ENTRY 22234 20230212 23142223400000001 SUBENT 22234001 20230212 23142223400100001 BIB 13 39 2223400100002 TITLE Measurement of macroscopic and microscopic thermal 2223400100003 neutron cross sections of V,Co,In,Dy and Au using 2223400100004 neutron self absorption properties 2223400100005 AUTHOR (I.Celenk,H.Demirel,A.Ozmen) 2223400100006 REFERENCE (J,JRN,148,393,1991) Main ref. 2223400100007 INSTITUTE (2TUKANR) 2223400100008 INC-SOURCE (PU-BE) A 5 Ci Pu238-Be neutron source immersed in a 2223400100009 water tank was used. The thermal flux is about 1.e4 2223400100010 n/cm2/S at the irradiation position. 2223400100011 INC-SPECT Thermal neutron spectrum 2223400100012 METHOD (ACTIV) The neutron activation technique combined 2223400100013 with a neutron self-absorption method was used. 2223400100014 For each element, foils of different thicknesses were 2223400100015 activated with thermal neutrons and the induced gamma-2223400100016 activity measured. 2223400100017 DETECTOR (HPGE) The gamma activity was counted using a high 2223400100018 purity Ge detector which has an efficiency of 12.45% 2223400100019 relative to a 3by3 inch NaI detector, a FWHM of 2 keV 2223400100020 at 1332 keV and a peak to compton ration of 42. 2223400100021 ANALYSIS The gamma-photopeak areas as a function of foil 2223400100022 thickness were model fitted to yield the total thermal2223400100023 neutron macroscopic cross section, from which the 2223400100024 microscopic cross-section was calculated dividing 2223400100025 the macroscopic cross section by the number of nuclei 2223400100026 per cm3. 2223400100027 CORRECTION Correction for gamma-self absorption was made on the 2223400100028 basis of experimental photopeak areas by using the 2223400100029 linear attenuation coefficients determined using 2223400100030 foils of different thicknesses for each element. 2223400100031 For the V foils,no gamma-self-absorption was observed.2223400100032 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl.5 from J.Radioanal.Nucl.Chem.,148(1991)393 2223400100033 ERR-ANALYS No uncertainties on data are given 2223400100034 HISTORY (19930712C) N.O. 2223400100035 (19931129E) 2223400100036 (19961224A) * * Corrected by S.Maev 2223400100037 incident neutron energy was introduced 2223400100038 INC-SPECT keyword introduced, INC-SOURCE corrected *2223400100039 (20230212A) SD:Updated to new date formats,lower case. 2223400100040 Correction in all Subents. 2223400100041 ENDBIB 39 0 2223400100042 COMMON 1 3 2223400100043 EN-DUMMY 2223400100044 EV 2223400100045 2.53E-02 2223400100046 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2223400100047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 2223400199999 SUBENT 22234002 20230212 23142223400200001 BIB 4 15 2223400200002 REACTION (23-V-51(N,G)23-V-52,,SIG) 2223400200003 DECAY-DATA (23-V-52,3.75MIN,DG,1434.4,1.000) 2223400200004 SAMPLE The V foils were irradiated for 8 min, transferred to 2223400200005 counting in 1 min, counted for 8 min and returned to 2223400200006 the irradiation position in 1 min. The process was 2223400200007 repeated 5 times- i.e. with the cyclic activation 2223400200008 technique. All foils were irradiated with and without 2223400200009 Cd covers and the epithermal contribution was 2223400200010 subtracted. 2223400200011 Thickness Geom.form Width/diam. Purity 2223400200012 cm cm % 2223400200013 0.0025 - 0.3 square 1.25 99.9 2223400200014 HISTORY (19961224U) ERR-ANALYS keyword moved to Subent 001 2223400200015 STATUS keyword deleted 2223400200016 (20230212U) SD: BIB updated. 2223400200017 ENDBIB 15 0 2223400200018 NOCOMMON 0 0 2223400200019 DATA 1 1 2223400200020 DATA 2223400200021 B 2223400200022 10.13 2223400200023 ENDDATA 3 0 2223400200024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2223400299999 SUBENT 22234003 20230212 23142223400300001 BIB 4 13 2223400300002 REACTION (27-CO-59(N,G)27-CO-60-M,,SIG) 2223400300003 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-60-M,10.47MIN,DG,58.6,0.02) 2223400300004 SAMPLE Pure foils of Co were activated in the conventional 2223400300005 (single-activation and single-counting) way. 2223400300006 Irradiation Waiting Counting 2223400300007 time time time 2223400300008 50 m 2 m 50 m 2223400300009 Thickness Geom.form Width/diam. Purity 2223400300010 cm cm % 2223400300011 0.0025 - 0.19 square 1.25 99.95 2223400300012 HISTORY (19961224U) ERR-ANALYS keyword moved to Subent 001 2223400300013 STATUS keyword deleted 2223400300014 (20230212U) SD: BIB updated. 