ENTRY 22405 20220102 23072240500000001 SUBENT 22405001 20220102 23072240500100001 BIB 13 63 2240500100002 TITLE Cross sections of inelastic neutron scattering 2240500100003 for palladium isotope nuclei 2240500100004 AUTHOR (A.Meister,E.Wattecamps,A.J.Koning,A.Hogenbirk, 2240500100005 H.Gruppelaar,G.Rollings,W.Schubert) 2240500100006 REFERENCE (C,97TRIEST,1,586,1997) Graphs, theoret.analysis 2240500100007 (W,MEISTER,1998) Data obtained via INTERNET 2240500100008 (C,94GATLIN,1,263,1994) Graphs, experimental details 2240500100009 INSTITUTE (2ZZZGEL) Wattecamps, Rolling,Schubert 2240500100010 (2FR CAD) Meister 2240500100011 (2NEDRCN) Koning, Hogenbirk Gruppelaar 2240500100012 FACILITY (VDG,2ZZZGEL) 7 MV Van de Graaff accelerator. 2240500100013 Pulsed proton beam is focused on thick lithium 2240500100014 target, pulse width 1.5 ns, period 1600 ns. 2240500100015 INC-SOURCE (P-LI7) Thick Li target with beryllium window, proton 2240500100016 energy 4.0 and 5.5 MeV. Neutron target assembly is 2240500100017 surrounded by a shield (barrel - 60 cm diameter, 1 m 2240500100018 length, and paraffin+ Li2-C-O3, axial collimation 2240500100019 channel is made of copper) 2240500100020 METHOD (TOF) Time-of-Flight, flight base is 4 m 2240500100021 DETECTOR (HPGE) High purity Ge-detector for gammas, volume 2240500100022 75 cm3, resolution 2-3 keV. A sample-detector assembly 2240500100023 is surrounded by 7-cm lead shield and 40 cm of 2240500100024 paraffin Li2-C-O3 mixture. Detector covers a cone of 2240500100025 90 deg scattering angles 2240500100026 (SCIN) .Thin organic scintillator for measurement of 2240500100027 neutron spectra 2240500100028 CORRECTION Corrections were made on: 2240500100029 * background subtraction (30 to 80%), 2240500100030 * for count losses of gamma-ray selection (1 to 20%), 2240500100031 * neutron beam attenuation in the sample (1 to 7%), 2240500100032 * gamma-ray attenuation in the sample (1 to 20%), 2240500100033 * energy-dependent efficiency of gamma-ray detection. 2240500100034 SAMPLE .Natural palladium sample positioned at 3.87 m, 2240500100035 diameter is 68 mm, weight 55.4 g, natural isotope 2240500100036 mixture. On the back side is placed B-10 sample 2240500100037 B4-C disk, 70 mm diameter, 0.399 gram/cm2 of B-10 2240500100038 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total error 2240500100039 (ERR-S,1.5,4.) Counting statistics 2240500100040 (ERR-1) Uncertainty in neutron absorption and multiple 2240500100041 scattering in the Pd and B samples 2240500100042 (ERR-2) Uncertainty in ratio of irradiated areas 2240500100043 of the Pd and B samples 2240500100044 (ERR-3) Uncertainty in gamma ray absorption in the 2240500100045 samples (B-line) 2240500100046 (ERR-4) Uncertainty in gamma ray absorption in the 2240500100047 samples (Pd-line) 2240500100048 (ERR-5) Uncertainty in conversion of the detection 2240500100049 efficiency ratio to the extended sample geometry 2240500100050 (ERR-6) Uncertainty in the geometry transformation 2240500100051 for all lines 2240500100052 STATUS (TABLE) Meister, 19980813, via INTERNET; 2240500100053 same data published in GE/R/VG/83/94 except data 2240500100054 presented in Subents 7-12. 2240500100055 HISTORY (19980826C) + + Compiled by S.Maev + + 2240500100056 (20000920U) Checking done by NEXFOR code has damaged 2240500100057 numerical data 2240500100058 (20081103U) Corrections made in DATA sections, 2240500100059 numerical data in SAN 002 - 012. 2240500100060 (20140108A) SD: Reaction to 10B(n,alpha+gamma) from 2240500100061 GE/R/VG/83/94 was added (see Subents 13-14). 2240500100062 ERR-ANALYS updated; MONITOR moved to Subents 2-12. 2240500100063 (20220102A) SD: MONITOR updated to Subents 2-12. 2240500100064 EN-RSL deleted (value relates to time resolution). 2240500100065 ENDBIB 63 0 2240500100066 COMMON 6 3 2240500100067 ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 ERR-5 ERR-6 2240500100068 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2240500100069 3. 3. 1.0 0.5 2. 2.2240500100070 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2240500100071 ENDSUBENT 70 0 2240500199999 SUBENT 22405002 20220102 23072240500200001 BIB 8 14 2240500200002 REACTION (46-PD-104(N,INL)46-PD-104,PAR,SIG,G,AV) 2240500200003 MONITOR (5-B-10(N,A)3-LI-7,PAR,SIG,G) 2240500200004 MONIT-REF (13515002,R.A.Schrack+,J,NSE,114,352,1993) 2240500200005 ANALYSIS Reaction ratios were calibrated with the 2240500200006 B-10(n,alpha) cross section. The cross section 2240500200007 data are taken from NSE,114,352 (see MONIT-REF) and 2240500200008 transformed to the energy bin structure. The numerical 2240500200009 values actually used are given in MONIT col. 2240500200010 ERR-ANALYS (MONIT-ERR,2.,6.) monitor error 2240500200011 COMMENT First 2+ to 0+ ground state transition 2240500200012 STATUS (DEP,22405013) Ratio to monitor reaction 2240500200013 (TABLE) Tbl. 5.1, 5.2 from GE/R/VG/83/94 2240500200014 HISTORY (20140108A) SD: Col. MONIT added; BIB updated. 2240500200015 (20220102A) SD: SF5=PAR added to MONITOR code. 2240500200016 ENDBIB 14 0 2240500200017 COMMON 2 3 2240500200018 E E-NRM 2240500200019 KEV KEV 2240500200020 556. 478. 2240500200021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2240500200022 DATA 5 32 2240500200023 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA ERR-T MONIT 2240500200024 MEV MEV B B B 2240500200025 .05 .10 .12 .06 2240500200026 .10 .15 .14 .05 2240500200027 .15 .20 .01 .05 2240500200028 .20 .25 .08 .04 1.19 2240500200029 .25 .30 .04 .03 .98 2240500200030 .30 .35 .03 .03 .81 2240500200031 .35 .40 .03 .02 .72 2240500200032 .40 .45 .03 .02 .69 2240500200033 .45 .50 .01 .01 .63 2240500200034 .50 .55 .01 .01 .53 2240500200035 .55 .60 .06 .01 .44 2240500200036 .60 .65 .23 .02 .35 2240500200037 .65 .70 .38 .03 .29 2240500200038 .70 .75 .48 .03 .24 2240500200039 .75 .80 .53 .04 .21 2240500200040 .80 .85 .63 .04 .18 2240500200041 .85 .90 .66 .05 .16 2240500200042 .90 .95 .68 .05 .15 2240500200043 .95 1.00 .72 .05 .13 2240500200044 1.00 1.10 .76 .05 .11 2240500200045 1.10 1.20 .79 .05 .10 2240500200046 1.20 1.30 .73 .05 .09 2240500200047 1.30 1.40 .85 .06 .08 2240500200048 1.40 1.50 .92 .07 .08 2240500200049 1.50 1.60 .92 .07 .09 2240500200050 1.60 1.80 1.01 .07 .13 2240500200051 1.80 2.00 1.21 .09 .14 2240500200052 2.00 2.20 1.18 .09 .12 2240500200053 2.20 2.40 1.29 .10 .10 2240500200054 2.40 2.70 1.36 .10 .10 2240500200055 2.70 3.00 1.41 .11 .08 2240500200056 3.00 3.40 1.42 .12 .06 2240500200057 ENDDATA 34 0 2240500200058 ENDSUBENT 57 0 2240500299999 SUBENT 22405003 20220102 23072240500300001 BIB 7 19 2240500300002 REACTION (46-PD-105(N,INL)46-PD-105,PAR,SIG,G,AV) 2240500300003 COMMENT 280 keV - 3/2+ to 5/2+ Ground State Transition 2240500300004 306 keV - 7/2+ to 5/2+ Ground State Transition 2240500300005 319 keV - 5/2+ to 5/2+ Ground State Transition 2240500300006 442 keV - 5/2+ to 5/2+ Ground State Transition 2240500300007 561 keV - 5/2+ to 5/2+ Ground State Transition 2240500300008 645 keV - 7/2- To 5/2+ Ground State Transition 2240500300009 MONITOR (5-B-10(N,A)3-LI-7,PAR,SIG,G) 2240500300010 MONIT-REF (13515002,R.A.Schrack+,J,NSE,114,352,1993) 2240500300011 ANALYSIS Reaction ratios were calibrated with the 2240500300012 B-10(n,alpha) cross section. The cross section 2240500300013 data are taken from NSE,114,352 (see MONIT-REF) and 2240500300014 transformed to the energy bin structure. The numerical 2240500300015 values actually used are given in MONIT col. 2240500300016 STATUS (DEP,22405014) Ratio to monitor reaction 2240500300017 (TABLE) Tbl. 5.1, 5.3 - 5.8 from GE/R/VG/83/94 2240500300018 HISTORY (20140108A) SD: Col. MONIT added; BIB updated; 2240500300019 FLAG removed. 