ENTRY 22499 20230514 23172249900000001 SUBENT 22499001 20230514 23172249900100001 BIB 13 72 2249900100002 TITLE Stellar neutron capture cross sections of the 2249900100003 Yb isotopes 2249900100004 AUTHOR (K.Wisshak, F.Voss, C.Arlandini, F.Kaeppeler, 2249900100005 L.Kazakov) 2249900100006 INSTITUTE (2GERKFK) Wisshak, Voss, Kaeppeler, Arlandini 2249900100007 (4RUSFEI) Kazakov 2249900100008 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,61,065801,2000) Data Tables. 2249900100009 (R,FZKA-6194,1998) 2249900100010 REL-REF (I,22498001,F.Voss+,J,PR/C,59,1154,1999) 2249900100011 Experimental details. Pr and Dy experiment. 2249900100012 (I,22388001,K.Wisshak+,J,PR/C,57,391,1998) 2249900100013 Experimental details. Nd experiment. 2249900100014 (I,22372001,K.Wisshak+,J,PR/C,45,2470,1992) 2249900100015 Experimental details. Te-122,-123,-124 experiment. 2249900100016 (I,22195001,K.Wisshak+,J,PR/C,42,1731,1990) 2249900100017 Experimental details. Nb-93,Rh-103, Ta-181 experiment. 2249900100018 (N,,F.Voss+,R,KFK-6104,1998) Experiment and analysis 2249900100019 details. 2249900100020 (N,22374001,K.Wisshak+,J,PR/C,48,1401,1993) 2249900100021 Total cross sections and related uncertainty 2249900100022 obtaining procedure. 2249900100023 FACILITY (VDG,2GERKFK) 3.75 MV Van de Graaff accelerator, 2249900100024 pulse width is less than 1 ns, repetition rate 2249900100025 250 kHz, average beam current 2.2 microAmp 2249900100026 INC-SOURCE (P-LI7) Metallic Li target of about 1 mg/cm2 2249900100027 INC-SPECT Proton beam energy adjusted so to be 30 and 100 keV 2249900100028 above the reaction 7-Li(P,N)7-Be threshold 1.881 MeV 2249900100029 giving neutrons in energy ranges 3-100, 3-225 keV. 2249900100030 Experimental energy resolution 0.5 ns. 2249900100031 SAMPLE Standard sample Au-197, 15 mm diameter, 0.4 mm = 2249900100032 2.2483E-3 atoms/b thickness,weight 1.2995 gram, 2249900100033 enclosing aluminum canning 0.2662 g for neutron flux 2249900100034 measuring. 2249900100035 Graphite sample 15 mm diameter, 2.5 mm = 2.1708E-2 2249900100036 atoms/b thickness, 0.7651 gram weight, enclosing 2249900100037 aluminum canning 0.3058 g , served for simulating the 2249900100038 background due to scattered neutrons. 2249900100039 Empty aluminum canning 0.2422 gram for sample 2249900100040 for independent background determination. 2249900100041 DETECTOR (GLASD) LI-6 glass detector (first), located close to 2249900100042 neutron target. Measured spectra of all samples were 2249900100043 normalized to equal neutron flux by means of Li-6 glass2249900100044 monitor. 2249900100045 CORRECTION Corrections were made for multiple scattering, 2249900100046 for isotopic impurities, for neutron self-absorption, 2249900100047 for undetected events, for signal/background ratio - 2249900100048 all for different neutron energies. 2249900100049 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-2) Error due to flight path uncertainty. 2249900100050 (ERR-3) Error due to neutron flux normalization. 2249900100051 (ERR-4) Error due to sample mass and elemental 2249900100052 impurities. 2249900100053 (ERR-6) Error due to isotopic correction. 2249900100054 HISTORY (20010122C) + + Compiled by S.M. + + 2249900100055 (20010128U) Last checking has been done. 2249900100056 (20080116U) M.M. BIB information was added. 2249900100057 Upper-lower case correction. 2249900100058 SUBENTs .002-.007 : ERR-1 was changed into ERR-SYS in 2249900100059 according to Table V of main reference. 2249900100060 SUBENTS .032-.035 were added. 2249900100061 For quasi-metastable states "-M" was changed into "-L" 2249900100062 in according to new rule introduced. 2249900100063 Subents 014 - 019: EN-MEAN (calculated by compiler) was2249900100064 replaced by KT column from Table IX of main reference;2249900100065 ",DERIV" was added in REACTION line. 2249900100066 (20160428A) M.M. Ref. FZKA-6194,1998 was added. 2249900100067 Four refs. were moved in REL-REF. 2249900100068 BIB information was updated in STATUS. 2249900100069 Errors were added in Subents 0014-019. 2249900100070 Subents merged: 028 with 032, 029 with 033, 2249900100071 030 with 034, 031 with 035 according to a comment of 2249900100072 N.Otsuka ( NDS,IAEA). 2249900100073 (20230514A) SD: Correction in Subent 033. 2249900100074 ENDBIB 72 0 2249900100075 COMMON 4 3 2249900100076 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 ERR-6 2249900100077 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2249900100078 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 2249900100079 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2249900100080 ENDSUBENT 79 0 2249900199999 SUBENT 22499002 20160428 22492249900200001 BIB 7 30 2249900200002 REACTION ((70-YB-170(N,G)70-YB-171,,SIG,,AV)/ 2249900200003 (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG,,AV)) Averaged over 2249900200004 energy interval given in DATA section 2249900200005 MONITOR Absolute measurement. 2249900200006 METHOD (TOF) Flight path is 78.8 cm, resolution 1.2 ns/m 2249900200007 (GSPEC) 2249900200008 DETECTOR (SCIN,D4PI) Karlsruhe 4pi-Ba-F2 detector consisting of 2249900200009 42 hexagonal and pentagonal crystals forming 2249900200010 a spherical Ba-F2 shell of 15 cm thickness and 10 cm 2249900200011 inner radius. Resolution is 7% at 2.5 MeV gamma 2249900200012 energy, peak efficiency 90 % at 1 MeV 2249900200013 SAMPLE Ytterbium oxide powder disk heated to eliminate any 2249900200014 water contamination. Pressed in the pellets of 14.8 mm2249900200015 diameter in aluminum canning with 0.2 mm thick walls, 2249900200016 and weight 0.2757 gram. 2249900200017 Weight of Y2-O3 is 2.2749 gram. Sample thickness is 2249900200018 2.4 mm = 3.9842 atoms/b for all Yb isotopes. 2249900200019 Yb-170 content is 70.42%, Yb-171 content is 13.26%, 2249900200020 Yb-172 content is 9.10%, Yb-173 content is 3.33%, 2249900200021 Yb-174 content is 3.17%, Yb-176 content is 0.72%. 2249900200022 STATUS (TABLE) Data from Table V of PR/C,61,(6),065801,2000. 2249900200023 = Table 12 (Evaluation 2, average of 3 runs) and 2249900200024 = Table 18 of FZKA-6194,1998 2249900200025 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty 2249900200026 (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty 2249900200027 (ERR-SYS) Systematic uncertainty 2249900200028 (ERR-5) Error due to isotopic composition 2249900200029 (ERR-7) Error due to multiple scattering and self- 2249900200030 shielding in sample 2249900200031 (ERR-8) Error due to undetected events 2249900200032 ENDBIB 30 0 2249900200033 COMMON 4 3 2249900200034 ERR-SYS ERR-5 ERR-7 ERR-8 2249900200035 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2249900200036 0.9 0.3 0.6 0.4 2249900200037 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2249900200038 DATA 5 18 2249900200039 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA ERR-S ERR-T 2249900200040 KEV KEV NO-DIM PER-CENT PER-CENT 2249900200041 3. 5. 0.9350 3.8 3.9 2249900200042 5. 7.5 0.9995 2.1 2.3 2249900200043 7.5 10. 1.1210 1.7 1.9 2249900200044 10. 12.5 1.1832 1.3 1.6 2249900200045 12.5 15. 1.2070 1.2 1.5 2249900200046 15. 20. 1.2447 0.7 1.1 2249900200047 20. 25. 1.4362 0.6 1.1 2249900200048 25. 30. 1.3681 0.5 1. 2249900200049 30. 40. 1.4347 0.4 1. 2249900200050 40. 50. 1.5147 0.4 1. 2249900200051 50. 60. 1.5187 0.4 1. 2249900200052 60. 80. 1.5576 0.3 0.9 2249900200053 80. 100. 1.4952 0.4 1. 2249900200054 100. 120. 1.3296 0.4 1. 2249900200055 120. 150. 1.2132 0.7 1.1 2249900200056 150. 175. 1.1754 0.7 1.1 2249900200057 175. 200. 1.1178 0.8 1.2 2249900200058 200. 225. 1.0658 1.3 1.6 2249900200059 ENDDATA 20 0 2249900200060 ENDSUBENT 59 0 2249900299999 SUBENT 22499003 20160428 22492249900300001 BIB 7 30 2249900300002 REACTION ((70-YB-171(N,G)70-YB-172,,SIG,,AV)/ 2249900300003 (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG,,AV)) Averaged over 2249900300004 energy interval given in DATA section 2249900300005 MONITOR Absolute measurement. 2249900300006 METHOD (TOF) Flight path is 78.8 cm, time resolution 1.2 ns/m 2249900300007 (GSPEC) 2249900300008 DETECTOR (SCIN,D4PI) Karlsruhe 4pi-Ba-F2 Detector consisting of 2249900300009 42 hexagonal and pentagonal crystals forming 2249900300010 a spherical Ba-F2 shell of 15 cm thickness and 10 cm 2249900300011 inner radius. Resolution is 7% at 2.5 MeV gamma 2249900300012 energy, peak efficiency 90% at 1 MeV 2249900300013 SAMPLE Ytterbium oxide powder disk heated to eliminate any 2249900300014 water contamination. Pressed in the pellets of 14.7 mm2249900300015 diameter in aluminum canning with 0.2 mm thick walls 2249900300016 and weight 0.2526 gram. 2249900300017 Weight of Y2-O3 is 0.8899 gram. Sample thickness is 2249900300018 0.9 mm = 1.5541 atoms/b for all Yb isotopes . 