ENTRY 22637 20230213 23142263700000001 SUBENT 22637001 20230213 23142263700100001 BIB 19 99 2263700100002 TITLE Activation Cross section measurements at neutron 2263700100003 energy from 13.3 to 14.9 MeV 2263700100004 AUTHOR (C.Konno, Y.Ikeda, K.Oishi, K.Kawade, H.Yamamoto, 2263700100005 H.Maekawa) 2263700100006 INSTITUTE (2JPNJAE) Konno, Ikeda, Maekawa 2263700100007 (2JPNNAG) Kawade, Yamamoto 2263700100008 K.Oishi - Shimizu Corporation 2263700100009 REFERENCE (R,JAERI-1329,1993) Main reference. Data Tables 2263700100010 and graphs are given for 89 reactions 2263700100011 at 24 elements 2263700100012 REL-REF (M,22089001,Y.Ikeda+,R,JAERI-1312,1988) Experimental 2263700100013 details. Description of the procedure and methods. 2263700100014 Data for 110 reactions at 26 elements, 2263700100015 (M,,M.Nakagawa+,R,JAERI-M-126,1984) MORSE-DD code. 2263700100016 FACILITY (CCW,2JPNJAE) Fusion Neutronics Source facility. 2263700100017 METHOD (ACTIV) Irradiation time from 1 to 6 hours, depending 2263700100018 from half-lives of produced activities. 2263700100019 (STTA) Samples are placed between two niobium 2263700100020 monitor foils 2263700100021 INC-SOURCE (D-T) Neutron were produced by bombarding a water- 2263700100022 cooled, 3.7 x 10**11 Bq tritiated-titanium target2263700100023 with 350 keV deuteron d+ beam. Beam current is 2263700100024 aprx 2 milli-A, neutron yield about 2263700100025 2.x 10**11 neutrons/sec at the target. 2263700100026 SAMPLE Enriched and natural material samples in form of 2263700100027 powder wrapped in a thin cartridge paper. 2263700100028 Effective area is 10 * 10 mm. Sample on support from 2263700100029 polystyrene foam was placed at distance of 100 mm from2263700100030 neutron source and situated at various angles between 2263700100031 2.8 and 165 degrees with respect to d+ beam, 2263700100032 corresponding to energies from 13.3 to 14.9 MeV. 2263700100033 Niobium foils of 10 * 10 * 0.1 mm**3. 2263700100034 MONITOR (41-NB-93(N,2N)41-NB-92-M,,SIG,,,DERIV)For neutron flux2263700100035 monitoring. Value of 464 mb was adopted as standard 2263700100036 c-s in consistency with data from MONIT-REF. 2263700100037 MONIT-REF (22089065,Y.Ikeda+,R,JAERI-1312,1988) 2263700100038 DECAY-MON (41-NB-92-M,10.14D,DG) 2263700100039 DETECTOR (HPGE) Four germanium detectors for activity 2263700100040 measurements. One germanium detector was used as 2263700100041 standard detector. Absolute efficiency of standard 2263700100042 detector was determined by fitting efficiency data 2263700100043 measured using standard gamma-ray sources. 2263700100044 Efficiencies of relative detectors were calibrated 2263700100045 by measuring the same sample with both of relative 2263700100046 and standard detectors. 2263700100047 ANALYSIS (DECAY) Reaction rate was derived from gamma-ray 2263700100048 photo-peak counts. 2263700100049 Average reaction energy of incident neutrons was 2263700100050 determined using measured cross-section curve and 2263700100051 neutron spectrum calculated with Monte-Carlo code 2263700100052 MORSE-DD (see REL-REF). 2263700100053 ADD-RES (THEO) Based on present results the systematics trends 2263700100054 for (n,p), (n,np), (n,alpha), (n,2n) reactions were 2263700100055 deduced and examined. 2263700100056 CORRECTION Corrections were made for gamma radiation from 2263700100057 metastable levels. 2263700100058 At reaction rate determination the correction factor 2263700100059 was used, which includes self-absorption of gamma-ray 2263700100060 in samples, counting losses due gamma-ray sum peak, 2263700100061 fluctuations of neutron flux during irradiation and 2263700100062 contributions from low energy neutrons. 2263700100063 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total error includes: 2263700100064 (ERR-S,0.3,25.) Statistical error of photopeak counting2263700100065 (ERR-2) Error of detector efficiency. 2263700100066 (ERR-3,,0.1) Error of the sample weight. 2263700100067 (ERR-4,,0.1) Error due to irradiation, cooling and 2263700100068 measuring time. 2263700100069 (ERR-5,,0.5) Error due to self-absorption of gamma- 2263700100070 rays in a sample. 2263700100071 (ERR-6,0.1,3.) Error in the decay constants. 2263700100072 (ERR-7,0.1,20.) Error in the gamma-ray branching ratios2263700100073 If error of gamma-ray branching ratio is given2263700100074 in article, is presented as ERR-11 in COMMON 2263700100075 of corresponding SUBENTs. 2263700100076 (ERR-8,,0.1) Error due to the correction factor for 2263700100077 mean source position. 2263700100078 (ERR-9,,0.1) Error due to correction factor for 2263700100079 fluctuations of neutron flux during 2263700100080 irradiation. 2263700100081 (ERR-10,,0.1) Error due to the correction factor for 2263700100082 sum-peak of gamma-rays. 2263700100083 (MONIT-ERR) Error in the monitor cross section 2263700100084 Typical - from 5 to 6%. For some >15%. 2263700100085 For some (n,np) > 50%. 2263700100086 STATUS (TABLE) From Table 4 given in JAERI-1329 2263700100087 HISTORY (20010822C) Compiled by S.M. 2263700100088 (20040610U) Correlation to ENTRY 22089 2263700100089 (20080228A) M.M. ERR-1 was deleted, because explicit 2263700100090 total error is given in SUBENTs. BIB and COMMON 2263700100091 information was added. Two data points in SUBENT 054 2263700100092 were corrected. Misprints (in samples abundances, 2263700100093 decay data and DATA and EN values) were corrected. 2263700100094 Correction for "human-readable" format was done. 2263700100095 (20080619U) Correction of Subent 054 was done. 2263700100096 (20151215A) SD: DECAY-DATA corrected in Subent 007. 2263700100097 ERR-ANALYS update. STATUS 'COREL' deleted. 2263700100098 (20160820U) SD: Small corrections in Subents 062,069. 2263700100099 (20200920A) SD: Corrections in several Subents. 2263700100100 (20230213A) SD: Correction in Subent 064. 2263700100101 ENDBIB 99 0 2263700100102 COMMON 5 3 2263700100103 EN-NRM-MIN EN-NRM-MAX MONIT MONIT-ERR ERR-2 2263700100104 MEV MEV MB PER-CENT PER-CENT 2263700100105 13.3 14.9 464. 4.2 2. 2263700100106 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2263700100107 ENDSUBENT 106 0 2263700199999 SUBENT 22637002 20080228 21962263700200001 BIB 4 10 2263700200002 REACTION (28-NI-60(N,P)27-CO-60,,SIG) M+G cross section 2263700200003 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-60-G,5.272YR,DG,1332.47,1.) 2263700200004 Co-60g half life error 0.001 year.2263700200005 27-CO-60-M,10.467MIN From Nuclear Wallet Cards, 2263700200006 added by compiller to define metastable level. 2263700200007 SAMPLE Enriched Ni powder sample, Ni-60 content is 99.81%, 2263700200008 Ni-58 content is 0.19%. 2263700200009 Weight 90 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 1.9 mm. 2263700200010 ANALYSIS Contribution from Ni-61(n,n+p) Co-60 was negligibly 2263700200011 small because Ni-61 abundance < 0.01 %. 2263700200012 ENDBIB 10 0 2263700200013 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263700200014 DATA 3 7 2263700200015 EN DATA ERR-T 2263700200016 MEV MB MB 2263700200017 14.91 1.303E+02 6.9 2263700200018 14.65 1.326E+02 6.9 2263700200019 14.42 1.432E+02 7.5 2263700200020 13.98 1.483E+02 7.7 2263700200021 13.74 1.548E+02 8.6 2263700200022 13.56 1.589E+02 8.3 2263700200023 13.32 1.582E+02 8.3 2263700200024 ENDDATA 9 0 2263700200025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 2263700299999 SUBENT 22637003 20080228 21962263700300001 BIB 4 11 2263700300002 REACTION (28-NI-61(N,P)27-CO-61,,SIG) 2263700300003 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-61,1.650HR,DG,67.42,0.86) 2263700300004 Co-61 half life error 0.005 h. 2263700300005 Error of branching ratio 0.03. 2263700300006 SAMPLE Enriched Ni powder sample, Ni-61 content is 88.84%, 2263700300007 Ni-58 content is 3.45%, Ni-60 content is 6.12%, 2263700300008 Ni-62 content is 1.40%, Ni-63 content is 0.20%. 2263700300009 Weight 30 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 1.0 mm 2263700300010 STATUS (DEP,22637004) Enriched isotopes Ni-61 (88.84%) and 2263700300011 Ni-62 (98.84%) were used to separate each reaction 2263700300012 contribution. 2263700300013 ENDBIB 11 0 2263700300014 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263700300015 DATA 3 3 2263700300016 EN DATA ERR-T 2263700300017 MEV MB MB 2263700300018 14.92 5.93E+01 3.6 2263700300019 14.22 6.47E+01 4.0 2263700300020 13.56 6.65E+01 4.1 2263700300021 ENDDATA 5 0 2263700300022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 2263700399999 SUBENT 22637004 20200920 22912263700400001 BIB 5 12 2263700400002 REACTION (28-NI-62(N,X)27-CO-61,,SIG) 2263700400003 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-61,1.650HR,DG,67.42,0.86) 2263700400004 Co-61 half-life error 0.005 h. 2263700400005 Error of branching ratio 0.03. 2263700400006 SAMPLE Enriched Ni powder sample, Ni-62 content is 98.83%, 2263700400007 Ni-58 content is 0.32%, Ni-60 content is 0.63%, 2263700400008 Ni-61 content is 0.13%, Ni-63 content is 0.09%. 2263700400009 Weight 30 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 1.0 mm 2263700400010 STATUS (DEP,22637003) Enriched isotopes Ni-61 (88.84%) and 2263700400011 Ni-62 (98.84%) were used to separate each reaction 2263700400012 contribution. 2263700400013 HISTORY (20200920A) SD: SF3=N+P and D -> X in REACTION code. 2263700400014 ENDBIB 12 0 2263700400015 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263700400016 DATA 3 3 2263700400017 EN DATA ERR-T 2263700400018 MEV MB MB 2263700400019 14.99 6.32 4.1E-01 2263700400020 14.19 2.44 1.6E-01 2263700400021 13.50 1.273 9.E-02 2263700400022 ENDDATA 5 0 2263700400023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 2263700499999 SUBENT 22637005 20080228 21962263700500001 BIB 3 8 2263700500002 REACTION (29-CU-63(N,A)27-CO-60,,SIG) M+G cross section 2263700500003 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-60-G,5.272YR,DG,1332.47,1.) 2263700500004 Co-60g half life error 0.011 y. 2263700500005 27-CO-60-M,10.467MIN From Nuclear Wallet Cards, 2263700500006 added by compiler to define metastsble level. 2263700500007 SAMPLE Natural metal sample, Cu-63 content is 69.10%, 2263700500008 Cu-65 content 30.90%. 2263700500009 Weight 700 mg, thickness 1.0 mm 2263700500010 ENDBIB 8 0 2263700500011 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263700500012 DATA 3 8 2263700500013 EN DATA ERR-T 2263700500014 MEV MB MB 2263700500015 14.91 3.98E+01 2.2 2263700500016 14.66 4.11E+01 2.2 2263700500017 14.42 4.18E+01 2.3 2263700500018 14.22 4.33E+01 2.4 2263700500019 13.98 4.51E+01 2.4 2263700500020 13.75 4.58E+01 2.5 2263700500021 13.56 4.56E+01 2.5 2263700500022 13.32 4.60E+01 2.6 2263700500023 ENDDATA 10 0 2263700500024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2263700599999 SUBENT 22637006 20080228 21962263700600001 BIB 3 7 2263700600002 REACTION (30-ZN-64(N,2N)30-ZN-63,,SIG) 2263700600003 DECAY-DATA (30-ZN-63,38.0MIN,DG,669.42,0.084) 2263700600004 Zn-63 half life error 0.1 m. 2263700600005 Error of branching ratio 0.004 . 2263700600006 SAMPLE Enriched in Zn-64 ZnO powder sample, 2263700600007 Zn-64 content is 99.85%, Zn-66 content is 0.15%. 2263700600008 Weight 40 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 1.0 mm 2263700600009 ENDBIB 7 0 2263700600010 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263700600011 DATA 3 5 2263700600012 EN DATA ERR-T 2263700600013 MEV MB MB 2263700600014 14.97 1.93E+02 1.4E+01 2263700600015 14.69 1.70E+02 1.3E+01 2263700600016 14.24 1.287E+02 9.7 2263700600017 13.77 8.79E+01 6.8 2263700600018 13.40 4.85E+01 4.0 2263700600019 ENDDATA 7 0 2263700600020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 2263700699999 SUBENT 22637007 20151215 22462263700700001 BIB 4 8 2263700700002 REACTION (30-ZN-64(N,P)29-CU-64,,SIG) 2263700700003 DECAY-DATA (29-CU-64,12.699HR,DG,511.00,0.386) 2263700700004 Cu-64 half life error 0.008 h. 2263700700005 Error of branching ratio 0.014 . 2263700700006 SAMPLE Enriched in Zn-64 ZnO powder sample, 2263700700007 Zn-64 content is 99.85%, Zn-66 content is 0.15% . 2263700700008 Weight 40 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 1.0 mm 2263700700009 HISTORY (20151215A) SD: HL=12.699min -> 12.699hr in DECAY-DATA 2263700700010 ENDBIB 8 0 2263700700011 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263700700012 DATA 3 7 2263700700013 EN DATA ERR-T 2263700700014 MEV MB MB 2263700700015 14.90 1.274E+02 8.3 2263700700016 14.64 1.353E+02 8.7 2263700700017 14.21 1.438E+02 9.3 2263700700018 13.97 1.496E+02 9.7 2263700700019 13.74 1.56E+02 1.0E+01 2263700700020 13.56 1.75E+02 1.1E+01 2263700700021 13.32 1.92E+02 1.2E+01 2263700700022 ENDDATA 9 0 2263700700023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 2263700799999 SUBENT 22637008 20080228 21962263700800001 BIB 3 8 2263700800002 REACTION (30-ZN-66(N,2N)30-ZN-65,,SIG) 2263700800003 DECAY-DATA (30-ZN-65,244.0D,DG,1115.52,0.5075) 2263700800004 Zn-65 half life error 0.2 d. 2263700800005 Error of branching ratio 0.0010 . 2263700800006 SAMPLE Enriched in Zn-66 ZnO powder sample, 2263700800007 Zn-64 content is 0.86%, Zn-66 content is 98.41% , 2263700800008 Zn-67 - 0.20 %, Zn-68 - 0.53 %. 2263700800009 Weight 40 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 1.0 mm 2263700800010 ENDBIB 8 0 2263700800011 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263700800012 DATA 3 5 2263700800013 EN DATA ERR-T 2263700800014 MEV MB MB 2263700800015 14.95 7.64E+02 3.8E+01 2263700800016 14.68 7.20E+02 3.2E+01 2263700800017 14.23 6.47E+02 3.0E+01 2263700800018 13.76 5.45E+02 2.5E+01 2263700800019 13.35 4.42E+02 2.1E+01 2263700800020 ENDDATA 7 0 2263700800021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 2263700899999 SUBENT 22637009 20080228 21962263700900001 BIB 4 12 2263700900002 REACTION (30-ZN-67(N,P)29-CU-67,,SIG) 2263700900003 DECAY-DATA (29-CU-67,62.01HR,DG,184.53,0.470) 2263700900004 Cu-67 half life error 0.14 h. 2263700900005 Error of branching ratio 0.033 . 