ENTRY            22434   20150824                             22452243400000001 
SUBENT        22434001   20150824                             22452243400100001 
BIB                 15         81                                 2243400100002 
TITLE       Measurement of (n,alpha) cross-sections for           2243400100003 
            short-lived products by 13.4 - 14.9 MeV neutrons      2243400100004 
AUTHOR     (Y.Kasugai,H.Yamamoto,K.Kawade,T.Iida)                 2243400100005 
INSTITUTE  (2JPNNAG) Kasugai, Yamamoto, Kawade                    2243400100006 
           (2JPNOSA) Iida                                         2243400100007 
REFERENCE  (J,ANE,25,(18),1485,1998) Main reference, data given   2243400100008 
METHOD     (ACTIV)  Activation                                    2243400100009 
FACILITY   (CCW,2JPNOSA) The intense 14 MeV neutron source        2243400100010 
                         OKTAVIAN at Osaka university.            2243400100011 
INC-SOURCE (D-T) The d-beam energy was 300 keV and the intensity  2243400100012 
            was 5 milliamps. a sample transport system of six     2243400100013 
            pneumatic tubes provided irradiation positions giving 2243400100014 
            monochromatic neutrons of 13.4-14.9 MeV. Another tube 2243400100015 
            was put at -105 deg to check the symmetry of the      2243400100016 
            system. The irradiation positions was about 15 cm     2243400100017 
            from the tritium target. An additional tube set at    2243400100018 
            -22.5 deg and at 1.5 cm distance was used when strong 2243400100019 
            activities were required. The transfer time was about 2243400100020 
            2 sec.                                                2243400100021 
INC-SPECT   Neutron energies cover range from 14.9 to 13.7 MeV    2243400100022 
            angles of irradiation are 0, 55, 75, 105, 125, 155    2243400100023 
            deg.  Distance between tritium target and sample is   2243400100024 
            15 cm. The effective energy of incident neutrons at   2243400100025 
            irradiation position was determined by the ratio of   2243400100026 
            90-Zr(n,2n) and 93-Nb(n,2n)92m-Nb cross section       2243400100027 
DETECTOR   (HPGE)  Two Ge detectors with efficiencies of 12 and   2243400100028 
            16%, having resolution of 1.75 and 2.00 keV,          2243400100029 
            respectively, were used to measure the induced acti-  2243400100030 
            vities. Each detector was covered with a 5 mm acrylic 2243400100031 
            absorber to reduce beta-rays. The efficiency calibra- 2243400100032 
            tion was performed at a distance of 5 cm using 24Na,  2243400100033 
            56Co, 133Ba, 152Eu AND 241Am sources.                 2243400100034 
MONITOR    (13-AL-27(N,P)12-MG-27,,SIG) For neutron flux          2243400100035 
             monitoring based on the standard Al-27(n,alpha)      2243400100036 
             reaction in ENDF/B-VI.                               2243400100037 
           (13-AL-27(N,A)11-NA-24,,SIG)                           2243400100038 
DECAY-MON  (12-MG-27,9.46MIN,DG,843.8,.720)                       2243400100039 
           (11-NA-24,14.959HR,DG,1368.6,0.99994)                  2243400100040 
SAMPLE      The samples of mass-separated isotopes and samples    2243400100041 
            of natural abundance were used. Powder samples were   2243400100042 
            wrapped in powder paper. Sample sizes were (10mm*     2243400100043 
            10mm*(1-2)mm). Samples' weights are between 20 and    2243400100044 
            70 mg.  Isotopic abundance is given in each Subent    2243400100045 
CORRECTION  Corrections were made for -                           2243400100046 
            -Fractional contribution of low-energy neutrons (3%)  2243400100047 
            -Fluctuation of neutron flux (3%)                     2243400100048 
            -Counting loss due to the coincidence sum effect(0%)  2243400100049 
            -Deviation of gamma-ray detection efficiency due to   2243400100050 
             sample thickness (6%)                                2243400100051 
            -Self-absorption of the gamma-rays in the sample(20%) 2243400100052 
            -Interfering reaction (n,n'alpha)                     2243400100053 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T)  The square root of the sum of squared         2243400100054 
            of the experimental error (ERR-1) and                 2243400100055 
            error in nuclear data (ERR-2)                         2243400100056 
           (ERR-1) Experimental error includes:                   2243400100057 
            - counting statistics                         (1-20%) 2243400100058 
            - low-energy neutron contribution error         (<2.) 2243400100059 
            - sample mass including purity                (<0.1%) 2243400100060 