2249900300019 Yb-170 content is 0.69%, Yb-171 content is 89.10%, 2249900300020 Yb-172 content is 7.16%, Yb-173 content is 1.53%, 2249900300021 Yb-174 content is 1.37%, Yb-176 content is 0.15% 2249900300022 STATUS (TABLE) Data from Table V of PR/C,61,(6),065801,2000. 2249900300023 = Table 13 (Evaluation 2, average of 3 runs) and 2249900300024 = Table 18 of FZKA-6194,1998 2249900300025 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty 2249900300026 (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty 2249900300027 (ERR-SYS) Systematic uncertainty 2249900300028 (ERR-5) Error due to isotopic composition of sample 2249900300029 (ERR-7) Error due to multiple scattering and self- 2249900300030 shielding in sample 2249900300031 (ERR-8) Error due to undetected events 2249900300032 ENDBIB 30 0 2249900300033 COMMON 4 3 2249900300034 ERR-SYS ERR-5 ERR-7 ERR-8 2249900300035 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2249900300036 0.9 0.2 0.4 0.7 2249900300037 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2249900300038 DATA 5 18 2249900300039 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA ERR-S ERR-T 2249900300040 KEV KEV NO-DIM PER-CENT PER-CENT 2249900300041 3. 5. 1.5931 4.3 4.4 2249900300042 5. 7.5 1.6905 2.4 2.6 2249900300043 7.5 10. 1.8681 1.9 2.1 2249900300044 10. 12.5 1.8509 1.5 1.7 2249900300045 12.5 15. 2.0002 1.3 1.6 2249900300046 15. 20. 2.0794 0.8 1.2 2249900300047 20. 25. 2.3372 0.7 1.1 2249900300048 25. 30. 2.2707 0.6 1.1 2249900300049 30. 40. 2.2046 0.4 1. 2249900300050 40. 50. 2.4143 0.4 1. 2249900300051 50. 60. 2.4593 0.4 1. 2249900300052 60. 80. 2.3311 0.4 1. 2249900300053 80. 100. 2.1413 0.4 1. 2249900300054 100. 120. 1.8961 0.5 1. 2249900300055 120. 150. 1.6508 0.7 1.1 2249900300056 150. 175. 1.4961 0.8 1.2 2249900300057 175. 200. 1.4075 0.9 1.3 2249900300058 200. 225. 1.2893 1.5 1.7 2249900300059 ENDDATA 20 0 2249900300060 ENDSUBENT 59 0 2249900399999 SUBENT 22499004 20160428 22492249900400001 BIB 7 30 2249900400002 REACTION ((70-YB-172(N,G)70-YB-173,,SIG,,AV)/ 2249900400003 (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG,,AV)) Averaged over 2249900400004 energy interval given in DATA section 2249900400005 MONITOR Absolute measurement 2249900400006 METHOD (TOF) Flight path is 78.8 cm, time resolution 1.2 ns/m 2249900400007 (GSPEC) 2249900400008 DETECTOR (SCIN,D4PI) Karlsruhe 4pi-Ba-F2 detector consisting of 2249900400009 42 hexagonal and pentagonal crystals forming 2249900400010 a spherical Ba-F2 shell of 15 cm thickness and 10 cm 2249900400011 inner radius. Resolution is 7% at 2.5 MeV gamma 2249900400012 energy, peak efficiency 90 % at 1 MeV 2249900400013 SAMPLE Ytterbium oxide powder disk heated to eliminate any 2249900400014 water contamination. Pressed in the pellets of 14.7 mm2249900400015 diameter in aluminum canning with 0.2 mm thick walls 2249900400016 and weight 0.2802 gram. 2249900400017 Weight of Y2-O3 is 2.8439 gram. Sample thickness is 2249900400018 3.3 mm = 4.9429 atoms/b for all Yb isotopes . 2249900400019 Yb-170 content is 0.00%, Yb-171 content is 0.50%, 2249900400020 Yb-172 content is 94.10%, Yb-173 content is 3.60%, 2249900400021 Yb-174 content is 1.60%, Yb-176 content is 1.20% 2249900400022 STATUS (TABLE) Data from Table V of PR/C,61,(6),065801,2000. 2249900400023 = Table 14 (Evaluation 2, average of 3 runs) and 2249900400024 = Table 18 of FZKA-6194,1998 2249900400025 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty 2249900400026 (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty 2249900400027 (ERR-SYS) Systematic uncertainty 2249900400028 (ERR-5) Error due to isotopic composition of sample 2249900400029 (ERR-7) Error due to multiple scattering and self- 2249900400030 shielding in sample 2249900400031 (ERR-8) Error due to undetected events 2249900400032 ENDBIB 30 0 2249900400033 COMMON 4 3 2249900400034 ERR-SYS ERR-5 ERR-7 ERR-8 2249900400035 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2249900400036 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.5 2249900400037 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2249900400038 DATA 5 18 2249900400039 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA ERR-S ERR-T 2249900400040 KEV KEV NO-DIM PER-CENT PER-CENT 2249900400041 3. 5. 0.4138 5.1 5.2 2249900400042 5. 7.5 0.4391 2.6 2.7 2249900400043 7.5 10. 0.5642 1.9 2.1 2249900400044 10. 12.5 0.4971 1.6 1.8 2249900400045 12.5 15. 0.5332 1.4 1.6 2249900400046 15. 20. 0.6002 0.8 1.1 2249900400047 20. 25. 0.6785 0.7 1.1 2249900400048 25. 30. 0.6230 0.6 1. 2249900400049 30. 40. 0.6323 0.4 0.9 2249900400050 40. 50. 0.6778 0.5 0.9 2249900400051 50. 60. 0.6781 0.4 0.9 2249900400052 60. 80. 0.7190 0.4 0.9 2249900400053 80. 100. 0.5835 0.4 0.9 2249900400054 100. 120. 0.5056 0.5 0.9 2249900400055 120. 150. 0.4655 0.8 1.1 2249900400056 150. 175. 0.4289 0.9 1.2 2249900400057 175. 200. 0.4141 1. 1.3 2249900400058 200. 225. 0.3893 1.6 1.8 2249900400059 ENDDATA 20 0 2249900400060 ENDSUBENT 59 0 2249900499999 SUBENT 22499005 20160428 22492249900500001 BIB 7 30 2249900500002 REACTION ((70-YB-173(N,G)70-YB-174,,SIG,,AV)/ 2249900500003 (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG,,AV)) Averaged over 2249900500004 energy interval given in DATA section 2249900500005 MONITOR Absolute measurement. 2249900500006 METHOD (TOF) Flight path is 78.8 cm, time resolution 1.2ns/m 2249900500007 (GSPEC) 2249900500008 DETECTOR (SCIN,D4PI) Karlsruhe 4pi-Ba-F2 detector consisting of 2249900500009 42 hexagonal and pentagonal crystals forming 2249900500010 a spherical Ba-F2 shell of 15 cm thickness and 10 cm 2249900500011 inner radius. Resolution is 7% at 2.5 MeV gamma 2249900500012 energy, peak efficiency 90 % at 1 MeV 2249900500013 SAMPLE Ytterbium oxide powder disk heated to eliminate any 2249900500014 water contamination. pressed in the pellets of 14.9 mm2249900500015 diameter in aluminum canning with 0.2 mm thick walls 2249900500016 and weight 0.2826 gram. 2249900500017 Weight of Y2-O3 is 1.4674 gram. Sample thickness is 2249900500018 1.8 mm = 2.5375 atoms/b for all Yb isotopes. 2249900500019 Yb-170 content is 0.03%, Yb-171 content is 0.23%, 2249900500020 Yb-172 content is 2.51%, Yb-173 content is 87.60%, 2249900500021 Yb-174 content is 9.28%, Yb-176 content is 0.35% 2249900500022 STATUS (TABLE) Data from Table V of PR/C,61,(6),065801,2000. 2249900500023 = Table 15 (Evaluation 2, average of 3 runs) and 2249900500024 = Table 18 of FZKA-6194,1998 2249900500025 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty 2249900500026 (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty 2249900500027 (ERR-SYS) Systematic uncertainty 2249900500028 (ERR-5) Error due to isotopic composition of sample 2249900500029 (ERR-7) Error due to multiple scattering and self- 2249900500030 shielding in sample 2249900500031 (ERR-8) Error due to undetected events 2249900500032 ENDBIB 30 0 2249900500033 COMMON 4 3 2249900500034 ERR-SYS ERR-5 ERR-7 ERR-8 2249900500035 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2249900500036 0.9 0.2 0.4 0.7 2249900500037 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2249900500038 DATA 5 18 2249900500039 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA ERR-S ERR-T 2249900500040 KEV KEV NO-DIM PER-CENT PER-CENT 2249900500041 3. 5. 1.2124 3.7 3.8 2249900500042 5. 7.5 1.0578 2.2 2.4 2249900500043 7.5 10. 1.2258 1.8 2. 2249900500044 10. 12.5 1.1899 1.4 1.7 2249900500045 12.5 15. 1.3203 1.3 1.6 2249900500046 15. 20. 1.3577 0.8 1.2 2249900500047 20. 25. 1.4634 0.7 1.1 2249900500048 25. 30. 1.4003 0.6 1.1 2249900500049 30. 40. 1.3759 0.4 1. 2249900500050 40. 50. 1.4269 0.4 1. 2249900500051 50. 60. 1.3946 0.4 1. 2249900500052 60. 80. 1.3834 0.4 1. 2249900500053 80. 100. 1.2539 0.4 1. 2249900500054 100. 120. 1.135 0.5 1. 2249900500055 120. 150. 1.0607 0.7 1.1 2249900500056 150. 175. 0.9925 0.8 1.2 2249900500057 175. 200. 0.9279 0.9 1.3 2249900500058 200. 225. 0.8371 1.5 1.7 2249900500059 ENDDATA 20 0 2249900500060 ENDSUBENT 59 0 2249900599999 SUBENT 22499006 20160428 22492249900600001 BIB 7 30 2249900600002 REACTION ((70-YB-174(N,G)70-YB-175,,SIG,,AV)/ 2249900600003 (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG,,AV)) Averaged over 2249900600004 energy interval given in DATA section 2249900600005 MONITOR Absolute measurement 2249900600006 METHOD (TOF) Flight path is 78.8 cm, time resolution 1.2ns/m 2249900600007 (GSPEC) 2249900600008 DETECTOR (SCIN,D4PI) Karlsruhe 4pi-Ba-F2 detector consisting of 2249900600009 42 hexagonal and pentagonal crystals forming 2249900600010 a spherical Ba-F2 shell of 15 cm thickness and 10 cm 2249900600011 inner radius. Resolution is 7% at 2.5 MeV gamma 2249900600012 energy, peak efficiency 90 % at 1 MeV 2249900600013 SAMPLE Ytterbium oxide powder disk heated to eliminate any 2249900600014 water contamination. Pressed in the pellets of 14.8 mm2249900600015 diameter in aluminum canning with 0.2 mm thick walls 2249900600016 and weight 0.3403 gram. 2249900600017 Weight of Y2-O3 is 4.5420 gram. Sample Thickness is 2249900600018 4.7 mm = 7.8174 atoms/b for all Yb isotopes. 