2240500300020 (20220102A) SD: SF5=PAR added to MONITOR code. 2240500300021 ENDBIB 19 0 2240500300022 COMMON 1 3 2240500300023 E-NRM 2240500300024 KEV 2240500300025 478. 2240500300026 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2240500300027 DATA 6 192 2240500300028 E EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA ERR-T MONIT 2240500300029 KEV MEV MEV B B B 2240500300030 280. .05 .10 .01 .02 2240500300031 280. .10 .15 .01 .02 2240500300032 280. .15 .20 .01 .02 2240500300033 280. .20 .25 .00 .01 1.192240500300034 280. .25 .30 -.01 .01 .982240500300035 280. .30 .35 .09 .01 .812240500300036 280. .35 .40 .17 .02 .722240500300037 280. .40 .45 .21 .02 .692240500300038 280. .45 .50 .25 .02 .632240500300039 280. .50 .55 .25 .02 .532240500300040 280. .55 .60 .23 .02 .442240500300041 280. .60 .65 .23 .02 .352240500300042 280. .65 .70 .21 .01 .292240500300043 280. .70 .75 .22 .02 .242240500300044 280. .75 .80 .23 .02 .212240500300045 280. .80 .85 .21 .02 .182240500300046 280. .85 .90 .21 .02 .162240500300047 280. .90 .95 .22 .02 .152240500300048 280. .95 1.00 .22 .02 .132240500300049 280. 1.00 1.10 .20 .01 .112240500300050 280. 1.10 1.20 .20 .02 .102240500300051 280. 1.20 1.30 .20 .02 .092240500300052 280. 1.30 1.40 .21 .02 .082240500300053 280. 1.40 1.50 .20 .02 .082240500300054 280. 1.50 1.60 .18 .02 .092240500300055 280. 1.60 1.80 .21 .02 .132240500300056 280. 1.80 2.00 .21 .02 .142240500300057 280. 2.00 2.20 .20 .02 .122240500300058 280. 2.20 2.40 .20 .02 .102240500300059 280. 2.40 2.70 .19 .02 .102240500300060 280. 2.70 3.00 .18 .02 .082240500300061 280. 3.00 3.40 .15 .01 .062240500300062 306. .05 .10 -.05 .03 2240500300063 306. .10 .15 -.02 .03 2240500300064 306. .15 .20 -.01 .03 2240500300065 306. .20 .25 -.01 .02 1.192240500300066 306. .25 .30 .01 .02 .982240500300067 306. .30 .35 .07 .02 .812240500300068 306. .35 .40 .23 .02 .722240500300069 306. .40 .45 .36 .03 .692240500300070 306. .45 .50 .35 .03 .632240500300071 306. .50 .55 .32 .02 .532240500300072 306. .55 .60 .32 .02 .442240500300073 306. .60 .65 .33 .02 .352240500300074 306. .65 .70 .31 .02 .292240500300075 306. .70 .75 .32 .03 .242240500300076 306. .75 .80 .28 .02 .212240500300077 306. .80 .85 .29 .02 .182240500300078 306. .85 .90 .27 .02 .162240500300079 306. .90 .95 .25 .02 .152240500300080 306. .95 1.00 .24 .02 .132240500300081 306. 1.00 1.10 .25 .02 .112240500300082 306. 1.10 1.20 .23 .02 .102240500300083 306. 1.20 1.30 .24 .02 .092240500300084 306. 1.30 1.40 .23 .02 .082240500300085 306. 1.40 1.50 .24 .02 .082240500300086 306. 1.50 1.60 .21 .02 .092240500300087 306. 1.60 1.80 .23 .02 .132240500300088 306. 1.80 2.00 .22 .02 .142240500300089 306. 2.00 2.20 .20 .02 .122240500300090 306. 2.20 2.40 .22 .02 .102240500300091 306. 2.40 2.70 .21 .02 .102240500300092 306. 2.70 3.00 .22 .02 .082240500300093 306. 3.00 3.40 .18 .02 .062240500300094 319. .05 .10 .02 .02 2240500300095 319. .10 .15 -.01 .02 2240500300096 319. .15 .20 .01 .02 2240500300097 319. .20 .25 .00 .02 1.192240500300098 319. .25 .30 -.02 .01 .982240500300099 319. .30 .35 .06 .01 .812240500300100 319. .35 .40 .16 .02 .722240500300101 319. .40 .45 .26 .02 .692240500300102 319. .45 .50 .30 .02 .632240500300103 319. .50 .55 .32 .02 .532240500300104 319. .55 .60 .30 .02 .442240500300105 319. .60 .65 .30 .02 .352240500300106 319. .65 .70 .30 .02 .292240500300107 319. .70 .75 .28 .02 .242240500300108 319. .75 .80 .29 .02 .212240500300109 319. .80 .85 .27 .02 .182240500300110 319. .85 .90 .28 .02 .162240500300111 319. .90 .95 .27 .02 .152240500300112 319. .95 1.00 .27 .02 .132240500300113 319. 1.00 1.10 .23 .02 .112240500300114 319. 1.10 1.20 .23 .02 .102240500300115 319. 1.20 1.30 .21 .02 .092240500300116 319. 1.30 1.40 .23 .02 .082240500300117 319. 1.40 1.50 .20 .02 .082240500300118 319. 1.50 1.60 .20 .02 .092240500300119 319. 1.60 1.80 .21 .02 .132240500300120 319. 1.80 2.00 .23 .02 .142240500300121 319. 2.00 2.20 .22 .02 .122240500300122 319. 2.20 2.40 .20 .02 .102240500300123 319. 2.40 2.70 .19 .02 .102240500300124 319. 2.70 3.00 .19 .02 .082240500300125 319. 3.00 3.40 .18 .02 .062240500300126 442. .05 .10 .03 .03 2240500300127 442. .10 .15 .00 .02 2240500300128 442. .15 .20 .02 .02 2240500300129 442. .20 .25 .03 .02 1.192240500300130 442. .25 .30 .00 .02 .982240500300131 442. .30 .35 .00 .01 .812240500300132 442. .35 .40 -.01 .01 .722240500300133 442. .40 .45 .01 .01 .692240500300134 442. .45 .50 .06 .01 .632240500300135 442. .50 .55 .16 .01 .532240500300136 442. .55 .60 .22 .02 .442240500300137 442. .60 .65 .27 .02 .352240500300138 442. .65 .70 .27 .02 .292240500300139 442. .70 .75 .28 .02 .242240500300140 442. .75 .80 .31 .03 .212240500300141 442. .80 .85 .29 .02 .182240500300142 442. .85 .90 .28 .02 .162240500300143 442. .90 .95 .31 .03 .152240500300144 442. .95 1.00 .29 .03 .132240500300145 442. 1.00 1.10 .28 .02 .112240500300146 442. 1.10 1.20 .28 .02 .102240500300147 442. 1.20 1.30 .26 .02 .092240500300148 442. 1.30 1.40 .27 .02 .082240500300149 442. 1.40 1.50 .26 .03 .082240500300150 442. 1.50 1.60 .28 .03 .092240500300151 442. 1.60 1.80 .31 .03 .132240500300152 442. 1.80 2.00 .34 .03 .142240500300153 442. 2.00 2.20 .31 .03 .122240500300154 442. 2.20 2.40 .33 .03 .102240500300155 442. 2.40 2.70 .33 .03 .102240500300156 442. 2.70 3.00 .32 .03 .082240500300157 442. 3.00 3.40 .34 .03 .062240500300158 561. .05 .10 -.03 .03 2240500300159 561. .10 .15 .00 .03 2240500300160 561. .15 .20 -.05 .03 2240500300161 561. .20 .25 .02 .02 1.192240500300162 561. .25 .30 -.01 .02 .982240500300163 561. .30 .35 .00 .02 .812240500300164 561. .35 .40 .00 .01 .722240500300165 561. .40 .45 .01 .01 .692240500300166 561. .45 .50 .00 .01 .632240500300167 561. .50 .55 -.01 .01 .532240500300168 561. .55 .60 .00 .01 .442240500300169 561. .60 .65 .04 .01 .352240500300170 561. .65 .70 .07 .01 .292240500300171 561. .70 .75 .09 .01 .242240500300172 561. .75 .80 .09 .01 .212240500300173 561. .80 .85 .10 .01 .182240500300174 561. .85 .90 .09 .01 .162240500300175 561. .90 .95 .13 .02 .152240500300176 561. .95 1.00 .12 .02 .132240500300177 561. 1.00 1.10 .10 .02 .112240500300178 561. 1.10 1.20 .10 .01 .102240500300179 561. 1.20 1.30 .09 .01 .092240500300180 561. 1.30 1.40 .10 .02 .082240500300181 561. 1.40 1.50 .10 .02 .082240500300182 561. 1.50 1.60 .08 .02 .092240500300183 561. 1.60 1.80 .09 .02 .132240500300184 561. 1.80 2.00 .09 .02 .142240500300185 561. 2.00 2.20 .08 .02 .122240500300186 561. 2.20 2.40 .09 .02 .102240500300187 561. 2.40 2.70 .09 .02 .102240500300188 561. 2.70 3.00 .08 .02 .082240500300189 561. 3.00 3.40 .05 .01 .062240500300190 645. .05 .10 -.05 .04 2240500300191 645. .10 .15 .07 .04 2240500300192 645. .15 .20 -.03 .03 2240500300193 645. .20 .25 .01 .03 1.192240500300194 645. .25 .30 .03 .02 .982240500300195 645. .30 .35 -.04 .02 .812240500300196 645. .35 .40 .00 .02 .722240500300197 645. .40 .45 .02 .01 .692240500300198 645. .45 .50 .00 .01 .632240500300199 645. .50 .55 .01 .01 .532240500300200 645. .55 .60 .00 .01 .442240500300201 645. .60 .65 .01 .01 .352240500300202 645. .65 .70 .03 .01 .292240500300203 645. .70 .75 .08 .01 .242240500300204 645. .75 .80 .08 .01 .212240500300205 645. .80 .85 .10 .01 .182240500300206 645. .85 .90 .12 .01 .162240500300207 645. .90 .95 .14 .01 .152240500300208 645. .95 1.00 .11 .01 .132240500300209 645. 1.00 1.10 .12 .01 .112240500300210 645. 1.10 1.20 .13 .01 .102240500300211 645. 1.20 1.30 .11 .01 .092240500300212 645. 1.30 1.40 .14 .02 .082240500300213 645. 1.40 1.50 .13 .02 .082240500300214 645. 1.50 1.60 .14 .02 .092240500300215 645. 