022) 2202900800007 HISTORY (20230209A) SD: SF5=EXL added to REACTION code. 2202900800008 CRITIQUE and REL-REF added. ANALYSIS deleted. 2202900800009 ENDBIB 7 0 2202900800010 NOCOMMON 0 0 2202900800011 DATA 3 22 2202900800012 ANG-CM DATA ERR-T 2202900800013 ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM 2202900800014 20. -0.037 0.015 2202900800015 27. -0.075 0.019 2202900800016 34. -0.119 0.022 2202900800017 41. -0.153 0.028 2202900800018 48. -0.256 0.035 2202900800019 55. -0.244 0.041 2202900800020 62. -0.298 0.048 2202900800021 69. -0.230 0.045 2202900800022 76. -0.170 0.045 2202900800023 83. -0.155 0.041 2202900800024 90. -0.195 0.043 2202900800025 97. -0.154 0.040 2202900800026 104. -0.144 0.047 2202900800027 111. -0.105 0.053 2202900800028 118. -0.101 0.060 2202900800029 125. -0.012 0.066 2202900800030 132. -0.052 0.075 2202900800031 139. 0.083 0.077 2202900800032 146. 0.231 0.087 2202900800033 153. 0.243 0.078 2202900800034 160. 0.328 0.093 2202900800035 167. 0.202 0.070 2202900800036 ENDDATA 24 0 2202900800037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 2202900899999 SUBENT 22029009 20070306 21842202900900001 BIB 3 3 2202900900002 REACTION (80-HG-0(N,EL)80-HG-0,,POL/DA,,ANA) 2202900900003 ANALYSIS .Optical model analysis 2202900900004 SAMPLE .Solid cylinders casted 2202900900005 ENDBIB 3 0 2202900900006 NOCOMMON 0 0 2202900900007 DATA 3 22 2202900900008 ANG-CM DATA ERR-T 2202900900009 ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM 2202900900010 20. 0.034 0.023 2202900900011 27. 0.048 0.023 2202900900012 34. 0.003 0.020 2202900900013 41. 0.032 0.026 2202900900014 48. -0.059 0.032 2202900900015 55. -0.029 0.039 2202900900016 62. 0.022 0.044 2202900900017 69. 0.079 0.044 2202900900018 76. 0.100 0.040 2202900900019 83. 0.110 0.039 2202900900020 90. 0.094 0.040 2202900900021 97. 0.123 0.038 2202900900022 104. 0.150 0.041 2202900900023 111. 0.133 0.047 2202900900024 118. -0.025 0.050 2202900900025 125. -0.192 0.059 2202900900026 132. -0.412 0.067 2202900900027 139. -0.088 0.069 2202900900028 146. 0.378 0.071 2202900900029 153. 0.520 0.069 2202900900030 160. 0.398 0.058 2202900900031 167. 0.295 0.055 2202900900032 ENDDATA 24 0 2202900900033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 2202900999999 SUBENT 22029010 20070306 21842202901000001 BIB 3 3 2202901000002 REACTION (81-TL-0(N,EL)81-TL-0,,POL/DA,,ANA) 2202901000003 ANALYSIS .Optical model analysis 2202901000004 SAMPLE .Solid cylinders casted 2202901000005 ENDBIB 3 0 2202901000006 NOCOMMON 0 0 2202901000007 DATA 3 22 2202901000008 ANG-CM DATA ERR-T 2202901000009 ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM 2202901000010 20. -0.020 0.022 2202901000011 27. -0.003 0.022 2202901000012 34. 0.038 0.023 2202901000013 41. 0.029 0.030 2202901000014 48. 0.031 0.040 2202901000015 55. -0.027 0.046 2202901000016 62. -0.123 0.052 2202901000017 69. -0.001 0.044 2202901000018 76. 0.172 0.045 2202901000019 83. 0.180 0.041 2202901000020 90. 0.155 0.045 2202901000021 97. 0.114 0.039 2202901000022 104. 0.106 0.042 2202901000023 111. 0.062 0.041 2202901000024 118. -0.032 0.049 2202901000025 125. -0.246 0.054 2202901000026 132. -0.496 0.072 2202901000027 139. -0.405 0.080 2202901000028 146. 0.252 0.086 2202901000029 153. 0.672 0.074 2202901000030 160. 0.561 0.065 2202901000031 167. 