2249900600019 Yb-170 content is 0.04%, Yb-171 content is 0.16%, 2249900600020 Yb-172 content is 0.30%, Yb-173 content is 0.60%, 2249900600021 Yb-174 content is 98.10%, Yb-176 content is 0.80% 2249900600022 STATUS (TABLE) Data from Table V of PR/C,61,(6),065801,2000. 2249900600023 = Table 16 (Evaluation 2, average of 3 runs) and 2249900600024 = Table 18 of FZKA-6194,1998 2249900600025 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty 2249900600026 (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty 2249900600027 (ERR-SYS) Systematic uncertainty 2249900600028 (ERR-5) Error due to isotopic composition of sample 2249900600029 (ERR-7) Error due to multiple scattering and self- 2249900600030 shielding in sample 2249900600031 (ERR-8) Error due to undetected events 2249900600032 ENDBIB 30 0 2249900600033 COMMON 4 3 2249900600034 ERR-SYS ERR-5 ERR-7 ERR-8 2249900600035 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2249900600036 1. 0.2 0.8 0.5 2249900600037 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2249900600038 DATA 5 18 2249900600039 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA ERR-S ERR-T 2249900600040 KEV KEV NO-DIM PER-CENT PER-CENT 2249900600041 3. 5. 0.2462 9.5 9.6 2249900600042 5. 7.5 0.1668 6.6 6.7 2249900600043 7.5 10. 0.2122 4.1 4.2 2249900600044 10. 12.5 0.2370 2.8 3. 2249900600045 12.5 15. 0.2538 2.3 2.5 2249900600046 15. 20. 0.2781 1.3 1.6 2249900600047 20. 25. 0.3057 1.0 1.4 2249900600048 25. 30. 0.2881 0.9 1.3 2249900600049 30. 40. 0.2903 0.6 1.2 2249900600050 40. 50. 0.2908 0.7 1.2 2249900600051 50. 60. 0.3112 0.6 1.2 2249900600052 60. 80. 0.3219 0.5 1.1 2249900600053 80. 100. 0.2134 0.6 1.2 2249900600054 100. 120. 0.1889 0.7 1.2 2249900600055 120. 150. 0.1668 1.3 1.6 2249900600056 150. 175. 0.1563 1.4 1.7 2249900600057 175. 200. 0.1460 1.6 1.9 2249900600058 200. 225. 0.1470 2.6 2.8 2249900600059 ENDDATA 20 0 2249900600060 ENDSUBENT 59 0 2249900699999 SUBENT 22499007 20160428 22492249900700001 BIB 7 30 2249900700002 REACTION ((70-YB-176(N,G)70-YB-177,,SIG,,AV)/ 2249900700003 (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG,,AV)) Averaged over 2249900700004 energy interval given in DATA section 2249900700005 MONITOR Absolute measurement. 2249900700006 METHOD (TOF) Flight path is 78.8 cm, time resolution 1.2ns/m 2249900700007 (GSPEC) 2249900700008 DETECTOR (SCIN,D4PI) Karlsruhe 4pi-Ba-F2 detector consisting of 2249900700009 42 hexagonal and pentagonal crystals forming 2249900700010 a spherical Ba-F2 shell of 15 cm thickness and 10 cm 2249900700011 inner radius. Resolution is 7% at 2.5 MeV gamma 2249900700012 energy, peak efficiency 90 % at 1 MeV 2249900700013 SAMPLE Ytterbium oxide powder disk heated to eliminate any 2249900700014 water contamination. Pressed in the pellets of 14.8 mm2249900700015 diameter in aluminum canning with 0.2 mm thick walls 2249900700016 and weight 0.3231 gram. 2249900700017 Weight of Y2-O3 is 4.5243 gram. Sample thickness is 2249900700018 4.7 mm = 7.7144 atoms/b for all Yb isotopes . 2249900700019 Yb-170 content is 0.10%, Yb-171 content is 0.53%, 2249900700020 Yb-172 content is 0.87%, Yb-173 content is 0.73%, 2249900700021 Yb-174 content is 2.47%, Yb-176 content is 95.30% 2249900700022 STATUS (TABLE) Data from Table V of PR/C,61,(6),065801,2000. 2249900700023 = Table 17 (Evaluation 2, average of 3 runs) and 2249900700024 = Table 18 of FZKA-6194,1998 2249900700025 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty 2249900700026 (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty 2249900700027 (ERR-SYS) Systematic uncertainty 2249900700028 (ERR-5) Error due to isotopic composition of sample 2249900700029 (ERR-7) Error due to multiple scattering and self- 2249900700030 shielding in sample 2249900700031 (ERR-8) Error due to undetected events 2249900700032 ENDBIB 30 0 2249900700033 COMMON 4 3 2249900700034 ERR-SYS ERR-5 ERR-7 ERR-8 2249900700035 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2249900700036 1.6 0.2 1.1 1.1 2249900700037 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2249900700038 DATA 5 18 2249900700039 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA ERR-S ERR-T 2249900700040 KEV KEV NO-DIM PER-CENT PER-CENT 2249900700041 3. 5. 0.1251 19. 19. 2249900700042 5. 7.5 0.1478 7.9 8.1 2249900700043 7.5 10. 0.2268 4.2 4.5 2249900700044 10. 12.5 0.1890 3.5 3.8 2249900700045 12.5 15. 0.2019 2.7 3.3 2249900700046 15. 20. 0.1957 1.9 2.3 2249900700047 20. 25. 0.2183 1.3 2.1 2249900700048 25. 30. 0.2462 1.0 1.9 2249900700049 30. 40. 0.2085 0.8 1.8 2249900700050 40. 50. 0.2358 0.8 1.8 2249900700051 50. 60. 0.2331 0.8 1.8 2249900700052 60. 80. 0.2423 0.7 1.7 2249900700053 80. 100. 0.1737 0.7 1.7 2249900700054 100. 120. 0.1376 0.9 1.8 2249900700055 120. 150. 0.1235 1.6 2.3 2249900700056 150. 175. 0.1126 1.7 2.3 2249900700057 175. 200. 0.1022 2.0 2.6 2249900700058 200. 225. 0.0973 3.6 3.9 2249900700059 ENDDATA 20 0 2249900700060 ENDSUBENT 59 0 2249900799999 SUBENT 22499008 20160428 22492249900800001 BIB 5 10 2249900800002 REACTION (70-YB-170(N,G)70-YB-171,,SIG,,AV) Averaged over 2249900800003 energy interval given in DATA section 2249900800004 MONITOR (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG) 2249900800005 MONIT-REF (22099001,W.Ratynski+,J,PR/C,37,595,1988) 2249900800006 And private communication of R.L.Macklin. 2249900800007 STATUS (TABLE) Data from Table VI of PR/C,61,(6),065801,2000. 2249900800008 Table 19 of FZKA-6194,1998 - DATA values. 2249900800009 (DEP,22499002) 2249900800010 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total error. 1.5 % standard gold cross-section 2249900800011 error is not included. 2249900800012 ENDBIB 10 0 2249900800013 NOCOMMON 0 0 2249900800014 DATA 5 18 2249900800015 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA ERR-T MONIT 2249900800016 KEV KEV MB PER-CENT MB 2249900800017 3. 5. 2119. 3.9 2266.7 2249900800018 5. 7.5 1726. 2.3 1726.7 2249900800019 7.5 10. 1363. 1.9 1215.7 2249900800020 10. 12.5 1262. 1.6 1066.7 2249900800021 12.5 15. 1060. 1.5 878. 2249900800022 15. 20. 919.5 1.1 738.8 2249900800023 20. 25. 861.8 1.1 600. 2249900800024 25. 30. 780.9 1. 570.8 2249900800025 30. 40. 717.9 1. 500.4 2249900800026 40. 50. 656.4 1. 433.3 2249900800027 50. 60. 591.7 1. 389.6 2249900800028 60. 80. 544.2 0.9 349.4 2249900800029 80. 100. 446. 1. 298.3 2249900800030 100. 120. 385.8 1. 290.1 2249900800031 120. 150. 332.6 1.1 274.1 2249900800032 150. 175. 309.9 1.1 263.7 2249900800033 175. 200. 282.3 1.2 252.6 2249900800034 200. 225. 264.8 1.6 248.5 2249900800035 ENDDATA 20 0 2249900800036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 2249900899999 SUBENT 22499009 20160428 22492249900900001 BIB 5 10 2249900900002 REACTION (70-YB-171(N,G)70-YB-172,,SIG,,AV) Averaged over 2249900900003 energy interval given in DATA section. 2249900900004 MONITOR (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG) 2249900900005 MONIT-REF (22099001,W.Ratynski+,J,PR/C,37,595,1988) 2249900900006 And private communication of R.L.Macklin. 2249900900007 STATUS (TABLE)Data from Table VI of PR/C,61,(6),065801,2000. 2249900900008 Table 19 of FZKA-6194,1998 - DATA values. 2249900900009 (DEP,22499003) 2249900900010 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total Error. 1.5 % standard gold cross-section 2249900900011 error is not included 2249900900012 ENDBIB 10 0 2249900900013 NOCOMMON 0 0 2249900900014 DATA 5 18 2249900900015 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA ERR-T MONIT 2249900900016 KEV KEV MB PER-CENT MB 2249900900017 3. 5. 3611. 4.4 2266.7 2249900900018 5. 7.5 2919. 2.6 1726.7 2249900900019 7.5 10. 2271. 2.1 1215.7 2249900900020 10. 12.5 1974. 1.7 1066.7 2249900900021 12.5 15. 1756. 1.6 878. 2249900900022 15. 20. 1536. 1.2 738.8 2249900900023 20. 25. 1402. 1.1 600. 2249900900024 25. 30. 1296. 1.1 570.8 2249900900025 30. 40. 1103. 1. 500.4 2249900900026 40. 50. 1046. 1. 433.3 2249900900027 50. 60. 958.2 1. 389.6 2249900900028 60. 80. 814.4 1. 349.4 2249900900029 80. 100. 638.8 1. 298.3 2249900900030 100. 120. 550.1 1. 290.1 2249900900031 120. 