ENTRY 22064 20230209 23142206400000001 SUBENT 22064001 20230209 23142206400100001 BIB 10 23 2206400100002 TITLE Mass yields of Am-241 thermal-neutron fission 2206400100003 AUTHOR (H.Nakahara,I.Fujiwara,H.Okamoto,N.Imanishi, 2206400100004 M.Ishibashi,T.Nishi) 2206400100005 REFERENCE (J,JIN,33,3239,1971) 2206400100006 INSTITUTE (2JPNKTO) 2206400100007 FACILITY (REAC,2JPNKTO) Kyoto University reactor. 2206400100008 INC-SOURCE (REAC) Graphite thermal column. 2206400100009 INC-SPECT Thermal neutron spectrum. Thermal neutron flux 2206400100010 2.0E+10 neutrons/cm2 sec. Cadmium ratio for Au 2206400100011 was 5000. 2206400100012 DETECTOR (GELI) A 20 cm3 GeLi detector was used for measuring 2206400100013 the fission product activities. The detector 2206400100014 was calibrated by IAEA standard sources of Am-241, 2206400100015 Co-57, Hg-203, Cs-137, Mn-54, Co-60, Y-88, and by 2206400100016 Ce-141, Cr-51 and K-42 whose absolute disintegration 2206400100017 rates were known. 2206400100018 CORRECTION No details given. 2206400100019 HISTORY (19871109C) N.O. 2206400100020 (19880808U) IF. Small corrections 2206400100021 (19890130U) IF. 2206400100022 (19900829A) S.W. Flag and monitor clarified in Subent 32206400100023 (20230209A) SD: Updated to new date formats,lower case.2206400100024 Corrections in all Subents. Subent 004 added. 2206400100025 ENDBIB 23 0 2206400100026 COMMON 1 3 2206400100027 EN-DUMMY 2206400100028 EV 2206400100029 2.5300E-02 2206400100030 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2206400100031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 2206400199999 SUBENT 22064002 20230209 23142206400200001 BIB 9 35 2206400200002 REACTION (95-AM-241(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,SPA) 2206400200003 FLAG (1.) Both the Mo and Tc measurements result in yield 2206400200004 values for Mo-99, therefore the value is rather 2206400200005 an averaged value for Mo. 2206400200006 (2.) Sum of the yields for 2 isomers 2206400200007 (3.) Normalized to the yield 3.48% for Ce-143. 2206400200008 DECAY-DATA (42-MO-99,67.HR,DG,140.,.88) 2206400200009 (43-TC-99-M,6.HR,DG,140.,.913) 2206400200010 (47-AG-111-G,7.5D,DG,342.,.06) 2206400200011 (47-AG-113-G,5.3HR,DG,298.,.072) 2206400200012 (48-CD-115-G,2.3D,DG,523.,.24) 2206400200013 (48-CD-117-M,3.4HR,DG,1997.,.219) 2206400200014 (48-CD-117-G,2.4HR,DG,1577.,.163) 2206400200015 (51-SB-127,3.89D,DG,473.,.246) 2206400200016 (51-SB-129-G,4.35HR,DG,813.,.62) 2206400200017 (56-BA-139,83.MIN,DG,166.,.224) 2206400200018 (56-BA-140,12.8D,DG,537.,.236) 2206400200019 (58-CE-141,33.D,DG,145.,.50) 2206400200020 (58-CE-143,33.HR,DG,293.,.426) 2206400200021 (60-ND-147,11.1D,DG,91.,.287) 2206400200022 ASSUMED (ASSUM,95-AM-241(N,F),,SIG,,SPA) Cross section taken 2206400200023 from BNL-325. 2206400200024 METHOD Absolute measurement of fission yields. 2206400200025 (CHSEP) Chemical separation and purification. 2206400200026 SAMPLE Targets were prepared by drying pure Am-241 nitrate 2206400200027 (1/400 Pu-239) on a 5.16 mg/cm2 Al foil, 2206400200028 carefully wrapped. Irradiation times 2 - 10 hours. 2206400200029 A thin Au foil (100 mg/cm2) was used for 2206400200030 monitoring the neutron flux. 2206400200031 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The given errors include uncertainties 2206400200032 in the chemical yield determinations, gamma- 2206400200033 counting and in the neutron flux determinations. 2206400200034 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 of J.Inorg.Nucl.Chem.,33(1971)3239 2206400200035 HISTORY (19880808U) If. Small corrections 2206400200036 (20230209A) SD: BIB updated. MONITOR -> ASSUMED. 2206400200037 ENDBIB 35 0 2206400200038 COMMON 1 3 2206400200039 ASSUM 2206400200040 B 2206400200041 3.13 2206400200042 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2206400200043 DATA 6 12 2206400200044 ELEMENT MASS ISOMER DATA DATA-ERR FLAG 2206400200045 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS NO-DIM 2206400200046 43. 99. 6.90E+00 2.60E-01 1.2206400200047 47. 111. 1.19E+00 4.00E-02 2206400200048 47. 113. 0. 4.87E-01 1.10E-02 2206400200049 48. 115. 0. 7.50E-02 8.00E-03 2206400200050 48. 117. 8.60E-03 2.10E-03 2.2206400200051 51. 127. 6.60E-01 3.00E-02 2206400200052 51. 129. 1.32E+00 5.00E-02 2206400200053 56. 