ENTRY            22202   20121110                             22342220200000001 
SUBENT        22202001   20121110                             22342220200100001 
BIB                 15         64                                 2220200100002 
TITLE       Results of a low-background measurement of the fission2220200100003 
            neutron spectrum from Cf-252 in the 9- to 29-MeV      2220200100004 
            energy range                                          2220200100005 
AUTHOR     (A.Chalupka,L.Malek,S.Tagesen,R.Boettger)              2220200100006 
INSTITUTE  (2AUSIRK) Experiment performed in a mine in Bad Blei-  2220200100007 
            Berg, Carinthia, Austria, to minimize cosmic radi-    2220200100008 
            ation. The effective shielding was more than 1000 m   2220200100009 
            of rock.                                              2220200100010 
           (2GERPTB) R.Boettger                                   2220200100011 
REFERENCE  (J,NSE,106,(3),367,199011)                             2220200100012 
           (J,NSE,106,(3),377,199011)   Experimental details      2220200100013 
REL-REF    (D,,H.Maerten+,R,INDC(GDR)-17/L,1982)                  2220200100014 
METHOD     (TOF)   The fission neutron energies were determined by2220200100015 
            time-of-flight techniques, using a flight path of     2220200100016 
            279.6+/-0.2 cm. The contribution from wall scattered  2220200100017 
            neutrons was determined by inserting a cone-shaped    2220200100018 
            water-filled shadow bar between the fission chamber   2220200100019 
            and the neutron detector.                             2220200100020 
           (PSD)   N-gamma pulse-shape discrimination was applied.2220200100021 
SAMPLE     The 252Cf source was enclosed in a fast fission chamber2220200100022 
DETECTOR   (SCIN)  A calibrated NE-213 liquid scintillation detec-2220200100023 
            tor, 25.4 cm in diameter and 5.08 cm thick, was used  2220200100024 
            to detect the fission neutrons. This detector gave the2220200100025 
            TOF start signal. The efficiency of the neutron detec-2220200100026 
            tor up to 18-20 MeV was determined with the MONTE     2220200100027 
            CARLO code NEFF4. For higher energies the efficiency  2220200100028 
            was determined from hydrogen cross section data. Four 2220200100029 
            different biases were used, namely at 2.0, 2.75, 4.0  2220200100030 
            and 5.0 MeV.                                          2220200100031 
           (FISCH) A fast fission chamber, containing the Cf-252  2220200100032 
            source (1.5643e+5 fissions/sec +/-0.2 %, was used to  2220200100033 
            detect the fission fragments and giving the TOF stop  2220200100034 
            signal. The fission chamber efficiency was            2220200100035 
            0.995+/-0.002.                                        2220200100036 
PART-DET   (N)     Fission neutrons.                              2220200100037 
           (FF)    Fission fragments.                             2220200100038 
DECAY-DATA (98-CF-252,2.62YR,FF)                                  2220200100039 
CORRECTION .The data were corrected for correlated and random     2220200100040 
            background.                                           2220200100041 
COMMENT    .Different selections from the same experimental data  2220200100042 
            represented in SUBENTs 22201-003 - 22202-007 are      2220200100043 
            correlated with each other. One may combine results   2220200100044 
            from different bias settings and different energy     2220200100045 
            groups to generate a new continuous set. Though no    2220200100046 
            combination of data from different bias settings      2220200100047 
            except of overlapping or identical energy intervals   2220200100048 
            is allowed                                            2220200100049 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total error, including statistical and systema-2220200100050 
            tic errors, the latter dominated by the neutron detec-2220200100051 
            tor efficiency. ERR-2 and ERR-8 not included. They    2220200100052 
            are negligible.                                       2220200100053 
           (ERR-1)   Fission chamber efficiency error             2220200100054 
           (ERR-2)   Neutron detector solid angle error           2220200100055 
           (ERR-8)   Neutron-fission registration error           2220200100056 
           (ERR-HL)  Cf-252 half life error. Calculated by the    2220200100057 
                     last compiler as 1% of 2.62 YR               2220200100058 
