ENTRY            22231   20200808                             22902223100000001 
SUBENT        22231001   20200808                             22902223100100001 
BIB                 15        228                                 2223100100002 
TITLE       Reaction cross sections on carbon for neutron energies2223100100003 
              from 11.5 to 19 MeV                                 2223100100004 
AUTHOR     (B.Antolkovic,G.Dietze,H.Klein)                        2223100100005 
REFERENCE  (J,NSE,107,1,1991) Subents 002-008 data                2223100100006 
           (J,RPD,44,31,1992) Subents 009- data                   2223100100007 
           Secondary alpha particle spectra and  partial kerma    2223100100008 
           factors of the reaction n + 12C -> n + 3 alpha         2223100100009 
           carbon deduced from microscopic cross sections at      2223100100010 
           incident neutron energies below 75 MeV .               2223100100011 
INSTITUTE  (2GERPTB) G.Dietze, H.Klein and experimental site      2223100100012 
           (3CRORBZ) B.Antolkovic                                 2223100100013 
REL-REF    (M,,B.Antolkovic+,J,NP/A,524,285,1991)                 2223100100014 
           Processing and analysis of data                        2223100100015 
FACILITY   (VDG,2GERPTB) The PTB Van De Graaff generator was used 2223100100016 
              for 13 to 19 MeV neutron energies.                  2223100100017 
           (ISOCY,2GERPTB) The PTB isochronous cyclotron was used 2223100100018 
               for 11.5 to 13.5 MeV neutron energies.             2223100100019 
MONITOR    (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG) Recoil proton measurement      2223100100020 
INC-SOURCE (D-T)   Monoenergetic neutrons of energy between       2223100100021 
            13 and 19 MeV were produced by bombarding a titanium- 2223100100022 
            tritium target with deuterons. Neutrons of 14.8, 17   2223100100023 
            and 19 MeV were produced at zero degree with respect  2223100100024 
            to the incident beam direction. And neutron with other2223100100025 
            energies were produced making use of the energy       2223100100026 
            distribution of the reaction.                         2223100100027 
           . Targets of different thicknesses were used to obtain 2223100100028 
            optimum neutron yields.                               2223100100029 
           . The incident deuteron energy could be specified      2223100100030 
            within +/- 2 keV. Using TOF techniques and Monte Carlo2223100100031 
            calculations it was deduced that a negligible amount  2223100100032 
            of neutrons were produced between 9.5 and 1 MeV below 2223100100033 
            the nominal energy.                                   2223100100034 
           . The neutron energy width was determined from the     2223100100035 
            energy loss of the deuterons within the gas and the   2223100100036 
            neutron energy distribution was assumed to be         2223100100037 
            rectangular.                                          2223100100038 
           . Ti-T target,2.40 mg/cm2 Ti on 1-mm-thick Ag, mean    2223100100039 
           deuteron energy 2.55 MeV                               2223100100040 
           Emission angle Mean neutron energy  Energy distr.width 2223100100041 
           deg            MeV                  MeV                2223100100042 
             0.0            19.00 +- 0.030           0.380        2223100100043 
            27.65           18.50 +- 0.027           0.350        2223100100044 
            39.78           18.00 +- 0.024           0.310        2223100100045 
            49.61           17.50 +- 0.022           0.275        2223100100046 
           . Ti-T target, 2.29 mg/cm2 Ti on 1-mm-thick Ag, mean   2223100100047 
           deuteron energy 1.15 MeV                               2223100100048 
           Emission angle Mean neutron energy  Energy distr.width 2223100100049 
           deg            MeV                  MeV                2223100100050 
             0.0            17.00 +- 0.050           0.700        2223100100051 
            35.55           16.50 +- 0.042           0.600        2223100100052 
            51.60           16.00 +- 0.034           0.500        2223100100053 
            65.00           15.50 +- 0.027           0.400        2223100100054 
            77.40           15.00 +- 0.023           0.300        2223100100055 
            82.24           14.80 +- 0.016           0.240        2223100100056 
            87.14           14.60 +- 0.014           0.200        2223100100057 
            92.07           14.40 +- 0.011           0.160        2223100100058 
            97.08           14.20 +- 0.009           0.120        2223100100059 
           102.25           14.00 +- 0.006           0.100        2223100100060 
           116.03           13.50 +- 0.006           0.050        2223100100061 
           132.44           13.00 +- 0.007           0.100        2223100100062 
           . Ti-T target, 2.29 mg/cm2 Ti on 1-mm-thick Ag,deuteron2223100100063 
           energy 0.2 MeV, neutron emission angle 0.0 deg,        2223100100064 
           mean neutron energy 14.80+-0.030 MeV, neutron energy   2223100100065 
           distribution width 0.460 MeV.                          2223100100066 
           (D-D)   Monoenergetic neutrons of energy between       2223100100067 
            11.5 and 13.5 MeV were produced with the D-D reaction,2223100100068 
            using a deuterium gas target and the pulsed deuteron  2223100100069 
            beam of the energy variable cyclotron. The mean       2223100100070 
            deuteron energy within the gas was implicitly deter-  2223100100071 
            mined by neutron time of flight measurements using an 2223100100072 
            NE213 detector. An uncertainty of 30 keV was achieved.2223100100073 
            The neutron energy width was determined from the      2223100100074 
            energy loss of the deuterons within the gas and the   2223100100075 
            neutron energy distribution was again assumed to be   2223100100076 
            rectangular.                                          2223100100077 
            The D-N and the deuteron breakup reactions on         2223100100078 
            molybdenum entrance foil and the gold beam stop       2223100100079 
            yielded (15%)  neutrons with energies distributed     2223100100080 
            equally over a 6 MeV region below the nominal energy. 2223100100081 
           .  D2 gas target, 3 cm long, 10 kPa D2, mean deuteron  2223100100082 
           energy form 8.4 MeV to 10.53 MeV , emission angle 0.deg2223100100083 
           Mean neutron energy,MeV  Energy distribution width,MeV 2223100100084 
           13.535 +- 0.030           0.080                        2223100100085 
           12.895 +- 0.030           0.085                        2223100100086 
           12.555 +- 0.030           0.090                        2223100100087 
           11.915 +- 0.030           0.095                        2223100100088 
           11.505 +- 0.030           0.100                        2223100100089 
INC-SPECT  .The neutron fluence applied in the irradiation of the 2223100100090 
            emulsions was determined using a proton recoil        2223100100091 
            telescope in a geometry similar to that used during   2223100100092 
            exposure of the emulsions. The signals from 2 prop.   2223100100093 
            counters and a surface barrier detector were analyzed 2223100100094 
            in coincidence to distinguish the recoil proton events2223100100095 
            from the neutron interaction in a 10.085mg/cm2 thick  2223100100096 
            tristearine radiator.                                 2223100100097 
            The detection efficiency was calculated taking into   2223100100098 
            account the actual irradiation geometry and the       2223100100099 
            evaluated N-P scattering cross section. Two moderating2223100100100 
            neutron detectors were used to monitor the fluence    2223100100101 
            during irradiation of the emulsions.                  2223100100102 
            For the cyclotron measurements, the fluence was       2223100100103 
            determined using the NE213 liquid scintillator.       2223100100104 
            The well known hydrogen content of the scintillator   2223100100105 
            was used to normalize to the N-P scattering cross     2223100100106 
            section. The total uncertainty was about 3 %, was     2223100100107 
            estimated from the fitting procedure, the basic cross 2223100100108 
            sections and the hydrogen content.                    2223100100109 
SAMPLE     .ILFORD C2 nuclear emulsions were used as samples and  2223100100110 
            detectors to study the C-12(N,N+3ALPHA).The emulsions 2223100100111 
            with a carbon content of 0.277g/cm3 and a thickness   2223100100112 
            of 200 micro-meter were exposed at an angle of 13.8   2223100100113 
            adeg to monoenergetic neutrons of energies 11.9, 12.9,2223100100114 
            14.0, 17.0 and 19.0 MeV.                              2223100100115 
           .The scintillator which has a well known carbon content2223100100116 
            is used as a carbon target as well as an alpha        2223100100117 
            detector.                                             2223100100118 