            - neutron flux fluctuation                    (<0.4%) 2243400100061 
            - gamma peak area evaluation                   (0.5%) 2243400100062 
            - detector efficiency:      Eg >300 keV        (1.5%) 2243400100063 
                                        Eg 80-300 keV        (3%) 2243400100064 
                                        Eg <80 keV           (5%) 2243400100065 
            - error in efficiency conversion ratio between close  2243400100066 
                         and standard position             (1-2%) 2243400100067 
            - error in  true coincidence sum              (<0.6%) 2243400100068 
            - error in  random coincidence sum            (<0.1%) 2243400100069 
            - error in  self-absorption of gammas        (0.2-4%) 2243400100070 
            - error in gamma-peak evaluation              (<0.5%) 2243400100071 
            - 27Al(n,p)27Mg counting statistics            (0.5%) 2243400100072 
           (ERR-2) Nuclear data error includes:                   2243400100073 
            - error in ENDF/B-V 27Al(n,a)24Na cross section(3.0%) 2243400100074 
            - error in absolute gamma intensity         (0.3-20%) 2243400100075 
            - error in half-life                          (0-10%) 2243400100076 
           (EN-ERR) Energy error                                  2243400100077 
HISTORY    (19991206C)  + + Compiled by S. Maev     + +           2243400100078 
           (20070330A)  Correlation established to AN 22215,22281 2243400100079 
           (20150824A) SD: BIB update. Data were corrected in     2243400100080 
           Subent 2. En=14.02 was corrected in Subents 3,4,6.     2243400100081 
           STATUS "COREL" deleted. Presentation of ERR-T was      2243400100082 
           changed in Subents 002-013 following Tbl.5 (mb -> %).  2243400100083 
ENDBIB              81          0                                 2243400100084 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2243400100085 
ENDSUBENT           84          0                                 2243400199999 
SUBENT        22434002   20150824                             22452243400200001 
BIB                  6         20                                 2243400200002 
REACTION   (12-MG-26(N,A)10-NE-23,,SIG)                           2243400200003 
DECAY-DATA (10-NE-23,37.6SEC,DG,439.9,0.329)                      2243400200004 
SAMPLE     (12-MG-26,NAT=0.1101) Content of metal samples -       2243400200005 
            24Mg 78.99%, 25Mg 10.00%, 26Mg 11.01%. Natural metal  2243400200006 
           samples with area 10*10 mm and thicknesses 2,4,6 mm and2243400200007 
           mass-separated 26Mg(O) powder samples were irradiated. 2243400200008 
           Both metal and powder samples were used to examine the 2243400200009 
           possibility of 23Ne leakage from the irradiated sample.2243400200010 
           Data are taken only for metal samples.                 2243400200011 
STATUS     (TABLE)  En values are taken from Tbl. 5 of ANE,25,14852243400200012 
            data - from Table 9(a) of INDC(JPN)-154 (see COMMENT).2243400200013 
COMMENT    From Dr.K.Kawade: "Table 5 of ANE,25,1485 is wrong     2243400200014 
           except for En. Adopt cross sections and uncertainties  2243400200015 
           in Table 9(a) of INDC(JPN)-154. Note that En of        2243400200016 
           Tbl. 9(a) is wrong. Additionally, En:14.02 MeV ->      2243400200017 
           14.01 MeV (Typo in Table 5 of ANE,25,1485,1998)".      2243400200018 
HISTORY    (20150824A) SD: Data were corrected following K.Kawade 2243400200019 
           remark (see COMMENT). Presentation of ERR-T was changed2243400200020 
           following Tbl.5 (mb -> %). Coded info to SAMPLE was    2243400200021 
           added.                                                 2243400200022 
ENDBIB              20          0                                 2243400200023 
COMMON               2          3                                 2243400200024 
EN-ERR     ERR-2                                                  2243400200025 
KEV        PER-CENT                                               2243400200026 
  50.        4.3                                                  2243400200027 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2243400200028 
DATA                 4          6                                 2243400200029 
EN         DATA       ERR-1      ERR-T                            2243400200030 
MEV        MB         PER-CENT   PER-CENT                         2243400200031 
      13.40       58.3        3.6        5.6                      2243400200032 
      13.70       59.8        3.7        5.7                      2243400200033 
      14.01       57.4        4.2        6.0                      2243400200034 
      14.35       56.4        4.0        5.8                      2243400200035 
