ENTRY            22674   20131117                             22382267400000001 
SUBENT        22674001   20131117                             22382267400100001 
BIB                 15         36                                 2267400100002 
TITLE       Measurement of the 28Si(n,p), 29Si(n,p) and           2267400100003 
            30Si(n,alpha) cross-sections between 6.9 and 14.0 MeV 2267400100004 
AUTHOR     (W.Mannhart,D.Schmidt)                                 2267400100005 
INSTITUTE  (2GERPTB)                                              2267400100006 
REFERENCE  (J,NSTS,2,(1),218,200208)  Main reference, data given  2267400100007 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2GERPTB)  CV28 Compact Cyclotron                2267400100008 
INC-SOURCE (D-D)   Neutrons Of 6.9 To 14.0 MeV energy were        2267400100009 
             generated by bombarding deuterium gas target with    2267400100010 
             deutrons of 4.2 to 11.2 MeV energy.                  2267400100011 
MONITOR    (92-U-238(N,F),,SIG)                                   2267400100012 
MONIT-REF  (,P.F.Rose+,R,ENDF-201,1990)                           2267400100013 
DETECTOR   (FISCH)  Low-mass 238U fission chamber                 2267400100014 
           (SCIN)   NE213 detector for neutron flux determination 2267400100015 
           (HPGE)   High-purity germanium detector for activity   2267400100016 
                    measurement                                   2267400100017 
METHOD     (TOF)   Time-of-flight for neutron energy determination2267400100018 
           (ACTIV)    activation                                  2267400100019 
CORRECTION .Corrections were made for background neutrons, for    2267400100020 
            the breakup channel neutrons in the (d,np) reaction   2267400100021 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T)   Total                                        2267400100022 
           (MONIT-ERR) Error of the monitor cross section         2267400100023 
           (ERR-1)     Error of the fission deposit mass          2267400100024 
           (ERR-2,,2.7)  Error of the breakup correction          2267400100025 
           (ERR-3)     Error of the photopeak efficiency          2267400100026 
           (ERR-4,,1.) Error of the decay parameters              2267400100027 
STATUS     (TABLE) .Data taken from Table 2 of NSTS,2,218         2267400100028 
           (COREL,22976001)                                       2267400100029 
COMMENT    Corresponding author e-mail: wolf.mannhart@ptb.de      2267400100030 
HISTORY    (20020720C)  + +  compiled by S.M.                     2267400100031 
           (20020720U) Last checking has been done.               2267400100032 
           (20060405A) (M.M.) Misprints in data section of subents2267400100033 
                       002-004 were corrected.                    2267400100034 
           (20080130A)  Data superseded                           2267400100035 
           (20131117U) SD: Ref. on Conf.abstract deleted according2267400100036 
           to MEMO CP-D/791. ERR-ANALYS updated; ERR-S moved to   2267400100037 
           Subents 2-4. Minor corrections.                        2267400100038 
ENDBIB              36          0                                 2267400100039 
COMMON               3          3                                 2267400100040 
MONIT-ERR  ERR-1      ERR-3                                       2267400100041 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                    2267400100042 
        1.5        0.6        1.5                                 2267400100043 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2267400100044 
ENDSUBENT           43          0                                 2267400199999 
SUBENT        22674002   20131117                             22382267400200001 
BIB                  6          8                                 2267400200002 
REACTION   (14-SI-28(N,P)13-AL-28,,SIG)                           2267400200003 
SAMPLE     (14-SI-28,NAT=0.9223) .Silicon plates 10 mm diameter,  2267400200004 
            1 mm thick, Si-28 isotopic abundance 92.23%           2267400200005 
DECAY-DATA (13-AL-28,2.2414MIN,DG,1778.9,1.000)                   2267400200006 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S,1.2,2.)     Max Statistical error               2267400200007 
STATUS     (SPSDD,22976005)                                       2267400200008 
HISTORY    (20080130A) Superseded by author's decision            2267400200009 
           (20131117U) SD: Description of ERR-S modified.         2267400200010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 2267400200011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2267400200012 
DATA                 4         19                                 2267400200013 
EN         EN-RSL-FW  DATA       ERR-T                            2267400200014 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB                               2267400200015 
  13.967      0.104    271.4       11.0                           2267400200016 
  13.395      0.104    259.9       10.3                           2267400200017 
  13.094      0.105    270.8        9.5                           2267400200018 
  12.464      0.106    263.1        8.7                           2267400200019 
  11.551      0.106    258.3        8.1                           2267400200020 
  11.293      0.107    258.8        8.4                           2267400200021 
  11.103      0.108    245.6        7.8                           2267400200022 
  10.370      0.110    258.3        8.0                           2267400200023 
   9.910      0.114    250.4        7.2                           2267400200024 
   9.622      0.116    227.0        6.2                           2267400200025 
   9.374      0.119    225.8        6.5                           2267400200026 
   9.039      0.120    233.4        6.5                           2267400200027 
   8.615      0.124    236.9        6.4                           2267400200028 
   8.391      0.128    205.5        6.0                           2267400200029 
   7.985      0.132    213.8        5.7                           2267400200030 