METHOD     (ASSOP) The nuclear emulsion technique was used to     2223100100119 
            investigate C-12(N,N+3ALPHA) reaction for neutron     2223100100120 
            energies of 11.9 to 19.0 MeV. The total and various   2223100100121 
            partial cross sections from the N-3ALPHA breakup      2223100100122 
            were determined.                                      2223100100123 
           (TOF)  The total cross sections of all reactions with  2223100100124 
            charged particles (except carbon recoil protons) in   2223100100125 
            the exit channel were determined W.R.T the N-P        2223100100126 
            scattering cross section using an NE213 scintillator  2223100100127 
            with TOF technique.                                   2223100100128 
           (PHD)   The pulse shape discrimination technique was   2223100100129 
            used with the NE213 detector.                         2223100100130 
DETECTOR   (PLATE) The nuclear emulsions which contain carbon     2223100100131 
            as a main constituent are used both as a carbon target2223100100132 
            and as a alpha-particle detector. The simultaneous    2223100100133 
            detection of all charged particles of such an event   2223100100134 
            yields a kinematically complete measurement. The      2223100100135 
            emulsions were developed  by a 2-temperature technique2223100100136 
            after which they were scanned for 3-pronged events    2223100100137 
            using a Leitz Ortholux binocular microscope.The       2223100100138 
            reaction kinematics was determined by measuring the   2223100100139 
            spatial orientations and ranges of each of the 3      2223100100140 
            prongs of a star .                                    2223100100141 
           (SCIN) The NE213 scintillation detector also served    2223100100142 
            both as the carbon target and the alpha particle      2223100100143 
            detector. It was used in assessing reactions with     2223100100144 
            very low statistical uncertainties. The response      2223100100145 
            of this detector, 2.54 cm in height by 10.16 cm in    2223100100146 
            diameter, was measured for monoenergetic neutrons     2223100100147 
            applying 'TOF' techniques and compared with Monte-    2223100100148 
            Carlo simulations. Elastic and inelastic cross        2223100100149 
            sections were taken from ENDF/B-V.                    2223100100150 
COMMENT    Of compiler M.M. Alpha energy diff. CS presented on    2223100100151 
           Fig. 1 of J.Radiation Protection Dosimetry,44,31,1992  2223100100152 
           have insufficient quality for digitization -           2223100100153 
           overlapping, triangles and full points could not be    2223100100154 
           separated.                                             2223100100155 
ADD-RES    Distribution of alpha particle spectrum, normalized    2223100100156 
           to 1. ( Fig.2 left, right)                             2223100100157 
            En=17.0 MeV                                           2223100100158 
            Eaplha, MeV   Value, no-dim.                          2223100100159 
              0.079       0.0028                                  2223100100160 
              0.369       0.0325                                  2223100100161 
              0.607       0.0684                                  2223100100162 
              0.862       0.1086                                  2223100100163 
              1.134       0.1467                                  2223100100164 
              1.390       0.1785                                  2223100100165 
              1.629       0.1955                                  2223100100166 
              1.868       0.2104                                  2223100100167 
              2.124       0.2316                                  2223100100168 
              2.414       0.2423                                  2223100100169 
              2.637       0.2467                                  2223100100170 
              2.860       0.2216                                  2223100100171 
              3.135       0.2112                                  2223100100172 
              3.374       0.2282                                  2223100100173 
              3.633       0.1779                                  2223100100174 
              3.890       0.1760                                  2223100100175 
              4.129       0.1803                                  2223100100176 
              4.369       0.1700                                  2223100100177 
              4.626       0.1638                                  2223100100178 
              4.884       0.1430                                  2223100100179 
              5.108       0.1221                                  2223100100180 
              5.348       0.1096                                  2223100100181 
              5.604       0.1182                                  2223100100182 
              5.863       0.0805                                  2223100100183 
              6.103       0.0680                                  2223100100184 
              6.360       0.0577                                  2223100100185 
              6.600       0.0684                                  2223100100186 
              6.858       0.0349                                  2223100100187 
              7.115       0.0308                                  2223100100188 
              7.355       0.0184                                  2223100100189 
              7.612       0.0270                                  2223100100190 
              7.886       0.0250                                  2223100100191 
              8.075       0.0104                                  2223100100192 
              8.366       0.0085                                  2223100100193 
              8.606       0.0066                                  2223100100194 
              8.845       0.0047                                  2223100100195 
            En=12.9 MeV                                           2223100100196 
            Eaplha, MeV   Value, no-dim.                          2223100100197 
            0.086         0.0343                                  2223100100198 
            0.378         0.1291                                  2223100100199 
            0.635         0.2095                                  2223100100200 
            0.893         0.3600                                  2223100100201 
            1.133         0.3930 +- 0.0206                        2223100100202 
            1.390         0.4527 +- 0.0226                        2223100100203 
            1.630         0.3743 +- 0.0288                        2223100100204 
            1.869         0.3022 +- 0.0288                        2223100100205 
            2.108         0.2774 +- 0.0288                        2223100100206 
            2.382         0.2526 +- 0.0288                        2223100100207 
            2.604         0.2217 +- 0.0288                        2223100100208 
            2.861         0.1515 +- 0.0391                        2223100100209 
            3.101         0.1866 +- 0.0432                        2223100100210 
            3.340         0.1412 +- 0.0556                        2223100100211 
            3.614         0.2009 +- 0.0762                        2223100100212 
            3.854         0.1226 +- 0.0680                        2223100100213 
            4.128         0.1267 +- 0.1010                        2223100100214 
            4.367         0.0730 +- 0.0701                        2223100100215 
            4.589         0.0524 +- 0.0494                        2223100100216 
            4.863         0.0256 +- 0.0268                        2223100100217 
HISTORY    (19930707C) N.O.                                       2223100100218 
           (19961225A)  *  *  Corrected by S. Maev                2223100100219 
           MONITOR added; FACILITY, DETECTOR, SAMPLE, ERR-ANALYS  2223100100220 
           corrected. DATA-ERR -> ERR-T. Subents 002 and 003;     2223100100221 
           006 and 007 were merged.                               2223100100222 
           (20181111A) M.M. Upper -> lower case correction.       2223100100223 
           Dates were corrected for 4-digits year.                2223100100224 
           ERR-ANALYS was corrected according to now-days rules.  2223100100225 
           Code SPSDD was added in Subent 006 .                   2223100100226 
           INC-SOURCE, ANALYSIS information was added             2223100100227 
           Second ref. was added . Subents  009-011 were added.   2223100100228 
           EN-ERR and EN-RSL were added in data Subents.          2223100100229 
           (20200808A) SD: Corrections in Subents 006,009,010.    2223100100230 
ENDBIB             228          0                                 2223100100231 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2223100100232 
ENDSUBENT          231          0                                 2223100199999 
SUBENT        22231002   20181111                             22722223100200001 
BIB                  8         48                                 2223100200002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(N,N+2A)2-HE-4,ISP,SIG)                         2223100200003 
             C12(n,n')C12*(3alpha)                                2223100200004 
ANALYSIS     Data for explosure of emulsions and data analysis:   2223100200005 
