ENTRY            22108   20060514                             21772210800000001 
SUBENT        22108001   20060514                             21772210800100001 
BIB                 16         68                                 2210800100002 
REFERENCE  (J,ARI,39,(5),407,1988)                                2210800100003 
TITLE      -Excitation functions of Nb-93(N,2N)Nb-92-m,           2210800100004 
            Nb-93(N,a)Y-90-m,g, La-139(N,a)Cs-136 and             2210800100005 
            Ta-181(N,P)Hf-181 reactions in the energy range of    2210800100006 
            12.5 - 19.6 MeV.                                      2210800100007 
AUTHOR     (R.Woelfle,A.Mannan,S.M.Qaim,H.Liskien,R.Widera)       2210800100008 
INSTITUTE  (2ZZZGEL) Experimental site, H.Liskien, r.Woelle       2210800100009 
           (2GERJUL) R.Widera, S.M.Qaim                           2210800100010 
           (3PAKNIL) A.Mannan                                     2210800100011 
FACILITY   (VDG,2ZZZGEL) CN-type Van de Graaff accelerator        2210800100012 
            at GEEL. About 40 - 50 micro-amps of deuterons were   2210800100013 
            accelerated to 3 MeV.                                 2210800100014 
INC-SOURCE (D-T) Neutrons in the energy range 12.5 to 19.6 MeV    2210800100015 
            were produced with an absorbed titanium-tritium target2210800100016 
            by using 15 different emerging angles. The tritium    2210800100017 
            target was a 3 mg/cm2 T-Ti layer on a 4 cm diameter by2210800100018 
            0.3 mm thick silver sheet, cooled by a thin water     2210800100019 
            film.                                                 2210800100020 
INC-SPECT  .The neutron spectrum effective at each sample was cal-2210800100021 
            culated using a MONTE-CARLO code based on the kine-   2210800100022 
            matics of the T(D,N) reaction.                        2210800100023 
METHOD     (ACTIV) Activation technique in combination with high- 2210800100024 
            resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy was used to measure 2210800100025 
            the activity from the Y-90m, Nb-92m, Cs-136 and Hf-1812210800100026 
            products, as well as the Na-24 monitor activity.      2210800100027 
           (CHSEP) The Y-90g product was radiochemically separated2210800100028 
            and the beta- activity was counted.                   2210800100029 
DETECTOR   (GELI) A 35 cm3 Ge(Li) detector was used for the gamma 2210800100030 
            measurements, while beta-ray counting was employed for2210800100031 
            the beta emitter Y-90g. The latter measurement was    2210800100032 
            started about 30 hours after the end of the           2210800100033 
            irradiation, in order to have complete decay of Y-90m.2210800100034 
           (TELES) A proton recoil telescope, placed at an angle  2210800100035 
            of 16 degrees and a distance of 80 cm from the neutron2210800100036 
            source was used to measure the neutron fluence.       2210800100037 
MONITOR    (13-AL-27(N,A)11-NA-24,,SIG) Activation.               2210800100038 
           (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG) Proton recoil telescope.       2210800100039 
           .A weighted average of these two fluence monitors was  2210800100040 
            used. The values agreed in general within 5 percent.  2210800100041 
DECAY-MON  (11-NA-24,14.96HR,DG,1368.,1.)                         2210800100042 
SAMPLE     .The samples consisted of 2 cm diameter by 0.5 cm thick2210800100043 
            discs of metal or oxide powder, pressed at a pressure 2210800100044 
            of 18 tons/cm2. The purities were for Nb g.t. 99.5    2210800100045 
            percent, for Ta g.t. 99.7 percent, while the La sample2210800100046 
            was the compound La2O3 of technical quality. The      2210800100047 
            samples were sandwiched between two aluminium sheets, 2210800100048 
            2 cm in diameter by 0.1 cm thick. The distance from   2210800100049 
            the source to the sample middle plane was 7.8 cm.     2210800100050 
            Irradiations were performed for 40 to 67 hours.       2210800100051 
CORRECTION .The gamma count rates were corrected for self-absorp- 2210800100052 
            tion, pile up, coincidence loss, geometry, efficiency 2210800100053 
            of the detector and gamma-ray abundance. The beta     2210800100054 
            count rates were corrected for chemical yield, absorp-2210800100055 
            tion in the counter window, finite-size geometry and  2210800100056 