139. 8.68E+00 2.70E-01 2206400200054 56. 140. 5.63E+00 1.10E-01 2206400200055 58. 141. 6.73E+00 2.2206400200056 58. 143. 3.48E+00 3.2206400200057 60. 147. 1.83E+00 2.2206400200058 ENDDATA 14 0 2206400200059 ENDSUBENT 58 0 2206400299999 SUBENT 22064003 20230209 23142206400300001 BIB 9 42 2206400300002 REACTION (95-AM-241(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,SPA) 2206400300003 DECAY-DATA (38-SR-91,9.67HR,DG,750.,.29) 2206400300004 (38-SR-92,2.7HR,DG,1383.,.90) 2206400300005 (40-ZR-95,65.D,DG,724.,.49) 2206400300006 (40-ZR-97,17.HR,DG,658.,.98) 2206400300007 (41-NB-97-G,72.MIN,DG,658.,.98) 2206400300008 (44-RU-103,39.5D,DG,498.,.885) 2206400300009 (44-RU-105,4.43HR,DG,726.,.48) 2206400300010 (52-TE-132,77.7HR,DG,228.,.94) 2206400300011 (53-I-131,8.05D,DG,365.,.81) 2206400300012 (53-I-133-G,20.8HR,DG,530.,.94) 2206400300013 (53-I-135,6.7HR,DG,1263.,.34) 2206400300014 (54-XE-135-G,9.2HR,DG,250.,.97) 2206400300015 (55-CS-138-G,32.2MIN,DG,1436.,.73) 2206400300016 (58-CE-141,32.5D,DG,145.,.50) 2206400300017 (58-CE-143,33.HR,DG,293.,.426) 2206400300018 (60-ND-147,11.1D,DG,91.,.287) 2206400300019 MONITOR ((MONIT1)95-AM-241(N,F)42-MO-99,CUM,FY,,SPA) used for 2206400300020 normalization of the light-mass peak, i.E. A = 91 2206400300021 to 105. 2206400300022 ((MONIT2)95-AM-241(N,F)56-BA-139,CUM,FY,,SPA) used for 2206400300023 normalization of the heavy-mass peak, i.e. A = 131 to 2206400300024 147. 2206400300025 DECAY-MON (42-MO-99,67.HR,DG,140.,.88) 2206400300026 (43-TC-99-M,6.HR,DG,140.,.913) 2206400300027 (56-BA-139,83.MIN,DG,166.,.224) 2206400300028 METHOD (ACTIV) Determination of relative mass yields by direct2206400300029 gamma-ray spectrometry of several fission products 2206400300030 simultaneously. 2206400300031 SAMPLE Targets were prepared by drying pure (1/400 Pu-239) 2206400300032 Am-241 nitrate (about 900 ug Am-241 in 6 cm2 area) 2206400300033 on a 5.16 mg/cm2 Al foil, placed on a 0.3 mm thick 2206400300034 plastic frame, and with another Al foil used as a 2206400300035 catcher. Irradiation times were between 2 and 60 hr. 2206400300036 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The errors given are based on errors due to 2206400300037 gamma-counting and normalization. 2206400300038 STATUS (TABLE) Table 2 of J.Inorg.Nucl.Chem.,33(1971)3239 2206400300039 HISTORY (19880808U) IF. Small corrections 2206400300040 (19890130U) IF. 2206400300041 (19900829A) S.W. Flag and monitor clarified. Isomeric 2206400300042 states added in decay-data. 2206400300043 (20230209U) SD: BIB updated. 2206400300044 ENDBIB 42 0 2206400300045 COMMON 4 3 2206400300046 MONIT1 MONIT1-ERR MONIT2 MONIT2-ERR 2206400300047 PC/FIS PC/FIS PC/FIS PC/FIS 2206400300048 6.90 0.26 8.68 0.27 2206400300049 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2206400300050 DATA 5 15 2206400300051 ELEMENT ELEMENT MASS DATA DATA-ERR 2206400300052 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS 2206400300053 38. 91. 1.48 0.43 2206400300054 38. 92. 2.09 0.04 2206400300055 40. 95. 4.04 0.21 2206400300056 40. 41. 97. 5.16 0.04 2206400300057 44. 103. 7.65 0.23 2206400300058 44. 105. 6.85 0.29 2206400300059 52. 132. 4.70 0.02 2206400300060 53. 131. 4.01 0.14 2206400300061 53. 133. 7.46 0.30 2206400300062 53. 135. 6.09 0.30 2206400300063 54. 135. 6.80 0.28 2206400300064 55. 138. 8.48 0.48 2206400300065 58. 141. 6.29 0.31 2206400300066 58. 143. 3.48 0.15 2206400300067 60. 147. 1.81 0.20 2206400300068 ENDDATA 17 0 2206400300069 ENDSUBENT 68 0 2206400399999 SUBENT 22064004 20230209 23142206400400001 BIB 5 8 2206400400002 REACTION (95-AM-241(N,F),,NU,,,DERIV) 2206400400003 ANALYSIS nu-bar=242-- 2206400400004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The errors given are based on errors due to 2206400400005 gamma-counting and normalization. 2206400400006 STATUS (TABLE) Abstract of J.Inorg.Nucl.Chem.,33(1971)3239 2206400400007 (DEP,22064002) 2206400400008 (DEP,22064003) 2206400400009 HISTORY (20230209C) SD 2206400400010 ENDBIB 8 0 2206400400011 NOCOMMON 0 0 2206400400012 DATA 2 1 2206400400013 DATA DATA-ERR 2206400400014 PRT/FIS PRT/FIS 2206400400015 4.0 0.2 2206400400016 ENDDATA 3 0 2206400400017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 2206400499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 2206499999999