1.60 1.80 .14 .02 .132240500300216 645. 1.80 2.00 .16 .02 .142240500300217 645. 2.00 2.20 .16 .02 .122240500300218 645. 2.20 2.40 .17 .02 .102240500300219 645. 2.40 2.70 .15 .02 .102240500300220 645. 2.70 3.00 .15 .02 .082240500300221 645. 3.00 3.40 .18 .02 .062240500300222 ENDDATA 194 0 2240500300223 ENDSUBENT 222 0 2240500399999 SUBENT 22405004 20220102 23072240500400001 BIB 8 14 2240500400002 REACTION (46-PD-106(N,INL)46-PD-106,PAR,SIG,G,AV) 2240500400003 COMMENT .512 keV - first 2+ to 0+ ground state transition 2240500400004 MONITOR (5-B-10(N,A)3-LI-7,PAR,SIG,G) 2240500400005 MONIT-REF (13515002,R.A.Schrack+,J,NSE,114,352,1993) 2240500400006 ANALYSIS Reaction ratios were calibrated with the 2240500400007 B-10(n,alpha) cross section. The cross section 2240500400008 data are taken from NSE,114,352 (see MONIT-REF) and 2240500400009 transformed to the energy bin structure. The numerical 2240500400010 values actually used are given in MONIT col. 2240500400011 ERR-ANALYS (MONIT-ERR,2.,6.) monitor error 2240500400012 STATUS (DEP,22405015) Ratio to monitor reaction 2240500400013 (TABLE) Tbl. 5.1, 5.9 from GE/R/VG/83/94 2240500400014 HISTORY (20140108A) SD: Col. MONIT added; BIB updated. 2240500400015 (20220102A) SD: SF5=PAR added to MONITOR code. 2240500400016 ENDBIB 14 0 2240500400017 COMMON 2 3 2240500400018 E E-NRM 2240500400019 KEV KEV 2240500400020 512. 478. 2240500400021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2240500400022 DATA 5 32 2240500400023 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA ERR-T MONIT 2240500400024 MEV MEV B B B 2240500400025 .05 .10 -.55 .33 2240500400026 .10 .15 -.19 .33 2240500400027 .15 .20 -.14 .32 2240500400028 .20 .25 -.02 .21 1.19 2240500400029 .25 .30 .02 .18 .98 2240500400030 .30 .35 .05 .15 .81 2240500400031 .35 .40 .04 .13 .72 2240500400032 .40 .45 .02 .12 .69 2240500400033 .45 .50 .01 .11 .63 2240500400034 .50 .55 .09 .09 .53 2240500400035 .55 .60 .28 .08 .44 2240500400036 .60 .65 .45 .07 .35 2240500400037 .65 .70 .55 .07 .29 2240500400038 .70 .75 .66 .07 .24 2240500400039 .75 .80 .75 .07 .21 2240500400040 .80 .85 .75 .07 .18 2240500400041 .85 .90 .83 .08 .16 2240500400042 .90 .95 .82 .08 .15 2240500400043 .95 1.00 .85 .08 .13 2240500400044 1.00 1.10 .86 .08 .11 2240500400045 1.10 1.20 .92 .08 .10 2240500400046 1.20 1.30 .97 .09 .09 2240500400047 1.30 1.40 1.07 .10 .08 2240500400048 1.40 1.50 1.19 .11 .08 2240500400049 1.50 1.60 1.19 .11 .09 2240500400050 1.60 1.80 1.30 .12 .13 2240500400051 1.80 2.00 1.48 .13 .14 2240500400052 2.00 2.20 1.52 .14 .12 2240500400053 2.20 2.40 1.60 .15 .10 2240500400054 2.40 2.70 1.65 .15 .10 2240500400055 2.70 3.00 1.73 .17 .08 2240500400056 3.00 3.40 1.83 .18 .06 2240500400057 ENDDATA 34 0 2240500400058 ENDSUBENT 57 0 2240500499999 SUBENT 22405005 20220102 23072240500500001 BIB 8 17 2240500500002 REACTION (46-PD-108(N,INL)46-PD-108,PAR,SIG,G,AV) 2240500500003 COMMENT 434keV - first 2+ to 0+ ground state transition 2240500500004 497keV - second 2+ to first 2+ state transition 2240500500005 931keV - second 2+ to 0+ ground state transition 2240500500006 MONITOR (5-B-10(N,A)3-LI-7,PAR,SIG,G) 2240500500007 MONIT-REF (13515002,R.A.Schrack+,J,NSE,114,352,1993) 2240500500008 ANALYSIS Reaction ratios were calibrated with the 2240500500009 B-10(n,alpha) cross section. The cross section 2240500500010 data are taken from NSE,114,352 (see MONIT-REF) and 2240500500011 transformed to the energy bin structure. The numerical 2240500500012 values actually used are given in MONIT col. 2240500500013 ERR-ANALYS (MONIT-ERR,2.,6.) monitor error 2240500500014 STATUS (DEP,22405016) Ratio to monitor reaction 2240500500015 (TABLE) Tbl. 5.1, 5.10 - 5.12 from GE/R/VG/83/94 2240500500016 HISTORY (20140108A) SD: Col. MONIT added; BIB updated; 2240500500017 FLAG removed. 2240500500018 (20220102A) SD: SF5=PAR added to MONITOR code. 2240500500019 ENDBIB 17 0 2240500500020 COMMON 1 3 2240500500021 E-NRM 2240500500022 KEV 2240500500023 478. 2240500500024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2240500500025 DATA 6 96 2240500500026 E EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA ERR-T MONIT 2240500500027 KEV MEV MEV B B B 2240500500028 434. .05 .10 .06 .02 2240500500029 434. .10 .15 .01 .02 2240500500030 434. .15 .20 -.01 .02 2240500500031 434. .20 .25 .03 .01 1.192240500500032 434. .25 .30 .01 .01 .982240500500033 434. .30 .35 .01 .01 .812240500500034 434. .35 .40 .00 .01 .722240500500035 434. .40 .45 .02 .01 .692240500500036 434. .45 .50 .19 .01 .632240500500037 434. .50 .55 .36 .02 .532240500500038 434. .55 .60 .47 .03 .442240500500039 434. .60 .65 .57 .03 .352240500500040 434. .65 .70 .64 .04 .292240500500041 434. .70 .75 .70 .04 .242240500500042 434. .75 .80 .70 .04 .212240500500043 434. .80 .85 .73 .04 .182240500500044 434. .85 .90 .77 .05 .162240500500045 434. .90 .95 .80 .05 .152240500500046 434. .95 1.00 .84 .05 .132240500500047 434. 1.00 1.10 .86 .05 .112240500500048 434. 1.10 1.20 .96 .06 .102240500500049 434. 1.20 1.30 1.00 .06 .092240500500050 434. 1.30 1.40 1.09 .07 .082240500500051 434. 1.40 1.50 1.19 .08 .082240500500052 434. 1.50 1.60 1.21 .08 .092240500500053 434. 1.60 1.80 1.31 .08 .132240500500054 434. 1.80 2.00 1.41 .09 .142240500500055 434. 2.00 2.20 1.34 .09 .122240500500056 434. 2.20 2.40 1.38 .10 .102240500500057 434. 2.40 2.70 1.44 .10 .102240500500058 434. 2.70 3.00 1.46 .11 .082240500500059 434. 3.00 3.40 1.44 .11 .062240500500060 497. .05 .10 .05 .03 2240500500061 497. .10 .15 .01 .02 2240500500062 497. .15 .20 -.01 .02 2240500500063 497. .20 .25 .00 .02 1.192240500500064 497. .25 .30 .00 .02 .982240500500065 497. .30 .35 .01 .01 .812240500500066 497. .35 .40 .00 .01 .722240500500067 497. .40 .45 -.02 .01 .692240500500068 497. .45 .50 .00 .01 .632240500500069 497. .50 .55 .00 .01 .532240500500070 497. .55 .60 -.01 .01 .442240500500071 497. .60 .65 -.01 .01 .352240500500072 497. .65 .70 -.01 .01 .292240500500073 497. .70 .75 -.01 .01 .242240500500074 497. .75 .80 -.01 .01 .212240500500075 497. .80 .85 -.01 .01 .182240500500076 497. .85 .90 -.01 .01 .162240500500077 497. .90 .95 .00 .01 .152240500500078 497. .95 1.00 .05 .01 .132240500500079 497. 1.00 1.10 .14 .02 .112240500500080 497. 1.10 1.20 .21 .03 .102240500500081 497. 1.20 1.30 .25 .03 .092240500500082 497. 1.30 1.40 .29 .04 .082240500500083 497. 1.40 1.50 .32 .04 .082240500500084 497. 1.50 1.60 .33 .04 .092240500500085 497. 1.60 1.80 .32 .04 .132240500500086 497. 1.80 2.00 .36 .04 .142240500500087 497. 2.00 2.20 .37 .05 .122240500500088 497. 2.20 2.40 .39 .05 .102240500500089 497. 2.40 2.70 .40 .05 .102240500500090 497. 2.70 3.00 .39 .05 .082240500500091 497. 3.00 3.40 .37 .05 .062240500500092 931. .05 .10 .03 .04 2240500500093 931. .10 .15 -.01 .03 2240500500094 931. .15 .20 .01 .03 2240500500095 931. .20 .25 -.02 .02 1.192240500500096 931. .25 .30 .05 .02 .982240500500097 931. .30 .35 -.02 .02 .812240500500098 931. .35 .40 .01 .01 .722240500500099 931. .40 .45 -.01 .01 .692240500500100 931. .45 .50 .00 .01 .632240500500101 931. .50 .55 .00 .01 .532240500500102 931. .55 .60 .01 .01 .442240500500103 931. .60 .65 .01 .01 .352240500500104 931. .65 .70 .00 .01 .292240500500105 931. .70 .75 .00 .01 .242240500500106 931. .75 .80 .01 .01 .212240500500107 931. .80 .85 -.01 .01 .182240500500108 931. .85 .90 -.01 .01 .162240500500109 931. .90 .95 -.01 .01 .152240500500110 931. .95 1.00 .01 .01 .132240500500111 931. 1.00 1.10 .03 .01 .112240500500112 931. 1.10 1.20 .06 .01 .102240500500113 931. 1.20 1.30 .07 .01 .092240500500114 931. 1.30 1.40 .10 .02 .082240500500115 931. 1.40 1.50 .12 .02 .082240500500116 931. 1.50 1.60 .11 .02 .092240500500117 931. 