2263700900006 SAMPLE Enriched in Zn-67 ZnO powder sample, 2263700900007 Zn-64 content is 1.11%, Zn-66 content is 1.95%, 2263700900008 Zn-67 content is 94.60, Zn-68 content is 2.28%, 2263700900009 Zn-70 content is 0.05%, 2263700900010 weight 30 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 1.0 mm 2263700900011 STATUS (DEP,22637010) Enriched isotopes Zn-67 (94.60%) and 2263700900012 Zn-68 (99.36%) were used to separate each reaction 2263700900013 contribution. 2263700900014 ENDBIB 12 0 2263700900015 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263700900016 DATA 3 6 2263700900017 EN DATA ERR-T 2263700900018 MEV MB MB 2263700900019 14.93 3.53E+01 3.1 2263700900020 14.66 3.79E+01 3.3 2263700900021 14.22 3.65E+01 3.2 2263700900022 13.98 3.43E+01 3.0 2263700900023 13.57 3.80E+01 3.3 2263700900024 13.33 3.42E+01 3.0 2263700900025 ENDDATA 8 0 2263700900026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 2263700999999 SUBENT 22637010 20200920 22912263701000001 BIB 5 13 2263701000002 REACTION (30-ZN-68(N,X)29-CU-67,,SIG) 2263701000003 DECAY-DATA (29-CU-67,62.01HR,DG,184.53,0.470) 2263701000004 Cu-67 half-life error 0.14 h. 2263701000005 Error of branching ratio 0.033. 2263701000006 SAMPLE Enriched in Zn-68 ZnO powder sample, 2263701000007 Zn-64 content is 0.32%, Zn-66 content is 0.21%, 2263701000008 Zn-67 content is 0.10%, Zn-68 content is 99.36%, 2263701000009 Zn-70 content is 0.01%, 2263701000010 weight 40 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 1.0 mm 2263701000011 STATUS (DEP,22637009) Enriched isotopes Zn-67 (94.60%) and 2263701000012 Zn-68 (99.36%) were used to separate each reaction 2263701000013 contribution. 2263701000014 HISTORY (20200920A) SD: SF3=N+P and D -> X in REACTION code. 2263701000015 ENDBIB 13 0 2263701000016 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263701000017 DATA 3 6 2263701000018 EN DATA ERR-T 2263701000019 MEV MB MB 2263701000020 14.97 9.03 8.5E-01 2263701000021 14.70 7.67 7.0E-01 2263701000022 14.24 5.28 5.2E-01 2263701000023 13.99 4.09 3.8E-01 2263701000024 13.60 2.76 2.3E-01 2263701000025 13.42 2.18 2.1E-01 2263701000026 ENDDATA 8 0 2263701000027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 2263701099999 SUBENT 22637011 20080228 21962263701100001 BIB 3 9 2263701100002 REACTION (30-ZN-68(N,A)28-NI-65,,SIG) 2263701100003 DECAY-DATA (28-NI-65,2.520HR,DG,1481.84,0.235) 2263701100004 Ni-65 half life error 0.002 h . 2263701100005 Error of branching ratio 0.008 . 2263701100006 SAMPLE Enriched in Zn-68 ZnO powder sample, 2263701100007 Zn-64 content is 0.32%, Zn-66 content is 0.21%, 2263701100008 Zn-67 content is 0.10%, Zn-68 content is 99.36%, 2263701100009 Zn-70 content is 0.01%, 2263701100010 weight 40 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 1.0 mm 2263701100011 ENDBIB 9 0 2263701100012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263701100013 DATA 3 6 2263701100014 EN DATA ERR-T 2263701100015 MEV MB MB 2263701100016 14.93 9.45 6.5E-01 2263701100017 14.67 9.56 6.5E-01 2263701100018 14.22 9.04 6.3E-01 2263701100019 13.98 9.09 6.4E-01 2263701100020 13.57 8.65 5.9E-01 2263701100021 13.33 8.56 6.0E-01 2263701100022 ENDDATA 8 0 2263701100023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 2263701199999 SUBENT 22637012 20080228 21962263701200001 BIB 4 10 2263701200002 REACTION (32-GE-70(N,2N)32-GE-69,,SIG) 2263701200003 DECAY-DATA (32-GE-69,39.05HR,DG,1106.40,0.27) 2263701200004 Ge-69 half life error 0.10 h. 2263701200005 Error of branching ratio 0.03. 2263701200006 SAMPLE Enriched Ge-O2 powder sample, Ge-70 content is 97.10% 2263701200007 Ge-72 content is 1.18%, Ge-73 content is 0.27%, 2263701200008 Ge-74 content is 1.20%, Ge-76 content is 0.25%, 2263701200009 weight 35 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 1.0 mm 2263701200010 ANALYSIS Uncertainties are large due to large uncertainty 11 % 2263701200011 in gamma-ray branching ratio for decay of Ge-69. 2263701200012 ENDBIB 10 0 2263701200013 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263701200014 DATA 3 4 2263701200015 EN DATA ERR-T 2263701200016 MEV MB MB 2263701200017 14.96 5.87E+02 7.1E+01 2263701200018 14.45 4.99E+02 6.0E+01 2263701200019 13.99 4.07E+02 4.9E+01 2263701200020 13.36 2.66E+02 3.2E+01 2263701200021 ENDDATA 6 0 2263701200022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 2263701299999 SUBENT 22637013 20080228 21962263701300001 BIB 4 11 2263701300002 REACTION (32-GE-72(N,P)31-GA-72,,SIG) 2263701300003 DECAY-DATA (31-GA-72,14.12HR,DG,833.95,0.956) 2263701300004 Ga-72 half life error 0.02 h . 2263701300005 Error of branching ratio 0.002. 2263701300006 SAMPLE Enriched Ge-O2 powder sample, Ge-72 content is 97.80% 2263701300007 Ge-70 content is 0.57%, Ge-73 content is 0.47%, 2263701300008 Ge-74 content is 0.97%, Ge-76 content is 0.19%, 2263701300009 weight 35 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 1.0 mm 2263701300010 STATUS (DEP,22637014) Enriched isotopes Ge-72 (97.80%) and 2263701300011 Ge-73 (74.30%) were used to separate each reaction 2263701300012 contribution. 2263701300013 ENDBIB 11 0 2263701300014 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263701300015 DATA 3 4 2263701300016 EN DATA ERR-T 2263701300017 MEV MB MB 2263701300018 14.93 3.36E+01 1.6E-01 2263701300019 14.43 3.34E+01 1.6E-01 2263701300020 13.98 3.18E+01 1.5E-01 2263701300021 13.34 2.94E+01 1.3E-01 2263701300022 ENDDATA 6 0 2263701300023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 2263701399999 SUBENT 22637014 20200920 22912263701400001 BIB 5 12 2263701400002 REACTION (32-GE-73(N,X)31-GA-72,,SIG) 2263701400003 DECAY-DATA (31-GA-72,14.12HR,DG,833.95,0.956) 2263701400004 Ga-72 half-life error 0.02 h. 2263701400005 Error of branching ratio 0.002. 2263701400006 SAMPLE Enriched Ge-O2 powder sample, Ge-70 content is 3.10% 2263701400007 Ge-72 content is 6.00%, Ge-73 content is 74.30%, 2263701400008 Ge-74 content is 14.60%, Ge-76 content is 2.00%, 2263701400009 weight 35 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 0.9 mm 2263701400010 STATUS (DEP,22637013) Enriched isotopes Ge-72 (97.80%) and 2263701400011 Ge-73 (74.30%) were used to separate each reaction 2263701400012 contribution. 2263701400013 HISTORY (20200920A) SD: SF3=N+P and D -> X in REACTION code. 2263701400014 ENDBIB 12 0 2263701400015 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263701400016 DATA 3 4 2263701400017 EN DATA ERR-T 2263701400018 MEV MB MB 2263701400019 14.98 6.94 4.4E-01 2263701400020 14.46 4.59 3.1E-01 2263701400021 13.99 2.92 2.4E-01 2263701400022 13.50 1.27 1.8E-01 2263701400023 ENDDATA 6 0 2263701400024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2263701499999 SUBENT 22637015 20080228 21962263701500001 BIB 3 8 2263701500002 REACTION (32-GE-72(N,A)30-ZN-69-M,,SIG) 2263701500003 DECAY-DATA (30-ZN-69-M,13.76HR,DG,438.70,0.948) 2263701500004 Zn-69m half life error 0.03 h. 2263701500005 Error of branching ratio 0.003 . 2263701500006 SAMPLE Enriched Ge-O2 powder sample, Ge-70 content is 0.57 % 2263701500007 Ge-72 content is 97.80%, Ge-73 content is 0.47%, 2263701500008 Ge-74 content is 0.97%, Ge-76 content is 0.19%, 2263701500009 weight 35 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 1.0 mm 2263701500010 ENDBIB 8 0 2263701500011 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263701500012 DATA 3 4 2263701500013 EN DATA ERR-T 2263701500014 MEV MB MB 2263701500015 14.94 6.86 4.3E-01 2263701500016 14.43 6.44 4.1E-01 2263701500017 13.98 6.17 3.8E-01 2263701500018 13.34 5.47 3.3E-01 2263701500019 ENDDATA 6 0 2263701500020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 2263701599999 SUBENT 22637016 20080228 21962263701600001 BIB 5 15 2263701600002 REACTION (32-GE-73(N,P)31-GA-73,,SIG) 2263701600003 DECAY-DATA (31-GA-73,4.86HR,DG,297.32,0.798) 2263701600004 Ga-73 half life error 0.03 h . 2263701600005 Error of branching ratio 0.023 . 2263701600006 SAMPLE Enriched Ge-O2 powder sample, Ge-70 content is 3.10% 2263701600007 Ge-72 content is 6.00%, Ge-73 content is 74.30%, 2263701600008 Ge-74 content is 14.60%, Ge-76 content is 2.00%, 2263701600009 weight 35 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 0.9 mm 2263701600010 REL-REF (R,,C.M.Lederer+,B,LEDERER-7,,1978) Reference for decay2263701600011 data. 2263701600012 (R,,R.B.Firestone+,B,FIRESTONE,,1986) Reference for 2263701600013 branching ratio. 2263701600014 STATUS (DEP,22637017) Enriched isotopes Ge-73 (74.30%) and 2263701600015 Ge-74 (98.40%) were used to separate each reaction 2263701600016 contribution. 2263701600017 ENDBIB 15 0 2263701600018 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263701600019 DATA 3 4 2263701600020 EN DATA ERR-T 2263701600021 MEV MB MB 2263701600022 14.93 2.10E+01 1.3 2263701600023 14.43 2.06E+01 1.2 2263701600024 13.98 1.97E+01 1.2 2263701600025 13.34 1.80E+01 1.1 2263701600026 ENDDATA 6 0 2263701600027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 2263701699999 SUBENT 22637017 20200920 22912263701700001 BIB 6 16 2263701700002 REACTION (32-GE-74(N,X)31-GA-73,,SIG) 2263701700003 DECAY-DATA (31-GA-73,4.86HR,DG,297.32,0.798) 2263701700004 Ga-73 half-life error 0.03 h. 2263701700005 Error of branching ratio 0.023. 2263701700006 SAMPLE Enriched Ge-O2 powder sample, Ge-70 content is 1.47% 2263701700007 Ge-72 content is 2.13%, Ge-73 content is 0.54 %, 2263701700008 Ge-74 content is 95.20%, Ge-76 content is 0.66%, 2263701700009 weight 40 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 0.9 mm 2263701700010 REL-REF (R,,C.M.Lederer+,B,LEDERER-7,,,1978) Reference for 2263701700011 decay data. 2263701700012 (R,,R.B.Firestone+,B,FIRESTONE,,,1986) Reference for 2263701700013 branching ratio. 2263701700014 STATUS (DEP,22637016) Enriched isotopes Ge-73 (74.30%) and 2263701700015 Ge-74 (98.40%) were used to separate each reaction 2263701700016 contribution. 2263701700017 HISTORY (20200920A) SD: SF3=N+P and D -> X in REACTION code. 2263701700018 ENDBIB 16 0 2263701700019 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263701700020 DATA 3 4 2263701700021 EN DATA ERR-T 2263701700022 MEV MB MB 2263701700023 14.98 4.20 2.9E-01 2263701700024 14.46 2.63 1.9E-01 2263701700025 13.99 1.60 1.2E-01 2263701700026 13.51 7.91E-01 8.0E-02 2263701700027 ENDDATA 6 0 2263701700028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 2263701799999 SUBENT 22637018 20080228 21962263701800001 BIB 4 11 2263701800002 REACTION (32-GE-74(N,A)30-ZN-71-M,,SIG) 2263701800003 DECAY-DATA (30-ZN-71-M,3.92HR,DG,386.28,0.92) 2263701800004 Zn-71m half life error 0.05 h. 2263701800005 Error of branching ratio 0.05 . 2263701800006 SAMPLE Enriched Ge-O2 powder sample, Ge-70 content is 1.47% 2263701800007 Ge-72 content is 2.13%, Ge-73 content is 0.54 %, 2263701800008 Ge-74 content is 95.20%, Ge-76 content is 0.66%, 2263701800009 weight 40 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 0.9 mm. 2263701800010 COMMENT Enriched sample, Ge-74 content is 98.41% - in other 2263701800011 Table 1 of main reference (probably, misprint. Zn-66 2263701800012 sample has 98.41 % abundance of Zn-66) 2263701800013 ENDBIB 11 0 2263701800014 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263701800015 DATA 3 7 2263701800016 EN DATA ERR-T 2263701800017 MEV MB MB 2263701800018 14.95 3.29 2.8E-01 2263701800019 14.68 3.28 2.8E-01 2263701800020 14.44 2.94 2.5E-01 2263701800021 14.23 2.81 2.4E-01 2263701800022 13.99 2.82 2.4E-01 2263701800023 13.57 2.50 2.1E-01 2263701800024 13.34 2.31 2.0E-01 2263701800025 ENDDATA 9 0 2263701800026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 2263701899999 SUBENT 22637019 20080228 21962263701900001 BIB 3 6 2263701900002 REACTION (33-AS-75(N,2N)33-AS-74,,SIG) 2263701900003 DECAY-DATA (33-AS-74,17.79D,DG,595.90,0.60) 2263701900004 As-74 half life error 0.05 d. 2263701900005 Error of branching ratio 0.02 . 2263701900006 SAMPLE Natural As2-O3 powder sample, As-75 content is 100 %,2263701900007 weight 80 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 1.0 mm . 2263701900008 ENDBIB 6 0 2263701900009 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263701900010 DATA 3 8 2263701900011 EN DATA ERR-T 2263701900012 MEV MB MB 2263701900013 14.93 9.91E+02 6.2E+01 2263701900014 14.67 1.007E+03 6.3E+01 2263701900015 14.44 9.66E+02 6.0E+01 2263701900016 14.23 9.31E+02 5.8E+01 2263701900017 13.99 9.58E+02 6.0E+01 2263701900018 13.76 9.19E+02 5.7E+01 2263701900019 13.57 8.72E+02 5.5E+01 2263701900020 13.34 8.04E+02 5.1E+01 2263701900021 ENDDATA 10 0 2263701900022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 2263701999999 SUBENT 22637020 20080228 21962263702000001 BIB 3 6 2263702000002 REACTION (33-AS-75(N,P)32-GE-75,,SIG) 2263702000003 DECAY-DATA (32-GE-75,82.78MIN,DG,264.61,0.111) 2263702000004 Ge-75 half life error 0.04 m. 2263702000005 Error of branching ratio 0.011 . 2263702000006 SAMPLE Natural As2-O3 powder sample, As-75 content is 100 %.2263702000007 Weight 80 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 1.0 mm . 2263702000008 ENDBIB 6 0 2263702000009 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263702000010 DATA 3 8 2263702000011 EN DATA ERR-T 2263702000012 MEV MB MB 2263702000013 14.92 1.72E+01 1.9 2263702000014 14.66 1.77E+01 2.0 2263702000015 14.42 1.82E+01 2.1 2263702000016 14.22 1.89E+01 2.2 2263702000017 13.98 1.86E+01 2.2 2263702000018 13.75 1.87E+01 2.1 2263702000019 13.56 1.96E+01 2.2 2263702000020 13.33 1.98E+01 2.3 2263702000021 ENDDATA 10 0 2263702000022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 2263702099999 SUBENT 22637021 20080228 21962263702100001 BIB 3 6 2263702100002 REACTION (33-AS-75(N,A)31-GA-72,,SIG) 2263702100003 DECAY-DATA (31-GA-72,14.12HR,DG,833.95,0.956) 2263702100004 Ga-72 half life error 0.02 h. 2263702100005 Error of branching ratio 0.002 . 2263702100006 SAMPLE Natural As2-O3 powder sample, As-75 content is 100 %.2263702100007 Weight 80 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 1.0 mm . 