            efficiency of the detector.                           2210800100057 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T)     The total errors were composed of the      2210800100058 
            following contributions                               2210800100059 
           (ERR-1)    Sample weight error                         2210800100060 
           (ERR-S)    Max  counting statistics error              2210800100061 
           (ERR-2)    Efficiency of detector error                2210800100062 
           (ERR-4)    Correction for geometry error               2210800100063 
           (ERR-5)    Max uncertainty in neutron fluence error    2210800100064 
STATUS     .Data taken from main ref.                             2210800100065 
HISTORY    (19881215C) N.O.                                       2210800100066 
           (19890203E)                                            2210800100067 
           (20060426A) Date is corrected. Errors are made mashine 2210800100068 
                       retrievable - SM                           2210800100069 
           (20060514U) Last checking has been done.               2210800100070 
ENDBIB              68          0                                 2210800100071 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2210800100072 
ENDSUBENT           71          0                                 2210800199999 
SUBENT        22108002   20060514                             21772210800200001 
BIB                  5         10                                 2210800200002 
REACTION   (41-NB-93(N,2N)41-NB-92-M,,SIG)                        2210800200003 
DECAY-DATA (41-NB-92-M,10.15D,DG,934.,.992)                       2210800200004 
ERR-ANALYS            The total errors were composed of the       2210800200005 
            following contributions                               2210800200006 
           .ERR-S, ERR-1, ERR-2, ERR-4, ERR-5 see SAN 001         2210800200007 
           (ERR-3)    Correction for self absorption error        2210800200008 
STATUS     .Data taken from main ref.                             2210800200009 
HISTORY    (19881215C) N.O.                                       2210800200010 
           (19890203E)                                            2210800200011 
           (20060514U) DATA-ERR to ERR-T changed                  2210800200012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 2210800200013 
COMMON               6          3                                 2210800200014 
ERR-S      ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      ERR-4      ERR-5      2210800200015 
         1.        0.1         3.         2.        1.4        5.32210800200017 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2210800200018 
DATA                 4         15                                 2210800200019 
EN         EN-RSL     DATA       ERR-T                            2210800200020 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB                               2210800200021 
  1.255E+01    2.7E-01   4.57E+02    2.3E+01                      2210800200022 
  1.269E+01    2.9E-01   4.71E+02    2.4E+01                      2210800200023 
  1.335E+01    3.8E-01   4.90E+02    2.3E+01                      2210800200024 
  1.348E+01    4.0E-01   4.78E+02    2.3E+01                      2210800200025 
  1.434E+01    4.9E-01   4.84E+02    2.3E+01                      2210800200026 
  1.441E+01    4.9E-01   4.87E+02    2.3E+01                      2210800200027 
  1.580E+01    5.9E-01   4.65E+02    2.4E+01                      2210800200028 
  1.586E+01    5.8E-01   4.64E+02    2.3E+01                      2210800200029 
  1.686E+01    6.0E-01   4.32E+02    2.2E+01                      2210800200030 
  1.700E+01    6.0E-01   4.36E+02    2.2E+01                      2210800200031 
  1.786E+01    6.0E-01   4.30E+02    2.2E+01                      2210800200032 
  1.806E+01    5.7E-01   4.19E+02    2.1E+01                      2210800200033 
  1.875E+01    5.1E-01   3.98E+02    2.0E+01                      2210800200034 
  1.894E+01    4.9E-01   3.85E+02    1.9E+01                      2210800200035 
  1.958E+01    2.5E-01   3.43E+02    1.8E+01                      2210800200036 
ENDDATA             17          0                                 2210800200037 
ENDSUBENT           36          0                                 2210800299999 
SUBENT        22108003   20060514                             21772210800300001 
BIB                  5         13                                 2210800300002 
REACTION   (41-NB-93(N,A)39-Y-90-M,,SIG)                          2210800300003 
