ENTRY            22478   20180830                             22702247800000001 
SUBENT        22478001   20180830                             22702247800100001 
BIB                 19         60                                 2247800100002 
TITLE      .(n,alpha) reaction cross sections of 44Ca, 45Sc,      2247800100003 
            and 51V nuclei from 13.6 to 14.9 MeV                  2247800100004 
AUTHOR     (M.Subasi,M.N.Erduran,M.Bostan,I.A.Reyhancan,          2247800100005 
            E.Gueltekin,G.Tarcan,Y.Ozbir,A.Durusoy)               2247800100006 
INSTITUTE  (2TUKCNA)   Subasi, Gueltekin, Ozbir, Bostan, Erduran, 2247800100007 
                       Tarkan, Reyhancan                          2247800100008 
           (2TUKYTU)   Durusoy                                    2247800100009 
REFERENCE  (J,NSE,130,254,1998)    Main Reference                 2247800100010 
REL-REF    (N,22474001,M.Subasi+,J,NSE,122,423,1996)  Experimental2247800100011 
                    Details                                       2247800100012 
METHOD     (ACTIV)  Activation                                    2247800100013 
           (STTA)   Stack target sample with aluminum backings    2247800100014 
                    in front and at the rear of the ample         2247800100015 
PART-DET   (G)                                                    2247800100016 
DETECTOR   (HPGE) Coaxial detector 'Canberra', volume 82 cm3 with 2247800100017 
                  1.79 keV full width at half-maximum at 1333 keV 2247800100018 
                  gamma-energy                                    2247800100019 
FACILITY   (VDG,2TUKCNA) Neutron generator 'SAMES T-400'.         2247800100020 
            terminal voltage is 300 kV, average beam current 500  2247800100021 
            micro-Amperes                                         2247800100022 
MONITOR    (13-AL-27(N,A)11-NA-24,,SIG)                           2247800100023 
DECAY-MON  (11-NA-24,14.959HR,DG,1368.0,1.0)                      2247800100024 
MONIT-REF  (,R.Kinsey,R,ENDF-201,1979)                            2247800100025 
INC-SOURCE (D-T)                                                  2247800100026 
INC-SPECT  .Angles of irradiation of the target by deuterium ion  2247800100027 
            beam are 0, 30, 60, 90, 120 and 130 degrees. Effective2247800100028 
            mean neutron energy at each sample position had been  2247800100029 
            previously determined by the ratio of 90Zr(n,2n)89Zr  2247800100030 
            and 93Nb(n,2n)92M-Nb cross sections                   2247800100031 
           .Neutron fluxes ranged from 1.E+7 to 6.E+7 n/cm2/sec   2247800100032 
SAMPLE     .Model sample as a disk pellets 13 mm diameter, 8.5 mm 2247800100033 
            thickness  pressed from high-purity (99.99%) oxides   2247800100034 
            Al2-O3, weight 1.5 gram, sandwiched between two 1-mm  2247800100035 
            thick aluminium foils.                                2247800100036 
CORRECTION .Corrections were made for gamma-ray attenuation in    2247800100037 
            samples and for neutron flux attenuation using the    2247800100038 
            activity difference between the front and back        2247800100039 
            aluminium foils.                                      2247800100040 
ADD-RES    (THEO) Statistical model calculation                   2247800100041 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T)  Total error                                   2247800100042 
           (ERR-1)  Error of the sample weight                    2247800100043 
           (ERR-2)  Error due to concentration of the elements    2247800100044 
                    in samples                                    2247800100045 
           (ERR-3)  Error due to the efficiency of gamma detector 2247800100046 
                    and due to counting solid angle               2247800100047 
           (ERR-4,0.,4.0)  Error due to gamma-gamma coincidence   2247800100048 
                    summing                                       2247800100049 
           (ERR-5)  Error due to self-absorption of gamma-rays    2247800100050 
           (ERR-6,1.,2.) Error due to full-energy photo-peak area 2247800100051 
           (ERR-7)  Error due to neutron flux including           2247800100052 
                    uncertainty of the reference cross-section    2247800100053 
           (ERR-8)  Error of irradiation, cooling and measuring   2247800100054 
                    times                                         2247800100055 
           (ERR-9)  Error due to neutron flux fluctuations        2247800100056 
           (ERR-10,0.6,2.) Error due to low energy neutrons       2247800100057 
HISTORY    (20010611C)  + +  Compiled by S.M.                     2247800100058 
           (20010611U) Last checking has been done.               2247800100059 
           (20121223U) SD: Type of facility was changed;          2247800100060 
            ERR-ANALYS update.                                    2247800100061 
           (20180830U) SD: Small correction in ERR-ANALYS.        2247800100062 
ENDBIB              60          0                                 2247800100063 
COMMON               8          6                                 2247800100064 
ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      ERR-5      ERR-7      ERR-8      2247800100065 
ERR-9      EN-ERR                                                 2247800100066 
PER-CENT   MEV                                                    2247800100068 