      14.64       57.5        3.8        5.7                      2243400200036 
      14.87       55.4        3.7        5.6                      2243400200037 
ENDDATA              8          0                                 2243400200038 
ENDSUBENT           37          0                                 2243400299999 
SUBENT        22434003   20150824                             22452243400300001 
BIB                  5         10                                 2243400300002 
REACTION   (14-SI-30(N,A)12-MG-27,,SIG)                           2243400300003 
DECAY-DATA (12-MG-27,9.47MIN,DG,843.8,0.720)                      2243400300004 
SAMPLE     (14-SI-30,ENR=0.9520) Si-O2 oxide, weight 40 mg,       2243400300005 
            30Si content 95.28%                                   2243400300006 
STATUS     (TABLE)  Data are taken from Table 5 of ANE,25,1485,   2243400300007 
           except En=14.02 that changed to 14.01 MeV (typo in Tbl.2243400300008 
           of ANE,25,1485,1998 confirmed by K.Kawade, 2014-04-29).2243400300009 
HISTORY    (20150824A) SD: Energy value corrected according to    2243400300010 
           author's remark (see STATUS). Coded info to SAMPLE was 2243400300011 
           added.Presentation of ERR-T was changed following Tbl.52243400300012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 2243400300013 
COMMON               2          3                                 2243400300014 
EN-ERR     ERR-2                                                  2243400300015 
KEV        PER-CENT                                               2243400300016 
  50.        3.3                                                  2243400300017 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2243400300018 
DATA                 4          6                                 2243400300019 
EN         DATA       ERR-T      ERR-1                            2243400300020 
MEV        MB         PER-CENT   PER-CENT                         2243400300021 
      13.40       66.4        4.0        2.3                      2243400300022 
      13.70       60.0        4.8        3.5                      2243400300023 
      14.01       60.2        5.2        4.0                      2243400300024 
      14.35       64.3        4.7        3.3                      2243400300025 
      14.64       68.4        4.9        3.6                      2243400300026 
      14.87       63.6        4.1        2.5                      2243400300027 
ENDDATA              8          0                                 2243400300028 
ENDSUBENT           27          0                                 2243400399999 
SUBENT        22434004   20150824                             22452243400400001 
BIB                  5         11                                 2243400400002 
REACTION   (15-P-31(N,A)13-AL-28,,SIG)                            2243400400003 
DECAY-DATA (13-AL-28,2.239MIN,DG,1178.7,1.00)                     2243400400004 
SAMPLE     (15-P-31,NAT=1.0) Natural,weight 60mg, 31P content 100%2243400400005 
STATUS     (TABLE)  Data are taken from Table 5 of ANE,25,1485,   2243400400006 
           except En=14.02 that changed to 14.01 MeV (typo in Tbl.2243400400007 
           of ANE,25,1485,1998 confirmed by K.Kawade, 2014-04-29).2243400400008 
HISTORY    (20051216U) Status was added.                          2243400400009 
           (20150824A) SD: Energy value corrected according to    2243400400010 
           author's remark (see STATUS). Coded info to SAMPLE was 2243400400011 
           added.Presentation of ERR-T was changed following Tbl.52243400400012 
           STATUS 'COREL' deleted.                                2243400400013 
ENDBIB              11          0                                 2243400400014 
COMMON               2          3                                 2243400400015 
EN-ERR     ERR-2                                                  2243400400016 
KEV        PER-CENT                                               2243400400017 
  50.        3.0                                                  2243400400018 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2243400400019 
DATA                 4          6                                 2243400400020 
EN         DATA       ERR-T      ERR-1                            2243400400021 
MEV        MB         PER-CENT   PER-CENT                         2243400400022 
      13.40       135.        4.0        2.6                      2243400400023 
      13.70       130.        4.6        3.5                      2243400400024 
      14.01       134.        4.5        3.4                      2243400400025 
      14.35       126.        4.5        3.4                      2243400400026 
      14.64       116.        4.6        3.5                      2243400400027 
      14.87       116.        4.7        3.6                      2243400400028 
ENDDATA              8          0                                 2243400400029 