STATUS     .Data taken from main ref.                             2220200100059 
HISTORY    (19930110C) N.O.                                       2220200100060 
           (19930329E) SUBENT 22202002 deleted, two new SUBENTs   2220200100061 
                       created. Error structure specified         2220200100062 
           (20110715A) New DATE format YYYYMMD done. REACTION     2220200100063 
             codes corrected in SAN 003, 004. Data in SAN 003     2220200100064 
             split in four SUBENTS: 003, 005, 006, 007.           2220200100065 
           (20121110U) SD: INC-SOURCE -> SAMPLE.                  2220200100066 
ENDBIB              64          0                                 2220200100067 
COMMON               4          3                                 2220200100068 
ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-8      ERR-HL                           2220200100069 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   YR                               2220200100070 
       0.15        0.1     0.15    0.0262                         2220200100071 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2220200100072 
ENDSUBENT           71          0                                 2220200199999 
NOSUBENT      22202002   19961204                             00002220200200001 
SUBENT        22202003   20110715                             22272220200300001 
BIB                  5         23                                 2220200300002 
REACTION  1(98-CF-252(0,F),PR,NU/DE,,MXD)                         2220200300003 
          2(98-CF-252(0,F),PR,NU/DE,,MXD)                         2220200300004 
            Ratio of measured neutron emission spectrum to Max-   2220200300005 
            wellian spectrum of temperature 1.42 MeV.             2220200300006 
ANALYSIS   .Results from 9 to 13 MeV grouped into 0.25 MeV bins   2220200300007 
          1  Bias setting for data reduction is 2.0 MeV - BIAS-1  2220200300008 
          2  Bias setting for data reduction is 2.75 MeV - BIAS-2 2220200300009 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error.                             2220200300010 
           (ERR-3)  Time-to-amplitude calibration uncertainty     2220200300011 
           (ERR-4)  T=0 position error                            2220200300012 
           (ERR-5)  Flight path uncertainty error                 2220200300013 
           (ERR-6)  MONTE-CARLO efficiency calculation error      2220200300014 
           (ERR-7)  Uncertainty of threshold position error       2220200300015 
STATUS     (TABLE)  Data taken from Table II of NSE,106,367,1990  2220200300016 
           (COREL,22202004)                                       2220200300017 
           (COREL,22202005)                                       2220200300018 
           (COREL,22202006)                                       2220200300019 
           (COREL,22202007)                                       2220200300020 
HISTORY    (19961204C) + +  Compiled by S.M.  + +                 2220200300021 
           (20110715A) REACTION codes PR,DE,N changed to PR,NU/DE 2220200300022 
            BIB information corrected. Data from Tables III, IV, V2220200300023 
             moved to SAN 005, 006, 007. Numerical errors         2220200300024 
             corrected                                            2220200300025 
ENDBIB              23          0                                 2220200300026 
COMMON               2          3                                 2220200300027 
KT-NRM     ERR-6     1                                            2220200300028 
MEV        PER-CENT                                               2220200300029 
     1.42       2.                                                2220200300030 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2220200300031 
DATA                17         16                                 2220200300032 
E-MIN      E-MAX      DATA      1ERR-S     1ERR-T     1ERR-3     12220200300033 
ERR-4     1ERR-5     1ERR-7     1DATA      2ERR-S     2ERR-T     22220200300034 
ERR-3     2ERR-4     2ERR-5     2ERR-6     2ERR-7     2           2220200300035 
MEV        MEV        NO-DIM     PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   2220200300036 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   NO-DIM     PER-CENT   PER-CENT   2220200300037 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT              2220200300038 
 9.00       9.25      0.920        1.9        4.1        0.8      2220200300039 
    0.5        0.6        1.5       0.889        1.1        5.5   2220200300040 
        0.8        0.5        0.6        3.3        2.0           2220200300041 
 9.25       9.49      0.935        2.0        4.2        0.9      2220200300042 