            En,MeV  F,1/cm2  N     L,cm  Nb/N,% C1*C2  C3         2223100200006 
            11.9    1.44E+8  1400  45.0  8.1    1.21   1.88       2223100200007 
            12.9    1.48E+8   859  45.0  9.1    1.19   1.58       2223100200008 
            14.0    1.36E+8  1516  35.0  8.5    1.18   1.47       2223100200009 
            14.8    1.51E+8   982  35.0  8.4    1.18   1.31       2223100200010 
            17.0    2.00E+8   925  35.0  6.9    1.17   1.25       2223100200011 
            19.0    2.95E+8   913  30.0  7.9    1.17   1.21       2223100200012 
            F - neutron fluence,                                  2223100200013 
            N - number of vents,                                  2223100200014 
            L - distance between neutron source and sample,       2223100200015 
            Nb - background events,                               2223100200016 
            C1,C2,C3 - correction factors for loss of events      2223100200017 
            - alpha particles leaving emulsion before stopping,   2223100200018 
            - alpha track perpendicular to emulsion surface,      2223100200019 
            - low-energy alpha particle ( cutoff ~ 0.45 MeV)      2223100200020 
CORRECTION .In the emulsion measurements, corrections were made   2223100200021 
            for dead time losses,flux attenuation in air,         2223100200022 
            construction materials and radiator backing and for   2223100200023 
            a small background peak under the proton recoil peak. 2223100200024 
COMMENT    . The data is the partial C-12(N,N3A)                  2223100200025 
             reaction cross section deduced by subtracting        2223100200026 
             C-12(N,A)BE-9(N2A) reaction via the 2.4 MeV          2223100200027 
             level of Be-9 from the total C-12(N,N3A) cross       2223100200028 
             section.                                             2223100200029 
EN-SEC     (E-EXC,6-C-12) Min/max excitation energy of C-12       2223100200030 
                          are given in DATA block                 2223100200031 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total error in the nuclear emulsion            2223100200032 
                   measurements. Its constituents given below     2223100200033 
           (ERR-S,,3.) Max statistical error (3%)                 2223100200034 
           (ERR-1) Background subtraction error (3 %)             2223100200035 
           (ERR-2) Neutron fluence determination error  (3 %)     2223100200036 
           (ERR-3) Carbon content determination error (2 %)       2223100200037 
           (ERR-4,3.,9.6) Corrections error                       2223100200038 
                   Sum of other correction uncertainties          2223100200039 
                   at 12 MeV neutron energy (9.6 %)               2223100200040 
                   Sum of correction factor uncertainties         2223100200041 
                   at 19. MeV neutron energy (3 % )               2223100200042 
STATUS     (TABLE) From Table III of J.Nucl.Sci.Eng.,107,1,1991   2223100200043 
HISTORY    (19930701C) N.O.                                       2223100200044 
           (19931129E)                                            2223100200045 
           (19961225A)  Data section rearranged and similar data  2223100200046 
                      from other Subentries moved in this one     2223100200047 
           (20181111A) E-EXC-MIN=8MeV added at first point        2223100200048 
           instead of blank according to a comment of N.Otsuka    2223100200049 
            (NDS,IAEA)                                            2223100200050 
ENDBIB              48          0                                 2223100200051 
COMMON               3          3                                 2223100200052 
ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3                                       2223100200053 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                    2223100200054 
  3.0        3.0         2.0                                      2223100200055 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2223100200056 
DATA                 8         32                                 2223100200057 
EN         EN-ERR     EN-RSL     E-EXC-MIN  E-EXC-MAX  E-EXC-MEAN 2223100200058 
DATA       ERR-T                                                  2223100200059 
MEV        MEV        MEV        MEV        MEV        MEV        2223100200060 
MB         MB                                                     2223100200061 
 11.9       0.030      0.095       8.        10.25       9.6      2223100200062 
 110.8      17.0                                                  2223100200063 
 11.9       0.030      0.095      10.25      11.25      10.8      2223100200064 
  16.4       8.6                                                  2223100200065 
 11.9       0.030      0.095      11.25      12.25      11.8      2223100200066 
   1.6       0.5                                                  2223100200067 
 12.9       0.030      0.085       8.        10.25       9.6      2223100200068 
   71.7       8.5                                                 2223100200069 
 12.9       0.030      0.085      10.25      11.25      10.8      2223100200070 
  49.8      12.4                                                  2223100200071 
 12.9       0.030      0.085      11.25      12.25      11.8      2223100200072 
   7.4       7.0                                                  2223100200073 
 12.9       0.030      0.085      12.25      13.50      12.8      2223100200074 
   1.2       1.0                                                  2223100200075 
 14.0       0.006      0.100       8.        10.25       9.6      2223100200076 
  76.5       8.0                                                  2223100200077 
 14.0       0.006      0.100      10.25      11.25      10.8      2223100200078 
  47.0       3.6                                                  2223100200079 
 14.0       0.006      0.100      11.25      12.25      11.8      2223100200080 
  37.6      12.2                                                  2223100200081 
 14.0       0.006      0.100      12.25      13.50      12.8      2223100200082 
   8.4       5.9                                                  2223100200083 
 14.8       0.030      0.460       8.        10.25       9.6      2223100200084 
  69.0       8.4                                                  2223100200085 
 14.8       0.030      0.460      10.25      11.25      10.8      2223100200086 
  36.1       4.0                                                  2223100200087 
 14.8       0.030      0.460      11.25      12.25      11.8      2223100200088 
  50.2       4.9                                                  2223100200089 
 14.8       0.030      0.460      12.25      13.50      12.8      2223100200090 
  48.7      12.1                                                  2223100200091 
 14.8       0.030      0.460      13.50      14.50      14.0      2223100200092 
   5.6       0.7                                                  2223100200093 
 17.0       0.050      0.700       8.        10.25       9.6      2223100200094 
  44.5       4.9                                                  2223100200095 
 17.0       0.050      0.700      10.25      11.25      10.8      2223100200096 
  25.0       2.5                                                  2223100200097 
 17.0       0.050      0.700      11.25      12.25      11.8      2223100200098 
  35.7       2.8                                                  2223100200099 
 17.0       0.050      0.700      12.25      13.50      12.8      2223100200100 
  71.1       4.1                                                  2223100200101 
 17.0       0.050      0.700      13.50      14.50      14.0      2223100200102 
  42.9       5.9                                                  2223100200103 
 17.0       0.050      0.700      14.50      15.50      15.0      2223100200104 
  29.4       5.4                                                  2223100200105 
 17.0       0.050      0.700      15.50      16.50      16.0      2223100200106 
   9.4       2.8                                                  2223100200107 
 19.0       0.030      0.380       8.        10.25       9.6      2223100200108 
  45.9       5.3                                                  2223100200109 
 19.0       0.030      0.380      10.25      11.25      10.8      2223100200110 
  21.3       2.8                                                  2223100200111 
 19.0       0.030      0.380      11.25      12.25      11.8      2223100200112 
  33.3       3.2                                                  2223100200113 
 19.0       0.030      0.380      12.25      13.50      12.8      2223100200114 
  39.4       3.4                                                  2223100200115 
 19.0       0.030      0.380      13.50      14.50      14.0      2223100200116 
  39.9       3.5                                                  2223100200117 
 19.0       0.030      0.380      14.50      15.50      15.0      2223100200118 
  44.1       3.4                                                  2223100200119 
 19.0       0.030      0.380      15.50      16.50      16.0      2223100200120 
  41.3       6.1                                                  2223100200121 
 19.0       0.030      0.380      16.50      17.50      17.0      2223100200122 
  18.4       4.8                                                  2223100200123 
 19.0       0.030      0.380      17.50      18.50      18.0      2223100200124 