150. 452.5 1.1 274.1 2249900900032 150. 175. 394.5 1.2 263.7 2249900900033 175. 200. 355.5 1.3 252.6 2249900900034 200. 225. 320.4 1.7 248.5 2249900900035 ENDDATA 20 0 2249900900036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 2249900999999 SUBENT 22499010 20160428 22492249901000001 BIB 5 10 2249901000002 REACTION (70-YB-172(N,G)70-YB-173,,SIG,,AV) Averaged over 2249901000003 energy interval given in DATA section 2249901000004 MONITOR (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG) 2249901000005 MONIT-REF (22099001,W.Ratynski+,J,PR/C,37,595,1988) 2249901000006 And private communication of R.L.Macklin. 2249901000007 STATUS (TABLE)Data from Table VI of PR/C,61,(6),065801,2000. 2249901000008 Table 19 of FZKA-6194,1998 - DATA values. 2249901000009 (DEP,22499004) 2249901000010 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total error. 1.5 % standard gold cross-section 2249901000011 error is not included 2249901000012 ENDBIB 10 0 2249901000013 NOCOMMON 0 0 2249901000014 DATA 5 18 2249901000015 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA ERR-T MONIT 2249901000016 KEV KEV MB PER-CENT MB 2249901000017 3. 5. 938.1 5.2 2266.7 2249901000018 5. 7.5 758.2 2.7 1726.7 2249901000019 7.5 10. 685.9 2.1 1215.7 2249901000020 10. 12.5 530.2 1.8 1066.7 2249901000021 12.5 15. 468.1 1.6 878. 2249901000022 15. 20. 443.4 1.1 738.8 2249901000023 20. 25. 407.1 1.1 600. 2249901000024 25. 30. 355.6 1. 570.8 2249901000025 30. 40. 316.4 0.9 500.4 2249901000026 40. 50. 293.7 0.9 433.3 2249901000027 50. 60. 264.2 0.9 389.6 2249901000028 60. 80. 251.2 0.9 349.4 2249901000029 80. 100. 174.1 0.9 298.3 2249901000030 100. 120. 146.7 0.9 290.1 2249901000031 120. 150. 127.6 1.1 274.1 2249901000032 150. 175. 113.1 1.2 263.7 2249901000033 175. 200. 104.6 1.3 252.6 2249901000034 200. 225. 96.7 1.8 248.5 2249901000035 ENDDATA 20 0 2249901000036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 2249901099999 SUBENT 22499011 20160428 22492249901100001 BIB 5 10 2249901100002 REACTION (70-YB-173(N,G)70-YB-174,,SIG,,AV) Averaged over 2249901100003 energy interval given in DATA section 2249901100004 MONITOR (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG) 2249901100005 MONIT-REF (22099001,W.Ratynski+,J,PR/C,37,595,1988) 2249901100006 And private communication of R.L.Macklin. 2249901100007 STATUS (TABLE)Data from Table VI of PR/C,61,(6),065801,2000. 2249901100008 Table 19 of FZKA-6194,1998 - DATA values. 2249901100009 (DEP,22499005) 2249901100010 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total error. 1.5 % standard gold cross-section 2249901100011 error is not included 2249901100012 ENDBIB 10 0 2249901100013 NOCOMMON 0 0 2249901100014 DATA 5 18 2249901100015 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA ERR-T MONIT 2249901100016 KEV KEV MB PER-CENT MB 2249901100017 3. 5. 2748. 3.8 2266.7 2249901100018 5. 7.5 1827. 2.4 1726.7 2249901100019 7.5 10. 1490. 2. 1215.7 2249901100020 10. 12.5 1269. 1.7 1066.7 2249901100021 12.5 15. 1159. 1.6 878. 2249901100022 15. 20. 1003. 1.2 738.8 2249901100023 20. 25. 878.1 1.1 600. 2249901100024 25. 30. 799.3 1.1 570.8 2249901100025 30. 40. 688.5 1. 500.4 2249901100026 40. 50. 618.3 1. 433.3 2249901100027 50. 60. 543.4 1. 389.6 2249901100028 60. 80. 483.3 1. 349.4 2249901100029 80. 100. 374. 1. 298.3 2249901100030 100. 120. 329.3 1. 290.1 2249901100031 120. 150. 290.8 1.1 274.1 2249901100032 150. 175. 261.7 1.2 263.7 2249901100033 175. 200. 234.4 1.3 252.6 2249901100034 200. 225. 208. 1.7 248.5 2249901100035 ENDDATA 20 0 2249901100036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 2249901199999 SUBENT 22499012 20160428 22492249901200001 BIB 5 10 2249901200002 REACTION (70-YB-174(N,G)70-YB-175,,SIG,,AV) Averaged over 2249901200003 energy interval given in DATA section 2249901200004 MONITOR (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG) 2249901200005 MONIT-REF (22099001,W.Ratynski+,J,PR/C,37,595,1988) 2249901200006 And private communication of R.L.Macklin. 2249901200007 STATUS (TABLE)Data from Table VI of PR/C,61,(6),065801,2000. 2249901200008 Table 19 of FZKA-6194,1998 - DATA values. 2249901200009 (DEP,22499006) 2249901200010 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total error. 1.5 % standard gold cross-section 2249901200011 error is not included 2249901200012 ENDBIB 10 0 2249901200013 NOCOMMON 0 0 2249901200014 DATA 5 18 2249901200015 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA ERR-T MONIT 2249901200016 KEV KEV MB PER-CENT MB 2249901200017 3. 5. 558. 9.6 2266.7 2249901200018 5. 7.5 288. 6.7 1726.7 2249901200019 7.5 10. 258. 4.2 1215.7 2249901200020 10. 12.5 252.8 3. 1066.7 2249901200021 12.5 15. 222.8 2.5 878. 2249901200022 15. 20. 205.5 1.6 738.8 2249901200023 20. 25. 183.4 1.4 600. 2249901200024 25. 30. 164.4 1.3 570.8 2249901200025 30. 40. 145.3 1.2 500.4 2249901200026 40. 50. 126. 1.2 433.3 2249901200027 50. 60. 121.3 1.2 389.6 2249901200028 60. 80. 112.5 1.1 349.4 2249901200029 80. 100. 63.7 1.2 298.3 2249901200030 100. 120. 54.8 1.2 290.1 2249901200031 120. 150. 45.7 1.6 274.1 2249901200032 150. 175. 41.2 1.7 263.7 2249901200033 175. 200. 36.9 1.9 252.6 2249901200034 200. 225. 36.5 2.8 248.5 2249901200035 ENDDATA 20 0 2249901200036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 2249901299999 SUBENT 22499013 20160428 22492249901300001 BIB 5 10 2249901300002 REACTION (70-YB-176(N,G)70-YB-177,,SIG,,AV) Averaged over 2249901300003 energy interval given in DATA section 2249901300004 MONITOR (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG) 2249901300005 MONIT-REF (22099001,W.Ratynski+,J,PR/C,37,595,1988) 2249901300006 And private communication of R.L.Macklin. 2249901300007 STATUS (TABLE)Data from Table VI of PR/C,61,(6),065801,2000. 2249901300008 Table 19 of FZKA-6194,1998 - DATA values. 2249901300009 (DEP,22499007) 2249901300010 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total error. 1.5 % Standard gold cross-section 2249901300011 error is not included 2249901300012 ENDBIB 10 0 2249901300013 NOCOMMON 0 0 2249901300014 DATA 5 18 2249901300015 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA ERR-T MONIT 2249901300016 KEV KEV MB PER-CENT MB 2249901300017 3. 5. 283.5 19. 2266.7 2249901300018 5. 7.5 255.3 8.1 1726.7 2249901300019 7.5 10. 275.8 4.5 1215.7 2249901300020 10. 12.5 201.7 3.8 1066.7 2249901300021 12.5 15. 177.3 3.3 878. 2249901300022 15. 20. 144.6 2.3 738.8 2249901300023 20. 25. 131. 2.1 600. 2249901300024 25. 30. 140.6 1.9 570.8 2249901300025 30. 40. 104.3 1.8 500.4 2249901300026 40. 50. 102.2 1.8 433.3 2249901300027 50. 60. 90.8 1.8 389.6 2249901300028 60. 80. 84.7 1.7 349.4 2249901300029 80. 100. 51.8 1.7 298.3 2249901300030 100. 120. 39.9 1.8 290.1 2249901300031 120. 150. 33.9 2.3 274.1 2249901300032 150. 175. 29.7 2.3 263.7 2249901300033 175. 200. 25.8 2.6 252.6 2249901300034 200. 225. 24.2 3.9 248.5 2249901300035 ENDDATA 20 0 2249901300036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 2249901399999 SUBENT 22499014 20160428 22492249901400001 BIB 8 27 2249901400002 REACTION (70-YB-170(N,G)70-YB-171,,SIG,,MXW,DERIV) 2249901400003 Maxwellian averaged neutron capture cross-section 2249901400004 MONITOR (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG) 2249901400005 REL-REF (N,22372001,K.Wisshak+,J,PR/C,45,2470,1992) Method of 2249901400006 Maxwell-average cross section evaluation 2249901400007 (N,22195001,K.Wisshak+,J,PR/C,42,1731,1990) Method of 2249901400008 Maxwell-average cross section evaluation 2249901400009 (N,,F.Voss+,R,KFK-6104,1998) Details of cross section 2249901400010 evaluation in different energy intervals 2249901400011 ANALYSIS -Obtained by integrating cross-section from zero to 2249901400012 700 keV using different expressions for cs, namely - 2249901400013 contribution I-1 at low energies 0 - 3 keV is 2249901400014 calculated in three different ways 2249901400015 -Contribution I-2 covers the range of present 2249901400016 experiment 2249901400017 -For part I-3 above 225 keV this energy range cross 2249901400018 sections were taken from Joint Evaluated File. 2249901400019 MISC-COL (MISC) Temperature corresponding to the mean energy 2249901400020 STATUS (TABLE) Data from Table IX of PR/C,61,(6),065801,2000. 2249901400021 Table 21 of FZKA-6194,1998 . 2249901400022 (DEP,22499002) 2249901400023 (DEP,22499008) 2249901400024 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total error not includes standard's gold error 2249901400025 (ERR-S) Statistical 2249901400026 (ERR-SYS) Total systematical. 2249901400027 HISTORY (20160428A) M.M. ERR-S and ERR-SYS were added from 2249901400028 FZKA-6194,1998 . 