ENTRY 22602 20230301 23162260200000001 SUBENT 22602001 20230301 23162260200100001 BIB 13 44 2260200100002 TITLE Spin and parity assignments of Nb-93 neutron 2260200100003 resonances 2260200100004 AUTHOR (J.Winter,A.Cornelis,W.L.Mewissen,F.Poortmans,G.Rohr, 2260200100005 R.Shelley,T.van der Veen,G.Vanpraet) 2260200100006 INSTITUTE (2ZZZGEL) 2260200100007 REFERENCE (C,78HARWELL,,696,1978) - exp.details 2260200100008 (C,76LOWELL,,1248,1976) data not given 2260200100009 FACILITY (LINAC,2ZZZGEL) 2260200100010 SAMPLE The transmission experiments were performed on 2260200100011 samples cooled at liquid nitrogen temperature. 2260200100012 The scattering cross section was measured using lead 2260200100013 as a standard scattering sample. 2260200100014 INC-SPECT A pulsed beam of neutrons was produced in a mercury 2260200100015 cooled uranium target and moderated in a 4 cm thick 2260200100016 polyethylene slab. 2260200100017 CORRECTION The scattering data were corrected for multiple 2260200100018 interaction effects using a Monte Carlo computer code. 2260200100019 DETECTOR (GELI) 50.cm3 - used in capture gamma-ray spectra exp.;2260200100020 (HE3SP) 3He gas scint. - used in transmission and 2260200100021 scattering exp.; 2260200100022 (SCIN) two C6F6 - used in capture exp. 2260200100023 METHOD (TOF,TRN) Parameters of exp.: 2260200100024 Param. Transmiss. Capture Scattering Capture 2260200100025 gamma-ray 2260200100026 Energy 0.030 - 7.2 0.030 - 7.2 0.030 - 3. 0.023 - 2.82260200100027 (keV) 2260200100028 Samples 0.004232 0.005463 0.004253 0.002235 2260200100029 (at/b) 0.02533 0.02235 0.01268 2260200100030 0.01268 2260200100031 Flight path 60.m 60.m 30.m 15.m 2260200100032 Burst width 20nsec 20nsec 20nsec 20nsec 2260200100033 Channel width 10nsec 10nsec 10nsec 40nsec 2260200100034 ANALYSIS The transmission data were analysed using a modified 2260200100035 version of the Atta-Harvey area analysis program. 2260200100036 Afterwards, analysis repeated the using the multi- 2260200100037 level Breit-Higner code SIOB (see REL-REF) . 2260200100038 REL-REF (M,,W.Kolar,R,EUR-4760,1960) - Atta-Harvey area 2260200100039 analysis program 2260200100040 (M,,G.de Saussure+,W,SAUSSURE,1978) - the multi- 2260200100041 level Breit-Higner code SIOB 2260200100042 HISTORY (19780726C) Compiled at NNDC 2260200100043 (19991217T) Converted by S.M. 2260200100044 (20050920U) Restored by SM 2260200100045 (20230301A) SD: Entry updated. Subents 003- added. 2260200100046 ENDBIB 44 0 2260200100047 NOCOMMON 0 0 2260200100048 ENDSUBENT 47 0 2260200199999 SUBENT 22602002 20230301 23162260200200001 BIB 6 18 2260200200002 REACTION 1(41-NB-93(N,0),,EN) 2260200200003 2(41-NB-93(N,0),,J) 2260200200004 3(41-NB-93(N,0),,PTY) 2260200200005 METHOD Low level population method applied to low energy 2260200200006 capture gamma-ray spectra 2260200200007 ANALYSIS Using the two parameter capture data measured with 2260200200008 the C6F6 detector system, a parity assignment of 2260200200009 resonances up to 7 keV was performed by comparing the 2260200200010 resonance areas of the time-of-flight spectrum 2260200200011 obtained with a high (5.2 MeV) and with a low 2260200200012 (0.3MeV) amplitude bias. 2260200200013 FLAG (1.) Spin not definite 2260200200014 (2.) Parity not definite 2260200200015 (3.) Spin and parity not definite 2260200200016 STATUS (TABLE) Data received by NNDC in private comm., 2260200200017 Rohr, 1977/8. 