DECAY-DATA (39-Y-90-M,3.19HR,DG,480.,.914)                        2210800300004 
ERR-ANALYS            The total errors were composed of the       2210800300005 
            following contributions                               2210800300006 
           .ERR-S, ERR-1, ERR-2, ERR-4, ERR-5 see SAN 001         2210800300007 
           (ERR-3)    Correction for self absorption error        2210800300008 
           (ERR-6)    Uncertainty in half-life error              2210800300009 
           (ERR-7)    Gamma-ray abundance error                   2210800300010 
           (ERR-8)    Correction for coincidence loss error       2210800300011 
STATUS     .Data taken from main ref.                             2210800300012 
HISTORY    (19881215C) N.O.                                       2210800300013 
           (19890203E)                                            2210800300014 
           (20060514U) DATA-ERR to ERR-T changed                  2210800300015 
ENDBIB              13          0                                 2210800300016 
COMMON               9          6                                 2210800300017 
ERR-S      ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      ERR-4      ERR-5      2210800300018 
ERR-6      ERR-7      ERR-8                                       2210800300019 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                    2210800300021 
        5.4        0.1         3.        3.2        1.4        3.52210800300022 
        2.6         1.        2.9                                 2210800300023 
ENDCOMMON            6          0                                 2210800300024 
DATA                 4         15                                 2210800300025 
EN         EN-RSL     DATA       ERR-T                            2210800300026 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB                               2210800300027 
  1.255E+01    2.7E-01       5.18    4.4E-01                      2210800300028 
  1.269E+01    2.9E-01       5.20    4.2E-01                      2210800300029 
  1.335E+01    3.8E-01       5.67    4.6E-01                      2210800300030 
  1.348E+01    4.0E-01       5.31    4.4E-01                      2210800300031 
  1.434E+01    4.9E-01       6.15    5.1E-01                      2210800300032 
  1.441E+01    4.9E-01       6.82    5.5E-01                      2210800300033 
  1.580E+01    5.9E-01       6.45    5.5E-01                      2210800300034 
  1.586E+01    5.8E-01       7.12    5.8E-01                      2210800300035 
  1.686E+01    6.0E-01       6.06    5.1E-01                      2210800300036 
  1.700E+01    6.0E-01       6.52    5.4E-01                      2210800300037 
  1.786E+01    6.0E-01       6.84    5.7E-01                      2210800300038 
  1.806E+01    5.7E-01       5.92    4.9E-01                      2210800300039 
  1.875E+01    5.1E-01       6.47    5.5E-01                      2210800300040 
  1.894E+01    4.9E-01       6.49    5.4E-01                      2210800300041 
  1.958E+01    2.5E-01       6.25    4.7E-01                      2210800300042 
ENDDATA             17          0                                 2210800300043 
ENDSUBENT           42          0                                 2210800399999 
SUBENT        22108004   20060514                             21772210800400001 
BIB                  5         13                                 2210800400002 
REACTION   (41-NB-93(N,A)39-Y-90,,SIG)                            2210800400003 
DECAY-DATA (39-Y-90-M,3.19HR,DG,480.,.914)                        2210800400004 
           (39-Y-90-G,64.1HR,B-,2300.,.99)                        2210800400005 
ERR-ANALYS            The total errors were composed of the       2210800400006 
            following contributions                               2210800400007 
           .ERR-S, ERR-1, ERR-2, ERR-4, ERR-5 see SAN 001         2210800400008 
           (ERR-6)    Chemical yield error                        2210800400009 
           (ERR-7)    Dead time of beta counting error            2210800400010 
           (ERR-8)    Beta-ray abundance error                    2210800400011 
STATUS     .Data taken from main ref.                             2210800400012 
HISTORY    (19881215C) N.O.                                       2210800400013 
           (19890203E)                                            2210800400014 
           (20060514U) DATA-ERR to ERR-T changed                  2210800400015 
ENDBIB              13          0                                 2210800400016 
COMMON               8          6                                 2210800400017 