2263702100008 ENDBIB 6 0 2263702100009 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263702100010 DATA 3 8 2263702100011 EN DATA ERR-T 2263702100012 MEV MB MB 2263702100013 14.93 1.055E+01 5.1E-01 2263702100014 14.67 1.024E+01 5.0E-01 2263702100015 14.43 1.037E+01 4.9E-01 2263702100016 14.23 1.051E+01 4.9E-01 2263702100017 13.98 1.007E+01 4.9E-01 2263702100018 13.75 9.73 4.6E-01 2263702100019 13.57 9.58 4.9E-01 2263702100020 13.34 9.36 4.8E-01 2263702100021 ENDDATA 10 0 2263702100022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 2263702199999 SUBENT 22637022 20080228 21962263702200001 BIB 3 7 2263702200002 REACTION (37-RB-85(N,2N)37-RB-84-M,,SIG) 2263702200003 DECAY-DATA (37-RB-84-M,20.5MIN,DG,247.00,0.645) 2263702200004 Rb-84m half life error 0.2 m. 2263702200005 Error of branching ratio 0.002 . 2263702200006 SAMPLE Natural Rb-Cl powder sample, Rb-85 content is 72.17%, 2263702200007 Rb-87 content is 27.83% . 2263702200008 Weight 80 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 1.5 mm 2263702200009 ENDBIB 7 0 2263702200010 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263702200011 DATA 3 8 2263702200012 EN DATA ERR-T 2263702200013 MEV MB MB 2263702200014 14.94 6.83E+02 3.5E+01 2263702200015 14.68 6.63E+02 3.6E+01 2263702200016 14.44 6.30E+02 3.7E+01 2263702200017 14.23 6.13E+02 4.0E+01 2263702200018 13.99 5.73E+02 3.8E+01 2263702200019 13.76 5.51E+02 3.3E+01 2263702200020 13.57 5.22E+02 2.9E+01 2263702200021 13.34 4.74E+02 2.5E+01 2263702200022 ENDDATA 10 0 2263702200023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 2263702299999 SUBENT 22637023 20080228 21962263702300001 BIB 3 8 2263702300002 REACTION (37-RB-85(N,2N)37-RB-84,,SIG) M+G cross section 2263702300003 DECAY-DATA (37-RB-84-M,20.5MIN,DG,247.00,0.645) 2263702300004 (37-RB-84-G,32.77D,DG,881.60,0.74) 2263702300005 Rb-84g half life error 0.14 d . 2263702300006 Error of branching ratio 0.01 . 2263702300007 SAMPLE Natural Rb-Cl powder sample, Rb-85 content is 72.17%, 2263702300008 Rb-87 content is 27.83%. 2263702300009 Weight 80 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 1.5 mm . 2263702300010 ENDBIB 8 0 2263702300011 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263702300012 DATA 3 8 2263702300013 EN DATA ERR-T 2263702300014 MEV MB MB 2263702300015 14.94 1.056E+03 4.8E+01 2263702300016 14.67 1.042E+03 4.8E+01 2263702300017 14.44 9.97E+02 4.6E+01 2263702300018 14.23 9.62E+02 4.4E+01 2263702300019 13.99 9.17E+02 4.2E+01 2263702300020 13.76 8.73E+02 4.0E+01 2263702300021 13.57 8.38E+02 3.9E+01 2263702300022 13.34 7.91E+02 3.6E+01 2263702300023 ENDDATA 10 0 2263702300024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2263702399999 SUBENT 22637024 20080228 21962263702400001 BIB 4 9 2263702400002 REACTION (37-RB-85(N,P)36-KR-85-M,,SIG) 2263702400003 DECAY-DATA (36-KR-85-M,4.480HR,DG,304.87,0.140) 2263702400004 Kr-85m half life error 0.008 h . 2263702400005 Error of branching ratio 0.004 . 2263702400006 SAMPLE Natural Rb-Cl powder sample, Rb-85 content is 72.17%, 2263702400007 Rb-87 content is 27.83%. 2263702400008 Weight 80 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 1.5 mm 2263702400009 ANALYSIS Experimental errors of data are large due to poor 2263702400010 gamma-ray counting statistics. 2263702400011 ENDBIB 9 0 2263702400012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263702400013 DATA 3 8 2263702400014 EN DATA ERR-T 2263702400015 MEV MB MB 2263702400016 14.92 4.07 6.7E-01 2263702400017 14.66 3.55 5.7E-01 2263702400018 14.42 3.91 4.6E-01 2263702400019 14.22 3.86 4.4E-01 2263702400020 13.98 3.96 3.8E-01 2263702400021 13.75 4.03 6.6E-01 2263702400022 13.56 3.97 5.5E-01 2263702400023 13.33 3.91 6.7E-01 2263702400024 ENDDATA 10 0 2263702400025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 2263702499999 SUBENT 22637025 20080228 21962263702500001 BIB 3 7 2263702500002 REACTION (37-RB-85(N,A)35-BR-82,,SIG) 2263702500003 DECAY-DATA (35-BR-82,35.344HR,DG,776.49,0.834) 2263702500004 Br-82 half life error 0.013 h . 2263702500005 Error of branching ratio 0.009 . 2263702500006 SAMPLE Natural Rb-Cl powder sample, Rb-85 content is 72.17%, 2263702500007 Rb-87 content is 27.83% . 2263702500008 Weight 80 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 1.5 mm 2263702500009 ENDBIB 7 0 2263702500010 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263702500011 DATA 3 8 2263702500012 EN DATA ERR-T 2263702500013 MEV MB MB 2263702500014 14.95 6.53 3.9E-01 2263702500015 14.68 6.43 4.6E-01 2263702500016 14.44 5.33 4.4E-01 2263702500017 14.23 5.11 4.4E-01 2263702500018 13.99 5.01 4.2E-01 2263702500019 13.76 4.72 3.6E-01 2263702500020 13.57 4.62 3.5E-01 2263702500021 13.34 4.24 2.5E-01 2263702500022 ENDDATA 10 0 2263702500023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 2263702599999 SUBENT 22637026 20080228 21962263702600001 BIB 4 12 2263702600002 REACTION (37-RB-87(N,2N)37-RB-86,,SIG) M+G cross section 2263702600003 DECAY-DATA (37-RB-86-G,18.82D,DG,1077.20,0.0879) 2263702600004 Rb-86g half life error 0.02 d . 2263702600005 Error of branching ratio 0.0009 . 2263702600006 37-RB-86-M,1.017MIN From Nuclear Wallet Cards, 2263702600007 added by compiler to define isomeric state. 2263702600008 SAMPLE Natural Rb-Cl powder sample, Rb-85 content is 72.17%, 2263702600009 Rb-87 content is 27.83% . 2263702600010 Weight 80 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 1.5 mm 2263702600011 ANALYSIS Contribution of Rb-85(n,g)Rb-86-g+m was not 2263702600012 discriminated because Rb sample with natural abundance2263702600013 was used. 2263702600014 ENDBIB 12 0 2263702600015 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263702600016 DATA 3 8 2263702600017 EN DATA ERR-T 2263702600018 MEV MB MB 2263702600019 14.94 1.192E+03 5.7E+01 2263702600020 14.67 1.211E+03 6.1E+01 2263702600021 14.43 1.179E+03 6.1E+01 2263702600022 14.22 1.109E+03 5.6E+01 2263702600023 13.98 1.102E+03 5.2E+01 2263702600024 13.75 1.050E+03 5.6E+01 2263702600025 13.57 1.025E+03 5.3E+01 2263702600026 13.33 1.063E+03 5.6E+01 2263702600027 ENDDATA 10 0 2263702600028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 2263702699999 SUBENT 22637027 20080228 21962263702700001 BIB 3 7 2263702700002 REACTION (37-RB-87(N,P)36-KR-87,,SIG) 2263702700003 DECAY-DATA (36-KR-87,76.31MIN,DG,402.58,0.50) 2263702700004 Kr-87 half life error 0.62 m. 2263702700005 Error of branching ratio 0.03 . 2263702700006 SAMPLE Natural Rb-Cl powder sample, Rb-85 content is 72.17%, 2263702700007 Rb-87 content is 27.83%. 2263702700008 Weight 80 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 1.5 mm 2263702700009 ENDBIB 7 0 2263702700010 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263702700011 DATA 3 8 2263702700012 EN DATA ERR-T 2263702700013 MEV MB MB 2263702700014 14.94 1.109E+01 1.0 2263702700015 14.67 1.016E+01 9.1E-01 2263702700016 14.43 9.62 8.5E-01 2263702700017 14.22 9.88 9.3E-01 2263702700018 13.98 1.020E+01 9.2E-01 2263702700019 13.75 9.03 8.3E-01 2263702700020 13.57 8.84 8.3E-01 2263702700021 13.33 8.91 8.5E-01 2263702700022 ENDDATA 10 0 2263702700023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 2263702799999 SUBENT 22637028 20080228 21962263702800001 BIB 4 11 2263702800002 REACTION (38-SR-84(N,2N)38-SR-83,,SIG) 2263702800003 DECAY-DATA (38-SR-83,32.4HR,DG,762.70,0.30) 2263702800004 Sr-83 half life error 0.20 h . 2263702800005 Error of branching ratio 0.0.03 . 2263702800006 SAMPLE Natural Sr-F2 powder sample, Sr-84 content is 0.56 %, 2263702800007 Sr-86 content is 9.80 %, Sr-87 content is 7.00%, 2263702800008 Sr-88 content is 82.60%, 2263702800009 weight 80 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 1.2 mm 2263702800010 ANALYSIS Experimental errors of data are relatively large, 2263702800011 mainly due to large error (10%) assigned for gamma-ray2263702800012 branching ratio. 2263702800013 ENDBIB 11 0 2263702800014 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263702800015 DATA 3 6 2263702800016 EN DATA ERR-T 2263702800017 MEV MB MB 2263702800018 14.96 7.17E+02 8.0E+01 2263702800019 14.69 6.07E+02 6.9E+01 2263702800020 14.24 5.02E+02 5.7E+01 2263702800021 13.99 4.58E+02 5.5E+01 2263702800022 13.59 3.08E+02 3.5E+01 2263702800023 13.38 2.34E+02 2.8E+01 2263702800024 ENDDATA 8 0 2263702800025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 2263702899999 SUBENT 22637029 20080228 21962263702900001 BIB 3 9 2263702900002 REACTION (38-SR-84(N,P)37-RB-84,,SIG) M+G cross section 2263702900003 DECAY-DATA (37-RB-84-M,20.5MIN,DG,247.00,0.645) 2263702900004 (37-RB-84-G,32.77D,DG,881.59,0.74) 2263702900005 Rb-84g half life error 0.14 d . 2263702900006 Error of branching ratio 0.01 . 2263702900007 SAMPLE Natural Sr-F2 powder sample, Sr-84 content is 0.56 %, 2263702900008 Sr-86 content is 9.80 %, Sr-87 content is 7.00%, 2263702900009 Sr-88 content is 82.60%, 2263702900010 weight 80 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 1.2 mm 2263702900011 ENDBIB 9 0 2263702900012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263702900013 DATA 3 3 2263702900014 EN DATA ERR-T 2263702900015 MEV MB MB 2263702900016 14.92 8.80E+01 8.0 2263702900017 13.98 9.68E+01 8.4 2263702900018 13.33 9.87E+01 8.7 2263702900019 ENDDATA 5 0 2263702900020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 2263702999999 SUBENT 22637030 20200920 22912263703000001 BIB 7 21 2263703000002 REACTION (38-SR-84(N,X)37-RB-83,,SIG) 2263703000003 DECAY-DATA (37-RB-83,86.2D,DG,529.64,0.30) 2263703000004 Rb-83 half-life error 0.10. 2263703000005 SAMPLE Natural Sr-F2 powder sample, Sr-84 content is 0.56 %, 2263703000006 Sr-86 content is 9.80 %, Sr-87 content is 7.00%, 2263703000007 Sr-88 content is 82.60%. 2263703000008 Weight 80 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 1.2 mm. 2263703000009 ANALYSIS Rb-83 is produced also via decay of Sr-83 (half-life 2263703000010 32.4hr), which is product of Sr-84(n,2n)Sr-83. 2263703000011 Gamma-rays emitted from Rb-83 were measured after 2263703000012 Sr-84 decayed completely to Rb-83. Reaction rates for 2263703000013 Sr-84(n,2n)Sr-83 + Sr-84(n,n+p)Rb-83 were deduced from2263703000014 Rb-83 activity. Reaction-rates for Sr(n,n+p)Rb-83 were2263703000015 obtained by subtracting the reaction rate for 2263703000016 Sr-84(n,2n)Sr-83, which was deduced separately. 2263703000017 Final errors of reaction rates are quite large because2263703000018 of subtraction of almost equal values. 2263703000019 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-11) Error (10%) of branching ratio for gamma-rays 2263703000020 emitted from Rb-83. 2263703000021 STATUS (DEP,22637029) 2263703000022 HISTORY (20200920A) SD: SF3=N+P and D -> X in REACTION code. 2263703000023 ENDBIB 21 0 2263703000024 COMMON 1 3 2263703000025 ERR-11 2263703000026 PER-CENT 2263703000027 10. 2263703000028 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2263703000029 DATA 3 3 2263703000030 EN DATA ERR-T 2263703000031 MEV MB MB 2263703000032 14.95 1.3E+02 1.E+02 2263703000033 13.99 1.04E+02 7.1E+01 2263703000034 13.34 8.7E+01 4.1E+01 2263703000035 ENDDATA 5 0 2263703000036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 2263703099999 SUBENT 22637031 20080228 21962263703100001 BIB 3 8 2263703100002 REACTION (38-SR-86(N,2N)38-SR-85-M,,SIG) 2263703100003 DECAY-DATA (38-SR-85-M,68.0MIN,DG,231.68,0.845) 2263703100004 Sr-85m half life error 0.2 m. 2263703100005 Error of branching ratio 0.001 . 2263703100006 SAMPLE Natural Sr-F2 powder sample, Sr-84 content is 0.56 %, 2263703100007 Sr-86 content is 9.80 %, Sr-87 content is 7.00%, 2263703100008 Sr-88 content is 82.60%. 2263703100009 Weight 80 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 1.2 mm 2263703100010 ENDBIB 8 0 2263703100011 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263703100012 DATA 3 8 2263703100013 EN DATA ERR-T 2263703100014 MEV MB MB 2263703100015 14.95 2.34E+02 1.3E+01 2263703100016 14.68 2.22E+02 1.3E+01 2263703100017 14.45 2.03E+02 1.2E+01 2263703100018 14.24 1.88E+02 1.1E+01 2263703100019 13.99 1.646E+02 9.5 2263703100020 13.76 1.371E+02 8.0 2263703100021 13.59 1.239E+02 7.3 2263703100022 13.37 1.004E+02 5.9 2263703100023 ENDDATA 10 0 2263703100024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2263703199999 SUBENT 22637032 20080228 21962263703200001 BIB 3 10 2263703200002 REACTION (38-SR-86(N,2N)38-SR-85,,SIG) M+G cross section 2263703200003 DECAY-DATA (38-SR-85-G,64.85D,DG,514.00,0.9927) 2263703200004 Sr-85g half life error 0.03 d . 2263703200005 Error of branching ratio 0.0004 . 2263703200006 38-SR-85-M,67.63MIN From Nuclear Wallet Card, 2263703200007 added by compiler to define isomeric state. 2263703200008 SAMPLE Natural Sr-F2 powder sample, Sr-84 content is 0.56 %, 2263703200009 Sr-86 content is 9.80 %, Sr-87 content is 7.00%, 2263703200010 Sr-88 content is 82.60% . 2263703200011 Weight 80 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 1.2 mm 2263703200012 ENDBIB 10 0 2263703200013 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263703200014 DATA 3 8 2263703200015 EN DATA ERR-T 2263703200016 MEV MB MB 2263703200017 14.95 9.73E+02 5.2E+01 2263703200018 14.68 9.04E+02 5.0E+01 2263703200019 14.44 8.52E+02 4.7E+01 2263703200020 14.23 8.15E+02 4.5E+01 2263703200021 13.99 7.36E+02 4.0E+01 2263703200022 13.76 6.79E+02 3.9E+01 2263703200023 13.58 6.11E+02 3.5E+01 2263703200024 13.36 5.29E+02 3.0E+01 2263703200025 ENDDATA 10 0 2263703200026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 2263703299999 SUBENT 22637033 20080228 21962263703300001 BIB 4 10 2263703300002 REACTION (38-SR-88(N,2N)38-SR-87-M,,SIG) 2263703300003 DECAY-DATA (38-SR-87-M,2.805HR,DG,388.40,0.82) 2263703300004 Sr-87m half life error 0.003 h . 2263703300005 Error of branching ratio 0.01 . 2263703300006 SAMPLE Natural Sr-F2 powder sample, Sr-84 content is 0.56 %, 2263703300007 Sr-86 content is 9.80 %, Sr-87 content is 7.00%, 2263703300008 Sr-88 content is 82.60%. 