    0.5        0.6        1.5       0.873        1.1        5.4   2220200300043 
        0.9        0.5        0.6        3.1        2.0           2220200300044 
 9.49       9.74      0.910        2.1        4.2        0.9      2220200300045 
    0.6        0.6        1.4       0.899        1.2        5.3   2220200300046 
        0.9        0.6        0.6        3.1        1.9           2220200300047 
 9.74       9.99      0.885        2.3        4.3        0.9      2220200300048 
    0.6        0.6        1.4       0.894        1.2        5.1   2220200300049 
        0.9        0.6        0.6        2.9        1.9           2220200300050 
 9.99      10.26      0.917        2.4        4.4        1.0      2220200300051 
    0.6        0.7        1.4       0.895        1.3        5.0   2220200300052 
        1.0        0.6        0.7        2.8        1.8           2220200300053 
10.26      10.54      0.940        2.5        4.4        1.0      2220200300054 
    0.7        0.7        1.3       0.934        1.4        4.8   2220200300055 
        1.0        0.7        0.7        2.7        1.7           2220200300056 
10.54      10.76      0.937        3.1        4.7        1.0      2220200300057 
    0.7        0.7        1.3       0.913        1.7        4.8   2220200300058 
        1.0        0.7        0.7        2.7        1.6           2220200300059 
10.76      10.98      0.887        3.4        5.0        1.1      2220200300060 
    0.8        0.7        1.3       0.918        1.8        4.8   2220200300061 
        1.1        0.8        0.7        2.7        1.5           2220200300062 
10.98      11.29      0.910        3.1        4.7        1.1      2220200300063 
    0.8        0.8        1.2       0.897        1.7        4.6   2220200300064 
        1.1        0.8        0.8        2.6        1.4           2220200300065 
11.29      11.53      0.961        3.8        5.2        1.1      2220200300066 
    0.8        0.8        1.2       0.915        2.1        4.8   2220200300067 
        1.1        0.8        0.8        2.6        1.4           2220200300068 
11.53      11.70      0.996        4.8        6.0        1.1      2220200300069 
    0.9        0.8        1.2       0.934        2.6        5.0   2220200300070 
        1.1        0.9        0.8        2.6        1.3           2220200300071 
11.70      11.95      0.963        4.3        5.6        1.2      2220200300072 
    0.9        0.8        1.1       0.904        2.3        4.8   2220200300073 
        1.2        0.9        0.8        2.5        1.3           2220200300074 
11.95      12.21      0.929        4.6        5.8        1.2      2220200300075 
    0.9        0.9        1.1       0.915        2.5        4.9   2220200300076 
        1.2        0.9        0.9        2.5        1.2           2220200300077 
12.21      12.48      0.927        5.0        6.2        1.2      2220200300078 
    1.0        0.9        1.1       0.884        2.7        4.9   2220200300079 
        1.2        1.0        0.9        2.5        1.2           2220200300080 
12.48      12.76      0.913        5.5        6.5        1.3      2220200300081 
    1.0        0.9        1.0       0.932        2.8        4.9   2220200300082 
        1.3        1.0        0.9        2.5        1.1           2220200300083 
12.76      13.05      1.002        5.7        6.7        1.3      2220200300084 
    1.1        1.0        1.0       0.921        3.1        5.1   2220200300085 
        1.3        1.1        1.0        2.5        1.1           2220200300086 
ENDDATA             54          0                                 2220200300087 
ENDSUBENT           86          0                                 2220200399999 
SUBENT        22202004   20110715                             22272220200400001 
BIB                  6         24                                 2220200400002 
REACTION  1(98-CF-252(0,F),PR,NU/DE,,MXD)                         2220200400003 
          2(98-CF-252(0,F),PR,NU/DE,,MXD)                         2220200400004 
            Ratio of measured neutron emission spectrum to max-   2220200400005 
            wellian spectrum of temperature 1.42 MeV.             2220200400006 
ANALYSIS   .Results from 14 to 21 MeV grouped into 1. MeV bins;   2220200400007 
            Results from 21 to 29 MeV grouped into 2. MeV bins;   2220200400008 
          1. Bias setting for data reduction is 4.0 MeV - BIAS-3  2220200400009 
          2. Bias setting for data reduction is 5.0 MeV - BIAS-4  2220200400010 
MISC-COL  1(MISC1) Experimental value of Cf252(0,F) neutron yield,2220200400011 
                   number of counts                               2220200400012 
          2(MISC1) Experimental value of Cf252(0,F) neutron yield,2220200400013 
                   number of counts                               2220200400014 