   7.4       2.6                                                  2223100200125 
ENDDATA             68          0                                 2223100200126 
ENDSUBENT          125          0                                 2223100299999 
NOSUBENT      22231003   20181111                             22722223100300001 
SUBENT        22231004   20181111                             22722223100400001 
BIB                  7         43                                 2223100400002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(N,A)4-BE-9,PAR,SIG)                            2223100400003 
ANALYSIS     Data for explosure of emulsions and data analysis:   2223100400004 
            En,MeV  F,1/cm2  N     L,cm  Nb/N,% C1*C2  C3         2223100400005 
            11.9    1.44E+8  1400  45.0  8.1    1.21   1.88       2223100400006 
            12.9    1.48E+8   859  45.0  9.1    1.19   1.58       2223100400007 
            14.0    1.36E+8  1516  35.0  8.5    1.18   1.47       2223100400008 
            14.8    1.51E+8   982  35.0  8.4    1.18   1.31       2223100400009 
            17.0    2.00E+8   925  35.0  6.9    1.17   1.25       2223100400010 
            19.0    2.95E+8   913  30.0  7.9    1.17   1.21       2223100400011 
            F - neutron fluence,                                  2223100400012 
            N - number of vents,                                  2223100400013 
            L - distance between neutron source and sample,       2223100400014 
            Nb - background events,                               2223100400015 
            C1,C2,C3 - correction factors for loss of events      2223100400016 
            - alpha particles leaving emulsion before stopping,   2223100400017 
            - alpha track perpendicular to emulsion surface,      2223100400018 
            - low-energy alpha particle ( cutoff ~ 0.45 MeV)      2223100400019 
CORRECTION .In the emulsion measurements, corrections were made   2223100400020 
            for dead time losses,flux attenuation in air,         2223100400021 
            construction materials and radiator backing and for   2223100400022 
            a small background peak under the proton recoil peak. 2223100400023 
COMMENT    .The data is the contribution of the partial           2223100400024 
            C-12(N,A)BE-9(N+2A) reaction via the 2.4 MeV level of 2223100400025 
            Be-9 to the total C-12(N,N+3A) cross section. It has  2223100400026 
            been extracted considering kinematical conditions.    2223100400027 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total error in the nuclear emulsion            2223100400028 
                   measurements. Its constituents given below     2223100400029 
           (ERR-S,,3.) Max statistical error (3%)                 2223100400030 
           (ERR-1) Background subtraction error (3 %)             2223100400031 
           (ERR-2) Neutron fluence determination error  (3 %)     2223100400032 
           (ERR-3) Carbon content determination error (2 %)       2223100400033 
           (ERR-4,3.,9.6) Corrections error                       2223100400034 
                   Sum of other correction uncertainties          2223100400035 
                   at 12 MeV neutron energy (9.6 %)               2223100400036 
                   Sum of correction factor uncertainties         2223100400037 
                   at 19. MeV neutron energy (3 % )               2223100400038 
STATUS     (TABLE) From Table III of J.Nucl.Sci.Eng.,107,1,1991   2223100400039 
HISTORY    (19930707C) N.O.                                       2223100400040 
           (19931129E)                                            2223100400041 
           (19961225U)  Excitation energy is introduced           2223100400042 
           (20181111A) Reaction was corrected :                   2223100400043 
            6-C-12(N,N+2A)2-HE-4,PAR,SIG ->                       2223100400044 
            6-C-12(N,A)4-BE-9,PAR,SIG ; E-EXC -> E-LVL            2223100400045 
ENDBIB              43          0                                 2223100400046 
COMMON               4          3                                 2223100400047 
E-LVL      ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3                            2223100400048 
MEV        PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT                         2223100400049 
  2.43       3.0        3.0         2.0                           2223100400050 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2223100400051 
DATA                 5          6                                 2223100400052 
EN         EN-ERR     EN-RSL     DATA       ERR-T                 2223100400053 
MEV        MEV        MEV        MB         MB                    2223100400054 
 11.9       0.030      0.095      48.0       12.0                 2223100400055 
 12.9       0.030      0.085      37.0       17.0                 2223100400056 
 14.0       0.006      0.100      32.0       20.0                 2223100400057 
 14.8       0.016      0.240      18.0       14.0                 2223100400058 
 17.0       0.050      0.700      14.0        8.0                 2223100400059 
 19.0       0.030      0.380       9.0        9.0                 2223100400060 
ENDDATA              8          0                                 2223100400061 
ENDSUBENT           60          0                                 2223100499999 
SUBENT        22231005   20181111                             22722223100500001 
BIB                  7         46                                 2223100500002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(N,N+2A)2-HE-4,,SIG,,MSC)                       2223100500003 
             12C(n,n+3a) cross section excluding 12C(n,n2)12C     2223100500004 
                    contribution                                  2223100500005 
ANALYSIS     Data for explosure of emulsions and data analysis:   2223100500006 
            En,MeV  F,1/cm2  N     L,cm  Nb/N,% C1*C2  C3         2223100500007 
            11.9    1.44E+8  1400  45.0  8.1    1.21   1.88       2223100500008 
            12.9    1.48E+8   859  45.0  9.1    1.19   1.58       2223100500009 
            14.0    1.36E+8  1516  35.0  8.5    1.18   1.47       2223100500010 
            14.8    1.51E+8   982  35.0  8.4    1.18   1.31       2223100500011 
            17.0    2.00E+8   925  35.0  6.9    1.17   1.25       2223100500012 
            19.0    2.95E+8   913  30.0  7.9    1.17   1.21       2223100500013 
            F - neutron fluence,                                  2223100500014 
            N - number of vents,                                  2223100500015 
            L - distance between neutron source and sample,       2223100500016 
            Nb - background events,                               2223100500017 
            C1,C2,C3 - correction factors for loss of events      2223100500018 
            - alpha particles leaving emulsion before stopping,   2223100500019 
            - alpha track perpendicular to emulsion surface,      2223100500020 
            - low-energy alpha particle ( cutoff ~ 0.45 MeV)      2223100500021 
CORRECTION .In the emulsion measurements, corrections were made   2223100500022 
            for dead time losses,flux attenuation in air,         2223100500023 
            construction materials and radiator backing and for   2223100500024 
            a small background peak under the proton recoil peak. 2223100500025 
COMMENT    .Data is the total C-12(N,N3A) reaction cross sections 2223100500026 
            including C-12(N,A)BE-9(N+2A) reaction via the 2.4 MeV2223100500027 
            level of Be-9 and all inelastic channels except the   2223100500028 
            inel. scat. via the 7.6 MeV level of carbon.          2223100500029 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total error in the nuclear emulsion            2223100500030 
                   measurements. Its constituents given below     2223100500031 
           (ERR-S,,3.) Max statistical error (3%)                 2223100500032 
           (ERR-1) Background subtraction error (3 %)             2223100500033 
           (ERR-2) Neutron fluence determination error  (3 %)     2223100500034 
           (ERR-3) Carbon content determination error (2 %)       2223100500035 
           (ERR-4,3.,9.6) Corrections error                       2223100500036 
                   Sum of other correction uncertainties          2223100500037 
                   at 12 MeV neutron energy (9.6 %)               2223100500038 
                   Sum of correction factor uncertainties         2223100500039 
                   at 19. MeV neutron energy (3 % )               2223100500040 
STATUS     (TABLE) From Table III of J.Nucl.Sci.Eng.,107,1,1991   2223100500041 
           (DEP,22231002)                                         2223100500042 
           (DEP,22231004)                                         2223100500043 
HISTORY    (19930707C) N.O.                                       2223100500044 
           (19931129E)                                            2223100500045 
           (19961225U)  Cross-reference is given                  2223100500046 
           (20181111A) MSC code was added according to a comment  2223100500047 
            of N.Otsuka (NDS,IAEA)                                2223100500048 
ENDBIB              46          0                                 2223100500049 
COMMON               3          3                                 2223100500050 
ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3                                       2223100500051 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                    2223100500052 