ERR-S      ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-4      ERR-5      ERR-6      2210800400018 
ERR-7      ERR-8                                                  2210800400019 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                               2210800400021 
        0.5        0.1         4.         5.        3.5         5.2210800400022 
        0.5         1.                                            2210800400023 
ENDCOMMON            6          0                                 2210800400024 
DATA                 4         15                                 2210800400025 
EN         EN-RSL     DATA       ERR-T                            2210800400026 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB                               2210800400027 
  1.255E+01    2.7E-01        5.9    5.2E-01                      2210800400028 
  1.269E+01    2.9E-01       7.09    6.3E-01                      2210800400029 
  1.335E+01    3.8E-01       7.84    6.8E-01                      2210800400030 
  1.348E+01    4.0E-01       7.10    6.2E-01                      2210800400031 
  1.434E+01    4.9E-01       7.36    6.4E-01                      2210800400032 
  1.441E+01    4.9E-01       7.20    6.2E-01                      2210800400033 
  1.580E+01    5.9E-01       8.23    7.3E-01                      2210800400034 
  1.586E+01    5.8E-01       6.99    6.2E-01                      2210800400035 
  1.686E+01    6.0E-01       7.06    6.2E-01                      2210800400036 
  1.700E+01    6.0E-01       7.24    6.4E-01                      2210800400037 
  1.786E+01    6.0E-01       9.89    8.7E-01                      2210800400038 
  1.806E+01    5.7E-01       5.74    5.0E-01                      2210800400039 
  1.875E+01    5.1E-01       6.83    6.0E-01                      2210800400040 
  1.894E+01    4.9E-01       6.55    5.8E-01                      2210800400041 
  1.958E+01    2.5E-01       5.61    5.0E-01                      2210800400042 
ENDDATA             17          0                                 2210800400043 
ENDSUBENT           42          0                                 2210800499999 
SUBENT        22108005   20060514                             21772210800500001 
BIB                  5         13                                 2210800500002 
REACTION   (57-LA-139(N,A)55-CS-136,,SIG)                         2210800500003 
DECAY-DATA (55-CS-136,13.16D,DG,1048.,.7984)                      2210800500004 
ERR-ANALYS            The total errors were composed of the       2210800500005 
            following contributions                               2210800500006 
           .ERR-S, ERR-1, ERR-2, ERR-4, ERR-5 see SAN 001         2210800500007 
           (ERR-3)    Correction for self absorption error        2210800500008 
           (ERR-6)    Uncertainty in half-life error              2210800500009 
           (ERR-7)    Gamma-ray abundance error                   2210800500010 
           (ERR-8)    Correction for coincidence loss error       2210800500011 
STATUS     .Data taken from main ref.                             2210800500012 
HISTORY    (19881215C) N.O.                                       2210800500013 
           (19890203E)                                            2210800500014 
           (20060514U) DATA-ERR to ERR-T changed                  2210800500015 
ENDBIB              13          0                                 2210800500016 
COMMON               9          6                                 2210800500017 
ERR-S      ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      ERR-4      ERR-5      2210800500018 
ERR-6      ERR-7      ERR-8                                       2210800500019 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                    2210800500021 
        6.3        0.5         3.        0.8        0.5        3.42210800500022 
         1.         2.        5.8                                 2210800500023 
ENDCOMMON            6          0                                 2210800500024 
DATA                 4         15                                 2210800500025 
EN         EN-RSL     DATA       ERR-T                            2210800500026 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB                               2210800500027 
  1.261E+01    2.8E-01       1.68    1.6E-01                      2210800500028 
  1.263E+01    2.8E-01       1.64    1.4E-01                      2210800500029 
  1.340E+01    4.0E-01       2.13    2.1E-01                      2210800500030 
  1.342E+01    3.9E-01       2.01    1.8E-01                      2210800500031 