ENDSUBENT           28          0                                 2243400499999 
SUBENT        22434005   20150824                             22452243400500001 
BIB                  5         10                                 2243400500002 
REACTION   (24-CR-54(N,A)22-TI-51,,SIG)                           2243400500003 
DECAY-DATA (22-TI-51,5.76MIN,DG,320.1,0.930)                      2243400500004 
SAMPLE     (24-CR-54,ENR=0.9678) .Cr2-O3 oxide, weight 30 mg,     2243400500005 
           50Cr: 0.06%, 52Cr: 2.26%, 53Cr: 0.90%,                 2243400500006 
           54Cr content 96.78%                                    2243400500007 
STATUS     (TABLE)  Data are taken from Table 5 of ANE,25,1485    2243400500008 
HISTORY    (20070330A)  Correlation established                   2243400500009 
           (20150824A) SD: Presentation of ERR-T was  changed     2243400500010 
           following Tbl.5.  STATUS "COREL" deleted. Coded info   2243400500011 
           to SAMPLE was added. SAPMLE updated.                   2243400500012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 2243400500013 
COMMON               2          3                                 2243400500014 
EN-ERR     ERR-2                                                  2243400500015 
KEV        PER-CENT                                               2243400500016 
  50.        3.4                                                  2243400500017 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2243400500018 
DATA                 4          6                                 2243400500019 
EN         DATA       ERR-T      ERR-1                            2243400500020 
MEV        MB         PER-CENT   PER-CENT                         2243400500021 
      13.40       10.3        4.2        2.5                      2243400500022 
      13.65       11.0        4.3        2.6                      2243400500023 
      13.88       11.7        4.2        2.4                      2243400500024 
      14.28       12.1        4.7        3.3                      2243400500025 
      14.58       12.8        4.2        2.5                      2243400500026 
      14.87       13.2        4.1        2.6                      2243400500027 
ENDDATA              8          0                                 2243400500028 
ENDSUBENT           27          0                                 2243400599999 
SUBENT        22434006   20150824                             22452243400600001 
BIB                  5         10                                 2243400600002 
REACTION   (29-CU-63(N,A)27-CO-60-M,,SIG)                         2243400600003 
DECAY-DATA (27-CO-60-M,10.424MIN,DG,58.6,0.020)                   2243400600004 
SAMPLE     (29-CU-63,NAT=0.692) Metallic, weight 90 mg, natural,  2243400600005 
           63Cu content 69.2%                                     2243400600006 
STATUS     (TABLE)  Data are taken from Table 5 of ANE,25,1485    2243400600007 
HISTORY    (20051216U) Status was added.                          2243400600008 
           (20150824A) SD: 14.02 MeV -> 14.01 MeV (Typo in Table  2243400600009 
           of ANE,25,1485,1998 confirmed by K.Kawade, 2014-04-29) 2243400600010 
           Presentation of ERR-T was  changed following Tbl.5.    2243400600011 
           STATUS "COREL" deleted. Coded info to SAMPLE was added.2243400600012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 2243400600013 
COMMON               2          3                                 2243400600014 
EN-ERR     ERR-2                                                  2243400600015 
KEV        PER-CENT                                               2243400600016 
  50.        5.9                                                  2243400600017 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2243400600018 
DATA                 4          6                                 2243400600019 
EN         DATA       ERR-T      ERR-1                            2243400600020 
MEV        MB         PER-CENT   PER-CENT                         2243400600021 
  1.340E+01  9.000E+00   23.      22.                             2243400600022 
  1.370E+01  1.400E+01   22.      21.                             2243400600023 
  1.401E+01  9.000E+00   35.      34.                             2243400600024 
  1.435E+01  8.000E+00   40.      40.                             2243400600025 
  1.464E+01  1.100E+01   31.      30.                             2243400600026 
  1.487E+01  8.000E+00   32.      31.                             2243400600027 
ENDDATA              8          0                                 2243400600028 
ENDSUBENT           27          0                                 2243400699999 
SUBENT        22434007   20150824                             22452243400700001 
BIB                  5          9                                 2243400700002 
REACTION   (28-NI-64(N,A)26-FE-61,,SIG)                           2243400700003 