2249901400029 ENDBIB 27 0 2249901400030 NOCOMMON 0 0 2249901400031 DATA 6 14 2249901400032 KT DATA ERR-T ERR-S ERR-SYS MISC 2249901400033 KEV MB MB MB MB K 2249901400034 8. 1488. 19. 15. 11. 92800. 2249901400035 10. 1322. 15. 11. 10. 116000. 2249901400036 15. 1077. 11. 5.9 9.0 174000. 2249901400037 20. 936.4 8.9 4.0 8.0 232000. 2249901400038 25. 840.4 7.9 3.1 7.3 290000. 2249901400039 30. 768.3 7.2 2.6 6.7 348000. 2249901400040 40. 664.6 6.2 2.0 5.9 464000. 2249901400041 50. 592.3 5.6 1.7 5.3 580000. 2249901400042 52. 580.3 5.5 1.7 5.2 603200. 2249901400043 60. 538.6 5.1 1.7 4.8 696000. 2249901400044 70. 497. 4.8 2.0 4.4 812000. 2249901400045 80. 464.1 4.9 2.5 4.2 928000. 2249901400046 90. 437. 5. 3.1 3.9 1044000. 2249901400047 100. 414.2 5.2 3.6 3.7 1160000. 2249901400048 ENDDATA 16 0 2249901400049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 2249901499999 SUBENT 22499015 20160428 22492249901500001 BIB 8 27 2249901500002 REACTION (70-YB-171(N,G)70-YB-172,,SIG,,MXW,DERIV) 2249901500003 Maxwellian averaged neutron capture cross-section 2249901500004 MONITOR (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG) 2249901500005 REL-REF (N,22372001,K.Wisshak+,J,PR/C,45,2470,1992) Method of 2249901500006 Maxwell-average cross section evaluation 2249901500007 (N,22195001,K.Wisshak+,J,PR/C,42,1731,1990) Method of 2249901500008 Maxwell-average cross section evaluation 2249901500009 (N,,F.Voss+,R,KFK-6104,1998) Details of cross section 2249901500010 evaluation in different energy intervals 2249901500011 ANALYSIS -Obtained by integrating cross-section from zero to 2249901500012 700 keV Using different expressions for cs, namely - 2249901500013 contribution I-1 at low energies 0 - 3 keV is 2249901500014 calculated in three different ways 2249901500015 -Contribution I-2 covers the range of present 2249901500016 experiment 2249901500017 -For Part I-3 above 225 keV this energy range cross 2249901500018 sections were taken from Joint Evaluated File. 2249901500019 MISC-COL (MISC) Temperature corresponding to the mean energy 2249901500020 STATUS (TABLE) Data are taken from Table IX of main reference 2249901500021 Table 21 of FZKA-6194,1998 . 2249901500022 (DEP,22499003) 2249901500023 (DEP,22499009) 2249901500024 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total error not includes standard's gold error 2249901500025 (ERR-S) Statistical 2249901500026 (ERR-SYS) Total systematical. 2249901500027 HISTORY (20160428A) M.M. ERR-S and ERR-SYS were added from 2249901500028 FZKA-6194,1998 . 2249901500029 ENDBIB 27 0 2249901500030 NOCOMMON 0 0 2249901500031 DATA 6 14 2249901500032 KT DATA ERR-T ERR-S ERR-SYS MISC 2249901500033 KEV MB MB MB MB K 2249901500034 8. 2471. 33. 27. 19. 92800.2249901500035 10. 2183. 26. 20. 17. 116000.2249901500036 15. 1757. 19. 11. 15. 174000.2249901500037 20. 1509. 15. 7.1 13. 232000.2249901500038 25. 1339. 13. 5.4 12. 290000.2249901500039 30. 1210. 12. 4.3 11. 348000.2249901500040 40. 1024. 9.6 3.3 9.0 464000.2249901500041 50. 892.6 8.3 2.7 7.9 580000.2249901500042 52. 870.9 8.1 2.6 7.7 603200.2249901500043 60. 794.7 7.5 2.5 7.1 696000.2249901500044 70. 718.4 6.9 2.6 6.4 812000.2249901500045 80. 657.4 6.6 2.9 5.9 928000.2249901500046 90. 607.2 6.3 3.3 5.4 1044000.2249901500047 100. 565.1 6.4 3.9 5.1 1160000.2249901500048 ENDDATA 16 0 2249901500049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 2249901599999 SUBENT 22499016 20160428 22492249901600001 BIB 8 27 2249901600002 REACTION (70-YB-172(N,G)70-YB-173,,SIG,,MXW,DERIV) 2249901600003 Maxwellian averaged neutron capture cross-section 2249901600004 MONITOR (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG) 2249901600005 REL-REF (N,22372001,K.Wisshak+,J,PR/C,45,2470,1992) Method of 2249901600006 Maxwell-average cross section evaluation 2249901600007 (N,22195001,K.Wisshak+,J,PR/C,42,1731,1990) Method of 2249901600008 Maxwell-average cross section evaluation 2249901600009 (N,,F.Voss+,R,KFK-6104,1998) Details of cross section 2249901600010 evaluation in different energy intervals 2249901600011 ANALYSIS -Obtained by integrating cross-section from zero to 2249901600012 700 keV using different expressions for cs, namely - 2249901600013 contribution I-1 at low energies 0 - 3 keV is 2249901600014 calculated in three different ways 2249901600015 -Contribution I-2 covers the range of present 2249901600016 experiment 2249901600017 -For part I-3 Above 225 keV this energy range cross 2249901600018 sections were taken from Joint Evaluated File. 2249901600019 MISC-COL (MISC) Temperature corresponding to the mean energy 2249901600020 STATUS (TABLE) Data from Table IX of PR/C,61,(6),065801,2000. 2249901600021 Table 21 of FZKA-6194,1998 . 2249901600022 (DEP,22499004) 2249901600023 (DEP,22499010) 2249901600024 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total error not includes standard's gold error 2249901600025 (ERR-S) Statistical 2249901600026 (ERR-SYS) Total systematical. 2249901600027 HISTORY (20160428A) M.M. ERR-S and ERR-SYS were added from 2249901600028 FZKA-6194,1998 . 2249901600029 ENDBIB 27 0 2249901600030 NOCOMMON 0 0 2249901600031 DATA 6 14 2249901600032 KT DATA ERR-T ERR-S ERR-SYS MISC 2249901600033 KEV MB MB MB MB K 2249901600034 8. 672.8 8.9 7.6 4.6 92800. 2249901600035 10. 599.4 6.9 5.5 4.2 116000. 2249901600036 15. 488.4 4.8 3.1 3.6 174000. 2249901600037 20. 422.7 3.8 2.0 3.2 232000. 2249901600038 25. 376.5 3.3 1.6 2.9 290000. 2249901600039 30. 341.3 3. 1.3 2.7 348000. 2249901600040 40. 289.7 2.5 1.0 2.3 464000. 2249901600041 50. 253.7 2.2 0.8 2.0 580000. 2249901600042 52. 247.6 2.2 0.8 2.0 603200. 2249901600043 60. 226.8 2. 0.8 1.8 696000. 2249901600044 70. 206.2 1.8 0.8 1.6 812000. 2249901600045 80. 190. 1.8 1.0 1.5 928000. 2249901600046 90. 176. 1.8 1.1 1.4 1044000. 2249901600047 100. 165.7 1.8 1.3 1.3 1160000. 2249901600048 ENDDATA 16 0 2249901600049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 2249901699999 SUBENT 22499017 20160428 22492249901700001 BIB 8 27 2249901700002 REACTION (70-YB-173(N,G)70-YB-174,,SIG,,MXW,DERIV) 2249901700003 Maxwellian averaged neutron capture cross-section 2249901700004 MONITOR (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG) 2249901700005 REL-REF (N,22372001,K.Wisshak+,J,PR/C,45,2470,1992) Method of 2249901700006 Maxwell-average cross section evaluation 2249901700007 (N,22195001,K.Wisshak+,J,PR/C,42,1731,1990) Method of 2249901700008 Maxwell-average cross section evaluation 2249901700009 (N,,F.Voss+,R,KFK-6104,1998) Details of cross section 2249901700010 evaluation in different energy intervals 2249901700011 ANALYSIS -Obtained by integrating cross-section from zero to 2249901700012 700 keV using different expressions for cs, namely - 2249901700013 contribution I-1 at low energies 0 - 3 keV is 2249901700014 calculated in three different ways 2249901700015 -Contribution I-2 covers the range of present 2249901700016 experiment 2249901700017 -For part I-3 above 225 keV this energy range cross 2249901700018 MISC-COL (MISC) Temperature corresponding to the mean energy 2249901700019 sections were taken from Joint Evaluated File. 2249901700020 STATUS (TABLE) Data are taken from Table IX of main reference 2249901700021 Table 21 of FZKA-6194,1998 . 2249901700022 (DEP,22499005) 2249901700023 (DEP,22499011) 2249901700024 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total Error not includes standard's gold error 2249901700025 (ERR-S) Statistical 2249901700026 (ERR-SYS) Total systematical. 2249901700027 HISTORY (20160428A) M.M. ERR-S and ERR-SYS were added from 2249901700028 FZKA-6194,1998 . 2249901700029 ENDBIB 27 0 2249901700030 NOCOMMON 0 0 2249901700031 DATA 6 14 2249901700032 KT DATA ERR-T ERR-S ERR-SYS MISC 2249901700033 KEV MB MB MB MB K 2249901700034 8. 1675. 36. 34. 12. 92800.2249901700035 10. 1456. 24. 23. 11. 116000.2249901700036 15. 1139. 14. 11. 9.4 174000.2249901700037 20. 959.6 11. 6.9 8.1 232000.2249901700038 25. 840.7 8.7 4.8 7.2 290000.2249901700039 30. 753.8 7.4 3.6 6.5 348000.2249901700040 40. 633.1 6.1 2.4 5.6 464000.2249901700041 50. 551.6 5.3 1.9 4.9 580000.2249901700042 52. 538.4 5.2 1.9 4.8 603200.2249901700043 60. 492.3 4.7 1.7 4.4 696000.2249901700044 70. 446.6 4.3 1.7 4.0 812000.2249901700045 80. 410. 4.2 1.9 3.7 928000.2249901700046 90. 379.9 4. 2.2 3.4 1044000.2249901700047 100. 