  3.0        3.0         2.0                                      2223100500053 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2223100500054 
DATA                 5          6                                 2223100500055 
EN         EN-ERR     EN-RSL     DATA       ERR-T                 2223100500056 
MEV        MEV        MEV        MB         MB                    2223100500057 
 11.9       0.030      0.095      176.8      18.2                 2223100500058 
 12.9       0.030      0.085      167.1      14.0                 2223100500059 
 14.0       0.006      0.100      210.5      14.6                 2223100500060 
 14.8       0.016      0.240      227.6      14.8                 2223100500061 
 17.0       0.050      0.700      272.0      16.9                 2223100500062 
 19.0       0.030      0.380      300.0      17.9                 2223100500063 
ENDDATA              8          0                                 2223100500064 
ENDSUBENT           63          0                                 2223100599999 
SUBENT        22231006   20200808                             22902223100600001 
BIB                  8         58                                 2223100600002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(N,N+A)4-BE-8,ISP/PAR,SIG,,MSC)                 2223100600003 
           cross section for all (n,n3a) reactions via 8Be(g.s.)  2223100600004 
           and characterized by the three-alpha energy            2223100600005 
ANALYSIS     Data for exposure of emulsions and data analysis:    2223100600006 
            En,MeV  F,1/cm2  N     L,cm  Nb/N,% C1*C2  C3         2223100600007 
            11.9    1.44E+8  1400  45.0  8.1    1.21   1.88       2223100600008 
            12.9    1.48E+8   859  45.0  9.1    1.19   1.58       2223100600009 
            14.0    1.36E+8  1516  35.0  8.5    1.18   1.47       2223100600010 
            14.8    1.51E+8   982  35.0  8.4    1.18   1.31       2223100600011 
            17.0    2.00E+8   925  35.0  6.9    1.17   1.25       2223100600012 
            19.0    2.95E+8   913  30.0  7.9    1.17   1.21       2223100600013 
            F - neutron fluence,                                  2223100600014 
            N - number of vents,                                  2223100600015 
            L - distance between neutron source and sample,       2223100600016 
            Nb - background events,                               2223100600017 
            C1,C2,C3 - correction factors for loss of events      2223100600018 
            - alpha particles leaving emulsion before stopping,   2223100600019 
            - alpha track perpendicular to emulsion surface,      2223100600020 
            - low-energy alpha particle ( cutoff ~ 0.45 MeV)      2223100600021 
CORRECTION .In the emulsion measurements, corrections were made   2223100600022 
            for dead time losses,flux attenuation in air,         2223100600023 
            construction materials and radiator backing and for   2223100600024 
            a small background peak under the proton recoil peak. 2223100600025 
COMMENT    .The partial cross sections for the transition via     2223100600026 
            the 8-Be ground state in the C-12(N,N3A) breakup      2223100600027 
            reaction was extracted from experimental data and     2223100600028 
            given in table IV as below. 12-C(N,A)9-BE contribution2223100600029 
            is included                                           2223100600030 
EN-SEC     (E-EXC,6-C-12) (Min., max, mean) excitation energy of  2223100600031 
            intermediate nucleus. 12-C excitation energy bins     2223100600032 
           overlap with reaction 12-C(N,A)9-BE                    2223100600033 
           (E-LVL,4-BE-8)                                         2223100600034 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total error in the nuclear emulsion            2223100600035 
                   measurements. Its constituents given below     2223100600036 
           (ERR-S,,3.) Max statistical error (3%)                 2223100600037 
           (ERR-1) Background subtraction error (3 %)             2223100600038 
           (ERR-2) Neutron fluence determination error  (3 %)     2223100600039 
           (ERR-3) Carbon content determination error (2 %)       2223100600040 
           (ERR-4,3.,9.6) Corrections error                       2223100600041 
                   Sum of other correction uncertainties          2223100600042 
                   at 12 MeV neutron energy (9.6 %)               2223100600043 
                   Sum of correction factor uncertainties         2223100600044 
                   at 19. MeV neutron energy (3 % )               2223100600045 
STATUS     (TABLE) From Table IV of J.Nucl.Sci.Eng.,107,1,1991    2223100600046 
           (SPSDD,22231009) This Subent is superseded by data of  2223100600047 
           newer  publication in Subent 22231009                  2223100600048 
HISTORY    (19930707C) N.O.                                       2223100600049 
           (19931129E)                                            2223100600050 
           (19961225A)  .Excitation energy is introduced and      2223100600051 
                       sigma contributions specified              2223100600052 
                      .Data moved from SUBENT 007 in this one     2223100600053 
           (20181111A) M.M. Code SPSDD was added.                 2223100600054 
            Reaction was corrected :                              2223100600055 
            (N,N+2A)2-HE-4,PAR,SIG -> (N,N+A)4-BE-8,ISP/PAR,SIG ; 2223100600056 
             E-EXC-MIN=8.MeV was added at first poin instead of   2223100600057 
             blank.                                               2223100600058 
           (20200808A) SD: SF8=MSC added to REACTION code with    2223100600059 
           explanation.                                           2223100600060 
ENDBIB              58          0                                 2223100600061 
COMMON               4          3                                 2223100600062 
E-LVL      ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3                            2223100600063 
MEV        PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT                         2223100600064 
 0.          3.0        3.0         2.0                           2223100600065 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2223100600066 
DATA                 8         32                                 2223100600067 
EN         EN-ERR     EN-RSL     E-EXC-MIN  E-EXC-MAX  E-EXC-MEAN 2223100600068 
DATA       ERR-T                                                  2223100600069 
MEV        MEV        MEV        MEV        MEV        MEV        2223100600070 
MB         MB                                                     2223100600071 
 11.9        0.030      0.095      8.        10.25       9.6      2223100600072 
113.0      12.8                                                   2223100600073 
 11.9        0.030      0.095     10.25      11.25      10.8      2223100600074 
 21.0       3.0                                                   2223100600075 
 11.9        0.030      0.095     11.25      12.25      11.8      2223100600076 
  1.5       0.7                                                   2223100600077 
 12.9        0.030      0.085      8.        10.25       9.6      2223100600078 
 67.3       8.3                                                   2223100600079 
 12.9        0.030      0.085     10.25      11.25      10.8      2223100600080 
 51.6       4.7                                                   2223100600081 
 12.9        0.030      0.085     11.25      12.25      11.8      2223100600082 
 10.3       1.7                                                   2223100600083 
 12.9        0.030      0.085     12.25      13.50      12.8      2223100600084 
  0.7       0.5                                                   2223100600085 
 14.0        0.006      0.100      8.        10.25       9.6      2223100600086 
 67.3       7.2                                                   2223100600087 
 14.0        0.006      0.100     10.25      11.25      10.8      2223100600088 
 30.8       2.6                                                   2223100600089 
 14.0        0.006      0.100     11.25      12.25      11.8      2223100600090 
 20.6       1.8                                                   2223100600091 
 14.0        0.006      0.100     12.25      13.50      12.8      2223100600092 
  6.3       0.9                                                   2223100600093 
 14.8        0.030      0.460      8.        10.25       9.6      2223100600094 
 64.3       8.1                                                   2223100600095 
 14.8        0.030      0.460     10.25      11.25      10.8      2223100600096 
 22.5       2.9                                                   2223100600097 
 14.8        0.030      0.460     11.25      12.25      11.8      2223100600098 
 20.6       2.6                                                   2223100600099 
 14.8        0.030      0.460     12.25      13.50      12.8      2223100600100 
 16.7       2.0                                                   2223100600101 
 14.8        0.030      0.460     13.50      14.50      14.0      2223100600102 
  1.1       0.3                                                   2223100600103 
 17.0        0.050      0.700      8.        10.25       9.6      2223100600104 
 36.6       4.2                                                   2223100600105 