DECAY-DATA (26-FE-61,5.98MIN,DG,298.0,0.222)                      2243400700004 
SAMPLE     (28-NI-64,ENR=0.9792) Weight 30 mg, 64Ni content 97.92%2243400700005 
           58Ni: 0.92%, 60Ni: 0.73%, 61Ni: 0.05%, 62Ni: 0.38%.    2243400700006 
STATUS     (TABLE)  Data are taken from Table 5 of ANE,25,1485    2243400700007 
HISTORY    (20070330A)  Correlation established                   2243400700008 
           (20150824A) SD: Presentation of ERR-T was  changed     2243400700009 
           following Tbl.5.  STATUS "COREL" deleted. Coded info   2243400700010 
           to SAMPLE was added. SAPMLE updated.                   2243400700011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 2243400700012 
COMMON               2          3                                 2243400700013 
EN-ERR     ERR-2                                                  2243400700014 
KEV        PER-CENT                                               2243400700015 
  50.       13.0                                                  2243400700016 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2243400700017 
DATA                 4          6                                 2243400700018 
EN         DATA       ERR-T      ERR-1                            2243400700019 
MEV        MB         MB         PER-CENT                         2243400700020 
      13.40        3.0        15.        7.4                      2243400700021 
      13.65        3.7        15.        8.0                      2243400700022 
      13.88        4.5        14.        5.5                      2243400700023 
      14.28        5.1        16.        9.0                      2243400700024 
      14.58        5.5        14.        5.9                      2243400700025 
      14.87        6.0        14.        4.9                      2243400700026 
ENDDATA              8          0                                 2243400700027 
ENDSUBENT           26          0                                 2243400799999 
SUBENT        22434008   20150824                             22452243400800001 
BIB                  5          9                                 2243400800002 
REACTION   (31-GA-69(N,A)29-CU-66,,SIG)                           2243400800003 
DECAY-DATA (29-CU-66,5.10MIN,DG,1039.4,0.923)                     2243400800004 
SAMPLE     (31-GA-69,ENR=0.9979) Ga2-O3 oxide, weight 70 mg,      2243400800005 
            69Ga content 99.79%, 71Ga content 0.21%               2243400800006 
STATUS     (TABLE)  Data are taken from Table 5 of ANE,25,1485    2243400800007 
HISTORY    (20070330A)  Correlation established                   2243400800008 
           (20150824A) SD: Presentation of ERR-T was  changed     2243400800009 
           following Tbl.5.  STATUS "COREL" deleted. Coded info   2243400800010 
           to SAMPLE was added.                                   2243400800011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 2243400800012 
COMMON               2          3                                 2243400800013 
EN-ERR     ERR-2                                                  2243400800014 
KEV        PER-CENT                                               2243400800015 
  50.        3.4                                                  2243400800016 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2243400800017 
DATA                 4          6                                 2243400800018 
EN         DATA       ERR-T      ERR-1                            2243400800019 
MEV        MB         PER-CENT   PER-CENT                         2243400800020 
      13.40       22.0        6.3        5.3                      2243400800021 
      13.65       24.0        7.1        6.2                      2243400800022 
      13.88       23.5        6.6        5.6                      2243400800023 
      14.28       19.6        10.        9.6                      2243400800024 
      14.58       21.7        7.1        6.3                      2243400800025 
      14.87       20.7        6.8        5.9                      2243400800026 
ENDDATA              8          0                                 2243400800027 
ENDSUBENT           26          0                                 2243400899999 
SUBENT        22434009   20150824                             22452243400900001 
BIB                  5         10                                 2243400900002 
REACTION   (31-GA-71(N,A)29-CU-68-M,,SIG)                         2243400900003 
           Irradiations were done at 5 cm by using the calibration2243400900004 
           tube at 22.5 degr. The error of neutron energy is      2243400900005 
           estimated as about 0.2 MeV.                            2243400900006 
DECAY-DATA (29-CU-68-M,3.75MIN,DG,525.7,0.75)                     2243400900007 
SAMPLE     (31-GA-71,NAT=0.399) Ga2-O3 oxide, weight 220 mg,      2243400900008 
           natural, 69Ga content 60.1%, 71Ga content 39.9%        2243400900009 