354.6 4.1 2.5 3.2 1160000.2249901700048 ENDDATA 16 0 2249901700049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 2249901799999 SUBENT 22499018 20160428 22492249901800001 BIB 8 28 2249901800002 REACTION (70-YB-174(N,G)70-YB-175,,SIG,,MXW,DERIV) 2249901800003 Maxwellian averaged neutron capture cross-section 2249901800004 MONITOR (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG) 2249901800005 REL-REF (N,22372001,K.Wisshak+,J,PR/C,45,2470,1992) Method of 2249901800006 Maxwell-average cross section evaluation 2249901800007 (N,22195001,K.Wisshak+,J,PR/C,42,1731,1990) Method of 2249901800008 Maxwell-average cross section evaluation 2249901800009 (N,,F.Voss+,R,KFK-6104,1998) Details of cross section 2249901800010 evaluation in different energy intervals 2249901800011 ANALYSIS -Obtained by integrating cross-section from zero to 2249901800012 700 keV using different expressions for cs, namely - 2249901800013 contribution I-1 at low energies 0 - 3 keV is 2249901800014 calculated in three different ways 2249901800015 -Contribution I-2 covers the range of present 2249901800016 experiment 2249901800017 -For part I-3 above 225 keV this energy range cross 2249901800018 sections were taken from Joint Evaluated File. 2249901800019 MISC-COL (MISC) Temperature corresponding to the mean energy 2249901800020 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total error does not include 1.5% standard 2249901800021 gold cross section error 2249901800022 (ERR-S) Statistical 2249901800023 (ERR-SYS) Total systematical. 2249901800024 HISTORY (20160428A) M.M. ERR-S and ERR-SYS were added from 2249901800025 FZKA-6194,1998 . 2249901800026 STATUS (TABLE) Data from Table IX of PR/C,61,(6),065801,2000. 2249901800027 Table 21 of FZKA-6194,1998 . 2249901800028 (DEP,22499006) 2249901800029 (DEP,22499012) 2249901800030 ENDBIB 28 0 2249901800031 NOCOMMON 0 0 2249901800032 DATA 6 14 2249901800033 KT DATA ERR-T ERR-S ERR-SYS MISC 2249901800034 KEV MB MB MB MB K 2249901800035 8. 304.9 6.6 6.1 2.6 92800.2249901800036 10. 271.3 5.0 4.4 2.4 116000.2249901800037 15. 220.4 3.2 2.4 5.0 174000.2249901800038 20. 189.7 2.4 1.6 1.8 232000.2249901800039 25. 167.5 2.0 1.2 1.6 290000.2249901800040 30. 150.5 1.8 1.0 1.5 348000.2249901800041 40. 125.3 1.4 0.7 1.2 464000.2249901800042 50. 107.8 1.2 0.6 1.0 580000.2249901800043 52. 105. 1.1 0.5 1.0 603200.2249901800044 60. 95.1 1.0 0.5 0.9 696000.2249901800045 70. 85.4 0.9 0.4 0.8 812000.2249901800046 80. 78. 0.9 0.5 0.8 928000.2249901800047 90. 72.1 0.9 0.5 0.7 1044000.2249901800048 100. 67.3 0.9 0.6 0.7 1160000.2249901800049 ENDDATA 16 0 2249901800050 ENDSUBENT 49 0 2249901899999 SUBENT 22499019 20160428 22492249901900001 BIB 8 28 2249901900002 REACTION (70-YB-176(N,G)70-YB-177,,SIG,,MXW,DERIV) 2249901900003 Maxwellian averaged neutron capture cross-section 2249901900004 MONITOR (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG) 2249901900005 REL-REF (N,22372001,K.Wisshak+,J,PR/C,45,2470,1992) Method of 2249901900006 Maxwell-Average cross section evaluation 2249901900007 (N,22195001,K.Wisshak+,J,PR/C,42,1731,1990) Method of 2249901900008 Maxwell-average cross section evaluation 2249901900009 (N,,F.Voss+,R,KFK-6104,1998) Details of cross section 2249901900010 evaluation in different energy intervals 2249901900011 ANALYSIS -Obtained by integrating cross-section from zero to 2249901900012 700 keV using different expressions for cs, namely - 2249901900013 contribution I-1 at low energies 0 - 3 keV is 2249901900014 calculated in three different ways 2249901900015 -Contribution I-2 covers the range of present 2249901900016 experiment 2249901900017 -For part I-3 above 225 keV this energy range cross 2249901900018 sections were taken from Joint Evaluated File. 2249901900019 MISC-COL (MISC) Temperature corresponding to the mean energy 2249901900020 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total error does not include 1.5% standard 2249901900021 gold cross section error 2249901900022 (ERR-S) Statistical 2249901900023 (ERR-SYS) Total systematical. 2249901900024 HISTORY (20160428A) M.M. ERR-S and ERR-SYS were added from 2249901900025 FZKA-6194,1998 . 2249901900026 STATUS (TABLE) Data from Table IX of PR/C,61,(6),065801,2000. 2249901900027 Table 21 of FZKA-6194,1998 . 2249901900028 (DEP,22499007) 2249901900029 (DEP,22499013) 2249901900030 ENDBIB 28 0 2249901900031 NOCOMMON 0 0 2249901900032 DATA 6 14 2249901900033 KT DATA ERR-T ERR-S ERR-SYS MISC 2249901900034 KEV MB MB MB MB K 2249901900035 8. 240.6 6.8 6.0 3.2 92800.2249901900036 10. 213.2 5.3 4.4 3.0 116000.2249901900037 15. 171.8 3.5 2.5 2.5 174000.2249901900038 20. 147. 2.7 1.6 2.2 232000.2249901900039 25. 129.4 2.3 1.2 2.0 290000.2249901900040 30. 115.9 2. 0.9 1.8 348000.2249901900041 40. 96. 1.7 0.7 1.5 464000.2249901900042 50. 82.1 1.4 0.5 1.3 580000.2249901900043 52. 79.9 1.4 0.5 1.3 603200.2249901900044 60. 72. 1.2 0.5 1.1 696000.2249901900045 70. 64.2 1.1 0.4 1.0 812000.2249901900046 80. 58.3 1. 0.4 0.9 928000.2249901900047 90. 53.5 0.9 0.4 0.8 1044000.2249901900048 100. 49.6 0.9 0.4 0.8 1160000.2249901900049 ENDDATA 16 0 2249901900050 ENDSUBENT 49 0 2249901999999 SUBENT 22499020 20160428 22492249902000001 BIB 6 16 2249902000002 REACTION (70-YB-170(N,TOT),,SIG,,AV) Averaged over energy 2249902000003 interval given in DATA section 2249902000004 DETECTOR (GLASD) Li-6 glass detector (second). 2249902000005 METHOD (TOF) Flight base is 260 cm 2249902000006 SAMPLE Ytterbium oxide powder disk heated to eliminate any 2249902000007 water contamination. Pressed in the pellets of 14.8 mm2249902000008 diameter in aluminum canning with 0.2 mm thick walls, 2249902000009 and weight 0.2757 gram. 2249902000010 Weight of Y2-O3 is 2.2749 gram. Sample thickness is 2249902000011 2.4 mm = 3.9842 atoms/b for all Yb isotopes. 2249902000012 Yb-170 content is 70.42%, Yb-171 content is 13.26%, 2249902000013 Yb-172 content is 9.10%, Yb-173 content is 3.33%, 2249902000014 Yb-174 content is 3.17%, Yb-176 content is 0.72% 2249902000015 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Typical total uncertainty 2249902000016 STATUS (TABLE) Data from Table III of PR/C,61,(6),065801,2000.2249902000017 = Table 5 of FZKA-6194,1998 2249902000018 ENDBIB 16 0 2249902000019 COMMON 1 3 2249902000020 ERR-T 2249902000021 PER-CENT 2249902000022 4. 2249902000023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2249902000024 DATA 3 9 2249902000025 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA 2249902000026 KEV KEV B 2249902000027 10. 15. 15.3 2249902000028 15. 20. 14.5 2249902000029 20. 30. 12.9 2249902000030 30. 40. 12.6 2249902000031 40. 60. 11.2 2249902000032 60. 80. 10.9 2249902000033 80. 100. 10. 2249902000034 100. 150. 9. 2249902000035 150. 200. 9.1 2249902000036 ENDDATA 11 0 2249902000037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 2249902099999 SUBENT 22499021 20160428 22492249902100001 BIB 6 16 2249902100002 REACTION (70-YB-171(N,TOT),,SIG,,AV) Averaged over energy 2249902100003 interval given in DATA section 2249902100004 METHOD (TOF) Flight base is 260 cm . 2249902100005 DETECTOR (GLASD) Li-6 Glass Detector (second) 2249902100006 SAMPLE Ytterbium oxide powder disk heated to eliminate any 2249902100007 water contamination. Pressed in the pellets of 14.7 mm2249902100008 diameter in aluminum canning with 0.2 mm thick walls 2249902100009 and weight 0.2526 gram. 2249902100010 Weight of Y2-O3 is 0.8899 gram. Sample thickness is 2249902100011 0.9 mm = 1.5541 atoms/b for all Yb isotopes. 2249902100012 Yb-170 content is 0.69%, Yb-171 content is 89.10%, 2249902100013 Yb-172 content is 7.16%, Yb-173 content is 1.53%, 2249902100014 Yb-174 content is 1.37%, Yb-176 content is 0.15% 2249902100015 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Typical total uncertainty 2249902100016 STATUS (TABLE) Data from Table III of PR/C,61,(6),065801,2000.2249902100017 = Table 5 of FZKA-6194,1998 2249902100018 ENDBIB 16 0 2249902100019 COMMON 1 3 2249902100020 ERR-T 2249902100021 PER-CENT 2249902100022 10.4 2249902100023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2249902100024 DATA 3 9 2249902100025 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA 2249902100026 KEV KEV B 2249902100027 10. 15. 11.1 2249902100028 15. 20. 11.9 2249902100029 20. 30. 10.9 2249902100030 30. 40. 10.2 2249902100031 40. 60. 10.9 2249902100032 60. 80. 9.7 2249902100033 80. 100. 9.1 2249902100034 100. 150. 8.6 2249902100035 150. 200. 9.2 2249902100036 ENDDATA 11 0 2249902100037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 2249902199999 SUBENT 22499022 20160428 22492249902200001 BIB 6 16 2249902200002 REACTION (70-YB-172(N,TOT),,SIG,,AV) Averaged over energy 2249902200003 interval given in DATA section 2249902200004 DETECTOR (GLASD) Li-6 glass detector (second). 