 17.0        0.050      0.700     10.25      11.25      10.8      2223100600106 
 14.7       1.8                                                   2223100600107 
 17.0        0.050      0.700     11.25      12.25      11.8      2223100600108 
 11.9       1.5                                                   2223100600109 
 17.0        0.050      0.700     12.25      13.50      12.8      2223100600110 
 17.6       1.9                                                   2223100600111 
 17.0        0.050      0.700     13.50      14.50      14.0      2223100600112 
 10.7       1.4                                                   2223100600113 
 17.0        0.050      0.700     14.50      15.50      15.0      2223100600114 
  6.8       1.1                                                   2223100600115 
 17.0        0.050      0.700     15.50      16.50      16.0      2223100600116 
  1.4       0.8                                                   2223100600117 
 19.0        0.030      0.380      8.        10.25       9.6      2223100600118 
 42.3       5.0                                                   2223100600119 
 19.0        0.030      0.380     10.25      11.25      10.8      2223100600120 
 10.7       1.9                                                   2223100600121 
 19.0        0.030      0.380     11.25      12.25      11.8      2223100600122 
  6.0       1.3                                                   2223100600123 
 19.0        0.030      0.380     12.25      13.50      12.8      2223100600124 
  6.0       1.1                                                   2223100600125 
 19.0        0.030      0.380     13.50      14.50      14.0      2223100600126 
  7.3       1.4                                                   2223100600127 
 19.0        0.030      0.380     14.50      15.50      15.0      2223100600128 
  3.6       0.9                                                   2223100600129 
 19.0        0.030      0.380     15.50      16.50      16.0      2223100600130 
  5.1       1.1                                                   2223100600131 
 19.0        0.030      0.380     16.50      17.50      17.0      2223100600132 
  2.5       0.8                                                   2223100600133 
 19.0        0.030      0.380     17.50      18.50      18.0      2223100600134 
  0.5       0.4                                                   2223100600135 
ENDDATA             68          0                                 2223100600136 
ENDSUBENT          135          0                                 2223100699999 
NOSUBENT      22231007   20181111                             22722223100700001 
SUBENT        22231008   20181111                             22722223100800001 
BIB                  9         64                                 2223100800002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(N,N+2A)2-HE-4,,SIG,,MSC)                       2223100800003 
            Three-alpha break up cross section (excluding         2223100800004 
            12C(n,n'2)12C(7.65MeV)(3alpha) contribution) plus     2223100800005 
            12C(n,alpha0)9Be cross section.                       2223100800006 
PART-DET   (A)                                                    2223100800007 
ANALYSIS     Data for explosure of emulsions and data analysis:   2223100800008 
            En,MeV  F,1/cm2  N     L,cm  Nb/N,% C1*C2  C3         2223100800009 
            11.9    1.44E+8  1400  45.0  8.1    1.21   1.88       2223100800010 
            12.9    1.48E+8   859  45.0  9.1    1.19   1.58       2223100800011 
            14.0    1.36E+8  1516  35.0  8.5    1.18   1.47       2223100800012 
            14.8    1.51E+8   982  35.0  8.4    1.18   1.31       2223100800013 
            17.0    2.00E+8   925  35.0  6.9    1.17   1.25       2223100800014 
            19.0    2.95E+8   913  30.0  7.9    1.17   1.21       2223100800015 
            F - neutron fluence,                                  2223100800016 
            N - number of vents,                                  2223100800017 
            L - distance between neutron source and sample,       2223100800018 
            Nb - background events,                               2223100800019 
            C1,C2,C3 - correction factors for loss of events      2223100800020 
            - alpha particles leaving emulsion before stopping,   2223100800021 
            - alpha track perpendicular to emulsion surface,      2223100800022 
            - low-energy alpha particle ( cutoff ~ 0.45 MeV)      2223100800023 
CORRECTION .In the emulsion measurements, corrections were made   2223100800024 
            for dead time losses,flux attenuation in air,         2223100800025 
            construction materials and radiator backing and for   2223100800026 
            a small background peak under the proton recoil peak. 2223100800027 
COMMENT    .Data is the sum of the neutron cross sections         2223100800028 
            C-12(N,N3A) including all channels except that for the2223100800029 
            sequential decay via the 7.65 MeV level of carbon for 2223100800030 
            which the 3alpha particle events can not be separated 2223100800031 
            from the carbon recoils. These n-induced reaction     2223100800032 
            cross-sections were deduced from the integral         2223100800033 
            of the difference spectra.                            2223100800034 
REL-REF    (A,22075184,A.Takahashi+,J,NST,25,215,1988)            2223100800035 
            Ref. NST,25,215,1988 is REL-REF in 22075  .           2223100800036 
           (A,,N.Olsson+,J,PMB,34,909,1989)                       2223100800037 
           (D,12899003,R.C.Haight+,J,NSE,87,41,1984)              2223100800038 
           (A,22077001,M.Baba+,C,88MITO,,209,1988)                2223100800039 
           (A,,L.F.Hansen,R,UCRL-95890,1986) Recommended data.    2223100800040 
           (A,,R.Boettger+,C,85SANTA,2,1455,1985)                 2223100800041 
           (A,,W.Tornow,W,TORNOW,1988)                            2223100800042 
           (D,12890001,D.W.Glasgow+,J,NSE,61,521,1976)            2223100800043 
            + priv.com.,1982                                      2223100800044 
             ( no (n,n+3a) data in NSE, probably from private     2223100800045 
           communication)                                         2223100800046 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total error in the nuclear emulsion            2223100800047 
                   measurements. Its constituents given below     2223100800048 
           (ERR-S,,3.) Max statistical error (3%)                 2223100800049 
           (ERR-1) Background subtraction error (3 %)             2223100800050 
           (ERR-2) Neutron fluence determination error  (3 %)     2223100800051 
           (ERR-3) Carbon content determination error (2 %)       2223100800052 
           (ERR-4,3.,9.6) Corrections error                       2223100800053 
                   Sum of other correction uncertainties          2223100800054 
                   at 12 MeV neutron energy (9.6 %)               2223100800055 
                   Sum of correction factor uncertainties         2223100800056 
                   at 19. MeV neutron energy (3 % )               2223100800057 
STATUS     (TABLE) From Table V of J.Nucl.Sci.Eng.,107,1,1991     2223100800058 
           (DEP,22231005)                                         2223100800059 
           (DEP,22231006)                                         2223100800060 
HISTORY    (19930701C) N.O.                                       2223100800061 
           (19931129E)                                            2223100800062 
           (19961225U) Cross-reference to independent data is     2223100800063 
                       given                                      2223100800064 
           (20181111A) M.M. REL-REFs were added.                  2223100800065 
            Reactions was corrected : MSC code was added in SF8   2223100800066 
ENDBIB              64          0                                 2223100800067 
COMMON               3          3                                 2223100800068 
ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3                                       2223100800069 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                    2223100800070 
  3.0        3.0         2.0                                      2223100800071 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2223100800072 
DATA                 5         21                                 2223100800073 
EN         EN-ERR     EN-RSL     DATA       ERR-T                 2223100800074 
MEV        MEV        MEV        MB         MB                    2223100800075 
 11.51      0.030      0.100      223.9      8.5                  2223100800076 
 11.92      0.030      0.095      283.2      9.1                  2223100800077 
 12.56      0.030      0.090      238.8      9.8                  2223100800078 
 12.90      0.030      0.085      289.6     10.4                  2223100800079 
 13.0       0.007      0.100      287.6      9.5                  2223100800080 
 13.5       0.006      0.050      283.3      8.4                  2223100800081 
 13.53      0.030      0.080      281.9      9.3                  2223100800082 
 14.0       0.006      0.100      272.6      8.9                  2223100800083 
 14.2       0.009      0.120      272.0      9.3                  2223100800084 
 14.4       0.011      0.160      303.9      9.9                  2223100800085 
 14.6       0.014      0.200      320.8     11.3                  2223100800086 