STATUS     (TABLE)  Data are taken from Table 5 of ANE,25,1485    2243400900010 
HISTORY    (20150824A) SD: Presentation of ERR-T was  changed     2243400900011 
           following Tbl.5. Coded info to SAMPLE was added.       2243400900012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 2243400900013 
COMMON               2          3                                 2243400900014 
EN-ERR     ERR-2                                                  2243400900015 
KEV        PER-CENT                                               2243400900016 
 200.        20.                                                  2243400900017 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2243400900018 
DATA                 4          1                                 2243400900019 
EN         DATA       ERR-T      ERR-1                            2243400900020 
MEV        MB         PER-CENT   PER-CENT                         2243400900021 
       14.8        1.5        29.        21.                      2243400900022 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2243400900023 
ENDSUBENT           22          0                                 2243400999999 
SUBENT        22434010   20150824                             22452243401000001 
BIB                  5          7                                 2243401000002 
REACTION   (37-RB-87(N,A)35-BR-84-M,,SIG)                         2243401000003 
DECAY-DATA (35-BR-84-M,6.0MIN,DG,424.3,1.00)                      2243401000004 
SAMPLE     (37-RB-87,ENR=0.9732) .Rb-Cl, weight 90 mg,            2243401000005 
            85Rb content 2.68%, 87Rb content 97.32%               2243401000006 
STATUS     (TABLE)  Data are taken from Table 5 of ANE,25,1485    2243401000007 
HISTORY    (20150824A) SD: Presentation of ERR-T was  changed     2243401000008 
           following Tbl.5. Coded info to SAMPLE was added.       2243401000009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 2243401000010 
COMMON               2          3                                 2243401000011 
EN-ERR     ERR-2                                                  2243401000012 
KEV        PER-CENT                                               2243401000013 
  50.        10.                                                  2243401000014 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2243401000015 
DATA                 4          6                                 2243401000016 
EN         DATA       ERR-T      ERR-1                            2243401000017 
MEV        MB         PER-CENT   PER-CENT                         2243401000018 
      13.40       0.49        18.        14.                      2243401000019 
      13.65       0.52        21.        18.                      2243401000020 
      13.88       0.59        17.        13.                      2243401000021 
      14.28       0.77        26.        24.                      2243401000022 
      14.58       0.69        17.        14.                      2243401000023 
      14.87       0.81        14.        9.4                      2243401000024 
ENDDATA              8          0                                 2243401000025 
ENDSUBENT           24          0                                 2243401099999 
SUBENT        22434011   20150824                             22452243401100001 
BIB                  5         12                                 2243401100002 
REACTION   (39-Y-89(N,A)37-RB-86-M,,SIG)                          2243401100003 
           Irradiations were done at 5 cm by using the calibration2243401100004 
           tube at 22.5 degr. The error of neutron energy is      2243401100005 
           estimated as about 0.2 MeV.                            2243401100006 
DECAY-DATA (37-RB-86-M,1.017MIN,DG,556.1,0.9819)                  2243401100007 
SAMPLE     (39-Y-89,NAT=1.) Y2-O3 oxide, weight 210 mg,           2243401100008 
            89Y content 100%                                      2243401100009 
STATUS     (TABLE)  Data are taken from Table 5 of ANE,25,1485    2243401100010 
           (COREL,22363005)                                       2243401100011 
HISTORY    (20150824A) SD: Presentation of ERR-T was changed fol- 2243401100012 
           lowing Tbl.5. Coded info to SAMPLE was added. In Tbl.5 2243401100013 
           ERR-T = 2.%, compiler believes that it should be 21.%. 2243401100014 
ENDBIB              12          0                                 2243401100015 
COMMON               2          3                                 2243401100016 
EN-ERR     ERR-2                                                  2243401100017 
KEV        PER-CENT                                               2243401100018 
 200.        3.0                                                  2243401100019 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2243401100020 
DATA                 4          1                                 2243401100021 