1.60 1.80 .12 .02 .132240500500118 931. 1.80 2.00 .14 .03 .142240500500119 931. 2.00 2.20 .13 .03 .122240500500120 931. 2.20 2.40 .17 .03 .102240500500121 931. 2.40 2.70 .16 .03 .102240500500122 931. 2.70 3.00 .13 .03 .082240500500123 931. 3.00 3.40 .16 .03 .062240500500124 ENDDATA 98 0 2240500500125 ENDSUBENT 124 0 2240500599999 SUBENT 22405006 20220102 23072240500600001 BIB 8 17 2240500600002 REACTION (46-PD-110(N,INL)46-PD-110,PAR,SIG,G,AV) 2240500600003 COMMENT 374keV - first 2+ to 0+ ground state transition 2240500600004 440keV - second 2+ to first 2+ state transition 2240500600005 814keV - second 2+ to 0+ ground state transition 2240500600006 MONITOR (5-B-10(N,A)3-LI-7,PAR,SIG,G) 2240500600007 MONIT-REF (13515002,R.A.Schrack+,J,NSE,114,352,1993) 2240500600008 ANALYSIS Reaction ratios were calibrated with the 2240500600009 B-10(n,alpha) cross section. The cross section 2240500600010 data are taken from NSE,114,352 (see MONIT-REF) and 2240500600011 transformed to the energy bin structure. The numerical 2240500600012 values actually used are given in MONIT col. 2240500600013 ERR-ANALYS (MONIT-ERR,2.,6.) monitor error 2240500600014 STATUS (DEP,22405017) Ratio to monitor reaction 2240500600015 (TABLE) Tbl. 5.1, 5.10 - 5.15 from GE/R/VG/83/94 2240500600016 HISTORY (20140108A) SD: Col. MONIT added; BIB updated; 2240500600017 FLAG removed. 2240500600018 (20220102A) SD: SF5=PAR added to MONITOR code. 2240500600019 ENDBIB 17 0 2240500600020 COMMON 1 3 2240500600021 E-NRM 2240500600022 KEV 2240500600023 478. 2240500600024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2240500600025 DATA 6 96 2240500600026 E EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA ERR-T MONIT 2240500600027 KEV MEV MEV B B B 2240500600028 374. .05 .10 .00 .05 2240500600029 374. .10 .15 -.03 .04 2240500600030 374. .15 .20 -.04 .04 2240500600031 374. .20 .25 .02 .03 1.192240500600032 374. .25 .30 .08 .03 .982240500600033 374. .30 .35 -.02 .02 .812240500600034 374. .35 .40 .01 .02 .722240500600035 374. .40 .45 .24 .02 .692240500600036 374. .45 .50 .41 .03 .632240500600037 374. .50 .55 .53 .03 .532240500600038 374. .55 .60 .63 .04 .442240500600039 374. .60 .65 .66 .04 .352240500600040 374. .65 .70 .69 .04 .292240500600041 374. .70 .75 .73 .05 .242240500600042 374. .75 .80 .77 .05 .212240500600043 374. .80 .85 .79 .05 .182240500600044 374. .85 .90 .86 .06 .162240500600045 374. .90 .95 .89 .06 .152240500600046 374. .95 1.00 .96 .06 .132240500600047 374. 1.00 1.10 1.06 .07 .112240500600048 374. 1.10 1.20 1.08 .07 .102240500600049 374. 1.20 1.30 1.11 .07 .092240500600050 374. 1.30 1.40 1.22 .08 .082240500600051 374. 1.40 1.50 1.26 .09 .082240500600052 374. 1.50 1.60 1.27 .09 .092240500600053 374. 1.60 1.80 1.29 .09 .132240500600054 374. 1.80 2.00 1.32 .09 .142240500600055 374. 2.00 2.20 1.30 .09 .122240500600056 374. 2.20 2.40 1.39 .10 .102240500600057 374. 2.40 2.70 1.36 .10 .102240500600058 374. 2.70 3.00 1.44 .11 .082240500600059 374. 3.00 3.40 1.35 .11 .062240500600060 440. .05 .10 -.10 .07 2240500600061 440. .10 .15 -.12 .06 2240500600062 440. .15 .20 .05 .06 2240500600063 440. .20 .25 .00 .04 1.192240500600064 440. .25 .30 -.02 .04 .982240500600065 440. .30 .35 -.04 .03 .812240500600066 440. .35 .40 -.02 .03 .722240500600067 440. .40 .45 -.02 .02 .692240500600068 440. .45 .50 -.02 .01 .632240500600069 440. .50 .55 -.02 .01 .532240500600070 440. .55 .60 .00 .01 .442240500600071 440. .60 .65 -.01 .01 .352240500600072 440. .65 .70 .02 .01 .292240500600073 440. .70 .75 .02 .01 .242240500600074 440. .75 .80 -.01 .01 .212240500600075 440. .80 .85 .05 .02 .182240500600076 440. .85 .90 .10 .03 .162240500600077 440. .90 .95 .17 .04 .152240500600078 440. .95 1.00 .25 .05 .132240500600079 440. 1.00 1.10 .29 .06 .112240500600080 440. 1.10 1.20 .33 .07 .102240500600081 440. 1.20 1.30 .36 .07 .092240500600082 440. 1.30 1.40 .42 .08 .082240500600083 440. 1.40 1.50 .41 .08 .082240500600084 440. 1.50 1.60 .46 .09 .092240500600085 440. 1.60 1.80 .56 .11 .132240500600086 440. 1.80 2.00 .59 .12 .142240500600087 440. 2.00 2.20 .59 .12 .122240500600088 440. 2.20 2.40 .55 .11 .102240500600089 440. 2.40 2.70 .64 .13 .102240500600090 440. 2.70 3.00 .63 .13 .082240500600091 440. 3.00 3.40 .57 .11 .062240500600092 814. .05 .10 -.02 .09 2240500600093 814. .10 .15 .06 .08 2240500600094 814. .15 .20 -.05 .07 2240500600095 814. .20 .25 .01 .05 1.192240500600096 814. .25 .30 .02 .05 .982240500600097 814. .30 .35 -.01 .04 .812240500600098 814. .35 .40 .02 .03 .722240500600099 814. .40 .45 .00 .02 .692240500600100 814. .45 .50 -.02 .01 .632240500600101 814. .50 .55 .01 .01 .532240500600102 814. .55 .60 -.01 .01 .442240500600103 814. .60 .65 -.01 .01 .352240500600104 814. .65 .70 -.01 .01 .292240500600105 814. .70 .75 -.01 .01 .242240500600106 814. .75 .80 -.02 .01 .212240500600107 814. .80 .85 -.01 .01 .182240500600108 814. .85 .90 .02 .01 .162240500600109 814. .90 .95 .01 .01 .152240500600110 814. .95 1.00 .06 .02 .132240500600111 814. 1.00 1.10 .06 .01 .112240500600112 814. 1.10 1.20 .10 .02 .102240500600113 814. 1.20 1.30 .06 .02 .092240500600114 814. 1.30 1.40 .07 .02 .082240500600115 814. 1.40 1.50 .10 .02 .082240500600116 814. 1.50 1.60 .09 .03 .092240500600117 814. 1.60 1.80 .09 .02 .132240500600118 814. 1.80 2.00 .13 .03 .142240500600119 814. 2.00 2.20 .16 .03 .122240500600120 814. 2.20 2.40 .15 .03 .102240500600121 814. 2.40 2.70 .10 .03 .102240500600122 814. 2.70 3.00 .12 .03 .082240500600123 814. 3.00 3.40 .14 .02 .062240500600124 ENDDATA 98 0 2240500600125 ENDSUBENT 124 0 2240500699999 SUBENT 22405007 20220102 23072240500700001 BIB 7 14 2240500700002 REACTION (46-PD-104(N,INL)46-PD-104,PAR,SIG,,AV) 2240500700003 MONITOR (5-B-10(N,A)3-LI-7,PAR,SIG,G) 2240500700004 MONIT-REF (13515002,R.A.Schrack+,J,NSE,114,352,1993) 2240500700005 ANALYSIS Reaction ratios were calibrated with the 2240500700006 B-10(n,alpha) cross section. The cross section 2240500700007 data are taken from NSE,114,352 (see MONIT-REF) and 2240500700008 transformed to the energy bin structure. The numerical 2240500700009 values actually used are given in MONIT col. 2240500700010 ERR-ANALYS (MONIT-ERR,2.,6.) monitor error 2240500700011 STATUS (DEP,22405013) Ratio to monitor reaction 2240500700012 (TABLE) from priv.comm., Dr.Meister and Tbl. 5.1 from 2240500700013 GE/R/VG/83/94 (MONIT values) 2240500700014 HISTORY (20140108A) SD: Col. MONIT added; BIB updated. 2240500700015 (20220102A) SD: SF5=PAR added to MONITOR code. 2240500700016 ENDBIB 14 0 2240500700017 COMMON 2 3 2240500700018 E-LVL E-NRM 2240500700019 KEV KEV 2240500700020 556. 478. 2240500700021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2240500700022 DATA 5 15 2240500700023 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA ERR-T MONIT 2240500700024 MEV MEV B B B 2240500700025 .40 .45 .03 .02 .69 2240500700026 .45 .50 .01 .01 .63 2240500700027 .50 .55 .01 .01 .53 2240500700028 .55 .60 .07 .01 .44 2240500700029 .60 .65 .27 .02 .35 2240500700030 .65 .70 .45 .04 .29 2240500700031 .70 .75 .56 .04 .24 2240500700032 .75 .80 .61 .05 .21 2240500700033 .80 .85 .72 .05 .18 2240500700034 .85 .90 .75 .06 .16 2240500700035 .90 .95 .76 .06 .15 2240500700036 .95 1.00 .80 .06 .13 2240500700037 1.00 1.10 .84 .06 .11 2240500700038 1.10 1.20 .87 .05 .10 2240500700039 1.20 1.30 .80 .05 .09 2240500700040 ENDDATA 17 0 2240500700041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 2240500799999 SUBENT 22405008 20220102 23072240500800001 BIB 7 14 2240500800002 REACTION (46-PD-106(N,INL)46-PD-106,PAR,SIG,,AV) 2240500800003 MONITOR (5-B-10(N,A)3-LI-7,PAR,SIG,G) 2240500800004 MONIT-REF (13515002,R.A.Schrack+,J,NSE,114,352,1993) 2240500800005 ANALYSIS Reaction ratios were calibrated with the 2240500800006 B-10(n,alpha) cross section. The cross section 2240500800007 data are taken from NSE,114,352 (see MONIT-REF) and 2240500800008 transformed to the energy bin structure. The numerical 2240500800009 values actually used are given in MONIT col. 2240500800010 ERR-ANALYS (MONIT-ERR,2.,6.) monitor error 2240500800011 STATUS (DEP,22405015) Ratio to monitor reaction 2240500800012 (TABLE) from priv.comm., Dr.Meister and Tbl. 5.1 from 2240500800013 GE/R/VG/83/94 (MONIT values) 2240500800014 HISTORY (20140108A) SD: Col. MONIT added; BIB updated. 