2249902200005 METHOD (TOF) Flight base is 260 cm. 2249902200006 SAMPLE Ytterbium oxide powder disk heated to eliminate any 2249902200007 water contamination. Pressed in the pellets of 14.7 mm2249902200008 diameter in aluminum canning with 0.2 mm thick walls 2249902200009 and weight 0.2802 gram. 2249902200010 Weight of Y2-O3 is 2.8439 gram. Sample thickness is 2249902200011 3.3 mm = 4.9429 atoms/b for all Yb isotopes. 2249902200012 Yb-170 content is 0.00%, Yb-171 content is 0.50%, 2249902200013 Yb-172 content is 94.10%, Yb-173 content is 3.60%, 2249902200014 Yb-174 content is 1.60%, Yb-176 content is 1.20% 2249902200015 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Typical uncertainty 2249902200016 STATUS (TABLE) Data from Table III of PR/C,61,(6),065801,2000.2249902200017 = Table 5 of FZKA-6194,1998 2249902200018 ENDBIB 16 0 2249902200019 COMMON 1 3 2249902200020 ERR-T 2249902200021 PER-CENT 2249902200022 3.7 2249902200023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2249902200024 DATA 3 9 2249902200025 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA 2249902200026 KEV KEV B 2249902200027 10. 15. 9.6 2249902200028 15. 20. 11.8 2249902200029 20. 30. 10.8 2249902200030 30. 40. 10.5 2249902200031 40. 60. 10.5 2249902200032 60. 80. 9.4 2249902200033 80. 100. 8.6 2249902200034 100. 150. 8. 2249902200035 150. 200. 8.2 2249902200036 ENDDATA 11 0 2249902200037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 2249902299999 SUBENT 22499023 20160428 22492249902300001 BIB 6 16 2249902300002 REACTION (70-YB-173(N,TOT),,SIG,,AV) Averaged over energy 2249902300003 interval given in DATA section 2249902300004 METHOD (TOF) Flight base is 260 cm 2249902300005 DETECTOR (GLASD) Li-6 glass detector (second) 2249902300006 SAMPLE Ytterbium oxide powder disk heated to eliminate any 2249902300007 water contamination. Pressed in the pellets of 14.9 mm2249902300008 diameter in aluminum canning with 0.2 mm thick walls 2249902300009 and weight 0.2826 gram. 2249902300010 Weight of Y2-O3 is 1.4674 gram. Sample thickness is 2249902300011 1.8 mm = 2.5375 atoms/b for all Yb isotopes. 2249902300012 Yb-170 content is 0.03%, Yb-171 content is 0.23%, 2249902300013 Yb-172 content is 2.51%, Yb-173 content is 87.60%, 2249902300014 Yb-174 content is 9.28%, Yb-176 content is 0.35% 2249902300015 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Typical uncertainty 2249902300016 STATUS (TABLE) Data from Table III of PR/C,61,(6),065801,2000.2249902300017 = Table 5 of FZKA-6194,1998 2249902300018 ENDBIB 16 0 2249902300019 COMMON 1 3 2249902300020 ERR-T 2249902300021 PER-CENT 2249902300022 7.3 2249902300023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2249902300024 DATA 3 9 2249902300025 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA 2249902300026 KEV KEV B 2249902300027 10. 15. 12.5 2249902300028 15. 20. 11.7 2249902300029 20. 30. 10.7 2249902300030 30. 40. 9.7 2249902300031 40. 60. 9.9 2249902300032 60. 80. 8.6 2249902300033 80. 100. 8.5 2249902300034 100. 150. 8.4 2249902300035 150. 200. 9.7 2249902300036 ENDDATA 11 0 2249902300037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 2249902399999 SUBENT 22499024 20160428 22492249902400001 BIB 6 16 2249902400002 REACTION (70-YB-174(N,TOT),,SIG,,AV) Averaged over energy 2249902400003 interval given in DATA section 2249902400004 DETECTOR (GLASD) Li-6 glass detector (second) 2249902400005 METHOD (TOF) Flight base is 260 cm 2249902400006 SAMPLE Ytterbium oxide powder disk heated to eliminate any 2249902400007 water contamination. Pressed in the pellets of 14.8 mm2249902400008 diameter in aluminum canning with 0.2 mm thick walls 2249902400009 and weight 0.3403 gram. 2249902400010 Weight of Y2-O3 is 4.5420 gram. Sample thickness is 2249902400011 4.7 mm = 7.8174 atoms/b for all Yb isotopes. 2249902400012 Yb-170 content is 0.04%, Yb-171 content is 0.16%, 2249902400013 Yb-172 content is 0.30%, Yb-173 content is 0.60%, 2249902400014 Yb-174 content is 98.10%, Yb-176 content is 0.80% 2249902400015 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Typical uncertainty 2249902400016 STATUS (TABLE) Data from Table III of PR/C,61,(6),065801,2000.2249902400017 = Table 5 of FZKA-6194,1998 2249902400018 ENDBIB 16 0 2249902400019 COMMON 1 3 2249902400020 ERR-T 2249902400021 PER-CENT 2249902400022 2.3 2249902400023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2249902400024 DATA 3 9 2249902400025 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA 2249902400026 KEV KEV B 2249902400027 10. 15. 9.8 2249902400028 15. 20. 10.6 2249902400029 20. 30. 12.4 2249902400030 30. 40. 11.5 2249902400031 40. 60. 10.6 2249902400032 60. 80. 8.8 2249902400033 80. 100. 8.6 2249902400034 100. 150. 8.2 2249902400035 150. 200. 8. 2249902400036 ENDDATA 11 0 2249902400037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 2249902499999 SUBENT 22499025 20160428 22492249902500001 BIB 6 16 2249902500002 REACTION (70-YB-176(N,TOT),,SIG,,AV) Averaged over energy 2249902500003 interval given in DATA section 2249902500004 METHOD (TOF) Flight base is 260 cm 2249902500005 DETECTOR (GLASD) Li-6 glass detector (second) 2249902500006 SAMPLE Ytterbium oxide powder disk heated to eliminate any 2249902500007 water contamination. Pressed in the pellets of 14.8 mm2249902500008 diameter in aluminum canning with 0.2 mm thick walls 2249902500009 and weight 0.3231 gram. 2249902500010 Weight of Y2-O3 is 4.5243 gram. Sample thickness is 2249902500011 4.7 mm = 7.7144 atoms/b for all Yb isotopes . 2249902500012 Yb-170 content is 0.10%, Yb-171 content is 0.53%, 2249902500013 Yb-172 content is 0.87%, Yb-173 content is 0.73%, 2249902500014 Yb-174 content is 2.47%, Yb-176 content is 95.30% 2249902500015 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Typical uncertainty 2249902500016 STATUS (TABLE) Data from Table III of PR/C,61,(6),065801,2000.2249902500017 = Table 5 of FZKA-6194,1998 2249902500018 ENDBIB 16 0 2249902500019 COMMON 1 3 2249902500020 ERR-T 2249902500021 PER-CENT 2249902500022 2.7 2249902500023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2249902500024 DATA 3 9 2249902500025 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA 2249902500026 KEV KEV B 2249902500027 10. 15. 11.1 2249902500028 15. 20. 11.0 2249902500029 20. 30. 9.9 2249902500030 30. 40. 10.3 2249902500031 40. 60. 8.8 2249902500032 60. 80. 8.2 2249902500033 80. 100. 7.9 2249902500034 100. 150. 7.8 2249902500035 150. 200. 8.1 2249902500036 ENDDATA 11 0 2249902500037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 2249902599999 SUBENT 22499026 20160428 22492249902600001 BIB 5 17 2249902600002 REACTION (6-C-12(N,TOT),,SIG,,AV) Averaged over energy 2249902600003 interval given in DATA section 2249902600004 METHOD (TOF) Flight base is 260 cm 2249902600005 DETECTOR (GLASD) Li-6 glass detector (second). 2249902600006 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Typical uncertainty 2249902600007 STATUS (TABLE) Data from Table III of PR/C,61,(6),065801,2000.2249902600008 = Table 5 of FZKA-6194,1998 2249902600009 (COREL,22307006) C12 - 3.1960g, irradiation with Ba 2249902600010 (COREL,22374023) C12 - 1.2096g, irradiation with Sm 2249902600011 (COREL,22377008) C12 - 0.909g, irradiation with Sn 2249902600012 (COREL,22386026) C12 - 0.7644g, irradiation with Gd 2249902600013 (COREL,22388026) C12 - 0.9091g, irradiation with Nd 2249902600014 (COREL,22498026) C12 - 0.7644g, irradiation with Pr,Dy 2249902600015 (COREL,22813026) C12 - 0.4710g, irradiation with Cd 2249902600016 (COREL,22916002) C12 - 0.1370g, irradiation with Sm 2249902600017 (COREL,22917002) C12 - 0.6213g, irradiation with Lu 2249902600018 (COREL,22926002) C12 - 0.6213g, irradiation with Hf 2249902600019 ENDBIB 17 0 2249902600020 COMMON 1 3 2249902600021 ERR-T 2249902600022 PER-CENT 2249902600023 2. 2249902600024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2249902600025 DATA 3 9 2249902600026 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA 2249902600027 KEV KEV B 2249902600028 10. 15. 4.49 2249902600029 15. 20. 4.70 2249902600030 20. 30. 4.54 2249902600031 30. 40. 4.47 2249902600032 40. 60. 4.50 2249902600033 60. 80. 4.42 2249902600034 80. 100. 4.23 2249902600035 100. 150. 4.12 2249902600036 150. 200. 4.14 2249902600037 ENDDATA 11 0 2249902600038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 2249902699999 SUBENT 22499027 20160428 22492249902700001 BIB 5 17 2249902700002 REACTION (79-AU-197(N,TOT),,SIG,,AV) Averaged over energy 2249902700003 interval given in DATA section 2249902700004 METHOD (TOF) Flight base is 260 cm 2249902700005 DETECTOR (GLASD) Li-6 glass detector (second). 