          1(MISC2) Calculated value of Cf252(0,F) neutron yield   2220200400015 
              for 1.42 MeV neutron temperature, number of counts  2220200400016 
          2(MISC2) Calculated value of Cf252(0,F) neutron yield   2220200400017 
              for 1.42 MeV neutron temperature, number of counts  2220200400018 
          1(MISC3) Neutron background, number of counts           2220200400019 
          2(MISC3) Neutron background, number of counts           2220200400020 
ERR-ANALYS .ERR-T. Total relative error, no further details       2220200400021 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data taken from Table VI of NSE,106,367,1990   2220200400022 
HISTORY    (19961204C) + +  Compiled by S.M.  + +                 2220200400023 
           (20110715A) REACTION codes PR,DE,N changed to PR,NU/DE.2220200400024 
             Additional experimental information added from       2220200400025 
             Table VI. BIB information and DATA numbers corrected 2220200400026 
ENDBIB              24          0                                 2220200400027 
COMMON               2          3                                 2220200400028 
KT-NRM     ERR-6     1                                            2220200400029 
MEV        PER-CENT                                               2220200400030 
     1.42       2.                                                2220200400031 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2220200400032 
DATA                12         11                                 2220200400033 
E-MIN      E-MAX      DATA      1ERR-T     1MISC1     1MISC2     12220200400034 
MISC3     1DATA      2ERR-T     2MISC1     2MISC2     2MISC3     22220200400035 
MEV        MEV        NO-DIM     PER-CENT   NO-DIM     NO-DIM     2220200400036 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     PER-CENT   NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     2220200400037 
 13.98      15.01       0.87         9.      1749.      2020.01   2220200400038 
      1.30       0.87         9.      1391.    1590.00       0.79 2220200400039 
 15.01      16.03       0.89         9.       892.      1002.60   2220200400040 
      1.15       0.88         9.       713.     813.99       0.70 2220200400041 
 16.03      17.01       0.88         9.       431.       486.61   2220200400042 
      1.00       0.87         9.       353.     405.26       0.62 2220200400043 
 17.01      17.93       0.97         9.       230.       235.23   2220200400044 
      0.86       0.98         9.       198.     200.87       0.53 2220200400045 
 17.93      18.92       0.95        10.       127.       133.05   2220200400046 
      0.86       0.95        10.       110.     115.07       0.53 2220200400047 
 18.92      20.00       1.12        11.        81.        71.46   2220200400048 
      0.86       1.16        11.        73.      62.43       0.53 2220200400049 
 20.00      20.97       1.09        13.        35.        31.55   2220200400050 
      0.72       1.20        13.        34.      27.92       0.44 2220200400051 
 20.97      22.91       0.90        23.        23.        24.13   2220200400052 
      1.50       0.98        23.        22.      21.63       0.79 2220200400053 
 22.91      24.87       1.57        35.        11.         6.26   2220200400054 
      1.15       1.46        35.         9.       5.69       0.70 2220200400055 
 24.87      27.10       1.11       109.         3.         1.67   2220200400056 
      1.15       0.85       109.         2.       1.54       0.70 2220200400057 
 27.10      28.98       0.43                    1.         0.32   2220200400058 
      0.86       1.56                    1.       0.30       0.53 2220200400059 
ENDDATA             26          0                                 2220200400060 
ENDSUBENT           59          0                                 2220200499999 
SUBENT        22202005   20110715                             22272220200500001 
BIB                  5         19                                 2220200500002 
REACTION  1(98-CF-252(0,F),PR,NU/DE,,MXD)                         2220200500003 
          2(98-CF-252(0,F),PR,NU/DE,,MXD)  Ratio of measured      2220200500004 
             neutron emission spectrum to Maxwellian spectrum     2220200500005 
             of temperature 1.42 MeV.                             2220200500006 
ANALYSIS   .Results from 9 to 16 MeV grouped into 0.50 MeV bins   2220200500007 
          1  Bias setting for data reduction is 2.0 MeV - BIAS-1  2220200500008 
          2  Bias setting for data reduction is 2.75 MeV - BIAS-2 2220200500009 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error.                             2220200500010 
           (ERR-3)  Time-to-amplitude calibration uncertainty     2220200500011 