2263703300009 Weight 80 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 1.2 mm 2263703300010 REL-REF (R,,C.M.Lederer+,B,LEDERER-7,,1978) Reference for decay2263703300011 data. 2263703300012 ENDBIB 10 0 2263703300013 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263703300014 DATA 3 8 2263703300015 EN DATA ERR-T 2263703300016 MEV MB MB 2263703300017 14.94 2.64E+02 1.4E+01 2263703300018 14.68 2.63E+02 1.4E+01 2263703300019 14.44 2.49E+02 1.4E+01 2263703300020 14.23 2.35E+02 1.3E+01 2263703300021 13.99 2.21E+02 1.2E+01 2263703300022 13.76 2.02E+02 1.1E+01 2263703300023 13.58 1.88E+02 1.0E+01 2263703300024 13.36 1.623E+02 8.9 2263703300025 ENDDATA 10 0 2263703300026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 2263703399999 SUBENT 22637034 20080228 21962263703400001 BIB 3 6 2263703400002 REACTION (39-Y-89(N,2N)39-Y-88,,SIG) 2263703400003 DECAY-DATA (39-Y-88,106.61D,DG,898.02,0.913) 2263703400004 Y-88 half life error 0.02 d. 2263703400005 Error of branching ratio 0.007 . 2263703400006 SAMPLE Natural Y2-O2 powder sample, Y-89 content is 100 0%. 2263703400007 Weight 50 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 1.2 mm 2263703400008 ENDBIB 6 0 2263703400009 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263703400010 DATA 3 8 2263703400011 EN DATA ERR-T 2263703400012 MEV MB MB 2263703400013 14.95 1.071E+03 4.7E+01 2263703400014 14.68 1.011E+03 4.4E+01 2263703400015 14.44 9.68E+02 4.2E+01 2263703400016 14.23 9.34E+02 4.1E+01 2263703400017 13.99 8.31E+02 3.6E+01 2263703400018 13.76 7.72E+02 3.4E+01 2263703400019 13.58 6.81E+02 3.0E+01 2263703400020 13.36 6.17E+02 2.7E+01 2263703400021 ENDDATA 10 0 2263703400022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 2263703499999 SUBENT 22637035 20200920 22912263703500001 BIB 6 13 2263703500002 REACTION (42-MO-92(N,X)41-NB-91-M,,SIG) 2263703500003 DECAY-DATA (41-NB-91-M,62.D,DG,104.50,0.0056) 2263703500004 SAMPLE Enriched metallic powder sample, 2263703500005 Mo-92 content is 97.37%, Mo-94 content is 0.68%, 2263703500006 Mo-95 content is 0.52%, Mo-96 content is 0.37%, 2263703500007 Mo-97 content is 0.18%, Mo-98 content is 0.40%, 2263703500008 Mo-100 content is 0.50%. 2263703500009 Weight 60 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 1.2 mm. 2263703500010 ANALYSIS Cross section data of Mo-92(n,2n)Mo-91m reaction from 2263703500011 REL-REF were adopted to subtract (n,2n) reaction 2263703500012 contribution (Mo-91m decays to Nb-91m). 2263703500013 REL-REF (R,22089067,Y.Ikeda+,R,JAERI-1312,1988) 2263703500014 HISTORY (20200920A) SD: SF3=N+P and D -> X in REACTION code. 2263703500015 ENDBIB 13 0 2263703500016 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263703500017 DATA 3 4 2263703500018 EN DATA ERR-T 2263703500019 MEV MB MB 2263703500020 14.94 1.78E+02 1.4E+01 2263703500021 14.67 1.76E+02 1.3E+01 2263703500022 14.43 1.66E+02 1.2E+01 2263703500023 14.22 1.69E+02 1.3E+01 2263703500024 ENDDATA 6 0 2263703500025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 2263703599999 SUBENT 22637036 20080228 21962263703600001 BIB 3 9 2263703600002 REACTION (44-RU-96(N,2N)44-RU-95,,SIG) 2263703600003 DECAY-DATA (44-RU-95,1.65HR,DG,336.40,0.71) 2263703600004 Ru-95 half life error 0.02 h . 2263703600005 Error of branching ratio 0.01 . 2263703600006 SAMPLE Natural Ru-Cl3 powder sample, Ru-96 content is 5.50 % 2263703600007 Ru-98 content is 1.86%, Ru-99 content is 12.70%, 2263703600008 Ru-100 content is 12.60%, Ru-101 content is 17.00%, 2263703600009 Ru-102 content is 31.60%, Ru-104 content is 18.70% 2263703600010 Weight 55 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 1.1 mm 2263703600011 ENDBIB 9 0 2263703600012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263703600013 DATA 3 8 2263703600014 EN DATA ERR-T 2263703600015 MEV MB MB 2263703600016 14.95 6.24E+02 3.5E+01 2263703600017 14.68 5.91E+02 3.5E+01 2263703600018 14.44 5.59E+02 3.1E+01 2263703600019 14.23 5.22E+02 2.9E+01 2263703600020 13.99 4.81E+02 2.7E+01 2263703600021 13.76 4.39E+02 2.5E+01 2263703600022 13.57 4.19E+02 2.4E+01 2263703600023 13.34 4.09E+02 2.4E+01 2263703600024 ENDDATA 10 0 2263703600025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 2263703699999 SUBENT 22637037 20080228 21962263703700001 BIB 3 11 2263703700002 REACTION (44-RU-96(N,P)43-TC-96,,SIG) M+G cross section 2263703700003 DECAY-DATA (43-TC-96-G,4.35D,DG,778.22,0.991) 2263703700004 Tc-96g half life error 0.4 d. 2263703700005 Error of branching ratio 0.001 . 2263703700006 43-TC-96-M,51.5MIN From Nuclear Wallet Cards, 2263703700007 added by compiler to define isomeric state. 2263703700008 SAMPLE Natural Ru-Cl3 powder sample, Ru-96 content is 5.50 % 2263703700009 Ru-98 content is 1.86%, Ru-99 content is 12.70%, 2263703700010 Ru-100 content is 12.60%, Ru-101 content is 17.00%, 2263703700011 Ru-102 content is 31.60%, Ru-104 content is 18.70% . 2263703700012 Weight 55 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 1.1 mm 2263703700013 ENDBIB 11 0 2263703700014 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263703700015 DATA 3 8 2263703700016 EN DATA ERR-T 2263703700017 MEV MB MB 2263703700018 14.90 1.205E+02 8.9 2263703700019 14.65 1.251E+02 7.7 2263703700020 14.42 1.355E+02 8.7 2263703700021 14.21 1.431E+02 9.6 2263703700022 13.98 1.479E+02 9.1 2263703700023 13.74 1.519E+02 9.1 2263703700024 13.56 1.573E+02 8.6 2263703700025 13.32 1.646E+02 9.4 2263703700026 ENDDATA 10 0 2263703700027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 2263703799999 SUBENT 22637038 20200920 22912263703800001 BIB 8 21 2263703800002 REACTION (44-RU-96(N,X)43-TC-95-M,,SIG) 2263703800003 DECAY-DATA (43-TC-95-M,61.D,DG,204.12,0.662) 2263703800004 Tc-95m half-life error 2. d. 2263703800005 Error of branching ratio 0.025. 2263703800006 SAMPLE Natural Ru-Cl3 powder sample, Ru-96 content is 5.50% 2263703800007 Ru-98 content is 1.86%, Ru-99 content is 12.70%, 2263703800008 Ru-100 content is 12.60%, Ru-101 content is 17.00%, 2263703800009 Ru-102 content is 31.60%, Ru-104 content is 18.70%. 2263703800010 Weight 55 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 1.1 mm 2263703800011 REL-REF (R,,C.M.Lederer+,B,LEDERER-7,,,1978) Reference for 2263703800012 branching ratios of Ru-95 decay into Tc-95m and Tc-95g2263703800013 respectively 2.6 % and 97.4 %. 2263703800014 ANALYSIS Isomeric transition of Tc-95m to Tc-95g was neglected 2263703800015 because of long half-life 61 day and small isomeric 2263703800016 transition ratio 3.9% of Tc-95m. 2263703800017 Reaction-rate for Ru-96(n,n+p) were 2263703800018 obtained by subtracting the reaction rate for 2263703800019 Rb-96(n,2n), which was deduced separately. 2263703800020 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-11) Error of gamma-ray branching ratio of Ru-95. 2263703800021 STATUS (DEP,22637036) 2263703800022 HISTORY (20200920A) SD: SF3=N+P and D -> X in REACTION code. 2263703800023 ENDBIB 21 0 2263703800024 COMMON 1 3 2263703800025 ERR-11 2263703800026 PER-CENT 2263703800027 1.4 2263703800028 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2263703800029 DATA 3 7 2263703800030 EN DATA ERR-T 2263703800031 MEV MB MB 2263703800032 14.94 6.15E+01 6.0 2263703800033 14.68 6.02E+01 5.8 2263703800034 14.44 5.39E+01 5.7 2263703800035 14.23 5.27E+01 5.8 2263703800036 13.99 4.63E+01 5.8 2263703800037 13.57 4.18E+01 5.9 2263703800038 13.34 3.79E+01 8.4 2263703800039 ENDDATA 9 0 2263703800040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 2263703899999 SUBENT 22637039 20200920 22912263703900001 BIB 8 21 2263703900002 REACTION (44-RU-96(N,X)43-TC-95-G,,SIG) 2263703900003 DECAY-DATA (43-TC-95-G,20.00HR,DG,765.76,0.93) 2263703900004 Tc-95g half-life error 0.1 h. 2263703900005 Error of branching ratio 0.01. 2263703900006 SAMPLE Natural Ru-Cl3 powder sample, Ru-96 content is 5.50 % 2263703900007 Ru-98 content is 1.86%, Ru-99 content is 12.70%, 2263703900008 Ru-100 content is 12.60%, Ru-101 content is 17.00%, 2263703900009 Ru-102 content is 31.60%, Ru-104 content is 18.70%. 2263703900010 Weight 55 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 1.1 mm 2263703900011 REL-REF (R,,C.M.Lederer+,B,LEDERER-7,,,1978) Reference for 2263703900012 branching ratios of Ru-95 decay into Tc-95m and Tc-95g2263703900013 respectively 2.6 % and 97.4 %. 2263703900014 ANALYSIS Isomeric transition of Tc-95m to Tc-95g was neglected 2263703900015 because of long half-life 61 day and small isomeric 2263703900016 transition ratio 3.9% of Tc-95m. 2263703900017 Reaction-rate for Ru-96(n,n+p) were 2263703900018 obtained by subtracting the reaction rate for 2263703900019 Rb-96(n,2n), which was deduced separately. 2263703900020 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-11) Error of gamma-ray branching ratio of Ru-95. 2263703900021 STATUS (DEP,22637036) 2263703900022 HISTORY (20200920A) SD: SF3=N+P and D -> X in REACTION code. 2263703900023 ENDBIB 21 0 2263703900024 COMMON 1 3 2263703900025 ERR-11 2263703900026 PER-CENT 2263703900027 1.4 2263703900028 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2263703900029 DATA 3 8 2263703900030 EN DATA ERR-T 2263703900031 MEV MB MB 2263703900032 14.94 3.60E+02 5.8E+01 2263703900033 14.68 3.46E+02 5.5E+01 2263703900034 14.44 3.18E+02 5.2E+01 2263703900035 14.23 3.10E+02 4.9E+01 2263703900036 13.99 3.09E+02 4.6E+01 2263703900037 13.76 2.87E+02 4.2E+01 2263703900038 13.58 2.30E+02 4.0E+01 2263703900039 13.36 1.95E+02 3.9E+01 2263703900040 ENDDATA 10 0 2263703900041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 2263703999999 SUBENT 22637040 20080228 21962263704000001 BIB 4 10 2263704000002 REACTION (44-RU-99(N,P)43-TC-99-M,,SIG) 2263704000003 DECAY-DATA (43-TC-99-M,6.007HR,DG,140.51,0.890) 2263704000004 Tc-99m half life error 0.002 h . 2263704000005 Error of branching ratio 0.002 . 2263704000006 SAMPLE Natural Ru-Cl3 powder sample, Ru-96 content is 5.50 % 2263704000007 Ru-98 content is 1.86%, Ru-99 content is 12.70%, 2263704000008 Ru-100 content is 12.60%, Ru-101 content is 17.00%, 2263704000009 Ru-102 content is 31.60%, Ru-104 content is 18.70% 2263704000010 Weight 55 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 1.1 mm 2263704000011 ANALYSIS Data includes the contribution of Ru-100(n,nP)Tc-99m. 2263704000012 ENDBIB 10 0 2263704000013 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263704000014 DATA 3 8 2263704000015 EN DATA ERR-T 2263704000016 MEV MB MB 2263704000017 14.94 1.33E+01 1.5 2263704000018 14.67 1.32E+01 1.4 2263704000019 14.43 1.33E+01 1.5 2263704000020 14.22 1.14E+01 1.2 2263704000021 13.98 1.18E+01 1.3 2263704000022 13.75 1.16E+01 1.2 2263704000023 13.57 1.15E+01 1.2 2263704000024 13.33 1.13E+01 1.2 2263704000025 ENDDATA 10 0 2263704000026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 2263704099999 SUBENT 22637041 20080228 21962263704100001 BIB 4 11 2263704100002 REACTION (46-PD-102(N,2N)46-PD-101,,SIG) 2263704100003 DECAY-DATA (46-PD-101,8.47HR,DG,296.29,0.18) 2263704100004 Pd-101 half life error 0.06 h . 2263704100005 Error of branching ratio 0.01 . 2263704100006 SAMPLE Natural metallic sample, Pd-102 content is 1.00 % 2263704100007 Pd-104 content is 11.00%, Pd-105 content is 22.20%, 2263704100008 Pd-106 content is 27.30%, Pd-108 content is 26.70%, 2263704100009 Pd-110 content is 11.80%. 2263704100010 Weight 130 mg, thickness 0.1 mm . 2263704100011 REL-REF (R,,C.M.Lederer+,B,LEDERER-7,,1978) Reference for 2263704100012 gamma-ray branching ratio. 2263704100013 ENDBIB 11 0 2263704100014 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263704100015 DATA 3 8 2263704100016 EN DATA ERR-T 2263704100017 MEV MB MB 2263704100018 14.94 1.179E+03 9.1E+01 2263704100019 14.67 1.127E+03 8.7E+01 2263704100020 14.44 1.094E+03 8.4E+01 2263704100021 14.23 1.081E+03 8.4E+01 2263704100022 13.99 1.012E+03 7.9E+01 2263704100023 13.76 9.60E+02 7.4E+01 2263704100024 13.57 8.99E+02 6.9E+01 2263704100025 13.35 8.32E+02 6.5E+01 2263704100026 ENDDATA 10 0 2263704100027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 2263704199999 SUBENT 22637042 20200920 22912263704200001 BIB 6 14 2263704200002 REACTION (46-PD-102(N,X)45-RH-101-M,,SIG) 2263704200003 DECAY-DATA (45-RH-101-M,4.34D,DG,306.77,0.87) 2263704200004 Rh-101m half-life error 0.01 d. 2263704200005 Error of branching ratio 0.01. 2263704200006 SAMPLE Natural sample, Pd-102 content is 1.00%, 2263704200007 Pd-104 content is 11.00%, Pd-105 content is 22.20%, 2263704200008 Pd-106 content is 27.30%, Pd-108 content is 26.70%, 2263704200009 Pd-110 content is 11.80%. 2263704200010 Weight 130 mg, thickness 0.1 mm. 2263704200011 ANALYSIS Reaction-rate for Pd-102(n,n+p) were obtained by 2263704200012 subtracting the reaction rate of Pd-102(n,2n), which 2263704200013 was deduced separately. 2263704200014 STATUS (DEP,22637041) 2263704200015 HISTORY (20200920A) SD: SF3=N+P and D -> X in REACTION code. 2263704200016 ENDBIB 14 0 2263704200017 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263704200018 DATA 3 8 2263704200019 EN DATA ERR-T 2263704200020 MEV MB MB 2263704200021 14.95 2.7E+02 1.2E+02 2263704200022 14.68 2.8E+02 1.1E+02 2263704200023 14.44 2.4E+02 1.1E+02 2263704200024 14.23 1.9E+02 1.1E+02 2263704200025 13.99 2.2E+02 1.0E+02 2263704200026 13.76 1.96E+02 9.6E+01 2263704200027 13.57 1.90E+02 9.0E+01 2263704200028 13.34 1.74E+02 8.3E+01 2263704200029 ENDDATA 10 0 2263704200030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 2263704299999 SUBENT 22637043 20080228 21962263704300001 BIB 4 10 2263704300002 REACTION (46-PD-105(N,P)45-RH-105,,SIG) M+G cross section 2263704300003 DECAY-DATA (45-RH-105,35.47HR,DG,318.90,0.19) 2263704300004 Rh-105 half life error 0.08 h . 2263704300005 Error of branching ratio 0.01 . 2263704300006 SAMPLE Natural sample, Pd-102 content is 1.00%, 2263704300007 Pd-104 content is 11.00%, Pd-105 content is 22.20%, 2263704300008 Pd-106 content is 27.30%, Pd-108 content is 26.70%, 2263704300009 Pd-110 content is 11.80%. 