 14.8       0.016      0.240      311.3     11.1                  2223100800087 
 15.0       0.023      0.300      311.3     10.1                  2223100800088 
 15.5       0.027      0.400      327.1     12.1                  2223100800089 
 16.0       0.034      0.500      355.4     12.9                  2223100800090 
 16.5       0.042      0.600      405.1     15.7                  2223100800091 
 17.0       0.050      0.700      392.9     16.7                  2223100800092 
 17.5       0.022      0.275      435.5     19.8                  2223100800093 
 18.0       0.024      0.310      394.1     23.0                  2223100800094 
 18.5       0.027      0.350      411.6     20.2                  2223100800095 
 19.0       0.030      0.380      379.6     19.9                  2223100800096 
ENDDATA             23          0                                 2223100800097 
ENDSUBENT           96          0                                 2223100899999 
SUBENT        22231009   20200808                             22902223100900001 
BIB                  7         18                                 2223100900002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(N,N+A)4-BE-8,ISP/PAR,SIG,,MSC)                 2223100900003 
           cross section for all (n,n3a) reactions via 8Be(g.s.)  2223100900004 
           and characterized by the three-alpha energy            2223100900005 
EN-SEC     (E-EXC,6-C-12) Min., max. and mean energies in DATA    2223100900006 
           block are given.                                       2223100900007 
           (E-LVL,4-BE-8)                                         2223100900008 
ANALYSIS    Data of 22231.006 were re-analyzed                    2223100900009 
CORRECTION   Low energy cut-off, Tables 1, 2 of J.Radiation       2223100900010 
           Protection Dosimetry,44,31,1992 data were used as input2223100900011 
            in Monte Carlo calculation by E-cut-off = 0.45 MeV .  2223100900012 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T)    Total error                                 2223100900013 
           (ERR-1,,10.) Correction uncertainty less 10.%          2223100900014 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 1 of J.Radiation Protection Dosimetry,44,2223100900015 
           31,1992                                                2223100900016 
            This Subent supersedes Subent 22231.006               2223100900017 
HISTORY    (20181111C) M.M. Subent was added.                     2223100900018 
           (20200808A) SD: SF8=MSC added to REACTION code with    2223100900019 
           explanation.                                           2223100900020 
ENDBIB              18          0                                 2223100900021 
COMMON               1          3                                 2223100900022 
E-LVL                                                             2223100900023 
MEV                                                               2223100900024 
 0.                                                               2223100900025 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2223100900026 
DATA                 8         33                                 2223100900027 
EN         EN-ERR     EN-RSL     E-EXC-MIN  E-EXC-MAX  E-EXC-MEAN 2223100900028 
DATA       ERR-T                                                  2223100900029 
MEV        MEV        MEV        MEV        MEV        MEV        2223100900030 
MB         MB                                                     2223100900031 
 11.9       0.030      0.095       8.        10.25       9.6      2223100900032 
 134.8      4.6                                                   2223100900033 
 11.9       0.030      0.095      10.25      11.25      10.75     2223100900034 
  21.0      3.0                                                   2223100900035 
 11.9       0.030      0.095      11.25      12.25      11.75     2223100900036 
   1.5      0.7                                                   2223100900037 
 12.9       0.030      0.085       8.        10.25       9.6      2223100900038 
   71.7     8.5                                                   2223100900039 
 12.9       0.030      0.085      10.25      11.25      10.75     2223100900040 
   51.6     4.7                                                   2223100900041 
 12.9       0.030      0.085      11.25      12.25      11.75     2223100900042 
   10.3     1.7                                                   2223100900043 
 12.9       0.030      0.085      12.25      13.25      12.75     2223100900044 
    0.7     0.5                                                   2223100900045 
 14.0       0.006      0.100       8.        10.25       9.6      2223100900046 
   76.5     8.1                                                   2223100900047 
 14.0       0.006      0.100      10.25      11.25      10.75     2223100900048 
   30.8     2.6                                                   2223100900049 
 14.0       0.006      0.100      11.25      12.25      11.75     2223100900050 
   23.1     1.8                                                   2223100900051 
 14.0       0.006      0.100      12.25      13.25      12.75     2223100900052 
    4.5     0.6                                                   2223100900053 
 14.0       0.006      0.100      13.25      14.25      13.75     2223100900054 
    0.5     0.2                                                   2223100900055 
 14.8       0.016      0.240       8.        10.25       9.6      2223100900056 
   69.0     8.4                                                   2223100900057 
 14.8       0.016      0.240      10.25      11.25      10.75     2223100900058 
   22.5     2.9                                                   2223100900059 
 14.8       0.016      0.240      11.25      12.25      11.75     2223100900060 
   20.6     2.6                                                   2223100900061 
 14.8       0.016      0.240      12.25      13.25      12.75     2223100900062 
   15.1     1.9                                                   2223100900063 
 14.8       0.016      0.240      13.25      14.25      13.75     2223100900064 
    2.7     0.7                                                   2223100900065 
 17.0       0.050      0.700       8.        10.25       9.6      2223100900066 
   44.5     4.9                                                   2223100900067 
 17.0       0.050      0.700      10.25      11.25      10.75     2223100900068 
   14.7     1.8                                                   2223100900069 
 17.0       0.050      0.700      11.25      12.25      11.75     2223100900070 
   11.9     1.5                                                   2223100900071 
 17.0       0.050      0.700      12.25      13.25      12.75     2223100900072 
   14.6     1.8                                                   2223100900073 
 17.0       0.050      0.700      13.25      14.25      13.75     2223100900074 
   11.2     1.5                                                   2223100900075 
 17.0       0.050      0.700      14.25      15.25      14.75     2223100900076 
    8.9     1.4                                                   2223100900077 
 17.0       0.050      0.700      15.25      16.25      15.75     2223100900078 
    1.9     0.9                                                   2223100900079 
 19.0       0.030      0.380       8.        10.25       9.6      2223100900080 
   45.9     5.3                                                   2223100900081 
 19.0       0.030      0.380      10.25      11.25      10.75     2223100900082 
   10.7     1.9                                                   2223100900083 
 19.0       0.030      0.380      11.25      12.25      11.75     2223100900084 
    6.0     1.3                                                   2223100900085 
 19.0       0.030      0.380      12.25      13.25      12.75     2223100900086 
    4.7     1.0                                                   2223100900087 
 19.0       0.030      0.380      13.25      14.25      13.75     2223100900088 
    5.7     1.1                                                   2223100900089 
 19.0       0.030      0.380      14.25      15.25      14.75     2223100900090 
    5.5     1.1                                                   2223100900091 
 19.0       0.030      0.380      15.25      16.25      15.75     2223100900092 
    4.7     1.0                                                   2223100900093 
 19.0       0.030      0.380      16.25      17.25      16.75     2223100900094 
    3.9     1.0                                                   2223100900095 
 19.0       0.030      0.380      17.25      18.25      17.75     2223100900096 
    0.5     0.4                                                   2223100900097 
ENDDATA             70          0                                 2223100900098 
ENDSUBENT           97          0                                 2223100999999 
SUBENT        22231010   20200808                             22902223101000001 
BIB                  7         17                                 2223101000002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(N,N+A)4-BE-8,ISP/PAR,SIG,,MSC)                 2223101000003 
           cross section for all (n,n3a) reactions via 8Be(g.s.)  2223101000004 
           and characterized by the three-alpha energy            2223101000005 
EN-SEC     (E-EXC,6-C-12) Min., max. and mean energies in DATA    2223101000006 
           block are given.                                       2223101000007 