0.347 0.049 2202901000032 ENDDATA 24 0 2202901000033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 2202901099999 SUBENT 22029011 20070306 21842202901100001 BIB 3 3 2202901100002 REACTION (82-PB-0(N,EL)82-PB-0,,POL/DA,,ANA) 2202901100003 ANALYSIS .Optical model analysis 2202901100004 SAMPLE .Solid cylinders casted 2202901100005 ENDBIB 3 0 2202901100006 NOCOMMON 0 0 2202901100007 DATA 3 22 2202901100008 ANG-CM DATA ERR-T 2202901100009 ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM 2202901100010 20. -0.060 0.015 2202901100011 27. -0.030 0.016 2202901100012 34. -0.066 0.020 2202901100013 41. -0.073 0.024 2202901100014 48. -0.100 0.032 2202901100015 55. -0.112 0.035 2202901100016 62. -0.117 0.039 2202901100017 69. -0.065 0.032 2202901100018 76. 0.022 0.038 2202901100019 83. -0.010 0.034 2202901100020 90. 0.049 0.036 2202901100021 97. 0.045 0.033 2202901100022 104. 0.070 0.040 2202901100023 111. 0.039 0.041 2202901100024 118. -0.009 0.042 2202901100025 125. -0.106 0.036 2202901100026 132. -0.302 0.050 2202901100027 139. -0.160 0.044 2202901100028 146. 0.224 0.052 2202901100029 153. 0.461 0.050 2202901100030 160. 0.524 0.051 2202901100031 167. 0.421 0.041 2202901100032 ENDDATA 24 0 2202901100033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 2202901199999 SUBENT 22029012 20070306 21842202901200001 BIB 3 3 2202901200002 REACTION (83-BI-209(N,EL)83-BI-209,,POL/DA,,ANA) 2202901200003 ANALYSIS .Optical model analysis 2202901200004 SAMPLE .Solid cylinders casted 2202901200005 ENDBIB 3 0 2202901200006 NOCOMMON 0 0 2202901200007 DATA 3 22 2202901200008 ANG-CM DATA ERR-T 2202901200009 ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM 2202901200010 20. -0.079 0.021 2202901200011 27. -0.096 0.021 2202901200012 34. -0.081 0.020 2202901200013 41. -0.115 0.027 2202901200014 48. -0.142 0.034 2202901200015 55. -0.102 0.038 2202901200016 62. -0.090 0.036 2202901200017 69. -0.068 0.033 2202901200018 76. 0.028 0.031 2202901200019 83. 0.042 0.032 2202901200020 90. -0.011 0.035 2202901200021 97. -0.014 0.034 2202901200022 104. -0.007 0.035 2202901200023 111. 0.006 0.039 2202901200024 118. -0.009 0.042 2202901200025 125. -0.184 0.048 2202901200026 132. -0.219 0.046 2202901200027 139. -0.165 0.050 2202901200028 146. 0.008 0.046 2202901200029 153. 0.227 0.043 2202901200030 160. 0.289 0.042 2202901200031 167. 0.344 0.044 2202901200032 ENDDATA 24 0 2202901200033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 2202901299999 SUBENT 22029013 20230209 23132202901300001 BIB 5 7 2202901300002 REACTION (92-U-238(N,EL)92-U-238,EXL,POL/DA,,ANA) 2202901300003 SAMPLE Solid cylinders casted 2202901300004 CRITIQUE S.Simakov (2022-08-06): Possible inclusion of 2202901300005 inelastic scattering below Ex~<0.8 MeV 2202901300006 REL-REF (C,,S.Simakov+,S,INDC(NDS)-0857,91,2022) 2202901300007 HISTORY (20230209A) SD: SF5=EXL added to REACTION code. 2202901300008 CRITIQUE and REL-REF added. ANALYSIS deleted. 2202901300009 ENDBIB 7 0 2202901300010 NOCOMMON 0 0 2202901300011 DATA 3 22 2202901300012 ANG-CM DATA ERR-T 2202901300013 ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM 2202901300014 20. -0.057 0.023 2202901300015 27. -0.061 0.032 2202901300016 34. 0.012 0.036 2202901300017 41. -0.007 0.044 2202901300018 48. 0.096 0.063 2202901300019 55. 0.154 0.074 2202901300020 62. 0.002 0.074 2202901300021 69. -0.045 0.046 2202901300022 76. 0.074 0.055 2202901300023 83. 0.021 0.049 2202901300024 90. 0.002 0.061 2202901300025 97. -0.022 0.052 2202901300026 104. -0.082 0.071 2202901300027 111. -0.281 0.091 2202901300028 118. -0.767 0.120 2202901300029 125. -0.772 0.098 2202901300030 132. -0.435 0.094 2202901300031 139. -0.080 0.083 2202901300032 146. 0.283 0.094 2202901300033 153. 0.423 0.143 2202901300034 160. 0.661 0.105 2202901300035 167. 0.419 0.098 2202901300036 ENDDATA 24 0 2202901300037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 2202901399999 ENDENTRY 13 0 2202999999999