2263704300010 Weight 130 mg, thickness 0.1 mm 2263704300011 ANALYSIS Data include a contribution from Pd-106(n,np)Rh-105M+G.2263704300012 ENDBIB 10 0 2263704300013 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263704300014 DATA 3 8 2263704300015 EN DATA ERR-T 2263704300016 MEV MB MB 2263704300017 14.95 4.27E+01 3.3 2263704300018 14.68 3.90E+01 3.0 2263704300019 14.44 3.80E+01 2.9 2263704300020 14.23 3.59E+01 2.8 2263704300021 13.99 3.39E+01 2.6 2263704300022 13.76 3.16E+01 2.5 2263704300023 13.57 3.17E+01 2.5 2263704300024 13.34 2.82E+01 2.2 2263704300025 ENDDATA 10 0 2263704300026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 2263704399999 SUBENT 22637044 20080228 21962263704400001 BIB 3 9 2263704400002 REACTION (46-PD-106(N,P)45-RH-106-M,,SIG) 2263704400003 DECAY-DATA (45-RH-106-M,130.MIN,DG,450.80,0.244) 2263704400004 Rh-106m half life error 2. m . 2263704400005 Error of branching ratio 0.004 . 2263704400006 SAMPLE Natural sample, Pd-102 content is 1.00%, 2263704400007 Pd-104 content is 11.00%, Pd-105 content is 22.20%, 2263704400008 Pd-106 content is 27.30%, Pd-108 content is 26.70%, 2263704400009 Pd-110 content is 11.80%. 2263704400010 Weight 130 mg, thickness 0.1 mm . 2263704400011 ENDBIB 9 0 2263704400012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263704400013 DATA 3 8 2263704400014 EN DATA ERR-T 2263704400015 MEV MB MB 2263704400016 14.94 9.97 8.1E-01 2263704400017 14.68 9.61 7.9E-01 2263704400018 14.44 8.94 8.3E-01 2263704400019 14.23 9.32 9.3E-01 2263704400020 13.99 8.32 8.5E-01 2263704400021 13.76 7.32 7.6E-01 2263704400022 13.57 7.84 8.1E-01 2263704400023 13.34 6.72 8.3E-01 2263704400024 ENDDATA 10 0 2263704400025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 2263704499999 SUBENT 22637045 20080228 21962263704500001 BIB 4 11 2263704500002 REACTION (46-PD-108(N,A)44-RU-105,,SIG) 2263704500003 DECAY-DATA (44-RU-105,4.44HR,DG,469.37,0.178) 2263704500004 Ru-105 half life error 0.02 h . 2263704500005 Error of branching ratio 0.006 . 2263704500006 SAMPLE Natural sample, Pd-102 content is 1.00%, 2263704500007 Pd-104 content is 11.00%, Pd-105 content is 22.20%, 2263704500008 Pd-106 content is 27.30%, Pd-108 content is 26.70%, 2263704500009 Pd-110 content is 11.80%. 2263704500010 Weight 130 mg, thickness 0.1 mm . 2263704500011 ANALYSIS Errors in data are large because of poor gamma-ray 2263704500012 counting statistics. 2263704500013 ENDBIB 11 0 2263704500014 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263704500015 DATA 3 8 2263704500016 EN DATA ERR-T 2263704500017 MEV MB MB 2263704500018 14.96 3.33 4.9E-01 2263704500019 14.68 2.52 3.8E-01 2263704500020 14.44 2.67 4.1E-01 2263704500021 14.23 2.18 3.7E-01 2263704500022 13.99 2.27 4.1E-01 2263704500023 13.76 1.91 3.4E-01 2263704500024 13.58 1.84 3.2E-01 2263704500025 13.35 1.56 3.1E-01 2263704500026 ENDDATA 10 0 2263704500027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 2263704599999 SUBENT 22637046 20080228 21962263704600001 BIB 3 7 2263704600002 REACTION (47-AG-107(N,2N)47-AG-106-M,,SIG) 2263704600003 DECAY-DATA (47-AG-106-M,8.5D,DG,450.98,0.2847) 2263704600004 Ag-105m half life error 0.1 d . 2263704600005 Error of branching ratio 0.0070 . 2263704600006 SAMPLE Natural metallic sample, Ag-107 content is 51.83%, 2263704600007 Ag-109 content is 48.17% . 2263704600008 Weight 500 mg, thickness 0.5 mm . 2263704600009 ENDBIB 7 0 2263704600010 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263704600011 DATA 3 8 2263704600012 EN DATA ERR-T 2263704600013 MEV MB MB 2263704600014 14.94 5.57E+02 3.3E+01 2263704600015 14.67 5.38E+02 3.2E+01 2263704600016 14.43 5.27E+02 3.2E+01 2263704600017 14.22 5.25E+02 3.2E+01 2263704600018 13.98 4.69E+02 2.8E+01 2263704600019 13.75 4.88E+02 2.9E+01 2263704600020 13.57 4.67E+02 2.8E+01 2263704600021 13.34 4.47E+02 2.7E+01 2263704600022 ENDDATA 10 0 2263704600023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 2263704699999 SUBENT 22637047 20080228 21962263704700001 BIB 3 10 2263704700002 REACTION (48-CD-106(N,2N)48-CD-105,,SIG) 2263704700003 DECAY-DATA (48-CD-105,56.0MIN,DG,961.84,0.047) 2263704700004 Cd-105 half life error 0.5 m . 2263704700005 Error of branching ratio 0.003 . 2263704700006 SAMPLE Natural metallic sample, Cd-106 content is 1.25%, 2263704700007 Cd-108 content is 0.89%, Cd-110 content is 12.50%, 2263704700008 Cd-111 content is 12.80%, Cd-112 content is 24.10%, 2263704700009 Cd-113 content is 12.20%, Cd-114 content is 28.70%, 2263704700010 Cd-116 content is 7.50%. 2263704700011 Weight 85 mg, thickness 0.5 mm . 2263704700012 ENDBIB 10 0 2263704700013 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263704700014 DATA 3 8 2263704700015 EN DATA ERR-T 2263704700016 MEV MB MB 2263704700017 14.94 5.60E+02 5.7E+01 2263704700018 14.67 5.89E+02 6.8E+01 2263704700019 14.44 5.66E+02 7.4E+01 2263704700020 14.23 4.70E+02 7.7E+01 2263704700021 13.99 5.27E+02 8.4E+01 2263704700022 13.76 4.86E+02 9.1E+01 2263704700023 13.58 4.10E+02 9.7E+01 2263704700024 13.35 3.89E+02 9.8E+01 2263704700025 ENDDATA 10 0 2263704700026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 2263704799999 SUBENT 22637048 20080228 21962263704800001 BIB 4 12 2263704800002 REACTION (48-CD-106(N,P)47-AG-106-M,,SIG) 2263704800003 DECAY-DATA (47-AG-106-M,8.5D,DG,450.97,0.284) 2263704800004 Ag-106m half life error 0.1 d . 2263704800005 Error of branching ratio 0.012 . 2263704800006 SAMPLE Natural metallic sample, Cd-106 content is 1.25%, 2263704800007 Cd-108 content is 0.89%, Cd-110 content is 12.50%, 2263704800008 Cd-111 content is 12.80%, Cd-112 content is 24.10%, 2263704800009 Cd-113 content is 12.20%, Cd-114 content is 28.70%, 2263704800010 Cd-116 content is 7.50%. 2263704800011 Weight 85 mg, thickness 0.5 mm . 2263704800012 ANALYSIS Errors in data are large because of poor gamma-ray 2263704800013 counting statistics. 2263704800014 ENDBIB 12 0 2263704800015 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263704800016 DATA 3 7 2263704800017 EN DATA ERR-T 2263704800018 MEV MB MB 2263704800019 14.90 4.96E+01 6.2 2263704800020 14.66 5.41E+01 6.1 2263704800021 14.43 6.02E+01 8.0 2263704800022 14.22 5.78E+01 6.4 2263704800023 13.75 5.65E+01 5.9 2263704800024 13.57 6.81E+01 7.5 2263704800025 13.34 5.69E+01 6.7 2263704800026 ENDDATA 9 0 2263704800027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 2263704899999 SUBENT 22637049 20200920 22912263704900001 BIB 7 16 2263704900002 REACTION (48-CD-106(N,X)47-AG-105,,SIG) 2263704900003 DECAY-DATA (47-AG-105-G,41.29D,DG,443.00,0.171) 2263704900004 Ag-105 half-life error 0.07 d. 2263704900005 Error of branching ratio 0.017. 2263704900006 SAMPLE Natural metallic sample, Cd-106 content is 1.25%, 2263704900007 Cd-108 content is 0.89%, Cd-110 content is 12.50%, 2263704900008 Cd-111 content is 12.80%, Cd-112 content is 24.10%, 2263704900009 Cd-113 content is 12.20%, Cd-114 content is 28.70%, 2263704900010 Cd-116 content is 7.50%. 2263704900011 Weight 85 mg, thickness 0.5 mm. 2263704900012 ANALYSIS Reaction-rate for Cd-106(n,n+p) were obtained by 2263704900013 subtracting the reaction rate of Cd-106(n,2n), which 2263704900014 was deduced separately. 2263704900015 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-11) Error of gamma-ray branching ratio of Cd-105. 2263704900016 STATUS (DEP,22637047) 2263704900017 HISTORY (20200920A) SD: SF3=N+P and D -> X in REACTION code. 2263704900018 ENDBIB 16 0 2263704900019 COMMON 1 3 2263704900020 ERR-11 2263704900021 PER-CENT 2263704900022 9.9 2263704900023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2263704900024 DATA 3 5 2263704900025 EN DATA ERR-T 2263704900026 MEV MB MB 2263704900027 14.95 1.7E+02 1.0E+02 2263704900028 14.68 1.4E+02 1.1E+02 2263704900029 14.44 1.2E+02 1.1E+02 2263704900030 14.23 1.5E+02 1.1E+02 2263704900031 13.57 1.2E+02 1.1E+02 2263704900032 ENDDATA 7 0 2263704900033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 2263704999999 SUBENT 22637050 20080228 21962263705000001 BIB 4 11 2263705000002 REACTION (48-CD-110(N,P)47-AG-110-M,,SIG) 2263705000003 DECAY-DATA (47-AG-110-M,252.2D,DG,657.75,0.944) 2263705000004 Ag-110m half life error 0.3 d . 2263705000005 Error of branching ratio 0.006 . 2263705000006 SAMPLE Natural metallic sample, Cd-106 content is 1.25%, 2263705000007 Cd-108 content is 0.89%, Cd-110 content is 12.50%, 2263705000008 Cd-111 content is 12.80%, Cd-112 content is 24.10%, 2263705000009 Cd-113 content is 12.20%, Cd-114 content is 28.70%, 2263705000010 Cd-116 content is 7.50%. 2263705000011 Weight 85 mg, thickness 0.5 mm . 2263705000012 ANALYSIS Data include contribution from Cd-111(n,np)Ag-110m. 2263705000013 ENDBIB 11 0 2263705000014 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263705000015 DATA 3 8 2263705000016 EN DATA ERR-T 2263705000017 MEV MB MB 2263705000018 14.95 9.82 7.8E-01 2263705000019 14.68 8.65 5.5E-01 2263705000020 14.44 8.57 6.5E-01 2263705000021 14.23 7.39 6.2E-01 2263705000022 13.99 6.56 4.8E-01 2263705000023 13.76 7.60 9.8E-01 2263705000024 13.58 7.43 8.4E-01 2263705000025 13.35 5.46 4.9E-01 2263705000026 ENDDATA 10 0 2263705000027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 2263705099999 SUBENT 22637051 20080228 21962263705100001 BIB 4 11 2263705100002 REACTION (48-CD-112(N,P)47-AG-112,,SIG) 2263705100003 DECAY-DATA (47-AG-112,3.14HR,DG,617.40,0.42) 2263705100004 Ag-112 half life error 0.02 h . 2263705100005 Error of branching ratio 0.05 . 2263705100006 SAMPLE Natural metallic sample, Cd-106 content is 1.25%, 2263705100007 Cd-108 content is 0.89%, Cd-110 content is 12.50%, 2263705100008 Cd-111 content is 12.80%, Cd-112 content is 24.10%, 2263705100009 Cd-113 content is 12.20%, Cd-114 content is 28.70%, 2263705100010 Cd-116 content is 7.50% . 2263705100011 Weight 85 mg, thickness 0.5 mm . 2263705100012 ANALYSIS Data include contribution from Cd-113(n,np)Ag-112. 2263705100013 ENDBIB 11 0 2263705100014 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263705100015 DATA 3 8 2263705100016 EN DATA ERR-T 2263705100017 MEV MB MB 2263705100018 14.95 1.81E+01 2.4 2263705100019 14.68 1.76E+01 2.3 2263705100020 14.44 1.63E+01 2.1 2263705100021 14.23 1.47E+01 1.9 2263705100022 13.99 1.38E+01 1.8 2263705100023 13.76 1.29E+01 1.7 2263705100024 13.58 1.19E+01 1.6 2263705100025 13.35 1.06E+01 1.4 2263705100026 ENDDATA 10 0 2263705100027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 2263705199999 SUBENT 22637052 20080228 21962263705200001 BIB 4 10 2263705200002 REACTION (48-CD-113(N,P)47-AG-113,,SIG) 2263705200003 DECAY-DATA (47-AG-113,5.37HR,DG,298.40,0.090) 2263705200004 Ag-113 half life error 0.05 h . 2263705200005 SAMPLE Natural metallic sample, Cd-106 content is 1.25%, 2263705200006 Cd-108 content is 0.89%, Cd-110 content is 12.50%, 2263705200007 Cd-111 content is 12.80%, Cd-112 content is 24.10%, 2263705200008 Cd-113 content is 12.20%, Cd-114 content is 28.70%, 2263705200009 Cd-116 content is 7.50%. 2263705200010 Weight 85 mg, thickness 0.5 mm . 2263705200011 ANALYSIS Data include contribution from Cd-114(n,np)Ag-113. 2263705200012 ENDBIB 10 0 2263705200013 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263705200014 DATA 3 8 2263705200015 EN DATA ERR-T 2263705200016 MEV MB MB 2263705200017 14.96 2.75E+01 2.8 2263705200018 14.69 2.59E+01 2.5 2263705200019 14.45 2.14E+01 2.6 2263705200020 14.24 1.82E+01 2.6 2263705200021 13.99 1.47E+01 2.1 2263705200022 13.76 1.65E+01 2.3 2263705200023 13.59 1.32E+01 2.0 2263705200024 13.37 1.02E+01 1.8 2263705200025 ENDDATA 10 0 2263705200026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 2263705299999 SUBENT 22637053 20080228 21962263705300001 BIB 3 7 2263705300002 REACTION (49-IN-113(N,2N)49-IN-112-M,,SIG) 2263705300003 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-112-M,20.9MIN,DG,155.00,0.13) 2263705300004 In-112m half life error 0.2 m . 2263705300005 Error of branching ratio 0.01 . 2263705300006 SAMPLE Natural metallic sample, In-113 content is 4.23%, 2263705300007 In-115 content is 95.77% . 2263705300008 Weight 85 mg, thickness 0.5 mm . 2263705300009 ENDBIB 7 0 2263705300010 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263705300011 DATA 3 5 2263705300012 EN DATA ERR-T 2263705300013 MEV MB MB 2263705300014 14.93 1.17E+03 1.1E+02 2263705300015 14.67 1.19E+03 1.1E+02 2263705300016 14.23 1.16E+03 1.1E+02 2263705300017 13.57 1.07E+03 1.0E+02 2263705300018 13.34 1.017E+03 9.7E+01 2263705300019 ENDDATA 7 0 2263705300020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 2263705399999 SUBENT 22637054 20080619 22002263705400001 BIB 5 15 2263705400002 REACTION (49-IN-113(N,INL)49-IN-113-M,,SIG) 2263705400003 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-113-M,99.47MIN,DG,392.70,0.64) 2263705400004 In-113m half life error 0.07 m . 2263705400005 Error of branching ratio 0.01 . 2263705400006 SAMPLE Natural metallic sample, In-113 content is 4.23%, 2263705400007 In-115 content is 95.77% . 2263705400008 Weight 85 mg, thickness 0.5 mm . 2263705400009 REL-REF (R,,C.M.Lederer+,B,LEDERER-7,,1978) Reference for decay2263705400010 data. 2263705400011 HISTORY (20080226A)There are misprints in data values for 2263705400012 En= 13.56 and 13.32 MeV in Table 4 of main reference. 2263705400013 In according to a comment from Dr.Konno (2008.04.08) 2263705400014 and Fig.3.53 of main reference this values were 2263705400015 corrected: "8.71E+02" -> "8.71E+01" , 2263705400016 "9.35E+02" -> "9.35E+01" . M.M. 2263705400017 ENDBIB 15 0 2263705400018 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263705400019 DATA 3 7 2263705400020 EN DATA ERR-T 2263705400021 MEV MB MB 2263705400022 14.64 6.08E+01 4.6 2263705400023 14.41 6.76E+01 5.1 2263705400024 14.21 7.37E+01 5.4 2263705400025 13.97 7.36E+01 5.7 2263705400026 13.74 8.14E+01 6.1 2263705400027 13.56 8.71E+01 7.1 2263705400028 13.32 9.35E+01 8.1 2263705400029 ENDDATA 9 0 2263705400030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 2263705499999 SUBENT 22637055 20080228 21962263705500001 BIB 3 7 2263705500002 REACTION (49-IN-115(N,INL)49-IN-115-M,,SIG) 2263705500003 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-115-M,4.486HR,DG,336.00,0.459) 2263705500004 In-115m half life error 0.004 h . 