EN         DATA       ERR-T      ERR-1                            2243401100022 
MEV        MB         PER-CENT   PER-CENT                         2243401100023 
       14.8        1.8     21.        21.                         2243401100024 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2243401100025 
ENDSUBENT           24          0                                 2243401199999 
SUBENT        22434012   20150824                             22452243401200001 
BIB                  5          8                                 2243401200002 
REACTION   (44-RU-104(N,A)42-MO-101,,SIG)                         2243401200003 
DECAY-DATA (42-MO-101,14.6MIN,DG,191.9,0.188)                     2243401200004 
SAMPLE     (44-RU-104,ENR=0.9905) Metallic, weight 37 mg,         2243401200005 
            104Ru content 99.05%, 99Ru content 0.10%,             2243401200006 
            100Ru - 0.13%, 102Ru - 0.23%                          2243401200007 
STATUS     (TABLE)  Data are taken from Table 5 of ANE,25,1485    2243401200008 
HISTORY    (20150824A) SD: Presentation of ERR-T was  changed     2243401200009 
           following Tbl.5. Coded info to SAMPLE was added.       2243401200010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 2243401200011 
COMMON               2          3                                 2243401200012 
EN-ERR     ERR-2                                                  2243401200013 
KEV        PER-CENT                                               2243401200014 
  50.        6.2                                                  2243401200015 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2243401200016 
DATA                 4          6                                 2243401200017 
EN         DATA       ERR-T      ERR-1                            2243401200018 
MEV        MB         PER-CENT   PER-CENT                         2243401200019 
      13.40        1.7        15.        14.                      2243401200020 
      13.65        1.8        26.        25.                      2243401200021 
      13.88        2.4        12.        11.                      2243401200022 
      14.28        2.8        15.        14.                      2243401200023 
      14.58        3.5        14.        13.                      2243401200024 
      14.87        3.1        12.        10.                      2243401200025 
ENDDATA              8          0                                 2243401200026 
ENDSUBENT           25          0                                 2243401299999 
SUBENT        22434013   20150824                             22452243401300001 
BIB                  5         10                                 2243401300002 
REACTION   (48-CD-112(N,A)46-PD-109-M,,SIG)                       2243401300003 
DECAY-DATA (46-PD-109-M,4.663MIN,DG,188.9,0.558)                  2243401300004 
SAMPLE     (48-CD-112,ENR=0.9726) Cd-O oxide, weight 58 mg,       2243401300005 
            112Cd content 97.26%,106Cd content 0.02%,             2243401300006 
            108Cd content 0.02%, 110Cd content 0.26%,             2243401300007 
            111Cd content 0.63%, 113Cd content 0.88%,             2243401300008 
            114Cd content 0.85%, 116Cd content 0.08%              2243401300009 
STATUS     (TABLE)  Data are taken from Table 5 of ANE,25,1485    2243401300010 
HISTORY    (20150824A) SD: Presentation of ERR-T was  changed     2243401300011 
           following Tbl.5. Coded info to SAMPLE was added.       2243401300012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 2243401300013 
COMMON               2          3                                 2243401300014 
EN-ERR     ERR-2                                                  2243401300015 
KEV        PER-CENT                                               2243401300016 
  50.        3.3                                                  2243401300017 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2243401300018 
DATA                 4          6                                 2243401300019 
EN         DATA       ERR-T      ERR-1                            2243401300020 
MEV        MB         PER-CENT   PER-CENT                         2243401300021 
      13.40       0.38        25.        25.                      2243401300022 
      13.65       0.37        28.        28.                      2243401300023 
      13.88       0.52        20.        19.                      2243401300024 
      14.28       0.52        23.        23.                      2243401300025 
      14.58       0.59        27.        27.                      2243401300026 
      14.87       0.61        30.        30.                      2243401300027 
ENDDATA              8          0                                 2243401300028 
ENDSUBENT           27          0                                 2243401399999 
ENDENTRY            13          0                                 2243499999999