2260200200018 HISTORY (19991217T) Converted from Subent 67030002 2260200200019 (20230301U) SD: ANALYSIS added. 2260200200020 ENDBIB 18 0 2260200200021 NOCOMMON 0 0 2260200200022 DATA 4 53 2260200200023 DATA 1DATA 2DATA 3FLAG 2260200200024 EV NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM 2260200200025 3.591E+01 5. 1. 2260200200026 4.226E+01 4. 1. 2260200200027 9.4395E+01 3. 1. 2260200200028 1.0587E+02 4. 0. 2260200200029 1.1909E+02 5. 0. 2260200200030 1.9412E+02 5. 0. 2260200200031 2.4384E+02 4. 1. 2260200200032 3.189E+02 5. 1. 2260200200033 3.3544E+02 4. 0. 2260200200034 3.7844E+02 5. 0. 2260200200035 4.6027E+02 5. 0. 2260200200036 5.0076E+02 5. 1. 2260200200037 5.996E+02 4. 1. 1. 2260200200038 6.0388E+02 6. 1. 2260200200039 6.4108E+02 4. 0. 2260200200040 6.7159E+02 6. 1. 2260200200041 7.2092E+02 4. 1. 2260200200042 7.4101E+02 4. 0. 2260200200043 9.1296E+02 4. 1. 2260200200044 9.3488E+02 5. 0. 2260200200045 9.5331E+02 6. 1. 2260200200046 1.0091E+03 4. 0. 2260200200047 1.0167E+03 6. 1. 2260200200048 1.149E+03 5. 0. 2260200200049 1.1752E+03 4. 0. 2260200200050 1.1945E+03 5. 0. 2260200200051 1.2293E+03 4. 0. 2260200200052 1.2435E+03 5. 1. 2260200200053 1.2835E+03 6. 1. 2260200200054 1.3502E+03 5. 1. 2260200200055 1.3548E+03 6. 1. 1. 2260200200056 1.3927E+03 4. 0. 2260200200057 1.4516E+03 4. 0. 2260200200058 1.4673E+03 4. 1. 2260200200059 1.5403E+03 6. 1. 1. 2260200200060 1.6159E+03 6. 1. 2260200200061 1.6537E+03 5. 0. 2260200200062 1.7126E+03 4. 1. 2260200200063 1.7666E+03 5. 1. 2260200200064 1.812E+03 4. 0. 2260200200065 1.8324E+03 5. 1. 2. 2260200200066 1.9908E+03 4. 0. 2260200200067 2.0218E+03 5. 0. 2260200200068 2.0689E+03 4. 0. 2260200200069 2.1175E+03 3. 1. 2260200200070 2.2297E+03 5. 0. 2260200200071 2.4219E+03 5. 0. 2260200200072 2.468E+03 6. 1. 2260200200073 2.5154E+03 4. 1. 1. 2260200200074 2.5808E+03 4. 0. 3. 2260200200075 2.6438E+03 4. 0. 2260200200076 2.7143E+03 4. 1. 2260200200077 2.929E+03 4. 0. 1. 2260200200078 ENDDATA 55 0 2260200200079 ENDSUBENT 78 0 2260200299999 SUBENT 22602003 20230301 23162260200300001 BIB 6 14 2260200300002 REACTION 1(41-NB-93(N,G),,WID) 2260200300003 2(41-NB-93(N,G),,STF) 2260200300004 METHOD 1Width was directly obtained from the area analysis of 2260200300005 the capture data. 2260200300006 ANALYSIS (AREA) 2260200300007 The absolute calibration of the capture experiment was 2260200300008 based on the knowledge of the neutron widths of several2260200300009 weak resonances below 400 eV obtained from 2260200300010 transmission experiments. 2260200300011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty 2260200300012 1The systematic error due to this normalisation is 2260200300013 supposed to be less than 5%. 2260200300014 STATUS (TABLE) Text on p.699 from 78HARWELL,,696,1978 2260200300015 HISTORY (20230301C) SD 2260200300016 ENDBIB 14 0 2260200300017 COMMON 1 3 2260200300018 EN-RES-MAX 2260200300019 KEV 2260200300020 7. 2260200300021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2260200300022 DATA 5 2 2260200300023 MOMENTUM L DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2 2260200300024 NO-DIM MILLI-EV MILLI-EV NO-DIM NO-DIM 2260200300025 0. 145. 10. 0.40E-04 0.06E-04 2260200300026 1. 168. 14. 5.1E-04 1.0E-04 2260200300027 ENDDATA 4 0 2260200300028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 2260200399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 2260299999999