2240500800015 (20220102A) SD: SF5=PAR added to MONITOR code. 2240500800016 ENDBIB 14 0 2240500800017 COMMON 2 3 2240500800018 E-LVL E-NRM 2240500800019 KEV KEV 2240500800020 512. 478. 2240500800021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2240500800022 DATA 5 13 2240500800023 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA ERR-T MONIT 2240500800024 MEV MEV B B B 2240500800025 .40 .45 .02 .12 .69 2240500800026 .45 .50 .01 .11 .63 2240500800027 .50 .55 .11 .11 .53 2240500800028 .55 .60 .33 .10 .44 2240500800029 .60 .65 .53 .08 .35 2240500800030 .65 .70 .64 .08 .29 2240500800031 .70 .75 .77 .08 .24 2240500800032 .75 .80 .86 .08 .21 2240500800033 .80 .85 .86 .08 .18 2240500800034 .85 .90 .94 .09 .16 2240500800035 .90 .95 .92 .09 .15 2240500800036 .95 1.00 .95 .09 .13 2240500800037 1.00 1.10 .95 .09 .11 2240500800038 ENDDATA 15 0 2240500800039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 2240500899999 SUBENT 22405009 20220102 23072240500900001 BIB 7 14 2240500900002 REACTION (46-PD-108(N,INL)46-PD-108,PAR,SIG,,AV) 2240500900003 MONITOR (5-B-10(N,A)3-LI-7,PAR,SIG,G) 2240500900004 MONIT-REF (13515002,R.A.Schrack+,J,NSE,114,352,1993) 2240500900005 ANALYSIS Reaction ratios were calibrated with the 2240500900006 B-10(n,alpha) cross section. The cross section 2240500900007 data are taken from NSE,114,352 (see MONIT-REF) and 2240500900008 transformed to the energy bin structure. The numerical 2240500900009 values actually used are given in MONIT col. 2240500900010 ERR-ANALYS (MONIT-ERR,2.,6.) monitor error 2240500900011 STATUS (DEP,22405016) Ratio to monitor reaction 2240500900012 (TABLE) from priv.comm., Dr.Meister and Tbl. 5.1 from 2240500900013 GE/R/VG/83/94 (MONIT values) 2240500900014 HISTORY (20140108A) SD: Col. MONIT added; BIB updated. 2240500900015 (20220102A) SD: SF5=PAR added to MONITOR code. 2240500900016 ENDBIB 14 0 2240500900017 COMMON 2 3 2240500900018 E-LVL E-NRM 2240500900019 KEV KEV 2240500900020 434. 478. 2240500900021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2240500900022 DATA 5 17 2240500900023 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA ERR-T MONIT 2240500900024 MEV MEV B B B 2240500900025 .30 .35 .00 .02 .81 2240500900026 .35 .40 -.01 .01 .72 2240500900027 .40 .45 .03 .01 .69 2240500900028 .45 .50 .23 .01 .63 2240500900029 .50 .55 .41 .02 .53 2240500900030 .55 .60 .54 .03 .44 2240500900031 .60 .65 .65 .04 .35 2240500900032 .65 .70 .72 .04 .29 2240500900033 .70 .75 .79 .04 .24 2240500900034 .75 .80 .78 .04 .21 2240500900035 .80 .85 .82 .05 .18 2240500900036 .85 .90 .85 .05 .16 2240500900037 .90 .95 .88 .05 .15 2240500900038 .95 1.00 .87 .05 .13 2240500900039 1.00 1.10 .78 .05 .11 2240500900040 1.10 1.20 .79 .06 .10 2240500900041 1.20 1.30 .77 .06 .09 2240500900042 ENDDATA 19 0 2240500900043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 2240500999999 SUBENT 22405010 20220102 23072240501000001 BIB 7 14 2240501000002 REACTION (46-PD-110(N,INL)46-PD-110,PAR,SIG,,AV) 2240501000003 MONITOR (5-B-10(N,A)3-LI-7,PAR,SIG,G) 2240501000004 MONIT-REF (13515002,R.A.Schrack+,J,NSE,114,352,1993) 2240501000005 ANALYSIS Reaction ratios were calibrated with the 2240501000006 B-10(n,alpha) cross section. The cross section 2240501000007 data are taken from NSE,114,352 (see MONIT-REF) and 2240501000008 transformed to the energy bin structure. The numerical 2240501000009 values actually used are given in MONIT col. 2240501000010 ERR-ANALYS (MONIT-ERR,2.,6.) monitor error 2240501000011 STATUS (DEP,22405017) Ratio to monitor reaction 2240501000012 (TABLE) from priv.comm., Dr.Meister and Tbl. 5.1 from 2240501000013 GE/R/VG/83/94 (MONIT values) 2240501000014 HISTORY (20140108A) SD: Col. MONIT added; BIB updated. 2240501000015 (20220102A) SD: SF5=PAR added to MONITOR code. 2240501000016 ENDBIB 14 0 2240501000017 COMMON 2 3 2240501000018 E-LVL E-NRM 2240501000019 KEV KEV 2240501000020 374. 478. 2240501000021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2240501000022 DATA 5 29 2240501000023 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA ERR-T MONIT 2240501000024 MEV MEV B B B 2240501000025 .20 .25 .02 .05 1.19 2240501000026 .25 .30 .10 .05 .98 2240501000027 .30 .35 .01 .04 .81 2240501000028 .35 .40 .03 .03 .72 2240501000029 .40 .45 .29 .03 .69 2240501000030 .45 .50 .49 .03 .63 2240501000031 .50 .55 .62 .04 .53 2240501000032 .55 .60 .70 .04 .44 2240501000033 .60 .65 .75 .05 .35 2240501000034 .65 .70 .74 .05 .29 2240501000035 .70 .75 .79 .05 .24 2240501000036 .75 .80 .85 .05 .21 2240501000037 .80 .85 .80 .05 .18 2240501000038 .85 .90 .82 .06 .16 2240501000039 .90 .95 .77 .06 .15 2240501000040 .95 1.00 .75 .07 .13 2240501000041 1.00 1.10 .79 .08 .11 2240501000042 1.10 1.20 .73 .08 .10 2240501000043 1.20 1.30 .71 .09 .09 2240501000044 1.30 1.40 .72 .11 .08 2240501000045 1.40 1.50 .72 .11 .08 2240501000046 1.50 1.60 .67 .12 .09 2240501000047 1.60 1.80 .55 .13 .13 2240501000048 1.80 2.00 .50 .14 .14 2240501000049 2.00 2.20 .43 .15 .12 2240501000050 2.20 2.40 .56 .15 .10 2240501000051 2.40 2.70 .42 .16 .10 2240501000052 2.70 3.00 .50 .16 .08 2240501000053 3.00 3.40 .46 .15 .06 2240501000054 ENDDATA 31 0 2240501000055 ENDSUBENT 54 0 2240501099999 SUBENT 22405011 20220102 23072240501100001 BIB 7 17 2240501100002 REACTION (46-PD-108(N,INL)46-PD-108,PAR,SIG,G,AV) 2240501100003 MONITOR (5-B-10(N,A)3-LI-7,PAR,SIG,G) 2240501100004 MONIT-REF (13515002,R.A.Schrack+,J,NSE,114,352,1993) 2240501100005 ANALYSIS Reaction ratios were calibrated with the 2240501100006 B-10(n,alpha) cross section. The cross section 2240501100007 data are taken from NSE,114,352 (see MONIT-REF) and 2240501100008 transformed to the energy bin structure. The numerical 2240501100009 values actually used are given in MONIT col. 2240501100010 ERR-ANALYS (MONIT-ERR,2.,6.) monitor error 2240501100011 STATUS (DEP,22405016) Ratio to monitor reaction 2240501100012 (TABLE) from priv.comm., Dr.Meister and Tbl. 5.1 from 2240501100013 GE/R/VG/83/94 (MONIT values) 2240501100014 HISTORY (20010606A) Level energy heading updated, FLAG removed;2240501100015 comments updated. 2240501100016 (20081229A) Numerical data corrected. EN-SEC added. 2240501100017 (20140108A) SD: Col. MONIT added; BIB updated. 2240501100018 (20220102A) SD: SF5=PAR added to MONITOR code. 2240501100019 ENDBIB 17 0 2240501100020 COMMON 1 3 2240501100021 E-NRM 2240501100022 KEV 2240501100023 478. 2240501100024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2240501100025 DATA 6 18 2240501100026 E EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA ERR-T MONIT 2240501100027 KEV MEV MEV B B B 2240501100028 497. .70 .75 -.01 .01 .242240501100029 497. .75 .80 -.01 .01 .212240501100030 497. .80 .85 -.01 .01 .182240501100031 497. .85 .90 -.01 .01 .162240501100032 497. .90 .95 .00 .01 .152240501100033 497. .95 1.00 .05 .01 .132240501100034 497. 1.00 1.10 .14 .02 .112240501100035 497. 1.10 1.20 .21 .03 .102240501100036 497. 