ENTRY            22447   19991230                             00002244700000001 
SUBENT        22447001   19991230                             00002244700100001 
BIB                 13         21                                 2244700100002 
TITLE      .Moxon-Rae setup for the measurement of stellar        2244700100003 
            (n,gamma)rates and the example of 87Rb                2244700100004 
AUTHOR     (S.JAAG, F.KAEPPELER)                                  2244700100005 
INSTITUTE  (2GERKFK)                                              2244700100006 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,53,2474,199605)     Main reference             2244700100007 
           (R,JUEL-3410,2,199707)      Abstracts                  2244700100008 
FACILITY   (VDG)  3.75 MV pulsed Van de Graaff accelerator        2244700100009 
INC-SOURCE (P-LI7)  7Li(p,n)7Be reaction                          2244700100010 
METHOD     (TOF)  Time-of-Flight, Flight base is 20+-0.1 mm       2244700100011 
MONITOR    (16-S-34(N,G)16-S-35,,SIG)                             2244700100012 
INC-SPECT  .Quasi-maxwellian spectrum allowing direct measurement 2244700100013 
            of Maxwell-averaged cross-section                     2244700100014 
SAMPLE     .Rubidium carbonate enriched to 98.8%in 87Rb, main     2244700100015 
            admixture is 1.2% of 85Rb. Carbonate powder is        2244700100016 
            pressed to pellets cowered then with kapton foil in   2244700100017 
            dry argon atmosphere. Sample masses are 1.58 and      2244700100018 
            1.09 gram, thickness 3.2 mm, diameter 15 mm           2244700100019 
CORRECTION .Corrections were made for multiple scattering and     2244700100020 
            self-shielding of neutrons in samples                 2244700100021 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T)  Errors' structure is not given                2244700100022 
HISTORY    (19991230C)  + + COMPILED by S.M.        + +           2244700100023 
ENDBIB              21          0                                 2244700100024 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2244700100025 
ENDSUBENT           24          0                                 2244700199999 
SUBENT        22447002   19991230                             00002244700200001 
BIB                  2          2                                 2244700200002 
REACTION   (37-RB-87(N,G)37-RB-88,,SIG,,MXW)                      2244700200003 
STATUS     (TABLE)  From Table V of main reference                2244700200004 
ENDBIB               2          0                                 2244700200005 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2244700200006 
DATA                 3          5                                 2244700200007 
KT         DATA       ERR-T                                       2244700200008 
KEV        MB         MB                                          2244700200009 
  12.         26.3       2.6                                      2244700200010 
  20.         19.5       2.0                                      2244700200011 
  30.         15.5       1.5                                      2244700200012 
  40.         13.4       1.3                                      2244700200013 
  50.         12.4       1.2                                      2244700200014 
ENDDATA              7          0                                 2244700200015 
ENDSUBENT           14          0                                 2244700299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 2244799999999