2263705500005 Error of branching ratio 0.001 . 2263705500006 SAMPLE Natural metallic sample, In-113 content is 4.23%, 2263705500007 In-115 content is 95.77% . 2263705500008 Weight 85 mg, thickness 0.5 mm . 2263705500009 ENDBIB 7 0 2263705500010 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263705500011 DATA 3 8 2263705500012 EN DATA ERR-T 2263705500013 MEV MB MB 2263705500014 14.90 6.01E+01 3.1 2263705500015 14.64 6.02E+01 3.1 2263705500016 14.41 6.17E+01 3.2 2263705500017 14.21 6.43E+01 3.3 2263705500018 13.97 6.76E+01 3.5 2263705500019 13.74 7.11E+01 3.7 2263705500020 13.56 7.59E+01 3.9 2263705500021 13.32 8.75E+01 4.5 2263705500022 ENDDATA 10 0 2263705500023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 2263705599999 SUBENT 22637056 20080228 21962263705600001 BIB 4 10 2263705600002 REACTION (49-IN-115(N,P)48-CD-115-M,,SIG) 2263705600003 DECAY-DATA (48-CD-115-M,44.8D,DG,933.60,0.017) 2263705600004 Cd-115m half life error 0.3 d . 2263705600005 SAMPLE Natural metallic sample, In-113 content is 4.23%, 2263705600006 In-115 content is 95.77% . 2263705600007 Weight 85 mg, thickness 0.5 mm . 2263705600008 ANALYSIS Since there are no transition from Cd-115m to Cd-115g,2263705600009 it's not necessary to consider the contribution from 2263705600010 In-115(n,p)Cd-115m i cross-section determination for 2263705600011 IN-115(n,p)Cd-115g. 2263705600012 ENDBIB 10 0 2263705600013 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263705600014 DATA 3 8 2263705600015 EN DATA ERR-T 2263705600016 MEV MB MB 2263705600017 14.96 1.13E+01 1.3 2263705600018 14.69 1.04E+01 1.2 2263705600019 14.45 8.0 1.0 2263705600020 14.23 9.0 1.2 2263705600021 13.99 7.51 9.8E-01 2263705600022 13.76 6.73 8.7E-01 2263705600023 13.58 5.13 7.3E-01 2263705600024 13.36 5.49 8.2E-01 2263705600025 ENDDATA 10 0 2263705600026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 2263705699999 SUBENT 22637057 20080228 21962263705700001 BIB 4 11 2263705700002 REACTION (49-IN-115(N,P)48-CD-115-G,,SIG) 2263705700003 DECAY-DATA (48-CD-115-G,53.38HR,DG,527.90,0.281) 2263705700004 Cd-115g half life error 0.04 h . 2263705700005 Error of branching ratio 0.001 . 2263705700006 SAMPLE Natural metallic sample, In-113 content is 4.23%, 2263705700007 In-115 content is 95.77%. 2263705700008 Weight 85 mg, thickness 0.5 mm . 2263705700009 ANALYSIS Since there are no transition from Cd-115m to Cd-115g,2263705700010 it's not necessary to consider the contribution from 2263705700011 In-115(n,p)Cd-115m i cross-section determination for 2263705700012 IN-115(n,p)Cd-115g. 2263705700013 ENDBIB 11 0 2263705700014 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263705700015 DATA 3 5 2263705700016 EN DATA ERR-T 2263705700017 MEV MB MB 2263705700018 14.94 4.89 2.9E-01 2263705700019 14.68 4.72 2.8E-01 2263705700020 14.23 4.35 2.6E-01 2263705700021 13.57 3.59 2.2E-01 2263705700022 13.34 3.41 2.1E-01 2263705700023 ENDDATA 7 0 2263705700024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2263705799999 SUBENT 22637058 20080228 21962263705800001 BIB 4 8 2263705800002 REACTION (49-IN-115(N,A)47-AG-112,,SIG) 2263705800003 DECAY-DATA (47-AG-112,3.14HR,DG,617.40,0.42) 2263705800004 Ag-112 half life error 0.02 h . 2263705800005 Error of branching ratio 0.05 . 2263705800006 SAMPLE Natural metallic sample, In-113 content is 4.23%, 2263705800007 In-115 content is 95.77%. 2263705800008 Weight 85 mg, thickness 0.5 mm . 2263705800009 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-11) Error in gamma-ray branching ratio. 2263705800010 ENDBIB 8 0 2263705800011 COMMON 1 3 2263705800012 ERR-11 2263705800013 PER-CENT 2263705800014 11.9 2263705800015 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2263705800016 DATA 3 5 2263705800017 EN DATA ERR-T 2263705800018 MEV MB MB 2263705800019 14.96 2.66 3.5E-01 2263705800020 14.69 2.42 3.2E-01 2263705800021 14.23 1.90 2.5E-01 2263705800022 13.58 1.41 1.9E-01 2263705800023 13.36 1.29 1.7E-01 2263705800024 ENDDATA 7 0 2263705800025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 2263705899999 SUBENT 22637059 20080228 21962263705900001 BIB 4 19 2263705900002 REACTION (56-BA-130(N,2N)56-BA-129,,SIG) M+G cross section 2263705900003 DECAY-DATA (56-BA-129,2.20HR,B+) 2263705900004 (55-CS-129,32.35HR,DG,371.92,0.32) 2263705900005 Ba-129g half life error 0.05 h . 2263705900006 Cs-129 half life error 0.10 h . 2263705900007 Error of branching ratio 0.02 . 2263705900008 SAMPLE Enriched Ba-C-O3 powder sample, 2263705900009 Ba-130 content is 32.90%, Ba-132 content is 0.40%, 2263705900010 Ba-134 content is 4.63 %, Ba-135 content is 6.23%, 2263705900011 Ba-136 content is 6.21 %, Ba-137 content is 7.18%, 2263705900012 Ba-138 content is 42.45% . 2263705900013 Weight 21 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 1.0 mm . 2263705900014 ANALYSIS Since gamma-ray branching ratio for Ba-129 was unknown,2263705900015 gamma-rays emitted from daughter nuclei Cs-129 were 2263705900016 measured. Cs-129 is also produced via Ba-130(n,np) 2263705900017 reaction, contribution of (n,np) reaction was neglected2263705900018 since (n,np) cross-section was expected to be small, 2263705900019 about several mb in according to systematics of (n,np) 2263705900020 reaction cross sections, described in main reference. 2263705900021 ENDBIB 19 0 2263705900022 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263705900023 DATA 3 6 2263705900024 EN DATA ERR-T 2263705900025 MEV MB MB 2263705900026 14.94 1.61E+03 1.0E+02 2263705900027 14.67 1.61E+03 1.0E+02 2263705900028 14.43 1.499E+03 9.5E+01 2263705900029 13.98 1.491E+03 9.6E+01 2263705900030 13.57 1.370E+03 8.8E+01 2263705900031 13.34 1.324E+03 8.7E+01 2263705900032 ENDDATA 8 0 2263705900033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 2263705999999 SUBENT 22637060 20080228 21962263706000001 BIB 3 12 2263706000002 REACTION (56-BA-132(N,2N)56-BA-131,,SIG) M+G cross section 2263706000003 DECAY-DATA (56-BA-131-G,12.0D,DG,123.73,0.28) 2263706000004 Ba-131g half life error 0.1 d . 2263706000005 Error of branching ratio 0.01 . 2263706000006 56-BA-131-M,14.6MIN From Nuclear Wallet Cards, 2263706000007 added by compiler to define isomeric state. 2263706000008 SAMPLE Enriched Ba-C-O3 powder sample, 2263706000009 Ba-130 content is 0.10%, Ba-132 content is 8.20%, 2263706000010 Ba-134 content is 10.80%, Ba-135 content is 11.00%, 2263706000011 Ba-136 content is 8.60 %, Ba-137 content is 9.60%, 2263706000012 Ba-138 content is 51.70% . 2263706000013 Weight 25 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 0.8 mm. 2263706000014 ENDBIB 12 0 2263706000015 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263706000016 DATA 3 5 2263706000017 EN DATA ERR-T 2263706000018 MEV MB MB 2263706000019 14.92 1.65E+03 1.1E+02 2263706000020 14.67 1.72E+03 1.2E+02 2263706000021 13.99 1.67E+03 1.1E+02 2263706000022 13.57 1.67E+03 1.3E+02 2263706000023 13.35 1.420E+03 9.5E+01 2263706000024 ENDDATA 7 0 2263706000025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 2263706099999 SUBENT 22637061 20080228 21962263706100001 BIB 4 12 2263706100002 REACTION (56-BA-132(N,P)55-CS-132,,SIG) 2263706100003 DECAY-DATA (55-CS-132,6.474D,DG,667.50,0.975) 2263706100004 Cs-132 half life error 0.014 d . 2263706100005 Error of branching ratio 0.002 . 2263706100006 SAMPLE Enriched Ba-C-O3 powder sample, 2263706100007 Ba-130 content is 0.10%, Ba-132 content is 8.20%, 2263706100008 Ba-134 content is 10.80%, Ba-135 content is 11.00%, 2263706100009 Ba-136 content is 8.60 %, Ba-137 content is 9.60%, 2263706100010 Ba-138 content is 51.70%. 2263706100011 Weight 25 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 0.8 mm. 2263706100012 ANALYSIS Errors of present data are large due to poor gamma-ray2263706100013 counting statistics. 2263706100014 ENDBIB 12 0 2263706100015 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263706100016 DATA 3 4 2263706100017 EN DATA ERR-T 2263706100018 MEV MB MB 2263706100019 14.95 2.01E+01 4.6 2263706100020 14.68 1.78E+01 4.1 2263706100021 13.99 1.49E+01 3.5 2263706100022 13.34 1.27E+01 2.9 2263706100023 ENDDATA 6 0 2263706100024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2263706199999 SUBENT 22637062 20160820 22522263706200001 BIB 5 12 2263706200002 REACTION (56-BA-134(N,2N)56-BA-133-M,,SIG) 2263706200003 DECAY-DATA (56-BA-133-M,38.9HR,DG,275.60,0.175) 2263706200004 Ba-133m half life error 0.1 h . 2263706200005 Error of branching ratio 0.008 . 2263706200006 SAMPLE (56-BA-134,ENR=0.6390) Enriched Ba-C-O3 powder sample,2263706200007 Ba-132 content is 0.40%, Ba-134 content is 63.90%, 2263706200008 Ba-135 content is 14.30%, Ba-136 content is 5.00%, 2263706200009 Ba-137 content is 3.70 %, Ba-138 content is 12.70%, 2263706200010 weight 33 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 1.0 mm. 2263706200011 STATUS (COREL,22089098) Data measured with a natural sample 2263706200012 HISTORY (20160820U) SD: Coded info was added to SAMPLE. 2263706200013 STATUS was added. 2263706200014 ENDBIB 12 0 2263706200015 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263706200016 DATA 3 8 2263706200017 EN DATA ERR-T 2263706200018 MEV MB MB 2263706200019 14.94 8.59E+02 5.8E+01 2263706200020 14.67 8.49E+02 5.8E+01 2263706200021 14.43 8.34E+02 5.7E+01 2263706200022 14.22 7.75E+02 5.3E+01 2263706200023 13.98 7.91E+02 5.4E+01 2263706200024 13.75 7.83E+02 5.3E+01 2263706200025 13.57 7.19E+02 4.9E+01 2263706200026 13.33 7.61E+02 5.2E+01 2263706200027 ENDDATA 10 0 2263706200028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 2263706299999 SUBENT 22637063 20080228 21962263706300001 BIB 3 12 2263706300002 REACTION (56-BA-134(N,2N)56-BA-133,,SIG) M+G cross section 2263706300003 DECAY-DATA (56-BA-133-M,38.9HR,DG,275.60,0.175) 2263706300004 (56-BA-133-G,10.66YR,DG,356.01,0.62) 2263706300005 Ba-133m half life error 0.1 h . 2263706300006 Ba-133g half life error 0.12 y . 2263706300007 Error of Ba-133g branching ratio 0.01 . 2263706300008 Error of Ba-133m branching ratio 0.008 .2263706300009 SAMPLE Enriched Ba-C-O3 powder sample, 2263706300010 Ba-132 content is 0.40%, Ba-134 content is 63.90%, 2263706300011 Ba-135 content is 14.30%, Ba-136 content is 5.00%, 2263706300012 Ba-137 content is 3.70 %, Ba-138 content is 12.70%, 2263706300013 Weight 33 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 1.0 mm. 2263706300014 ENDBIB 12 0 2263706300015 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263706300016 DATA 3 8 2263706300017 EN DATA ERR-T 2263706300018 MEV MB MB 2263706300019 14.93 1.79E+03 1.7E+02 2263706300020 14.67 1.83E+03 1.8E+02 2263706300021 14.43 1.75E+03 1.7E+02 2263706300022 14.22 1.73E+03 1.6E+02 2263706300023 13.98 1.68E+03 1.7E+02 2263706300024 13.75 1.68E+03 1.6E+02 2263706300025 13.57 1.59E+03 1.5E+02 2263706300026 13.33 1.69E+03 1.6E+02 2263706300027 ENDDATA 10 0 2263706300028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 2263706399999 SUBENT 22637064 20230213 23142263706400001 BIB 5 9 2263706400002 REACTION (63-EU-151(N,2N)63-EU-150-M,,SIG) 2263706400003 DECAY-DATA (63-EU-150-M,12.55HR,DG,333.90,0.039) 2263706400004 Eu-159-m1 half life error 0.05 h . 2263706400005 Error of branching ratio 0.007 . 2263706400006 SAMPLE Enriched Eu2-O3 powder sample, 2263706400007 Eu-151 content is 97.70%, Eu-153 content is 2.30%, 2263706400008 weight 40 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 0.4 mm . 2263706400009 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-11) Error of gamma-ray branching ratio. 2263706400010 HISTORY (20230213A) SD: SF4=Eu-150m1->Eu-150m in REACTION code.2263706400011 ENDBIB 9 0 2263706400012 COMMON 1 3 2263706400013 ERR-11 2263706400014 PER-CENT 2263706400015 17.8 2263706400016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2263706400017 DATA 3 6 2263706400018 EN DATA ERR-T 2263706400019 MEV MB MB 2263706400020 14.92 4.76E+02 8.9E+01 2263706400021 14.66 4.97E+02 9.3E+01 2263706400022 14.22 5.00E+02 9.4E+01 2263706400023 13.98 5.07E+02 9.5E+01 2263706400024 13.56 5.05E+02 9.5E+01 2263706400025 13.33 5.4E+02 1.E+02 2263706400026 ENDDATA 8 0 2263706400027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 2263706499999 SUBENT 22637065 20080228 21962263706500001 BIB 3 7 2263706500002 REACTION (63-EU-151(N,2N)63-EU-150-G,,SIG) 2263706500003 DECAY-DATA (63-EU-150-G,35.8YR,DG,333.90,0.94) 2263706500004 Eu-150g half life error 1.0 y . 2263706500005 Error of branching ratio 0.03 . 2263706500006 SAMPLE Enriched Eu2-O3 powder sample, 2263706500007 Eu-151 content is 97.70%, Eu-153 content is 2.30%, 2263706500008 weight 40 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 0.4 mm . 2263706500009 ENDBIB 7 0 2263706500010 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263706500011 DATA 3 6 2263706500012 EN DATA ERR-T 2263706500013 MEV MB MB 2263706500014 14.93 1.13E+03 1.1E+02 2263706500015 14.66 1.08E+03 1.0E+02 2263706500016 14.22 1.034E+03 1.0E+02 2263706500017 13.98 1.07E+03 1.0E+02 2263706500018 13.56 1.045E+03 9.6E+01 2263706500019 13.33 1.06E+03 1.0E+02 2263706500020 ENDDATA 8 0 2263706500021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 2263706599999 SUBENT 22637066 20080228 21962263706600001 BIB 4 9 2263706600002 REACTION (63-EU-151(N,A)61-PM-148-M,,SIG) 2263706600003 DECAY-DATA (61-PM-148-M,41.29D,DG,629.90,0.892) 2263706600004 Pm-148m half life error 0.11 d . 2263706600005 Error of branching ratio 0.017 . 2263706600006 SAMPLE Enriched Eu2-O3 powder sample, 2263706600007 Eu-151 content is 97.70%, Eu-153 content is 2.30%, 2263706600008 weight 40 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 0.4 mm . 2263706600009 ANALYSIS Errors are large due to poor gamma-ray counting 2263706600010 statistics. 