1.20 1.30 .24 .03 .092240501100037 931. .70 .75 .00 .01 .242240501100038 931. .75 .80 .01 .01 .212240501100039 931. .80 .85 -.01 .01 .182240501100040 931. .85 .90 -.01 .01 .162240501100041 931. .90 .95 -.01 .01 .152240501100042 931. .95 1.00 .01 .01 .132240501100043 931. 1.00 1.10 .03 .01 .112240501100044 931. 1.10 1.20 .07 .01 .102240501100045 931. 1.20 1.30 .08 .01 .092240501100046 ENDDATA 20 0 2240501100047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 2240501199999 SUBENT 22405012 20220102 23072240501200001 BIB 7 17 2240501200002 REACTION (46-PD-110(N,INL)46-PD-110,PAR,SIG,G,AV) 2240501200003 MONITOR (5-B-10(N,A)3-LI-7,PAR,SIG,G) 2240501200004 MONIT-REF (13515002,R.A.Schrack+,J,NSE,114,352,1993) 2240501200005 ANALYSIS Reaction ratios were calibrated with the 2240501200006 B-10(n,alpha) cross section. The cross section 2240501200007 data are taken from NSE,114,352 (see MONIT-REF) and 2240501200008 transformed to the energy bin structure. The numerical 2240501200009 values actually used are given in MONIT col. 2240501200010 ERR-ANALYS (MONIT-ERR,2.,6.) monitor error 2240501200011 STATUS (DEP,22405017) Ratio to monitor reaction 2240501200012 (TABLE) from priv.comm., Dr.Meister and Tbl. 5.1 from 2240501200013 GE/R/VG/83/94 (MONIT values) 2240501200014 HISTORY (20010606A) Level energy heading updated, FLAG removed;2240501200015 comments updated. 2240501200016 (20081229A) Numerical data corrected. EN-SEC added. 2240501200017 (20140108A) SD: Col. MONIT added; BIB updated. 2240501200018 (20220102A) SD: SF5=PAR added to MONITOR code. 2240501200019 ENDBIB 17 0 2240501200020 COMMON 2 3 2240501200021 LVL-INI E-NRM 2240501200022 KEV KEV 2240501200023 814. 478. 2240501200024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2240501200025 DATA 6 18 2240501200026 E EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA ERR-T MONIT 2240501200027 KEV MEV MEV B B B 2240501200028 440. .70 .75 .02 .01 .242240501200029 440. .75 .80 -.01 .01 .212240501200030 440. .80 .85 .05 .02 .182240501200031 440. .85 .90 .10 .03 .162240501200032 440. .90 .95 .17 .04 .152240501200033 440. .95 1.00 .24 .05 .132240501200034 440. 1.00 1.10 .28 .06 .112240501200035 440. 1.10 1.20 .33 .07 .102240501200036 440. 1.20 1.30 .35 .07 .092240501200037 814. .70 .75 -.01 .01 .242240501200038 814. .75 .80 -.02 .01 .212240501200039 814. .80 .85 -.01 .01 .182240501200040 814. .85 .90 .03 .02 .162240501200041 814. .90 .95 .02 .01 .152240501200042 814. .95 1.00 .06 .02 .132240501200043 814. 1.00 1.10 .07 .01 .112240501200044 814. 1.10 1.20 .11 .02 .102240501200045 814. 1.20 1.30 .07 .02 .092240501200046 ENDDATA 20 0 2240501200047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 2240501299999 SUBENT 22405013 20140108 22382240501300001 BIB 5 6 2240501300002 REACTION ((46-PD-104(N,INL)46-PD-104,PAR,SIG,G,AV)/ 2240501300003 (5-B-10(N,A)3-LI-7,,SIG,G)) 2240501300004 EN-SEC (E,G) Energy of emitted gamma-rays 2240501300005 COMMENT .First 2+ to 0+ ground state transition 2240501300006 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. 4.1 from GE/R/VG/83/94 2240501300007 HISTORY (20140108C) SD 2240501300008 ENDBIB 6 0 2240501300009 COMMON 2 3 2240501300010 E-NM E-DN 2240501300011 KEV KEV 2240501300012 556. 478. 2240501300013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2240501300014 DATA 4 32 2240501300015 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA ERR-T 2240501300016 MEV MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM 2240501300017 .05 .10 .06 .03 2240501300018 .10 .15 .08 .03 2240501300019 .15 .20 .01 .03 2240501300020 .20 .25 .07 .03 2240501300021 .25 .30 .04 .04 2240501300022 .30 .35 .03 .03 2240501300023 .35 .40 .04 .03 2240501300024 .40 .45 .04 .02 2240501300025 .45 .50 .01 .02 2240501300026 .50 .55 .01 .01 2240501300027 .55 .60 .15 .02 2240501300028 .60 .65 .65 .05 2240501300029 .65 .70 1.31 .09 2240501300030 .70 .75 1.97 .13 2240501300031 .75 .80 2.51 .17 2240501300032 .80 .85 3.46 .23 2240501300033 .85 .90 4.10 .28 2240501300034 .90 .95 4.65 .32 2240501300035 .95 1.00 5.43 .38 2240501300036 1.00 1.10 6.69 .43 2240501300037 1.10 1.20 7.93 .52 2240501300038 1.20 1.30 8.10 .55 2240501300039 1.30 1.40 10.15 .70 2240501300040 1.40 1.50 11.42 .82 2240501300041 1.50 1.60 10.30 .79 2240501300042 1.60 1.80 7.76 .53 2240501300043 1.80 2.00 8.69 .59 2240501300044 2.00 2.20 10.03 .73 2240501300045 2.20 2.40 12.41 .90 2240501300046 2.40 2.70 13.42 .91 2240501300047 2.70 3.00 17.54 1.19 2240501300048 3.00 3.40 22.15 1.50 2240501300049 ENDDATA 34 0 2240501300050 ENDSUBENT 49 0 2240501399999 SUBENT 22405014 20140108 22382240501400001 BIB 5 11 2240501400002 REACTION ((46-PD-105(N,INL)46-PD-105,PAR,SIG,G,AV)/ 2240501400003 (5-B-10(N,A)3-LI-7,,SIG,G)) 2240501400004 EN-SEC (E,G) Energy of emitted gamma-rays 2240501400005 COMMENT 280 keV - 3/2+ to 5/2+ Ground State Transition 2240501400006 306 keV - 7/2+ to 5/2+ Ground State Transition 2240501400007 319 keV - 5/2+ to 5/2+ Ground State Transition 2240501400008 442 keV - 5/2+ to 5/2+ Ground State Transition 2240501400009 561 keV - 5/2+ to 5/2+ Ground State Transition 2240501400010 645 keV - 7/2- To 5/2+ Ground State Transition 2240501400011 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. 4.2 - 4.7 from GE/R/VG/83/94 2240501400012 HISTORY (20140108C) SD 2240501400013 ENDBIB 11 0 2240501400014 COMMON 1 3 2240501400015 E-DN 2240501400016 KEV 2240501400017 478. 2240501400018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2240501400019 DATA 5 185 2240501400020 E-NM EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA ERR-T 2240501400021 KEV MEV MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM 2240501400022 280. .05 .10 .00 .01 2240501400023 280. .10 .15 .00 .01 2240501400024 280. .15 .20 .01 .01 2240501400025 280. .25 .30 -0.1 .01 2240501400026 280. .30 .35 .11 .02 2240501400027 280. .35 .40 .24 .02 2240501400028 280. .40 .45 .31 .02 2240501400029 280. .45 .50 .40 .03 2240501400030 280. .50 .55 .47 .03 2240501400031 280. .55 .60 .53 .03 2240501400032 280. .60 .65 .66 .04 2240501400033 280. .65 .70 .74 .05 2240501400034 280. .70 .75 .90 .06 2240501400035 280. .75 .80 1.08 .08 2240501400036 280. .80 .85 1.14 .08 2240501400037 280. .85 .90 1.31 .10 2240501400038 280. .90 .95 1.48 .11 2240501400039 280. .95 1.00 1.65 .12 2240501400040 280. 1.00 1.10 1.78 .12 2240501400041 280. 1.10 1.20 2.01 .15 2240501400042 280. 1.20 1.30 2.27 .17 2240501400043 280. 1.30 1.40 2.49 .19 2240501400044 280. 1.40 1.50 2.45 .19 2240501400045 280. 1.50 1.60 2.01 .18 2240501400046 280. 1.60 1.80 1.63 .12 2240501400047 280. 1.80 2.00 1.47 .11 2240501400048 280. 2.00 2.20 1.67 .14 2240501400049 280. 2.20 2.40 1.93 .16 2240501400050 280. 2.40 2.70 1.89 .15 2240501400051 280. 2.70 3.00 2.25 .18 2240501400052 280. 3.00 3.40 2.28 .18 2240501400053 306. .05 .10 -.03 .02 2240501400054 306. .10 .15 -.01 .02 2240501400055 306. .15 .20 -.01 .02 2240501400056 306. .20 .25 -.01 .02 2240501400057 306. .25 .30 .01 .02 2240501400058 306. .30 .35 .08 .02 2240501400059 306. .35 .40 .31 .03 2240501400060 306. .40 .45 .51 .04 2240501400061 306. .45 .50 .55 .04 2240501400062 306. .50 .55 .60 .05 2240501400063 306. .55 .60 .73 .05 2240501400064 306. .60 .65 .92 .07 2240501400065 306. .65 .70 1.07 .08 2240501400066 306. .70 .75 1.32 .10 2240501400067 306. .75 .80 1.34 .11 2240501400068 306. .80 .85 1.58 .12 2240501400069 306. .85 .90 1.70 .14 2240501400070 306. .90 .95 1.76 .14 2240501400071 306. .95 1.00 1.84 .16 2240501400072 306. 1.00 1.10 2.18 .17 2240501400073 306. 1.10 1.20 2.31 .19 2240501400074 306. 1.20 1.30 2.63 .22 2240501400075 306. 1.30 1.40 2.70 .23 2240501400076 306. 1.40 1.50 2.97 .26 2240501400077 306. 1.50 1.60 2.30 .22 2240501400078 306. 