  1.437E+01    5.0E-01       2.43    2.0E-01                      2210800500032 
  1.438E+01    4.9E-01       2.37    2.3E-01                      2210800500033 
  1.582E+01    5.9E-01       2.93    2.4E-01                      2210800500034 
  1.584E+01    5.9E-01       2.69    2.5E-01                      2210800500035 
  1.691E+01    6.2E-01       3.30    3.0E-01                      2210800500036 
  1.694E+01    6.0E-01       3.41    2.9E-01                      2210800500037 
  1.795E+01    5.7E-01       3.19    2.5E-01                      2210800500038 
  1.797E+01    5.7E-01       3.35    2.8E-01                      2210800500039 
  1.883E+01    5.0E-01       3.41    2.7E-01                      2210800500040 
  1.886E+01    4.9E-01       3.33    2.6E-01                      2210800500041 
  1.958E+01    2.5E-01       3.27    2.6E-01                      2210800500042 
ENDDATA             17          0                                 2210800500043 
ENDSUBENT           42          0                                 2210800599999 
SUBENT        22108006   20060514                             21772210800600001 
BIB                  5         13                                 2210800600002 
REACTION   (73-TA-181(N,P)72-HF-181,,SIG)                         2210800600003 
DECAY-DATA (72-HF-181,42.4D,DG,482.,.812)                         2210800600004 
ERR-ANALYS            The total errors were composed of the       2210800600005 
            following contributions                               2210800600006 
           .ERR-S, ERR-1, ERR-2, ERR-4, ERR-5 see SAN 001         2210800600007 
           (ERR-3)    Correction for self absorption error        2210800600008 
           (ERR-6)    Uncertainty in half-life error              2210800600009 
           (ERR-7)    Gamma-ray abundance error                   2210800600010 
           (ERR-8)    Correction for coincidence loss error       2210800600011 
STATUS     .Data taken from main ref.                             2210800600012 
HISTORY    (19881215C) N.O.                                       2210800600013 
           (19890203E)                                            2210800600014 
           (20060514U) DATA-ERR to ERR-T changed                  2210800600015 
ENDBIB              13          0                                 2210800600016 
COMMON               9          6                                 2210800600017 
ERR-S      ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      ERR-4      ERR-5      2210800600018 
ERR-6      ERR-7      ERR-8                                       2210800600019 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                    2210800600021 
        3.5        0.1         3.        2.9        0.5        3.32210800600022 
        1.4         1.        1.8                                 2210800600023 
ENDCOMMON            6          0                                 2210800600024 
DATA                 4         15                                 2210800600025 
EN         EN-RSL     DATA       ERR-T                            2210800600026 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB                               2210800600027 
  1.256E+01    2.7E-01       1.61    1.1E-01                      2210800600028 
  1.267E+01    2.8E-01       1.57    1.1E-01                      2210800600029 
  1.336E+01    3.9E-01       2.42    1.5E-01                      2210800600030 
  1.346E+01    4.0E-01       2.37    1.6E-01                      2210800600031 
  1.435E+01    4.9E-01       3.84    2.5E-01                      2210800600032 
  1.440E+01    4.9E-01       3.34    2.1E-01                      2210800600033 
  1.581E+01    6.0E-01       5.16    3.2E-01                      2210800600034 
  1.585E+01    5.8E-01       5.68    3.6E-01                      2210800600035 
  1.688E+01    5.9E-01       5.89    3.5E-01                      2210800600036 
  1.699E+01    6.1E-01       6.58    4.0E-01                      2210800600037 
  1.788E+01    6.0E-01       6.79    4.0E-01                      2210800600038 
  1.803E+01    5.6E-01       7.73    4.6E-01                      2210800600039 
  1.877E+01    5.0E-01       7.72    4.5E-01                      2210800600040 
  1.892E+01    5.0E-01       8.10    4.8E-01                      2210800600041 
  1.958E+01    2.6E-01       7.94    4.7E-01                      2210800600042 
ENDDATA             17          0                                 2210800600043 
ENDSUBENT           42          0                                 2210800699999 
ENDENTRY             6          0                                 2210899999999