2263706600011 ENDBIB 9 0 2263706600012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263706600013 DATA 3 6 2263706600014 EN DATA ERR-T 2263706600015 MEV MB MB 2263706600016 14.94 2.50 5.3E-01 2263706600017 14.67 2.33 5.1E-01 2263706600018 14.23 1.81 4.4E-01 2263706600019 13.98 2.12 4.8E-01 2263706600020 13.57 1.75 3.5E-01 2263706600021 13.34 2.02 5.4E-01 2263706600022 ENDDATA 8 0 2263706600023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 2263706699999 SUBENT 22637067 20080228 21962263706700001 BIB 3 7 2263706700002 REACTION (63-EU-153(N,2N)63-EU-152-M1,,SIG) 2263706700003 DECAY-DATA (63-EU-152-M1,9.30HR,DG,344.31,0.0214) 2263706700004 Eu-152-m1 half life error 0.05 h . 2263706700005 Error of branching ratio 0.0010 . 2263706700006 SAMPLE Enriched Eu2-O3 powder sample, 2263706700007 Eu-151 content is 0.80%, Eu-153 content is 99.20%, 2263706700008 weight 40 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 0.4 mm . 2263706700009 ENDBIB 7 0 2263706700010 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263706700011 DATA 3 6 2263706700012 EN DATA ERR-T 2263706700013 MEV MB MB 2263706700014 14.92 3.00E+02 2.3E+01 2263706700015 14.66 3.01E+02 2.3E+01 2263706700016 14.22 3.12E+02 2.4E+01 2263706700017 13.98 3.09E+02 2.4E+01 2263706700018 13.56 3.10E+02 2.4E+01 2263706700019 13.33 3.28E+02 2.6E+01 2263706700020 ENDDATA 8 0 2263706700021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 2263706799999 SUBENT 22637068 20080228 21962263706800001 BIB 3 7 2263706800002 REACTION (63-EU-153(N,2N)63-EU-152-M2,,SIG) 2263706800003 DECAY-DATA (63-EU-152-M2,96.MIN,DG,89.85,0.72) 2263706800004 Eu-152-m2 half life error 1. m . 2263706800005 Error of branching ratio 0.01 . 2263706800006 SAMPLE Enriched Eu2-O3 powder sample, 2263706800007 Eu-151 content is 0.80%, Eu-153 content is 99.20%, 2263706800008 weight 40 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 0.4 mm . 2263706800009 ENDBIB 7 0 2263706800010 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263706800011 DATA 3 6 2263706800012 EN DATA ERR-T 2263706800013 MEV MB MB 2263706800014 14.93 7.58E+01 4.1 2263706800015 14.67 7.57E+01 4.2 2263706800016 14.22 7.47E+01 4.2 2263706800017 13.98 7.07E+01 4.0 2263706800018 13.57 6.90E+01 4.0 2263706800019 13.33 6.79E+01 4.2 2263706800020 ENDDATA 8 0 2263706800021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 2263706899999 SUBENT 22637069 20160820 22522263706900001 BIB 5 15 2263706900002 REACTION (63-EU-153(N,2N)63-EU-152-G+M2,,SIG) 2263706900003 DECAY-DATA (63-EU-152-M2,96.MIN,DG,89.85,0.72) 2263706900004 (63-EU-152-G,13.2YR,DG,344.31,0.272) 2263706900005 Eu-152-m2 half life error 1. m . 2263706900006 Eu-152g half life error 0.3 y . 2263706900007 Error of Eu-152g branching ratio 0.004 .2263706900008 Error of Eu-152-m2 branching ratio 0.01.2263706900009 SAMPLE Enriched Eu2-O3 powder sample, 2263706900010 Eu-151 content is 0.80%, Eu-153 content is 99.20%, 2263706900011 weight 40 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 0.4 mm . 2263706900012 ANALYSIS Eu-152m2 decays only to Eu-152g.Gamma-ray emitted from2263706900013 Eu-152g after Eu-152m completely decayed to Eu-152g 2263706900014 were measured. 2263706900015 HISTORY (20160820U) SD: Isotope states were swapped in SF4 of 2263706900016 REACTION code following last EXFOR rule. 2263706900017 ENDBIB 15 0 2263706900018 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263706900019 DATA 3 5 2263706900020 EN DATA ERR-T 2263706900021 MEV MB MB 2263706900022 14.93 1.41E+03 1.4E+02 2263706900023 14.66 1.30E+03 1.3E+02 2263706900024 14.22 1.28E+03 1.2E+02 2263706900025 13.98 1.29E+03 1.2E+02 2263706900026 13.56 1.32E+03 1.2E+02 2263706900027 ENDDATA 7 0 2263706900028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 2263706999999 SUBENT 22637070 20080228 21962263707000001 BIB 3 7 2263707000002 REACTION (63-EU-153(N,P)62-SM-153,,SIG) 2263707000003 DECAY-DATA (62-SM-153,46.8HR,DG,103.18,0.283) 2263707000004 Sm-53 half life error 0.1 h . 2263707000005 Error of branching ratio 0.012 . 2263707000006 SAMPLE Enriched Eu2-O3 powder sample, 2263707000007 Eu-151 content is 0.80%, Eu-153 content is 99.20%, 2263707000008 weight 40 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 0.4 mm 2263707000009 ENDBIB 7 0 2263707000010 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263707000011 DATA 3 6 2263707000012 EN DATA ERR-T 2263707000013 MEV MB MB 2263707000014 14.95 5.44 5.7E-01 2263707000015 14.68 5.07 5.3E-01 2263707000016 14.23 4.28 5.5E-01 2263707000017 13.99 3.97 4.7E-01 2263707000018 13.57 3.97 4.7E-01 2263707000019 13.34 3.45 4.3E-01 2263707000020 ENDDATA 8 0 2263707000021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 2263707099999 SUBENT 22637071 20080228 21962263707100001 BIB 3 7 2263707100002 REACTION (63-EU-153(N,A)61-PM-150,,SIG) 2263707100003 DECAY-DATA (61-PM-150,2.68HR,DG,333.92,0.73) 2263707100004 Pm-150 half life error 0.02 h . 2263707100005 Error of branching ratio 0.04 . 2263707100006 SAMPLE Enriched Eu2-O3 powder sample, 2263707100007 Eu-151 content is 0.80%, Eu-153 content is 99.20%, 2263707100008 weight 40 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 0.4 mm . 2263707100009 ENDBIB 7 0 2263707100010 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263707100011 DATA 3 6 2263707100012 EN DATA ERR-T 2263707100013 MEV MB MB 2263707100014 14.94 1.75 2.0E-01 2263707100015 14.67 1.66 1.9E-01 2263707100016 14.23 1.55 1.8E-01 2263707100017 13.99 1.50 1.8E-01 2263707100018 13.57 1.32 1.6E-01 2263707100019 13.34 1.26 1.6E-01 2263707100020 ENDDATA 8 0 2263707100021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 2263707199999 SUBENT 22637072 20080228 21962263707200001 BIB 3 5 2263707200002 REACTION (65-TB-159(N,P)64-GD-159,,SIG) 2263707200003 DECAY-DATA (64-GD-159,18.56HR,DG,363.30,0.10) 2263707200004 Gd-159 half life error 0.08 h . 2263707200005 SAMPLE Natural Tb-O3 powder sample, Tb-159 content is 100%. 2263707200006 Weight 60 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 0.5 mm 2263707200007 ENDBIB 5 0 2263707200008 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263707200009 DATA 3 8 2263707200010 EN DATA ERR-T 2263707200011 MEV MB MB 2263707200012 14.95 6.98 5.8E-01 2263707200013 14.68 6.04 5.1E-01 2263707200014 14.44 6.07 5.1E-01 2263707200015 14.23 5.51 4.3E-01 2263707200016 13.99 5.09 4.3E-01 2263707200017 13.76 4.78 4.0E-01 2263707200018 13.58 4.30 3.9E-01 2263707200019 13.35 3.93 3.3E-01 2263707200020 ENDDATA 10 0 2263707200021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 2263707299999 SUBENT 22637073 20080228 21962263707300001 BIB 3 6 2263707300002 REACTION (69-TM-169(N,2N)69-TM-168,,SIG) 2263707300003 DECAY-DATA (69-TM-168,93.1D,DG,198.25,0.50) 2263707300004 Tm-168 half life error 0.1 d . 2263707300005 Error of branching ratio 0.03 . 2263707300006 SAMPLE Natural Tm metal powder sample,Tm-169 content is 100%,2263707300007 weight 70 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 0.6 mm 2263707300008 ENDBIB 6 0 2263707300009 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263707300010 DATA 3 7 2263707300011 EN DATA ERR-T 2263707300012 MEV MB MB 2263707300013 14.93 2.10E+03 1.7E+02 2263707300014 14.66 2.06E+03 1.6E+02 2263707300015 14.43 2.09E+03 1.7E+02 2263707300016 14.22 2.07E+03 1.6E+02 2263707300017 13.75 2.05E+03 1.6E+02 2263707300018 13.56 2.06E+03 1.6E+02 2263707300019 13.33 2.07E+03 1.6E+02 2263707300020 ENDDATA 9 0 2263707300021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 2263707399999 SUBENT 22637074 20080228 21962263707400001 BIB 4 10 2263707400002 REACTION (72-HF-178(N,A)70-YB-175,,SIG) 2263707400003 DECAY-DATA (70-YB-175,4.19D,DG,396.32,0.06) 2263707400004 Yb-175 half life error 0.01 d . 2263707400005 Error of branching ratio 0.01 . 2263707400006 SAMPLE Enriched Hf-O2 powder sample, Hf-178 content is 92.40%2263707400007 Hf-174 content is 0.05%, Hf-176 content is 0.80%, 2263707400008 Hf-177 content is 1.90%, 2263707400009 Hf-179 content is 3.30%, Hf-180 content is 1.60%. 2263707400010 Weight 60 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 0.6 mm. 2263707400011 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-11) Error of gamma-ray branching ratio. 2263707400012 ENDBIB 10 0 2263707400013 COMMON 1 3 2263707400014 ERR-11 2263707400015 PER-CENT 2263707400016 16.7 2263707400017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2263707400018 DATA 3 4 2263707400019 EN DATA ERR-T 2263707400020 MEV MB MB 2263707400021 14.96 3.57 8.8E-01 2263707400022 14.69 3.04 7.5E-01 2263707400023 13.99 2.34 6.1E-01 2263707400024 13.36 1.68 4.2E-01 2263707400025 ENDDATA 6 0 2263707400026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 2263707499999 SUBENT 22637075 20080228 21962263707500001 BIB 4 10 2263707500002 REACTION (72-HF-179(N,P)71-LU-179,,SIG) 2263707500003 DECAY-DATA (71-LU-179,4.59HR,DG,214.33,0.116) 2263707500004 Lu-179 half life error 0.06 h . 2263707500005 Error of branching ratio 0.025 . 2263707500006 SAMPLE Enriched Hf-O2 powder sample, Hf-179 content is 73.70%,2263707500007 Hf-174 content is 0.05%, Hf-176 content is 0.20%, 2263707500008 Hf-177 content is 1.50%, 2263707500009 Hf-178 content is 4.60%, Hf-180 content is 20.00% . 2263707500010 Weight 60 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 0.7 mm . 2263707500011 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-11) Error of gamma-ray branching ratio. 2263707500012 ENDBIB 10 0 2263707500013 COMMON 1 3 2263707500014 ERR-11 2263707500015 PER-CENT 2263707500016 21.6 2263707500017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2263707500018 DATA 3 4 2263707500019 EN DATA ERR-T 2263707500020 MEV MB MB 2263707500021 14.97 8.6 3.2 2263707500022 14.69 6.8 2.6 2263707500023 13.99 4.1 1.7 2263707500024 13.38 2.9 1.3 2263707500025 ENDDATA 6 0 2263707500026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 2263707599999 SUBENT 22637076 20080228 21962263707600001 BIB 5 14 2263707600002 REACTION (72-HF-179(N,INL)72-HF-179-M2,,SIG) 2263707600003 DECAY-DATA (72-HF-179-M2,24.8D,DG,453.49,0.65) 2263707600004 Hf-179-m2 half life error 0.3 d . 2263707600005 Error of branching ratio 0.04 . 2263707600006 SAMPLE Enriched Hf-O2 powder sample, Hf-179 content is 73.70%2263707600007 Hf-174 content is 0.05%, Hf-176 content is 0.20%, 2263707600008 Hf-177 content is 1.50%, 2263707600009 Hf-178 content is 4.60%, Hf-180 content is 20.00%. 2263707600010 Weight 60 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 0.7 mm . 2263707600011 ANALYSIS Contributions of Hf-179(n,inl)Hf-179-m2 and 2263707600012 Hf-180(n,2n)Hf-179-m2 were separated from each other 2263707600013 using enriched isotope samples of Hf-179 (73.70%) and 2263707600014 Hf-180 (96.20%). 2263707600015 STATUS (DEP,22637077) 2263707600016 ENDBIB 14 0 2263707600017 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263707600018 DATA 3 4 2263707600019 EN DATA ERR-T 2263707600020 MEV MB MB 2263707600021 14.91 7.2 1.2 2263707600022 14.65 7.4 1.1 2263707600023 13.98 8.6 1.1 2263707600024 13.32 9.3 1.1 2263707600025 ENDDATA 6 0 2263707600026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 2263707699999 SUBENT 22637077 20080228 21962263707700001 BIB 5 14 2263707700002 REACTION (72-HF-180(N,2N)72-HF-179-M2,,SIG) 2263707700003 DECAY-DATA (72-HF-179-M2,24.8D,DG,453.49,0.65) 2263707700004 Hf-179-m2 half life error 0.3 d . 2263707700005 Error of branching ratio 0.04 . 2263707700006 SAMPLE Enriched Hf-O2 powder sample,Hf-180 content is 96.20%,2263707700007 Hf-174 content is 0.05%, Hf-176 content is 0.20%, 2263707700008 Hf-177 content is 0.50%, 2263707700009 Hf-178 content is 2.00%, Hf-179 content is 1.10%. 2263707700010 Weight 50 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 0.7 mm . 2263707700011 ANALYSIS Contributions of Hf-179(n,inl)Hf-179-m2 and 2263707700012 Hf-180(n,2n)Hf-179-m2 were separated from each other 2263707700013 using enriched isotope samples of Hf-179 (73.70%) and 2263707700014 Hf-180 (96.20%). 2263707700015 STATUS (DEP,22637076) 2263707700016 ENDBIB 14 0 2263707700017 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263707700018 DATA 3 4 2263707700019 EN DATA ERR-T 2263707700020 MEV MB MB 2263707700021 14.95 2.42E+01 2.1 2263707700022 14.68 2.28E+01 2.0 2263707700023 13.99 1.76E+01 1.5 2263707700024 13.35 1.35E+01 1.2 2263707700025 ENDDATA 6 0 2263707700026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 2263707799999 SUBENT 22637078 20080228 21962263707800001 BIB 3 9 2263707800002 REACTION (72-HF-180(N,INL)72-HF-180-M,,SIG) 2263707800003 DECAY-DATA (72-HF-180-M,5.5HR,DG,332.07,0.944) 2263707800004 Hf-180m half life error 0.1 h . 2263707800005 Error of branching ratio 0.002 . 2263707800006 SAMPLE Enriched Hf-O2 powder sample,Hf-180 content is 96.20%,2263707800007 Hf-174 content is 0.05%, Hf-176 content is 0.20%, 2263707800008 Hf-177 content is 0.50%, 2263707800009 Hf-178 content is 2.00%, Hf-179 content is 1.10% 2263707800010 Weight 50 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 0.7 mm. 2263707800011 ENDBIB 9 0 2263707800012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263707800013 DATA 3 6 2263707800014 EN DATA ERR-T 2263707800015 MEV MB MB 2263707800016 14.92 1.165E+01 6.5E-01 2263707800017 14.66 1.172E+01 6.5E-01 2263707800018 14.42 1.197E+01 6.6E-01 2263707800019 13.98 1.210E+01 6.7E-01 2263707800020 13.56 1.303E+01 7.2E-01 2263707800021 13.32 1.327E+01 7.4E-01 2263707800022 ENDDATA 8 0 2263707800023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 2263707899999 SUBENT 22637079 20080228 21962263707900001 BIB 4 12 2263707900002 REACTION (72-HF-180(N,A)70-YB-177,,SIG) 2263707900003 DECAY-DATA (70-YB-177,1.88HR,DG,150.60,0.199) 2263707900004 Yb-177 half life error 0.1 h . 2263707900005 Error of branching ratio 0.036 . 2263707900006 SAMPLE Enriched Hf-O2 powder sample,Hf-180 content is 96.20%,2263707900007 Hf-174 content is 0.05%, Hf-176 content is 0.20%, 2263707900008 Hf-177 content is 0.50%, 2263707900009 Hf-178 content is 2.00%, Hf-179 content is 1.10%. 2263707900010 Weight 50 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 0.7 mm . 