1.60 1.80 1.76 .15 2240501400079 306. 1.80 2.00 1.57 .14 2240501400080 306. 2.00 2.20 1.73 .17 2240501400081 306. 2.20 2.40 2.14 .20 2240501400082 306. 2.40 2.70 2.11 .18 2240501400083 306. 2.70 3.00 2.72 .23 2240501400084 306. 3.00 3.40 2.86 .24 2240501400085 319. .05 .10 .01 .01 2240501400086 319. .10 .15 -.01 .01 2240501400087 319. .15 .20 .01 .01 2240501400088 319. .20 .25 .00 .01 2240501400089 319. .25 .30 -.02 .01 2240501400090 319. .30 .35 .07 .02 2240501400091 319. .35 .40 .22 .02 2240501400092 319. .40 .45 .37 .03 2240501400093 319. .45 .50 .48 .03 2240501400094 319. .50 .55 .59 .04 2240501400095 319. .55 .60 .68 .05 2240501400096 319. .60 .65 .84 .06 2240501400097 319. .65 .70 1.05 .07 2240501400098 319. .70 .75 1.16 .08 2240501400099 319. .75 .80 1.39 .10 2240501400100 319. .80 .85 1.50 .11 2240501400101 319. .85 .90 1.75 .13 2240501400102 319. .90 .95 1.84 .14 2240501400103 319. .95 1.00 2.03 .16 2240501400104 319. 1.00 1.10 2.07 .15 2240501400105 319. 1.10 1.20 2.26 .17 2240501400106 319. 1.20 1.30 2.36 .18 2240501400107 319. 1.30 1.40 2.71 .22 2240501400108 319. 1.40 1.50 2.48 .21 2240501400109 319. 1.50 1.60 2.29 .21 2240501400110 319. 1.60 1.80 1.62 .13 2240501400111 319. 1.80 2.00 1.61 .13 2240501400112 319. 2.00 2.20 1.85 .16 2240501400113 319. 2.20 2.40 1.94 .18 2240501400114 319. 2.40 2.70 1.87 .16 2240501400115 319. 2.70 3.00 2.37 .20 2240501400116 319. 3.00 3.40 2.77 .22 2240501400117 442. .05 .10 .01 .02 2240501400118 442. .10 .15 .00 .01 2240501400119 442. .15 .20 .01 .01 2240501400120 442. .20 .25 .02 .01 2240501400121 442. .35 .40 -.01 .01 2240501400122 442. .40 .45 .01 .01 2240501400123 442. .45 .50 .10 .01 2240501400124 442. .50 .55 .30 .03 2240501400125 442. .55 .60 .50 .04 2240501400126 442. .60 .65 .78 .06 2240501400127 442. .65 .70 .95 .08 2240501400128 442. .70 .75 1.14 .09 2240501400129 442. .75 .80 1.48 .12 2240501400130 442. .80 .85 1.59 .13 2240501400131 442. .85 .90 1.74 .15 2240501400132 442. .90 .95 2.11 .18 2240501400133 442. .95 1.00 2.23 .20 2240501400134 442. 1.00 1.10 2.45 .20 2240501400135 442. 1.10 1.20 2.75 .23 2240501400136 442. 1.20 1.30 2.94 .26 2240501400137 442. 1.30 1.40 3.23 .29 2240501400138 442. 1.40 1.50 3.28 .31 2240501400139 442. 1.50 1.60 3.08 .31 2240501400140 442. 1.60 1.80 2.38 .21 2240501400141 442. 1.80 2.00 2.41 .21 2240501400142 442. 2.00 2.20 2.68 .26 2240501400143 442. 2.20 2.40 3.15 .30 2240501400144 442. 2.40 2.70 3.30 .29 2240501400145 442. 2.70 3.00 4.02 .36 2240501400146 442. 3.00 3.40 5.29 .46 2240501400147 561. .05 .10 -.02 .02 2240501400148 561. .10 .15 .00 .02 2240501400149 561. .15 .20 -.03 .02 2240501400150 561. .20 .25 .02 .02 2240501400151 561. .25 .30 -.01 .02 2240501400152 561. .35 .40 -.01 .02 2240501400153 561. .40 .45 .01 .01 2240501400154 561. .50 .55 -.01 .01 2240501400155 561. .55 .60 .01 .01 2240501400156 561. .60 .65 .10 .02 2240501400157 561. .65 .70 .23 .04 2240501400158 561. .70 .75 .37 .05 2240501400159 561. .75 .80 .44 .06 2240501400160 561. .80 .85 .55 .08 2240501400161 561. .85 .90 .55 .09 2240501400162 561. .90 .95 .91 .13 2240501400163 561. .95 1.00 .88 .13 2240501400164 561. 1.00 1.10 .93 .13 2240501400165 561. 1.10 1.20 .98 .15 2240501400166 561. 1.20 1.30 1.01 .16 2240501400167 561. 1.30 1.40 1.23 .19 2240501400168 561. 1.40 1.50 1.30 .21 2240501400169 561. 1.50 1.60 .91 .18 2240501400170 561. 1.60 1.80 .72 .13 2240501400171 561. 1.80 2.00 .63 .12 2240501400172 561. 2.00 2.20 .71 .16 2240501400173 561. 2.20 2.40 .84 .18 2240501400174 561. 2.40 2.70 .85 .16 2240501400175 561. 2.70 3.00 .95 .18 2240501400176 561. 3.00 3.40 .83 .18 2240501400177 645. .05 .10 -.03 .02 2240501400178 645. .10 .15 .04 .02 2240501400179 645. .15 .20 -.02 .02 2240501400180 645. .20 .25 .01 .02 2240501400181 645. .25 .30 .03 .02 2240501400182 645. .30 .35 -.05 .02 2240501400183 645. .35 .40 -.01 .02 2240501400184 645. .40 .45 .02 .02 2240501400185 645. .50 .55 .01 .01 2240501400186 645. .60 .65 .03 .01 2240501400187 645. .65 .70 .09 .02 2240501400188 645. .70 .75 .32 .04 2240501400189 645. .75 .80 .38 .05 2240501400190 645. .80 .85 .54 .06 2240501400191 645. .85 .90 .76 .08 2240501400192 645. .90 .95 .95 .10 2240501400193 645. .95 1.00 .84 .10 2240501400194 645. 1.00 1.10 1.04 .10 2240501400195 645. 1.10 1.20 1.29 .14 2240501400196 645. 1.20 1.30 1.17 .14 2240501400197 645. 1.30 1.40 1.62 .18 2240501400198 645. 1.40 1.50 1.57 .20 2240501400199 645. 1.50 1.60 1.61 .22 2240501400200 645. 1.60 1.80 1.09 .14 2240501400201 645. 1.80 2.00 1.18 .14 2240501400202 645. 2.00 2.20 1.33 .20 2240501400203 645. 2.20 2.40 1.59 .23 2240501400204 645. 2.40 2.70 1.52 .20 2240501400205 645. 2.70 3.00 1.82 .23 2240501400206 645. 3.00 3.40 2.87 .29 2240501400207 ENDDATA 187 0 2240501400208 ENDSUBENT 207 0 2240501499999 SUBENT 22405015 20140108 22382240501500001 BIB 5 6 2240501500002 REACTION ((46-PD-106(N,INL)46-PD-106,PAR,SIG,G,AV)/ 2240501500003 (5-B-10(N,A)3-LI-7,,SIG,G)) 2240501500004 EN-SEC (E,G) Energy of emitted gamma-rays 2240501500005 COMMENT .512 keV - first 2+ to 0+ ground state transition 2240501500006 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. 4.8 from GE/R/VG/83/94 2240501500007 HISTORY (20140108C) SD 2240501500008 ENDBIB 6 0 2240501500009 COMMON 2 3 2240501500010 E-NM E-DN 2240501500011 KEV KEV 2240501500012 512. 478. 2240501500013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2240501500014 DATA 4 32 2240501500015 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA ERR-T 2240501500016 MEV MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM 2240501500017 .05 .10 -.30 .18 2240501500018 .10 .15 -.10 .18 2240501500019 .15 .20 -.08 .18 2240501500020 .20 .25 -.01 .18 2240501500021 .25 .30 .02 .18 2240501500022 .30 .35 .06 .18 2240501500023 .35 .40 .06 .18 2240501500024 .40 .45 .04 .18 2240501500025 .45 .50 .02 .18 2240501500026 .50 .55 .17 .18 2240501500027 .55 .60 .63 .18 2240501500028 .60 .65 1.27 .20 2240501500029 .65 .70 1.93 .24 2240501500030 .70 .75 2.71 .28 2240501500031 .75 .80 3.59 .34 2240501500032 .80 .85 4.15 .39 2240501500033 .85 .90 5.20 .47 2240501500034 .90 .95 5.67 .51 2240501500035 .95 1.00 6.40 .57 2240501500036 1.00 1.10 7.59 .65 2240501500037 1.10 1.20 9.21 .79 2240501500038 1.20 1.30 10.83 .93 2240501500039 1.30 1.40 12.82 1.11 2240501500040 1.40 1.50 14.86 1.31 2240501500041 1.50 1.60 13.30 1.22 2240501500042 1.60 1.80 10.01 .87 2240501500043 1.80 2.00 10.60 .92 2240501500044 2.00 2.20 12.99 1.15 2240501500045 2.20 2.40 15.38 1.37 2240501500046 2.40 2.70 16.34 1.41 2240501500047 2.70 3.00 21.49 1.86 2240501500048 3.00 3.40 28.54 2.47 2240501500049 ENDDATA 34 0 2240501500050 ENDSUBENT 49 0 2240501599999 SUBENT 22405016 20140108 22382240501600001 BIB 5 8 2240501600002 REACTION ((46-PD-108(N,INL)46-PD-108,PAR,SIG,G,AV)/ 2240501600003 (5-B-10(N,A)3-LI-7,,SIG,G)) 2240501600004 EN-SEC (E,G) Energy of emitted gamma-rays 2240501600005 COMMENT 434keV - first 2+ to 0+ ground state transition 2240501600006 497keV - second 2+ to first 2+ state transition 2240501600007 931keV - second 2+ to 0+ ground state transition 2240501600008 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. 4.9 - 4.11 from GE/R/VG/83/94 2240501600009 HISTORY (20140108C) SD 2240501600010 ENDBIB 8 0 2240501600011 COMMON 1 3 2240501600012 E-DN 2240501600013 KEV 2240501600014 478. 