        0.1        0.5         3.        0.2         3.        0.12247800100069 
        0.1        0.1                                            2247800100070 
ENDCOMMON            6          0                                 2247800100071 
ENDSUBENT           70          0                                 2247800199999 
SUBENT        22478002   20010611                             00002247800200001 
BIB                  3          6                                 2247800200002 
REACTION   (20-CA-44(N,A)18-AR-41,,SIG)                           2247800200003 
DECAY-DATA (18-AR-41,1.822HR,DG,1297.0,0.9916)                    2247800200004 
SAMPLE     .Sample As a Disk Pellets 13 mm Diameter, 8.5 mm       2247800200005 
            Thickness  Pressed from High-Purity (99.99%) Oxides   2247800200006 
            Ca-O  , Weight 1.5 Gram, Sandwiched Between Two 1-Mm  2247800200007 
            Thick Aluminium Foils, Isotopic Abundance 2.086 %     2247800200008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 2247800200009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2247800200010 
DATA                 3          6                                 2247800200011 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       2247800200012 
MEV        MB         MB                                          2247800200013 
       13.6       22.5        1.5                                 2247800200014 
       13.7       22.1        1.4                                 2247800200015 
       14.1       25.9        1.6                                 2247800200016 
       14.5       26.3        1.7                                 2247800200017 
       14.7       27.6        1.8                                 2247800200018 
       14.9       27.9        1.8                                 2247800200019 
ENDDATA              8          0                                 2247800200020 
ENDSUBENT           19          0                                 2247800299999 
SUBENT        22478003   20010611                             00002247800300001 
BIB                  3          6                                 2247800300002 
REACTION   (21-SC-45(N,A)19-K-42,,SIG)                            2247800300003 
DECAY-DATA (19-K-42,12.36HR,DG,1524.6,0.1808)                     2247800300004 
SAMPLE     .Sample As a Disk Pellets 13 mm Diameter, 8.5 mm       2247800300005 
            Thickness  Pressed from High-Purity (99.99%) Oxides   2247800300006 
            Sc2-O3, Weight 1.5 Gram, Sandwiched Between Two 1-Mm  2247800300007 
            Thick Aluminium Foils, Isotopic Abundance 100 %       2247800300008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 2247800300009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2247800300010 
DATA                 3          6                                 2247800300011 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       2247800300012 
MEV        MB         MB                                          2247800300013 
       13.6       55.4        4.3                                 2247800300014 
       13.7       56.4        4.3                                 2247800300015 
       14.1       61.8        4.8                                 2247800300016 
       14.5       58.2        4.5                                 2247800300017 
       14.7       59.7        4.6                                 2247800300018 
       14.9       56.2        4.3                                 2247800300019 
ENDDATA              8          0                                 2247800300020 
ENDSUBENT           19          0                                 2247800399999 
SUBENT        22478004   20010611                             00002247800400001 
BIB                  3          8                                 2247800400002 
REACTION   (23-V-51(N,A)21-SC-48,,SIG)                            2247800400003 
DECAY-DATA (21-SC-48,43.7HR,DG,983.5,1.000,                       2247800400004 
                            DG,1037.5,0.975,                      2247800400005 
                            DG,1312.1,1.00)                       2247800400006 
SAMPLE     .Sample As a Disk Pellets 13 mm Diameter, 8.5 mm       2247800400007 
            Thickness  Pressed from High-Purity (99.99%) Oxides   2247800400008 
            V2-O5 , Weight 1.5 Gram, Sandwiched Between Two 1-Mm  2247800400009 
            Thick Aluminium Foils, Isotopic Abundance 99.75 %     2247800400010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 2247800400011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2247800400012 
DATA                 3          6                                 2247800400013 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       2247800400014 
MEV        MB         MB                                          2247800400015 
       13.6       13.6        0.9                                 2247800400016 
       13.7       14.1        0.9                                 2247800400017 
       14.1       15.2         1.                                 2247800400018 
       14.5       16.3         1.                                 2247800400019 
       14.7       17.3        1.1                                 2247800400020 
       14.9       16.5         1.                                 2247800400021 
ENDDATA              8          0                                 2247800400022 
ENDSUBENT           21          0                                 2247800499999 
ENDENTRY             4          0                                 2247899999999