2263707900011 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-11) Error of gamma-ray branching ratio. 2263707900012 Errors are large due to large ERR-11 and poor 2263707900013 gamma-ray counting statistics. 2263707900014 ENDBIB 12 0 2263707900015 COMMON 1 3 2263707900016 ERR-11 2263707900017 PER-CENT 2263707900018 19.6 2263707900019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2263707900020 DATA 3 3 2263707900021 EN DATA ERR-T 2263707900022 MEV MB MB 2263707900023 14.94 9.5E-01 5.5E-01 2263707900024 14.67 9.0E-01 5.3E-01 2263707900025 14.43 9.0E-01 5.4E-01 2263707900026 ENDDATA 5 0 2263707900027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 2263707999999 SUBENT 22637080 20080228 21962263708000001 BIB 3 7 2263708000002 REACTION (75-RE-185(N,2N)75-RE-184-M,,SIG) 2263708000003 DECAY-DATA (75-RE-184-M,169.D,DG,104.73,0.1373) 2263708000004 Re-184-m half life error 8. d . 2263708000005 Error of branching ratio 0.0064 . 2263708000006 SAMPLE Natural metal powder sample, Re-185 content is 37.40%,2263708000007 Re-187 content is 62.60%. 2263708000008 Weight 60 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 0.4 mm. 2263708000009 ENDBIB 7 0 2263708000010 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263708000011 DATA 3 8 2263708000012 EN DATA ERR-T 2263708000013 MEV MB MB 2263708000014 14.93 3.47E+02 2.9E+01 2263708000015 14.67 3.59E+02 3.0E+01 2263708000016 14.43 3.35E+02 2.8E+01 2263708000017 14.22 3.41E+02 2.8E+01 2263708000018 13.98 3.21E+02 2.6E+01 2263708000019 13.75 3.32E+02 2.7E+01 2263708000020 13.57 3.25E+02 2.6E+01 2263708000021 13.33 3.12E+02 2.6E+01 2263708000022 ENDDATA 10 0 2263708000023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 2263708099999 SUBENT 22637081 20080228 21962263708100001 BIB 5 11 2263708100002 REACTION (75-RE-185(N,2N)75-RE-184-G,,SIG) 2263708100003 DECAY-DATA (75-RE-184-G,38.0D,DG,112.07,0.1721) 2263708100004 Re-184g half life error 0.5 d . 2263708100005 Error of branching ratio 0.0085 . 2263708100006 SAMPLE Natural metal powder sample, Re-185 content is 37.40%,2263708100007 Re-187 content is 62.60% . 2263708100008 Weight 60 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 0.4 mm. 2263708100009 ANALYSIS Re-184m decays to Re-184g with isomeric transition 2263708100010 ratio of 74.7 %. Cross section Re-185(n,2n)Re-184g was2263708100011 obtained by subtracting Re(n,2n)Re-184m contribution. 2263708100012 STATUS (DEP,22637080) 2263708100013 ENDBIB 11 0 2263708100014 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263708100015 DATA 3 8 2263708100016 EN DATA ERR-T 2263708100017 MEV MB MB 2263708100018 14.93 1.420E+03 7.4E+01 2263708100019 14.66 1.385E+03 7.2E+01 2263708100020 14.43 1.370E+03 7.2E+01 2263708100021 14.22 1.414E+03 7.3E+01 2263708100022 13.98 1.389E+03 7.2E+01 2263708100023 13.75 1.416E+03 7.4E+01 2263708100024 13.56 1.436E+03 7.5E+01 2263708100025 13.33 1.399E+03 7.3E+01 2263708100026 ENDDATA 10 0 2263708100027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 2263708199999 SUBENT 22637082 20080228 21962263708200001 BIB 4 8 2263708200002 REACTION (75-RE-187(N,P)74-W-187,,SIG) 2263708200003 DECAY-DATA (74-W-187,23.85HR,DG,479.53,0.21) 2263708200004 W-187 half life error 0.08 h . 2263708200005 SAMPLE Natural metal powder sample, Re-185 content is 37.40%,2263708200006 Re-187 content is 62.60%. 2263708200007 Weight 60 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 0.4 mm. 2263708200008 ANALYSIS Errors are large due to poor gamma-ray counting 2263708200009 statistics. 2263708200010 ENDBIB 8 0 2263708200011 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263708200012 DATA 3 8 2263708200013 EN DATA ERR-T 2263708200014 MEV MB MB 2263708200015 14.95 6.60 7.5E-01 2263708200016 14.68 5.59 6.5E-01 2263708200017 14.44 5.33 4.1E-01 2263708200018 14.23 4.88 7.9E-01 2263708200019 13.99 5.10 7.1E-01 2263708200020 13.76 4.40 7.6E-01 2263708200021 13.57 4.00 7.1E-01 2263708200022 13.34 4.51 5.1E-01 2263708200023 ENDDATA 10 0 2263708200024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2263708299999 SUBENT 22637083 20080228 21962263708300001 BIB 3 7 2263708300002 REACTION (75-RE-187(N,A)73-TA-184,,SIG) 2263708300003 DECAY-DATA (73-TA-184,8.7HR,DG,414.01,0.74) 2263708300004 Ta-184 half life error 0.1 h . 2263708300005 Error of branching ratio 0.01 . 2263708300006 SAMPLE Natural metal powder sample, Re-185 content is 37.40%,2263708300007 Re-187 content is 62.60%. 2263708300008 Weight 60 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 0.4 mm. 2263708300009 ENDBIB 7 0 2263708300010 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263708300011 DATA 3 3 2263708300012 EN DATA ERR-T 2263708300013 MEV MB MB 2263708300014 14.96 6.3E-01 1.1E-01 2263708300015 14.70 5.58E-01 9.7E-02 2263708300016 14.47 4.45E-01 6.4E-02 2263708300017 ENDDATA 5 0 2263708300018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 2263708399999 SUBENT 22637084 20080228 21962263708400001 BIB 4 12 2263708400002 REACTION (76-OS-188(N,P)75-RE-188,,SIG) 2263708400003 DECAY-DATA (75-RE-188,16.98HR,DG,155.04,0.152) 2263708400004 Re-188 half life error 0.02 h . 2263708400005 Error of branching ratio 0.005 . 2263708400006 SAMPLE Natural metal powder sample, Os-188 content is 13.30%,2263708400007 Os-184 content is 0.02%, Os-186 content is 1.59%, 2263708400008 Os-187 content is 1.64%, Os-189 content is 16.10%, 2263708400009 Os-190 content is 26.40%, Os-192 content is 41.00%, 2263708400010 weight 60 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 0.6 mm . 2263708400011 ANALYSIS Present data include contribution from reaction 2263708400012 Os-189(n,np)Re-188. Errors are large due to poor 2263708400013 gamma-ray counting statistics. 2263708400014 ENDBIB 12 0 2263708400015 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263708400016 DATA 3 8 2263708400017 EN DATA ERR-T 2263708400018 MEV MB MB 2263708400019 14.96 5.4 1.4 2263708400020 14.69 4.66 9.1E-01 2263708400021 14.45 4.01 7.9E-01 2263708400022 14.23 3.61 8.4E-01 2263708400023 13.99 4.05 9.2E-01 2263708400024 13.76 2.74 7.7E-01 2263708400025 13.58 2.40 7.8E-01 2263708400026 13.36 2.36 4.4E-01 2263708400027 ENDDATA 10 0 2263708400028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 2263708499999 SUBENT 22637085 20080228 21962263708500001 BIB 5 14 2263708500002 REACTION (76-OS-192(N,2N)76-OS-191,,SIG) M+G cross section 2263708500003 DECAY-DATA (76-OS-191-G,15.4D,DG,129.52,0.26) 2263708500004 Os-191g half life error 0.1 d . 2263708500005 Error of branching ratio 0.02 . 2263708500006 76-OS-191-M,13.10HR From Nuclear Wallet Cards, 2263708500007 added by compiler to define isomeric state. 2263708500008 SAMPLE Natural metal powder sample, Os-192 content is 41.00%,2263708500009 Os-184 content is 0.02%, Os-186 content is 1.59%, 2263708500010 Os-187 content is 1.64%, Os-188 content is 13.30%, 2263708500011 Os-189 content is 16.10%, Os-190 content is 26.40%, 2263708500012 weight 60 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 0.6 mm . 2263708500013 ANALYSIS Present data include contribution from reaction 2263708500014 Os-190(n,g)Os-191m+g. 2263708500015 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-11) Error of gamma-ray branching ratio. 2263708500016 ENDBIB 14 0 2263708500017 COMMON 1 3 2263708500018 ERR-11 2263708500019 PER-CENT 2263708500020 7.7 2263708500021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2263708500022 DATA 3 8 2263708500023 EN DATA ERR-T 2263708500024 MEV MB MB 2263708500025 14.92 1.92E+03 1.8E+02 2263708500026 14.66 2.05E+03 1.9E+02 2263708500027 14.42 2.04E+03 1.9E+02 2263708500028 14.22 2.06E+03 1.9E+02 2263708500029 13.98 2.12E+03 2.0E+02 2263708500030 13.75 2.13E+03 2.0E+02 2263708500031 13.56 2.09E+03 2.0E+02 2263708500032 13.33 2.16E+03 2.0E+02 2263708500033 ENDDATA 10 0 2263708500034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 2263708599999 SUBENT 22637086 20080228 21962263708600001 BIB 4 17 2263708600002 REACTION (77-IR-191(N,2N)77-IR-190-M2,,SIG) 2263708600003 DECAY-DATA (77-IR-190-M2,3.25HR,B+) 2263708600004 (76-OS-190-M,9.9MIN,DG,616.50,0.986) 2263708600005 Ir-190-m2 half life error 0.20 h . 2263708600006 Os-190m half life error 0.1 m . 2263708600007 Error of Os-190m branching ratio 0.010 .2263708600008 SAMPLE Natural metal powder sample, Ir-191 content is 38.50%,2263708600009 Ir-193 content is 61.50%, 2263708600010 weight 105 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 1.0 mm. 2263708600011 ANALYSIS Ir-190-m2 stands for metastable state of Ir-190-m2. 2263708600012 Gamma-rays emitted from the daughter nucleus Os-190m 2263708600013 following Ir-190-m2 decay were measured and used to 2263708600014 deduce reaction rates. Deduced cross section includes 2263708600015 a component from (n,np) reaction,but this contribution2263708600016 is negligibly small, expected to be a few mb,according2263708600017 to systematics described in section 4 of main 2263708600018 reference. 2263708600019 ENDBIB 17 0 2263708600020 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263708600021 DATA 3 7 2263708600022 EN DATA ERR-T 2263708600023 MEV MB MB 2263708600024 14.94 1.374E+02 8.7 2263708600025 14.67 1.377E+02 9.3 2263708600026 14.43 1.311E+02 7.7 2263708600027 14.23 1.266E+02 7.5 2263708600028 13.98 1.238E+02 7.8 2263708600029 13.57 1.165E+02 7.5 2263708600030 13.34 1.105E+02 7.5 2263708600031 ENDDATA 9 0 2263708600032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 2263708699999 SUBENT 22637087 20080228 21962263708700001 BIB 4 15 2263708700002 REACTION (77-IR-191(N,2N)77-IR-190,,SIG) M1+M2+G cross section 2263708700003 DECAY-DATA (77-IR-190-M1,1.2HR) 2263708700004 (77-IR-190-M2,3.25HR) Ir-190m2 half life error .20hr. 2263708700005 (77-IR-190-G,11.78D,DG,371.24,0.227) 2263708700006 Ir-190g half life error 0.10 d . 2263708700007 Error of Ir-190g branching ratio 0.022 .2263708700008 SAMPLE Natural metal powder sample, Ir-191 content is 38.50%,2263708700009 Ir-193 content is 61.50%. 2263708700010 Weight 105 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 1.0 mm .2263708700011 ANALYSIS There is 5% isomeric transition between Ir-190-m2 and 2263708700012 Ir-190-m1. Ir-190-m1 decays to ground state with 100% 2263708700013 isomeric transition.Since gamma-ray emitted from decay2263708700014 of Ir-190g after Ir-190-m2 and Ir-190-m1 decayed away 2263708700015 completely, the sum of cross sections for Ir-90-m2, 2263708700016 Ir-190-m1, Ir-190g was obtained. 2263708700017 ENDBIB 15 0 2263708700018 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263708700019 DATA 3 7 2263708700020 EN DATA ERR-T 2263708700021 MEV MB MB 2263708700022 14.93 1.81E+03 2.0E+02 2263708700023 14.66 1.76E+03 2.0E+02 2263708700024 14.43 1.73E+03 1.9E+02 2263708700025 14.22 1.75E+03 2.0E+02 2263708700026 13.98 1.79E+03 2.0E+02 2263708700027 13.56 1.76E+03 2.0E+02 2263708700028 13.33 1.79E+03 2.0E+02 2263708700029 ENDDATA 9 0 2263708700030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 2263708799999 SUBENT 22637088 20080228 21962263708800001 BIB 4 9 2263708800002 REACTION (77-IR-193(N,2N)77-IR-192,,SIG) 2263708800003 DECAY-DATA (77-IR-192,74.17D,DG,316.50,0.829) 2263708800004 Ir-192 half life error 0.07 d . 2263708800005 Error of branching ratio 0.001 . 2263708800006 SAMPLE Natural metal powder sample, Ir-191 content is 38.50%,2263708800007 Ir-193 content is 61.50%. 2263708800008 Weight 105 mg, thickness with cartridge paper 1.0 mm .2263708800009 ANALYSIS Contribution from Ir-191(n,g) Ir-192 was included in 2263708800010 present data. 2263708800011 ENDBIB 9 0 2263708800012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263708800013 DATA 3 7 2263708800014 EN DATA ERR-T 2263708800015 MEV MB MB 2263708800016 14.92 1.95E+03 1.0E+02 2263708800017 14.66 1.97E+03 1.0E+02 2263708800018 14.43 2.04E+03 1.0E+02 2263708800019 14.22 2.04E+03 1.0E+02 2263708800020 13.98 2.02E+03 1.0E+02 2263708800021 13.56 2.03E+03 1.0E+02 2263708800022 13.33 2.05E+03 1.0E+02 2263708800023 ENDDATA 9 0 2263708800024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2263708899999 SUBENT 22637089 20080228 21962263708900001 BIB 4 7 2263708900002 REACTION (90-TH-232(N,2N)90-TH-231,,SIG) 2263708900003 DECAY-DATA (90-TH-231,25.52HR,DG,84.21,0.078) 2263708900004 Th-231 half life error 0.01 h . 2263708900005 Error of branching ratio 0.006 . 2263708900006 SAMPLE Natural metallic sample, Th-232 content is 100 % . 2263708900007 Weight 190 mg, thickness 0.5 mm. 2263708900008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-11) error of gamma-ray branching ratio. 2263708900009 ENDBIB 7 0 2263708900010 COMMON 1 3 2263708900011 ERR-11 2263708900012 PER-CENT 2263708900013 7.8 2263708900014 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2263708900015 DATA 3 4 2263708900016 EN DATA ERR-T 2263708900017 MEV MB MB 2263708900018 14.88 1.10E+03 1.0E+02 2263708900019 14.63 1.18E+03 1.1E+02 2263708900020 13.97 1.42E+03 1.3E+02 2263708900021 13.32 1.83E+03 1.7E+02 2263708900022 ENDDATA 6 0 2263708900023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 2263708999999 SUBENT 22637090 20080228 21962263709000001 BIB 3 6 2263709000002 REACTION (92-U-238(N,2N)92-U-237,,SIG) 2263709000003 DECAY-DATA (92-U-237,6.752D,DG,208.01,0.23) 2263709000004 U-237 half life error 0.002 d . 2263709000005 SAMPLE Enriched metallic sample, U-238 content is 99.27%, 2263709000006 U-234 content is 0.01%, U-235 content is 0.72%, 2263709000007 weight 70 mg, thickness 0.3 mm. 2263709000008 ENDBIB 6 0 2263709000009 NOCOMMON 0 0 2263709000010 DATA 3 6 2263709000011 EN DATA ERR-T 2263709000012 MEV MB MB 2263709000013 14.86 6.30E+02 3.2E+01 2263709000014 14.62 6.96E+02 3.6E+01 2263709000015 14.40 7.79E+02 4.0E+01 2263709000016 14.20 8.62E+02 4.4E+01 2263709000017 13.74 1.029E+03 5.3E+01 2263709000018 13.31 1.23E+03 6.3E+01 2263709000019 ENDDATA 8 0 2263709000020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 2263709099999 ENDENTRY 90 0 2263799999999