2240501600015 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2240501600016 DATA 5 87 2240501600017 E-NM EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA ERR-T 2240501600018 KEV MEV MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM 2240501600019 434. .05 .10 .03 .01 2240501600020 434. .15 .20 -.01 .01 2240501600021 434. .20 .25 .02 .01 2240501600022 434. .25 .30 .01 .01 2240501600023 434. .30 .35 .02 .01 2240501600024 434. .35 .40 -.01 .01 2240501600025 434. .40 .45 .02 .01 2240501600026 434. .45 .50 .31 .02 2240501600027 434. .50 .55 .68 .04 2240501600028 434. .55 .60 1.08 .06 2240501600029 434. .60 .65 1.63 .09 2240501600030 434. .65 .70 2.22 .12 2240501600031 434. .70 .75 2.87 .16 2240501600032 434. .75 .80 3.32 .18 2240501600033 434. .80 .85 4.05 .22 2240501600034 434. .85 .90 4.79 .27 2240501600035 434. .90 .95 5.51 .31 2240501600036 434. .95 1.00 6.35 .37 2240501600037 434. 1.00 1.10 7.57 .42 2240501600038 434. 1.10 1.20 9.61 .55 2240501600039 434. 1.20 1.30 11.18 .65 2240501600040 434. 1.30 1.40 13.09 .78 2240501600041 434. 1.40 1.50 14.81 .93 2240501600042 434. 1.50 1.60 13.47 .89 2240501600043 434. 1.60 1.80 10.07 .59 2240501600044 434. 1.80 2.00 10.10 .59 2240501600045 434. 2.00 2.20 11.42 .72 2240501600046 434. 2.20 2.40 13.28 .85 2240501600047 434. 2.40 2.70 14.21 .85 2240501600048 434. 2.70 3.00 18.07 1.10 2240501600049 434. 3.00 3.40 22.42 1.38 2240501600050 497. .05 .10 .03 .02 2240501600051 497. .10 .15 .01 .01 2240501600052 497. .30 .35 .02 .02 2240501600053 497. .40 .45 -.02 .01 2240501600054 497. .45 .50 .01 .01 2240501600055 497. .50 .55 -.01 .01 2240501600056 497. .55 .60 -.02 .01 2240501600057 497. .60 .65 -.02 .01 2240501600058 497. .65 .70 -.03 .01 2240501600059 497. .70 .75 -.02 .02 2240501600060 497. .75 .80 -.03 .02 2240501600061 497. .80 .85 -.07 .03 2240501600062 497. .85 .90 -.04 .03 2240501600063 497. .95 1.00 .36 .07 2240501600064 497. 1.00 1.10 1.27 .16 2240501600065 497. 1.10 1.20 2.14 .26 2240501600066 497. 1.20 1.30 2.76 .33 2240501600067 497. 1.30 1.40 3.43 .42 2240501600068 497. 1.40 1.50 4.03 .50 2240501600069 497. 1.50 1.60 3.68 .47 2240501600070 497. 1.60 1.80 2.44 .30 2240501600071 497. 1.80 2.00 2.59 .31 2240501600072 497. 2.00 2.20 3.14 .39 2240501600073 497. 2.20 2.40 3.71 .46 2240501600074 497. 2.40 2.70 3.92 .48 2240501600075 497. 2.70 3.00 4.84 .59 2240501600076 497. 3.00 3.40 5.73 .69 2240501600077 931. .05 .10 .01 .02 2240501600078 931. .20 .25 -.02 .02 2240501600079 931. .25 .30 .06 .02 2240501600080 931. .30 .35 -.02 .02 2240501600081 931. .35 .40 .01 .02 2240501600082 931. .40 .45 -.01 .01 2240501600083 931. .50 .55 -.01 .01 2240501600084 931. .55 .60 .02 .01 2240501600085 931. .60 .65 .02 .01 2240501600086 931. .65 .70 -.01 .01 2240501600087 931. .70 .75 -.01 .02 2240501600088 931. .75 .80 .05 .03 2240501600089 931. .80 .85 -.04 .02 2240501600090 931. .85 .90 -.06 .03 2240501600091 931. .90 .95 -.05 .03 2240501600092 931. .95 1.00 .07 .05 2240501600093 931. 1.00 1.10 .29 .07 2240501600094 931. 1.10 1.20 .58 .12 2240501600095 931. 1.20 1.30 .83 .16 2240501600096 931. 1.30 1.40 1.21 .23 2240501600097 931. 1.40 1.50 1.46 .27 2240501600098 931. 1.50 1.60 1.23 .26 2240501600099 931. 1.60 1.80 .89 .17 2240501600100 931. 1.80 2.00 1.01 .19 2240501600101 931. 2.00 2.20 1.14 .23 2240501600102 931. 2.20 2.40 1.62 .32 2240501600103 931. 2.40 2.70 1.60 .29 2240501600104 931. 2.70 3.00 1.60 .31 2240501600105 931. 3.00 3.40 2.45 .44 2240501600106 ENDDATA 89 0 2240501600107 ENDSUBENT 106 0 2240501699999 SUBENT 22405017 20140108 22382240501700001 BIB 5 8 2240501700002 REACTION ((46-PD-110(N,INL)46-PD-110,PAR,SIG,G)/ 2240501700003 (5-B-10(N,A)3-LI-7,,SIG,G)) 2240501700004 EN-SEC (E,G) Energy of emitted gamma-rays 2240501700005 COMMENT 374keV - first 2+ to 0+ ground state transition 2240501700006 440keV - second 2+ to first 2+ state transition 2240501700007 814keV - second 2+ to 0+ ground state transition 2240501700008 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. 4.12 - 4.14 from GE/R/VG/83/94 2240501700009 HISTORY (20140108C) SD 2240501700010 ENDBIB 8 0 2240501700011 COMMON 1 3 2240501700012 E-DN 2240501700013 KEV 2240501700014 478. 2240501700015 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2240501700016 DATA 5 93 2240501700017 E-NM EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA ERR-T 2240501700018 KEV MEV MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM 2240501700019 374. .10 .15 -.01 .02 2240501700020 374. .15 .20 -.03 .02 2240501700021 374. .20 .25 .02 .03 2240501700022 374. .25 .30 .08 .03 2240501700023 374. .30 .35 -.03 .03 2240501700024 374. .35 .40 .01 .03 2240501700025 374. .40 .45 .35 .03 2240501700026 374. .45 .50 .65 .04 2240501700027 374. .50 .55 1.00 .06 2240501700028 374. .55 .60 1.43 .09 2240501700029 374. .60 .65 1.88 .11 2240501700030 374. .65 .70 2.39 .14 2240501700031 374. .70 .75 3.01 .18 2240501700032 374. .75 .80 3.68 .23 2240501700033 374. .80 .85 4.37 .27 2240501700034 374. .85 .90 5.36 .34 2240501700035 374. .90 .95 6.16 .39 2240501700036 374. .95 1.00 7.27 .47 2240501700037 374. 1.00 1.10 9.34 .56 2240501700038 374. 1.10 1.20 10.75 .67 2240501700039 374. 1.20 1.30 12.36 .78 2240501700040 374. 1.30 1.40 14.64 .95 2240501700041 374. 1.40 1.50 15.68 1.06 2240501700042 374. 1.50 1.60 14.20 1.01 2240501700043 374. 1.60 1.80 9.97 .64 2240501700044 374. 1.80 2.00 9.46 .61 2240501700045 374. 2.00 2.20 11.06 .76 2240501700046 374. 2.20 2.40 13.40 .93 2240501700047 374. 2.40 2.70 13.47 .88 2240501700048 374. 2.70 3.00 17.85 1.17 2240501700049 374. 3.00 3.40 20.98 1.38 2240501700050 440. .05 .10 -.06 .04 2240501700051 440. .10 .15 -.06 .03 2240501700052 440. .15 .20 .03 .03 2240501700053 440. .25 .30 -.02 .04 2240501700054 440. .30 .35 -.05 .04 2240501700055 440. .35 .40 -.03 .04 2240501700056 440. .40 .45 -.02 .03 2240501700057 440. .45 .50 -.03 .02 2240501700058 440. .50 .55 -.04 .02 2240501700059 440. .55 .60 -.01 .02 2240501700060 440. .60 .65 -.03 .03 2240501700061 440. .65 .70 .07 .04 2240501700062 440. .70 .75 .09 .06 2240501700063 440. .75 .80 -.05 .07 2240501700064 440. .80 .85 .30 .10 2240501700065 440. .85 .90 .63 .17 2240501700066 440. .90 .95 1.20 .27 2240501700067 440. .95 1.00 1.85 .39 2240501700068 440. 1.00 1.10 2.52 .50 2240501700069 440. 1.10 1.20 3.31 .65 2240501700070 440. 1.20 1.30 3.98 .78 2240501700071 440. 1.30 1.40 5.06 .99 2240501700072 440. 1.40 1.50 5.07 1.00 2240501700073 440. 1.50 1.60 5.16 1.05 2240501700074 440. 1.60 1.80 4.29 .84 2240501700075 440. 1.80 2.00 4.23 .83 2240501700076 440. 2.00 2.20 5.03 1. 2240501700077 440. 2.20 2.40 5.32 1.08 2240501700078 440. 2.40 2.70 6.36 1.24 2240501700079 440. 2.70 3.00 7.82 1. 2240501700080 440. 3.00 3.40 8.97 1.74 2240501700081 814. .05 .10 -.01 .05 2240501700082 814. .10 .15 .03 .04 2240501700083 814. .15 .20 -.03 .04 2240501700084 814. .20 .25 .01 .04 2240501700085 814. .25 .30 .02 .05 2240501700086 814. .30 .35 -.02 .05 2240501700087 814. .35 .40 .02 .04 2240501700088 814. .45 .50 -.03 .02 2240501700089 814. .50 .55 .02 .02 2240501700090 814. .55 .60 -.01 .02 2240501700091 814. .60 .65 -.04 .03 2240501700092 814. .65 .70 -.03 .04 2240501700093 814. .70 .75 -.04 .04 2240501700094 814. .75 .80 -.09 .06 2240501700095 814. .80 .85 -.07 .06 2240501700096 814. .85 .90 .15 .09 2240501700097 814. .90 .95 .10 .06 2240501700098 814. .95 1.00 .43 .12 2240501700099 814. 1.00 1.10 .52 .12 2240501700100 814. 1.10 1.20 .99 .17 2240501700101 814. 1.20 1.30 .65 .18 2240501700102 814. 1.30 1.40 .89 .23 2240501700103 814. 1.40 1.50 1.31 .27 2240501700104 814. 1.50 1.60 1.02 .29 2240501700105 814. 1.60 1.80 .72 .18 2240501700106 814. 1.80 2.00 .91 .19 2240501700107 814. 2.00 2.20 1.32 .28 2240501700108 814. 2.20 2.40 1.46 .32 2240501700109 814. 2.40 2.70 1.01 .26 2240501700110 814. 2.70 3.00 1.52 .31 2240501700111 814. 3.00 3.40 2.13 .36 2240501700112 ENDDATA 95 0 2240501700113 ENDSUBENT 112 0 2240501799999 ENDENTRY 17 0 2240599999999