2249902700006 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Typical uncertainty 2249902700007 STATUS (TABLE) Data from Table III of PR/C,61,(6),065801,2000.2249902700008 = Table 5 of FZKA-6194,1998 2249902700009 (COREL,22307007) Au - 1.8709g, irradiation with Ba 2249902700010 (COREL,22374024) Au - 1.2989g, irradiation with Sm 2249902700011 (COREL,22377009) Au - 1.871 g, irradiation with Sn 2249902700012 (COREL,22386027) Au - 1.2990g, irradiation with Gd 2249902700013 (COREL,22388028) Au - 1.8709g, irradiation with Nd 2249902700014 (COREL,22498028) Au - 1.2990g, irradiation with Pr,Dy 2249902700015 (COREL,22813027) Au - 1.2987g, irradiation with Cd 2249902700016 (COREL,22916005) Au - 0.5554g, irradiation with Sm 2249902700017 (COREL,22917005) Au - 1.2996g, irradiation with Lu 2249902700018 (COREL,22926008) Au - 1.2996g, irradiation with Hf 2249902700019 ENDBIB 17 0 2249902700020 COMMON 1 3 2249902700021 ERR-T 2249902700022 PER-CENT 2249902700023 6.6 2249902700024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2249902700025 DATA 3 9 2249902700026 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA 2249902700027 KEV KEV B 2249902700028 10. 15. 13. 2249902700029 15. 20. 14.3 2249902700030 20. 30. 12.9 2249902700031 30. 40. 12.8 2249902700032 40. 60. 12. 2249902700033 60. 80. 11.6 2249902700034 80. 100. 10.7 2249902700035 100. 150. 9.6 2249902700036 150. 200. 8.7 2249902700037 ENDDATA 11 0 2249902700038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 2249902799999 NOSUBENT 22499028 20160428 22492249902800001 NOSUBENT 22499029 20160428 22492249902900001 NOSUBENT 22499030 20160428 22492249903000001 NOSUBENT 22499031 20160428 22492249903100001 SUBENT 22499032 20160428 22492249903200001 BIB 7 22 2249903200002 REACTION 1(70-YB-172(N,G)70-YB-173-G/T,,SIG/RAT,,AV) 2249903200003 2(70-YB-172(N,G)70-YB-173-L/T,,SIG/RAT,,AV) 2249903200004 C-S ratios at mean neutron energy 75.keV (50-100 keV) 2249903200005 3(70-YB-172(N,G)70-YB-173-L/G,,SIG/RAT,,AV) 2249903200006 Averaged over spectrum width 50 - 100 keV 2249903200007 cross-sections ratio of excited level (2.9 microsec, 2249903200008 1/2-, 399.keV) to ground (5/2-, 0. keV). 2249903200009 LEVEL-PROP (70-YB-173-G,E-LVL=0.,SPIN=2.5,PARITY=-1.) 2249903200010 (70-YB-173-L,E-LVL=399.,SPIN=0.5,PARITY=-1.) 2249903200011 DECAY-DATA (70-YB-173-L,0.0029MSEC) 2249903200012 ANALYSIS The sum energy spectra for about 20 previously 2249903200013 measured isotopes were analyzed to define parameter 2249903200014 systematics. Spectra were fitted by superposition of 2249903200015 Gaussian for the sum energy peak and a truncated 2249903200016 polynomial for low energy tail. 2249903200017 Based on parameter systematics, two components in the 2249903200018 Yb spectra corresponding isomer and ground states 2249903200019 could be constrained with respect to their spectral 2249903200020 shape (Fig.3 of main reference). 2249903200021 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Relative error, probably total. 2249903200022 STATUS (TABLE) Data from Table VII of PR/C,61,(6),065801,2000.2249903200023 HISTORY (20080116C) M.M. 2249903200024 ENDBIB 22 0 2249903200025 COMMON 3 3 2249903200026 EN-MEAN EN-MIN EN-MAX 2249903200027 KEV KEV KEV 2249903200028 75. 50. 100. 2249903200029 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2249903200030 DATA 5 1 2249903200031 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2DATA 3 2249903200032 NO-DIM PER-CENT NO-DIM PER-CENT NO-DIM 2249903200033 0.54 2. 0.46 2. 0.87 2249903200034 ENDDATA 3 0 2249903200035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 2249903299999 SUBENT 22499033 20230514 23172249903300001 BIB 7 20 2249903300002 REACTION 1(70-YB-173(N,G)70-YB-174-G/T,,SIG/RAT,,AV) 2249903300003 2(70-YB-173(N,G)70-YB-174-L/T,,SIG/RAT,,AV) 2249903300004 3(70-YB-173(N,G)70-YB-174-L/G,,SIG/RAT,,AV) 2249903300005 C-S ratios at mean neutron energy 75.keV (50-100 keV) 2249903300006 LEVEL-PROP (70-YB-174,E-LVL=0.,SPIN=0.,PARITY=+1.) 2249903300007 (70-YB-174,E-LVL=1518.,SPIN=6.,PARITY=+1.) 2249903300008 DECAY-DATA (70-YB-174-L,0.830MSEC) 2249903300009 ANALYSIS The sum energy spectra for about 20 previously 2249903300010 measured isotopes were analyzed to define parameter 2249903300011 systematics. Spectra were fitted by superposition of 2249903300012 Gaussian for the sum energy peak and a truncated 2249903300013 polynomial for low energy tail. 2249903300014 Based on parameter systematics, two components in the 2249903300015 Yb spectra corresponding isomer and ground states 2249903300016 could be constrained with respect to their spectral 2249903300017 shape (Fig.3 of main reference). 2249903300018 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Relative error, probably total. 2249903300019 STATUS (TABLE) Table VII of Phys.Rev.,C61,065801,2000. 2249903300020 HISTORY (20080116C) M.M. 2249903300021 (20230514A) SD: Value 75.keV deleted from DATA section.2249903300022 ENDBIB 20 0 2249903300023 COMMON 3 3 2249903300024 EN-MEAN EN-MIN EN-MAX 2249903300025 KEV KEV KEV 2249903300026 75. 50. 100. 2249903300027 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2249903300028 DATA 5 1 2249903300029 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2DATA 3 2249903300030 NO-DIM PER-CENT NO-DIM PER-CENT NO-DIM 2249903300031 0.95 2. 0.05 2. 0.05 2249903300032 ENDDATA 3 0 2249903300033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 2249903399999 SUBENT 22499034 20160428 22492249903400001 BIB 7 19 2249903400002 REACTION 1(70-YB-174(N,G)70-YB-175-G/T,,SIG/RAT,,AV) 2249903400003 2(70-YB-174(N,G)70-YB-175-L/T,,SIG/RAT,,AV) 2249903400004 3(70-YB-174(N,G)70-YB-175-L/G,,SIG/RAT,,AV) 2249903400005 C-S ratios at mean neutron energy 75.keV (50-100 keV) 2249903400006 LEVEL-PROP (70-YB-175-G,E-LVL=0.,SPIN=3.5,PARITY=-1.) 2249903400007 (70-YB-175-L,E-LVL=515.,SPIN=0.5,PARITY=-1.) 2249903400008 DECAY-DATA (70-YB-175-L,68.MSEC) In NuDat2.4 defined as metastable2249903400009 ANALYSIS The sum energy spectra for about 20 previously 2249903400010 measured isotopes were analyzed to define parameter 2249903400011 systematics. Spectra were fitted by superposition of 2249903400012 gaussian for the sum energy peak and a truncated 2249903400013 polynomial for low energy tail. 2249903400014 Based on parameter systematics, two components in the 2249903400015 Yb spectra corresponding isomer and ground states 2249903400016 could be constrained with respect to their spectral 2249903400017 shape(Fig.3 of main reference). 2249903400018 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Relative error, probably total. 2249903400019 STATUS (TABLE) Data from Table VII of PR/C,61,(6),065801,2000.2249903400020 HISTORY (20080116C) M.M. 2249903400021 ENDBIB 19 0 2249903400022 COMMON 3 3 2249903400023 EN-MEAN EN-MIN EN-MAX 2249903400024 KEV KEV KEV 2249903400025 75. 50. 100. 2249903400026 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2249903400027 DATA 5 1 2249903400028 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2DATA 3 2249903400029 NO-DIM PER-CENT NO-DIM PER-CENT NO-DIM 2249903400030 0.33 2. 0.67 2. 2.05 2249903400031 ENDDATA 3 0 2249903400032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 2249903499999 SUBENT 22499035 20160428 22492249903500001 BIB 5 16 2249903500002 REACTION 1(70-YB-176(N,G)70-YB-177-G/T,,SIG/RAT,,AV) 2249903500003 2(70-YB-176(N,G)70-YB-177-M/T,,SIG/RAT,,AV) 2249903500004 3(70-YB-176(N,G)70-YB-177-M/G,,SIG/RAT,,AV) 2249903500005 C-S ratios at mean neutron energy 75.keV (50-100 keV) 2249903500006 ANALYSIS The sum energy spectra for about 20 previously 2249903500007 measured isotopes were analyzed to define parameter 2249903500008 systematics. Spectra were fitted by superposition of 2249903500009 gaussian for the sum energy peak and a truncated 2249903500010 polynomial for low energy tail. 2249903500011 Based on parameter systematics, two components in the 2249903500012 Yb spectra corresponding isomer and ground states 2249903500013 could be constrained with respect to their spectral 2249903500014 shape(Fig.3 of main reference). 2249903500015 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Relative error, probably total. 2249903500016 STATUS (TABLE) Data from Table VII of PR/C,61,(6),065801,2000.2249903500017 HISTORY (20080116C) M.M. 2249903500018 ENDBIB 16 0 2249903500019 COMMON 3 3 2249903500020 EN-MEAN EN-MIN EN-MAX 2249903500021 KEV KEV KEV 2249903500022 75. 50. 100. 2249903500023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2249903500024 DATA 5 1 2249903500025 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2DATA 3 2249903500026 NO-DIM PER-CENT NO-DIM PER-CENT NO-DIM 2249903500027 0.54 2. 0.46 2. 5.86 2249903500028 ENDDATA 3 0 2249903500029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 2249903599999 ENDENTRY 35 0 2249999999999