2223400300015 ENDBIB 13 0 2223400300016 NOCOMMON 0 0 2223400300017 DATA 1 1 2223400300018 DATA 2223400300019 B 2223400300020 46.94 2223400300021 ENDDATA 3 0 2223400300022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 2223400399999 SUBENT 22234004 20230212 23142223400400001 BIB 4 13 2223400400002 REACTION (29-CU-63(N,G)29-CU-64,,SIG) 2223400400003 DECAY-DATA (29-CU-64,12.8HR,DG,511.,0.38) 2223400400004 SAMPLE Pure foils of Co were activated in the conventional 2223400400005 (single-activation and single-counting) way. 2223400400006 Irradiation Waiting Counting 2223400400007 time time time 2223400400008 3 hr 2 m 50 m 2223400400009 Thickness Geom.form Width/diam. Purity 2223400400010 cm cm % 2223400400011 0.04 - 0.76 circular 2.50 99.9999 2223400400012 HISTORY (19961224U) ERR-ANALYS keyword moved to Subent 001 2223400400013 STATUS keyword deleted 2223400400014 (20230212U) SD: BIB updated. 2223400400015 ENDBIB 13 0 2223400400016 NOCOMMON 0 0 2223400400017 DATA 1 1 2223400400018 DATA 2223400400019 B 2223400400020 11.24 2223400400021 ENDDATA 3 0 2223400400022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 2223400499999 SUBENT 22234005 20230212 23142223400500001 BIB 4 14 2223400500002 REACTION (49-IN-115(N,G)49-IN-116-M1+M2,,SIG) 2223400500003 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-116-M1,54.MIN,DG,417.,0.36) 2223400500004 SAMPLE Pure foils of Co were activated in the conventional 2223400500005 (single-activation and single-counting) way. 2223400500006 Irradiation Waiting Counting 2223400500007 time time time 2223400500008 10 m 2 m 2000 s 2223400500009 Thickness Geom.form Width/diam. Purity 2223400500010 cm cm % 2223400500011 0.005 - 0.2286 circular 2.00 99.95 2223400500012 HISTORY (19961224U) ERR-ANALYS keyword moved to Subent 001 2223400500013 STATUS keyword deleted 2223400500014 (20230212A) SD: SF4=In-116m -> In-116m1+m2 in REACTION 2223400500015 code. BIB updated. 2223400500016 ENDBIB 14 0 2223400500017 NOCOMMON 0 0 2223400500018 DATA 1 1 2223400500019 DATA 2223400500020 B 2223400500021 191.78 2223400500022 ENDDATA 3 0 2223400500023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 2223400599999 SUBENT 22234006 20230212 23142223400600001 BIB 4 13 2223400600002 REACTION (66-DY-164(N,G)66-DY-165-G,M+,SIG) 2223400600003 DECAY-DATA (66-DY-165-G,2.32HR,DG,94.6,0.04) 2223400600004 SAMPLE Pure foils of Co were activated in the conventional 2223400600005 (single-activation and single-counting) way. 2223400600006 Irradiation Waiting Counting 2223400600007 time time time 2223400600008 2 hr 2 m 50 m 2223400600009 Thickness Geom.form Width/diam. Purity 2223400600010 cm cm % 2223400600011 0.0025 - 0.035 square 1.00 99.95 2223400600012 HISTORY (19961224U) ERR-ANALYS keyword moved to Subent 001 2223400600013 STATUS keyword deleted 2223400600014 (20230212A) SD: SF5=M+ added to REACTION code. 2223400600015 ENDBIB 13 0 2223400600016 NOCOMMON 0 0 2223400600017 DATA 1 1 2223400600018 DATA 2223400600019 B 2223400600020 1056. 2223400600021 ENDDATA 3 0 2223400600022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 2223400699999 SUBENT 22234007 20230212 23142223400700001 BIB 4 13 2223400700002 REACTION (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG) 2223400700003 DECAY-DATA (79-AU-198-G,2.7D,DG,411.8,0.95) 2223400700004 SAMPLE Pure foils of Co were activated in the conventional 2223400700005 (single-activation and single-counting) way. 2223400700006 Irradiation Waiting Counting 2223400700007 time time time 2223400700008 3 hr 2 m 50 m 2223400700009 Thickness Geom.form Width/diam. Purity 2223400700010 cm cm % 2223400700011 0.0022 - 0.145 square 1.25 99.99 2223400700012 HISTORY (19961224U) ERR-ANALYS keyword moved to Subent 001 2223400700013 STATUS keyword deleted 2223400700014 (20230212A) SD: SF4=Au-198g -> Au-198 in REACTION code.2223400700015 ENDBIB 13 0 2223400700016 NOCOMMON 0 0 2223400700017 DATA 1 1 2223400700018 DATA 2223400700019 B 2223400700020 107.55 2223400700021 ENDDATA 3 0 2223400700022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 2223400799999 ENDENTRY 7 0 2223499999999