           (ERR-4)  T=0 position error                            2220200500012 
           (ERR-5)  Flight path uncertainty error                 2220200500013 
           (ERR-6)  MONTE-CARLO efficiency calculation error      2220200500014 
           (ERR-7)  Uncertainty of threshold position error       2220200500015 
STATUS     (TABLE)  Data taken from Table III of NSE,106,367,1990 2220200500016 
           (COREL,22202003)                                       2220200500017 
           (COREL,22202004)                                       2220200500018 
           (COREL,22202006)                                       2220200500019 
           (COREL,22202007)                                       2220200500020 
HISTORY    (20110715C) + +  Compiled by S.M.  + +                 2220200500021 
ENDBIB              19          0                                 2220200500022 
COMMON               2          3                                 2220200500023 
KT-NRM     ERR-6     1                                            2220200500024 
MEV        PER-CENT                                               2220200500025 
     1.42       2.                                                2220200500026 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2220200500027 
DATA                17         14                                 2220200500028 
E-MIN      E-MAX      DATA      1ERR-S     1ERR-T     1ERR-3     12220200500029 
ERR-4     1ERR-5     1ERR-7     1DATA      2ERR-S     2ERR-T     22220200500030 
ERR-3     2ERR-4     2ERR-5     2ERR-6     2ERR-7     2           2220200500031 
MEV        MEV        NO-DIM     PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   2220200500032 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   NO-DIM     PER-CENT   PER-CENT   2220200500033 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT              2220200500034 
 9.00       9.49      0.927        1.4        4.0        0.9      2220200500035 
     0.5        0.6        1.5      0.881        0.8        5.4   2220200500036 
        0.9        0.5        0.6        3.2        2.0           2220200500037 
 9.49       9.99      0.898        1.6        4.0        0.9      2220200500038 
     0.6        0.6        1.4      0.897        0.9        5.1   2220200500039 
        0.9        0.6        0.6        3.0        1.9           2220200500040 
 9.99      10.54      0.928        1.7        4.0        1.0      2220200500041 
     0.6        0.7        1.4      0.913        1.0        4.8   2220200500042 
        1.0        0.6        0.7        2.7        1.8           2220200500043 
10.54      10.98      0.919        2.3        4.3        1.0      2220200500044 
     0.7        0.7        1.3      0.916        1.2        4.7   2220200500045 
        1.0        0.7        0.7        2.7        1.6           2220200500046 
10.98      11.53      0.930        2.4        4.3        1.1      2220200500047 
     0.8        0.8        1.2      0.904        1.3        4.5   2220200500048 
        1.1        0.8        0.8        2.6        1.4           2220200500049 
11.53      11.95      0.977        3.2        4.8        1.1      2220200500050 
     0.9        0.8        1.2      0.917        1.7        4.6   2220200500051 
        1.1        0.9        0.8        2.6        1.3           2220200500052 
11.95      12.48      0.928        3.4        4.9        1.2      2220200500053 
     0.9        0.9        1.1      0.900        1.8        4.6   2220200500054 
        1.2        0.9        0.9        2.6        1.2           2220200500055 
12.48      13.05      0.954        3.9        5.3        1.3      2220200500056 
     1.0        0.9        1.0      0.927        2.1        4.6   2220200500057 
        1.3        1.0        0.9        2.5        1.1           2220200500058 
13.05      13.56      0.997        4.9        6.1        1.4      2220200500059 
     1.1        1.0        1.0      0.989        2.6        4.9   2220200500060 
        1.4        1.1        1.0        2.6        1.0           2220200500061 
13.56      13.99      0.909        6.6        7.5        1.4      2220200500062 
     1.2        1.0        1.0      0.908        3.4        5.4   2220200500063 
        1.4        1.2        1.0        2.7        1.0           2220200500064 
13.99      14.55      0.875        7.0        7.9        1.5      2220200500065 
     1.3        1.1        1.0      0.854        3.6        5.6   2220200500066 
        1.5        1.3        1.1        2.7        1.0           2220200500067 
14.55      15.02      0.970        8.7        9.5        1.6      2220200500068 
     1.4        1.1        1.0      0.983        4.4        6.3   2220200500069 
        1.6        1.4        1.1        2.8        1.0           2220200500070 