           (LVL-NUMB,4-BE-8)                                      2223101000008 
ANALYSIS    Data of 22231.006 were re-analyzed                    2223101000009 
CORRECTION   Low energy cut-off, Tables 1, 2 of J.Radiation       2223101000010 
           Protection Dosimetry,44,31,1992 data were used as input2223101000011 
            in Monte Carlo calculation by E-cut-off = 0.45 MeV .  2223101000012 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T)    Total error                                 2223101000013 
           (ERR-1,,10.) Correction uncertainty less 10.%          2223101000014 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 1 of J.Radiation Protection Dosimetry,44,2223101000015 
           31,1992                                                2223101000016 
HISTORY    (20181111C) M.M. Subent was added.                     2223101000017 
           (20200808A) SD: SF8=MSC added to REACTION code with    2223101000018 
           explanation.                                           2223101000019 
ENDBIB              17          0                                 2223101000020 
COMMON               1          3                                 2223101000021 
LVL-NUMB                                                          2223101000022 
NO-DIM                                                            2223101000023 
 1.                                                               2223101000024 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2223101000025 
DATA                 8         27                                 2223101000026 
EN         EN-ERR     EN-RSL     E-EXC-MIN  E-EXC-MAX  E-EXC-MEAN 2223101000027 
DATA       ERR-T                                                  2223101000028 
MEV        MEV        MEV        MEV        MEV        MEV        2223101000029 
MB         MB                                                     2223101000030 
 11.9       0.030      0.095      10.25      11.25      10.75     2223101000031 
 19.3       2.1                                                   2223101000032 
 11.9       0.030      0.095      11.25      12.25      11.75     2223101000033 
  0.1       0.1                                                   2223101000034 
 12.9       0.030      0.085      10.25      11.25      10.75     2223101000035 
 23.7       2.4                                                   2223101000036 
 12.9       0.030      0.085      11.25      12.25      11.75     2223101000037 
 10.6       1.7                                                   2223101000038 
 12.9       0.030      0.085      12.25      13.25      12.75     2223101000039 
  0.5       0.3                                                   2223101000040 
 14.0       0.006      0.100      10.25      11.25      10.75     2223101000041 
 16.1       1.8                                                   2223101000042 
 14.0       0.006      0.100      11.25      12.25      11.75     2223101000043 
 35.2       2.6                                                   2223101000044 
 14.0       0.006      0.100      12.25      13.25      12.75     2223101000045 
 14.3       1.9                                                   2223101000046 
 14.0       0.006      0.100      13.25      14.25      13.75     2223101000047 
  0.7       0.3                                                   2223101000048 
 14.8       0.016      0.240      10.25      11.25      10.75     2223101000049 
 13.6       1.7                                                   2223101000050 
 14.8       0.016      0.240      11.25      12.25      11.75     2223101000051 
 32.6       2.5                                                   2223101000052 
 14.8       0.016      0.240      12.25      13.25      12.75     2223101000053 
 41.1       4.0                                                   2223101000054 
 14.8       0.016      0.240      13.25      14.25      13.75     2223101000055 
 10.1       1.7                                                   2223101000056 
 17.0       0.050      0.700      10.25      11.25      10.75     2223101000057 
 10.3       1.6                                                   2223101000058 
 17.0       0.050      0.700      11.25      12.25      11.75     2223101000059 
 23.8       1.8                                                   2223101000060 
 17.0       0.050      0.700      12.25      13.25      12.75     2223101000061 
 44.2       3.8                                                   2223101000062 
 17.0       0.050      0.700      13.25      14.25      13.75     2223101000063 
 39.7       3.5                                                   2223101000064 
 17.0       0.050      0.700      14.25      15.25      14.75     2223101000065 
 31.8       3.3                                                   2223101000066 
 17.0       0.050      0.700      15.25      16.25      15.75     2223101000067 
 14.2       2.0                                                   2223101000068 
 19.0       0.030      0.380      10.25      11.25      10.75     2223101000069 
 10.7       1.7                                                   2223101000070 
 19.0       0.030      0.380      11.25      12.25      11.75     2223101000071 
 27.2       2.4                                                   2223101000072 
 19.0       0.030      0.380      12.25      13.25      12.75     2223101000073 
 26.1       2.4                                                   2223101000074 
 19.0       0.030      0.380      13.25      14.25      13.75     2223101000075 
 31.6       2.8                                                   2223101000076 
 19.0       0.030      0.380      14.25      15.25      14.75     2223101000077 
 39.6       3.6                                                   2223101000078 
 19.0       0.030      0.380      15.25      16.25      15.75     2223101000079 
 43.4       3.8                                                   2223101000080 
 19.0       0.030      0.380      16.25      17.25      16.75     2223101000081 
 28.2       2.6                                                   2223101000082 
 19.0       0.030      0.380      17.25      18.25      17.75     2223101000083 
 10.2       1.9                                                   2223101000084 
ENDDATA             58          0                                 2223101000085 
ENDSUBENT           84          0                                 2223101099999 
SUBENT        22231011   20181030                             22722223101100001 
BIB                  9         24                                 2223101100002 
REACTION  1(6-C-12(N,N+2A)2-HE-4,,KER,,,DERIV)  Kerma factor KF   2223101100003 
            n + 12C -> n + 3 alpha break up reaction.             2223101100004 
          2(6-C-12(N,N+2A)2-HE-4,,KE)                             2223101100005 
MONITOR   1(6-C-12(N,N+2A)2-HE-4,,SIG)                            2223101100006 
MONIT-REF 1(22231001,B.Antolkovic+,J,NSE,107,1,1991)              2223101100007 
ANALYSIS  1 Kerma factor KF = Nc*EPSa*SIG, where                  2223101100008 
            Nc - number of C-12 nuclides per unit mass,           2223101100009 
            EPSa - mean energy transferred to the kinetic energy  2223101100010 
            of alpha particles,                                   2223101100011 
            SIG -  C12(n,n3alpha) reaction cross section.         2223101100012 
CORRECTION   Low energy cut-off, Tables 1, 2 of J.Radiation       2223101100013 
           Protection Dosimetry,44,31,1992 data were used as input2223101100014 
            in Monte Carlo calculation by E-cut-off = 0.45 MeV .  2223101100015 
REL-REF    (A,,B.Antolkovic+,J,RR,97,253,1984)                    2223101100016 
            Mean energy agree, kerma factors higher               2223101100017 
           (D,,R.C.Haight+,J,NSE,87,41,1984)                      2223101100018 
            KF=0.56+-0.08 at 1.55 MeV                             2223101100019 
           (D,,G.Buehler+,J,RPD,13,13,1985)                       2223101100020 
            KF = 0.96+-0.18 at 15. MeV, 0.80+-0.18 at 17.MeV      2223101100021 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T)    Includes statistical and correction errors. 2223101100022 
           (ERR-1,10.) Correction uncertainty less 10.%           2223101100023 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 3 of J.Radiation Protection Dosimetry,44,2223101100024 
           31,1992                                                2223101100025 
HISTORY    (20181111C) M.M. Subent was added.                     2223101100026 
ENDBIB              24          0                                 2223101100027 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2223101100028 
DATA                 6          6                                 2223101100029 
EN         EN-ERR     EN-RSL     DATA      1ERR-T     1DATA      22223101100030 
MEV        MEV        MEV        FGY*M2     FGY*M2     MEV        2223101100031 
 11.9       0.030      0.095      0.49       0.07       1.17      2223101100032 
 12.9       0.030      0.085      0.55       0.07       1.37      2223101100033 
 14.0       0.006      0.100      0.75       0.07       1.55      2223101100034 
 14.8       0.016      0.240      0.95       0.08       1.74      2223101100035 
 17.0       0.050      0.700      1.46       0.13       2.24      2223101100036 
 19.0       0.030      0.380      1.98       0.16       2.63      2223101100037 
ENDDATA              8          0                                 2223101100038 
ENDSUBENT           37          0                                 2223101199999 
ENDENTRY            11          0                                 2223199999999