   7.666      0.140    254.2        7.0                           2267400200031 
   7.383      0.144    213.4        6.0                           2267400200032 
   7.151      0.148    188.5        5.1                           2267400200033 
   6.943      0.154    178.2        5.5                           2267400200034 
ENDDATA             21          0                                 2267400200035 
ENDSUBENT           34          0                                 2267400299999 
SUBENT        22674003   20131117                             22382267400300001 
BIB                  6          8                                 2267400300002 
REACTION   (14-SI-29(N,P)13-AL-29,,SIG)                           2267400300003 
SAMPLE     (14-SI-29,NAT=0.0467) .Silicon plates 10 mm diameter,  2267400300004 
            1 mm thick, Si-29 isotopic abundance 4.67%            2267400300005 
DECAY-DATA (13-AL-29,6.56MIN,DG,1273.3,0.906)                     2267400300006 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S,2.5,4.)     Max Statistical error               2267400300007 
STATUS     (SPSDD,22976006)                                       2267400300008 
HISTORY    (20080130A) Superseded by author's decision            2267400300009 
           (20131117U) SD: Description of ERR-S modified.         2267400300010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 2267400300011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2267400300012 
DATA                 4         19                                 2267400300013 
EN         EN-RSL-FW  DATA       ERR-T                            2267400300014 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB                               2267400300015 
  13.967      0.104    126.8        5.7                           2267400300016 
  13.395      0.104    132.4        5.8                           2267400300017 
  13.094      0.105    123.8        5.1                           2267400300018 
  12.464      0.106    116.2        4.6                           2267400300019 
  11.551      0.106     98.8        4.3                           2267400300020 
  11.293      0.107    111.5        4.9                           2267400300021 
  11.103      0.108     95.7        3.9                           2267400300022 
  10.370      0.110     90.6        3.2                           2267400300023 
   9.910      0.114     89.5        3.5                           2267400300024 
   9.622      0.116     77.3        2.8                           2267400300025 
   9.374      0.119     67.0        2.9                           2267400300026 
   9.039      0.120     69.1        2.0                           2267400300027 
   8.615      0.124     69.0        2.7                           2267400300028 
   8.391      0.128     78.8        3.4                           2267400300029 
   7.985      0.132     61.8        2.5                           2267400300030 
   7.666      0.140     54.4        2.4                           2267400300031 
   7.383      0.144     50.6        2.3                           2267400300032 
   7.151      0.148     56.7        2.2                           2267400300033 
   6.943      0.154     51.0        2.3                           2267400300034 
ENDDATA             21          0                                 2267400300035 
ENDSUBENT           34          0                                 2267400399999 
SUBENT        22674004   20131117                             22382267400400001 
BIB                  6          8                                 2267400400002 
REACTION   (14-SI-30(N,A)12-MG-27,,SIG)                           2267400400003 
SAMPLE     (14-SI-30,NAT=0.0310) .Silicon plates 10 mm diameter,  2267400400004 
            1 mm thick, Si-30 isotopic abundance 3.10%            2267400400005 
DECAY-DATA (12-MG-27,9.458MIN,DG,834.8,0.718)                     2267400400006 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S,4.,40.) Statistical error                       2267400400007 
STATUS     (SPSDD,22976007)                                       2267400400008 
HISTORY    (20080130A) Superseded by author's decision            2267400400009 
           (20131117U) SD: Description of ERR-S modified.         2267400400010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 2267400400011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2267400400012 
DATA                 4         16                                 2267400400013 
EN         EN-RSL-FW  DATA       ERR-T                            2267400400014 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB                               2267400400015 
  13.967      0.104     68.5        3.9                           2267400400016 
  13.395      0.104     69.5        3.7                           2267400400017 
  13.094      0.105     61.7        3.2                           2267400400018 
  12.464      0.106     58.1        3.1                           2267400400019 
  11.551      0.106     54.7        2.9                           2267400400020 
  11.293      0.107     48.9        3.1                           2267400400021 
  11.103      0.108     43.7        2.6                           2267400400022 
  10.370      0.110     43.8        2.1                           2267400400023 
   9.910      0.114     33.6        2.2                           2267400400024 
   9.622      0.116     20.3        1.5                           2267400400025 
   9.374      0.119     18.5        2.0                           2267400400026 
   9.039      0.120     14.4        1.7                           2267400400027 
   8.615      0.124     10.0        1.5                           2267400400028 
   8.391      0.128      6.9        1.4                           2267400400029 
   7.985      0.132      2.6        1.1                           2267400400030 
   7.666      0.140      3.3        1.1                           2267400400031 
ENDDATA             18          0                                 2267400400032 
ENDSUBENT           31          0                                 2267400499999 
ENDENTRY             4          0                                 2267499999999