15.02      15.52      0.901       10.6       11.3        1.6      2220200500071 
     1.5        1.1        1.0      0.919        5.3        7.0   2220200500072 
        1.6        1.5        1.1        2.9        1.0           2220200500073 
15.52      16.01      1.097       11.2       11.9        1.7      2220200500074 
     1.6        1.2        1.0      0.843        6.6        8.1   2220200500075 
        1.7        1.6        1.2        2.9        1.0           2220200500076 
ENDDATA             48          0                                 2220200500077 
ENDSUBENT           76          0                                 2220200599999 
SUBENT        22202006   20110715                             22272220200600001 
BIB                  5         15                                 2220200600002 
REACTION  1(98-CF-252(0,F),PR,NU/DE,,MXD)                         2220200600003 
          2(98-CF-252(0,F),PR,NU/DE,,MXD)                         2220200600004 
            Ratio of measured neutron emission spectrum to Max-   2220200600005 
            wellian spectrum of temperature 1.42 MeV.             2220200600006 
ANALYSIS   .Results from 9 to 19 MeV grouped into 1.0 MeV bins    2220200600007 
          1  Bias setting for data reduction is 2.0 MeV - BIAS-1  2220200600008 
          2  Bias setting for data reduction is 2.75 MeV - BIAS-2 2220200600009 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error.                             2220200600010 
           (ERR-3)  Time-to-amplitude calibration uncertainty     2220200600011 
           (ERR-4)  T=0 position error                            2220200600012 
           (ERR-5)  Flight path uncertainty error                 2220200600013 
           (ERR-6)  MONTE-CARLO efficiency calculation error      2220200600014 
           (ERR-7)  Uncertainty of threshold position error       2220200600015 
STATUS     (TABLE)  Data taken from Table IV of NSE,106,367,1990  2220200600016 
HISTORY    (20110715C) + +  Compiled by S.M.  + +                 2220200600017 
ENDBIB              15          0                                 2220200600018 
COMMON               2          3                                 2220200600019 
KT-NRM     ERR-6     1                                            2220200600020 
MEV        PER-CENT                                               2220200600021 
     1.42       2.                                                2220200600022 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2220200600023 
DATA                17         10                                 2220200600024 
E-MIN      E-MAX      DATA      1ERR-S     1ERR-T     1ERR-3     12220200600025 
ERR-4     1ERR-5     1ERR-7     1DATA      2ERR-S     2ERR-T     22220200600026 
ERR-3     2ERR-4     2ERR-5     2ERR-6     2ERR-7     2           2220200600027 
MEV        MEV        NO-DIM     PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   2220200600028 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   NO-DIM     PER-CENT   PER-CENT   2220200600029 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT              2220200600030 
 9.00       9.99       0.914       1.0        3.8        0.9      2220200600031 
      0.5        0.6        1.5       0.888      0.6        5.3   2220200600032 
        0.9        0.6        0.6        3.1        2.0           2220200600033 
 9.99      10.98       0.924       1.4        3.9        1.0      2220200600034 
      0.7        0.7        1.4       0.914      0.8        4.7   2220200600035 
        1.0        0.7        0.7        2.7        1.7           2220200600036 
10.98      11.95       0.946       1.9        4.0        1.1      2220200600037 
      0.8        0.8        1.2       0.909      1.0        4.4   2220200600038 
        1.1        0.8        0.8        2.6        1.4           2220200600039 
11.95      12.96       0.927       2.7        4.4        1.2      2220200600040 
      1.0        0.9        1.1       0.912      1.4        4.4   2220200600041 
        1.2        1.0        0.9        2.6        1.2           2220200600042 
12.96      13.99       0.985       3.6        5.1        1.4      2220200600043 
      1.2        1.0        1.0       0.952      1.9        4.6   2220200600044 
        1.4        1.2        1.0        2.6        1.0           2220200600045 
13.99      15.02       0.910       5.5        6.7        1.5      2220200600046 
      1.4        1.1        1.0       0.902      2.8        4.7   2220200600047 
        1.5        1.4        1.1        2.7        1.0           2220200600048 
15.02      15.91       0.976       8.1        9.0        1.6      2220200600049 
      1.6        1.2        1.0       0.905      4.3        6.3   2220200600050 
        1.6        1.6        1.2        2.9        1.0           2220200600051 
15.91      17.03       0.864      11.2       11.9        1.8      2220200600052 
      1.8        1.3        1.0       0.950      5.4        7.3   2220200600053 
        1.8        1.8        1.3        3.0        1.0           2220200600054 
17.03      17.95                                                  2220200600055 
                                      1.156      7.9        9.3   2220200600056 
        1.8        2.0        1.3        2.8        1.0           2220200600057 
17.95      18.94                                                  2220200600058 
                                      0.888     12.7       13.6   2220200600059 
        1.9        2.1        1.4        2.7        1.0           2220200600060 
ENDDATA             36          0                                 2220200600061 
ENDSUBENT           60          0                                 2220200699999 
SUBENT        22202007   20110715                             22272220200700001 
BIB                  5         15                                 2220200700002 
REACTION  1(98-CF-252(0,F),PR,NU/DE,,MXD)                         2220200700003 
          2(98-CF-252(0,F),PR,NU/DE,,MXD)                         2220200700004 
            Ratio of measured neutron emission spectrum to Max-   2220200700005 
            wellian spectrum of temperature 1.42 MeV.             2220200700006 
ANALYSIS   .Results from 10 to 20 MeV grouped into 2.0 MeV bins   2220200700007 
          1  Bias setting for data reduction is 2.0 MeV - BIAS-1  2220200700008 
          2  Bias setting for data reduction is 2.75 MeV - BIAS-2 2220200700009 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error.                             2220200700010 
           (ERR-3)  Time-to-amplitude calibration uncertainty     2220200700011 
           (ERR-4)  T=0 position error                            2220200700012 
           (ERR-5)  Flight path uncertainty error                 2220200700013 
           (ERR-6)  MONTE-CARLO efficiency calculation error      2220200700014 
           (ERR-7)  Uncertainty of threshold position error       2220200700015 
STATUS     (TABLE)  Data taken from Table V of NSE,106,367,1990   2220200700016 
HISTORY    (20110715C) + +  Compiled by S.M.  + +                 2220200700017 
ENDBIB              15          0                                 2220200700018 
COMMON               2          3                                 2220200700019 
KT-NRM     ERR-6     1                                            2220200700020 
MEV        PER-CENT                                               2220200700021 
     1.42       2.                                                2220200700022 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2220200700023 
DATA                17          5                                 2220200700024 
E-MIN      E-MAX      DATA      1ERR-S     1ERR-T     1ERR-3     12220200700025 
ERR-4     1ERR-5     1ERR-7     1DATA      2ERR-S     2ERR-T     22220200700026 
ERR-3     2ERR-4     2ERR-5     2ERR-6     2ERR-7     2           2220200700027 
MEV        MEV        NO-DIM     PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   2220200700028 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   NO-DIM     PER-CENT   PER-CENT   2220200700029 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT              2220200700030 
 9.99      11.95      0.932      1.1        3.8        1.1        2220200700031 
    0.8        0.8        1.3        0.912      0.6        4.6    2220200700032 
        1.1        0.8        0.8        2.7        1.6           2220200700033 
11.95      13.99      0.946      2.1        4.2        1.3        2220200700034 
    1.1        1.0        1.1        0.925      1.1        4.4    2220200700035 
        1.3        1.1        1.0        2.6        1.2           2220200700036 
13.99      15.91      0.930      4.5        5.9        1.6        2220200700037 
    1.4        1.1        1.0        0.903      2.3        5.0    2220200700038 
        1.6        1.4        1.1        2.8        1.0           2220200700039 
15.91      17.95      0.859      9.6        10.5       1.8        2220200700040 
    1.8        1.3        1.0        1.009      4.4        6.5    2220200700041 
        1.8        1.8        1.3        2.9        1.0           2220200700042 
17.95      20.02                                                  2220200700043 
                                     1.061      9.7       10.9    2220200700044 
        1.9        2.1        1.4        2.7        1.0           2220200700045 
ENDDATA             21          0                                 2220200700046 
ENDSUBENT           45          0                                 2220200799999 
ENDENTRY             7          0                                 2220299999999